
--- Log opened Mon Feb 14 00:00:10 2011
joshcryerIs "On the viability of the Open Source Development model for the design of physical object" really what qualifies for a thesis these days?00:06
joshcryerOr: did Erik de Bruijn get his Masters or is he still studying? >:P00:07
joshcryerCynicism aside, I just finished reading it tonight, and it's a nice overview of the situation.00:08
joshcryerThough we will have to see if we're at the bottom of the s-curve or if it's about to flaten out as some other RepRap-like technology comes along.00:09
-!- HeLLeHathNoFury [~kvirc@99-72-240-21.lightspeed.mdsnwi.sbcglobal.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:17
TechnicusHeLLeHathNoFury: There you are!00:17
HeLLeHathNoFuryHere I am.00:17
-!- jrayhawk [~jrayhawk@neuroblastoma.cs.pdx.edu] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:18
joshcryerAre you a woman scorned?00:21
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kanzurejoshcryer: i've seen worse theses06:28
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kanzureis a review of a recent conference.. had a few things about diybio, synthetic biology, pcsbi people, etc.10:01
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kanzuredoes anyone know where i can get arm-eabi-gdb?10:34
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stragesif only it were this easy https://github.com/msporny/dna/pull/113:43
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kanzurestrages: that's not a genome13:53
kanzuretry ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/H_sapiens/13:53
ybiti want a tshirt14:12
ybitblinky lights included14:12
ybitor not14:12
ybitwhere's the h+ t-shirt? hrm?14:12
ybitmaybe it should say something like "been through the singularity, got the t-shirt to prove it"14:13
ybitor a more personalized one for me: "heath! do something or get out of the way. kthx."14:16
mjr"Went through the Singularity and all I got was this lousy T-shirt with a Basilisk on the back"14:17
kanzureybit: it's on cafe press if you care14:20
kanzurebut personally i wouldn't buy the shirt14:20
ybittake out the green crap and make the letters a dark grey... or make the shirt a dark gray with white lettering and a green plus sign14:21
ybit..just saying14:21
kanzurenah this is what the "designers" on the board came up with14:22
kanzurewhatever. ignore it14:22
ybitso i guess that these designers are just one person who was came up with an idea "oh! we need t-shirts" and was assigned the task of creating a shirt... and then they became busy or didn't know what they were doing14:23
kanzurei wish it was like that but no14:23
kanzurethis was the result of their thoughtful consideration and time/effort14:23
ybitthat's just silly14:23
jrayhawk"Went through the singularity, and all I got was this lousy grey goo stain on my t-shirt"14:33
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kanzurejebba: thanks15:11
kanzurei'm glad someone is getting around to this15:11
kanzurei do find it odd though that he's transferring stl over the network via json15:11
kanzurei mean, webgl can be used to do csg and boundary representation modelling iirc..15:12
jebbalet him know!15:13
kanzuredoesn't look open source (he seems to be anti-GPL)15:13
jebbano, it's open source, explicitly15:14
jebbain fact he mentions not using CGAL because it is *too* restrictive15:14
kanzureno: "I would like to enable businesses to embed or integrate this tool, or parts of it, into their infrastructure. If they see QPL or GPL they will decline to do so..."15:14
kanzure"If they see GPL they will decline to do so"15:14
-!- thesnark|afk is now known as thesnark15:15
kanzureon a related note, sencha really rocks on the phone http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/touch/examples/kitchensink/15:16
kanzurejebba: he might be anti-GPL in the sense that he's into BSD or MIT licensing ;)15:18
jebbaah ya, I just saw he was anti QPL, which is good, but it does sound more like he's going BSD, ya.15:21
jebbakitchensink is nearly a blank page for me.15:22
kanzurewhat phone do you have15:22
QuantumGsomeone asked me about Qt the other day15:22
QuantumGthe acquisition of Trolltech by Nokia was the best thing that ever happened to them.. no more of this stupid Commercial license crap15:23
QuantumGLGPL ftw15:23
