
--- Log opened Sat Feb 12 00:00:10 2011
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* bkero wonders if he can deduct taxes for open source work01:36
Technicusbkero: You might as well try.01:37
TechnicusPerhaps if you can verify that you contributed your work to a non profit organization it could be ligitamized.01:38
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Lukas_Good morning04:19
Utopiah"Three-dimensional printing from digital designs will transform manufacturing and allow more people to start making things " http://www.economist.com/node/18114221?story_id=1811422104:20
Lukas_Looks like they are finally catching on04:29
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Lukas_Good morning ThomaEgi06:35
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-!- streety [~Jonathan@host86-144-101-222.range86-144.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]08:36
kanzure"Ok, so i bought one of the datashields, and it should certainly come in handy. But, within the diybio community there is a need/push to get more open source hardware and tools. The data shield is an excellent idea for DIYscience, but for some people a more accurate RTC clock will probably be needed. Hence this project." http://forums.adafruit.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&p=10202008:46
kanzuremanchester digital lab is starting up a diybio-manchester group (diybiomcr) http://madlab.org.uk/08:47
kanzuree. chromi http://vimeo.com/1975943208:47
kanzurecathal's ignite talk slides http://bit.ly/id6_CathalGarvey_slides08:48
kanzurefuturelabcamp hackathon nyc april 1-3rd http://futurelabcamp.com/08:49
kanzurethis is fascinating.. i heard about "dna sprays" for catching perpetrators but didn't know they'd actually go through with it08:56
kanzureuniqanomaly: i "signed" it08:57
kanzure(but i don't know why)08:57
kanzurelook at the bottom08:57
uniqanomalyoh ok08:57
-!- klafka1 [~textual@cpe-74-74-152-155.rochester.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]09:04
jebbakanzure, if you're serious about it, think it can be done for that, and can line it up, go for it and I'll come through. But if it was more of a brainstorm, then maybe something else would be better to focus on.09:09
kanzureyes i'm serious :)09:10
kanzureso i'll line stuff up and ping you when that's ready i guess09:10
kanzure"science papers should be like open source software" http://lemire.me/blog/archives/2011/02/11/taking-scientific-publishing-to-the-next-level/09:27
kanzurecool box2d got a javascript port http://code.google.com/p/box2dweb/09:28
JayDuggerI wonder if that DNA spray will have much effect on crime rates or on successful prosecutions.09:30
JayDuggerjebba, your comment at 1110 had the context of the AFM / skdb discussions from http://gnusha.org/logs/2011-02-11.log?09:35
kanzureJayDugger: not everyone has your same timezone.. there's no 11:1009:35
kanzureoh you mean 22:1009:36
kanzurebut no, he wasn't talking about AFM at that point09:36
JayDuggerFair enough.09:38
JayDuggerDo there now exist any tutorials for writing skdb packages?09:38
kanzurethere is one that i wrote back in 2009 on my hdd09:39
kanzurebut i'm hesitan to upload it while the package manager is so useless09:39
JayDuggerI admit a leading question.09:39
JayDuggerBuilding a book scanner lies at the top of my project stack.09:40
JayDuggerIt occurs to me that writing an skdb package in the course of its construction would help advance skdb's usefulness.09:40
kanzurehave you seen the dremelfuge, screw, or lego packages yet?09:41
kanzurefor the time being skdb-get.py just grabs them from http://diyhpl.us/cgit/09:41
JayDuggerNot yet. Work & local weather has somewhat sucked these last two weeks.09:41
JayDuggerYou suggest I study those packages, compare them with the spec, and use them as templates for a bookscanner package?09:43
kanzureyeah if you're going to make a package.10:07
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kanzurereprap stats http://blog.erikdebruijn.nl/archives/145-Self-replicating-devices-the-statistics.html10:28
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jebbakanzure, i didnt check over that link thoroughly, but i think that's the same guy that wrote a master's thesis about this, which is worth reading11:00
