
--- Log opened Fri Jan 07 00:00:05 2011
-!- klafka [~textual@cpe-74-74-152-155.rochester.res.rr.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]00:01
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joshcryergeohot shows loading signed data on PS3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkLSXsCKDkg03:06
joshcryereg, win.03:07
joshcryerLatest firmware PS3 I should say. Basically Sony cannot do anything about the 50+ million PS3s out there because all the software is dependent on the now broken key signing method. This will never be fixed until PS4.03:08
-!- thesnark|sleep is now known as thesnark|away04:29
-!- Lucas_ [44c29d04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap05:10
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kanzure"Automatically find and download PDFs given only PMIDs ΒΆ" http://dev.davidsoergel.com/trac/pdftank/06:02
kanzure"Provides a server that proxies PDF searches and caches the found PDFs (e.g., could be useful for a research group to share a bunch of papers)"06:03
kanzureDe Novo Designed Proteins from a Library of Artificial Sequences Function in Escherichia Coli and Enable Cell Growth06:09
kanzureabstract: http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.001536406:09
kanzurepdf: http://www.plosone.org/article/fetchObjectAttachment.action;jsessionid=4C113C56B3F47B4F2F794E3EC9843F55.ambra02?uri=info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0015364&representation=PDF06:09
kanzureprocessor's and moore's law http://www.thefulfillment.org/chatlogs/112010_MooresLaw.htm06:11
kanzurethe 'singularity studies' course from rutgers has recordings up (but using elluminate.com/some java crap)06:12
kanzurenormothermic perfusion system for 3d tissue printing http://www.hhmi.org/bulletin/aug2010/features/cell_cultures.html06:15
kanzurewatch out, there's multiple hidden pages.06:15
-!- Lukas____ [44c29d04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:25
kanzuretimschmidt: i need me some 3d printed keyboards06:37
kanzureand not the qwerty kind06:37
AlonzoTGI'm using a microcrap natural keyboard...06:38
AlonzoTGremapped to a dvorak layout. =P06:38
AlonzoTGbut it's a mega-shitty membrane design internally.06:38
kanzureyeah not cool.06:39
AlonzoTGspilled some milk on it once and I had to totally re-build it. =\06:40
kanzurei really like the idea of alternative keyboards06:40
AlonzoTGEven dell keyboards have fluid channels.06:40
kanzure'data hands' doesn't particularly bring any advantages06:40
AlonzoTGI still have an old split keyboard I bought back in '97, the contacts are corroded though... logged 2 million keystrokes on that thing!06:40
AlonzoTGthere is the kinesis keyboard but it's weird and pricey.06:41
kanzurelooks like yet another ergonomic-qwerty clone06:41
AlonzoTGhafto hit the road, going to the bank, gonna set aside another $710 for my robotics project and convert a substantial portion of my savings for my electric car project to gold.06:43
kanzurethere's also the maltron.. http://www.instablogsimages.com/images/2009/05/15/maltron-lefthand-keyboard1_oSrQO_17621.jpg06:43
AlonzoTGI have the extremely good fortune of having two fully operational hands.06:44
kanzurefenn: ping. don't crap out on me :x06:54
kanzuretimschmidt: so, i figure guitar players commonly do more than 12 movements per second06:56
kanzure12 characters per second is about what i max out at when typing on qwerty06:56
kanzurewith the right keyboard design i'm wondering if that can be bumped up to 20 cps06:56
-!- klafka [~textual@cpe-74-74-152-155.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:06
fenndon't get your panties in a wad, jeez. am i not allowed to sleep?07:08
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-75-194.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:14
JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.07:14
fennjaydugger, don't you normally get up much earlier?07:17
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Lukas____Good morning08:05
JayDuggerGood morning, Lukas.08:08
-!- klafka [~textual@cpe-74-74-152-155.rochester.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]08:12
* delinquentme :D08:33
-!- gloop [638cce9b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:54