kanzurejebba: it's for webkit on a mobile platform, so if you have android 2.1+ it should be ok15:23
jebbakanzure, i was looking with firefox on my desktop system, if you meant about the site.   If you didn't, I have a Nokia N900 for which I hate nokia  ;)    http://wiki.maemo.org/User:Jebba15:23
kanzurethat link to sencha.com is a mobile demo15:24
jebbaQuantumG, you see Nokia is going Microsoft for their phones as of Friday?15:24
jebbaah ok15:24
kanzurejebba: see pm15:24
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Lukas___Good evening gentlemen15:47
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kanzure"You remind me of the seasteading enthusiast who thought we were idiots to form an organization, hire staff, and pay salaries with part of Peter's initial $500K grant,"16:14
kanzure"saying that instead we should just put the whole sum up as a prize and define the terms of winning, then go back to our day jobs."16:14
kanzure"Had we done that, I think the result would have been no progress (it's too small a sum for the goal).  Instead, I built an organization which has raised $1.25M more since that initial $500K,16:14
kanzurewhile raising global awareness, producing key research, and inspiring crowdsourced research along the way.  A going concern which can keep generating progress indefinitely."16:14
kanzure"Investing in staff for an organization is what gets you the funds to invest in technologies.  No salespeople, no sales (donations), no money, no technologies."16:14
kanzure(patri's argument for "hire an executive director for humanity+")16:14
kanzureall i can think of is a few research documents that patri has written16:15
kanzurewhat else has seasteading institute actually done?16:15
kanzureoh i guess they have a book coming up....16:15
kanzurejrayhawk: i know, i know. don't say it.. just pretend i've already done it16:26
kanzureanyone have the password? http://www.ustream.tv/channel/jeopardy-watson16:40
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JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.17:54
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kanzurecrud i should prepare a talk/presentation for BIL shouldn't i18:58
fenndid anyone figure out how to watch jeopardy?18:58
JayDuggerkanzure, Only if you've already committed to giving a presentation. Will your reputation suffer if you flake?19:03
drazakfenn: yeah you go to the website and get up to 8 free seats!19:03
JayDuggerfenn, I have no idea how to watch Jeopardy. I'll wait for the results. The show bored me.19:03
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kanzureJayDugger: i haven't committed to it yet but it's still something i should do19:10
kanzurewhat are you doing awake?19:10
fennit's pretty much guaranteed watson will win19:15
fennunless SIAI terrorist squad manages to plant their sabotage in time19:15
kanzureSIAI's terrorism is much more subtle than that19:16
kanzurefenn: do you know if patri has actually done anything other than write books/articles?19:17
fenna couple nice parties on the river19:20
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kanzure"i've raised more money than you so my technology (which doesn't actually exist) is obviously better"19:22
kanzurefsf and gnu have done more work on less money than *i've* been given19:23
JayDuggerMe? I'm awake this time of week because I work tonight.19:36
JayDuggerAlso, today marks St. Valentine's day.19:36
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kanzureby "we" they mean "bryan"20:23
-!- Tyrant [freenode@s83.seattle.pd.wastate.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap20:23
kanzureTyrant: logs: http://gnusha.org/logs/2011-02-14.log20:24
Tyrantkanzure, aha thanks but i wont be reading much20:26
Tyranttoo busy to go to even diybio now adays20:26
-!- tav [~tav@] has joined ##hplusroadmap20:27
kanzurehi tav20:27
tavhey kanzure — thx for the pointer20:27
tavso i'm looking to get into the general diy manufacturing/bio/etc. scene — any pointers of where i should hang out and what i should be reading ?20:29
kanzureif you're into forums and http interfaces, cnzone and reprap forums are ok20:32
tavi'm looking for something more like hacker news ideally20:32
drazakfenn: the whole motor driver thing for a reprap could be done cheaper discretely I think20:32
tavthanks btw — joining the various lists20:32
