
--- Log opened Thu Aug 04 00:00:09 2011
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belornoHi there.05:19
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kanzurehi belorno07:37
belornoHey, what's up?07:39
kanzureit's like a never-ending fountain of crap http://developer.runkeeper.com/healthgraph/introducing-the-health-graph07:40
kanzurebelorno: not much.. waking up07:40
-!- Guest6631 [~Jaakko@host86-131-174-223.range86-131.btcentralplus.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:40
belornoHmm, reads kind of like an MLM scheme.07:42
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kanzurewaking up? yeah it's sorta multilevel-like i guess07:48
jenzebubbleanyone here familiar with fluorinert?07:56
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kanzureoh right.. they hired tyson10:03
kanzurei can't believe he decided to do writing10:03
kanzurehe could've done.. uh, other things10:03
kanzureswedish transhumanists: http://manniskaplus.org/10:04
kanzurefinland: http://transhumanismi.org/10:04
kanzuredenmark: http://hplusdenmark.wordpress.com/10:04
kanzurechrome is telling me that "incentivize" is not a word10:15
fennevolution is just a theory, of course http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WpBjNLv4ao10:18
-!- PixelScum [~PixelScum@ip98-177-175-88.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:19
kanzurewhat am i watching10:22
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kanzurehey is there any way i could enlist one of you guys to help me write a design doc for gitduino10:36
kanzuresebastien would like something posted to the reprap.org blog10:36
kanzurei'd like to explain what my git post-receive hook does10:36
kanzureand also explain the value of that sorta system over a wiki for organizing cad files10:37
-!- ybit [~yottabit@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:06
kanzurehi ybit11:06
ybithi there11:07
ybitpower outage, love'em11:08
kanzurei'm writing up an email to you/thesnark/foucist11:08
kanzurewasn't there someone else11:08
ybiti have a friend here11:08
kanzureno i mean.. someone in here11:08
ybiti met him in #espanol11:08
ybiti think that's all11:08
kanzureis probably an option11:10
kanzureif nobody cared about a quick payout.. i'd try to convince you guys to work on gitduino11:16
kanzureor street view fighter, or that name-pronunciation site, or that amazon/gifting thing, or hplusvideo11:17
kanzurealso i can't seem to find foucist's email address11:18
* fenn mumbles something about hordes of vietnamese programmers11:18
jrayhawkWhat work needs to be done on hplusvideo?11:18
kanzurefenn: ybit/thesnark/foucist were thinking of teaming up to do a project11:19
kanzurejrayhawk: mobile html5 optimization, better design, better comment system, testing11:19
kanzurejrayhawk: also hplusvideo doesn't really have a "purpose" or a goal really11:19
kanzurei mean.. there's no reason for anyone to use it or submit entries11:19
kanzureand i never got around to doing the mst3k-style commentary features11:20
jrayhawkHave you played with nicovideo before?11:20
kanzurehttp://nicovideo.jp/ ?11:20
jrayhawkthey have an innovative commenting system11:21
kanzurefenn: i think it makes sense for people in here to team up on projects.. besides you/me on skdb-related-stuff11:22
kanzureunfortunately they require money from their projects, so that changes the dynamics a little11:22
-!- Nam-Ereh-Won [~namerehwo@cpe-66-69-40-182.satx.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:23
kanzureso one idea is to just do a small project11:26
kanzurespecifically for "resume building", i.e. something that isn't expected to make any money11:27
kanzurethe idea being that a project of four can end up looking better than a project of one..11:27
kanzurethe social value is in the team building and getting something done, not necessarily in what the site/app actually does11:29
kanzurereprap.org is really bleeding for something though.. a month to get everything finalized seems doable to me11:31
fennthere was something odd about nicovideo, like you have to have a .jp email address to register?11:39
fenni figured it out eventually though11:39
fennalso the comments are really annoying11:39
fennlike "wooooooah!!!! yeah!!!!! omg!!!!!!!!" scrolling across your video constantly11:40
fennexcept they're in japanese11:40
fenngitduino is just git project hosting for hardware projects, no?11:41
fennand presumably something like a markdown wiki that saves to the repo11:41
kanzuremore specifically right now it's my post-receive hook for rendering hardware from a git repository11:41
kanzure.. more specifically, .scad11:41
fenndoes it show solidworks previews?11:41
fenni've been learning solidworks the last week11:41
fennjust doing tutorials11:42
kanzureno but i have code to extract .png's from solidworks files (for the thumbnails)11:42
fennok well put that code in the gitduino repo at least11:42
kanzureyou could hypothetically install solidworks on a windows server "IN THE CLOUD" and have it do screenshots or something11:42
fennif not already there11:42
fennno i don't care that much11:42
fennpeople can always submit renderings too11:43
fennor photographs11:43
kanzurethere's lots of ways to do the gitduino thing.. originally i was thinking piny/ikiwiki11:43
fenn"look, a thing! in physical reality!"11:43
kanzurebut the quickest way is writing a gem for gitorious11:43
fenni'm not terribly impressed with ikiwiki, based on years old data. has it gotten any better?11:43
fennshirley there's a ruby git wiki plugin already11:44
kanzurewell there's rails+git, and rails+wiki gems11:44
kanzurebrb dave call..11:44
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kanzureyeah the amount of work that needs to be done.. isn't much11:48
kanzurehrm bruce@perens.org12:08
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kanzurefenn: how do you like solidworks so far?12:28
fennthe tutorials are annoying. they should have some kind of on-screen overlay instead of "now go to the properties manager and enter 10.0 millimeters in the modifier box"13:49
fennit seems to do everything i want though, genetic algorithm stuff aside13:49
fennand the zoom out zooms from the center of the window instead of the mouse is annoying13:50
fenni wish more stuff was like this: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Canon_s90_size.JPG13:50
