
--- Log opened Fri Feb 11 00:00:10 2011
kanzurereprap gen3 protocol v1 https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AcWKwJ2SAxDzZGd6amZyY2NfMmdtODRnZ2Ri&hl=en00:09
kanzurewhy is this in a google docs file?00:09
kanzureaw crap my russians don't understand open source software development00:28
kanzure"From my previous experience I figured an empirical rule: the more you talk to people (on business), the more you and they accomplish. It also called team-building. That's what we need right now."00:28
kanzure"I know very little about open-source project management, but in general case the right step now would be to talk to everyone who is willing to contribute (but evidently are not doing it right now) - review what should be accomplished in near future, break the work down into chunks to be handled by 1 person"00:28
kanzure"It's hard to do something alone, or when feeling alone."00:28
kanzureeither you build a patch or you don't.. if i build it for you what's the point00:29
kanzure(this is about nanoengineer)00:35
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JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.06:28
JayDuggerfenn, kanzure, good work on SKDB.06:28
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Director_Xanybody here a member of humanity plus las vegas?07:25
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kanzure"why it matters: because you get to explain snailbait"08:43
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kanzurecrazy mouse for 3d navigation http://axsotic.com/09:16
JayDuggerI'll stick to my SpaceNavigator (http://www.3dconnexion.com/products/spacenavigator.html, Flash-heavy)09:18
stragesyou guys see this http://www.news.com.au/technology/sci-tech/researchers-develop-thinking-cap-aids-in-creative-development/story-fn5fsgyc-122600223600209:20
JayDuggerSaw it, but I don't know if I'd use it.09:21
kanzurehow is this different from tdcs or rtms?09:21
kanzurelooks like tdcs to me http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.001665509:21
stragesright, it is09:22
stragesin a wearable device form09:22
Lukas_Good afternoon gentlemen09:30
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stragesgot disconnected, what did I miss?09:40
kanzurebtw there's logs if you ever get bored http://gnusha.org/logs/09:41
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stragesk, thanks10:12
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archelsalright, this is the third e-mail from KurzweilAI about Transcendent Man in a couple of hours.11:31
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kanzurei heart the internet13:11
kanzure"hi, i'm the author of that paper on dna synthesis, is there anything i can do for you bryan"13:12
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thesnarkkanzure somebody casually mentioned skdb to me irl and my jaw dropped13:43
thesnarkkanzure pretty sure your visibility is going way up13:43
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TechnicusHello, has there been any discussion here about: [ http://thezeitgeistmovement.com/ ]?15:02
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Director_XTechnicus, are you with the zeitgeist people?15:16
TechnicusDirector_X: No, I just watched the video, and there was discussion about the Peprap project.15:17
TechnicusI am very interested in the Reprap.15:18
Technicus. . . and I oftem think about how in the "Star Trek" reality there is no currency.  I often wonder how it could be achieved.15:19
Director_Xdid you look through the venus project stuff?15:19
TechnicusExchanging and sharing in the value of life based on the merrits of contribution rather than greed.15:20
TechnicusDirector_X: No, what is that?15:20
TechnicusPlease educate me.15:20
TechnicusI don't want to be ignorant, and I want to participate in a project of substantial value.15:20
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Director_Xits the zeitgeist utopia city project-thing....trying to find a link15:22
Director_Xthese guys are kind of like the communist current of transhumanism15:23
Director_XI'll take some lip for saying that, I'm sure15:24
Director_XI'm sure there are some zeitgeist guys on here that could tell you more about it.  I don't like it myself.15:26
Director_Xall I know is they are very aggressive about recruiting in the h+ community right now.15:27
kanzureoh please..15:29