kanzurei have a hacker news knockoff for transhumanist/diy/biology videos.. http://diyhpl.us:9000/ :P20:33
drazakfenn: I few lateral mosfets and a couple bjts20:33
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tavkanzure: is there a non-transhumanist variant of that? ;p20:34
kanzurethis is sort of a transhumanist-diybio-manufacturing-asskicking channel20:35
kanzureso you should go away if i offend you20:35
-!- thesnark is now known as thesnark|afk20:35
tavwell, i don't mind what beliefs others hold, so that's cool with me20:35
kanzurebeliefs? it's more of a practicality thing20:36
tavhow frequently is http://diyhpl.us:9000/ updated ?20:36
drazakkanzure: one of my irl friends is a fan of ray kurzweil20:36
kanzuretav: it's just an alpha20:36
kanzuredrazak: ray kurzweil can suck my dick20:37
kanzurethere, i said it20:37
drazakkanzure: I thought you liked him20:37
kanzuretav: so it's not really updated often20:37
kanzuredrazak: haha no20:37
kanzuredrazak: i'm the kid that emailed him when i was like 12 to insult him20:37
drazakkanzure: oh right20:37
kanzure(he offered a book to me in return, but i declined)20:37
drazakkanzure: sorry I forgot20:37
kanzuretav: part of the problem is that diyhpl.us:9000 isn't really useful right now.. comments on video isn't exactly a brilliant thing on the internet20:38
kanzureoh you can also try http://diyhpl.us:9000/random20:39
Tyrantkanzure, im signed up to diybio and openmanufacturing but i dont follow them. nothing of interest20:40
Tyrantoh wait not talking to me20:40
tavkanzure: is the frontpage in reverse chronological order?20:40
Tyrantmy bad20:40
drazak /win 12820:40
kanzuretav: it's just whenever they were submitted. to be fair it's a bad frontpage20:40
tavwell, it's good enough for me — thanks for collating this20:41
kanzureusers can submit content somewhere on the top20:41
drazakkanzure: why do you dislike kurzwell20:41
Tyranttav, get involved, make projects20:41
Tyrantthe mailing lists are rather useless if you dont have something you'd like to present for discussion20:42
Tyranta  tidbit of news here and there20:42
Tyrantbut like diybio theres just wide swaths of topics with little depth20:42
kanzuredrazak: because he's in the business of promotion.. not tech20:42
kanzureself-promotion, even20:42
kanzureit's like all of the futurists from the 90s were envisioning a singularity of feel-good-self-promotion20:43
drazakI see20:44
tavTyrant: well, i'm a bit lost as to where to start tbh — i've joined the lists that kanzure has pointed to and bookmarked diyhpl.us and thingiverse20:44
kanzureplus, his books were basically "i read all of the emails from these mailing lists and then wrote a book"20:45
kanzuretav: what are you looking to do20:45
TyrantWell what are you interested in20:45
tavand whilst i've been fantasising on this front since i was about a kid, i sadly ventured into hacking of the software kind and haven't gotten into this field20:45
kanzurewould you be interested in working on any of these? :p http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers/diytranshuman_projects.v4.html20:46
kanzurewhat sort of software hacking do you do20:46
TyrantIm actually working on #320:46
Tyrantand 4k is way over shooting it20:46
tavkanzure: here's the thing that i've been working on over the last few days http://tav.espians.com/fabric-python-with-cleaner-api-and-parallel-deployment-support.html (draft article)20:46
kanzureTyrant: i agree $4k is overshooting it.20:47
kanzureTyrant: these are random numbers attached to each project, btw.20:47
kanzuretav: one of the projects in here is skdb, or apt-get for hardware, written mostly in python http://gnusha.org/skdb20:47
kanzureso you might be interested in poking around that..20:47
kanzureoh wait.. you're tav-from-espians.. that's how i know you20:48
tavhere's an overview of the thing that i've been working on for the last decade or so:20:48
kanzuresuresh spams your crap all over the place20:48
tavhttp://tav.espians.com/temp/ampify-overview.png (decentralised social platform)20:48
kanzureyeah i'm familiar with your work20:48
tavhttp://tav.espians.com/temp/espra-overview.png (socio-economic systems)20:48
TyrantWhat's your language of choice?20:49
tavyes, i believe we briefly met on some channel before?20:49
kanzureprobably an espians channel20:49
drazakkanzure: I'm looking to set up an electronics work bench, do you have any projects that need stuff?20:50
