
--- Log opened Wed Jun 29 00:00:07 2011
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Utopiahnshhhhhhh: even if there are tons of money and researcher working on intractable problems and completly failing at it, if the tools or process they create to progress are useful to others they maybe it's not such a waste02:33
CryptoQuickwell, say what you want about Google's social networking endeavors, you gotta give 'em props for effort02:56
CryptoQuickbesides, Google+ looks pretty compelling02:56
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-!- PixelScum [~PixelScum@ip98-177-175-88.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap03:45
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nshhhhhhhUtopiah, good point05:06
kanzuregah they are making an anders movie05:21
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UtopiahIMHO pretty fucked-up. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDqIVzCRAr805:38
Pabreetziowow. Those people must have been really bored to have created that05:43
Pabreetzioeither that or just really sad. Really really sad05:43
-!- Juul [~Juul@2001:878:200:1000:218:deff:fe2a:4335] has joined ##hplusroadmap05:58
kanzureso the fbi has invited me to a workshop on diybio05:58
kanzureand wants to know what i've been working on05:58
kanzureso, what's the best troll presentation you can think of?05:58
kanzure"Directed evolution of molecular pathogens" might be interesting05:59
Juulkanzure, yeah? they were passing around a notepad to put your name for that workshop at the DIYbio congress in SF05:59
kanzureyeah i figured05:59
Juul"how i learned to stop worrying and love E. coli"06:01
kanzure"On the release of biological agents into city water supplies"06:05
kanzurei think it would be important to be subtle06:05
kanzure"Directed evolution of harmful molecular agents in emulsion droplets consisting of beads of sweat on the human skin"06:07
Juul"scientific workshops as a delivery mechanism for genetically engineered pathogens"06:11
kanzureoh that's perfect!06:12
kanzurei'll show up with a 3d printed model of the influenza virus06:15
Juuluse viruses as the printing material06:16
kanzure"You know, I've always enjoyed the perfection of the influenza capsid. Its structure is most beautiful. And it's a very deadly virus." and then go into the presentation06:16
kanzurei wonder if that's too obvious.. hrm06:16
kanzureHow to be creepy 10106:16
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kanzureoh god06:40
kanzuremichael andregg is one of those people that uses colored fonts in his email06:40
kanzurethese people always go to a special kind of hell..06:40
-!- Juul [~Juul@2001:878:200:1000:218:deff:fe2a:4335] has quit [Quit: Leaving]06:58
-!- nshhhhhhh is now known as nsh07:20
fennglViewport(0, 0, self.width, self.height)  <- doesnt look like 2000x2000 to me07:43
kanzurescroll down to glOrtho07:44
kanzuretry using this line:07:44
kanzureglOrtho(-10, 10, -10, 10, zNear, zFar)07:44
fenn"cancer is not a curable disease" what? there are many cancers that are easily treatable with high success rate, and they don't come back07:45
fennif you mean "cancer" is poorly defined, then sure07:45
kanzurethe 'disease' of cancer itself has so far not been cured07:45
kanzurei.e. you can't get vaccinated07:45
kanzuremaybe he meant that?07:46
-!- lumos [~lumos@afds150.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:46
fennstill not round07:52
kanzurechapter 12 never really mentione dthis07:57
kanzuremolehill.c looked correct?07:57
fennheh apparently SSRI's are only effective in 20% of cases of clinical depression08:00
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kanzurewhen you changed glOrtho was it still not round in the same way it wasn't round before08:05
kanzurestill seems like sampling to me08:11
augurkanzure: wow, its starting08:11
kanzuredo you remember what sampling values you tried?08:11
kanzure0.0001, 0.1, 1, 10, 100 would be good starts08:11
Utopiahis it legal to put PDFs on your website only allowed to crawlers e.g. GoogleBot so that it indexes everything you've read but without risking copyright infringement notifications?08:13
kanzureillegal to who08:13
Utopiahpublishers of the PDFs08:14
fennpublishers own the copyright already08:15
fennoh it doesnt like sampling 0.0108:16
fenninvalid value on call list 308:16
fennerr = 128108:16
kanzurethese errors are awful08:17
kanzure"Most likely your integrated card doesn't support non-power-of-two(NPOT) sized textures, so make the texture size power of two "08:17
kanzureon the call to gluNurbsCurve does it say GL_MAP1_VERTEX_3 or GL_MAP1_VERTEX_408:20
fennhaha "Anissimov must be a made up name…"08:21
