
--- Log opened Fri Jun 17 00:00:07 2011
augurkanzure: i sometimes feel like im doing stuff a monkey could do :(00:55
augurmostly its because my field lacks any real input from computational methods00:55
auguromg taco bell job applications to graded papers00:58
auguri wish00:58
augurgod i wish i could do that00:58
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fennman i love this weird chinese animated news show http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udcnlLXUh8E&feature=channel_video_title03:21
fennfacebooks un-anonymous! http://www.youtube.com/user/NMAWorldEdition#p/u/21/BCCD6bJRh3o03:26
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augurfenn: how come fuckin animated chinese news knows the difference between anonymous and lulzsec but the western media doesnt04:56
fennbecause they started on the net and not traditional media?04:57
fenni wonder if these are the guys who do animations for the daily show04:58
Fiohnelit's been a long time since I last watch these04:58
FiohnelI remember the one with Steve Jobs04:58
augurfenn: probably05:03
augurtheyre also very up to date05:03
augurthe CIA takedown was like05:03
augurwhat, yesterday?05:03
augurthe day before?05:03
augurand they animated a bit about that already05:03
QuantumGMemory Implant Gives Rats Sharper Recollection - http://nyti.ms/ji0Dmh05:03
fennbut i want it now! waaaah05:05
fennwhy do the rats get all the cool toys05:05
auguri keep seenig things out of the corner of my eye05:05
augurthis is what i get for not sleeping hardly at all05:05
FiohnelI wonder if there's name for such phenomenon05:06
Fiohnelseeing things out of the corner of one's eye05:06
QuantumGfenn: it sounds like Peter F. Hamilton's brain backup crystals to me :)05:06
Fiohnelif you try to focus on it, it disappears05:06
Fiohnelnot very specific05:06
QuantumGthere is a term for it.. can't remember it right now.. I need an implant.05:07
Fiohnelprobably something like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floater05:08
fennoh, an optical thing?05:08
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Fiohnelfor example there's a spot, scab or wound on the right side of your eyeball that makes you see things in the corner05:09
Fiohnelbut if you rotate your eyeballs to right05:09
Fiohnelofc it disappears05:09
Fiohnelfrom your vision05:09
fenni used to ask my eye doctor about all this stuff, they didn't know anything. now it's all over wikipedia and you can't miss it05:09
Fiohneldoctors only know about emergencies05:10
Fiohnelthese kind of stuffs are just trivias05:10
fennyeah, unless you have diabetes and don't know it05:11
Fiohnelthat'd require lab test, something outside wikipedia scope05:12
Fiohnelor any self-help05:12
fenni think doctors should know stuff. call me crazy05:12
Fiohnelwell doctors are human and they have limited memory05:13
Fiohnelbetter put just the life-threatening stuff there instead of trivias05:13
QuantumG3 years and 3 months I've known I have diabetes.  And since then I've 1) given up sugar and 2) not had any abnormal blood sugar measurements.05:13
FiohnelI see05:13
FiohnelI got positive on Hepatitis B virus too05:13
QuantumGwhere does the time go05:14
Fiohnelbut haven't go to doctors for consultation05:14
fenn" in our small sample of 37 self-trackers, the mean narcissism scores were almost at the center of the range of mean scores in a set of five large surveys used to validate the NPI-16 against a longer and well-validated measure of narcissism, the NPI-40."05:16
fennthere you have it folks05:16
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fenn'Many people mean “narcissism” more loosely; more or less as a synonym for “annoying.” If narcissism means annoying, then this test doesn’t resolve the issue.'05:17
fennnow i'm wondering if there's a standardized psychiatric test for "annoying"05:17
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Fiohnelcloning git directory07:53
Fiohneloops wrong window07:53
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foucistFiohnel: seemed like the right window to me08:04
kanzurejavascript mp3 decoder http://jsmad.org/08:47
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kanzuredelicious, delicious data08:53
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Zaladoes anyone remember the URL for that online neuron simulator that learns from the input of all users visiting the site09:49
Zala(language based one)09:49
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kanzureZala: eliza?09:50
Zalano not Eliza09:50
kanzureZala: but eliza doesn't have much to do with neurons09:50
ZalaEliza is bad09:50
kanzurelumos: what?09:50
ZalaI didn't mention Eliza or say it had something to do with neurons09:50
Zalathe site I asked about09:51
kanzureyes i know, you said you wanted something that had something to do with neurons, and i pointed out that my suggestion didn't fit that criteria09:51
Zalais shared for all users, learns from all09:51
lumoshi Zala my name is lumos09:51
