
--- Log opened Wed Aug 17 00:00:27 2011
-!- elmom [~elmom@hoas-fe3ddd00-25.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:03
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fennhm. google plus. le sigh04:22
fennat least this way i don't have to break my oath about facebook04:22
fenn"< strages_> why not just administer an IQ test upon anyone joining the channel?" what an excellent idea04:24
fennhttp://www.ftrain.com/woods-plus.html The only thing they could want me for is harvesting.04:39
fenn" this lets you divide people into clusters and lie to each group in different ways, which makes it easier to preserve the fictions that make up our polite racist society"04:39
kanzureconsistent multi-circle lying is really hard to scale05:19
superkuhIt's just as bad. You'd be breaking it in spirit.05:22
-!- Jaakko95 [~Jaakko@host86-131-182-179.range86-131.btcentralplus.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap05:50
kanzurewhy do i keep thinking sf is 2 hours ahead05:52
kanzurei am five hours early for a call05:52
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-!- Juul [~Juul@2001:878:200:1000:218:deff:fe2a:4335] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:25
kanzurethis doesn't focus enough on DOM06:43
kanzurebut otherwise an ok intro06:43
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kanzurehmm files http://diylilcnc.org/downloads/07:00
kanzuremabel robot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlOwk6_xpWo07:01
kanzurewall climber robot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEMlkonimvQ07:05
kanzurethe wall climbers need a giant lance on their back so they can hook onto the top edge of a roof and pull themselves over07:06
kanzurei see that one of those is articulated through the mid-section but i can't imagine that helping much07:06
JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.07:08
-!- evolv is now known as evolvidle07:10
kanzuretodo: medical tourism rating site07:32
-!- evolv [~assparade@unaffiliated/evolv] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:37
kanzurei guess there's this http://reviews.treatmentabroad.com/07:37
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kanzurehah "pain is just weakness leaving your body"07:57
JayDuggerThat ignores the possibilities of injuries that cripple or maim.07:57
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eridukanzure: just saw the quantified self blog post on meetlog -- I can't view videos now, but that looks incredible! do you have a link?08:40
eridu(it is sadly not terrifically googleable)08:40
kanzureeridu: http://diyhpl.us/cgit/meetlog/plain/meetlog.txt08:55
eridukanzure: how do you keep track of how much you talk?08:58
-!- Technicus [~nomadicus@97-83-188-15.dhcp.stpt.wi.charter.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:02
kanzureeridu: there's actually a lot of flaws09:26
kanzurelike why the hell aren't i tracking per-conversation information?09:27
kanzureor per-message?09:27
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kanzureit makes no sense to lump every interaction i have with someone in a single day into the same 'block' or record09:27
kanzureoh great09:27
kanzurefine, leave me09:27
-!- Technicus1 [~nomadicus@24-197-228-182.static.stpt.wi.charter.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:37
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kanzure"The US Navy, for example, was in need of a real-time kernel with deterministic performance characteristics in order to develop anti-missile technologies for their fleet. Linux didn’t have such a kernel, so the Navy contributed it."16:19
kanzurehmm what16:19
archelswhat indeed16:20
archelsRTOS extensions?16:21
kanzuredidn't NIST develop real-time kernel contributions?16:21
archelsI don't know16:25
QuantumGI imagine you could find the commits16:25
-!- mayko [~mayko@69-36-214-157.dynamic.dsl.skybest.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap16:27
kanzurewhat? do work?16:37
QuantumGyeah, seemed pretty unlikely16:48
kanzureohhh shit16:49
kanzure"He discovered that he talks 60% of the time"16:50
kanzurehah posting it on facebook: fenn's image shows up16:51
