
--- Log opened Sun Jan 16 00:00:52 2011
JayDuggerLet me test my currently installed version. That will keep me honest.00:01
JayDuggerFilelight's context menu permits, depending on the directory the mouse pointer hovers above, recentering the map on that directory, opening Konqueror there, opening Konsole there, and recursively deleting there.00:06
JayDuggerFilelight, if the scale permits, shows individual files.00:07
JayDuggerAt file level, Filelight's context menu will open, delete, or copy to the clipboard that file.00:10
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timschmidthey, a couple days ago, someone here linked to small inserts that could go in tubes, and produced a vortex that mixed thing moving through the tubes...01:02
timschmidtanyone have the link?01:02
timschmidtnevermind: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Static_mixer01:03
fennjust curious why you were looking for that?01:46
timschmidtmacavity in #reprap is designing an extruder for cement + PVA glue + waterglass01:49
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-!- Lukas__ [44c29d04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap04:19
Lukas__Good morning04:21
kanzurepoor implementation but nice name: http://virushunters.net/06:28
timschmidtSo I've just about got a wrench-buildable $100ish metal lathe designed06:41
kanzurewhat's with the drop in gene therapy clinical trials last year? http://www.abedia.com/wiley/images/1006years.jpg06:41
timschmidtutilizing steel gridbeam06:41
JayDuggerWhat does the steel gridbeam cost you?06:41
timschmidtin my area...  about $22 / 6ft06:41
timschmidtfrom Menards06:42
JayDuggerMenards sells steel grid beam?06:42
timschmidt1" and 1.5" widths06:42
timschmidtIt's in the nuts and bolts section06:43
timschmidt$22 / 6ft seems to be nearly identical to the pricing of misumi aluminum 802006:44
timschmidtwhich is as cheap as that stuff gets06:44
JayDuggerI don't see it on Menards.com06:45
timschmidtthey have it06:46
kanzureheh sql injection vulnerabilities on the gene therapy database <306:46
timschmidtI've purchased it at the Menards in Grand Rapids, and Lansing06:46
JayDuggerI'll keep looking. Back to your lathe.06:47
timschmidtThey sell it under the "Steelworks" brand06:47
timschmidtI've got the motor mount, spindle, and tailstock figured out06:50
timschmidtnot much left to do06:50
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-75-194.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]06:53
Lukas__thanks Kanzure06:55
timschmidtJayDugger: are you interested in designing gridbeam stuff?06:58
timschmidtkanzure: any chance you could point me to your stl2png rendering scripts?07:05
timschmidtI'm going to need to generate a lot of pretty renders soon07:06
kanzuresure.. h07:10
kanzureuh.. let me dig.07:10
kanzurestep2png stuff is over here: http://diyhpl.us/cgit/skdb under import_tools/07:10
kanzuremy copy of stl2pov was taken from the web07:12
joshcryertimschmidt, any reason not to use Blender? Lots of batches to do?07:15
kanzurelol blender07:16
kanzurei wish i had some sort of anti-blender +5 shield07:16
* joshcryer blends kanzure07:16
kanzureas long as you give me a high poly count.07:16
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-75-194.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:17
joshcryerImport stl (file->import->stl), delete-cube-object (left click, delete), select stl object (left click), press s for scaling, scale to 1:1 with grid, use, render.07:17
joshcryerLet me know when our machines have resolution higher than stl files. No, really, I think that should be a real goal. Force people to use parametric objects or nurbs, etc.07:19
* timschmidt does CSG modeling, and doesn't know a lick of Blender07:19
joshcryerstl destroys the CSG, though. :/07:20
kanzurestl is a bad idea and you should stop pimping it, joshcryer07:20
joshcryerI'm not pimping it.07:20
timschmidtjoshcryer: indeed it does.  what relevance is this to me?07:20
kanzurea pimp for blender is a pimp for stl07:21
joshcryertimschmidt, you asked for a rendering method to render stl files did you not?07:21
timschmidtyes, to render them to 2D images07:21
timschmidtI'm not doing my work in STL07:21
kanzurejoshcryer: you should have given him a headless blender script for rendering shit07:21
timschmidtit's a middling format07:21
timschmidtOpenSCAD -> STL -> PNG07:22
joshcryerHmm is thingiverse rendering STL files or are those peoples' uploads?07:22
timschmidtyou know, for the web!07:22
kanzurethingiverse renders stl via stl2pov07:22
timschmidtit often barfs on large ones though07:22
joshcryerI really ought to get an account there.07:22
kanzurejoshcryer: it's not worth it07:22
joshcryer(just so I'm not asking so many questions)07:22
kanzurestl2pov isn't something you magically learn about when you register..07:23
