
--- Log opened Tue Jul 19 00:00:48 2011
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fennhuh. apparently meredith patterson will be at langton in august04:17
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foucist*stalker alert*05:14
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fennlangton is my house you fuckwad05:36
foucistlol, even with that extra information, the joke still works!05:37
fenn*lurks angrily*05:37
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kanzureangry lurking is the best lurking05:40
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kanzurehow was "fenn doesn't exercise" a valid heuristic05:44
kanzurewait anselm goes by ansi? you should start going by iso05:49
kanzurehave you met meredith yet? she's really fun in person06:00
fennintentional exercise, not that which was required due to poverty06:28
fennwhy "iso"?06:28
fennoh, i get it06:28
fennand my cousin "eia"06:28
kanzurei don't get eia06:34
fennelectronics industry association06:35
kanzuresounds lame06:35
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kanzurehey uh i'm having trouble with my qs presentation06:35
kanzurei don't have 20 things06:35
kanzurei have maybe 2 screenshots of this old 2004-2006 "NEVER SEEN BEFORE" version06:35
kanzurescreenshot of yaml06:35
kanzuregiant tag cloud06:36
kanzuregraph of people-per-day06:36
fennuh huh. text won't go over so well06:36
fennwhen do you arrive btw?06:36
kanzurethe point is that it's a loud not to actually read it06:36
kanzurei arrive at 3:15pm ish.. but i gotta husstle to meet everyone06:36
fenngotta be back in austin in time for .. something06:37
kanzureno i mean the presentation is at 8pm06:37
kanzureand joseph/nathan/toothpaste want to meet between then06:37
fennwhat the hell kind of name is toothpaste06:37
kanzuresome chinese guy.. i don't know man06:37
kanzurewhat other slides should i have?06:38
kanzurei can talk about different motivating factors on a few slides but it might be boring? "can't keep track of 4000 people X 100 things each"06:38
fennmaybe some visual aid representing a communication matrix06:39
kanzurea graph of an individual person maybe from06:39
fennmonkeysphere visualization aid06:39
kanzureanything in ../ look good there?06:39
fennah the infamous al gore hockeystick06:40
fennwhat's "lines of code"06:40
kanzurecommits in ~/code y me06:40
kanzureby me06:40
fennjust noticing the sudden spike in everything 2009-10-0106:40
kanzurethat might have been a spike in recording behavior06:40
kanzurei remember it being something like that.. not anything like "being more social"06:41
kanzurebut i've been fairly consistent since then06:41
fennwell, gary is going to ask, "why do you do this?" and "what did you learn from doing this?" better start thinking of answers quick06:41
kanzurehe asked me that last year and i didn't have an answer for the second one06:42
kanzure"i've learned how to love" ? or "I've learned that I hate everone. Everyone. All of them."06:42
fenn"i've learned that graphs aren't magical data analysis tools"06:43
fennsorry i don't know, i hate powerpoint06:43
fenncome up with some ideas06:43
kanzurei've learned that people pop up in really weird niches and they don't expect to be cross-correlated06:43
fennyou dont necessarily have to talk about stuff you've done, ideas to do in the future is fun too06:43
fennah yes talk about that06:44
fennspecific examples plz06:44
fennimploding universe hypothesis strikes again!06:44
kanzurei think he expects to be found06:44
fennhmph. stupid internet06:45
kanzurei was going to go over the whole "mom didn't know about transhumanism/diybio"06:45
kanzureor "mom wants to know why the fbi is paying me a visit"06:45
fennyeah that's a nice anecdote06:45
kanzurefuture features that would be cool:06:46
kanzuretag/interest clustering06:46
kanzurefinally making my giant auto-email creator06:46
kanzureautomatic communication reminders/frequencies06:46
fennhow hard would it be to cluster people by tag coincidence?06:47
kanzuresome way to increase deep bumps/synchronizations (i kinda fail at having the 6-hour-lets-really-talk things with everyone.. it happens more rarely than it should)06:47
kanzurenot hard at all..06:47
fenni mean this is like a 5 line hack with graphviz and fdp graph layout algorithm06:47
fenndo it!06:47
kanzureis it? i haven't done this in a while06:47
kanzurei have a list of People objects each with People.tags (a list of tags)06:47
kanzurethe list is weighted06:48
fennmake a node for each tag, make a node for each person, make a link between each person and each tag06:48
kanzurethat's not how you do clustering06:48
fennthis is a 2d projection06:48
kanzureyou assume that there's K number of groups, then you group people into each group based on a similarity metric06:48
fenni know what k means is06:48
kanzurewell i assume k-means would be appropriate here06:48
kanzureyour described graph sounds like it would be messy?06:49
fennor not, i dont really know06:49
fenndo it!06:49
kanzureguess it doesn't matter... nobody will be actually looking :)06:49
fennactually you should zoom in a bit and point out the interesting bits06:49
fenndont assume nobody will be watching your presentation when planning your presentation :P06:50
kanzurehow would your tag/people-node-graph be organized?06:50
fennby natural clusters, of course06:50
kanzurei mean which layout algorithm06:50
fennfdp or kamada-kawai, but kamada-kawai tends to get stuck more easily06:50
fennplay around with number of iterations, etc06:51
fennthere are a lot of parameters06:51
