
--- Log opened Sun Aug 14 00:00:23 2011
JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.00:01
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JayDuggerAnyone hereabouts familiar with Parpas America CNC milling machines?00:07
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kanzuredelinquentme: do you need a shell08:37
kanzureyou keep logging in/out but that's not normal..08:37
delinquentmeits just when my comp is on =]08:37
delinquentmegot a recommend into halcyon !08:37
kanzureyes i know it's hwne your computer is on08:37
kanzurebut instead of filling our screens with login/logout you can stay connected all the time08:38
kanzureand just log into your shell/server when you want to see what's up08:38
kanzure(that's how i do it)08:38
delinquentmeawesome. thanks for the offer.. du just have spare comps laying around?08:38
kanzureyes if you send me your public key i will set something up for you08:39
kanzureD/PhoneGapLog(  186): file:///android_asset/www/js/lecturer.js: Line 928 : TypeError: Result of expression 'response' [undefined] is not an object.08:42
kanzureD/PhoneGapLog(  186): file:///android_asset/www/js/lecturer.js: Line 928 : TypeError: Result of expression 'response' [undefined] is not an object.08:42
kanzureD/PhoneGapLog(  186): file:///android_asset/www/js/lecturer.js: Line 928 : TypeError: Result of expression 'response' [undefined] is not an object.08:42
kanzureD/PhoneGapLog(  186): file:///android_asset/www/js/lecturer.js: Line 928 : TypeError: Result of expression 'response' [undefined] is not an object.08:42
UtopiahHacking DNA, Compiling code for living systems http://media.ccc.de/browse/conferences/camp2011/cccamp11-4472-the_blackbox_in_your_phone-en.html (weird URL but working)08:44
Utopiah(by Marc Juul)08:44
kanzurei need to come up with a talk for singapore in a few weeks08:44
kanzuredenisa kera has been kind enough to organize Things08:44
delinquentmea nucleic acid is a set of nucleotides .. correct?08:54
kanzureno a nucleic acid is a nucleotide with some extra groups09:00
gedankenstueckekanzure: not really, iirc can a single chromosome be seen as a single nucleic acid09:02
gedankenstueckeso a nucleic acid just consists of n nucleotides09:02
delinquentmeyeah after googling a bit09:05
delinquentmeDNA is a nucleic acid09:05
kanzuremaybe i meant nucleoside09:05
delinquentmeaka the amino acids of which there are 2009:05
delinquentmewhich is a 3-length nucleotide09:06
delinquentmelength OF 3 nucleotides09:06
gedankenstueckekanzure: right, those are basically the nucleotides without the phosphate09:06
gedankenstueckedelinquentme: nucleic acid != amino acid ;)09:06
delinquentmeno!? ok09:08
delinquentmeno wait wait09:08
gedankenstueckenucleic acids consist of a bunch of nucleotides. nucleotides are nucleosides + phosphate09:08
gedankenstueckeliving organisms tend to use those nucleotides to create amino acids using the genetic code. a sequence of 3 nucleotides codes for one amino acid09:09
delinquentmewaaaaiit i thought a nucleotide was just one of your BPs09:10
delinquentmebut infact a nucleotide is that BP + its phosphate backbone?09:10
gedankenstueckea nucleotide is a single base including the sugar and the phosphate that create the backbone of dna09:10
delinquentmei seeee09:11
delinquentmeso the 2 complementary nucleotides form a ________09:11
delinquentmeive always through that be BP is JUST the AT or CG09:12
delinquentmebut it includes the backbone?  are these commonly left out things?09:12
kanzureyou should go look at some molecular diagrams of dna09:13
delinquentmeyeah im looking at it atm :D09:13
delinquentmeawesome gif on wiki09:13
gedankenstueckethe base itself is the part of the molecule that encodes the information, but you need the sugar/phosphate to create a poly-nucleotide09:14
delinquentmeim just wondering if basepair is used interchangeably to refer to both the AT and CG .. with or without its sugar phosphate backbone09:14
gedankenstueckewell, depends on which level you are working i'd guess09:15
delinquentmehmm ... http://www.rayandterry.com/itemdesc.asp?ic=COQ10 anyone?09:16
delinquentmeanyone dose up on this on the daily?09:16
gedankenstueckeas long as you are only interested in the information stored in the nucleic acid you don't care about the backbone as it's all the same and boring. ;)09:16
delinquentmemakes sense09:17
gedankenstueckebut the real, molecular basepairs (iirc) always include the backbone09:18
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jrayhawk"Now that I have Gmail Paper, I understand the difference between labels and folders. I had one message with two labels, but when I tried to stick the paper version into two filing cabinets at the same time, it just wouldn't go."10:56
kanzurei was hoping this was a real thing so that i could get a huge box of my email :)11:02
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kanzurei bet i could find some online service to print out documents for me11:02
kanzure"you want to ship .. how many boxes? what?"11:02
kanzureactually, that might be an interesting service for end-of-life maintenance of accounts11:02
kanzurei.e. dad flopped over dead.. time to print his correspondence / back it up11:03