jebbaya, same guy. The PDF name (i have printout here):  "On the Viability of the Open Source Development model for the design of physical objects"11:01
-!- splicer_ [~chatzilla@h142n1c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:06
kanzureyep, i read erik's thesis11:08
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kanzurehi splicer_11:29
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-!- biotiny [~sina@2-1-2-18a.hud.sth.bostream.se] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:00
kanzurehi biotiny12:00
biotinyhello kanzure12:01
kanzurewhat's up? biotiny12:35
splicer_hi kanzure12:40
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kanzuredoes anyone remember the link to something abuot open science and someone promoting the idea of also publishing your code?12:43
Utopiahhttp://stanford.edu/~vcs/Talks.html ?12:47
uniqanomalyhttps://github.com/github/dmca/blob/master/2011-02-03-sony.markdown this is funny12:48
kanzureuniqanomaly: you're right, it is funny13:13
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fennnew legal defense strategy, increase the number of urls to the point where the message size is so large it bounces from any sane email inbox13:22
kanzurefenn: are you following the om thread?13:29
kanzurewindell's email is something i can easily make a response to (about gcode being allowed/not)13:29
kanzurenvm the issues being brought up aren't interesting enough to bug you to look at it yet13:32
fenni didnt like that wording in the oshw document anyway (analogous to compiled computer code)13:38
fenni will probably just link to it instead of spelling everything out13:39
kanzurei wonder if ayah will spam out the package specification document like her oshw definition document13:40
fennoh nice, a new yaml validator13:43
kanzurefrom eyebeam/littlebits.. she's the one getting phillip torrone, limor fried, makezine, etc. to post shitloads of links to the document.13:43
kanzureshe and alicia gibbs (buglabs) put on openhardwaresummit.org13:43
fennsays something about version 1.1 released already?13:57
fennoh, the free culture definition, nm13:58
kanzuredunno if i told you but i'm going to be in your area on march 1 for a 'future of open source hardware' workshop i was invited to at institute for the future14:01
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kanzurewow sourceforge.net no longer looks like spam14:17
jebbaoh my. It's like a relief just washed over me looking at it.14:19
-!- strages [~strages@wifi.makerslocal.org] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:26
fennlooks like a domain squatter page to me14:27
kanzurecompared to? http://replay.waybackmachine.org/20080312003027/http://sourceforge.net/14:35
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fennyeah, old page had ads but the content was better14:43
fennnew page is just a bunch of random project names with blue buttons, and a search box14:43
fennbut whatever, nobody uses sf anymore14:44
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kanzurestalk: Evan T. Jones <evan_t_jones@mac.com>14:54
kanzurehe claims to have a pyopenscad library.. just asked him what it actually does14:54
-!- Lukas_ [44c29d04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap15:02
fennanother (?) pyopenscad.py http://www.thingiverse.com/download:397615:05
fenndid i mention i hate code generators15:05
kanzureyeah.. this is dumb15:05
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kanzurenatasha is trying to edit http://humanityplus.org/parsons through frontpage 515:07
kanzurethis is a disaster15:07
kanzure(it's a wordpress installation)15:08
-!- klafka1 [~textual@cpe-74-74-152-155.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap15:11
fennit's too bad LSD doesn't actually increase neural plasticity15:14
fennotherwise you better believe i'd be dumping it in the water supply15:15
kanzureshe just needs to read up on modern web design..15:15
fenni'm still amazed by how little futurist thinking has changed since the 1980's15:18
fennlike wow they actually got it right the first time?15:18
fennmaybe it's just selection bias, i only remember the things that seem plausible15:19
mjrfenn, hey, you can still do more experiments to doublecheck. Dump away!15:19
kanzuregod 17min on the phone to replace elements in a css file for her15:29
kanzurefenn: i don't think they got it right.. i mean, anyone can make up fantastical technologies that fall within the realm of physical possibility15:30