kanzureclose enough i guess16:51
archelsDid they just stick their intro on your talk video?16:53
kanzurehah i didn't even notice that16:54
kanzurei skipped to the middle and ends16:54
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-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-74-167.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]17:09
-!- eudoxia [~eudoxia@r190-135-50-218.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined ##hplusroadmap17:10
eudoxiaIs there such a thing as a .pdf of Nanosystems? Because if there is I can't find it17:25
kanzureif by .pdf you mean something completely unusable, no- chemists have managed to keep their file formats fairly ok17:27
kanzurethere's also a few formats that nanoengineer uses17:27
eudoxiaI mean a copy of the book17:28
QuantumGI think Engines Of Creation is up17:28
kanzureoh another type is mmp17:28
QuantumG.. but I don't remember seeing Nanosystems17:28
QuantumGcheck torrents I guess17:28
eudoxiaEngines of Creation is up, yes, I have it. Nanosystems is nowhere to be found.17:28
eudoxiakanzure I thought you were joking. You read Nanosystems as NanoEngineer or what?17:29
QuantumGhmm.. http://e-drexler.com/d/06/00/Nanosystems/toc.html17:29
kanzurei thought you meant nanosystems.. not Nanosystems-the-Book17:30
kanzureanyway.. there you go, enjoy17:30
eudoxiaI thought there was only one Nanosystems17:30
eudoxiaoh well17:30
QuantumGalmost looks like they half did it and then stopped17:30
kanzurei thought you meant "nanosystems" like.. a noun for the thing.. the concept :)17:30
kanzureanyway the .tar.gz should wrok17:30
eudoxiaThank you17:30
eudoxiaThe TOC has a few sample chapters, the rest is only in the hardcopy version17:31
QuantumGI went to my local reference desk, where I originally read Nanosystems, and asked for the copy.. they physically sighed because they had to go down into the archive to retrieve it.17:33
-!- Nam-Ereh-Won [~namerehwo@cpe-173-174-208-25.satx.res.rr.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]17:35
eudoxiaI'm rather late to the party because nowadays all I hear is how diamond nanotech is infeasible and everything based on a UHV and mechanosynthesis is DOOMED TO FAIL17:36
QuantumGuh huh, where do you hear that?17:36
eudoxiaWell, there's that Philip Moriarty guy, for one thing. He's working on mechanosynthesis but doubts it can be scaled up. And that Scott Locklin guy but I heard he was a flamebaiting troll.17:38
eudoxiaAnd some Internet random who told me only wet, squishy proteins work, and to prove it took a picture of his Nanochemistry textbook with a timestap that read "Eric Drexler is a crazy mofo"17:39
-!- Nam-Ereh-Won [~namerehwo@cpe-173-174-208-25.satx.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap17:39
QuantumGsounds like strong argument :)17:40
eudoxiaSo I guessed I'd read nanosystems and make an informed opinion17:41
QuantumGyeah, go to the library.  Assuming they haven't burned it down yet.17:42
eudoxiaI doubt they will have a copy of Nanosystems17:43
QuantumGask.. libraries will even get it in from another branch if you ask.17:43
QuantumGor.. amazon has 49 used from $517:44
eudoxiaI considered it but the Internet is always cheaper17:47
eudoxiaOne question, though, since you've read it: Is is specifically for physics/chemistry undergrads or something along those lines, or is it more general? Obviously it's not pop-sci like Engines of Creation but I want to know how much preliminary knowledge I need to read it17:48
QuantumGI read it when I was 18 and understood it.17:50
eudoxiaOkay then17:50
QuantumGknowing a little about computational chemistry helps though.17:50
eudoxiaWell I know about normal chemistry. The only thing I know about computational chemistry is how to press the Run Dynamics button in NanoEngineer17:51
eudoxialook mommy i am siens17:51
QuantumGyou probably know enough to read it and understand it.17:52
QuantumGjust noticed I already had another book in my amazon shopping cart which I hadn't bought yet.. so I just added a copy of nanosystems :)17:53
kanzureeudoxia: ok but really the link i gave you is the full thing17:53
kanzuremoriarty has always been against diamondoid mechanosynthesis17:54