kanzurei'm not proud of saying that11:07
kanzure"In contrast to Python, in Ruby all instance member variables are private." i wonder why i have never run into this before11:22
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delinquentmeinstance variables are private?12:13
delinquentmeummm within that file you mean?12:13
delinquentmeactually im not sure.. thinking about it im pretty sure i've seen instance vars being used within the same file .. @instance_var  .. each within its own method12:14
delinquentmeso yeah i guess thats right12:14
kanzurei'm sorta surprised but ok12:14
delinquentmetry it out12:39
delinquentme( the asshole answer )12:40
kanzurehttp://wiki.openhardware.org when did this happen13:29
kanzurebruce perens should know better :(13:29
kanzurejrayhawk: what do i do13:29
kanzureif he was proposing this for debian they'd take him out and shoot him13:30
kanzuresomeone should port all of the zotero scrapers (for firefox/js) into phantomjs/pjscrape13:56
kanzure(the elsevier scrapers)13:57
jrayhawkWhat is he proposing? I only see the open source hardware definition and a catalogue of projects meeting that definition.13:59
kanzurei don't think a wiki-database of projects is optimal?13:59
jrayhawkIt's not a packaging standard, certainly, but I don't really see a problem with its existence?14:00
jrayhawkI mean, not only is it not a packaging standard, it doesn't appear to even be trying to be a packaging standard.14:00
kanzurei guess i just expect better from him14:00
kanzurei think it is a packaging standard though.. what else could it be14:00
jrayhawkI don't see any semblence of packaging.14:00
jrayhawkIt's just a bunch of metadata and hyperlinks.14:00
kanzurewell, it's metadata about projects and possibly the files (maybe by uri reference)14:01
kanzurein plain text14:01
kanzureyeah i'm probably over-reacting14:01
kanzureagain i just don't see the long-term strategy goin' on there..14:01
kanzureif he wants to really contribute... erhm.14:02
jrayhawkuh, well, the point of openhardware.org is to advocate for open hardware14:02
jrayhawkto that end, they define what that means, give a list of acceptable licenses, give a list of unacceptable licenses, and give a list of projects using acceptable licenses.14:03
kanzurea list of projects can be a text file14:03
kanzuremaybe with fancy css markup14:03
jrayhawkIf he were attempting to make a packaging standard, then, yes, I expect he would have more formalized metadata structures.14:04
jrayhawkHe is not.14:04
jrayhawkThat's an enormous project and he is a busy man.14:04
kanzureyeah so i really really don't understand manual labor14:04
kanzurelike, me reading through all of the projcts that could be potentially listed here is *manual labor*14:04
jrayhawkCrowdsourcing appears to be his approach.14:05
kanzurewhat is the advantage of a wiki over ..14:05
jrayhawkha ha i just used a terrible catchphrase for public collaboration14:05
jrayhawki feel dirty14:05
kanzurethat's because this is an awful implementation of public collaboration.. "let's use a custom version control system and an unparsable syntax plsu lots and lots of php to do this! yehaw crowdsourcing"14:06
jrayhawkhaha, so you're just bitter that the data is cumbersome to get at14:07
kanzureit marginalizes my contributions by making them less effective at their goals14:07
kanzureyes and it's a waste of time14:07
kanzureif the problem is that nobody is contributing, that's because you have no community14:07
jrayhawkI don't think he cares that much, is the thing.14:07
kanzure(this is partly why i don't spend all of my time writing wikipedia articles)14:08
kanzurethat might be true- i think he has recently increased his care for open source hardware related subjects14:08
kanzurehe mentioned something to me about .. uh.. one of his legal battles ending so that he could free up some of his time toward this?14:08
kanzurei'm not really on the in-loop with him :/14:08
jrayhawkBut, I mean, that data is fairly secondary to his primary purpose (the OSHD). Obviously it's deeply important to your primary purpose (SKDB).14:09
jrayhawkYou could start building your repository with proper formalized and accessible metadata and have him just point at that14:10
jrayhawkThough beats me if he'll want to.14:10
kanzurebruce isn't thoroughly involved with OSHD :/14:11
kanzurethe guys behind OSHD (eyebeam.org) kinda marginalize everyone else14:11
kanzurei mean he's tried to pop in but he's been mostly rejected14:11
kanzureit's kinda absurd14:11
kanzurewait, i'm sorry14:11
kanzureoshd isn't eyebeam14:11
jrayhawkoh, i guess it's "OSHWD"14:12
kanzurefreedomdefined.org is benjamin hill14:13
kanzureso we know him..14:13
jrayhawkAnyway, Perens has a long history of attempting to lead without buy-in from those he leads and being unconstructively brittle about dealing with the fallout, and a lot of people are just not interested in working with him.14:14
kanzureyep that's right14:14
kanzure"This definition originated with discussion between attendees of the Opening Hardware workshop at Eyebeam (New York City), March 17, 2010, in particular (listed alphabetically by first name):"14:14
