
--- Log opened Mon Jan 03 00:00:05 2011
joshcryerFortunately we invented a cotton stripper at the height of slavery and technology is really what freed them (OK, and a nasty Civil War probably made it happen sooner, but still).00:06
kanzureskydiving. i should go skydiving.00:06
joshcryerAlonzoTG, my ultimate goal is to make memristor crossbars and train them to have some sort of intelligence.00:06
joshcryerkanzure, highly recommended.00:07
kanzure$169/jump? wtf00:07
kanzureman i'm old00:07
kanzure662 million seconds?00:07
joshcryerThis is why I did BASE for awhile there. I don't do it anymore because I have mortality fears since almost being shot to death.00:07
joshcryerThe whole skydiving industry is repleat with for-profit motives, and safety is sometimes forgotten. The industry is self-aware so I wouldn't say it's unsafe, but startups should be avoided.00:08
joshcryerkanzure, fuckkk, I just passed a billion seconds.00:11
joshcryerOh, no, that happened 5 years ago, that's even more depressing.00:12
joshcryerTo be more precise, 3 years 2 months ago.00:13
fenn"where did you get the idea for patent-free zones from?" probably first came up in thinking about what to do with iceland after the bank scandal00:17
kanzure55 million liters of blood pumped00:17
-!- delinquentme [~delinquen@c-67-163-156-123.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:28
kanzureJayDugger suggests i buy dynamite for #2100:28
kanzureandrew hessel suggests skydiving00:28
kanzurewheels suggests getting slammed beyond all comprehension00:28
kanzure(or going to vegas)00:28
-!- bobdole [Alystair@bas1-toronto10-1279558713.dsl.bell.ca] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:28
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delinquentmekanzure, offhand have you heard of any individuals of note (with regards to manipulating software for these machines ) at either University of pittsburgh or carnegie mellon?00:28
delinquentmekanzure, i say save your brain cells :D00:29
kanzurecarnegie mellon? try hod lipson's group just because it'll be fun00:29
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delinquentmePERSONALLY if i was gonna do 21 over again .. id say get nice wine and a classy hooker00:29
delinquentmeblow ?00:29
delinquentmeOHHH and i saw these Awesome ABB delta sorting robots00:31
delinquentmeaccelerate at 10gs .. to like 180 mph in 1 sec00:31
joshcryerI vote for the classy hooker thing.00:32
joshcryerIf you know anyone.00:32
joshcryerFun times.00:32
joshcryer(not that I ever did that)00:32
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delinquentmeskydiving is cool too00:33
delinquentmebut the question is " what is it worth living for "00:33
|James|what is this channel about? hmmm00:33
delinquentmeskydiving is up there00:33
joshcryerTranshumanism, or more generally, improving humanity.00:33
-!- hard2drink [~skatingri@CPE-124-181-220-222.lnse3.win.bigpond.net.au] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:33
joshcryerdelinquentme, better chances dying walking down the street ittinit?00:34
delinquentme|James|, there you go .. and each of us has their own reasons for wanting to live00:34
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+o kanzure] by ChanServ00:34
* hard2drink slaps kanzure around a bit with a large trout00:34
delinquentmestatistically.. driving i checked00:34
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+b *!*@*.lnse3.win.bigpond.net.au] by kanzure00:34
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|James|i see00:35
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delinquentme|James|, and i dont question why youd choose to live longer.. just that im glad i've got someone else who WANTs to :D00:35
delinquentmekanzure, it seems hod is at cornell?00:36
@kanzurecornell.. carnegie mellon.. same thing? :)00:36
delinquentmehaha close ish :D00:37
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [-o kanzure] by ChanServ00:37
delinquentmehes got a really sweet looking robot on his homepage .. but it doesnt seem to want to play?00:38
kanzurethis is a good overview of what he used to be up to00:38
kanzurehe's still doing related stuff.00:39
kanzureyou should watch the movie at the bottom of the page00:39
kanzure12MB low quality http://www.demo.cs.brandeis.edu/golem/download/golem160x90.avi00:39
delinquentmekanzure, thanks again so much :D ill talk to you!00:52
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kanzurewhat is it with you people and not idling00:52
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fenndid you incur the wrath of 4chan?00:57
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kanzureno that's flamoot00:58
kanzureyou actually get an auto-ban on 4chan for mentioning 'flamoot' because everyone hates him there or something00:59
kanzuremax moar?01:02
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delinquentmekanzure, :D im back real quick .. did i post that email to the DIY bio group correctly?01:10