Zalaok kanzure you have a very logical thought process are you related towards Eliza09:51
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ZolaKanzure are you using a cybernetic AI enhancement implant or similar?09:52
Zolafor logic09:52
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ZolaKanzure why make jokes?09:52
kanzureno joke, implant09:52
Guest70630kanzure, are you serious09:53
ZolaShow proof09:53
Utopiahon jokes http://mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/item/default.asp?ttype=2&tid=1245109:53
Guest70630do you have a cube09:54
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kanzurejust fyi i'm moving /docs/neuro to diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/implants09:58
kanzurehttp://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/implants/ <-- much better09:58
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Zolai cant find the site for the shared neural network10:03
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ybiti might cry10:58
foucisti have trouble following what y'all are going on about12:49
foucistit's like half the convo in this chan is happening elsewhere12:49
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ybitfoucist: what's there to follow?13:07
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kanzurefoucist: feel free to point out shit13:59
kanzurefoucist: or we can all just admit irc is genuinely confusing13:59
kanzureanother schizophrenic has emailed me today:14:03
kanzurei don't know why you people keep contacting me14:03
kanzure""I am maybe the only really telepathic person in the world. You should not think that I could be Schizophrenic. Crazy but over 80% of all telepathi14:03
kanzurec experiences are the same like for Schizophrenia."14:03
kanzure""I can exchange voice, video, smell,  people can move small move muscles on my body from distance and much more and all messages from me are transm14:03
kanzureitted to big number of people so I am a Mental Radio."14:04
kanzurethis one is gold: "What I find most fascinating my telepathy is nearly identical to what Schizophrenics experience."14:04
Utopiahflash of lucidity14:04
kanzureif you say so14:05
archelskanzure: Is this mailing list spam or directed at you personally?14:16
kanzureme personally14:16
archelsEric Burton's also at it again on [singularity]14:18
archelsand the guy behind www.transalchemy.com just got committed14:18
archelsThe internet is filled with lunatics.14:18
kanzurewasn't that SeH?14:19
kanzureah no, Carlos A. Mejia14:19
archelsthe latter, yes14:21
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fennfoucist: half of the conversation is in the past, half in the future16:19
fennybit: GDT is hot shit. leave it to ISO to make something simple confusing16:19
fenni recommend a book instead; manufacturing hasnt quite caught up to the 21st century it seems16:20
kanzurei recommend hanging out at a machine shop16:20
kanzurepreferably a military contract shop or one with guys at least 70 years old16:20
fennTheir first Mistake was not taking me seriously16:22
fennTheir second Mistake was not taking me seriously16:22
fennTheir third Mistake was taking me too seriously16:22
fennPatience insects patience! You will "All" be enslaved soon enough! ...16:22
fenni think if my name were carlos mejia i'd change it to something absurdly memorable16:27
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fenn"facebook is like a jail. you sit around, waste time, have a profile picture, write on walls, and get poked by guys you don't really know."16:33
fenninteresting, now the conspiracy theories involve people i actually know http://www.transalchemy.com/view/sidebar/2056229366985860457/2011/06/bilderberg-attendees.html16:44
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kanzurehuh lolcad's visualizer.py doesn't have nurbs support16:48
kanzurei forgot to move that code into there :(16:48
kanzureoh that's right.. i was messing around with wxpython in there16:49
kanzuremy life? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMmdl4VltD416:52
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fennmy life? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fa8ae1AL48E16:56
kanzureyour life is flcl?16:57
kanzurethat must suck16:57
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fennno, just in high school17:05
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QuantumGwould it fucking kill youtube to remember my volume settings?17:19
kanzurei wonder if anyone has bothered to make an alternative flash client for youtube17:25
kanzurethere's the html5 frontend but that doesn't count17:25
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jrayhawkcclive works fine17:33
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kanzurehi groffer17:43
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fenn" if computer sabotage shut down as much commerce as would a naval blockade, it could be considered an act of war that justifies retaliation, Mr. Lewis said. Gauges would include “death, damage, destruction or a high level of disruption” he said."17:54
