
--- Log opened Mon Jan 24 00:00:10 2011
-!- Nomadicus [~Technicus@DSLPool-net209-116.wctc.net] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.0.2 Insomnia http://www.kvirc.net/]00:39
Utopiahrecordings from the french transhumanist association (no subtitles) http://vimeo.com/channels/164832 1st conf01:11
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jrayhawkYou can install xserver-xorg-video-dummy if nothing else.02:24
jrayhawkAssuming it actually needs an xserver to render stuff; if you're just concerned about installing libraries I don't really see a reason to care in the first place.02:25
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kanzureunfortunately a few of them really do need a screen to render on (wtf)03:42
joshcryerHardware acceleration or something?03:44
kanzureopencascade's "save to png" is actually just a "open a window and take a screenshot of the desktop" function03:47
kanzurejrayhawk: what's up with the ping timeout?03:47
jrayhawkI guess one of the backup scripts is a little too aggressive about eating up bandwidth :(03:49
joshcryerkanzure, ahh03:50
jrayhawkperhaps it'd be better to export these sorts of files in formats that support headless rendering?03:55
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Lukas___Good morning04:15
Lukas___Kanzure, you around?04:39
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kanzurejrayhawk: what format would that be?07:17
kanzureall of the export methods require xorg07:17
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kanzurehi Director_X07:59
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Director_XHey Kanzure, any recomendations on a 3d printer?08:02
Director_Xfor metal?08:02
kanzure? http://reprap.org/wiki/SpoolHead08:02
Director_Xthank you much08:04
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kanzureis this how people spend their time? http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/ForesightStudies.doc.html09:09
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kanzurejmil: do you have estimates on timelines for when you'll release your tissue printing hardware?09:47
jmilhardware already exists. it depends on peer review. could take 6 months unfortunately09:48
kanzureis it the hardware under peer review or a paper/publication?09:48
jmilabout to be submitted09:48
kanzurerandom other question.. how is chen lab authoring it?09:49
kanzuresome labs i know just use word .doc files09:49
jmili'm using latex09:49
kanzureunder git? how do you share that09:49
jmilbut peeps don't like it09:49
jmilya, 'course with git :D09:49
jmilshare that?09:49
kanzureand your coauthors use git too?09:49
kanzurein one botched paper i was coauthoring people just sent .doc files around in email attachments :(09:49
jmilya .doc is usual fare09:50
jmilno no one uses git or latex. just me09:50
kanzureso if it's in git does that mean your coauthors are pulling/pushing?09:50
kanzureoh i see.09:50
jmili don't like to throw written text away or delete it. i'd much rather comment it out and/or store it in the git repo. i'm a pack rat09:50
jmilthat's why i love latex09:51
jmilunfortunately each paragraph in latex is a single line in git09:51
jmilso git merges are actually not so good for latex co-authoring09:51
jmilyou'd need git to split your text word by word09:51
kanzureyou could set linewidth to 80 in the files and update line by line09:51
kanzureyou could do that with a git hook actually (a pre-commit hook even)09:52
kanzurebut i don't know how you'd detect whether or not the line is plain text vs. latex commands (which shouldn't be split up on multiple lines because that could break 'em)09:52
jmilya i was gonna do a python script to pre and post-process one of these days... "but who has the time"09:52
jmilyou just do " " -> "\n" and then reverse it back again09:53
kanzureso when you release the paper you'll release .scad files, or what?09:53
jmilprobably will just throw on thingiverse09:53
jmilonce it's published09:53
jmilit's probably not what you are thinking though... we are not printing cells directly. that's why it works so freaking well for large scale tissue culture09:53
kanzurei figured you might be printing growth media or scaffolds09:54
jmilya that's the one09:54
jmilit's highly highly highly scaleable09:55
jmiland inexpensive09:55
jmiland easy09:55
jmiland simple09:55