kanzurethat was socal-diybio only01:12
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delinquentmeok yeah i saw the social part .. wasnt sure if that was the designation for the BIG ovearching diybio .. i guess its for the fun activities ?01:14
delinquentmeand should i repost it?01:15
fennsocal = southern california01:19
joshcryerWho was hard2drink?01:24
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phrykkanzure: Did you want anything specific yesterday?02:29
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Utopiahcommand line video download tool http://clive.sourceforge.net/04:15
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Lukas_Top of the morning05:11
Utopiahsome 27C3 videos available http://media.ccc.de/browse/congress/2010/05:20
Lukas_Which one has lepht speaking?05:26
UtopiahI guess http://mirror.fem-net.de/CCC/27C3/mp4-h264-HQ/27c3-4003-en-cybernetics_for_the_masses.mp4.torrent05:30
UtopiahLukas_: np, btw if you are really interested in such videos and Google Tech Talk you can use their RSS feeds to stay up to date05:37
Lukas_thank you05:39
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-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-75-194.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:50
JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.06:50
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kanzureUtopiah: the direct link is:07:37
kanzurewget -qO- http://c3.ex23.de/saal2-2010-12-30_11-21-43.wmv | ffmpeg -i pipe: cybernetics_for_the_masses1.mp407:37
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kanzurewget -qO- http://c3.ex23.de/saal2-2010-12-30_13-37-07.wmv | ffmpeg -i pipe: cybernetics_for_the_masses2.mp407:37
kanzureoh wait that's not a link.07:37
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-!- |Helleshin| is now known as Helleshin08:11
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delinquentmeHey all ! does anyone have a SIMPLE solution to get IE 8 + 9 on an ubuntu machine?09:30
kanzurevmware + windows09:30
Utopiah or http://www.browserling.com/09:32
kanzureheh this suggests svn http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Collaborative_Writing_of_LaTeX_Documents09:33
kanzureoh i bet there's a latex plugin for ikiwiki.. that's actually an ideal solution09:34
kanzurei think latex->html for ikiwiki rendering would work, esp. since latex2pdf stuff can be used later09:35
kanzureok that makes me very happy :)09:35
kanzureheh jcvi uses svn09:43
kanzurethat's probably a disaster09:44
kanzuredon't they employ biologists?09:44
delinquentmeUtopiah, thanks for the suggestions haha i just kinda spaced and assumed kanzure said that :D09:52
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flamotshttp://groups.google.com/group/flamoots-group/files << annscan12:41
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+o kanzure] by ChanServ, ChanServ12:43
archelshi flamots!12:44
archelslol @ audio.mp3 in that folder12:45
@kanzuresee pm12:46
jrayhawkthere's also http://ikiwiki.info/ikiwiki/directive/teximg/12:46
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+b *!root@*.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] by kanzure12:48
archelsflamots: So what is an "evolving neural network scanner"?12:48
-!- flamots was kicked from ##hplusroadmap by kanzure [flamots]12:48
archelstoo late :(12:48
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [-o kanzure] by ChanServ12:49
kanzurei feel empty now :(12:49
archelsWhat's the point of being an op if you don't get that adrenalin rush when you ban someone?12:50
jrayhawksuch violence12:52
jrayhawkhe seemed like he was getting less insane rather than more12:52
kanzurei don't want to provoke him12:52
kanzuremaybe i should have just muted him.12:53
kanzurethough the ban is only for 'root'-- hopefully he'll stop ircing as root :/12:53
jrayhawkSometimes that's a default IRC clients choose in order to avoid disclosing useful information.12:53
archelskanzure: Either that or epic, epic troll.12:54
jrayhawkepic in what sense12:54
jrayhawkah, in the "not at all" sense. 4chan is very postmodern.12:56
-!- flamots [~root@CPE00265ad07051-CM0011aea1b6e2.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:58
flamotsleave it alone12:58
flamotsit solves the problem12:58
flamotsthey have to construct ip addresses, port words and probe strings12:59
flamotsthat get the maximal reply from an open service12:59
flamotswithin a specified ip range12:59
flamotsyou just have to crunch the numbers12:59
flamotswell its a toy12:59
UtopiahGlobal Village Construction Set (GVCS) http://openfarmtech.org/weblog/2010/10/global-village-construction-set-gvcs-in-2-minutes/ #OSE12:59
archelsLeave it alone? Who is it?12:59
kanzureUtopiah: marcin will be giving a TED talk in february :)13:00
archelskanzure: I think you missed the tilde in ~root13:00
