
--- Log opened Fri May 27 00:00:07 2011
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fenn"ways to improve human intelligence" review article http://www.winwenger.com/intellig.htm04:07
fenni gotta say i didnt feel smarter after playing underwater hockey04:09
fennokay nevermind, please ignore04:09
uniqanomalydude, great site :>04:43
kanzure"Bryan, if you wish, get your young colleagues to suppress ageing with a full combination of judicious inhibition of constitutive NF-kB signalling; inhibition of oxidative stress via ROS amplifiers of cytoplasmic NADPHoxidases and p66SHC;"05:05
kanzure"downregulation of PI3K-Akt-mTOR (...and upregulation of FOXO3a); inhibition of p16ink4a; upregulation of Nrf2; and maintenance of the circadian rhythm; upregulation of systemic IGF-1 and downregulation of intra-niche IGF-1."05:05
kanzure"I use flavonoids (including prenylated ones); vanillinoids; sterols; terpenoids; xanthines; macrolides; other ring lactones; and lately I've been looking at polycyclic polyethers."05:06
uniqanomaly "There is a controversial US patent (US patent 6,410,516)[54] that applies to the discovery and use of agents that can block NF-κB for therapeutic purposes."05:28
kanzureuniqanomaly: if you want to read up on this shit,05:28
kanzurei'm still not sure why the oxidative stress battle hasn't been resolved yet..05:29
uniqanomalyok, thx05:30
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JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.06:23
fenngrr.. i feel like my degree in molecular biology should have caused me to recognize at least one of those acronyms06:29
kanzurefenn: atthe very least, NADPHoxidase06:32
fennwell, now that you mention it, i know what that is06:33
kanzuremTOR is also something you should know just by hanging out in here06:34
fennhow big is ~bryan/papers2?06:34
kanzure"target of rapamyacin"06:34
kanzure711 MB06:34
kanzure711 MB ~bryan/papers2/longevity/06:35
kanzure7.6 GB ~bryan/papers206:35
fennwell maybe i will just put it on a backup drive06:36
fennwas someone talking about vinpocetine in here? i've had the word stuck in my head for a few days now06:37
kanzureno that was on 2011-02-0606:38
-!- el_kevino [~el_kevino@tor.office.avidlifemedia.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:39
fennhm, brian's big list of stuff. probably not where i got it from06:39
fennwhat's the point of html logs?06:40
kanzuregoogle indexing06:40
kanzurei figure ##hplusroadmap logs might be valuable to someone somewhere06:40
kanzureor it helps capture wandering/lost souls06:40
fenngotta catch 'em all06:41
kanzure<-- a pokemon master06:41
fenna wild jaydugger appeared!06:41
kanzureFight! PkMn Items Run06:41
JayDugger(Shh....they're a timid type of Cockfighting Seizure Monster, and very afraid of copyright violation.)06:42
kanzurefenn: have you played favimon?06:42
kanzurei should do this for facebook avatars for people in meetlog.txt06:43
fenn"intelectol" is just too good of a name to use on any non-fictional drug06:43
fenncockfighting seizure monster eh? ...06:43
JayDuggerYes, but unoriginal.06:43
fennthat reminds me, i havent played progressquest in months06:43
kanzureoh man i need to get you hooked on dwarf fortress06:44
* fenn suspects the irony has been lost06:44
JayDuggerThe departed RPG company Guardians of Order did a Pokemon-style RPG, and that was one of it's two titles.06:44
kanzurei learned the other day that a going-on-8-year internet buddy06:45
kanzurehas been struggling with schizophrenia his entire life06:45
kanzureit's really amazing because i hadn't known, at all06:45
kanzureto be fair i was a very unaware kid back then.. but still06:46
kanzurei think he was caught in the joplin hurricanes recently06:46
kanzureand i haven't found him.06:46
kanzurefenn: what's up on your end? h+?06:49
fennuh, sposed to be throwing together some old slides for qs talk tomorrow06:50
fennmaking ends meet and all that boring stuff06:51
* fenn wonders what he's been doing as well06:51
fennmaker faire was pretty much the same as last year06:51