tavTyrant: go, python, javascript/coffeescript (preferred) — and i've hacked in most others20:50
kanzuredrazak: heh would you be interested in working on an open source AFM project20:50
drazakkanzure: if someone can design something I'll solder it20:50
Tyrantah shame20:50
drazakkanzure: you'd need to use HF to make the tips20:51
kanzuredrazak: it involves a little bit more than soldering, like some digital signal processing, plastic printing, stuff like that20:51
drazakkanzure: which I am not willing to do20:51
tavdamn, did i miss out your preferred language Tyrant ?20:51
kanzureor you can buy the tips with some money i give you20:51
drazakkanzure: I don't do DSP, either :S20:51
Tyranttav: my company's preferred language lol20:51
drazakkanzure: I can't program! (shock and horror!)20:51
tavTyrant: lol20:51
Tyrantbeen looking for coders lately20:51
kanzuredrazak: that's ok, there's this: http://gxsm.sf.net/20:52
kanzureTyrant: what are you looking for coders for?20:52
Tyrantwithout a long winded explanation, the "imdb of politics"20:52
tavTyrant: ah, sorry, thought you were referring to lolcode20:52
kanzuresome of that already exists20:52
Tyrantkanzure, not on the scale we're doing it20:52
tavthink i might have misunderstood your lol there20:52
drazakkanzure: I can put something together for you, that's not a huge problem20:53
kanzuresudo skdb install lolnuke?20:53
Tyrantand we're commercial, not non profit like most are20:53
drazakkanzure: equipment is something I'd need though, let me know if an oscilloscope or benchtop DMM comes your way20:53
kanzuredrazak: what do you think about http://www.e-basteln.de/20:53
kanzuredrazak: well, i'd dump money on you for this20:53
kanzureto pretty up the documentation and make this into an open source hardware project or kit20:54
kanzurei.e. there's a last mile amount of work that has to happen here..20:54
Tyrantfor a scanning tunneling microscope?20:55
drazakkanzure: I don't like that it uses an evaluation board20:55
drazakkanzure: that means having to buy it outright instead of getting a free-sample of a chip and slapping it on a board20:55
kanzureTyrant: well, that's the first issue, it's an STM not an AFM, but they are very similar20:55
kanzureyeah, replacing the chip with an arduino or atmel avr might be nice20:56
TyrantWhat kind of precision does it have20:56
drazakkanzure: well that wouldn't be possible20:56
kanzurethe STM i linked to? uhh20:56
kanzuredrazak: huh? it's electronics, you get to make the circuit, pcb or breadboard20:56
drazakkanzure: the dsp chip there has some features that an arguino doesn't20:57
drazakkanzure: and can't reproduce20:57
kanzurethe dsp can be done on the computer instead20:57
Tyranti mean its great if it costs a couple grand but if its the equivalent of a really nice optical microscope... whats the point20:57
drazakkanzure: not without an expensive dac20:57
drazakkanzure: adc rather, sorry20:57
Tyrantthe dsp has to be really high throughtput20:57
kanzureTyrant: i think the cost can be sub $20020:57
kanzurehaving an open platform for AFM or STM is important even if it sucks at first20:57
kanzurebut let's shoot for "not sucking" ;)20:57
Tyranteh i dont see much on that site in the way of actual precision statistics20:58
TyrantI can't imagine an stm without some really expensive high precision components20:59
kanzurewell, i was thinking afm, not stm20:59
TyrantYeah thats even more precise21:00
kanzurethe amateur versions on the web have done pretty well for sub $1k21:01
kanzureby "pretty well" i mean "an almost clean grid of atoms"21:01
Tyranthow big are the probes21:01
kanzureyou mean the minimum diameter? i don't recall anything21:01
kanzurebut good lab grade probes are 10 to 100 nm iirc...21:01
Tyrantradius of curvature i believe its called21:02
Tyrantthose instruments seem too precise for a diy setting21:03
Tyrantima stick to my mass spec21:03
kanzuretav: this is probably not helpful except as a way to waste time http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers/21:03
kanzureTyrant: if you decide to go open source, hit me up and i might be able to find some extra cash for parts..21:03
Tyrantim already planning almost full open source21:03
kanzureyeah "almost" :P21:03
tavfuck me21:03
drazakkanzure: got a smaller project you'd like electronics collaboration on?21:03