kanzuremarcin jakubowski kicks the crap out of vensu project15:29
kanzurevenus project15:29
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Technicuskanzure: What is: [ marcin jakubowski ]?15:33
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kanzurei don't know, where did you copy/paste that from?15:36
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TechnicusThank you for the assignment.15:41
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kanzurewhat's up with that one15:41
Director_Xso wtf was with this marcin guy?15:46
kanzurevenus project is just a marketing stunt as far as i can tell15:47
kanzuremarcin is building the 'global village construction set' on factor e farm15:47
Director_Xno hidden commie agenda?15:53
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Lukas_Good evening16:46
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Lukas_Hello Director X16:49
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Director_Xhey Lukas16:50
Lukas_What's going on?16:51
Director_Xbeen trying to do this haptic project16:51
Lukas_Have you picked a location yet?16:53
jebbacool. i saw haptic pads in tokyo science museum. very cool stuff.16:54
Director_Xlukas: I'm just doing the prototype thing first.  I haven't commited to a location16:55
jebbaah. I think you're talking about something totally different. ;)16:56
Director_Xa little different16:57
Lukas_<Kanzure>:  Marcin Jakubowski's project actually seems practical.  I had no idea about Open Source Ecology16:59
Director_Xjebba:  you are talking about the hand control haptic pads, right?16:59
Lukas_Is there any similar projects with applications to space?16:59
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kanzureLukas_: marcin's videos are up on my youtube account17:09
Lukas_excellent, thanks17:10
jebbadirector_x (who is gone...)  nope, talking about pads that are electronic that you touch and they have different feels depending upon the program.   bbiab17:14
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kanzureeconomic impact of the printing press in europe http://www.voxeu.org/index.php?q=node/609217:40
kanzuresadly "Printing was from the outset a for-profit enterprise."17:40
kanzure"The movable type printing press was developed by Johannes Gutenberg and his business partners in Mainz, Germany around 1450 (as you know) ... The key innovation in printing – the precise combination of metal alloys and the process used to cast the metal type – were trade secrets. The underlying knowledge remained quasi-proprietary for almost a century. The first known “blueprint” manual on the production of movable type was only printed in17:41
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kanzure"make fake phone call" button on a cell phone http://craphound.com/images/e7KOe.jpg18:53
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kanzure"Those sound like great projects, but are they the highest priority & most appropriate for the mission and goals of H+?"19:17
kanzure"well, as director of r&d for humanity+, yes, patri, they are"19:18
kanzure"Personally I think funding for a fulltime executive director would be the best H+ project."19:18
kanzureaw crap19:18
kanzurethat's going to be such a huge drain of money19:24
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Lukas_I hope that was a joke19:28
fennit is a joke, just not an intentional one19:31
kanzurei sent that to patri (since he offered to "shop the proposals around")19:33
kanzureand to ben19:33
kanzureben just wrote a reply suggesting "you should start a $100k open source hardware fund!"19:33
kanzureto be fair i guess the total cost of all the projects i listed was $1,700,00019:33
kanzureif anyone cares: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers/diytranshuman_projects.v4.html19:36
kanzurea lot of the dollar amounts are random19:36
kanzurea few thousand here, a few thousand there..19:36
kanzure"Funding is needed to make bring" oops19:36
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kanzurefenn: what do you think about goertzel's suggestion that i do a 'oshw fund'?19:57
kanzuredunno if it makes heaps of sense..19:58
kanzuremaybe i should call it a 'transhuman tech fund' haw haw19:58
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fenni thought we've been talking about it for years20:16
fennthe bounty thing20:17
kanzurethat's the execution side, what about the fundraising side20:17