gloophttp://idle.slashdot.org/story/11/01/07/1444242/DIY-FireHero-Project  this gave me the idea to do instead A real DIY fire extinguisher tech08:54
gloopor at least suggesr08:56
-!- shepazu [~schepers@adsl-242-196-155.rmo.bellsouth.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]09:02
delinquentmekanzure, and anyone else .. looking for a code minimizer???09:11
fenni want a code maximizer09:14
-!- shepazu [~schepers@adsl-69-175-236.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:23
fennso wait a minute, we still don't use any compression at all on non-image web content?10:00
fennby "we" i mean the human race10:00
UtopiahCPU vs. transfert, I say it's an ISP conspiration10:01
fenni dont get why a 'code minimizer' would exist at all10:03
fennapparently gzip compression has been standard since netscape 310:04
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-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-75-194.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has left ##hplusroadmap []10:22
Lukas____Have you guys heard about the recent mass deaths of birds around the world?10:32
stragesyeah, odd stuff10:37
Lukas____really odd stuff10:37
Lukas____I would assume it was some sort of new avian flu10:37
Lukas____but that doesn't explain the fish10:38
Lukas____or crabs10:38
Lukas____which makes me feel slightly better10:40
Lukas____... slightly10:40
-!- gloop_ [638cce9b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:46
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timschmidtkanzure: design away, I'll print11:36
-!- Juul [~Juul@static.88-198-13-205.clients.your-server.de] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:59
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-!- mayko [~mayko@71-22-217-151.gar.clearwire-wmx.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]13:00
fennho um. tell me what you think timschmidt https://gist.github.com/77009613:05
kanzurefenn@users.sourceforge.net what?13:06
kanzure'skdb spec 0.0.0' definitely should be 'skdb open source hardware spec' or something in the title13:06
fennthis is a pastebin13:07
kanzuredata format: package: naming conventions, how about -. and lowercase-only ?13:09
fenn- fucks up python package names, i dont see a reason to have both - and _13:10
fenn. is acceptable13:10
fennlowercase only is possibly fascist13:10
kanzurei don't know if these should be python packages or not13:10
fennwell, you're wrong13:10
fennhave to write the code in some language13:11
kanzure"the code" what code, though?13:11
fennthe code that actually does something with this data13:11
fennthis is supposed to be a functioning system, not OCD compliant art13:11
kanzurespecifying that a package must start with an alphanumeric might be nice btw13:11
kanzurehow pissed off would you be if people ignore yaml tagging and python script writing?13:14
kanzureso far getting them to put CAD files or openscad scripts in git repos has been a challenge itself13:14
fennthe package just wouldn't work, and it wouldnt pass the (hypothetical) validator13:14
fennbut it's still better than having photos of crayon drawings posted as comments to a blog13:15
fenni guess i should write more about desired data formats13:15
kanzurenah let's be realistic.. iphone pics of crayon drawings posted as attachments sent to diybio@googlegroups.com :P13:16
kanzureat the very least, python scripts that have a class representing the object should be optional..13:16
kanzure(in which case metadata->required->classes should be moved to metadata->optional->classes)13:17
kanzuredo you strongly believe dependencies should be optional??13:17
fennif classes are required for the package to work, it should be in the metadata13:20
fennif the package has no code, there are no classes required13:20
kanzure"if you think it has no dependencies you are probably wrong"13:21
* fenn writes more about templates13:21
kanzurewhy is this on pastebin?13:22
fennwhere do i push skdb.git to these days?13:22
fennoh, that's gnusha?13:23
kanzuregnusha.org still works.. sorry about the confusion13:23
fennyeah my irssi/screen is running on gnusha13:23
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kanzurehrm skdb.git doesn't seem to be managed by piny.. so if you have some trouble pushing due to permissions i'll go fix things13:24