JayDuggerYes, Tim Schmidt, I have a book scanner project on my to-do list.07:23
joshcryerkanzure, fair enough.07:23
kanzure"Thank you for registering! Here's exactly how to mimic the entire thingiverse infrastructure:"07:23
timschmidtsadly, no07:23
joshcryer(it would've answered the question about whether or not it rendered the files for you and could've promted more exploration as to how)07:23
JayDuggerThere exists at least one design using 8020 on diybookscanner.org, and grid beam looks like a good substitute if 8020 proves too expensive.07:23
kanzureif anyone wants to go into business with me and isn't afraid of actually doing business :P i have an 8020 distributorship opening.07:24
timschmidtI asked because I wrote a gridbeam CAD library now included with MCAD, which makes prototyping virtually very easy07:24
timschmidtI'd like to see something similar in MCAD for 802007:24
* kanzure nos07:24
joshcryerkanzure, 8020 distributorship?07:25
timschmidtMCAD: http://reprap.org/wiki/MCAD07:25
kanzurejoshcryer: yeah.. i had a few business partners but they weren't really interested in *doing business* on this prjoect07:26
kanzurei can't run it full time because i'm busy07:26
kanzurebut the moola is good.07:26
joshcryerI'm quitting my job in a few more months and going off of pure android / iphone cash flow.07:27
JayDuggertimschmidt, do you have a link for the Steelworks grid beam?07:34
JayDuggerNo worries.07:45
JayDuggerWhere will you announce the completed lathe design?07:45
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timschmidtI can blurb about it here again07:47
JayDuggerPlease do, here or in #reprap. It interests me.07:48
timschmidtthe makefile for stl2pov doesn't agree with GNU make :(07:48
timschmidtsolution: upgrade to stl2pov 2.4.407:50
timschmidt:-/ wasn't aware povray is licensed in a non-free way07:58
timschmidtno fedora packages07:58
kanzurei think yaray might be a compatible alternative07:58
kanzureoops i meant yafaray not yaray08:00
kanzurestl2pov probably isn't too interesting.. convert all triangles into pov-triangles, not a huge deal08:01
kanzurealthough the camera angles, environment, grid, etc. will be annoying to port over08:01
timschmidtok, povray installed.  Seems to work, but I get a black image the size I request08:03
joshcryertimschmidt, don't kill me: http://farmerjoe.info/?p=208:06
timschmidtheh, I think I'm just missing a few options08:07
timschmidtwill bang on it for another few minutes08:07
kanzurea headless blender is fine for rendering IMHO08:08
kanzurebut *ray probably has a lighter footprint08:08
joshcryerYeah, go with whatever works, that link may not pose a full solution anyway.08:11
timschmidthrm.  still no dice.  just black images08:16
timschmidthrm.  appears as though stl2pov did not add a light source08:20
timschmidtthat would do it08:20
kanzureheh :)08:35
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kanzuretimschmidt: feel free to fork it, since i'll be using this in the future as well08:35
kanzurei don't know if it's actively maintained08:36
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timschmidtfinally have it rendering08:43
joshcryerPics? :D08:43
kanzurepics or it didn't happen08:43
kanzuretimschmidt: do you have webspace somewhere?08:44
kanzureand would you like an account on gnusha.org08:44
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timschmidtfirst crappy render08:48
timschmidtwill hack stl2pov to generate code that actually renders soon08:49
kanzure"Blogger Superkuh documented a surreal conversation he had with Pitchford"08:52
kanzureblogger? :/08:52
JayDuggerGood night, everyone.08:53
joshcryer'night JayDugger08:53
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joshcryerShould I know superkuh?08:54
kanzurejoshcryer: he's in here.08:54
kanzurei dunno if i'd describe him as a blogger :P08:54
joshcryerHe seems to be more of an IRCer.08:56
timschmidtbased on stl2pov's output, it should be easy to adapt to any of the various povray-like softwares09:24
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kanzure"do any of these guys have real jobs?" http://hplusmagazine.com/editors-blog/humanity-board-directors-elections#comment-1311510:00
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kanzure(the answer is yes of course.. michael works for halcyon and singinst, patri has worked for google for too long, todd works for DARPA, and ben has too many jobs)10:01
Lukas__I always wondered that10:05
Lukas__If a lot of the people at H+ ever did anything practical10:10
kanzuredo you mean practical transhuman tech or practical anything?10:11
Lukas__practical anything10:12
kanzure*shrug* sure10:12
Lukas__Still, there is probably a list with the credentials of various people at H+ somewhere out there10:13
Lukas__I admit, I am lazy10:13