kanzuresee http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/nanotech/freitas_process/notes.txt17:54
kanzureand http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/nanotech/17:54
QuantumGoh kanzure, didn't see your link.  doh17:54
QuantumGI guess eudoxia missed it too.. http://gnusha.org/stuff_to_deal_with/nanosystems.tar.gz17:55
* kanzure pouts17:55
QuantumGbe nice to have the dead tree though... I can smack small thinkers over the head with it.17:56
QuantumGthe other book: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/031649197717:59
meefslarge file QuantumG17:59
QuantumGmeefs: as kanzure said, it's the whole book18:00
meefsno compression?18:00
QuantumGgz = compression.18:01
eudoxiakanz, quantum, yes I'm downloading it18:01
eudoxiaAnd I'll love you guys forever18:01
QuantumGit aint bz2 but it's almost as good18:01
kanzureit's just photos18:02
kanzureor scans of the pages18:02
eudoxiaMaybe they can be OCR'd18:03
QuantumGyou do that :)18:03
meefswell this is the only 700meg+ 'book' I've downloaded18:03
eudoxiaI tried OCR'ing a book I have but Christ the text output is all messed up. And each scan was like two thousand pixes wide18:04
meefseven huge text using scanned pages never reach above 100MB18:05
meefsoh well it must be worth it :)18:05
kanzuremost people manually correct anything ocr'd18:06
QuantumGhmm 576 pages.. seemed longer in my memories18:07
klafkakanzure that seems like a huge amt of time18:08
kanzureklafka: remember the people who used to type up books when they were learning to type?18:08
kanzurethat is, until they ran out of fun books that nobody had typed up yet..18:08
klafkahaha true18:08
kanzureklafka: i might have a job for you18:09
kanzurebut it would require relocation to san francisco18:09
kanzureis it ok if i pass on your resume or would you prefer to cold call them? they would love that18:10
klafkago forf it kanzure18:10
klafkai want to move to sf18:11
klafkawhat kind of job is?18:11
kanzurerandom web startup got some funding and needs additional programmers18:11
klafkayeah sure18:11
-!- jmil [~jmil@pool-173-59-72-58.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap18:11
QuantumGthe concept of sliding seals to expand the work area of a nanofactory is what comes into my head when I think about mechanosynthesis18:16
eudoxiaI'm worried about how extensible the process is, to other elements and other molecules.18:17
QuantumGthe focus on hydrogen/carbon is a little blinding.18:18
eudoxiaI mean, I can imagine 'regular' atom stacking to produce diamond, and easily make something like the Universal Joint ( http://nanoengineer-1.net/mediawiki/index.php?title=Universal_Joint ) because that's simple enough. It's just a slab of diamond. But something like the differential gear ( http://nanoengineer-1.net/mediawiki/index.php?title=Differential_Gear ) is just... I doubt one can just make a litle wheel of Carb18:19
eudoxiaon and decorate it with Sulphur.18:19
eudoxiaAnd then there's the fact it uses more elements than merely Carbon and Hydrogen. And that you have to build the thing as you build the case, which requires the tips to move from any arbitrary direction, and have sub-angstrom precision all the time.18:20
QuantumGis that because the concept of hydrogen abstraction has been explored and you've read about that, but you haven't read anything similar for sulphur?18:20
eudoxiaHydrogen abstraction and donation, and Carbon deposition, those I know have been studied and simulated, but I don't know about sulphur mechanosynthesis, or even how well it extends to other covalently-bonded crystals like, say, silica or boron nitride18:21
QuantumGwell, the availability of accurate positional placement is the fundamental assumption.. so you have to just accept that as an axiom  (which is what makes mechanosynthesis so hilarious, cause we don't have it)18:22
QuantumGso yeah, it really is just about tooltips18:22
eudoxiaBut the underlying chemistry is feasible?18:23
QuantumGin nanosystems he describes all the tooltips he uses and shows they can simulated, etc.18:23
eudoxiaSo the problem is not fat fingers or sticky fingers... But steady fingers18:24