fennerror: insufficient permission for adding an object to repository database ./objects13:28
kanzurenow the real challenge: should i just switch to piny or should i chmod/chgrp the hell out of things13:28
kanzurechattr too i guess13:28
fenni dont think chmod/chgrp ever worked right, as when you add new objects they eventually end up in new directories which are not set g+wx by default13:31
kanzureok try pushing now13:32
fennthere must be some other solution than piny because this seems like a common problem and piny is not very popular13:32
kanzureprobably gitosis *shrug*13:32
kanzureor gitolite https://github.com/sitaramc/gitolite/13:33
kanzurefenn: again, what's with the sourceforge.net email address?13:33
fennum, so when i start getting a zillion spam messages a day i can turn it off?13:33
fennit forwards to my regular email13:34
fennthis file will be in plaintext on the web13:34
kanzureoh in 43ac59374f14f6a5b0b546257405b211deab86a1 it seems that i decided i hated periods in package names13:35
fenni dunno how all these free software people deal with spam13:35
kanzurei was probably doing that because of a silly web front-end though13:35
fennsilly web front-end is a valid use case13:35
fenni dont really see any reason to allow stupid names with punctuation in them13:35
kanzurewell silly because of some choices i made about the url parsing.. anyway13:35
fennwhy the fuck is there a version number in the package name13:36
kanzureso you can get older releases13:36
fennyou can already do that13:36
kanzureoh right. linux-kernel-image=whatever13:36
fennapt-get install linux-image=2.6.3213:36
fenni can almost see the rationale for names like libc613:37
kanzureoh btw what about BOMs13:37
fennuh. i think the idea is to be able to specify a particular part in another package, which will contain more info about it like how to make it or where to buy it13:38
fenni hate BOM's which are like "you need this mouser part number" and have no wiggle room13:38
kanzuredependencies::build states that it's not for BOM-entries so where should it be put?13:39
kanzurei agree that putting down parts numbers isn't the most useful thing in the world in terms of options13:39
kanzurepeople do have this information and providing it wuold be nice13:39
fennyeah but that should go with the part you're referring to, not as a reference in and of itself13:40
kanzurein reality i bet we'll only be able to get them to provide .csv files instead of their spreadsheet files13:40
kanzurei imagine there are many potential BOM entries that packages don't exist for yet13:40
fennwell, you have to write down a description somewhere... might as well be a package13:41
kanzurereprap.git presently has all sorts of crap that should be separated13:41
kanzuretrue, but for many people these repos will be the only way they are distributing their project13:41
kanzureand BOMs do provide some amount of information whether you want to admit this or not..13:42
fenni dont get it. what are you suggesting exactly?13:42
kanzuresomething be added to package_spec.yaml about BOMs13:42
fennyeah i didnt get there yet13:42
kanzureoh i thought you were arguing why BOMs shouldn't be in the spec13:43
fennwell, i was sorta, if you mean "here is a list of part numbers you need to make this thing"13:43
fennit really ought to be "here are a list of possible package choices for this part" and each package can be made to spit out its dependencies recursively13:44
fenni'm thinking of a package as a part family13:44
fennsomething that can be parameterized for different applications but is fundamentally the same idea13:44
kanzureoh man the lack of metadata is killing me http://www.inventables.com/technologies/micro-suction-adhesive13:45
kanzureon the other hand, fenn,13:45
kanzurewe have people like reprap-core-team or whatever who have no interest in splitting off their subprojects13:45
kanzurelike for individual servos or pcb boards etc.13:45
kanzure(hrm i guess pcb board designs should be in the same package)13:46
kanzureso people are going to (1) not include a BOM since it's not demanded and (2) also not create lots of extra crap packages that they care less about13:46
fennreprap core is precisely the people who need this13:46