kanzureben goertzel CV http://www.goertzel.org/Goertzel_resume.pdf10:14
kanzureacademic CV http://www.goertzel.org/Goertzel_cv.pdf10:14
kanzurenatasha vita-more's CV http://www.natasha.cc/Nov_2009.pdf10:15
kanzurehm who else has a usable CV on the board.. uh.10:16
joshcryerNot having a real job could be a plus.10:23
kanzurenanotech paperdump upload has finished10:23
joshcryerUpdate your pic kanzure.10:25
joshcryerThe shaggy one.10:30
Lukas__Has anyone tried experimenting on human tissue yet10:38
* archels points at the cutters scene10:44
Lukas__Kanzure, may I please have that cache on gene therapy you posted two days ago?10:54
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kanzureLukas__: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers/gene-therpay/11:17
kanzureLukas__: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers/gene-therapy/11:17
Lukas__thank you11:18
Lukas__also, lol @ your bodybuilding page11:19
Lukas__I am going to go through them later tonight, I've been looking for ways to optimize my workout routine (though I only do bodyweight training)11:20
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Lukas__what is Kevin Warwick up to?11:48
CryptoQuickLukas__: I remember that guy! he was on Wired magazine, like, earlier last decade12:01
Lukas__I am surprised Wired hasn't done anything more recent12:06
CryptoQuickWired, Tired, Expired: Wired12:06
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kanzure"extrapolaholics anonymous"12:43
Lukas__What do you make of it, Kanzure?12:50
kanzurei laughed :)12:55
kanzureanyway, i've fixed http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers/longevity/Aubrey/12:55
kanzureso that papers now have relevant names12:55
kanzurealso new papers since 2007 are in here http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers/longevity/Aubrey/new-via-sens.org/12:56
Lukas__You haven't touched your youtube channel in a while and you've got a lot of information to share to potential DIYers12:57
kanzurevideo isn't the best format for the things i need to get done..12:59
CryptoQuickas in, a wiki?13:03
* kanzure scratches his head13:04
kanzurei don't think doing software or hardware development in a wiki is a good idea13:04
kanzureand you're probably trolling me13:04
CryptoQuickI'm not! I used to do a wiki a while ago13:05
CryptoQuickwas doing some development in it, but nothing major13:05
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kanzuretimschmidt: did you ever end up adding a metadata.yaml to your openscad-filled git repos?13:16
-!- gleapsite [~Gleapsite@246.sub-69-97-192.myvzw.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:20
kanzurehi gleapsite13:22
kanzuredunno if you're into life extension stuff :) just uploaded: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers/longevity/Aubrey/13:22
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gleapsiteI'll probably be reading a lot of /papers/13:28
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gleapsitere: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers/2007-12-Directed_Energy_Beam_weapons_Report.pdf have you seen http://www.engadget.com/2010/02/12/boeing-747-destroys-ballistic-missile-with-laser/13:29
gleapsiteI guess this is why Reagan called it "star wars"13:30
kanzuresuperkuh probably knows more on that front than i do13:31
kanzurePerspectives on the American Physical Society Directed Energy Report http://superkuh.ath.cx/users/superkuh/Library/000-Electromagnetics/Perspectives%20on%20the%20American%20Physical%20Society%20Directed%20Energy%20Report.pdf13:32
gleapsiteI can only link publicly available materials. :)13:32
kanzureDiffraction effects in directed radiation beams http://superkuh.ath.cx/users/superkuh/Library/000-Electromagnetics/Diffraction%20Effects%20in%20Directed%20Radiation%20Beams.pdf13:32
kanzuregleapsite: ah i see how it is13:32
kanzurehave fun with your lasers13:32
kanzureactually this entire directory is probably your cup of tea http://superkuh.ath.cx/users/superkuh/Library/000-Electromagnetics/13:33
gleapsitefrom the DIY angle, supposedly you can rip the magnetron out of a microwave, add some control circuitry, connect it to a parabolic dish and make your own ray gun13:33
gleapsiteyou might want to add this, its distro A  (unlimited): http://www.microwaves101.com/encyclopedia/Navy%20handbook/EW_Radar_Handbook.pdf13:36
gleapsiteElectronic warfare and radar systems engineering handbook13:36
gleapsitecovers a lot of the basics13:36
Lukas__DIY weapons?13:37
gleapsitedirected energy beams13:37
gleapsiteIts why I want to find a different job.13:37
Lukas__Excuse my ignorance, but what for?13:38
gleapsitebut.  that EW handbook is applicable for more than just warfare13:38
gleapsitewell, I've never really liked working on weapons.13:39