tavyou're one active dude!21:03
kanzuredrazak: low earth orbit superlaser?21:04
drazakkanzure: I mean, you could do this STM for cheaper I guess, probably $500 or so21:04
Tyrantthe 'almost' part is only there until theres a viable alternative business model21:04
kanzuredrazak: yeah i agree.. but for testing and fucking up, a larger budget like $2500 is nice to have21:04
TyrantI'd imagine the samples for callibrating an stm would be more expensive than 250021:05
kanzureoh man it's been a while since i've thought about calibration21:05
drazakkanzure: you can get the motorola chip for cheap, it's just the evaluation board part that's epensive21:05
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Tyrantyou can have all the stms you want but you'll never know whether its actually seeing what its supposed to be seing21:05
kanzuredrazak: and you think the dsp has to be on a chip?21:05
kanzureTyrant: nah.. it's pretty obvious when you have noise from your signal processing21:06
drazakkanzure: well maybe21:06
drazakkanzure: you need something to talk to a computer that can talk to 24bit ADC's and DAC's21:07
kanzuresomeone did it with a soundcard once.. i think21:07
drazakkanzure: sure you can do it with a soundcard if your feedback loop is analog21:07
kanzurethe piezos that diy afms use are from headphones21:07
kanzurebut you can't control those from a soundcard really..21:08
kanzurei mean you could but it's easier not to21:08
Tyrantkanzure, no its not. at those scales a small aberation on your detector and you have nothing21:08
Tyrantand all detectors have some abberations21:08
drazakkanzure: you could do it with an MSP430 maybe21:09
Tyrantcalibrating the noise floor is easy21:09
Tyrantbut calibrating for the actual imperfections in the real measurements is hard21:09
drazakeh, no way21:09
drazakthose are 16 bit21:09
drazakyou need 24 bit or better21:09
Tyrantjust use an xmos and be done with it21:09
drazakkanzure: the best way might be a cheap arm, really21:09
drazakkanzure: you can get an arm that will do it for 5 bucks or something insane21:10
kanzurecan i use this as an excuse for an fpga21:10
Tyrantwhy n?21:11
-!- Juul [~Juul@static.88-198-13-205.clients.your-server.de] has joined ##hplusroadmap21:11
kanzureTyrant: irc banter.. ignore it21:11
drazakbecause FPGA is not always the solution21:11
kanzureoh you're serious21:11
Tyrantit is in this case21:11
Tyrantjust get one more or less tailored to rf21:11
TyrantI know little about stms but an rf adc + fpga would win21:12
Tyrantits on the much pricier side but more reliable21:12
Tyrantand you want the idea to work before you get execution down to a minimum21:12
drazakTyrant: we want to do this low cost21:13
drazakI guaruntee you it can be done cheaper and more reliably21:13
Tyrantyou're building a high precision instrument. forget low cost. think iterations21:13
kanzure$200 or $300 is approaching the "hey son, let's do a weekend project to touch freakin' atoms"21:13
TyrantI guarantee you you're not a giant company specializing in them21:13
QuantumG$1000 is that range21:13
drazakno, but I know what parts we can do21:13
kanzureTyrant: large companies usually don't even believe that the costs could be that low21:13
Tyrantthen do those right before you try to burn down the cost21:13
kanzureTyrant: usually they have other costs like paying $150k/yr salaries..21:14
kanzureQuantumG: $1k eh?21:14
Tyrantkanzure, those companies need those salaries because they dont have the benefit of ripping off previous work21:14
kanzurethat's their fault for playing the IP game21:15
Tyrantyou mean it's their fault for surviving?21:15
kanzuresurviving? or failing to make an AFM for $20021:15
Tyrantdrazak: if you want to jsut do a project and make something working then chose a more proven project21:15
Tyrantif you want to drive the cost of a scientific instrument down, then start iterating21:15
Tyrantand you're not going to iterate with an arduino and a toothpick21:16
Tyrantat least not until you know exactly how the instrument works and every pitfall along the way21:16
kanzurehaha next you're going to say reprap isn't iterating21:16
Tyrantoh no it is21:17
Tyrantits going at its own nice pace21:17
Tyrantyou can print shit with it21:17
Tyrantthey didnt try to make a $25,000 3d printer for 500$21:17
Tyrantthey tried to make a very very basic version21:17