fennthey have like 75% design reuse but it's copied all over the place with tiny modifications13:47
Lukas____Sorry to interject, but is this a good website?         http://projecteuler.net/13:48
fennLukas____: if you like nerd traps13:48
Lukas____nerd traps?13:48
kanzureyou should go play some netwar games or something haha13:48
fennLukas____: http://xkcd.com/356/13:48
fennforewarned is forearmed13:49
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kanzureczar fenn13:49
Lukas____thanks for the warning13:50
fennin your case though it'd probably do some good13:50
fennhard to keep all these new people straight13:51
kanzurei need to put meetlog.txt parsing on a recurring cronjob13:51
kanzureLukas____: http://diyhpl.us/cgit/meetlog/plain/meetlog.txt13:54
fennhuh, apparently there's another ben lipkowitz i didnt know about, taking the total up to 3?13:54
kanzurei'm not sure if this the first explicit name conflict i've had in meetlog.txt or not13:57
kanzurethere's a Andrew Bishop <andrew@well.com> that i know via ken goffman13:57
kanzureso uh fenn why is this a yaml file?14:01
kanzureshould i bother editing this or are you still making enough changes that the merge conflicts would be a pain in the ass?14:08
fennit's a yaml file because i started writing it and it sort of looked like a yaml file14:09
fenni decided learning restructured text was best used as a procrastination tactic for later projects14:10
kanzuregood idea14:10
fennedit away14:10
fenni wish there were something like etherpad for github14:10
kanzurenot quite the same thing :(14:11
fenninventables is consistently overpriced14:16
kanzurehuh i wrote an skdb/legos tutorial?14:22
kanzurenot much text there14:23
kanzureprobably why i didn't put it anywhere14:23
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kanzurefenn: how do you want to go about plural vs. non-plural dictionary keys in yaml?14:33
fennuh, systematically14:35
kanzurehuh? i mean, maintainers vs. maintainer, and other issues14:35
kanzure"dependency" vs. "dependencies"14:35
fennwell i was thinking about it, and there really should only be one maintainer14:35
fennif it's possible to have more than one of something, the field name should be plural14:36
kanzurethe field name should be plural by default?14:36
kanzureexcept for package maintainer?14:36
fennseems to be that way already14:37
fennwhat's the point of dual licensing? is it something i should care about?14:37
fennam thinking i should remove bit about dual licensing14:39
kanzurebtw when i made it so you can commit i transferred skdb.git into piny so now there's ikiwiki stuff going on14:40
kanzurehttp://diyhpl.us/skdb/ for now14:40
fennanyway are you done editing yet14:40
kanzurei'll update apache so gnusha.org/skdb/ can work (which is, i think, a better url for this)14:40
fennwhat does piny do exactly?14:40
kanzureprovides a set of minor tools like addaccess, rmaccess for adding people/committers to repositories14:41
kanzuregives them a restricted shell (pinyshell) for git-only access and other piny tools14:41
fennand do we really want to put the code in a web-editable repository? (no)14:41
kanzureyou were complaining about skdb not having a web presence14:41
kanzureanyway, ikiwiki isn't configured to let anyone edit the pages/code from that interface anyway14:42
kanzure(you have to be fenn or bryan)14:42
kanzurehold on let me think of a useful commit message14:42
kanzureok pushed.14:43
kanzurefenn: what line width are you using? line 121 seems a little long14:48
kanzureor: Something seems broken14:48
fenni dont have automatic line wrapping on, i havent bothered to figure that out yet14:51
kanzurelol paul fernhout is penpals with freeman dyson14:52
kanzurehe replies too.14:52
kanzurei can think of some better things to bring to dyson's attention though.14:52
gloopi wrote to him before and wrote me14:52
kanzurelike "oh your biotech predictions were correct.. sort of"14:52
fenni'm still waiting on full spectrum chlorophyll14:53
kanzureor "where's my von neumann probe, astrochicken, or dyson sphere you promised us"14:53
fennyeah, screw jetpacks14:53
kanzure"our biotech future" http://www.nybooks.com/articles/2037014:53
kanzure"Open Source biology could be a powerful tool, giving us access to cheap and abundant solar energy." so much for dyson spheres14:54
