
--- Log opened Wed Aug 03 00:00:08 2011
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QuantumGkanzure: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:10513 that of any interest to you?01:44
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* fenn is designing a different kind of beamformer07:22
fenna spatial beamformer instead of an angular beamformer07:22
fennbut you'll hear about that soon enough i guess07:23
archelsWhat do you mean by spatial (vs. angular)?07:23
fennchanges the shape of the beam cross section07:32
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archelsAnd this differs from angular beamforming how?07:39
fennthe angle stays the same (approximately 0)07:50
archelsWhat do you intend to use it for? Tradeoff between bandwidth and interferer supression?07:51
fennpics when it's working, then all will become clear07:54
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kanzureybit: happy birthday08:38
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fennscary, the filesystem superblock on my backup drive got corrupted13:08
fenni had to hold down the "y" key for like 10 minutes while fdisk asked if it could fix stuff13:09
fenner fsck13:09
kanzureyou should make a raid backup array of unimaginable size13:15
fennuh huh13:18
-!- foucist [~foucist@ps14150.dreamhost.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:53
superkuhPoor guy. He didn't do anything illegal. The Beryllium/acid splashing around is questionable, but he was on the right path, ala the nuclear boyscout.14:27
archelsWhat I'm wondering is what he paid $1k for. A Geiger counter shouldn't be nearly that expensive.14:28
superkuhIt's all on the blog.14:28
superkuhA good counter could easily be most of that, then the fine chemicals, and the... well, it doesn't look like he spent much on glassware.14:30
archelsThe counter he mentions goes for $619. Then there's some thorium, radium from watch dials, and americium from smoke detectors.14:31
archels(actually $619 for the top of the line model)14:31
superkuhAs a person who has tried to fuse atoms in my house and been told to stop by the FBI, I can easily imagine spending that much for fissioning a few.14:32
superkuhEr, apartment.14:32
archelshaha srsly.14:33
archelsHow did the FBI get on your tail?14:33
superkuhMy lawyer says not talk talk about it.14:33
QuantumGfair enough.. pretty sure I'd tell the FBI to suck on my balls if they told me not to do anything.14:34
superkuhThey are very scary in person when pointing guns at you.14:35
QuantumGSo were the SS.14:37
jrayhawkfenn: yes | e2fsck14:38
archels(Godwin's law)14:38
jrayhawkyes being in coreutils seemingly specifically for this purpose14:38
fennwell i wasn't sure i wanted to answer 'yes' to everything it might ask14:42
fenntechnically, i'm a wuss14:42
jrayhawkalso ext* has a lot of dumb issues; XFS is generally a lot more idiot-proof.14:44
kanzuresuperkuh: how did you pick your lawyer?14:47
kanzurehey you guys might be able to help actually14:48
kanzurei have this old ide hdd14:48
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kanzureand an external enclosure that has an ide cable14:50
kanzurebut the enclosure doesn't have a cable for power14:50
kanzureso i'm using power from another motherboard14:50
kanzurebut the motherboard won't turn on and spin up the drive14:50
kanzurewhat do i do14:50
archelsemulate a press of the power on button with a screwdriver between the appropriate jumpers?14:52
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kanzureassuming the power button is the weakest link here?14:53
kanzureman this sucks what the hell am i doing14:53
kanzureoh oh i know,14:53
-!- jenzebubble [jen@173-27-44-143.client.mchsi.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:53
kanzurei should get a second and third motherboard to do a boot-over-ethernet scenario14:53
archelsWell, is there already a power button hooked up to the motherboard?14:53
kanzureyeah it's not working for whatever reason, this was a "last known to be good" board14:54
kanzurealternatively where can i find spare connectors for ide power14:54
kanzure(not welded into a dumb power suppl)14:54
archelsJust use any ATX PSU, use a paperclip to short one of the power connector pins to ground to turn it on.14:54
kanzurehrm okay.14:55
archels/PS_ON to ground14:55
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kanzurehdd recovery isn't supposed to be like this is it14:56
archelsNo, it's supposed to be much worse.14:56
archelsYou might get to that part yet.14:56
kanzureyeah i'm sure the fs is corrupted or something14:56
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jrayhawkIIRC IDE relies upon common ground for data and power.15:11
jrayhawkSATA does not.15:11
jrayhawkSo you may fry the drive if you don't ground out your two power supplies.15:11
archelsjrayhawk: It's grounded via the HDD.15:12
archelsHalf of the IDE pins are ground, which are connected to GND of the power connector.15:12
archelsJust don't try to hotplug. ;)15:12
jrayhawk"15:15:34 omg/jblake: a lot of them just connect those lines on the controller board to the common ground plane, so you'll get a ground loop that can carry a fair amount of current"15:16
jrayhawk"15:15:57 omg/jblake: switching-mode power supplies tend to have rather floaty grounds :-("15:16
archelsFor a ground loop, you'd need more than one ground connection.15:16
kanzurewhy isn't jules or steve in here15:17
kanzureplaying omgwallhack bridge is not my idea of a good time15:17