fennalso you can do split bounties, 50% before completion or something20:17
fenndarpa/sbir often does things in a progressive fashion.. start off with small theoretical or proof of concept projects, proceed to higher levels of technology readiness and eventually commercialization20:19
fennfwiw i think most of your dollar amounts should be multiplied by 5-10x20:20
kanzureyeah.. nobody is going to take me seriously asking for $5k for an AFM20:20
kanzurehalf the time this small amount works because someone is already working on such a project anyway, so additional money means more parts and things happen20:21
kanzurebut in the commercial world, anything under $100k in costs would sound crazy20:21
fennyou have to realize that most of research costs is educated labor20:21
kanzureright.. open source development is either directly funded by a company (or whatever) or the developer is subsidizing his time20:22
fenntypical researcher salary is 50-100k$/yr so the formula goes "how long will this take, how many people do we need" and multiply away20:22
fennbut i don't think that's the sort of thing we are dealing with here20:23
kanzureif we did that we'd end up with 20 jonathan clines asking for $150k/year salaries20:23
fennthat's why i like the bounty idea, it makes people forget about comparison with other "real jobs" and makes them concentrate on how to solve the fucking problem20:24
kanzuregoertzel rewrote the bounty idea or something so now the phrase has less meaning to me20:24
kanzureuh could you re-define it20:24
kanzure"rewrote" i mean in an email he re-expressed the idea but it was all wrong and now i'm confused20:25
kanzurehe made it sound like a consulting project (which might work)20:25
fennsay you have $100k to fund open hardware development, you could blow it all on one researcher's salary for a year, or you could divide it up into tasks with a given dollar amount for accomplishing each task20:25
kanzurebut a 'bounty' is traditionally 'you bring me this finished product, you get the money'20:26
fennright, and most of the developers we are targeting don't have funds to pay for their equipment or materials20:26
fennso you can establish their trustworthiness/competence by a series of increasingly difficult milestones20:27
kanzureoh right, i remember, doubling the amount i throw at them20:27
fenn"bottom-rung" bounties should come up often enough, documentation projects or whatever20:27
kanzure(documentation is hard)20:27
kanzureso is it hiring contractors for these teensy milestones?20:28
kanzureor is it "bring it and the money is yours"20:28
fennuh, the goal is to get shit done, but we can't fund everybody to do everything20:28
fennso i guess this is a depth first search20:29
fennstarting at the leaf node :P20:29
fennanyone should be able to submit a claim for a bounty, it's just that we'll be funding some of them20:30
kanzurei think there needs to be a specific definition of 'bounty'20:30
kanzure"payment or reward (especially from a government) for acts such as catching criminals or killing predatory animals or enlisting in the military"20:31
fennbounty is a well defined goal with a dollar amount provided for accomplishing it20:31
kanzureso someone accomplishes it, tells me, and i give them the money assigned to the bounty?20:31
fenns/provided for/provided after/20:31
kanzurei see20:31
kanzureas opposed to giving money up front?20:31
fennenlisting in the military? wtf20:32
kanzureso, in many cases, people in #reprap can't get a project done because they don't have the money in the first place20:33
kanzureotoh, i do want to avoid situations like lasersaurus or openpcr or biocurious where people get money upfront and then sit around dicking off20:34
fennheh google pays up to $1337 per browser vulnerability reported20:37
kanzuredidn't they bump that up to $3000?20:37
kanzurealso, google summer of code is a nice model20:37
kanzurebut it subsidizes developer time/salary and not costs (like a computer or software, which a programmer already has)20:38
fenni've been hemming and hawing about graphics cards, trying to learn CUDA programming20:40
kanzuresome of the wannabe nanoengineer people keep bringing that up20:40
kanzureyesterday matvey emailed me saying i need to give the russians "specific tasks"20:40
kanzurei mean.. it's pretty obvious at this point :P20:41
kanzure"get it running"20:41