fennwell it's only 201114:54
kanzurethe man gives up early? say what14:55
gloopi wrote to him about his wikipedia entry on his views academia and business14:55
gloopyes but there's https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Space-based_solar_power14:56
kanzurewhy are you guys spamming him?14:56
fennno i mean we still have 89 years for his predictions to pan out14:56
gloopi didn't. i wrote to him a couple years ago14:57
gloopjust a couple times14:57
kanzurei wish carl feynman wasn't so reclusive.14:57
kanzureOH CRAP14:58
kanzurei should have scraped a copy14:59
kanzureAnders Sandberg <anders.sandberg@philosophy.ox.ac.uk>14:59
kanzuregod what the hell is he doing hanging out with nick bostrom14:59
kanzurehe's definitely capable of way more14:59
-!- gloop [638cce9b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]15:03
fennhm this is still up http://www.nada.kth.se/~asa/15:03
kanzurecrap http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.aleph.se/Trans/ :(15:03
kanzure"Anders' Transhuman Page" is the one that matters sorta15:04
fenni dont remember that15:04
kanzure"data retrieval error" on the wayback machine :/15:04
fenndata retrieval error15:04
kanzurefenn: it's been the best resource on transhumanism since forever15:04
kanzurehere: http://web.archive.org/web/20080724041257/www.aleph.se/Trans/15:06
* kanzure scrapes15:07
superkuhAh. I remember this site.15:07
superkuhI think it was one of the first I encountered on the subject.15:07
kanzurecrud all of his links are relative links15:08
fennhow does one scrape the google cache?15:08
kanzureone does not navigate google cache effectively.. if you find a page, you're lucky to find is neighbors15:09
kanzure*its neighbors15:09
kanzurewget --base doesn't seem to help15:09
fenni guess i could click on every 'cached' link on http://www.google.com/#hl=en&q=+site:aleph.se+aleph.se/Trans&sa=X&ei=sJ0nTeHWMcqr8AaLhPDqAQ&ved=0CAIQqAQwBQ&fp=ca05a7bb65e8222915:12
fennbut that seems kinda dumb15:12
superkuhOh. It doesn't work.15:14
fennlooks like it might have worked at some point15:14
superkuhThey've run out of disk space for temp files.15:14
Lukas____Hey guys15:19
Lukas____I have a random word of advice15:19
Lukas____DO NOT HAVE KIDS15:19
Lukas____thanks for listening15:19
fenni think you should put more effort into choosing your audience15:22
Lukas____sorry guys15:22
Lukas____it just had to be said15:22
fennwas that on purpose?15:24
kanzurejust a link i found on his site *shrug*15:24
kanzure(threw off my scraper)15:24
-!- delinquentme [~delinquen@c-24-23-119-149.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]15:24
fennyou're scraping google cache? or what?15:25
fenni thought archive wasn't working15:25
kanzurepicking a date helps15:25
fennhm weird. so their date index thingy was having problems15:26
fennoo with pictures even15:26
-!- delinquentme [~delinquen@c-24-23-119-149.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap15:27
kanzureoh fooey i'm not sorting for uniqueness entirely because of the dates in the urls15:27
* kanzure grumbles15:27
fennhey maybe you should make a version control history of the site15:28
fennthen put it up on gnusha as a hardware package15:28
kanzurewhat's a good regex for a 14-digit number15:29
fenni really hate how chrome truncates urls longer than like 20 characters15:29
kanzurehaha 20 characters isn't enough15:29
fenngee thanks15:29
-!- strages [~strages@adsl-81-57-16.hsv.bellsouth.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap15:30
kanzurefixed http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/anders-links.txt15:30
fennapparently python re doesn't like {14}15:33
fennoh nm i was using groups() wrong15:34
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fennyour "delete the 14 number element of the url" strategy won't work because most of the files can't be downloaded by simply adding web/2008/15:41
fennor they werent indexed in 2008 or something15:41
-!- saurik [~saurik@carrier.saurik.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap15:42
kanzurei think this is a good enough approximation of publicly linked files15:43
kanzurefenn: internet archive treats /20080101/ as a request to just go find the closest matching date it can15:44