superkuhGVCS reminds me of Fallout's GECK.13:02
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QuantumGwhat's the url to subscribe to the nanoengineer-1 mailing list again?13:26
kanzurehi industromatic13:27
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kanzureparijata is now hiring lab slaves for acron cell13:49
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kanzurean imposter!14:41
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Lukas_Is Kanzure around?14:59
Lukas_Where is Bio curious based out of?15:02
kanzurepalo alto or mountain view, california15:04
kanzurethat general area15:04
Lukas_The west coast needs to be nerfed15:04
Lukas_there is no balance at all15:05
Lukas_I suppose I could work at Genspace15:06
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kanzurehi timschmidt16:11
joshcryerThanks Utopiah, for the torrent.16:12
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joshcryerheh I'll have it in 3 mins? nicely seeded16:14
timschmidtkanzure: as of tonight, I'm officially a member of the "Core RepRap Developer" cabal16:16
joshcryerYou dirty dirty man.16:16
timschmidtbe back in a minute.  Mario Kart with the girlfriend.16:17
joshcryerOfficial: Core RepRap Developer slacking off.16:18
joshcryerLepht is sooooooooooo nervous.16:21
joshcryerProps to her for doing that.16:21
joshcryerWill watch it later.16:21
joshcryerthis aint transhumanism though >:/ *mean purity argument*16:22
joshcryerkanzure, I don't think you have to worry about Lepht getting too much media attention she probably doesn't want it. You don't go up in front of a lot of people shaking nervous if you want attention, heh.16:23
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kanzurewhere are my beta testers?16:31
kanzureit's a video aggregator for h+ related videos16:31
kanzurefront page: http://diyhpl.us:9000/16:33
kanzureplease tell me about any errors, bugs, or whatever16:33
kanzurejoshcryer: ping16:36
-!- wolfspraul [~wolfsprau@pD9E2FEE1.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Quit: leaving]16:38
jrayhawkre: media attention: her biological response during the risk-taking is less important than her biological response after the risk-taking16:44
jrayhawkspecifically some people get dopamine reactions for surviving or excelling in some risky situations16:45
jrayhawkeven if they're miserable during those situations16:45
kanzurewhy did :9000 suddenly get so slow :(16:50
kanzureit can't even handle two simultaneous users? gee16:51
joshcryerI have to sleep.16:56
kanzuretimschmidt: ping?16:56
joshcryerI see no errors.16:56
kanzureLukas_: how about you16:56
joshcryerlol kanzure16:56
Lukas_Sorry, wasn't paying attention16:57
joshcryerOf course, I am assuming that DBZ and ... Conan? are not errors.16:57
kanzureLukas_: you're a beta tester now. http://diyhpl.us:9000/16:57
Lukas_grr Kurtzweil16:57
joshcryerKurzweil is like the Nerd Rapture Jesus.16:58
joshcryerDo not mock!16:58
Lukas_Nothing is sacred16:58
joshcryerI will have to watch that Future of 3D Printing video later, 50 mins.16:59
Lukas_Get some of Drew Endy's videos16:59
Lukas_or Andrew Hassel16:59
joshcryerKurzweil's videos are so inspiring sounding.16:59
Lukas_Inspiring does nothing for practicality17:00
kanzuregah why is it locking up already17:00
joshcryerIt's working here fine.17:00
joshcryerOh. It is slower.17:00
Lukas_nothing seems wrong17:01
Lukas_everything is buffering just fine17:01
joshcryerHeh, no the diyhpl.us site, it stalled a second there, now it works.17:01
kanzuremore videos added to the front page17:02
kanzureyou can also submit (see top-right)17:02
joshcryerI noticed.17:02
joshcryerOh snap even more added.17:02
* joshcryer sleeps17:03
Lukas_this is amazing17:04
Lukas_though I can see it getting hectic17:04
Lukas_Perhaps you can organize the videos by 'author'?17:04
* kanzure nods17:04
kanzurealso tags.17:05
Lukas_grr, more Kurtzweil17:08
Lukas_How long did it take you to make this?17:15
kanzuresince new years17:15
kanzurekinda embarrassing, i know.17:15
superkuhIs it only for youtube video?17:17
kanzuresuperkuh: no17:17
Lukas_I like it, the only issue is organization17:17
kanzuresuperkuh: if you figure out a link submission that doesn't work i'll fix it.17:17
superkuhThat doesn't. It errors and gives debug info.17:17
kanzureok. i'll work on that :)17:18
Lukas_Thank you17:19
Lukas_What exactly is the website for? ( practical stuff on diyH+, or is it a general transhumanism video collection site?)17:21
kanzurei'm confident that nobody is able to keep track of all of these videos17:21
kanzurewhat i'd like to see happen is people commenting on the videos as they watch them17:21
Lukas_like an irc channel?17:22
kanzurethere's also an unexposed-to-the-user ability to upvote/downvote comments and submissions so that there can be some quality control17:22
Lukas_that is good17:23
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kanzurehow can i incentivize discussions?17:28
