
--- Log opened Mon Jan 17 00:00:52 2011
timschmidtjesus.  every goddamn thing I upload to thingiverse doesn't render00:08
timschmidtwe can't get an alternative running fast enough00:08
joshcryerWage slaves are not necessarily "dedicated to the rat race."00:10
joshcryerIt's more that wage slaves are less likely to commit their time and energy to empty causes that increase their responsiblity with no tangible near term returns.00:11
timschmidtkanzure: progress has been made with stl2pov00:50
timschmidtI've got it spitting whatever text I want into the pov files, and keeping track of min/max vertices for viewport manipulation00:51
timschmidtI should have it automatically generating really nice renders of any STL you feed it tonight00:52
joshcryertimschmidt, cool dude. :D01:33
joshcryertimschmidt, did you switch to yafaray or are you using POV?02:00
timschmidtstill using pov.  yafaray is also not packaged for fedora02:02
timschmidtit should be easy to adapt it though02:08
timschmidtoh, it's part of blender...02:09
timschmidtlet me check if it comes when I install it02:09
joshcryerI don't think it does.02:12
joshcryerit's lgpl'd which is why I asked, I read that you didn't like POVs unfreeness02:15
joshcryerNot to distract you, I say get whatever works working. :D02:16
timschmidtNo, I appreciate it02:23
timschmidtalways willing to go through a little pain to work with Free software02:23
mjrYeah, pov-ray's licensing is an inconvenient accident of history. It was pretty liberal for its time in the beginning, the free software movement wasn't as well developed02:40
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-!- Lukas__ [44c29d04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap05:10
Utopiahmention of Bryan Bishop in the 1st french H+ conf ;)05:48
archelsI was joking :)05:50
Lukas__Really?  What was said?05:54
Utopiahit was to counter a AI-only view of transhumanism and to mention biohacking and "printing"/rapid prototypying05:58
Lukas__That sounds about right05:59
Lukas__I am trying to get my former high school chemistry teacher to start a hackerspace06:00
timschmidtexcellent.  Few can argue we're not already smarter than we used to be thanks to computers06:00
-!- wrldpc2 [~benny@58-89-241-58.nttmil.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:19
wrldpc2i need help identifying an encryption scheme based on the encrypted message06:19
archelsIt's ROT-13.06:20
wrldpc2It's not ROT-1306:21
wrldpc2no it's definitely not ROT-1306:21
wrldpc2it looks like a hash 696620796f752063616e20756e6465727374616e64207468697320636f707920616e6420706173746520746f20796f75722073746174757306:22
wrldpc2that's part of it06:22
wrldpc2it's not ROT!06:23
-!- Unknown19389 [brown@173-19-237-103.client.mchsi.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:25
timschmidtmy favorite hash reversing algorithm (google) doesn't return anything06:27
Lukas__that's impossible06:28
Lukas__google knows all06:29
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-!- Unknown19389 is now known as jennicide06:29
wrldpc2I broke them down into lines and still nothing06:30
wrldpc2produces nil06:30
kanzurewrldpc2: if you tell us the context or where you found it, it would help06:35
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joshcryerQuantumG, Mark Twain arguably predicted social networking. When I was in my 20s I predicted BitTorrent and thought that by now we'd have a distributed social network setup. Every time I'd hear about things like OpenID or Freenet I kept thinking someone had implemented it but every time their implementation was fail.06:48
-!- jennicide [brown@173-19-237-103.client.mchsi.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:58
wrldpc2James Clement posted it on my wall.07:01
timschmidtKliment: I'm going to be AFK for a while, if elmom shows up, please ask him to email me, or ping me in #repsnapper07:07
timschmidtsorry about that07:08
kanzureso, what's all this about using optogenetics to make worms squirm? wasn't anselm and even boyden showing off optogenetic control of mouse movement?08:04
kanzurei guess that was just a "run yes/no" behavioral thing08:04
kanzuretimschmidt: what do you think about a standard for qr codes for open source hardware? obviously it shouldn't be anything too complex..08:08
kanzurevia mendeley.com.. http://altmetrics.org/manifesto/ for alternative metrics for filtering scholarly papers08:25
kanzurelinks from scienceonline 2011 https://scio11.wikispaces.com/Blog+and+Media+coverage08:29
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kanzureExtending Arxiv.org to Achieve Open Peer Review and Publishing.” http://arxiv.org/pdf/1011.6590v108:30