kanzuregleapsite: is there any explanation out there (maybe on arxiv?) better than "virtual photons!" for electromagnetism?13:43
gleapsitekanzure: I don't understand your question,  like an into to wave theory?13:45
kanzurefeynman's best explanation of electromagnetism and electrodynamics involved his path integral formulation (sum over histories) and, in particular, a mechanical explanation using "virtual photons"13:45
kanzurebut ultimately he kinda gave up on any usable explanation.13:46
gleapsiteNo. I've never explored this aspect of electromagnetism. I always took the underlying physics as a given.13:48
kanzureokie dokie.13:48
gleapsitekanzure, already there :)13:49
kanzure"The magnetic field between magnetic dipoles. It is caused by the exchange of virtual photons. In symmetric 3-dimensional space this exchange results in the inverse square law for magnetic force. Since the photon has no mass, the magnetic potential has an infinite range."13:49
gleapsitefrom my experience, the inverse square law holds up in free space, but on the surface its more of a 1/r^413:50
gleapsiteI'll read up13:50
kanzurenot a big deal- was just picking your brainzz13:51
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kanzurejrayhawk: i'm looking for python-qt4.deb for pyqt 4.2.. is there a quick/easy way via apt to search for old package version numbers?14:36
jrayhawkIf you add every repository ever, yes, but usually it's more practical to use packages.debian.org/packagename for recent stuff and google search site:archive.debian.org for older stuff14:38
kanzurejrayhawk: i'm getting python-qt4=4.4.2 when i search via google :/ (because 4.4.2 looks a lot like 4.2)14:38
kanzuregoogle has become retarded about numbers14:38
kanzurelol no results for site:archive.debian.org "python-qt4" "4.2" -4.4.214:39
kanzurethis is stupid.14:39
kanzurei wonder if 4.4.2 refers to qt4 4.2 not 4.4.214:40
jrayhawkugh, that's right in the middle of the etch/sarge gap. It's unlikely that's kept anywhere.14:45
jrayhawkubuntu might have it in some form; no idea if it would be safe to install on debian.14:45
jrayhawkthe giant woody/sarge and sarge/etch release delays are why ubuntu exists, even14:46
kanzurenevermind.. fenn to the rescue14:46
kanzurewget http://www.nanoengineer-1.com/bhelfrich/BuildMeister/PyQt-x11-gpl-4.3.3.tar.gz14:46
kanzurenanoengineer has been segfaulting because of pyqt4 4.6.. well, probably because it's using some deprecated way to initialize the windows14:48
kanzureError: This version of PyQt and the Desktop edition of Qt have incompatible licenses.14:51
QuantumGwhat a joke14:54
kanzurescrew it i'll just fix the seg fault. jeesh.14:55
kanzurea guy can't try to cut corners these days?14:55
QuantumG(on Slashdot now)15:04
QuantumGI was thinking about this the other day.. C. elegans is the only multicellular organism known to be able to survive the space environment.  With this (crude) tech you could have them wiggle around the hull of your spacecraft and fix micrometeroid impacts ;)15:06
Lukas__I'd rather just use the genes that make them radiation resistance for ourselves15:08
Lukas__or we could do both15:08
QuantumGit's more the hard vacuum resistance that makes em useful :)15:09
Lukas__there has to be a biochemical property that allows them to withstand that15:10
Lukas__if that is true, then it can be harnessed and scaled up15:10
kanzurewhy don't i have a /papers/bio/syntheticbiology directory15:26
kanzurewhat injustice in this world.15:26
kanzurewhile i'm at it is there some commonly-known way to get rsync to detect file moves/renames?15:27
jrayhawkYou'd have to build a separate tool for making hash tables, I believe.15:28
jrayhawkgit annex would make this easy, but it's a little flaky.15:28
kanzureseems easier to just write a script for my file renames and then run the script on all mirror locations15:28
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fenngit-annex looks pretty cool16:13
fennwhy is it flaky?16:13
kanzurenew: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers/phosphoramidite/16:30
Lukas__Oops! This link appears to be broken.16:41
Lukas__When I'm at the main index, how do I access the individual indexes?16:53
kanzureplease restate the question16:54
kanzureyou can sort by size to see the folders listed first..16:54
kanzureis that what you want?16:54
Lukas__thank you16:54
Lukas__Sorry for the clumsy wording16:55
kanzureoh hm i forgot about http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers/igem/16:55
fennheh "augment early and often" - jurvetson17:19
kanzurewho the hell is zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz@gmail.com17:21
Lukas__I'll see you guys tomorrow17:30
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fenni'd let the AI out of the box... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_vw2U8p3sM&hd=117:38