Tyrantand succeeded. and improved on it21:18
kanzureactually they tried to make a "self-replicating machine" that prints out plastic parts :/21:18
kanzurebut yeah.. who cares21:18
kanzureso anyway, drazak, you want to be involved or not?21:18
QuantumGkanzure: so have you seen anything interesting done with an AFM/STM lately?21:18
kanzurelately? no.. most of the diy work was 1995-200521:18
Tyrantwhat works?21:19
Tyrantany working examples of an stm or afm?21:19
QuantumGyeah, I meant even with professional hardware21:19
kanzurethere's tons of interesting stuff being done in labs with AFMs21:19
Tyrantno i mean a diy afm or stm21:20
Tyranteven at a university level21:20
drazakkanzure: I'm down21:20
QuantumGdefine interesting21:20
drazakkanzure: I've got a few ideas as it is21:20
QuantumGI mean, obviously imaging is interesting but it's not what I was thinking about :)21:20
kanzureQuantumG: check out the papers with 'AFM' in the name http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers/21:20
Tyrantif patents are up, lots of papers are published, and peopel are doing them "diy" at the university level then its a ripe target to burn down the cost21:21
drazakkanzure: got a wiki somewhere I can edit or whatever21:21
kanzureQuantumG: AFM/DNA sequencing, single-plasmid PCR, puncturing cells,21:21
kanzuredrazak: yeah.. http://diyhpl.us/wiki21:22
kanzuredrazak: git clone git://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki if you want to edit it21:22
drazakkanzure: I don't git21:22
kanzurethen you can edit over the web21:22
kanzureluser :p21:22
drazakI gave up 6 revision control systems ago21:23
drazakI'd learn one then the next one would change the rules on me21:23
kanzurei'm a little worried that the papers in this directory vanished21:23
kanzurea few minutes ago they were there..21:23
Tyranthmm i need to make an R interface for ipads21:24
kanzureyeah because that's the first thing i reach for when i want to do stats, my ipad21:25
Tyrantwhat media contacts do you ahve btw21:25
kanzureall sorts.. what do you need21:25
Tyrantwe've got a filming crew coming to socaldiybio soon and we're going to do our kickstarter21:25
Tyrantneed your forwading around + as many media contacts as possible21:26
Tyrantwe've got wired, boing boing, and hackaday already21:26
kanzuresounds slutty21:26
kanzureno thanks..21:26
Tyrantlol dont want to help the diybio scene?: P21:26
-!- Technicus [~Technicus@24-197-234-82.static.stpt.wi.charter.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap21:26
kanzurewho do you need me to introduce you to21:27
TyrantNot introduce, just send out some emails to media people you know about the socal kickstarter21:27
kanzureTyrant: here's everyone i know: http://diyhpl.us/cgit/meetlog/plain/meetlog.txt21:28
kanzuretav: you might get a kick out of that..21:28
Tyrantahaha i randomly scrolled down and saw kyle kovary21:29
TyrantI'm under knowledge, lasers and calibration? HAH21:29
kanzure"knowledge" just means "i saw you talking about this"21:29
Tyrantyeah i got that lol21:29
kanzureit helps me compute tag clouds :)21:30
kanzureor do crazy things like list out all biocurious people: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/biocurious-people.txt21:30
Tyrantthats a really nice script you got running tagging all of thse21:30
kanzureyeah i have trouble remembering everyone21:30
kanzureare you my mom21:30
Tyranthuh Todd Huffman has peter thiel on his friends list?21:30
kanzuretodd knows a lot of people21:31
TyrantI'm guessing you have him on your friends list as welL?21:31
kanzureyeah of course21:33
Tyrantpain in the ass contacting him21:33
kanzurenah just contact his assistants21:33
kanzuremegan for instance21:34
kanzureor, call his afghani number21:34
Tyrantnah i've got nothing to say yet. just waiting to hear about my fellowship application21:34
kanzureit's.. somewhere in there21:34
kanzurefellowship for what21:34
Tyrantthe 20 under 20 thing he did21:34
tavkanzure: neat — though, not sure of what to make of the fact that you've got my gf's phone number in there ... ;p21:34
kanzureno todd didn't put that on21:34
Tyrantmind if I download that text file btw?21:34
kanzureTyrant: if you're reading it you've downloaded it.. go ahead21:35
kanzureTyrant: you can also clone it, it's a git repo21:35
kanzuregit clone git://diyhpl.us/meetlog21:35
kanzuretav: I KNOW EVERYTHING21:35
