
--- Log opened Mon Jul 25 00:00:56 2011
epitronyou need a hacker keyboard dood00:47
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kanzurehi foucist08:08
kanzure"JSTOR claims no interest in pursuing a legal case." this is what strikes me as the most odd.08:22
kanzureit's quite common for multiple claims to be filed at once.. jstor could easily pay a few k's to a lawyer to write up some additional bologna to add to the lawsuit08:23
mjrthey probably don't want more pr hassle08:24
kanzure"JSTOR, for the most part, says the milk was returned--Swartz gave back the downloaded data"08:27
archelshahaha, that makes perfect sense.08:28
Juul410 seeders :)08:38
kanzureJuul: link to the torrent please?08:39
Juulapparently Archive Team has thrown their resources at it as well08:40
kanzureah good08:40
kanzurejrayhawk: is that something you'd feel ok seeding?08:41
JuulI wonder how much storage we'd need to store all scientific articles every published08:42
kanzurenot much08:43
Juulprobably not08:43
kanzurelet's be more specific and say all accessible papers08:43
kanzureand let's also say that each paper is on average 0.5 MB08:43
kanzurewith 100 million papers that's only 50 terabytes08:44
Juulnice Fermi calculation08:44
kanzurei'm pretty sure the number should be less than 100 million though..08:45
Juulmy store of biotech papers averages to about 1.2 megabytes per paper08:45
kanzureare these plaintext or scans08:46
Juula few are scans and those are definitely the reason the average is so high08:47
kanzurei think we can assume anything in postscript is probably plaintext08:47
kanzureanything in pdf from before 1998 can be assumed to be a raw scan08:47
kanzureactually it might be possible to figure out if a pdf is a raw scan from the metadata and looking at the }\ Producer line08:48
Juulwhat did you mean by "accessible" papers?08:49
kanzurestuff you could download08:49
kanzurenot stuff you'd need to do business deals for08:49
Juulwhen I order a scan of an old article (through my uni) it takes 2-3 days for me to get the scan08:51
Juulwhich leads me to think that there are articles that haven't been digitally archived08:51
kanzureyup many08:51
kanzureor many that have been archived but that nobody has access to08:51
kanzurei have some code laying around here for removing "obvious" "watermarks" from pdf files08:52
kanzurebut i need to talk with someone more versed in steganography to help figure out if there are other fingerprints or watermarks involved08:52
kanzurecome to think of it.. if there are hidden messages maybe re-saving the same content into another pdf would jumble the bits well enough08:53
Juulsome watermarking techniques, for e.g. images, can survive that you take a screenshot and recompress into e.g. jpg again08:54
Juulbut i believe there is image watermark removal software out there08:54
kanzurewell the watermarks that i've found aren't really watermarks..08:54
kanzurelike the "DOWNLOADED BY IP" in the margins08:54
Juulah yes08:54
kanzureor the document id in the xml metadata08:55
Juulit would be a good idea to download the same thing from two separate accounts and diff08:55
Juulthat would show account-dependant watermarks08:55
Juuland of course they should be downloaded from different physical locations and at different times08:55
Juulany other watermarks are probably not that interesting08:56
Juulwhat could they show? who created the pdf? that is probably obvious anyway08:56
kanzurelet's try it with nature08:56
kanzurecan you grab a copy of this?08:56
kanzureoh wait nevermind i don't have access08:57
Juulhm, I could try to go through both my local uni and lbl08:58
Juulbut lbl IT already don't like me, so it might be a bad idea to open an ssh tunnel through there08:58
kanzureok how about08:59
kanzurehere's my version: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/01417936.pdf09:00
Juulhm, my university access does not seem to be working09:01
Juullet me try something else09:01
Juulgot it, let me put it up09:08
Juulphone call, gimme a sec09:10
Juulhere's mine: http://ven.li/17936_juul.pdf09:19
Juuldiff says no difference09:21
Juulmd5sum is the same for the two files09:22
archelsI think IEEE stopped watermarking at some point, they used to do it in plain sight.09:28
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ybitkanzure: bradford hawkins, aware of him?11:14
ybiti befriended him on Mendeley because apparently I had his email address in my Gmail address book.11:14
ybitone of the people i spammed at UCI in 200911:16
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kanzureno i don't know him11:20
ybitoh there we are: http://www.faculty.uci.edu/profile.cfm?faculty_id=456211:22
kanzureSynaptic pruning by microglia is necessary for normal brain development.11:59
-!- mayko [~mayko@69-36-214-157.dynamic.dsl.skybest.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]12:09
archelsmicroglia prune synapses? hmmm.12:14
archelsInteresting. I always thought of synaptic pruning as endogenous to the cell, as a sort of endocytosis. Guess it can also be more of an exocytosis of a no longer needed synapse.12:16
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kanzurejust posted a gist for my droid2png.sh scripts15:42
kanzuresorry for their awful quality.. didn't think anyone would want them (i was wrong)15:43
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Juulkanzure, what's adb?15:55
kanzureadb is the android debug bridge15:59
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kanzureAAAHHHHHHHHH https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/206020:00
* kanzure throws a keyboard at the wall20:00
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--- Log closed Tue Jul 26 00:00:57 2011

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