fenni never realized my camera was cigarette case form factor13:51
fennsorta like "pizza box form factor" i guess13:51
kanzureyou should also try alibre13:55
jrayhawkwith nicovideo you can get pretty funny MST3k-type commentary going on.14:05
kanzureflashing words/messages over a screen?14:06
jrayhawk(Or so I'm told; I don't speak Japanese, don't use flash, don't use most nonfederated authentication systems, and don't use most Javascript sites)14:06
kanzurei see what you mean about the others,14:07
kanzurebut what do you have against japanese?14:07
jrayhawkJapenese the spoken language is merely painfully different. Kanji is a horrifying atrocity.14:08
kanzurehey this wasn't as painful as i thought it would be14:15
-!- QuantumG [~qg@rtfm.insomnia.org] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:26
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jrayhawkI appreciate the strictly defined phonemes Japenese has, though.14:41
jrayhawknot a lot of room for regional interpretation.14:42
-!- archels [~neuralnet@541ED8B0.cm-5-7d.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:43
belornokanzure: I've been looking around the web for possible mirrors of your ebook library. I found that you posted a list of ebook sites. That's a coincidence, because I did the same thing in a personal text file a couple of years ago.14:48
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kanzureyou only like me for my bits :(15:08
belornokanzure: Nope, I also watched your videos.15:12
belornoI think that for someone of your brightness to have a crap network connection is a travesty. What's America coming to?15:13
belornoIt looks like our interest greatly overlap.15:14
kanzurewhat's up?15:14
belornoJust trying to get things together these days.15:15
belornoThe link I found to your website was posted on a Tor hidden service, by the way.15:16
jrayhawkIt's important that Bryan's website not be discovered by The Man.15:17
jrayhawkThey might send FBI agents after him to invite him to regional meetings.15:18
belornoI'll keep it confidential. :) I didn't post it, I just found it. That hidden service is down now, last time I checked.15:18
belornoI was part of an ebook torrent site that got busted down. They went underground, but I lost touch before I found out if someone else carried the torch.15:19
kanzurejrayhawk is joking.. the fbi is already in contact with me15:20
belornoThey never contacted me, they just hire old people to follow me around.15:20
kanzure(i am not joking)15:27
belornoSorry to hear that. I won't pry into your business.15:27
kanzurejrayhawk: what am i doing wrong15:27
belornoI mean, I'm not going to ask about the nature of your interest to the FBI.15:28
jrayhawkThey were interested in inviting him to present at a regional meeting.15:29
belornoThat's positive.15:29
QuantumGsuperheroes are often asked to talk to law enforcement.15:29
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kanzurebelorno: it was a diybio/fbi outreach thing (most recentl)15:38
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belornoThat sounds great. Now I am curious about why the FBI wants to hear about it.15:43
QuantumGhelps prevent extremism.. like assuming that everyone getting glassware delivered to a residence is setting up a meth lab.15:46
belornoYeah... I guess citizen scientists being interested in organic chemistry might make them nervous.15:48
QuantumGthey exist to investigate crime.. it colors the way you see the world.15:48
belornoI can imagine.15:50
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kanzure16:26 -!- Jon_D [Jonano@193-226.tr.cgocable.ca] has joined #diybio16:45
kanzure16:26 < Jon_D> hi16:45
kanzure16:26 < Jon_D> I invite you to inform yourself about my new project: www.technoloans.org16:45
kanzureguess who's back hahah16:45
kanzure"ebola virus of cryonics" :(16:46
kanzure"Explain your life:"16:46
belornoHmm, sounds shady.17:00
kanzurebelorno: http://www.cryonics.org/immortalist/november05/ebola.htm17:03
belornoYou know Eugen Leitl?17:08
belornoI feel sorry for Mr. Despres.17:09
kanzurei'm good friends with eugen17:11
belornoI've seen his name around some mailing lists. He gets around...17:14
-!- superkuh_ is now known as superkuh17:15
kanzurebelorno: you might be interested in this,17:15
belornoThat's kind of long... :) Are you on http://imminst.org/17:18
kanzure(it's even mentioned in there)17:19
belornoI've been a member there for some time. Not very active though.17:19
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belornoOh, that reminds me... I wanted to post something there.17:23
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ybitnever got the email19:00
kanzureyeah never sent it19:03
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delinquentmeheyyy all .. anyone happen to know if there are legitimate (funded) research groups who are out there pursuing aging?20:05
ybitaubrey et al20:06
ybitand many more i'm sure, after all there's a lot of baby boomers who don't want to die, but i wouldn't know who20:07
kanzuredelinquentme: http://sens.org/20:07
delinquentmearent they only somewhat funded?20:07
kanzurepretty pathetic20:08
kanzurehalcyon molecular claims to be pursuing longevity, but they are busy playing with electron microdicks20:08
delinquentmeever heard of http://www.sageweb.org/ ?20:13
delinquentmekaeberlein lab @ washington20:14
kanzurei've never been able to get their data20:14
kanzureoh wow it's changed20:14
delinquentmethey posted on imminst looking for someone to do web stuff20:16
delinquentmewhats up with you and school?20:16
kanzureyou must be thinking of someone else20:17
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delinquentmekanzure oh derp20:48
delinquentmeok bed time ~~ talk to you kids tomorrowwww20:48
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-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-79-43.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap21:00
kanzurehmm les is missing?21:58
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belornoBye folks...22:34
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kanzurewhat's up with everyone not knowing how to keep irc on22:38
QuantumGwhat's up with all the netsplits these days23:02
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--- Log closed Fri Aug 05 00:00:11 2011

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