kanzureinstead of that silly index page where you click dates15:44
kanzurecat links6.txt | grep aleph | grep -v "#" | sort | uniq | sed 's/www\.aleph\.se\.wstub\.archive\.org/web\.archive\.org\/web\/2008\/www\.aleph\.se/' | sed 's/\([0-9]\)\{14\}/2008/g' | sort | uniq > links7.txt15:44
kanzureevidence that i am getting lazy15:44
kanzureoh fooey15:47
kanzuresince when does it 404 on providing a timestamp15:47
fennsuppsedly 27686 pages on aleph.se15:49
kanzurei wonder how i grabbed these links if all of the pages are erroring15:49
fenni only got 32 out of the 207 links15:52
fennmaybe it's just that archive is being flaky15:52
kanzurearchive.org hasn't indexed my site since 2008 (or at least, hasn't claimed it has indexed my site)15:55
fennthey delay posting results on purpose16:03
kanzurei was able to get the 2008 stuff on internet archive for heybryan.org back in 2008.16:04
kanzurefenn: were you going to push changes?16:06
fenn"You can pack the Zip Drive up and take it wherever you want. It gives you unlimited hard-drive capacity. I should have bought my own by now, but maybe I'll get one for Newtonmas (Newtonmas is the transhuman winter holiday. Sir Isaac Newton was born Dec. 25.)16:10
kanzurefestivus for the rest of us16:11
fennfestivus makes me think of stoners pigging out on cheetos16:12
ybitcheetos you say?16:16
ybitignore the opening phrase about cheetos, and this video might make you happy16:17
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fennseems to be some kind of real time strategy game16:28
fennextremely sluggish one at that16:28
ybiti was checking out how various sites embed video and stumbled across this16:32
ybiti like the 'battle for the internet' part, that's all :)16:32
ybit..with little cheetos hopping around, it's kind of funny :)16:33
kanzurevideo is usually embedded with lots of stupid flash16:34
kanzurehopefully html5 will fix this16:34
gloopyeah it doesn't run on my netbook fast16:37
gloopis it made by the cheeto company16:38
gloopviral marketing?16:38
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fenndo you really have to ask...16:39
fenni suppose this would be interpreted as funny if i had seen that movie16:42
fennthen again, maybe not16:42
fennoh i see, 4chan fallout16:43
gloopthere's a youtube clip, but seeing the whole movie maybe makes it funnier16:44
* fenn pokes cia16:48
kanzurewas i the one that configured cia?16:51
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kanzurefenn: people will probably be doing really funky things in dependencies->software.. like asking for python eggs, ruby gems, debs, rpms, etc. :/17:07
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kanzurejrayhawk: is there any particular reason /srv/git/skdb.git/hooks/post-update is a binary file?17:16
jrayhawkYes, it needs to be suid.17:16
kanzurejrayhawk: i was going to enable http://cia.vc/clients/git/ciabot.pl17:17
kanzurewhich is in /home/gnusha/scripts/ciabot.pl17:17
kanzurebut now i am confused.17:17
jrayhawkAh, I don't know what version of piny you're on. You might have to move the ikiwiki wrapper over to post-update-ikiwiki (and in /etc/ikiwiki/piny/skdb.setup) and put CIA in post-update-cia and then make a new post-update that calls those two.17:19
kanzureis post-update presently the ikiwiki post-update?17:20
jrayhawkUnless you've done something else.17:20
jrayhawkModern piny has the ability to rebuild setup files; if you upgrade to that, you'll want to use pinyconfig to set the location of the post-update script in the git config and then rebuild.17:26
kanzureshould i be storing my custom post-update files somewhere other than skdb.git/hooks then?17:27
kanzure'd be a shame if something were to overwrite all 10sec of my work..17:27
jrayhawkYou might want to link it somewhere else.17:29
jrayhawklike post-update-kanzure or something17:29
kanzureis there a convenient way to check this without significantly fucking up git?17:31
jrayhawkI'll go take a look at it...17:33
jrayhawkyou still need to change the setup file17:34
jrayhawkand you'll want absolute paths for post-update17:34
jrayhawkis update-server-info really necessary for anything?17:35
kanzurewhich setup file in particular?17:39
