
--- Log opened Fri Mar 11 00:00:10 2011
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dbolserany spork::c5 users?02:37
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fennoh maybe i'll go down and watch the tsunami06:39
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fennomg it's easier to get a live stream from the space station than my own beach08:07
kanzureperv :p08:08
JayDuggerDisaster pornography?08:09
JayDuggerThat's a vice, you know.08:10
fennthink i see somethin http://cams.exploratorium.edu:8010/08:17
fennnevermind, watch cnn it's more exciting08:19
JayDuggerEntertainment usually beats real-life in that department.08:20
fennhave you seen the wave footage from japan?08:21
JayDuggerNo. Twitter suggests it is quite frightening. Have you seen any from Hawaii?08:22
JayDuggerThat's weird...oil went down?08:28
fennapparently nothing much happened in hawaii08:28
JayDuggerThat's encouraging.08:28
JayDugger(I was stationed there.)08:29
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kanzuredwx editor by dassault for linux http://www.fcsuper.com/swblog/?p=266211:29
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kanzuresaurik: hey, thanks for running cyrket11:54
kanzurei was going to scrape the android market for data on the distribution of top downloaded apps but your data set has this11:55
kanzuredo you mind if i scrape your scrape so i can compute averages? or is there a torrent somewhere11:55
fennis dwg just 2d?11:57
kanzurehrmw ait11:57
kanzurei have only ever seen 2d dxf and dwg files11:57
kanzurebut there's stuff like http://www.cadforum.cz/cadforum_en/qaID.asp?tip=407611:58
kanzureor http://autodesk.blogs.com/between_the_lines/2005/03/great_realworld.html11:58
kanzuremaybe that's just the name of another file format ("3D-DWF")11:59
kanzurei have provided nothing of vaule here :)11:59
kanzuredwf != dwg; dwf is "design web format" and not the autodesk dxf stuff11:59
fenndwg is 2d and 3d but apparently draftsight only supports 2d12:10
saurikkanzure: cyrket isn't currently being updated, so the data is a month or so out of date (google turns the screws down on me more recently, and I have been way way too busy with cydia 1.1 to work on cyrket)12:10
saurik(if that doesn't matter for your purpose I can run a query against my database for you, which might save you a bunch of time)12:13
-!- Juul [~Juul@static.88-198-13-205.clients.your-server.de] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:14
kanzuresaurik: a query would be awesome; something like package name + download-rating-category-thingy12:15
* kanzure was just writing a python scraper.. :shame:12:15
kanzurescraper: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/cyrket_scraper.py12:17
kanzurethis was from before i realized you run this site ;)12:17
saurik(it used to be that the site would ban you if you did that, but I haven't been caring as much, and certainly not since it hasn't been updated)12:21
saurik(people pretty much just scrape it and run their own websites using it as an elaborate datafeed)12:21
kanzurei'm doing due diligence so i have real numbers when i pitch something12:22
kanzurefrom what i can tell, top 1k apps have 50k downloads12:22
kanzuretop 5k have at least 10k12:22
fennwhy doesn't google just provide an api for the android market data?12:22
kanzuretop 10k have at least 5k12:22
kanzuretop 20k have at least 1k12:23
kanzureand then it drops like a rock after that12:23
kanzurebut averages would be better12:23
fennO_o 3.7 trillion android apps have been downloaded so far?12:24
saurik           |        |    64012:25
saurik    250000 |        |   102912:25
saurik     50000 | 200000 |   282012:25
saurik      5000 |   5000 |   542612:25
saurik        50 |     50 |   600012:25
saurik       500 |    500 |   758312:25
saurik     10000 |  40000 |   809712:25
saurik      1000 |   4000 |  1628812:25
saurik       100 |    400 |  1637512:25
saurik         0 |     50 | 10004212:25
saurikthat's the distribution12:25
saurikdamn, lost the header12:25
saurik downloads | range  | count12:25
saurikthe range is because android's data is like 0-5012:25
kanzurethank you12:25
saurikthe .txt is the full dataset12:25