kanzuretav: having said that, who is your girlfriend21:35
Tyranttodd didnt put what on?21:35
tavkanzure: sofia21:35
kanzureTyrant: todd isn't the organizer behind 20under2021:36
kanzurethat's thiel foundation..21:36
Tyranti know21:36
kanzureare you under 2021:36
TyrantThat's why i want to contact peter thiel not todd21:36
TyrantI can contact todd no problem21:36
kanzureoh, peter is basically impossible to contact21:36
Tyrantits peter that i have a rpoblem with21:36
kanzurei go through patri friedman21:36
Tyrantand yes im under 2021:36
Tyrantnils hitze is also applying?21:37
kanzurejust talking about it21:37
Tyrantmatvey ezhov haha21:38
Tyrantthis is one hell of a tag cloud21:38
tavkanzure: so, *how* do you have her details? ;p21:38
TyrantWhat did you use to build it?21:38
kanzuretav: via suresh fernando21:38
kanzureTyrant: i have some scripts in the git repo..21:38
kanzureTyrant: http://diyhpl.us/cgit/meetlog/plain/tag_extractor.py21:38
tavkanzure: ah21:38
Tyrantahah under joseph jackson you have the whole thing about 20under20 and mass spectroscopy which is im guessing him talking about my ms21:39
kanzureno that was me talking to him21:39
Tyrantah. excuse my narcissism :p21:39
kanzurei'm glad you enjoy my social life so much21:39
-!- newbie [~kvirc@99-72-240-21.lightspeed.mdsnwi.sbcglobal.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap21:40
-!- newbie is now known as Guest8799021:40
Tyrantjust interesting to sift through the tags21:40
kanzurei agree21:40
kanzureit's why i do it21:40
kanzurealso because i'd otherwise completely forget21:40
-!- Guest87990 is now known as HeLLeHathNoury21:40
kanzure"bryan do you remember that thing we talked about last year" "what the fuck?"21:40
kanzureif you want i'll re-upload the html tag clouds21:41
Tyranthmm now that im finally using a bnc maybe i should set up that script21:41
kanzurei have things like per-person stat views with graphs21:41
TyrantThat'd be cool to see21:41
kanzureand tag clouds and other random crap21:41
-!- HeLLeHathNoury is now known as HeLLeHathNoFury21:41
kanzureTyrant: here's an old overall tag cloud http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/meetlog/tags.2010-08-09-1150.html21:43
kanzureoh crud it's one of the bad ones21:43
-!- g4k is now known as sirw1lfgang21:45
kanzurehi g4k21:45
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Tyrantbtw kanzure, i dont like that #13 under projects :P21:53
kanzureme either- too much social bullshit going on its board21:54
kanzurei mean, board of directors21:55
Tyrantreplace them with SoCal21:55
kanzurei told joe that his team sucks21:55
kanzurebut he doesn't listen21:55
TyrantWe're making our own gel boxes21:55
kanzuregel boxes don't interest the empire21:55
TyrantI know21:55
Tyrantbut its the best i can do21:55
Tyrantotehr than that laser callibration nonsense21:55
kanzure"Asteroids do not concern the empire, Admiral."21:55
kanzureok so i got the quote slightly wrong21:55
kanzureso you know matvey?21:57
kanzureyou brought him up earlier21:57
Tyrantjust messing with your tag cloud21:57
kanzurefrom looking at meetlog.txt21:57
Tyranthe is also tagged 20under2021:57
kanzureyeah he's part of Российское Трансгуманистическое Движение21:57
kanzurerussian transhumanism branch21:58
Tyrantehh technically movement21:58
Tyrantnot branch21:58
kanzureyeah RTM21:58
kanzure"branch" as in "chapter of world transhumanist association" but it doesn't matter..21:58
Tyrantim a stickler for my native language ;)21:59
kanzurehe keeps telling me to use google translate21:59
kanzurebut there's no way i will ever learn21:59
kanzureif i just translate everything all the time21:59
Tyrantno i wouldn't recommend it21:59
Tyranti dont think it'd properly get transhumanism21:59
kanzure"super gorilla monkey men"22:00
Tyrantalso its russian transhumanist movement22:00
kanzurethere was apparently a russian project to make super monkey soliders22:00
Tyranti bet22:00
Tyranti'll ask my mom if she worked on soemthing like that22:00
kanzure"According to Russian newspapers Stalin' stated, "I want a new invincible human being, insensitive to pain, resistant and indifferent about the quality of food they eat.""22:00
kanzure"It alleges that Soviet dictator Josef Stalin ordered a scientist to create a Super-soldier by crossbreeding humans with apes."22:01