kanzurei greatly prefer darkvegeta2608:21
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fennthe "but AI won't have any hands" argument is fucking retarded08:22
fennanyone with any experience in manufacturing knows there are armies of chinese lined up ready to build literally anything the moment they get an email and an electronic money order08:23
kanzuredoes my screenshot look like your noncircle?08:23
kanzurewhat happens when you switch to GL_MAP1_VERTEX_308:23
fennif i changed it to 3 it looks the same08:24
kanzurewait, i thought you weren't using call lists08:27
kanzurecan you share your current script08:28
fennit's the same as what you have on github, besides the sampling tolerance and commenting #gluNurbsSurface08:32
kanzurewhat happened to visualizer-debug002.py or whatever08:33
kanzuresecond, if you have commented out gluNurbsSurface, how are you seeing /anything/ much less a deformed circle?08:33
fennyeah it only shows the circle, the square, and the cube08:34
kanzureso gluNurbsSurface is called for the circle?08:34
fenni commented that out08:36
kanzureso both gluNurbsSurface calls are commented out08:36
fennthe nurbs surface is the cylinder08:36
fennthe nurbs curve is the circle08:36
kanzureso you have not commented out the gluNurbsCurve line08:36
Pabreetziooh speaking of chinese08:36
fenn        gluNurbsCurve(nurb2, crv.knots, Numeric.transpose(crv.control_points), GL_MAP1_VERTEX_4)08:37
Pabreetzioa guy from our hackerspace is building a piano/keyboard with an alternate layout, and to build it he needed custom pcb boards08:37
Pabreetziohe got a quote and in the US it was 360 for 508:37
kanzureand in china it was $5 for 360?08:37
Pabreetziosent the schematics to china and got something like 10 for $2008:37
fennto phoenix pcb?08:38
fennyeah they are slow, but if you are cheap that's better than nothing i guess08:38
fenni'd just make it myself unless doing large qty08:38
fennhaha "the people who run this planet now already exhibit such a potent mix of stupidity and maliciousness that AGI couldn’t be much worse."08:39
kanzurefenn: http://runten.tripod.com/NURBS/Nurbs-0.1.zip08:41
kanzuretry running GLCrv.py in there08:41
Pabreetziohe had done some prototypes himself, i guess it was too slow going though. had an 8th of the keyboard complete. definitely easier to get the chinese to make it09:02
fennsure if it is modular by all means mass manufacture09:02
fennkanzure: compilation notes plz09:05
kanzureit's just python09:06
fennit relies on _Bas which has some stuff in it which is complaining09:06
kanzurenah just ignore that09:07
kanzuretake GLCrv.py out of Nurbs-0.1/Nurbs/demos/GLCrv.py and put it in Nurbs-0.1/09:07
kanzureoh maybe i commented out the _Bas shit09:08
kanzureone sec lemme upload09:08
fennok got it09:09
fennlooks like a backwards S09:09
kanzurecrap now i need to figure out if i modified GLCrv.py09:10
fennwell that should be easy09:10
kanzureok it also looks like a backwards s for me09:10
kanzurehttp://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/lolcad/GLCrv.py try this version09:11
fennlooks like a circle09:11
kanzurethis is using glOrtho(-10., 20., -10. / aspect, 20. / aspect, -25., 25.)09:12
fenni dont see why your viewport setings would turn a circle into a square09:13
kanzurehuh GLCrv.py doesn't set anything for the sampling.. try commenting it out in visualizer.py09:13
fennstill pointy09:14
kanzuremaybe in visualizer.py gluNewNurbsRenderer() has to be called outside of glNewList/glEndList and before glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW)09:17
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fennthat's what i tried09:24
kanzureworks for me09:25
kanzureGLCrv.py uses glut, and visualizer.py uses wxpython09:25
kanzurethis is the main difference i can think of09:26
fennyou reproduced the error with GL_MAP1_VERTEX_309:28
fennwhat does that do differently?09:28
kanzureGL_MAP1_VERTEX_3 is xyz vertex coords, GL_MAP1_VERTEX_4 is xyzw09:29
kanzureoh i suppose you should try GL_MAP2_VERTEX_3 and GL_MAP2_VERTEX_409:30
kanzure"The last parameter, type, is one of the two-dimensional evaluator types. Commonly, you might use GL_MAP2_VERTEX_3 for nonrational or GL_MAP2_VERTEX_4 for rational control points, respectively."09:31
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kanzureah that's right.. i used GL_MAP2_VERTEX_4 on gluNurbsSurface09:32
kanzure(it won't work on gluNurbsCurve obv.)09:33
kanzurei'm not sure if my reproduction of your problems is causally related09:35
fennhm. the IU alumni association is giving me shit over posting an informal dorm phone book from years ago09:47