saurik5000/5000 means 5000-10000, not exactly 500012:25
kanzureyou make the world suck just a little less12:25
sauriklike, total+length12:25
kanzurefenn: show math12:26
saurikkanzure: actually, http://test.saurik.com/kanzure/cyrket-20110311-downloads-price.txt <- better (it includes the price, which is probably important)12:27
fennkanzure:  data from http://www.androlib.com/appstats.aspx12:27
saurik(but the price can change over time, and that's a static price)12:27
kanzurewait, why is it 500/500 and 5000/5000 not 500/1000 and 5000/1000012:29
kanzurethe headers are this, right? downloads (min) | downloads (max) | count12:29
saurikbecause I wanted a null value in the second field to mean 012:29
saurikthe header there was:12:29
saurik20:25:24 < saurik>  downloads | range  | count12:29
saurikI pasted it after I said I lost it12:29
saurikthe range is "length"12:29
saurik20:25:51 < saurik> 5000/5000 means 5000-10000, not exactly 500012:29
saurik20:25:54 < saurik> like, total+length12:29
kanzureoh i didn't see "total+length"12:30
saurikwell, not a null value12:30
kanzuremakes more sense :)12:30
sauriknull means "doesn't apply"12:30
saurikbut I wanted a default12:30
saurik< 012:30
sauriklike, 250000/null is 250000+12:30
kanzureyeah i get it now12:30
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kanzuresaurik: btw, i'm making a beta management service for android apps12:31
kanzure"mechanical turk of mobile testing"12:32
saurikso the idea is that people sign up with this service to get early access to products in exchange for feedback and testing?12:32
kanzurecompany pays testers to test apps on demand12:33
kanzuredevelopers use my android sdk to capture bug reports and feedback12:33
kanzureeventually more than android, but "device fragmentation" is a big problem12:34
kanzurechase bank can't afford to lose 30,000 customers because the app doesn't work on something that wasn't tested12:34
kanzure(to be fair, they wouldn't lose the customers, but maybe the app is unusable, etc.)12:35
-!- elevenarms [~elevenarm@rrcs-67-79-222-155.sw.biz.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:41
kanzuresaurik: thanks a million for that12:43
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kanzurefenn: my notes say 3.7 billion app downloads12:49
kanzurefenn: yeah, http://www.androlib.com/appstats.aspx shows 3.7 billion12:53
kanzureactually these numbers have to be fake12:56
kanzureit claims 3.2 million new apps were published last month?12:56
kanzurebut that on average 1100 new apps are published per day http://www.androlib.com/gd/stats/newappsbyday.aspx12:56
kanzureoh ok. it's not 3.2 million, but rather 32k http://www.androlib.com/gd/stats/newappsbymonth.aspx12:57
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kanzurekicked off my own panel :( http://schedule.sxsw.com/events/event_IAP570514:20
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uniqanomalywtf am I reading16:44
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kanzureneat, paul had an article in 2004 arguing my points about liberal licensing and charities17:40
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kanzureTyrant: how did BIL go?18:38
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ybithas anyone tryed piracetam or l-glutamine supplements?18:41
ybiti bought this in 2005: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00014D2KU?ie=UTF8&redirect=true18:42
ybitdidn't notice anything18:42
ybitritalin sucks18:47
ybitmodafinil is awesome, but expensive18:48
* ybit is also considering adderall18:48
jrabbitit works.20:12
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JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.22:59
* kanzure picked up tom mccabe, michael vassar and roy up from the airport23:02
kanzuredropped two of them off at natasha's.. i get the straggler i guess23:03
JayDuggerGood deed for the day: check.23:03
JayDuggerHeh, heh.23:03
JayDuggerGood deed for tomorrow: check.23:03
JayDuggerWhat's the occasion of the visits?23:08
JayDuggerAh. I'd forgotten.23:14
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--- Log closed Sat Mar 12 00:00:10 2011

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