kanzurei wonder why conferences always take forever to post videos http://scienceonline2011.com/watch-live/08:34
kanzureif they are streaming then they should be able to immediately post the videos08:34
-!- phreedom [~quassel@] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:42
kanzureLukas__: instead of posting links on your invisionboard why not use http://delicious.com/ or something?08:53
Lukas__A)  I didn't know about that website (thanks for the heads up and   B)  I didn't know you check the site08:55
Lukas__I am still deciding whether to scrap it or not08:56
Lukas__I probably will08:56
Lukas__anyway, thanks08:56
kanzurei don't directly check your site but i do get notified when you update it.08:58
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archelskanzure: URL to Lukas__' site?09:36
archelsHe sure is looking up to you, isn't he? "I urge you to be a [...] Bryan Bishop".09:45
kanzureha kevin warwick? no thanks09:48
archelsWarwick has street cred.09:51
kanzurehttp://academicearth.org/ seems to be an academic video aggregator10:02
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kanzurejrayhawk: gnusha still doesn't tweet commits14:27
jrayhawkUgh. So much to do, so little motivation.14:57
--- Log closed Mon Jan 17 15:00:08 2011
--- Log opened Mon Jan 17 15:00:10 2011
-!- gnusha [~gnusha@] has joined ##hplusroadmap15:00
-!- Topic for ##hplusroadmap: http://groups.google.com/group/diybio http://bit.ly/diybionews http://gitduino.com/ http://hplusmagazine.com/ http://gadaprize.org/ | logs: http://gnusha.org/logs/15:00
-!- Topic set by kanzure [~kanzure@] [Thu Dec 23 15:27:52 2010]15:00
[Users ##hplusroadmap]15:00
[ AlonzoTG1 ] [ drazak ] [ JaredW ] [ nchaimov ] [ superkuh ] 15:00
[ archels ] [ elmom ] [ jebba ] [ niftyzero ] [ timschmidt ] 15:00
[ augur ] [ epitron ] [ jennicide] [ niftyzero1] [ uniqanomaly] 15:00
[ bkero ] [ fenn ] [ jmil ] [ nsh ] [ Utopiah ] 15:00
[ CIA-67 ] [ ferrouswheel] [ joshcryer] [ pasky ] [ ybit ] 15:00
[ clemux ] [ g4k ] [ jrayhawk ] [ phreedom ] 15:00
[ CryptoQuick] [ gnusha ] [ kanzure ] [ QuantumG ] 15:00
[ Daeken ] [ Helleshin ] [ kanzure_ ] [ saurik ] 15:00
[ dbolser ] [ Jappe2 ] [ mjr ] [ strages ] 15:00
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!jordan.freenode.net [freenode-info] channel trolls and no channel staff around to help? please check with freenode support: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#gettinghelp15:00
-!- Channel ##hplusroadmap created Thu Feb 25 23:40:30 201015:00
-!- Irssi: Join to ##hplusroadmap was synced in 5 secs15:00
kanzurejrayhawk: is there any specific reason that htmlscrubber_skip wouldn't work in /etc/ikiwiki/piny/skdb.setup ? see http://ikiwiki.info/tips/embedding_content/15:01
jrayhawkDo I even enable htmlscrubber?15:01
kanzuresomehow some embed/object html elements are scrubbed15:02
jrayhawkhuh, dopey me15:02
jrayhawk'Enabled by default: yes'15:02
jrayhawki see.15:02
kanzurebut htmlscrubber_skip doesn't work? :/15:02
jrayhawkDid you rebuild the CGI?15:03
jrayhawkor whatever it is you're editing through15:03
kanzurepart of the problem might be that i don't know how to specify paths for htmlscrubber_skip (does it want ikiwiki-readable paths since doc/ is the index, or not?)15:03
kanzurei'm editing via a browser (for the preview capability)15:03
kanzureno i didn't rebuild the cgi15:03
kanzurehow do i do thsi15:03
jrayhawkWell, because Piny is managing everything, you probably want to add stuff to /etc/ikiwiki/piny/skdb.setup.pl and rebuildrepo skdb rather than editing /etc/ikiwiki/piny/skdb.setup and running sudo -u skdb-ikiwiki ikiwiki --setup /etc/ikiwiki/piny/skdb.setup --rebuild15:06
jrayhawkYou probably want to add htmlscrubber to the list of disabled plugins.15:07
jrayhawkAre you familiar enough with Data Dumper and Perl data structures to do that?15:08
kanzurei don't want to disable htmlscrubber entirely, just for the specific page (i don't know what page this is since it's not even committed in the repository)15:09
kanzureyes i'm perl-compliant15:09
jrayhawkgood, 'cause I hate working out what terrible combination of sigils accomplish what I want.15:10
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kanzure"This is the basis of Eugen's opposition to Friendly AI -- he sees it as a dictatorship that any one being should have so much responsibility."15:13
kanzure"Our position, on the other hand, is that one being will likely end up with a lot of responsibility whether or not we want it, and to maximize the probability of a favorable outcome, we should aim for a nice agent. "15:13
kanzurewho uploaded adolf hitler, god damnit! we asked you not to do that!15:13
-!- klafka1 [~textual@cpe-74-74-152-155.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap15:15