jmilso we can do dozens of tissue mimics per day, ~1 mL in volume right now but it's trivial to go higher volume too09:55
kanzure1 mL of diluted cell culture?09:56
jmilsuper concentrated cells09:56
jmilbecause we have the plumbing too09:56
Lukas___ I may actually have a useful idea, it's still not fully formed, but I thought I'd share the idea anyway09:59
Lukas___Cancer cells, as well as some viruses, have genes that down regulate MHC class 1 molecules (perhaps using TGF-beta?).  I think that if these genes included in a piece of DNA you want to incorporate  into an organism, carried by an AAV vector, you could temporarily bypass the immune system until the new cells acquires immunity10:00
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kanzurecan you give me a reference/citation to a paper that shows the immunity issues you're concerned about?10:21
Lukas___no problem10:24
Lukas___grr, the other article requires money10:28
Lukas___another abstract10:29
Utopiahhttp://www.quora.com/Aubrey-de-Grey (didn't know he was on Quora)10:31
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kanzureUtopiah: yeah, he signed up within the last month10:32
kanzureLukas___: that's cancer immunotherapy..10:33
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Lukas___I know, I was focusing on cancer's ability to avoid immune detection.  Most of the papers focus on stopping that.10:34
Lukas___I will post more resources when I  come across it10:35
kanzurei don't know why you are specifically worrying about immune detection10:36
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Lukas___There are definitely other things to worry about, such as regulation of the protein, assuring the molecule produced doesn't do something harmful, but first you've got to make sure the body doesn't destroy whatever you'10:40
Lukas___trying to make10:40
ThomasEgijmil, please excuse my no-knowledge since i'm new. but are there any restrictions on what kind of cells you can print?10:45
jmilsee above... we are not printing cells...10:45
jmilwhat kind of cells do you work with?10:45
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ThomasEginone yet. but i'd be interested in knowing if there's a way to create a mini-muscle thing10:46
jmilcould probably work. would be a 5-year project most likely.10:55
ThomasEgiuh.. guess nature is faster then.10:55
jmiloh i mean 5-year project to figure out all the details.10:56
jmilthe basics of getting cells and the blood vessel network there should be pretty straightforward though.10:57
ThomasEgii guess it owuld be easier to take the material from a already existing muscles in my case. would only need a small strand, like a few cm long and thin10:58
jmilwhat do you want to do with it?10:58
ThomasEgibuilding a sort of mini-generator.10:59
ThomasEgifather of a friend of mine is going to lose his arm in 5 to 10 years10:59
archelsTo what?11:00
ThomasEgito build a mechanical replacement11:00
archelsI mean to what illness?11:00
ThomasEgiincluding controll from the old nerves.11:00
ThomasEgii totaly dont know the english term. some kind of slime-bags or so11:00
ThomasEgiwe thought about wiring up the old nerves during the amputation and build a wireless interface between nerves and the mechanics.11:02
ThomasEgiso right now we'r evaluating all possibilities to avoid power cords. and a biological-generator was one of the many ideas11:03
archelsAnd you're a family of neurosurgeons?11:06
ThomasEgino. electronics, mechanics ,and mechatronics students11:06
ThomasEgiso we sorta have a lack of biologists11:06
archelsYou can buy robotic replacement limbs, you know.11:07
jmiloh... but a biological-generator probably won't make enough force to power anything11:07
ThomasEgithe generator only would have to power the circuitry which does the input/output of the nerve signals11:08
ThomasEgithose range in the milli-watt range11:08
ThomasEgisingle-digit miliwatt11:08
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ThomasEgiwell. the generator idea is propably not feasible. but evaluating it was nececssary.11:17
archelsMaybe you should re-evaluate the feasibility of the entire project.11:27
ThomasEgithat will be the outcome of evaluating all sub-parts11:31
archelstop tip: start with the difficult ones.11:31
ThomasEgithat'd be reading input from nerves.11:31
ThomasEgifollowed by output, which is  alot easier already.11:31
ThomasEgihardest part is to get hands on good electrodes.11:32