kanzurehow do i make sure post-update-ciabot gets the parameters it wants?17:40
kanzuremy query: 'git "post-update" ciabot'17:43
kanzuregoogle gives me: http://gnusha.org/logs/2009-07-18.log17:43
jrayhawkThe parameters are environment variables, IIRC17:50
jrayhawkso you should be fine.17:50
jrayhawk/etc/ikiwiki/piny/skdb.setup is the setup file in question17:50
kanzurewhy do i need to change the setup file?17:51
jrayhawkIkiwiki will try to rebuild it at some point.17:51
jrayhawks/it/that wrapper/17:52
kanzureoh hm you said that about 30min ago and it went out one ear17:52
kanzureso i don't really understand what you're telling me to change in skdb.setup17:53
jrayhawkYou have moved the git wrapper.17:53
kanzureif piny will rebuild post-update then we're all doomed?17:53
kanzureoh right17:53
kanzurebut post-update calls post-update-ikiwiki17:53
jrayhawkYes. But you want post-update-ikiwiki to be the build product, not post-update.17:54
jrayhawkThe setup file will attempt to use post-update until you tell it to use post-update-ikiwiki17:54
kanzurehmph fine17:54
jrayhawkAnd you're right, ciabot probably expects parameters; use "$@"17:54
jrayhawkWith quotes.17:55
jrayhawkFor reference, piny does the same thing all over the place: cat /usr/bin/newrepo17:57
jrayhawkoh no wait, maybe that's a terrible idea. ugh. nevermind, you're right.18:05
kanzuremy test commit didn't work anyway. hrm.18:07
jrayhawk/usr/share/doc/git/contrib/ciabot/ciabot.py might also be of interest18:08
kanzureoh it wants an smtp server to be running18:09
kanzurethat's a stupid way to pass commit messages around18:09
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jrayhawkI'd suggest just loading a socket interface into irssi and having post-update echo crap into that socket.18:17
jrayhawkSince you already have gnusha running here anyway.18:17
jrayhawkI can play with making that work if you want.18:18
kanzurecpan -I RPC::XML --> but ciabot.pl still complains that RPC/XML.pm isn't installed18:18
kanzureoh uh that makes more sense18:19
kanzureyes please do that18:19
jrayhawkplease stop using cpan18:19
jrayhawkthat system has enough problems18:20
kanzurei guess debian probably has packages for most of the cpan modules?18:20
jrayhawkYes, and a system for building debian packages out of cpan modules anyway.18:20
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jrayhawkcpan doesn't understand the concept of file tracking18:21
kanzureneither does python's distutils (setup.py etc.)18:21
kanzuretheir concept of 'uninstall' is "use setup.py to build a .deb and then use dpkg to uninstall the .deb"18:22
jrayhawkhaha, awesome18:22
jrayhawkThe ruby people got militant about their terrible packaging tools and drove one of the primary debian ruby maintainers to give up :(18:30
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kanzurefenn: heh it's back http://web.archive.org/web/20080724041257/www.aleph.se/Trans/19:31
kanzurei also really appreciate the hotbot search form.. takes me back to the 90s19:32
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kanzurejrayhawk: thoughts/comments on http://diyhpl.us/cgit/skdb/plain/doc/package_spec.yaml ?20:07
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timschmidtit seems like skdb should have a solid concept of transformations - built-in or external commands / scripts / utilities that can be run against a given source file to produce a given result20:11
timschmidtrendering a CAD file, converting between image formats, translating between interchangeable languages, toolpathing, etc.20:12
kanzurewhat we were doing was python scripts in each package that would have a class describing extra methods and calculations for the part20:12
kanzurefenn wants to put this into the spec more thoroughly20:13
kanzurethere are certain advantages to forcing python-- i.e., every .git skdb package is also a python module and can be imported20:13
timschmidtsure.  No particular problem with that20:13
kanzureon the other hand, you can make python modules via writing a wrapper for each .git skdb package and the wrapper just calls scripts to deal with the package contents itself (same result)20:13
timschmidtI wonder to what level the code should reside entirely within the package though20:13