kanzurejrayhawk: i think something is broken.15:22
kanzurerebuildrepo skdb -> replaced /srv/git/skdb.git/hooks/post-update; doesn't use doc/ as the ikiwiki root anymore, etc.15:22
-!- strages [~strages@wifi.makerslocal.org] has joined ##hplusroadmap15:25
kanzureoh that's right, you're not using post-update any more, so that one is ok15:25
kanzurebut ikiwiki root for skdb.git no longer shows up in skdb.setup15:25
kanzurehrm if you're not using post-update-ikiwiki then why does skdb.setup.pl say so?15:28
kanzureikiwiki ignores that anyway.15:28
kanzureyeah this is just broken.15:28
kanzurejrayhawk: what's going onnn16:02
kanzureah. syntax error.16:19
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kanzurehello Lukas__16:54
Lukas__Is there anything important that I missed?16:55
kanzurefenn: http://gnusha.org/skdb/16:55
jrayhawkuh. hmm. that should've succeeded in sending something to gnusha. What was the error message?16:57
jrayhawkoh, right post-update got replaced16:58
jrayhawkbut it's post receive that matters..16:59
kanzureerror message was something about sockets17:00
kanzuresame one as before..17:00
kanzurealso i closed the shell with the last error message so i can't copy/paste that one to you17:00
jrayhawkah, i am dumb. okay.17:02
kanzuretest test17:02
QuantumGcheck 1 check 1 217:05
kanzurenoo don't make our bot leeeeave17:05
QuantumGyou better check yourself before you wreck yourself17:05
jrayhawkIRC feels far more satisfying when it involves individual invocations of socat.17:06
kanzurejrayhawk: if you like raphaeljs you might also like three.js, spidergl.org, processingjs.org, moofx.mad4milk.net, plotkit.js, bluff.jcoglan.com, protovis, mochikit17:09
kanzurethe prospects for lunar mining http://science.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=11/01/17/234423117:38
QuantumGthe comments are depressing17:41
QuantumGbtw VBN 78017:41
QuantumGbtw http://www.scirp.org/fileOperation/downLoad.aspx?path=Psych.20090100004_39584049.pdf&type=journal17:42
kanzurewhat is it? (besides a horrible link)17:42
QuantumGmy summary: everyone overestimates their competency, except the highly competent - who underestimate their competency, or overestimate everyone else's.  And people who are the least competent are incapable of even telling competent work from their own.17:43
kanzurei wonder how hard it would be to stop the planet from rotating17:44
-!- Juul [~Juul@static.88-198-13-205.clients.your-server.de] has joined ##hplusroadmap17:45
QuantumGStephen Baxter proposed a process that would work on Earth.. as part of his story where the same was done to Venus billions of years ago.17:45
QuantumGbasically a big motor in the magnetic field17:46
kanzurethe dark side would probably get very cold- dunno how good the atmosphere is at heat insulation17:48
kanzureheh i'm trying to show a friend that the planet's rotation (day/night cycling) isn't what keeps the planet at a livable temperature17:49
QuantumGit's certainly a factor17:51
kanzurelol that's like saying the moon is cold because it has the wrong rate of rotation17:51
QuantumGthe Moon is both hot and cold (by any sensible definitions of those words)17:52
kanzure*the moon has a cold side17:52
QuantumGat any given point17:53
kanzureyes the one presently exposed to the sun tends to be warmer :)17:53
kanzure"the one" w/e17:53
QuantumGthe temperature of the Earth is predominately maintained by calcium deposits and plant life17:56
QuantumGthe distance from the sun has to be right to get the calcium deposits (too far from Sun and they boil off at planet formation time), and rotation has to be right to make the environment benign enough for life to develop.17:59
QuantumGa magnetic field helps with the life development a lot too.. keeps a lot of volatiles from boiling off17:59
joshcryerYeah those comments on the /. article are retarded.18:01
joshcryerWhy do we want to stop the planet from rotating?18:04
QuantumGso you can get off18:06
kanzurealso it's diabolical18:10
kanzureslightly more awesome than draining the gulf of mexico, annexing antarctica, nuking canada, etc.18:10
joshcryerIt's easier to get off with it rotating. :(18:14
kanzurenot quite as good as gephi but it's javascript, and does graph visualization http://arborjs.org/18:21
kanzure"maker businesses" ?18:33
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jrayhawkDo clouds reflect or absorb UV?19:02
fennneither/both they scatter it19:03
kanzure"Bulgaria. The participation rate for women in these fields is slightly higher than for men: 7.8 percent of the female college-age cohort obtained an NS&E degree in Bulgaria in 1992; 7.2 percent of males in this age group obtained such a degree in that same year."19:03
