
--- Log opened Fri May 20 00:00:07 2011
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kanzureodd: http://fetch.io/ http://put.io/ torrent streaming?07:49
kanzurewhat? greencard lottery? http://html3.usagc.org/step1landing_eng.html07:50
kanzurediscussion about henry http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2561354 (from yesterday)07:51
kanzureoh man, math guys.. math http://demo.helldesign.net/humanity/mockups/home.jpg07:54
-!- mayko [~mayko@71-22-217-151.gar.clearwire-wmx.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:54
kanzurenew ohanda site: http://ohanda.org/07:54
kanzurealso there's some weird u.s. committee asking stuff about copyright/innovation and requesting comments to their blog posts for consideration07:56
kanzure"The Board on Science, Technology, and Economic Policy of the National Research Council has created the Committee on the Impact of Copyright Policy on Innovation in the Digital Era in order to evaluate and propose how to expand and improve research on the impacts of copyright policy, particularly on innovation in the digital environment."07:58
-!- el_kevino [~el_kevino@tor.office.avidlifemedia.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:22
kanzurehi el_kevino08:28
el_kevinohey, how's it going?08:32
kanzurehttp://code.google.com/p/python-on-a-chip/ " runs a significant subset of the Python language on microcontrollers without an OS."08:50
kanzurehm there's a http://reddit.com/r/Nootropics08:53
kanzurean accurate approximation of my opinion on data caps: http://mobile.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=2171380&cid=3618983009:13
-!- CryptoQuick [~CryptoQui@c-174-51-232-237.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Join New Direction in Space on Facebook! http://is.gd/ndispace]09:41
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kanzure"Thanks again for being one of the past guests on my show: The Future And You. The next episode will be the 200th episode."12:56
kanzure"I'm planning a special episode in which I will read predictions by past guests. So, if you would, please email me a prediction of the future."12:56
kanzure"Just a paragraph or two is plenty (or several paragraphs if you are in the mood). Especially good would be a prediction based on a trend most people have been ignoring or just not aware of."12:56
kanzureThe world is ending tomorrow. There are no predictions to be made.12:58
kanzure- Bryan"12:58
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kanzurei don't know what to tell openfarmtech at this point: http://groups.google.com/group/diybio/t/e21f4b878011d2d013:43
kanzureit's almost as if they are collectively oblivious to me13:44
kanzurei might be a forgettable person but at this point it's just ridiculous..13:45
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kanzure"I have found myself re-introducing myself to OSE for the last 2 or 3 years now, so if you already know me and I just haven't realized that you're ignoring me I apologize profusely and will stop bugging you" maybe not the best way to approach this13:51
kanzurewasn't there a time when OSE had a lot of "social butterflies" that came into this channel and got angry because i wasn't into social entrepreneurship or socila media or something?14:07
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kanzure"So here at OSE, things are exploding. We're going through major growing pains. From the connections at TED we've garnered a HUGE amount of political and expertise backing from the larger tech community, and right now, we're trying to figure out how to best apply it."15:46
kanzure"If you think SKDB or a related tech is ready for prime-time, we'd be full willing to implement it, but we'll likely need someone onsite to get it going."15:47
kanzure"Do you know of people that might be open to coming out to Factor E Farm for a Dedicated Project Visit with the aim of standardizing our tool-chain of hardware printing to be "apt-get" levels of easy?"15:47
-!- Juul [~Juul@slim.dhcp.lbl.gov] has joined ##hplusroadmap15:58
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ybitkanzure: so what was the response?21:31
ferrouswheelkanzure: amusing to see you in #cython. did you work out your issue?21:43
kanzuresomewhat, i'm still hacking on things21:44
kanzureybit: i haven't replied yet21:45
ferrouswheelI spent a fair bit of time working on the annoying parts of cython for opencog, so feel free to ask any questions.21:46
thesnarkewwww cython21:49
thesnarkewwww c21:49
thesnarkthat is all.21:49
-!- thesnark [~michael@cblmdm24-53-167-49.buckeyecom.net] has quit [Quit: ("brb, getting raptured")]21:50
ferrouswheelthesnark: i take you dislike it? i'm a big fan compared to other wrappers.21:50
kanzureyeah this wrapper seems to be doing its job so far21:50
kanzureferrouswheel: here's a question..22:03
kanzurei have a class that has a private member sqrt() and another private member abs()22:03
kanzurethere's a function (outside of the class) abs(b) that calls b.abs()22:03
kanzurein the header file it lists "friend abs(b)"22:04
kanzurehow do i do friends in cython?22:04
ferrouswheeli'm not sure cython has direct support for friends.22:05
ferrouswheelis abs(b) a cython function?22:05
kanzurenot yet :)22:06
kanzurepresumably i need to be able to call abs(b)22:07
kanzurei guess i can just write it myself but i'd prefer to wrap the code..22:07
kanzure(especially since this pattern appears multiple times in the code base)22:07
-!- klafka1 [~textual@cpe-69-205-70-55.rochester.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]22:07
ferrouswheelkanzure: if it's a c++ function then you should be able to call abs(b) easily enough from cython, but directly implementing abs(b) in cython to access b.abs() won't work (at least, not in the current cython)22:08
kanzurehow would i directly call abs(b) from cython?22:08
kanzureor 'define' it or 'wrap' it or whatever the terminology is22:08
ferrouswheelwell, by directly i mean:22:09
kanzurealso is there any public cython example that was written for a fairly mature codebase? all of the examples on docs.cython.org are rather short22:09
ferrouswheelcdef extern from "myheader.h" namespace "namespaceOfFunction":22:10
kanzureand then:     abs(int) or whatever?22:10
ferrouswheel    cdef uint abs(MyClass c)22:10
kanzurei didn't think of that. thanks.22:11
ferrouswheelalthough both uint and MyClass need to be defined...22:11
kanzurei'm not sure the original function was declared in the header; i think it was only the line "friend uint abs(MyClass)" appeared inside of the class definition, is that a problem?22:12
ferrouswheelso you'd probably want "cdef cppclass MyClass: ..." above the abs definition22:12
ferrouswheeluh - i'm not sure... I expect you'd need the header that abs(MyClass) is actually defined.22:14
kanzureblehhh okay22:14
ferrouswheelkanzure: if you want to see how did the OpenCog bindings, see here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~opencog-dev/opencog/trunk/files/head:/opencog/cython/opencog22:18
ferrouswheelalthough I can't guarantee it's "best practice" ;p22:18
* kanzure sleeps22:24
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--- Log closed Sat May 21 00:00:07 2011

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