kanzurewait, one thing at a time20:42
kanzurehow does "you get the money at the end" do anything20:42
kanzuresummer of code doesn't do that.20:42
fenner, yes they do?20:43
QuantumGyou get the money at the end is the perfect way to do it - if the purpose is to create an industry20:44
QuantumGhere's how much we'll pay if you can deliver, you'll have to raise your own capital to deliver though.20:44
QuantumGit's like a prize, except there's only one competitor.20:45
kanzurefenn: they only pay out at the end? evidence please20:45
fennAccepted students in good standing with their mentoring organization will receive a 500 USD stipend shortly after coding begins on May 23, 2009.20:46
fennStudents who receive passing mid-term evaluations will receive a 2000 USD stipend shortly after the mid-term evaluation deadline, July 13, 2009.20:46
kanzure"# Students who receive passing mid-term evaluations will receive a 2250 USD stipend shortly after the mid-term evaluation deadline, July 15, 2011."20:46
fennStudents who receive passing final evaluations and who have submitted their final program evaluations will receive a 2000 USD stipend shortly after the final evaluation deadline, August 26, 2009.20:46
kanzuregsoc has the advantage of 1-on-1 mentorships20:47
fennwe could do a similar model20:47
jebbayou can build something like an AFM for $2,500? hmm20:48
kanzuregonna be hard.. open source hardware mentors that i'd actually trust? i dunno20:48
kanzurejebba: for much less... $2500 to do the initial design work and testing and screwups20:48
fennyou dont have to trust them, just their judgement :P20:48
kanzurei imagine a finished afm might cost $100 to $25020:48
kanzurefenn: where ami gonna get these mentors20:49
fenni've been wondering how different the "pro" afm designs are from the amateur piezo speaker thingies20:49
kanzuregmail gives me ads for commercial AFMs all the time.. $20,000+20:49
fennmentors are people who seem to be able to distinguish bullshit, and have at least a modicum of vision and ambition20:49
kanzurefenn: have you ever done gsoc or talked with mentors20:50
fenni'm sure you know many such people from mailing lists etc20:50
kanzurei mean, they tend to be your average open source tech gurus20:50
kanzuremaybe.. there's not many gurus in open hardware yet20:50
fennyeah i attempted to do gsoc this summer on beagleboard remember?20:50
kanzuresoftware guys will probably be fine20:50
jebbaAlso, why does a company with drexler on board need a paltry $10k?20:51
jebba(well, comparatively)20:51
kanzurejebba: the company was closed20:51
kanzurethey were blowing $1M/year20:51
fenn$10k is to keep it from going down the memory hole20:51
kanzurei'm basically the new project maintainer20:51
kanzurebut i'm having trouble keeping up on my own with all of my other projects20:51
kanzurei mean, there's a *lot* of components that need to be upgraded20:51
jebbaah cool, cuz I was going to say, you can't download it from their site....20:53
fennthe best thing you could possibly do for ne-1 is getting it in debian20:54
kanzureor get it to actually run with relatively recent libraries..20:54
jebbakanzure, so you're saying you'll be able to develop a AFM  that is open hardware of some sort for $2.5k?20:55
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kanzuremore specifically i'd be using timschmidt20:55
kanzureor fenn (if he wants) but i don't think fenn has his tools at the moment20:55
kanzuretimschmidt: ping20:55
jebbaisnt he a bit busy? ;)20:57
kanzuredepends on the timeline i guess20:57
kanzurefenn: so, i like the gsoc model in general20:58
jebbaHow will heeks be improved? who is working on it? who will?20:58
jebbaand why not openscad or whatever else is out there?20:59
kanzurejebba: i'd ask dan heeks specifically, there's a long todo list of things that need to get done20:59
kanzureyeah, sure, that'd be great too20:59
kanzurejust as some brief backgruond..20:59
kanzurethis list was sent to some billionaire20:59
kanzureso i was just writing down a broad selection of projects that need support20:59
kanzureopenscad would be a good choice21:00
kanzurefenn: so with a gsoc-like model, how does that effect bounties or doubling of project payouts?21:08
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kanzurewhy does this post exist http://blog.automenta.com/2011/02/engineerables-and-generalizing-skdb.html21:27