-!- Dustbin [63423876@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:56
kanzurehi Dustbin10:05
Dustbinhow are things in here10:06
lumosuniqanomaly, hi10:17
lumosuniqanomaly, i need to hire a maid in poland but i dont know where to ask10:17
lumosuniqanomaly, can you tell me where10:17
-!- chimera [~eudoxia@r190-135-105-150.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:32
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kanzurekilling patents with python10:47
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kanzurefpga hardware project distribution/formatting12:57
-!- Hplus [~Stargazer@blk-137-118-42.eastlink.ca] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:16
kanzurehello Hplus13:16
HplusSo, I just kinda jumped on through CCM's link on /sci/, what's this all about?13:18
Hplusapparently he's Eudoxia here?13:18
kanzurewell we focus on human enhancement, open source hardware, nootropics, do-it-yourself biology, neurophysiology/brains, and global world domination13:19
HplusMy people. I am finally home.13:19
HplusPS. Dibs on Canada.13:20
kanzureHplus: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_Plan_Red13:21
Hplus... Fuck.13:22
HplusI really need to spend more time on Wikipedia.13:22
HplusSo, is everyone else just lurking then?13:26
kanzure"but diybio.org, in my opinion, is taking a pretty conservative - and hence defensible - stance w/r/t personal freedoms to do genetic engineering"13:30
kanzurebleh mac should stop writing ethical codes for diybio.org in private13:30
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HplusI really need to build a reprap.14:01
archelsThen what are you going to do with it?14:06
archelsBuild a router instead.14:06
Dustbinafter having messed with additive and subtractive cnc I agree with archels14:07
kanzurebuild a 7-story-tall, 5-axis cnc demolisher14:07
HplusI was thinking of using it to make minatures for a tabletop wargame.14:08
Dustbinok you might have the one good use for current 3d printers then14:08
ybitooh ooh, make a tabletop game like eclipse phase :D14:08
HplusAlso it would be nice to have some experience designing stuff before we get to the "designer organs" stage.14:09
kanzurewe sort of already have that14:10
kanzureyou should just jump straight into organs14:10
HplusSort of, yes. But not exactly.14:10
kanzurewell, you should anyway14:10
ybitis there a name for the concave shape entrapped between three circles, e.g. the space between ford circles14:10
HplusVenn diagram?14:10
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HplusBut yeah, in terms of career I'm more interested in politics. You make the advancements, I'll make sure they get implemented.14:12
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Dustbinybit: when I google concave triangle it brings up the idea, but I don't see a real name for it14:13
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ybitHplus: gl14:14
HplusThanks, that's what I generally get. It'd be nice to have a scientifically literate leader of a major country.14:15
ybitgo to india then :)14:15
HplusHah. That and China.14:16
ybiti dunno so much about china14:16
Hplus80% of their politicians have engineering and science degrees14:16
ybitif you like pokemon, this is your channel14:17
Hplus... Ok.14:17
ybitwild engineers appear all the time, kanzure collects them14:17
HplusSo what's your opinion on the proper EV spread for an Engineer? 252 SP Attack or what?14:17
kanzureheyyy what the heck14:18
kanzurethiel is funding diybio14:18
kanzure$50k-$250k increments14:18
ybitpeter theil14:20
kanzurepeter thiel14:20
kanzurepeter theil is a different person14:20
* ybit fetches food and coffee14:21
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kanzuremy graphs are back online14:54
kanzureand per person as of feb 2010 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/meetlog/graphs/14:55
HplusWhat is that, exactly?14:57
kanzureHplus: analysis of http://diyhpl.us/cgit/meetlog/plain/meetlog.txt14:57
archelskanzure, I do not seem to be in your graphs. :(14:58
kanzurearchels: i didn't know you in 201014:58
kanzurethis is an old data set, i haven't run the graph script in a year14:58
archelsah, I don't recall when we first chatted, I thought it might've been that long.14:59
kanzurethese graphs are from 2010-02-xx14:59
archelsfair enough.15:00
archelsGood thing you have your logs to check these things!15:01
HplusWow, do you keep logs of everything?15:01
HplusThat's rather impressive.15:02
archelsNot to mention scary!15:06
kanzure"creative release"15:06
HplusI keep logs of all my messenger and Skype convos, it's just more convienient some times.15:06