kanzuremore consulting work is coming in my end06:52
kanzureare you still interested in being hooked up06:52
fennoh, playing with my orange glasses06:53
fennthey block out all blue light which makes your green receptors overcompensate so anything green pops out at you06:53
fenni've been getting excited about plover again06:54
fennmy friend has a kinesis keyboard which has n-key rollover, but it's sufficiently weird that i might just make my own keyboard from scratch06:54
kanzurehrm i don't have a phone number or address06:55
fennit's really too bad you can't do steno on a normal multiplexed keyboard06:55
kanzurei was complaining to jrayhawk about steno like plover.. some of the combinations of letters apparently have multiple interpretations06:56
kanzureer, combinations of keys06:56
fenni dont see how that could be possible06:57
fenndifferent people have different dictionaries, maybe that's what he meant06:57
fennJayDugger: http://plover.stenoknight.com/2010/03/how-to-speak-with-your-fingers.html06:58
kanzure-RBS -- "-tious, -cious, -xious", As in delicious, obnoxious, precious.06:58
kanzure"But since F already serves double duty as both F and V, it can sometimes be tricky to handle, as in paves/paces, braves/braces, proves/process, laughs/laves/lasses, et cetera. "06:59
fennah, yes that is sort of a problem but one i can agree with the philosophy behind their decision at least06:59
kanzure"Now, as you remember, -BGS is also -X, so you'll need to distinguish those sounds from one another when necessary."06:59
JayDuggerfenn, if you've interest in keybaord construction, have you seen http://www.keyboardmods.com/2010/10/magic-keyboard.html07:01
fenni'm going to build http://homepage2.nifty.com/perky/index.htm07:02
kanzurefenn: hey that looks great07:02
JayDuggerVery impressive!07:02
fennhe's been building them for like 20 years now07:02
JayDuggerkanzure, do you type on qwerty or on dvorak?07:03
fenni figure i should learn from someone who's made the mistakes already07:03
fenndvorak is a waste of time07:03
kanzureJayDugger: qwerty http://race-database.com/typeracer/profile?username=kanzure07:03
fennyou get 20% speed improvement and endless fun switching between keyboard modes07:04
JayDuggerNo, thank you. I am not even in your league.07:04
kanzureJayDugger: that's the stats page07:04
JayDuggerI agree with the speed and the endless bit, but I wouldn't call switching fun.07:04
fenncan you see what percentile you're in with typeracer?07:05
JayDuggerkanzure: Yes. Notice that I am not on it?07:05
kanzurefenn: sort of.. it rounds up so i'm in the 100%tile07:05
JayDugger70 wpm on a good day for me.07:05
kanzurefenn: but if you sort the leaderboard, i'm between #30 and #40 somewhere http://race-database.com/typeracer/leaders07:05
fenni think it's pretty clear that chording keyboards just don't make sense if you're only entering one character at a time07:07
fennthere are ~20! possible key combos so why not make use of that07:07
kanzurehonestly i find typing speed most useful for programming07:07
kanzurethere's no real reason to do transcripting.. just record some audio and throw it at software/people07:08
kanzurenot being able to hack out code quickly is a real impediment07:08
kanzureand the reason why i'm so skeptical about keyboards that neglect special characters07:08
fennfor reference, that's that's approximately 22 quadrillion more combinations than keys available on a keyboard07:08
kanzurewait osamu's keyboard has 20 keys?07:09
fennsomething like that07:10
fenntarsal and metatarsal (?) for each finger07:10
fenngod, anatomy is so stupid07:11
fenn"distal and intermediate phalanges"07:11
fennwhy not just say the tip and middle of the finger07:11
JayDuggerLatin's heritage as an international language07:13
JayDuggerUnless those terms derive from Greek, in which case I will feel foolish and embarrassed and will fall silent.07:14
fennapparently all these touchpad based keyboards are unsatisfying to use; we need haptic feedback believe it or not07:15
kanzurei'm totally ok with haptic feedback07:15
