
--- Log opened Mon May 30 00:00:07 2011
kanzure"Much recent research suggest that willpower-- the capacity to exert self-control-- is a limited resource that is depleted after exertion."00:44
kanzure"We propose that whether depletion takes place or not depends on a person's belief about whether willpower is a limited resource."00:44
kanzuresay what now00:44
kanzurei guess this is the most direct way to tell someone that their belief in willpower is bullshit00:45
kanzure(i'm not sure if i have ever known someone to believe they had unlimited/infinite willpower who was also able to back it up with physical results)00:46
Utopiahguess that's a strict proof for The Secret (morning humour warning)00:46
kanzures/physical/actual/ digital counts00:46
delinquentme_kanzure, so i've dled a harvard review on business00:51
delinquentme_and they've got findings akin to that00:52
kanzurei am sleeping00:52
delinquentme_the title  is "manage your energy .. not your time"00:52
delinquentme_sleep? ^^^^00:52
ybitdelinquentme_: linkage appreciated00:53
kanzurei continue to find all of these theories of mental energy and willpower and self-control to be very lame00:54
kanzureand insufficient.00:54
kanzureso i wouldn't take much stock in them.00:54
* kanzure goes back to sleep00:54
delinquentme_thereeee we go00:56
delinquentme_if it works for you use it00:56
delinquentme_if it doesnt00:56
kanzurethat's a load of fucking shit, either they made a good study about the brain or they didn't00:56
kanzureautistics.org/library/inertia.html has been taken down00:58
kanzurebackup: http://web.archive.org/web/20080725172551/http://www.autistics.org/library/inertia.html00:58
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jrayhawkThere are a lot of hormonal and energy factors that could be loosely thought of as 'willpower' being 'used up'02:41
jrayhawkBut, yes, 'will' is generally a label used in agency-oriented thought processes rather than rational thought processes and, as a result, gets associated with all manner of magical thinking.02:44
jrayhawkIt has plenty of semantic value in its ability to import rational concepts to nonrational minds, so it's actually fairly impulsive and ignorant to declare it worthless.02:46
jrayhawkI guess I should start using 'idea-oriented' rather than 'rational'02:48
jrayhawksince 'rational' and 'irrational' and 'nonrational' have unpredictable value implications02:49
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kanzureScientific alternatives to the anthropic principle http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/hep-th/pdf/0407/0407213v3.pdf07:20
kanzurehooray for lee07:21
kanzure(lee smolin)07:21
kanzurejrayhawk: but none of that helps elucidiate whether or not there is an actual physical basis to 'willpower' in any useful sense07:22
kanzurehormonal levels is like saying "chemical levels"07:22
kanzurealso, a fluorescent nanotube dye for imaging: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2011-05/su-bvt052711.php07:23
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delinquentmedissolves hot glue?13:02
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fenninteresting that modafinil.com is owned by david pearce15:56
fennone would have expected cephalon to file some trademark something or other, but maybe they prefer all the 'unofficial' info15:57
fennaccording to some anecdotal articles i've read, modafinil is basically synthetic willpower :\15:58
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kanzurefenn: david pearce owns a lot of domains.. http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/david-pearce-domains.url.txt18:37
kanzureprioritarianism.com <-- what?18:40
kanzureamphetamines.com, aniracetam.com, anticopyright.com, antidepressants.com, antiparticles.com, aye-aye.org, bayesianism.com18:43
ybiti'm letting all my domains expire18:44
ybithumcie.com|org, sealab.info, tweaklabs.org, jsfanboy.com, and other crap i can't remember18:44
ybitgit ftw18:45
ybitor mercurial18:45
ybitor darcs18:45
kanzurebetaprotein.com, betapeptide.com, biotech.mobi, bloodsports.com, carnivorism.com, catecholamine.com, chrosome$N.com, cocaine.org, cognitive-enhancement.com, cognitive-enhancers.com, conservativism.com, cryobiology.com18:46
kanzuredesoxymethyltestosterone.com, ecodrug.com, elata.org (yes), embraceunity.com (him too..), entitlement.org, facebookhacker.com, germ-line.com, gigantism.com, giraffes.org, hampshire.com18:50
kanzurehedonsim.org, helicase.com, hex-on.com, hydrocodone.org, hypermasculinity.com, ie7.com, ieet.org, industrialism.com, jetpress.org, kangaroos.org,18:52
kanzurememcp.com, monoamine.com, moodfoods.com, moodgenes.com, myoglobin.com, neurobiology.com, neurochip.com, nootropics.com (<---), opium.biz, oxytocin.org,18:56
kanzurepathophysiology.com, porche911.ro (what?), prices.jp, psychedelics.com, ptur.com, rm.org (<---),18:59
kanzuretranshumanism.com/.net/.org, tyrannosaurid.com, yottaflop.org19:00
kanzurethose are the relatively interesting entries19:00
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kanzurehmm interesting some of these don't have whois records19:02
kanzuremaybe these are just the sites he's hosting19:02
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QuantumGif you watch one video about space this week, watch this one. Watch the whole thing: http://bit.ly/ld1BQp19:15
ybitQuantumG: what if i watch one space video this year, is it worth it? ;)19:23
JayDuggerybit, yes.19:34
JayDuggerQuantumG--what's the origin of Greason's quote at 12' or so, the "fields of Pellinor" and the "the enemy in the East"?19:35
QuantumGI didn't get it either..19:36
kanzureit's been 2 years since my dad passed away and i'm still finding extra IRA accounts all over the place19:39
kanzure.. and other instruments that i haven't ever used19:39
kanzureit's strange.19:40
JayDuggerFound it, it comes from Tolkien's "Return of the King," and it refers to a tactical victory that lacks strategic effect.19:40
JayDuggerMy sympathies, Kanzure.19:41
JayDuggerThat must be awkward and inconvenient. I dread doing the same for my parents.19:41
kanzurethere are legal issues popping up (possibly stolen money, etc. etc.) that i might have to go fight in court19:42
JayDuggerGack...even worse.19:43
JayDuggerI hope it ends well for your family and for you.19:44
QuantumGJayDugger: oh, that's why I wouldn't get it :P19:45
kanzurei don't really understand the point of having multiple schwab/etrade/ameritrade/fidelity accounts19:47
kanzurei'm also not sure how to get to the part where i own dwave's ass19:50
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wrldpcSoo .. anyone know how to restore a bricked iphone 4 that says "could not be restarted. this device isn't eligible for the requested build"  ...19:53
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JayDuggerNo idea, wrldpc.20:01
wrldpcApple is lulz.20:03
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kanzuregah the executor missed an entire etrade account20:21
kanzureother investments: nantero, mersana therapeutics, neophotonics corp, nanotechnologies inc., optiva, nanootpo corp, polatis, agile materials and technologies, nanosys, nanogram devices, nanogram corp, chlorogen, neophotonics, molecular imprints, starfire systems, cswitch, crystal is, cambrios, solazyme, nextreme thermal solutions, nanomix,zia laser, kereos, bridgelux, kovio, metabolon, evolved nanomaterials sciences, dwave, innovalight, sionyx, xrad20:32
bkerowrldpc: DFU20:44
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jrayhawkI feel bad ecause I don't have those23:11
--- Log closed Tue May 31 00:00:07 2011

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