fenndidn't these guys ever watch "war games"?17:55
QuantumGobligatory: shall we play a game?17:55
fenndecision makers should not be taking testosterone supplements17:55
QuantumGin any case, they're trying to allude to privateering17:58
QuantumGpivateer: an armed ship owned and officered by private individuals holding a government commission and authorized for use in warpiracy18:00
fennso, like, russian hackers working for switzerland or something?18:01
fenni dont get what you're trying to say18:01
fennwho would the US military attack then?18:02
QuantumGor just hackers who are given the nod by their government to attack foreign assets18:02
fennhuh. artificial pancreas makes a lot of sense, why did it take until 2011?18:03
QuantumGdunno if you're aware of the cyberwar meme.. the US military doesn't attack the Chinese military.. there's a level of deniability involved.18:03
fennbut they're talking about exactly that18:03
fenn"you shut down our power grid, maybe we send a missile down your smoke stack"18:04
QuantumGbecause everyone understands the game.. some people are calling for dropping the facade.  Others are still denying there's even anything going on.18:05
fenni havent seen any evidence there's anything going on (but i havent looked)18:06
fennaside from stuxnet18:06
fenni dont really see the motive for china shutting down US infrastructure18:06
QuantumGI'm personally of the opinion that military units are preparing for cyberwar but no country actually engaging in it.. not even with privateers.  Although I'm sure there's plenty of hacking groups that are trying to position themselves as potential privateers.18:06
fenni'm all in favor of cyberwar as a substitute for physical war, but it seems, i dunno, immature18:07
kanzurefenn: how do you explain the google hacks?18:07
fennchina has a legitimate beef with google18:08
kanzurehacking u.s. companies isn't just as bad?18:08
kanzurewhat if they bombed google's complexes18:08
fennfirst of all, google should be able to take care of their own shit18:08
kanzureof course18:08
fennsecond, denying someone access to google isn't "an act of war"18:09
kanzurehaha that's not what they did18:09
kanzurei mean the hacking that broke into google corp18:09
fenni dont know what you're referring to specifically, link?18:09
kanzuregrr bad link18:10
kanzurebetter: http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2010/01/operation-aurora/18:10
QuantumGa better analogy than bombing.. if they had sent spies to get jobs at Google to obtain the information they wanted.. would that be an act of war?18:11
kanzureQuantumG: can you help me find a good link for fenn18:12
kanzurethe one with the massive ie6 exploits used against google18:12
fenni'm sorry but reading someone's email is not an act of war18:12
QuantumGit was the procurement of source code that Google really cared about.18:13
kanzure"Once a victim's system was compromised, a backdoor connection that masqueraded as an SSL connection made connections to command and control servers running in Illinois, Texas, and Taiwan, including machines that were running under stolen Rackspace customer accounts."18:13
kanzure"The victim's machine then began exploring the protected corporate intranet that it was a part of, searching for other vulnerable systems as well as sources of intellectual property, specifically the contents of source code repositories."18:13
kanzurei didn't know it had a name.. haven't looked at this in a while18:13
QuantumGhttp://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2010/01/google-censorship-china/  some follow on at the time.18:14
* fenn yawns18:14
QuantumGmore links at the bottom, etc.18:14
fennplease show me an act of cyber warfare18:14
kanzurei'm just countering your claim that it was something about google being blocked18:15
QuantumGrecently a bunch of russian spies were found in the US, held, sent home.18:15
QuantumGI'd call the attack on Google as more like "cyber espionage" - if you insist prepending cyber on everything18:15
kanzureinstalling rootkits and backdoors isn't cyberwar?18:15
QuantumGespionage is rarely considered "an act of war"18:16
* kanzure puts on his robe and wizard hat18:16
QuantumGkilling people is usually the whole act of war thing.. but hey, economic warfare.. I guess.18:17
kanzurenaval blockades?18:17
QuantumGgenerally involves threats to kill people if they fail to comply yeah18:18
fennit just sounds like they are scrambling around for a new justification for spending 500 gigadollars a year18:18
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fenncan anyone tell me why we aren't doing invasive neuroscience on terminal cancer patients?18:51
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kanzurefenn what sort of preference do you have for CAD programs when you resize them19:35
kanzureshould it scale the scene and keep the target in the center of the window as best a possible?19:35