kanzurefdp? http://www.ixalon.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/lbp_user_hearts_subsample_2877nodes.png06:51
fennyeah something like that06:51
fennthat's obviously a computer network06:52
kanzurelibpolkit-gobject-1-0: Breaks: libpolkit-gtk-1-0 (< 0.99) but 0.95-1 is to be installed06:52
kanzureaw shit why don't i have graphviz installed06:52
kanzurerealistically i don't know how i am going to do this in the next 2 hours06:54
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kanzurehaha should i graph git commit frequency for meetlog.git :P07:08
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kanzurelolz i'm going to add a break slide07:09
kanzurefinding one error at a time in meetlog is really lame..07:13
kanzuretakes 30sec each time to parse the file07:13
fennchop it into pieces07:13
kanzure(it used to take 30min to parse the file)07:13
kanzurewhich day should i show for a screenshot of yaml?07:14
kanzure"Second, attached is a contact list for all attendees and participants from the workshop.  Please utilize these contacts freely, as continuing these established relationships will stand to benefit both the DIYbio and FBI communities."07:43
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kanzurefenn: does your sdf email still work08:11
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kanzureBEHOLD http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/presentations/quantified-self/meetlog.pdf08:22
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fennyes, but i'm getting a lot of spam (probably from skdb git repo)08:39
fennso walgreens doesn't sell hair bleach, can you fucking believe it. should i dump sodium persulfate on my head?08:40
fennpeople write the damnedest things08:42
fennnotice how "i" has two wings on each side. that is to visually assist with the understanding that such a variable is liberating08:43
fennLOL (this is a drowning man who is dancing; we're all drowning, might as well go down dancing and laughing out loud)08:43
kanzureare you reading spam..08:46
archelskanzure: Cumulative People Per Day is not really cumulative, is it?08:47
kanzureUtopiah: extra data that i have added that either someone told me about someone else, or that i figured out by stalking08:47
kanzurearchels: do'h.. i suppose you're right08:47
kanzureit's cumulative-within-the-day08:47
streetyfor pg3 where is the red line?08:54
streetyand pg408:55
kanzurenot present09:03
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fenn30 Hz can't possibly be right09:45
fennuh, please dont fuck up the "imploding universe hypothesis"09:46
fenni wasn't suggesting you speak about it09:46
fennam i going to have to make this graph for you09:47
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ybiti had a dream where patri friedman was trying to kill me, i wake up and befriends me on google plus09:49
ybithe befriends*09:49
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ybitfenn: are you sure you want to bleach your hair? that could take awhile to clear up, especially if you're hair is still long09:50
fennworst case scenario it crumbles into dust and i have short hair09:53
fennhowever more likely failure mode is it just looks like crap, in which case i dye it black09:54
* fenn checks his test sample09:54
archelsmore likely failure mode is bladder cancer, am I right.09:58
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fennbladder cancer? i'm not going to be drinking the stuff...10:03
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Utopiahhttp://about.jstor.org/news-events/news/jstor-statement-misuse-incident-and-criminal-case (on Aaron Swartz "backup")12:05
uniqanomaly"Our ultimate objective is to provide affordable access to scholarly content to anyone who needs it.12:16
uniqanomalylike 14$/article12:16
uniqanomalysure, very affordable12:16
uniqanomalysomeone should dump all their articles on torrent just for civil disobedience12:19
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archelsuniqanomaly: I think that was Aaron's plan.12:29
uniqanomalynot really12:31
uniqanomalyhe was just doing automated research12:31
archelsNot according to the subpoena, but I'm not sure if that's accurate.12:31
archelser, indictment. http://web.mit.edu/bitbucket/Swartz,%20Aaron%20Indictment.pdf12:32
uniqanomalyHe is the author of numerous articles on a variety of topics, especially the corrupting influence of big money on institutions including nonprofits, the media, politics, and public opinion. In conjunction with Shireen Barday, he downloaded and analyzed 441,170 law review articles to determine the source of their funding; the results were published in the Stanford Law Review. From 2010-11, he researched these topics as a Fello12:34
uniqanomalyw at the Harvard Ethics Center Lab on Institutional Corruption.12:34
uniqanomalyso this is fuckin insane12:34
archelsyah, but it'll probably end well.12:38
uniqanomalyright, they'll just settle for 4411170 * 14 = 61'756'380 $12:42
uniqanomalyand he'll be free man again12:42
archelsI heard that JSTOR is not even pressing charges.12:43
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lumosuniqanomaly, hi17:29
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uniqanomalyhi lumos17:37
lumosuniqanomaly, how are you17:39
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jrayhawkAPBing if anyone cares20:36
jrayhawkand not APBing anymore21:41
jrayhawkoh, wrong room entirely. Hurf durf.21:41
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--- Log closed Wed Jul 20 00:00:49 2011

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