jebbaok. i'll take the AFM, plz. Where do I sign up?  (i mean i dont need the AFM itself, the just open/libre plans)21:43
kanzurewait you mean you have money for this21:46
jebbaya, if you can make something like that for $2.5k, sign me up. Oh, but dont bug tim about it cuz he's busy ;)21:48
fennhey is there some sort of bounty middleman service, and if it doesn't exist why not21:48
kanzurefenn: do you feel up for AFM madness :P21:50
fenni don't know anything about AFM21:50
fenni mean i've read a few webpages but that's it21:50
kanzureyes you do.. we've been over the design of this a few times now21:51
kanzurewell, true21:51
kanzurephotodiode, reflective material, expensive component is the set of sharp tips21:51
kanzureplus figuring out some software for interpreting the signals21:51
kanzure"signal processing" *handwaving*21:52
fenni guess i could read over your linkdumps21:52
jebbaoh boy, that's quite the build setup for nanoengineer, heh.21:54
kanzurejebba: yeah.. it's crazy21:54
kanzureoh crud. that papers/AFM/ link is bad21:54
kanzurei thought it was the same as heybryan.org/papers/AFM/ where i had the stl files and links21:54
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kanzurecrud geocities is dead21:55
fennso there seem to be a number of AFM projects already; why are they inadequate?21:56
kanzureit's packaging, presentation, testing, documentation21:56
fennjurgen muller's looks pretty well documented at a first glance21:56
kanzurewell, we need skdb packages21:57
kanzurejürgen müller's http://www.e-basteln.de/21:57
fennpossibly over-documented21:59
kanzure"# Budget – a fairly complete list of components and their costs, included for the benefit of those not easily bored by the other topics. The current total is approximately 2000 DM, or $1100 US. This includes all major STM components, HOPG graphite samples and PtIr tip wire. "21:59
fennhas a multi page bibliography21:59
kanzurecollaboration seems like an ok idea if he's up for it21:59
kanzureheh $1100 so my $2500 estimate was ok :D22:00
fenna significant portion of that is machined hunks of brass and "fine thread screws"22:00
kanzurewhich.. isn't actually mandatory22:01
fennyeah, and the dsp too22:01
kanzurejebba: there was one that was "mostly" 3D printed22:01
kanzureso having a mostly-reprapped AFM would be really neat.22:01
jebbai dont get this part of skdb:  a computer can write instructions specific to an end-user's inventory22:01
fennsupposedly the brass helped with noise isolation22:01
kanzurejebba: abstractly.. consider situations where there are two ways to do things, and you have only tools for doing it the first way ;)22:02
jebbayou mean just keeping count?22:02
jebbaah ok ya22:02
fennjebba: its like printing on a laser printer, you don't have to manually set up the print job and do typesetting and postscript translation etc etc22:02
kanzureoh god please no22:02
kanzurei've wasted way too much time futzing with laser cutter settings22:02
kanzurei should just calibrate once and be done with it (until i purposefuly fuck it up)22:02
fennoh i read the question wrong, sorry22:03
jebbait seems you should check out the manufacturing stuff out there already for this that skdb is doing.  Or put another way, why not tie this into something like openerp that has tons of those issues built into it (afaict).22:03
fenni'm allergic to anything "enterprise"22:03
kanzurebecause skdb isn't CRM22:03
jebbacrm is just one small part.22:03
jebbajust dont load the crm module.22:04
jebbathe inventory/BOM/manufacturing/master production schedule etc.... is the parts to use (in python!)22:04
kanzurejust looking at these screens.. it's really not what skdb is22:04
kanzurenone of these enterprise systems really implement things like package management..22:04
jebbathat's one screen of an order...22:05
fennyeah this is for running a manufacturing business with slaves22:05
jebbathey do with things like BoM though.22:05
kanzureBoM is just a list and is easy :)22:05
fennno and no22:05
kanzure"Compute schedulers. The scheduler is the heart of the ERP system in terms of planning. It organises manufacturing orders based on priorities (sub-products manufacturing, dates required, etc), launches purchase orders for missing components and assigns products in stock."22:05
kanzure"The procurement order will schedule a proposal for automatic procurement for the product which needs replenishment. This procurement will start a task, either a purchase order form for the supplier, or a production order depending on the product's configuration."22:06