kanzurethey told you about smartphones but then totally missed out on implementing them and the 2006/2007 boom15:31
kanzure(and still don't really know about it)15:31
splicer_didn't futurism use to be about space and robots... and now it's about biotech?15:32
kanzurethe "futurists from the 90s" didn't really focus on biotech15:33
kanzurethere's a huge disconnect between them and, say, synthetic biology15:33
kanzureopen source was happening while extropy institute and foresight institute were at their prime,15:34
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kanzurebut again they missed out on that boom15:34
kanzure(even though some of the people at the edges were peripherally involved)15:34
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kanzureand most of them are missing out on garage biology.. biocurious is an anomaly because of joseph jackson's ties with futurists15:38
fennhum, i was just reading "the peace war" by vernor vinge which has a lot of open sourcy underground software development, and biotech15:44
-!- mayko [~mayko@71-22-217-151.gar.clearwire-wmx.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap15:45
fennvinge is an EE so he explained more about the progress of electronics, internet, and intelligence augmentation15:48
fennthe connotation was that the biotech guys could accomplish just as much if we didn't lock them all up first15:49
kanzurei only sent that list of projects/pricetags to goertzel and patri, should i bother sending it to anyone else? it's really just a draft15:50
fennit's not a very complete draft15:51
fenni think it's worth keeping a file of 'things to fund' though15:51
kanzurethere is an advantage to sending things out sooner rather than later, though15:51
fenno rly15:51
fennnot in marketing/self promotion15:52
fennunless you have a real deadline15:52
fennbut what do i know15:52
kanzureno not like that.. like sending this to natasha, vassar, todd15:52
kanzure"unofficially" "for review"15:53
fenni remember thinking it was missing a lot16:01
kanzureit is16:01
kanzurefeel free to list out more projects that need to happen16:01
kanzurei didn't write down the myostatin-related-stuff for instance16:01
fennwhat was the url again?16:02
kanzureif you want to edit it:16:03
fennone thing that would be really useful is a centralized database of nootropics, their purported effects and side effects, and various standardized tests of people on/off the drug16:04
kanzurethe numbers are stupid and can be removed/ignore16:04
fennfor example http://nootropicsdb.com  haha16:04
fenncept not a blog16:04
kanzurei'm tempted to rewrite this document in yaml16:06
kanzureis a good use case16:06
kanzureespecially with attributes like timeline, cost range, man hours, tags, description, title, "date most effective by", and dependencies16:07
fennyeah, a planning document for h+16:08
kanzure"buy an executive director"16:08
kanzure"go on a roadtrip"16:08
fennyou could even put pretty web 2.0 skin on each entry16:08
kanzure"hold more conferences with increasingly irrelevant content"16:09
fenn"publish more articles with the same content"16:09
kanzure"(be sure to forget to upload the videos)"16:09
fennno seriously, why not decompose the original hplus roadmap into achievable milestones like this?16:09
kanzureyeah i agree16:09
kanzurei proposed that to h+ btw, "to redo the transhumanist technical roadmap in a more professional manner"16:10
kanzurethat was what i was going to be doing january but got caught up with fixing hplusmagazine16:10
fennredo what?16:10
kanzurewell if you recall that awful mediawiki page that hplusroadmap was based on16:10
kanzure"the transhumanist technical roadmap"16:10
fennhttp://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Roadmap  ?16:10
fennwhy is your mediawiki still dead?16:11
kanzurei'm making progress.. i got an external hdd enclosure to do some data recovery16:11
-!- jmil [~jmil@2001:468:1802:e148:223:32ff:feb1:9dfc] has joined ##hplusroadmap16:12
kanzurejmil: hey, if you were to get money for open source tissue printing, how much would you need and what for16:12
fennspeaking of HDD's, please mail me tub's hard drive16:13
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kanzurei knoooow16:13
jmilkanzure: well, the tissue printing hardware is orders of magnitude less expensive than the cell culture...16:13