kanzureyeah i have chat logs back to 2004.. i wish i had kept 2001-2004 :(15:07
HplusI've lost links to things I'd shared and recovered them that way before.15:07
kanzureHplus: you have other reasons to be fearful15:11
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HplusSheesh. I'm lucky to break 80 WPM on a good day.15:12
HplusAnd I type a lot.15:12
HplusI'm just starting on a training regimen to attempt to finally gain some muscle. I got a copy of "4-hour body" online, and have been noticing some energy and health increases just from some basic changes, like eating a high-protien breakfast.15:13
auguroi peeps, anyone remember the KurzweilAI.net Brain?15:19
-!- AlonzoTG [~atg@dsl092-168-049.wdc2.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap15:20
kanzureaugur: didn't we scrape that for you?15:20
kanzureor did you scrape it and we did.. something15:20
kanzurecomplain? i think we complained15:20
auguri scraped it, yes :p15:21
augurwell, sort of scraped15:21
auguri just remembered i have it, so if anyones interested in browsing it (less operable now than previously): http://www.wellnowwhat.net/brain_archive/15:21
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kanzurehi yottabit15:22
kanzure.. ybit?15:22
kanzurei always thought it was yodabit15:22
kanzurea yoduh byte of data15:23
augurmistaken about his name you were15:23
HplusJudge him by his name, do you?15:23
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-!- archels [~neuralnet@541ED8B0.cm-5-7d.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]15:38
HplusWhy are people so stupid?15:39
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augurHplus: `people'15:42
HplusWelp, when asked "Which would be wors,e a meteor impact on land or sea?"15:42
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HplusAnd the response is "Water, since meteors are mostly ice, it'd freeze a bunch of water around it and change the climate/kill many animals." and "Meteors are extremely cold; Since they come from outer space, they're almost at 0 Kelvin. That + Water = Ice. Changes the currents, kills animals, etc."15:43
HplusIt makes me pray that said person is trolling. Because I lose some of my faith in humanity when I read that.15:43
augurwell, at least theyre reasoning about it15:44
auguri mean, the details of that issue are not trivial15:44
HplusNo, absolutely not.15:44
HplusBut still. They must have at some point watched something on TV that showed a meteor or similar, coming in basically on fire.15:45
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ybitand thus begins unpredictable times on the interwebs16:25
kanzureblah i can't figure out if paul's latest over-unity post to om is off topic or not16:41
kanzure(he's on moderation now)16:41
augurHplus: well, but many meteorites are actually freezing cold when they land17:09
augurthe small ones, anyway17:09
HplusInternally, yeah, I could see that. But anyway, it was sort of a stupid rant. Just a bit of a pet peeve of mine.17:11
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-!- eudoxia [~eudoxia@r190-135-42-42.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined ##hplusroadmap19:03
kanzurehi eudoxia19:22
-!- eridu [~eridu@gateway/tor-sasl/eridu] has quit [Quit: Leaving]19:23
-!- klafka [~textual@cpe-69-205-70-55.rochester.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]20:29
-!- mayko [~mayko@71-22-217-151.gar.clearwire-wmx.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]20:44
-!- Pabreetzio [Pabreetzio@cpe-174-096-012-143.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap20:51
-!- Pabreetzio [Pabreetzio@cpe-174-096-012-143.carolina.res.rr.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]21:24
-!- eudoxia [~eudoxia@r190-135-42-42.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]21:31
-!- jmil [~jmil@pool-74-109-66-204.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: jmil]22:38
-!- lumos [~lumos@afdp173.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has quit [Quit: Leaving]22:56
-!- Fiohnel [~r3idslash@] has joined ##hplusroadmap22:59
-!- jmil [~jmil@c-68-81-252-40.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:01
-!- mayko [~mayko@71-22-217-151.gar.clearwire-wmx.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:24
kanzurei demand you to entertain me23:25
-!- lumos [~lumos@afdp173.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:43
-!- alystair [alystair@24-246-14-18.cable.teksavvy.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:45
-!- jmil [~jmil@c-68-81-252-40.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: jmil]23:49
--- Log closed Thu Jun 30 00:00:07 2011

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