kanzure"The initial budget for the new super-soldier was $200,000, a vast sum in the 1920s."22:01
kanzure"1926 Ivanov went to West Africa in 1926 to perform experiments by impregnating chimpanzees. A centre for the experiments was also established in Georgia for raise the apes."22:01
Tyrantsuch trustworthy data22:01
kanzureyeah ufodigest is totally my source of news!~22:02
Tyrantif you werent being sarcastic i'd suggest you use a hammer for your afm and pass it through a 400 mips rf dac22:03
kanzureyeah i'm kind of regretting dropping a link to that22:04
kanzuremaybe there's something on wikipedia22:04
Tyranti wonder what your cloud will do to that link22:05
kanzurewhich link?22:05
Tyrantthe super soldiers22:05
kanzuretag you about it :P22:05
Tyrantoh boy22:05
kanzurequick! talk about things you'd rather be tagged about22:06
Tyrantdiy electron transmission microscope22:06
kanzurebut it might discount it for being close to anything talking about tags (to avoid meta-meta-meta tag injection about tagging)22:06
Tyrantdiy MRI22:06
Tyrantdiy mri anyway22:07
Tyrantgoing to replace all their superconducting magnets with arduinos22:08
Tyrantitll work i tell you22:09
Tyrantim going to cut their cost22:09
-!- delinquentme [~delinquen@c-76-125-247-186.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap22:13
delinquentmekanzure, you around?22:14
delinquentmeim trying to figure out some stuff about minipreps and PCR22:14
Tyrantuse ice and hot water baths. its hte only way to do it correctly :)22:14
delinquentmefor ex: why if we're amplifying the source dna in a miniprep .. do we do it again in PCR22:14
delinquentmeTyrant, you've done PCRs :D22:14
delinquentmeand i think a thermocycler is better :D22:15
Tyranti like thermocyclers but only as decorations22:15
Tyranti have one sitting right behind my laptop22:15
Tyrantstupid peltier chip burned22:15
delinquentmeso do you have any idea bout the miniprep and the pcr?22:16
delinquentmelike im 90% certain the PCR amplifies it WAAAAYYYYY more efficiently22:16
delinquentmeand "dna construct assembly"22:17
Tyranti think the miniprep isolates the plasmids and PCR amplifies it22:17
delinquentmeannd thsi crazy "agarose size filtering"22:17
delinquentmei THINK thats a crazy term for gel electrophoresis22:17
delinquentmebc its using agarose .. they're split up by SIZES of the dna snippets22:18
Tyrantyeah i think the terms are interchangeable22:18
delinquentmeand then you're doing gel electro to ensure that you've isolated the proper pieces of DNA22:21
delinquentmeand then you do STUFF22:21
Tyrantthat depends on what you're doing it for. our initial PCRs were taking very small amounts of dna and replicating them22:21
Tyrantbut that was just to test whether the pcr worked correctly22:22
Tyrantas well as our imaging equipment, gel setup, etc.22:22
ybit18:24 < jebba> QuantumG, you see Nokia is going Microsoft for their phones as of Friday?22:29
ybit18:24 < kanzure> jebba: see pm22:29
delinquentmeybit, did you see that theres an uprising within?22:29
ybitmay i ask if the PM is about nokia and microsoft, what the general talk was about?22:29
delinquentme10 of their employees w significant stock are planning on pulling stunts at the next investor meeting22:29
ybitthis is a particular interest of mine22:29
delinquentmeybit, http://nokiaplanb.com/22:30
kanzureybit: i have a 'sekr1t' project that i'm not prepared to announce publicly22:30
kanzureso that's what the pm was about22:30
ybitthanks for the link delinquentme22:32
delinquentmeybit, np22:32
ybitgl with your secret project kanzure :)22:33
Tyrantdont forget the tags and arduinos22:34
Tyrantgood night everyone im out22:34
delinquentmespectroscopic conc. normalization ?22:34
kanzureTyrant: yeah it's already in there http://diyhpl.us/cgit/meetlog/plain/meetlog.txt22:34
* kanzure goes back to sleep22:35
delinquentmeTyrant, any idea what the above abreeeeved term is22:36
TyrantBacon got in!22:36
TyrantNo sorry.22:36
TyrantI don't know how chimpanzees or humanzees got in either22:36
Tyrantbtw delinquentme, conc might be concentratin22:40
delinquentmepolemyerase bacon reaction?22:42
delinquentmeamplify bacon billions of times22:42
delinquentmevat meat.22:42
TechnicusDaeken: I am having significan challanges attempting to implement the Emokit hack.  Do you have a how to for Linux usage?22:46
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