fennthere aren't any low power haptic interface devices :*07:16
JayDuggerI like mine very much, but that lack of haptic feedback did take the most adjustment.07:16
kanzurewhat about just physical feedback07:16
fennbesides piezos/buzzers, which barely count07:16
kanzurephysical/mechanical.. like springs :P07:16
kanzureer, i meant to imply "like other keyboards"07:16
kanzuresprings are an awful idea07:16
fennkeyboards all have springs in them07:17
fennor buckling domes or whatever07:17
fennjaydugger what do you use?07:17
JayDuggerAn old Fingerworks Touchstream.07:18
kanzurei was hoping you'd say "dragon naturallyspeaking"07:18
JayDuggerAre you kidding? I'd have to write a second draft of everything. Then how could I excuse poor writing?07:18
fennare those... membrane switches?07:18
fennok good :P07:19
JayDuggerSorry, called away by my girlfriend.07:20
fennlooks like they are out of business.. okay how does it work?07:21
fennit has a lot of chips in it07:21
JayDuggerI honestly can't tell you. They're too expensive and rare to disassemble.07:22
* fenn is looking at http://jan.rychter.com/fingerworks-touchstream-kbd/07:23
fennapparently the tech made it into the iphone07:24
JayDuggerYeah, and I suspect on into the Magic Trackpad.07:24
kanzuregahh 15207:24
kanzurebut to be fair that was on a macbookpro and i don't use that keyboard often07:24
fennhave you found any correlations between typing speed and other things?07:25
kanzureit adds 20-30wpm07:26
fenni wish steno weren't so ... arbitrary07:26
fenni have a hard time wanting to learn something that's "beacuse we always did it that way"07:27
fennand zero analysis07:27
fennif i'm going to learn an apparently arbitrary mapping i'd want it based on huffman coding or something07:27
kanzurei type 'y' with the wrong hand about 60% of the time07:28
fennit's in the middle; there's no "wrong" hand07:28
kanzureif that's true then why don't i type 't' with my right07:29
fennbecause there's more keys on the right and you're distracted07:29
JayDuggerDo you remember the Slashdot post about evolving an optimtal keyboard?07:29
JayDuggeroptimal, even.07:29
kanzureopbimal for loltxt07:29
JayDuggerCP Walker, 2003, (Google Scholar)07:30
fenni still think alternate key layouts are a waste of time07:31
fennno matter what you're still entering text one letter at a time07:31
JayDuggerWhy do you need a standard? Do you often switch between machines?07:31
fenni often use OEM keyboards, yes :P07:32
fennin fact, precisely zero of the keyboards i currently own were not manufactured by  a large corporation07:32
kanzuresince it's the internet07:33
kanzurewe are now obligated to combine custom keyboard craftsmanship07:33
kanzurewith pokemon07:33
kanzure"gotta catch 'em all" => catch all of the keys/combos? :p07:33
fenni met a woman at maker faire who makes her own keyboards07:33
kanzureapparently keyboarding competitions used to be sponsored by manufacturers07:33
kanzurewith their different typewriters having different layouts07:34
kanzureobviously they each had something to gain by proving that their layout was the best07:34
kanzurei'd be surprised if there's genuinely no improvement possible07:35
kanzureagain steno doesn't really count in my book..07:35
fennwhy not? most words you type are words07:35
fenneven while coding07:35
kanzurei value my code-words more than my other words07:35
fennif it weren't so easy to type "^" or whatever, we probably wouldnt use them  in our programming languages07:36
kanzureyes, well07:36
fennlisp machines had two huge parentheses buttons07:37
JayDuggerHeh...and a keyboard optimized for vi would have a big Esc button?07:37
fennthe last link was made specifically for vi07:38
fennesc is the '5' button next to space bar07:38
kanzureheh laser cut backplate. not a bad idea07:38
fennyeah the way she did it makes it look pretty easy07:39
kanzurefor all my google-fu i can't seem to find a programming language that only accepts alphanumeric source code07:40
kanzureoh well, you'll just have to make one yourself07:41
fennyou can type weird characters with steno07:42