timschmidtit might be useful to have some "built-in" methods, for lack of proper terminology20:14
kanzuredid you see the screw or lego packages?20:14
timschmidtnot yet20:14
timschmidtanyway, implementation details20:14
timschmidtnot really necessary to argue over now20:15
kanzurelego: http://diyhpl.us/cgit/skdb/tree/packages/lego?id=7c5d86b5e179849c6b208abbfaf9485fbc4c5f8c20:15
kanzurescrew: http://diyhpl.us/cgit/skdb/tree/packages/screw?id=7c5d86b5e179849c6b208abbfaf9485fbc4c5f8c20:15
kanzure"screw.py" is what fenn is proposing we standardize/force for each package20:15
kanzurehowever, there's no reasonable way (iirc) specify what the methods of "class Screw" should be20:16
timschmidtI will look it over closer tonight20:16
kanzure*to specify20:16
* timschmidt is in the middle of some other programming20:16
kanzurein the sense of knowing in advance which methods to look for that might give you some sort of result20:17
kanzure(other than just looking through __doc__ strings and parsing out metadata, or using @wrappers that modify methods by adding particular attributes)20:17
kanzure20:48:10 omg/jblake: yeah i'm not really going to think about that for now, but if you intend to distribute these packages then you probably don't want to store them as a git repo without a particularly good reason20:50
kanzure20:50:07 omg/jblake: a git bundle back to the initial commit is probably a way better package choice, especially as it still allows incremental updates in the way you'd d probably like to get out of a git repo20:50
kanzuretest test21:17
jrayhawkSo if you adduser bryan gnusha and relogin, you can echo 'command /msg ##hplusroadmap test' | socat STDIO UNIX-CONNECT:/home/gnusha/.irssi/socket21:20
jrayhawkI can make that socket writable by anyone in the skdb group, or I can make a more restrictive sudo wrapper.21:21
jrayhawkUp to you.21:21
kanzureanyone in skdb group is fine21:21
kanzurebtw i also think hard coding a call like that in a post-update hook in skdb.git/hooks/ is fine21:22
jrayhawkYeah, that would be the plan at that point21:22
jrayhawkThere's theoretically a POSIX shell way of writing to sockets, but it's horrifyingly obscure so I'm just going to avoid it.21:23
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jrayhawkIf you could push an arbitrary test commit, that'd be useful.21:34
kanzureok done21:36
jrayhawkhmm, that's too bad.21:36
jrayhawkAny errors?21:36
kanzurenot on this end21:36
kanzureif you want to revert skdb.git so i could reuse this test commit instead of making increasingly worthless commits, that'd be cool.21:37
jrayhawkI can turn off denyNonFastForwards and you can just push the older head.21:38
kanzurejrayhawk: i'm about to fall asleep so i'm not too reliable right now21:38
jrayhawkOkay, I can probably do that myself.21:39
kanzureexponentially declining reliability curve21:39
kanzureGIT_REPO=//dev/skdb.git/ git config repo.receiveDenyNonFastForward ZERO21:39
kanzureone last thing before i sleep.. on duckduckgo.com, these are the two few results for "apt-get for hardware"21:40
kanzure1) texas linux fest 2010 | apt-get for hardware21:40
kanzure2) twitter.com/contraptor21:40
kanzure3) heybryan.org21:40
kanzure4) kanzure - MaiOtaku Anime Dating (WTF?)21:40
kanzure5) hackerspaces.org/wiki/Software_Wish_List21:41
kanzure6) michaelnielsen.org/blog/2009/10/21:41
kanzurefascinating.. duckduckgo.com found http://transhumanism.org/index.php/th/21:44
gnusha84ae223 i probably shouldn't be writing specifications this late at night22:10
jrayhawkEh, you can fiddle with it from there if you care.22:10
kanzurethank you :)22:15
kanzurelinks aren't fixed here but at least it's something:22:15
kanzureor the files: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/backup_anders.tar.gz22:16
kanzurein case you want all of the separate timestamped versions that the internet archive had: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/backup_anders_web.archive.org.tar.gz22:16
kanzurehm i should have grabbed images22:20
* kanzure sleeps22:20
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kanzure"(an epic poem of 10,000 lines about the terraforming of Mars. This scene describes a spaceship made of a living tree)"22:26
* kanzure really sleeps22:27
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