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kanzurehi klafka117:28
Lukas_Discussions will happen naturally17:30
Lukas_the video itself will start them17:30
kanzurehm i should make comments work without having to reload pages while you're watching the video.17:34
Lukas_If that can be done, that would be superb17:36
timschmidtkanzure: pong17:39
kanzuretest it test it17:40
timschmidtAh, I see the url17:41
timschmidtseems to work here17:42
kanzureif you have anything to submit (especially reprap stuff) that would be good17:42
timschmidtok, nothing with my at the moment, but I have a few videos at home17:43
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mjrit's one of the el-cheapo 3d printers17:58
mjrreplicating rapid prototyper17:58
Lukas_who is selling and how much?18:04
ybiti'm really digging the diyhpl.us concept :)18:04
ybitso many ways you can take this site18:04
Lukas_It is an excellent site18:04
ybitadding a social element to video sharing is nice too18:04
mjrapparently you can take it as a "fuck you" too18:05
ybitbut i don't know how i cna add smart-sounding comments to a video of arnold flexing on a hillside :)18:05
kanzureyeah i'll probably remove a lot of these videos actually18:05
kanzuresubmission needs to be slower18:06
kanzureso that people can watch and comment18:06
ybiti don't think that everyone will be able to or care to watch each video uploaded18:06
Lukas_^^  agreed18:07
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kanzureybit: so what do i do then18:10
ybiti suppose it's your site, could do what you want with it.18:11
kanzureno i mean, how do i get you to comment on one of these18:11
Lukas_I am unsure whether fluid conversation is possible in all of the videos18:11
kanzurei think it is.18:12
kanzurei..e, i bet if you watched the ed boyden video you'd have a shitload of questions18:12
kanzureor ideas.18:12
Lukas_I see what you are getting at18:12
kanzurep1 http://diyhpl.us:9000/s/ed-boyden-part-1-2010-allen-institute-for-brain-science-symposium18:13
kanzurep2 http://diyhpl.us:9000/s/ed-boyden-part-2-2010-allen-institute-for-brain-science-symposium18:13
Lukas_still though, how would you make it so that I could get an answer in a reasonable amount of time?18:13
ybityou have a problem where you don't want just anyone comenting, which requires people to login using some service. people aren't going to login to comment unless they feel they have something to share that needs to be shared. not everyone is going to feel this way, i think, so... full-circle to not knowing18:13
kanzureLukas_: that's why i'm thinking i should limit submissions at first18:14
kanzureso that people have time to watch it and go over it18:14
ybita few things...18:14
ybityou could make an attractive UI and have a DIY-H+ video of the day18:14
ybitpeople might subscribe to that and comment like people do with TED videos18:14
kanzurei think it could work as a news site18:16
kanzurethe problem is that there's a huge backlog of excellent videos18:16
kanzureso i could let some of them show up every once in a while18:16
ybiti was about to suggest moving the comment box to the right of the video and/or making it easier to login by using something like facebook, twitter, identica, diaspora api18:16
kanzurejquery/javascript-based commenting so it doesn't interrupt your viewing experience..18:16
Lukas_I like the DIY-H+ of the day18:17
Lukas_perhaps it could be done with shorter periods18:18
Lukas_but the general idea is solid18:18
* ybit considers purchasing http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822242029&cm_re=1.5tb-_-22-242-029-_-Product18:18
kanzureLukas_: you might like this one http://diyhpl.us:9000/s/andrew-hessel-introduction-to-synthetic-biology18:19
Lukas_I've seen that one18:20
Lukas_Lukas D. logging out18:24
Lukas_take care18:24
Lukas_Kanzure, good luck with your website18:25
Lukas_excellent idea18:25
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jrayhawkybit: seems like you should just buy the enclosure and then buy a *good* drive18:39
jrayhawkI'll bet ten dollars that one comes with a Deskstar.18:40
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delinquentmecoffee shot and IRC channels18:48
delinquentme<3 home <318:48
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delinquentmeeveryone else19:11
delinquentme^^ why hackers win.19:11
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kanzuredelinquentme: i did something like that, except for hiring someone via okcupid22:56
kanzuresince it has some reasonable ability to let you fin tune desired personality traits22:57
kanzureoh man this is addicting. http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/ekd1o/iam_my_own_okcupid_wingman_i_have_a_fake_profile/23:04
kanzureapparently reddit writes good seinfeld episodes?23:04
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