jrayhawkSteve actually fried a drive doing that back in highschool15:17
archelsI have an EE degree, you can take my word for it. :P15:17
kanzureand i have a degree in rumpology15:17
kanzurea phd, specifically15:17
archelsYour PC PSU powers the drive and nothing else, right? So where is the loop?15:18
archelsA dangerous ground loop arises when the PSU powers the HDD *and* the motherboard, and the PSU<->HDD ground connection is insufficient.15:20
archelsThen the signal ground wires will start carrying significant current.15:20
archelsanyway, night15:22
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fennkanzure: just boot the motherboard off your ide drive, do whatever over ethernet15:48
* fenn mumbles15:48
fennor just get one of those ide/sata adapter thingies, they also come with a psu15:49
fenngosh how are we going to save humanity from itself when we can't even help ourselves15:49
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superkuhI used a second, pin shorted, PSU for my extra hard drives for many years with no problems.15:52
superkuhIDE drives, sitting on the ground, with the cables goin in through an open pci slot.15:53
superkuh(to an PCI IDE expansion card)15:54
kanzurejrayhawk: what was your non-matrox matrox pci card?15:54
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QuantumGtoday's Russian spacewalk in 3 minutes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LQD1NlwUwI18:36
jrayhawkkanzure: not sure about your question; I have a Matrox G450 MMS Quad that hasn't worked for years because Matrox open source support is a joke; Jaton makes a variety of quad-output X11-capable cards for ~$15019:01
jrayhawkGetting one quad-output card working with Xorg's software infrastructure will be a *lot* smoother than any multi-device setups, by the way.19:02
kanzurequad-output is the best you can do?19:03
jrayhawkMatrox makes ridiculous cards that do more, but they'd be expensive (medical industry) and have shit for support.19:04
jrayhawkIIRC they have a 16 output card.19:04
kanzurethat's better19:04
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jrayhawkanyway, just to warn you, with xorg, you get to pick any two of Xrandr, Xinerama, and multi-device support.19:06
jrayhawkDisplayLink support (which'd be a fairly cheap approach to a large number of displays) is pretty bad.19:07
jrayhawkJust in case you were tempted to try that.19:08
kanzureah it was displaylink that i was trying to remember19:12
jrayhawkxorg can't dynamically allocate them, only supports one at a time, requires that it be the primary device in multi-device setups, and refuses to operate it in anything but the highest EDID-returned resolution even if that resolution is too big for the displaylink framebuffer.19:15
jrayhawkI assume that, like many things in xorg-land, nobody wants to fix it because everything's moving over to Wayland anyway.19:19
kanzureybit: happy birthday19:42
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jrayhawkWayland is the new compositing window manager that ditches all the X11 cruft, since obviously applications don't care about drawing primitives or buffer sharing or even network abstraction on modern GLES platforms.19:55
jrayhawkhttp://blip.tv/file/get/Linuxconfau-XAndTheFutureOfLinuxGraphics549.ogv is a compelling summary19:56
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kanzureall those people who claim bird watching is diybio should do birdwatching over livestream20:38
QuantumGwatching Transcendent Man.. it's surprisingly balanced.20:59
ybitweee! thanks kanzure21:01
ybityou must use something beside facebook, what's your secret?21:01
ybiti just wait until a friend slaps me or something21:02
ybitthere's a quick little project21:03
ybitno such thing in the chrome store21:04
ybitgbirthday - birthday reminder for Evolution Contacts21:05
kanzuream i an "evolution contact"?21:07
QuantumGweird: Goertzel has a lot to say in Transcendent Man but they never put up his name.. everyone else has theirs captioned.21:27
eriduall know the face of goertzel21:28
foucisti know the Face of Boe21:29
QuantumGhmm.. ok, 59 minutes in they finally put up his name.. I guess they intended to put that clip first.21:33
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QuantumGso.. nothing new in there, but at least now I'll never have to explain to anyone what hplus is.. I can just point em at this video.21:55
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kanzureplease don't22:04
foucistkanzure: stop drinking the haterade!22:04
kanzurehaters gonna hate22:05
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QuantumGhey, if you don't like the prophet, get out of the religion.22:07
kanzurei have my own religion thank you very much22:07
QuantumGthen you've got nothing to worry about22:08
-!- Drakkar [~PixelScum@ip98-177-175-88.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap22:10
foucisti'm the prophet, and i like myself22:12
foucist*fap fap fap fap*22:12
foucisti encourage people to fap to my image..  big fat hairy guy22:12
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kanzurewhat a bizarre yet accurate concept of religion23:04
QuantumGreligion = love, the kind you clean up with a mop and bucket?23:08
QuantumGhttp://twitter.com/#!/Mminni100/status/98968479977308161  of course, some walk away with no clue.23:10
--- Log closed Thu Aug 04 00:00:09 2011

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