fennif you have a person to sit there and figure out how to *actually* acquire every item on the list, then sure it's "easy"22:06
fennbut to have an unattended computer do it is much harder22:06
kanzurefenn: realize where jebba is coming from.. he's starting up his aleph corp22:06
fenni have no idea what that means22:06
kanzurehe's building reprap kits22:06
fenni've seen jebba buying a bunch of 3d printers for unknown reasons22:07
jebbafenn, well i looked at all the floss i could find for managing a project such as building a number of repraps (or similar) and openerp came out far on top.22:07
kanzurejebba: we're not against "linux for a fablab" of course22:07
jebbafenn,  i have 3 engineers (locally) working for me on repraps now (looking for more).22:07
kanzurebut erp is basically "take traditional papers and forms, and make them ELECTRONIC!"22:07
jebbakanzure, ya, most of it is a bunch of horrible java shit.22:08
jebbajust download the code and ignore the marketing for a moment :P22:08
kanzurei'm knee deep in java this month (android development BS)22:08
fennalso why is everything in capital letters22:09
kanzurejebba: what are you suggesting openerp be used for in skdb?22:09
* fenn is cranky today22:10
jebbawell, i am trying to figure out what skdb would exactly do, if not do EDI (parts ordering) and such. I get the definition of the file format, but then what do you feed it to, if not something like openerp?22:10
jebbaand I think it even has logic built in to make decisions like "should i build a screw or buy one?"22:11
jebba(ERP can in general, not 100% about openerp)22:11
kanzurei'm sure each shop has their own custom setup for how they buy things and order parts22:13
kanzureso sure.. if someone is using openerp, spitting out data to that system is certainly possible..22:13
kanzurei like to think of a machine shop as a giant UNIX system only asking for human help whenever it can't do something computationally (like physical labor- we don't quite yet have the automatic-fab-in-a-box deployment...)22:14
jebbaactually, AFAICT EDI is somewhat of a standard. For instance fastenal says it will work with their system.22:14
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kanzureyou mean the b2b language, EDI?22:15
jebbayes, afaict (havent implemented it) with openerp+edi+fastenal=auto parts ordering.  As one example.22:15
kanzureyeah.. nobody exposes EDI over the web22:15
kanzurebasically the surest way is to just write scrapers on top of sparkfun/digikey/octopart/amazon api/whatever22:15
kanzurefastenal does eh??22:16
kanzureebxml lol22:16
jebbai'm not certain it is over the web, i just presumed that. But i did ask them specifically about it and they said it would work fine.22:16
jebbaThey have a number of ways to do it (they claim)22:16
fenni think EDI is just another way of obscuring your lack of API22:17
kanzureedi is old stuff, fenn22:18
jebbaeither way, it is at least *ONE* way.22:18
jebbaperhaps there are more22:18
kanzurejebba: i'm not too concerned about auto-ordering-of-parts.. again, web scrapers can implement this very easily, or amazon api, etc.22:18
fenni think it's a huge problem but not one that skdb can solve22:18
jebbaok. well, that was just one part.22:19
jebbaI guess i just dont see what you do once you have  foo.skdb.  What do you feed it to?22:19
fennexisting solutions to this problem generally leverage some network effects to pressure businesses into sending data to the service provider in the format they want to receive22:19
kanzurejebba: that depends on your inventory and what's on /dev22:20
fennjebba: the idea is foo.skdb already contains all the necessary settings for your foo printer22:20
jebbathen you need all hardware to conform to .skdb ? hmm22:21
kanzure/dev/cnc would be scheduled by some crond printer spool, etc. etc.22:21
kanzurenah, you can generally convert stl to gcode for instance22:21
fennthere's drivers for each control system22:21
fennemc2 could be considered a driver22:21
fenngcode + sneakernet could be another22:21
jebbaso you have skdb-daemon sitting there, gets my_screw.skdb, says "that's for repsnapper" and sends it over there? something like that?22:21
