
--- Log opened Tue Jun 14 00:00:07 2011
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kanzureelectronic part management database https://github.com/bitlair/pmdb05:21
kanzureanother one:05:21
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kanzure'An SDK for USB Ultrasound Imaging on Mobile Devices' http://ultrasound.engineering.wustl.edu/index.php/Cell_Phone_SDK08:44
kanzure'An Open Source Project for General USB Ultrasonic Imaging' http://ultrasound.engineering.wustl.edu/index.php/Open_Source_Development08:44
kanzurehrm 'asic design kit'08:45
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kanzurefenn: so i'm talking with sean wrona (the 250wpm guy)14:28
kanzurehe's basically what i expected14:28
QuantumGya know, when a publication doesn't even have sufficient scientific knowledge to spot an impossible temperature, perhaps they should find something else to publish.15:37
QuantumGTests on critical heat exchanger technology are set for this summer; the aim will be to cool Mach 5 air to -1500C (-2380F)15:38
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lumoswhat is news today16:03
lumostell me the logistic maps born16:04
kanzurethe hell?16:04
kanzurei don't know what you're talking about so here's some shaolin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qHL2PSpecI16:05
QuantumGmuffins, eggs and bacon.. I'm resisting the urge to go get 'em16:05
lumoslittle logistic maps born every day from small news16:05
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flamootyo i'm gonna play linley's, telnet crawl.akrasiac.org to spectate me... 'flamoot'... make an account if you wanna chat me use ':' or 'm' i think to send messages. weee... uh dont use windows telnet16:39
-!- klafka [~textual@cpe-69-205-70-55.rochester.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]16:40
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fennhmm. sounds familiar http://lifeboat.com/InfoPreserver/index.php/Main_Page16:50
fennthey really ought to be working with the long now foundation more closely16:51
kanzureby 'they' you really just mean eric, right?16:53
kanzurelifeboat.com eric, i mean16:53
kanzurehaha the only editor of that wiki seems to be PeerInfinity (you might remember him from here)16:53
fennthe mailing list is actually somewhat active16:57
fennthey seem to be stuck in mailing list mode though, and they know it16:57
fenninstead of you know, doing stuff16:57
fenn"choosing MediaWiki allows members to maintain local wikis and synch selectively with the main InfoPreserver"16:58
fennthat sounds painful16:58
fennalso the copyright restriction sorta fucks you16:59
fenn"sorry guys, we could have rebuilt civilization, but it would have involved treading on some dead guy's rights"16:59
QuantumGheh, I like it when people refuse to appropriate abandoned works because they're afraid that someone will show up and sue them.  And they say this openly.. like fear of being sued is somehow noble.17:01
fennsupposedly it's being a prudent and upstanding citizen17:02
fennI AM THE LAW!!!17:02
QuantumGwell, the argument for "prudent" certainly can be made.17:02
QuantumGbut there's a fine line between prudence and cowardice.17:03
fennhow many people have actually been sued for reusing copyrighted books?17:03
QuantumGby any sensible abandoned works laws, I'd own this game by now. http://quantumg.net/syndicate.php17:05
fenndid you reverse engineer it?17:06
QuantumGa number of times, including the file formats.17:07
kanzurelol what the hell was that.. just got a call from Life Technologies17:10
kanzuresomeone was asking if i was the bryan who works in the company on VectorNTI17:10
kanzurei said yes..17:11
kanzureso i start making up something about this dll plugin architecture17:11
kanzure"yeah i'm going to need you to re-send me the version control logins"17:11
QuantumGdid you say "I haven't received my check, so I'm not sending you anything" and proceed to give them a drop address for a check to cash?17:13
kanzureno i wasn't that smart17:13
kanzureimho i did pretty well for thinking on my feet17:13
QuantumGI remember telling a guy once that I wasn't doing any more work for him until I got the money he owed me.. he sent a flunky to deliver it to me in cash.  Weirdest pay check I ever got.17:16
kanzurehm just got an email from him17:18
kanzure'Senior Product Manager, Bioinformatics - Synthetic Biology and Cloning Business - Life Technologies'17:18
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kanzurefenn: people who get stuck in mailing list mode are the type of people who probably can't do anything17:56
kanzurecathal is an interesting exception17:57
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kanzurewhat the hell? how is it that max more just found out about makerbot18:51
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kanzure"ow, a company called Avita Medical is taking wound and burn treatment to a whole new level with a new technology called ReCell. ReCell allows a doctor to take a small sample of healthy skin and cover a much larger area that has been injured. It's a spray."19:25
kanzure"whole new level" blahh19:25
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-!- eridu [~eridu@gateway/tor-sasl/eridu] has quit [Quit: Leaving]19:52
fennit's actually pretty cool19:53
fennthey isolate skin cell predecessors (not really stem cells but sorta) and let them grow in a tissue culture for a day, then spray it back on with an airbrush and some biocompatible glue19:54
fennit only takes a day before you have skin, way better than letting the cells migrate on their own19:54
-!- augur is now known as Oscar__20:11
-!- Oscar__ is now known as augur20:11
fenn"Rebel volunteer Ramzy Elshahiebi extracts elements from a mine while working to assemble home made bombs in Benghazi, Libya"20:11
fennthis sort of reminds me of the matrix 320:12
QuantumGwhat would you do?  Make shells.20:12
QuantumGI also liked when they had Kyle Reese show Sarah Connor how to make pipe bombs.20:13
QuantumGback when James Cameron wasn't so much of a douche.20:14
fenni am still trying to figure out what "topologically modulated EM impulses" means20:17
fenn"At the end of the 1980s, the topology of the electromagnetic field was studied in detail and a topological theory of guided waves and components was proposed and applied to many microwave integrated components."  .. and?20:17
QuantumGmaybe they mean turning lights on and off from the outside in20:17
ybitnot sure if i should use blender when converting drawings to the computer20:32
ybitnot sure what precision i need when building a house20:32
ybitnot sure what blender supports20:32
ybitsupposedly there's blender's units can be converted, but i dunno20:33
ybitmaybe freecad is better suited20:33
* ybit is thinking it's just for concept art20:36
fennrepeat after me, "blender is not a cad program"20:38
ybityeah yeah20:41
ybitah fuck20:43
ybitnot what i was expecting20:44
ybitoh well20:44
QuantumGare there any cad programs that can do simulation of plumbing, pressure, valves, etc?20:45
fennyes, anything that supports modelica integration20:47
fenni know pro-engineer can do it20:47
kanzurejmodelica, bitches20:51
kanzureheh openprosthetics is doing their 'pimp my arm' campaign again?20:51
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ybitmodelica is handy, thanks for the q&a20:53
kanzuredunno if you guys remember this guy from diybio (alex zharovonkov)20:58
kanzurebut he's published a paper about emotiv epoc being used to identify image type (house vs. face)20:59
kanzurei think nathan just gave me ownership of OM21:01
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nsh_ ah21:08
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kanzureybit: http://files.opencascade.com/Salome/Common/SALOME_8p_LR.pdf22:47
kanzureetc. ask if you want more..22:48
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ybitanyone know where to get the 8th edition for sutton's rocket propulsion systems online?23:29
kanzurei have a physical copy so i can just mail it to you23:31
* kanzure sleeps23:39
foucistybit: whatcha need that for?23:50
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