jmilso it depends on the end goal of the grant call16:13
kanzure$20k, $80k, $300k ?16:13
kanzurehaha no that's not how this works16:13
jmilif it's just to demonstrate feasibility in vitro then it's a lot less than if you need evidence of in vivo organ replacement16:14
kanzureyou tell me what amazing things you need to do and then tell me how much it would cost16:14
jmili would need tissue printers. $20k would get you a sterile reprap and sterile hepa-filtered air flow setup for tissue fabrication16:15
jmilthen you need to make the material to encapsulate cells in16:15
jmilwe currently have the least expensive hydrogel material, which is ~$5/gram16:15
jmilwhich can allow you to make degradable tissue for ~$50/mL16:16
jmilso it depends on your target tissue volume16:16
jmilthen you have to do the tissue culture. The burn rate is typically $1,000 per week or so for consumables16:16
kanzurei'm talking more in terms of "having an open, standard platform and improving on it"16:16
jmilthen you also have personnel costs.16:16
jmilkanzure: we already have that with reprap =]16:17
kanzurenot really, your work is closed source at the moment16:17
kanzureand once you publish it, iirc, you really just have an extruder?16:17
kanzurethere's lots of stuff to be done with some controllers, feedback, etc.16:18
jmillike what? you don't really need feedback IMHO. you have to characterize cell viability soon after encapsulation anyway16:18
kanzurefenn: for a revamped roadmap i was thinking of git + latex or some other document compiler16:18
jmilgit + latex FTW!!!!!!!!16:18
jmilkanzure: reprap is an open platform. Those skilled in the art should be able to optimize it with current tools, controllers, etc. for things like what high-end tissue fabrication labs are doing simply by watching the posted youtube videos16:19
kanzurejmil: i'm sorry, but schematics, files and documents are always useful16:20
kanzurei am not trying to impose on you16:20
jmilya i'm just not sure what your end goal is. i'm trying to help...16:20
kanzurestandardized tissue printing platform on top of reprap, and throwing money at that sort of project to help that along16:21
jmilas i've said before i really don't see direct cell printing as a viable strategy for human-scale organ replacement16:21
kanzureyeah, probably not16:21
kanzurebut that's not my goal here really.16:21
jmilkanzure: so then why do you want to fund that if it's a losing strategy?16:21
kanzuretissue engineering isn't just about organ replacement16:21
jmilok, now we're getting somewhere16:21
jmilso what's a simple, clear, focused target then?16:22
kanzureorgan replacement is nice but i dunno why you keep bringing it up.. unless you have some ideas on the cooker? :)16:22
jmil3D tissue culture, probably16:22
jmilreprap for 3D tissue culture is a good idea16:22
jmilbut the other thing is a lot of the best materials people use for tissue culture are patented. so you can't really make those open source16:23
jmilthe gel carriers that encapsulate the cells16:23
kanzurenah we can have that in escrow in a separate country16:23
jmilwhat is your definition of "open source tissue printing" *exactly*?16:24
kanzuretissueprinter.git with schematics, documentation, blueprints, cad files, controller code, relevant lab protocols16:24
kanzurewhat milestones do you think would be useful to reach?16:25
kanzureyou know.. in your professional opinion :p16:25
jmili mean your definition of the final engineered construct16:26
jmilit would have specific cell types deposited in specific locations?16:26
jmilat some predetermined depositing resolution16:26
jmilthen you have to look at cell viability with some predetermined confidence interval, say 90%16:27
jmilthen you have to look at cell density. Because 1 million cells/mL is technically 3D tissue culture but it's not really dense enough cells for anything useful or interesting16:27
jmilthen you have to include a whole tissue culture setup with flow perfusion to keep the cells alive16:28
jmila tissue printer without instructions and protocols for keeping cells alive is essentially worthless16:28
jmiland that will vary for each cell type, matrix type, and cell density probably16:29
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kanzurespecific deposition plus things like inducing stem cell differentiation in particular locations16:29