fenn"The screen will work for about 15 years after purchase before it will have to undergo a partial repair. Therefore it depends on the buyer whether they let the woman float for a further 15 years in the bath.... "17:39
* kanzure just got the source code for theuncertainfuture.com17:43
kanzureeveryone at singinst.org agrees it should be open source but there is no specific license chosen17:44
kanzureshould i commit an agpl LICENSE file?17:44
fennsure, why not?17:44
kanzuregreat. where do i find that :(17:45
gleapsitehttp://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html ?17:45
kanzurethat's .html17:45
kanzureah here we go http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt17:45
gleapsitewhat do you need?17:45
kanzuregot it.17:46
gleapsiteagpl means that even people who just use the software to provide a service also have to publish source, vs gpl where they don't. right?17:49
gleapsiteAny recommended reading for convincing an employer to release code as open source?17:52
kanzureis it your current employer?17:53
kanzureenthought.com might have someone who can help17:53
gleapsitemaybe I'll give them a call.17:55
kanzurei'm a little disappointed that for something starting in 2008-07-01 the repo begins 2009-11-2418:08
kanzuresee it in action: http://theuncertainfuture.com/18:12
QuantumGhow big was the first commit?18:16
kanzurebig.. had lots of stupid binaries18:19
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kanzurei've always failed at using theuncertainfuture.com.. it always tells me a singularity happens around 201818:36
QuantumGwhat's the singularity again?18:36
QuantumG"A technological singularity is a hypothetical event occurring when technological progress becomes so rapid that it makes the future after the singularity qualitatively different and harder to predict."18:38
QuantumGgee, that's helpful18:38
kanzurea point in our civilization's history where technology development curves go exponential18:38
kanzureer, exponential or logarthimic within more local time frames18:38
QuantumGI'm pretty sure Facebook was unimaginable in 199018:38
kanzuresinginst.org will claim that the "only" definition of 'singularity' is one where you have Intelligence making more Intelligent Intelligence18:38
QuantumGclearly the singularity happened around 199518:38
kanzurefenn claims it happened in 196818:39
QuantumGif it's entirely about the future being harder to predict, then isn't Kurzweil actively working against the singularity with all his prediction stuff?18:39
kanzurewell for some people it's nerd-rapture (i.e. ai will kill us all)18:42
QuantumGisn't there plenty of people in the world right now that are incapable of imagining life in the western world (I don't actually know)18:43
kanzureit's not realy about an anti-prediction barrier.. i could care less about that18:43
kanzureno, wait, i can't18:43
QuantumGok, even if you define it as machine-intelligence > human-intelligence, it's still about the social implications of that isn't it?18:44
kanzuredepends who you ask :P18:44
QuantumGhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singularitarianism  nice18:44
kanzurei thought you knew why i'm always complaining about eliezer's cult?18:45
QuantumGI've never read these principles18:45
QuantumGA Singularitarian believes the Singularity should benefit the entire world, and should not be a means to benefit any specific individual or group. <- I guess I fail18:46
kanzurebasically singularity institute exists to take control of 'the singularity' and make sure it's beneficial, blah blah blah18:46
kanzurei meant to scarequote "control" not "the singularity" oops18:47
QuantumGI guess I should solve this strong AI problem already eh?18:48
QuantumGI'm so lazy18:48
gleapsitejust program a computer to do it.18:48
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kanzureQuantumG: oh, you should've linked to https://github.com/samuellab/mindcontrol20:31
kanzureglad to see some optogenetics stuff20:32
kanzurefenn: what does anselm say20:32
delinquentmeso im learning how silicon chips are made for the first time21:29
delinquentmethe seed crystal omg so sweet21:30
delinquentmespin it around and a HUGE chunk of silicon comes out21:30
kanzurefenn: i just saw your hplusmagazine.com comment.. it's not clear to me, which candidate is a part of the rat race? :D21:59
delinquentmehey kanzure you dont happen to have any groups of videos from discoverys how its made on roboots or cool things like that do you?22:06
kanzuretypos? what22:29
delinquentmediscovery channel !22:34
delinquentmehow its made22:34
delinquentmeroboots! and other cool things22:34
fenn"which candidate is a part of the rat race" neither of them22:55
fenni was responding to the comment above it22:55
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