kanzurei'm sure07:42
kanzurejust, what you type means different things if you're not careful07:43
fenni'd like to do some kind of autocomplete based on the contents of the file, so it does camelcase if the existing code is camelcase etc07:43
fennif i'm not careful i'm going to end up writing a text editor07:44
fennwell anyway, i have to build a keyboard first or this is all idle speculation07:44
kanzureg:neocomplcache_enable_camel_case_completion = 107:44
kanzurelet g:neocomplcache_enable_smart_case = 107:45
fennthis is the one i've used http://www.mohdshakir.net/2007/12/27/enable-vim-code-python-auto-complete07:48
fennit only uses contents of the file; of course filenames and vim commands etc can be helpful but only i f i can turn them off separately07:49
fennis there a way to make a symbolic file that is what you would get if you appended multiple files together? (without actually doing that every time the file changes)07:52
fennlike foofo .bashrc = bashrc.d/*07:53
fennmkfoofo :P07:54
kanzurefenn: maybe a socket?08:13
kanzuream i thinking of the correct linux idiom08:14
kanzureoh, no08:15
kanzureyou could make a fake device that just runs tar periodically08:22
kanzure2 years is still inexcusable08:25
kanzurewait, last february?08:26
kanzureoh tito wrote that post. i'm sorry for linking to it.08:26
fenntito was here last night randomly08:59
fennwe ate baklava and i carefully avoided conversation about anything diybio08:59
fenn162 min to download papers209:00
fennwhat is the utility of the .zip and .tgz files?09:02
kanzurefenn: is he reasonable when not talking about diybio-related stuff?09:03
kanzurefenn: which .zip/.tgz files in particular09:04
kanzuremicrofluidics.tar.gz is just a giant/old backup that you can ignore09:04
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fennactually he didnt talk much about non-diybio-stuff. we didnt talk much :\09:05
fenni mean what's the use of compressing them instead of just putting them in directories and pointing people at wget09:06
kanzurethey are leftovers from previous file transfers i had09:07
kanzurei'm going to remove microfluidics_2009-06-01.zip, microfluidics_2009.zip, and microfluidics.tar.gz09:08
kanzurethere.. now it's only 6.7 GB09:09
kanzureany thoughts about a historical record file i could keep to indicate to outsiders where files have been moved from previous servers/paths?09:10
kanzurei.e. "heybryan.org/books/* -> diyhpl.us/hidden0xh/"09:10
kanzurei guess that format could work09:10
fennum. it would be neat if you actually had a url mapping which served the urls with a 40309:10
kanzurewell, that too09:10
fenner, 30109:11
kanzureand then layered/stacked these together across my dumb server jumps09:11
kanzurehonestly i don't intentionally switch servers so often09:11
kanzuredesignfiles.org was an accident09:11
fennwhy are you not using heybryan.org as your domain name?09:12
kanzuremy web presence is so confused and mangled that i don't know what to do09:12
kanzurethere's still lots of heybryan.org content that hasn't been uploaded (would take weeks)09:13
fennfilelight is pretty good for figuring out what the hell is there09:13
fennwithout getting distracted by the over 9,000 files in the directory09:14
fenngdmap is fast but doesn't seem to elucidate anything09:14
kanzureto make a proper 301 mapping i'd have to know the original paths09:14
kanzureand part of the problem is some fucked up apache configuration i had going on09:14
fenni suggest using less apache black magic in the future09:15
kanzure"hur dur i'll just pass /school to /mnt/hdb3/backups/old/server/2005-04-13/var/www/school/"09:15
kanzureyes i agree09:16
fennhey is there some kind of magic filesystem hack that will let me store as many duplicates (not symbolic links) as i want without taking up extra space?09:21
fennbased on hashing the file contents09:21
fenni know about git-annex but it seems like a bit of a pain09:22
fennregular git can't be spread across volumes09:23
JayDuggerpasky, have you used git-annex?09:23
kanzurejrayhawk: you were pushing for git-annex a while back so i'll just assume you're familiar with it09:23