jmilya that's pretty standard fare16:30
jmilkanzure: i found the link i was looking for. This one outlines the challenge very very well: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-HL-11-025.html16:36
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fennthe challenge is wading through all that red tape17:01
fennjmil: why do you think printing is not a viable route to human organ implantation?17:02
fenni don't see why it would be useful otherwise17:03
fennreprap wiki is 2.6GB? wtf17:06
kanzurethere's lots of files..17:06
kanzurepeople use reprap.org mediawiki instead of code repos17:06
kanzurereprap.org is really really itching to switch to gitduino but i've been lame with doing it in a timely manner17:07
jmilfenn: tissue density is hundreds of millions of cells per mL17:25
jmiltissue printers do 1 layer at a time17:25
jmilthe layers are 10 µm or so17:25
jmilby the time you do the 20,000 layers to make the 1.5 L that is a human liver...17:25
jmilthe first 10-15,000 layers will probably be dead17:26
kanzurestem cell differentiation seems to be a better strategy for growing a liver17:26
jmillayer-by-layer is not the way to go IMHO. there are significant optimizations to be had, and they might get there eventually, but i think we will beat them17:26
fennfirst of all, why can't you parallelize the task17:26
fennsecondly, why does the layer height have to be so small?17:26
jmilkanzure: technically it is the only way as hepatocytes have never been grown up outside the body17:27
jmilfenn: dunno, we don't try to do it. all i can tell you is it's been done more than 10 years ago and there's been essentially no progress since then17:27
fennalso i read something about infusing a collagen pig liver "husk" with human liver cells, and it was a viable liver17:27
jmilfor 6 hours17:27
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jmilfenn: there's definitely room for improvement in this area. we need more people outside the field to start helping with progress. it seems like the industry is really stagnating17:33
fenni didnt know there was an industry17:34
jmilit's all private right now, but there's a lot of VC funding invested at the moment. not a lot or progress though.17:35
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kanzureian is doing https://github.com/kevinmehall/pyscad18:26
kanzure"The basic idea is that we're using ctypes to directly modify the abstract syntax tree of OpenSCAD, allowing full python integration at a fairly low-level."18:26
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kanzurethe dna spray thing just seems dirty in a way20:43
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kanzurehuh i don't even remember this21:31
kanzureoh. because it was posted today.21:32
-!- |Helleshin| [~Helleshin@cpe-71-67-103-109.cinci.res.rr.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]21:35
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uniqanomaly_http://www.paleonu.com/panu-weblog/2009/7/7/acetaminophen-and-the-war-on-drugs.html insane22:14
uniqanomaly_but nothing new22:20
uniqanomaly_http://manu.sporny.org/2011/public-domain-genome/ ;]22:20
uniqanomaly_+ https://github.com/msporny/dna/pull/1  ;)22:20
-!- phreedom [~quassel@] has joined ##hplusroadmap22:22
jmiluniqanomaly_: omg, someone just forked that repo...22:29
uniqanomaly_also did pull request22:34
uniqanomaly_Commit: Stimulating effect of caffeine increased by 5%.22:34
uniqanomaly_http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0AQ5TjsEIM&feature=feedu nice one22:42
uniqanomaly_"Weiner Calls Out GOP For Violating Their Own Rules"22:43
uniqanomaly_i'm on 30min and they don't fucking understand what guy is talking about22:43
uniqanomaly_... mumbling ... fucking .... mumbling ... meritocracy ... mumbling22:47
-!- Juul [~Juul@static.88-198-13-205.clients.your-server.de] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:01
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-!- Juul [~Juul@static.88-198-13-205.clients.your-server.de] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:26
-!- phreedom [~quassel@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]23:36
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--- Log closed Sun Feb 13 00:00:10 2011

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