kanzureor should it occlude the view and only change how much of the scene is being displayed (but still with zoom in/out functions)19:35
kanzure*as best as possible19:36
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fennzoom should be done with the mouse wheel, centered in on where the zoom is occurring; zoom should by symmetric, same behavior for zooming in as out20:56
kanzuresure but what about the window resizingz20:57
fenns/where the zoom is occurring/where the mouse pointer is/20:57
fennoh, i see what you mean20:57
fennocclude the view tends to be less herky jerky20:57
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kanzureokie dokie21:00
fenni don't think the scene content should change at all when resizing the window21:09
kanzurelots of opengl examples (for some reason) resize the entire scene21:10
fennit look fine if your framerate is high21:10
kanzureno i mean sometimes opengl programs resize the content of the window so if it's 50x50 suddenly your sphere fits inside of that window21:11
kanzuredunno what this is yet http://upverter.com/21:21
kanzureclaims to be 'collaborative hardware design'21:21
kanzuretheir video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXcvNsPpcB421:23
fennis it a talking head?21:24
kanzurewith screenshots..21:24
kanzureum, so it seems to be an in-your-browser schematic editor21:24
kanzureand their web ui is clearly a rip off from github/bitbucket, but i see no indication that actual repositories are created21:24
fenn(bitbucket is a ripoff of github, fwiw)21:25
kanzureyeah yeah21:25
kanzuregeeze why do they have so many people just for this21:25
kanzurethis is a one or two man job at most..21:25
kanzurefenn did you weazle yourself into ephemerisle 2011 or was this one of the non-legit years?21:30
alystairupverter looks exactly like github? :|21:33
kanzurenchaimov: have you met jrayhawk in person yet21:39
kanzurealystair: is that a statement or a question?21:39
alystairstatement meant to confuse people21:40
kanzureit seems quite similar to me21:40
alystairbecause I'm bothersome21:40
alystairNokia sending me an E6 to try out for 2 weeks \o/ hooray hardware21:40
kanzuregonna bust it up?21:41
kanzureoh god one of the links on HN was to bgoertzel's blog21:44
kanzurehe's the last person i'd consider an expert on this topic ("is software improving exponentially")21:44
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alystairsoftware is becoming more bloated exponentially to keep computers all slow :D21:54
nsh_computers aren't getting faster, just more dense22:00
kanzurecomputers aren't getting faster, people are just getting slower!22:04
alystairnsh_: people too, are getting more dense22:05
fenni didn't go to not-ephemerisle this year22:06
kanzurei'm a little confused by the naming22:07
fennit's natural22:08
fenni think they should just change the name to "drowning man"22:08
kanzureat the end everyone drowns and dies?22:08
fennsoftware development started slowing down significantly in the late 1980's22:11
fennsince smalltalk it's been pretty much more of the same22:11
fenn  22:37
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kanzure"There is also a booming trade in trafficking of women for prostitution out of Vietnam and a growing practice of child marriage in China, where wealthier families secure wives for their sons early by effectively buying young girls for their sons."23:19
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fenndid you not know this?23:33
fenntrevor says as a white male it's impossible to walk down the street in vietnam without being accosted by prostitutes every block23:34
fennalso standard practice in india and most of the arab world23:36
fenner, the arranged marriages that is23:36
foucistthere's a bit of a shortage of women in china23:37
foucistso i guess it makes sense for families to secure women for their sons23:38
jrayhawkbride price predates gender inequality.23:38
jrayhawkerr, gender imbalance23:38
foucistsure, but the sentence above said "growing practice "23:39
jrayhawkIt's not growing. What's growing is the Chinese professional middle class that views it as anachronistic.23:39
foucistjrayhawk: dude, i'm going by the fricking sentence..23:39
jrayhawkIt might be growing in terms of raw numbers, but not by percentage of marriages.23:40
foucistand the only reason it would be growing now is the gender imbalance23:40
foucistbut since the 1 child policy was abolished23:40
foucistit shouldn't grow for long23:40
Fiohnelit will slow down, but slowly, since the unmarried older generation will just predate on the new generation females23:41
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Fiohnelprey on could work as well23:44
foucistFiohnel: predate has a diff meaning (i.e. dinosaurs predate mankind)23:47
foucistand that's not prey, thats pre-date23:47
Fiohnelwell okay my dictionary is wrong23:48
-!- PixelScum [~PixelScum@ip98-177-175-88.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:57
--- Log closed Sat Jun 18 00:00:07 2011

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