paskyi haven't used git-annex09:24
kanzurefenn: it would be helpful to have something that analyzed an apache configuration file09:25
kanzureand then constructed original urls for files and maps them to my actual filesystem09:25
kanzurebased on aliases/paths/directories and other apache elements09:25
kanzurethen i can take those paths and map them to whatever09:26
kanzureok so i'm in the middle of my iphone programming productivity today (adderall, etc.)09:27
kanzureand someone just called and i should really take this meeting before 3pm09:27
fennand why are you telling us about it :P09:28
kanzurecode or people..09:28
kanzurewell it's a tough decision that i don't really want to make :P09:28
fennwho's calling?09:28
JayDuggerFlip a coin.09:28
kanzurethis guy posted on craigslist asking for android testers09:28
kanzureso i offered to help test "and oh by the way i'm a developer"09:29
kanzureso i'm going to show up and say "WELL, the way i test is i started a company and wrote this whole testing framework"09:29
kanzure<-- over-prepared09:29
kanzureyeah exactly it's a non-critical meeting, but i should do it anyway09:29
JayDugger't'ain't bragging if you can do it.09:29
* kanzure is trying to wake up elevenarms to do it instead09:29
fennhe's a better salesman anyway09:30
fennhe even has a toolstache09:30
kanzuresee pm09:30
kanzurehow would you like to buy a used car, fenn09:33
kanzurewhat can i do to put you into a car today09:33
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Utopiah(seems to be coming mainly from http://www.avaxhome.ws/magazines/science )09:59
fennhuh, vinpocetine is really inexpensive10:23
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fenni'm going to start keeping track of market price per dose of various nootropics10:45
JayDuggerThat's a good project.10:45
fennit's kind of annoying that erowid doesn't list prices10:46
fennat least not in a systematic way10:46
JayDuggerScroll down to the nootropics section, and click on the little pill icons for prices.10:49
fenni thought that page was mostly about turning dieting into a video game10:49
JayDuggerOh, his "The Hacker's Diet?"10:49
JayDuggerOnly if you find Excel a video game.10:50
fennwell, using skills you normally apply to engineering problems to the problem of dieting10:50
JayDuggerYeah, that's the Hacker's Diet, and that's him. Nootropics lie pretty far down the page.10:51
fennfortunately it's not hard to find people selling nootropics, it's just hard to find all the prices in one place in a consistent scheme10:51
JayDuggerThere's your opportunity. :)10:51
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fenndeprenyl/L-dopa is being sold as an anti-aging drug? wtf10:55
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fennoh it's not the same as l-dopa10:56
JayDuggerIf you get anywhere with that price tracker, please mention it here. That project interests me.10:56
JayDuggerGood night, everyone.10:57
fennit's more like an OCD nervous reaction than a project10:59
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kanzure"The reality is that information has negative value. Time has positive value. You have to buy attention."13:49
kanzurewell that had the makings of being an insightful statement but then it catastrophically ends13:50
-!- thesnark [~michael@adsl-75-6-25-12.dsl.toldoh.sbcglobal.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:59
sixyearoldskanzure, it begins catastrophically14:01
sixyearoldskanzure, the only way i can think of it as true is if information =/= entropy, and requires making specialised states, because in entropy there is no information14:02
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kanzuresixyearolds: i think he meant to say "The reality is that information has negative monetary value." or to imply that it's not a monetary asset that can be leveraged as directly as other commodities14:13
thesnarkhey kanzure14:14
thesnarkhappy birthday ;)14:14