kanzure"In 1992, women obtained 57 percent of all university degrees. In addition, they obtained half of the engineering degrees, 70 percent of the natural science degrees, and 73 percent of the mathematics and computer science degrees. These percentages have not changed since 1975 (Stretenova, 1994)."19:03
kanzurevia http://anitaborg.org/files/womenhightechworld.pdf19:03
jrayhawkSo does water vaporization dampen or amplify UV energy absorbtion of the earth as a whole?19:06
jrayhawkI guess there's a distinction to be drawn between vaporized water and clouds; both absorb IR on its way out, but only one seems to do significant scattering19:11
jrayhawkof UV coming in19:12
kanzurehttp://www.scivee.tv/node/17535 Ed Boyden: Optically Engineering the Brain to Augment Its Function19:41
-!- CryptoQuick [~CryptoQui@c-174-51-232-237.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap19:46
fennclouds reduce the amount of UV coming in19:50
CryptoQuickso does the ozone :V19:59
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kanzureannnd we're back http://diyhpl.us:9000/random20:47
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-75-194.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap20:54
JayDuggerNow this (http://up-ship.com/blog/?p=8466) is why I want skdb: a dream home with a three-vehicle hangar.20:55
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-75-194.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has left ##hplusroadmap []20:55
kanzureJayDugger: you missed http://gnusha.org/skdb/20:56
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kanzureso, i'm doing a rough draft of theuncertainfuture.com done in javascript21:42
kanzureright now in the java version a user clicks and then the graph is updated, and disregards your mouse movements while your mouse is clicked/down21:42
kanzureis that desirable behavior, or would graphs that update as you drag your mouse around be more desirable?21:43
jrayhawkIs this for moving around the viewport?21:59
kanzureno, for manipulating the curves22:06
kanzurei'd tell you to just look at the site but it requires java and nobody should be subjected to that22:07
jrayhawkI'm willing to run it manually if there's a convenient means of doing so.22:07
jrayhawkpress-to-drag release-to-release is more whiz-bang but otherwise not particularly less functional.22:08
kanzurejrayhawk: gnusha:/srv/git/uncertainfuture.git check out web/22:08
kanzurethere's a few .jar files22:08
kanzureif only i could remember how to manually run java jars22:08
jrayhawk-jar, but I don't really know how to invoke multiple22:08
kanzurejavac to compile.. jnlps are for "java webstart"22:08
kanzure? java -jar /usr/share/java/netx.jar -jnlp22:10
kanzurecool that worked22:10
kanzurejava -jar /usr/share/java/netx.jar -jnlp web/UfApplet.jnlp22:11
kanzurethis should do it too: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/bin/javaws web/UfApplet.jnlp22:12
kanzuretry out tab Q322:13
kanzuresee how you have to click a lot? the alternative i'm thinking of is more like http://raphaeljs.com/ichart.html22:15
kanzureholy crap http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramstein_airshow_disaster22:29
kanzurewhat's with all the random merges? http://diyhpl.us/cgit/skdb/log/22:56
jrayhawkugh, ikiwiki probably broke22:58
jrayhawk10 days ago, huh? i wonder who caused that22:59
kanzurehow is there no commit history on this file? https://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/skdb/log/index.mdwn23:00
kanzurethis commit/merge is huge da5ab4f1260637998f02e3bdc417a4ed20177ff723:01
jrayhawkbecause it's under doc/, and I guess we need to change the setup to point at it23:01
kanzureack i didn't even notice these spurious merges in my local repo23:03
* kanzure sleeps (or at least pretends to try to sleep)23:03
kanzureah, you're right about it being under doc/ - i was prolly using a "History" link from gnusha.org/skdb/23:05
jrayhawkI probably fixed that.23:13
kanzureshould i clean up the spurious merges or do you want to23:13
jrayhawkDo they matter?23:13
kanzureit doesn't look like they are useful23:13
kanzureunless you can posit some reason for their existence23:13
kanzurewait wait, i'm sleeping >:o23:14
jrayhawkEh, I don't really see need to care about them. Getting properly rid of them will be troublesome, though, since rebuildrepo doesn't do anything significant to the clone ikiwiki leaves lying around.23:17
jrayhawkI guess you've never really had any sort of fear of digging yourself deeper, so what the hell, go wild.23:21
--- Log closed Tue Jan 18 00:00:10 2011

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