kanzurei see14:15
kanzurejrayhawk: what are his actual skills, btw?14:15
kanzurei mean did he ever have a history of submitting large quantities of code to projects?14:16
jrayhawkWell, there's BusyBox.14:16
jrayhawkHis qualifications seem to be: decent programmer, ability to speak and write in a compelling manner, very little sense of self-restraint.14:17
kanzureyeah he definitely seems to be more on the public relations end?14:17
jrayhawkYeah, he's good at being loud. He's also more reliably saying something worthwhile than most loud people (rms, ESR, etc.).14:19
kanzurewell his message on licensing tends to be clear to me14:19
kanzureoh but i guess rms' moral arguments are also clear to me so nevermind14:20
QuantumGrms has a great moral argument.. unfortunately it leads to a conclusion that calls for you to live like a monk.14:30
jrayhawkhttp://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Alwn.net+%22bruce+perens%22 perens' appearences on lwn tend to be interesting14:32
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klafkaRMS moral argument isn't bad but it's a bit of a stretch a lot of time15:08
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kanzurebox2d javascript again http://code.google.com/p/box2dweb/16:15
belornoHey kanzure.17:00
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kanzuressh: connect to host neuroblastoma.omgwallhack.org port 22: Connection refused18:00
kanzureso there's this person claiming that his wife has an electrostatic charge18:52
kanzureand that she can't ever be in the same room with anything producing electric fields18:52
kanzureincluding common consumer devices18:52
kanzurethis sounds like bullshit to me?18:52
QuantumGprobably.. I knew a guy who would cause computers to crash whenever he entered a room.18:56
QuantumGthis was around 1998.18:56
QuantumGscratch that, 1996.18:57
kanzuremaybe he was a bogon generator18:58
uniqanomalyweed was there first19:12
QuantumGno doubt had an influence :)19:15
superkuhYes, bullshit.19:15
superkuhAnd easily tested.19:16
superkuhWith a 9v battery, a jfet, and an LED.19:16
superkuhNot that testing is required, because it's bullshit.19:16
QuantumGsorry, what's bullshit?19:17
superkuhPeople who claim to have a permanent electrostatic charge that can 'crash' electronics.19:17
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kanzuresuperkuh: apparently it was an old childhood mentor of mine when i was doing concert paino19:24
kanzure(apparently i did concert piano)19:24
kanzuregit mv Student student19:31
kanzurefatal: renaming 'iphone/Student' failed: Invalid argument19:31
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belornoThe new farming method was awesome. Thanks for the link. Goodnight.20:35
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fennsuperkuh: got a HV question21:55
fennwe're trying to trigger something based on the output of an electric fence21:55
superkuhOkay. I'll try to respond usefully.21:55
fennthe fence discharges a capacitor onto the line once a second21:55
fennwe're trying to detect a human, so modeling the human as a 12 ohm resistor21:56
fennso there's a voltage divider and a bunch of diodes in series to clamp whatever voltage comes out of the divider to 5V21:56
fenndoes that make sense?21:57
fennthe divider is made up of an actual resistor and the human21:57
fennthe goal is for the output to be somewhere between 3 and 5 volts so an arduino can interrupt on the pulse22:00
superkuhThe human is in series with the voltage divider for the sensor of capacitor voltage?22:02
fennthe human is one resistor in the voltage divider22:02
fennvoltage will be across the line whether there's someone there or not22:02
fennwe're trying to detect if there's something there22:02
fennnow that i'm thinking about it, the best way might just be to measure the resistance across the electrodes and only turn on the fence when it's at a high enough value22:03
fenner, low enough resistance22:03
superkuhYou're going to be charging the capacitor at all times because of leakage, right? But it'll be almost no current.22:06
superkuhExcept when it has discharged.22:06
superkuhThe charging current will increase after discharge on the low voltage end.22:06
superkuhLook at that.22:06
fennthe way the fence works is it discharges a capacitor and somehow this generates high voltage22:06
fennit does that once a second22:06
fennthere's no high voltage capacitor22:07
fennit's very low current at high voltage for something like a microsecond22:07
superkuhI would design the voltage divider to allow for current of some mA to pulse an optoisolator which switches briefly a 5 or 3v battery provided voltage. Given a meatsack as an alternate current path it just wouldn't pulse and that lack would be the trigger.22:20
fennyeah we discussed using optoisolators but werent sure if there was enough current22:21
fennshould probably just test that and see if it works, would be much easier22:22
superkuhMe either. But I wouldn't want to hook a pulsed trigger transformer up to my avr, even through a voltage divider.22:22
--- Log closed Mon Aug 15 00:00:25 2011

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