ThomasEgiand of course getting them in place.11:33
ThomasEgimost of the project is regular engineering work. there's nothing we need that wouldnt exist already.11:34
archelsSo if the difficult things magically resolve themselves, only easy things remain? Really?11:53
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kanzurearchels: what?11:56
archelskanzure: just trolling ThomasEgi11:56
kanzureyeah, stop11:57
kanzureor at least do it better..11:57
kanzureThomasEgi: what do you think about openprosthetics.org?11:57
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ThomasEgilast time i checked it was a nice collection of lego models12:03
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jmilkanzure:  http://biomaterials.org/13:15
jmiljust found out, will be presenting here: http://2011.biomaterials.org/13:15
jmil15 min talk13:15
jmili will definitely be able to disclose some stuff then13:16
kanzureneat :)13:17
kanzurewill it be recorded?13:17
jmillikely not13:19
jmilactually, surely not13:19
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kanzurei just got an email from Jeff Moe <moe@alephobjects.com>13:39
kanzurejebba: someone is using your domain name13:39
kanzuresomeone named jeff13:40
kanzurei guess.13:40
jebbamaybe redmine sent something automatically to you? I dont think I "manually" wrote one.  I am Jeff ;)13:40
kanzureit was sent to reprap-dev13:41
jebbaJeff Moe, to be exact  ;)13:41
kanzureoh. hi jeff13:41
kanzurethat makes sense then13:41
kanzureproblem solved..13:41
jebbaah ya, to reprap-dev i just sent some noise.13:41
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kanzure"Hi there! I am a Brazilian cyborg anthropologist and and I am in London for a couple of days. I would love to visit London Hacker Space. Is it possible? My friend Alexandre Abdo visited LHS two months ago. Does anybody there remember of him?"16:58
kanzurehmm brazilian cyborgs16:58
kanzurei imagine there might be more brazilian cyborg anthropologists than brazilian cyborgs16:58
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uniqanomalykanzure: good point16:59
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kanzuredoes this load for anyone?18:05
superkuhkanzure: No. It loads the top head/nav but stops at " <!-- article " every time.18:11
ThomasEgi"Notice: Theme without comments.php is deprecated since version 3.0 with no alternative available"18:12
kanzuresuperkuh: that's fixed now, thx18:18
kanzureThomasEgi: yeah, i'm slowly working my way through the errors18:18
ThomasEgiarticle loads now for me18:19
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kanzurehi timschmidt19:12
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JayDuggerkanzure..."Lifebox Immortality" loads, but it shows the author as "broken" and has the comments error ThomasEgi mentioned.19:52
jmilimmortality is a 404. there's a lesson in there somewhere.19:58
* AlonzoTG just spent 2 hours rambling about 2-stage vacuum tube amplifiers on a mailing list. =P 20:00
uniqanomalyThe Effect of Craniotomy on the Intracranial Hemodynamics20:00
uniqanomalyand Cerebrospinal Fluid Dynamics in Humans20:00
uniqanomalyif anyone is interested20:00
AlonzoTGI used to read lots of neural science stuff,20:02
AlonzoTGthen I got sick of it because I thought it was time to get to work.20:02
AlonzoTGSo now I'm trying to build a robotics lab to test my ideas.20:02
AlonzoTGbut it's taking so long that my neural science knowledge is getting rusty. =(20:03
AlonzoTGSo I'm having to go back to reading just to stay on my game.20:03
uniqanomaly"according to our study, the cerebral blood flow may increase after craniotomy by approximately 8–10%,"20:03
AlonzoTGTell it to ##neuroscience.20:04
uniqanomalyI consider 8-10% blood flow increase an 'upgrade', so I guess it belongs here20:05
AlonzoTGI don't know.20:06
AlonzoTG(crap, timer on my oven didn't start...)20:06
AlonzoTGSo, can anyone show me this H+ roadmap?20:07
AlonzoTGThe more I study the human body, the more amazing it is.20:07
AlonzoTGWhile I fully, and enthuseastically, support upgrades, it's difficult to think of ones that don't have disadvantages somewhere else.20:08
kanzureh+ roadmap, the document, is stale, old, and not worth your time20:11
AlonzoTGGood; now I guess I can get about the task of drafting a new one. ;)20:12
kanzuremaybe you should use my 2011-01-03 draft instead?20:12