kanzurethere's also manual labor parts of most tasks at this point.. i mean, it would be nice if everything could be 100% robotic, but a person does generally have to ferry parts from one machine to the next22:21
kanzurejebba: yep. but in most cases it will probably be more complicated than that22:22
jebbai'll think about that model for awhile  :)22:22
fennwe were talking about describing conversion programs in terms of what mime types they accepted as input and output/22:22
kanzure'conversion programs'? wait was this something i was talking about22:23
fenni'm not convinced that just mime type has enough descriptive power though22:23
fennyeah you wanted to do it for every program ever, based on getopt description22:23
fenni forget the name of the library, it wasn't commonly used22:23
kanzureimpressive memory sir..22:23
kanzurein case you care.22:24
* fenn was googling around for 'ggetopt' - close22:24
kanzureanyway, there's no compiler yet for splitting up an skdb package to multiple devices or rendering human instructions22:25
kanzureor choosing to order some parts and not others etc.22:25
kanzurei do think that our current "package manager" in skdb.git is rather pathetic22:25
fenn"look, she does nothing"22:25
kanzureespecially since we claim 1) dpkg/apt-get is not enough but 2) we currently even lack that much functionality..22:26
kanzurejebba: have you seen the sudo make me a sandwich robot? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQOkMz3kiS022:27
* jebba looks22:27
jebbabtw, these look to be the dependencies to build nanoengineer under fedora 14:22:28
jebbaqt-devel python-numarray python-numeric numpy PyOpenGL22:28
jebba(or at least to get ./configure happy)22:28
kanzuresort of.. the qt library that nanoengineer uses is super old22:28
kanzurejebba: if you want notes on running/installing nanoengineer, see:22:28
fennupdating nanoengineer to a modern qt would be a good bounty22:29
kanzurei haven't figured out the root of the problem actually22:30
kanzureif i run it under python2.5, it works with a more modern qt version22:30
jebbaadd hdf5-devel to that list22:30
jebba... Pyrex22:31
kanzureyeah.. it's on the list22:31
kanzureoops, only the second one22:32
kanzurei meant this:22:32
jebbaya. Those are all the debian names, these are the fedora ones22:32
kanzureif you want to see nanoengineer in action, check out the machine gallery:22:33
kanzureor technologiclee's tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqfXzTrwI3c&feature=related22:34
fennhahaha "hey is it illegal to offer my customers a 10% discount, if you cancel your order with makerbot?"22:34
jebbathe main.py in cad/src runs fine under F14 (where fine=it launches and looks ok at least).   The rest didnt compile though, barfing.22:34
kanzurejebba: did you clone from diyhpl.us?22:34
jebbakanzure, i'm getting the same RCSID_BENDS error that fitzim got here: http://gnusha.org/logs/2010-12-22.log         But his pastebin fix is gone :(22:37
kanzurehmm that's weird. we committed his patches22:40
kanzurejebba: line 1051 and 1052 should be commented out in sim/src/newtables.c22:41
kanzurehuh i forgot to commit that change22:42
kanzurewell.. probably because it's a stupid fix that doesn't actually solve the real problem22:42
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kanzurehi keen_10123:04
kanzurehow goes your diybio arduino shield thingy23:05
keen_101it's in stage "1"23:22
keen_101kanzure, you think it's a good idea or not?23:23
kanzurei'm half asleep and don't know what the idea is23:23
kanzuresome sort of logging shield?23:23
keen_101yeah, just with an accurate RTC clock23:24
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keen_101i don't know, maybe an accurate RTC clock isn't really needed.23:25
kanzureno it's a good idea i think23:26
kanzureplus we need more projects out in diybio like this23:26
keen_101yeah. If nothing else, it stimulated development23:27
keen_101*will stimulate23:27
kanzureoh btw,23:41
kanzurejebba: i'll figure out arrangements soon if you're serious about injecting money into a well-packaged, open source AFM,23:42
kanzurebut i do want to point out that if you'd like i can make this tax deductible23:42
kanzurevia humanity+ (since it's a 501c3)23:42
fennprobably the only thing humanity+ is good for23:43
kanzuretax deductible open source hardware development is sort of a double win23:43
kanzure(if you have high taxes)23:44
kanzuregood night irc23:48
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