sixyearoldskanzure, knowledge is the new currency, its inflationary and people try to induce value through scarcity(copyright laws, patents). but information has made humanity profit off of the solar system, everyone lives collectively better than 1000 years ago, how can that be negative wealth? human race is not a zero sum game14:15
delinquentme"information has negative monetary value?14:18
delinquentme^^ no way14:18
kanzurewhatever. i don't really care about fixing the statement14:18
delinquentmeanyone know what part of a electro-mechanical stack determines if its running in VDC?14:19
delinquentmeand 2! has anyone written research grants14:19
thesnarkdelinquentme I have some experience with that14:20
thesnarkyour audience matters a lot14:20
delinquentmethesnark, with grant writing?14:20
thesnarkyeah, some14:20
thesnarkI co-authored a grant and am writing one14:20
delinquentmemakes sense .. any suggestions for the science community / national science foundation?14:20
thesnarkbut I've only done it for university14:20
delinquentmespecifically online writing guides14:20
thesnarkNSF...very high competition grants14:21
delinquentmeshould i look for smaller institutions?14:21
delinquentmecurrently im working on really simple liquid handling hardware14:21
thesnarkhonestly....you have to write a killer grant that presents a new way to do something and in a clear manner as well as know somebody who can lobby for you14:22
delinquentmefor NSF14:22
thesnarknot that you can't get it without those things14:22
thesnarkbut if you want to be 100% sure, you'd need a rigorously written grant and contacts14:23
delinquentmenow NSF grants are going to be multi million dollar14:23
delinquentmelike i dont need that haha14:23
delinquentmei need maybe 10g14:23
thesnarkyeah... lots of competition14:23
delinquentmesuggestions for sources for smaller grants .. around that 10k number?14:24
thesnarkdelinquentme what is your proposal for?14:24
delinquentmeautomated medical equipment14:24
delinquentmetheres another question .. can this stuff be used for profit?14:24
thesnarkoh, can you make it profitable? YOu might just be able to get startup money14:25
thesnark10g is nothing really in terms of trying new ideas14:25
delinquentmethis is true14:25
thesnarkhell, if you can just make it _sound_ profitable you can probably get startup money14:25
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thesnarkgrant that I co-authored was for 50k and that would probably have been classified as a very easy grant14:26
thesnarkyou can get 10g14:26
delinquentmenow grants can also be used to pay the workers salaries14:26
thesnarktalk to business people14:26
thesnarkyes of course14:26
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delinquentmebasically i want to work on this full time.. and not have to rely on other job SOLELY14:27
thesnarkdelinquentme what you need is contacts14:27
thesnarkdelinquentme people who are active in the industry you want to innovate in14:27
thesnarkdelinquentme even on a casual basis, it will help you a lot14:27
delinquentmeso i've made .. maybe 314:28
delinquentmeof like people who hold a spot14:28
delinquentmeand im like a week out from a working prototype14:28
thesnarka working prototype will help you a _lot_14:28
thesnarkif you can show them the idea they will love it14:29
thesnarka lot of people who make decisions to give money don't want to hear about an idea, they want to see it14:29
thesnarkthat will get you a long way right there14:29
delinquentmeso keep doing what im doing :D14:30
thesnarkso I have no idea what you have in mind or what your situation is, but: 1) Develop your prototype 2_ Make lots of friends 3) ???? 4) Profit!14:30
delinquentmei've got 3 labs who are open to checking it out once i get it operational .. so thats awesome14:30
delinquentmeand im in pittsburgh so like14:31
delinquentmeyeahhh it is _THE_ place to be for this14:31
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kanzurethe blog posts are still coming..22:37
kanzuresomeone needs to figure out what sort of dope marcus is on22:37
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