kanzurenot yet20:13
kanzurebut you sound like you're more interested in agi; how about ben's agi roadmap?20:13
AlonzoTGLemme google that in a second, after I've tamed my inbox.20:14
jmilkanzure: tissue eng. is a big part of that, instead of mechanotronics upgrades, ya?20:15
* AlonzoTG 's most desperate need is intelligence; hence that's my focus. =P20:15
kanzureboth.. but yes tissue engineering is important to me20:15
kanzureAlonzoTG: intelligence is a scam and you've been had.20:15
AlonzoTGA transhumanist who talks about tissue engineering! How remarkable!! =)))))20:15
jmili'll drink to that. then we'll replace you liver.20:16
kanzurewait, which one are we going to sell on the black market?20:16
jmiloh don't worry. the first profits go to white vans.20:16
jmilit is interesting though. in the tissue eng. market the most profits are at the top of the market where the wealthy have amazing health care. selling one out of a white van minority report style will not make you rich in this case.20:17
AlonzoTGBen Goertzel is a truly bizarre genius-crackpot hybrid...20:19
QuantumGcan you identify any genius? ;)20:21
kanzurehe's presently paying me for the hplusmagazine.com drupal2wordpress conversion20:22
AlonzoTGCan someone see if my server is up? It should be on
AlonzoTGI have a roadmap-ish document somewhere on that wiki, I think.20:23
kanzurepart 4: promotion20:24
AlonzoTGedit the page then...20:24
kanzurei prefer my wikis in git :P20:25
kanzurebut even if it was i don't think i'd edit it20:25
AlonzoTGI also have the yahoogroup: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/thresearch/20:28
AlonzoTGWhat's up with the extropians anyway? They only seem interested in intermittent liars these days. =P20:33
jmilkanzure: do you use NIH RePORTER?20:41
jmile.g. this grant is a ffreaking lot of fun: http://projectreporter.nih.gov/project_info_description.cfm?aid=7871327&icde=680001920:41
kanzureno, what is it?20:41
kanzurehm that's your guy20:42
kanzure"the investigators will focus as a case study on the development of a vascularized engineered liver."20:42
kanzure"In addition to novel approaches to generate patterned multi-cell type constructs, the investigators will also develop nanoparticles for non-invasive monitoring of tissue vascularization."20:43
jmilya that's what we are doing20:43
jmilall of it at once20:43
jmilit's a 5-year grant, pending renewal every year tho20:44
kanzuremri signalling? or radio signalling? or uh..20:44
jmilso many ways to do it. really there are tons.20:44
kanzureoh are you not there yet :P20:44
jmilwe are... our collaborator has the particles20:57
jmillots of different kinds20:57
jmila couple of us are working on making the liver mimics20:58
jmilit's a big team, but it could definitely be bigger21:01
jmilbut NIH doesn't have enough money for that, so research is slooooooow21:01
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jmilwe are all at minimum wage anyway21:04
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kanzurejrabbit: why isn't povray in debian.cs.pdx.edu squeeze?21:28
kanzurejrabbit: of course, you might know the answer too21:28
kanzureoh it's in non-free.21:31
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jrayhawkYeah, it has a non-commercial license.21:42
jrayhawkThis is why blender exists.21:42
kanzureblender is an awful raycaster21:43
kanzureit doesn't even do raycasting!21:43
-!- |Helleshin| [~Helleshin@cpe-71-67-103-109.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap21:53
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-!- Juul [~Juul@static.88-198-13-205.clients.your-server.de] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:28
NomadicusOops, I think I am going to be cross posting, I have a message I ment to post here but posted it on #reprap instead.  Please forgive me if you are bothered by cross posting.23:33
NomadicusHello, is there anyone here able to assist me with reverse engineer a scanner driver?23:33
NomadicusI did also post this at #sane but that channel does not have much life.23:34
NomadicusThis is realitevly critical to me as my work directly relates to this device.23:35
-!- nchaimov [~cowtown@c-71-59-157-3.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]23:42
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--- Log closed Tue Jan 25 00:00:10 2011

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