QuantumGall the work that has been done since has basically been trying to make simpler tools.. or tools that *we can actually make* with existing technology.18:24
eudoxiaLike the mechanosynthesis experiments with AFM?18:24
QuantumGdepends which ones you're talking about.. but yeah.18:27
eudoxiaI remember a 2003 experiment where they removed a Silicon atom and put it down somewhere else, and a 2008 experiment where they wrote "Si" on a diamond surface. But again I don't know how that translates to diamond, or if an AFM tip counts as a reactant molecule18:29
QuantumGbut the simple fact is, although mechanosynthesis has been shown possible, and even practical, it hasn't been implemented and so far I have seen a roadmap that has sufficient detail to convince me that it ever will be.  And that's kinda sad.18:29
QuantumGand more people have to get into it as a research field if it is ever going to happen.18:30
eudoxiaI hope it doesn't end up like fusion, with people saying that it "will always be fifty years away"18:31
QuantumGif it continues at the current progression, linear extrapolation puts it far beyond our likely lifetimes.. even kanzure's :)18:31
kanzurei only have another five years anyway18:31
QuantumGwell, my opinion of fusion is that it got politicized in the 80s and the healthy rivalry that was driving the research community got replaced with plodding bureaucratic "cooperation".18:33
QuantumGso really, the catch phrase should be "ITER is always fifty years away"18:34
kanzureconsortia! consortiums! conferences! proceedings! royal societies!18:34
kanzurehow else are things supposed to happen?? (i am joking)18:34
QuantumGbut also, people assume nuclear fusion power plants will be just like nuclear fission power plants... complete with all that government oversight, etc, etc18:35
QuantumGthat's just the defacto position.18:36
QuantumGwhy do fission power plants have such government involvement?  Do coal plants?  Or oil plants?  Or natural gas plants?  Not nearly.. because the threat to public safety is so completely different.18:37
QuantumGwell, what's the threat to public safety of fusion like?  Is it like fission?  Not even.18:38
QuantumGSo what does that mean?  Well, it means that GE isn't going to fund fusion research like they would other power technologies, because the threat of massive government control of any plant that they ever actually build means they're not going to be able to capitalize on that investment.18:39
QuantumGAnd, from the other side, it means that government funding for anything which is any safer than the Tokamak concept is marginalized because it threatens the necessity of oversight.18:42
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-!- Tyrant [Tyrant@] has joined ##hplusroadmap18:46
eudoxiayes, yes, eight minutes left in the download, yes...18:47
eudoxiaOn topic now I heard nice things about the tandem mirror18:47
eudoxiaAnd then how in the eighties someone decided we should all stick with the Tokamak and every other project was shafted18:48
QuantumGwatching http://www.livestream.com/tedxnasasiliconvalley18:51
kanzurekanzure: who are you18:54
kanzureweird, i'm on freenode twice18:54
QuantumGnot here18:55
jrayhawkkanzure only has five years because eventually one of his dissociated identities will attempt to kill another18:55
kanzureneuroblastoma had a sex change to victoria?18:57
jrayhawkit's amazing what can be done with silicon implants these days18:58
QuantumGwell, saline18:58
kanzurewhat's up with people mixing up silicon and silicone anyway18:59
Tyrantholywood and the bay area are quite close to each other19:00
Tyrantit's an understandable mistake19:00
QuantumGI want silicon implants.. in my brain.19:01
jrayhawkthose tend to get rather warm...19:01
kanzureno way dude they will start to sag in 6 years19:01
QuantumGwhereas I often have silicone implants *on* my brain19:02
QuantumGjust a 4 function calculator implant would do.19:03
kanzureso i'm doing the training of my vietnamese programmers19:04
kanzurebasically i have a ticketing system on unfuddle.com19:04
kanzureand i add tickets for whatever they should install or read19:04
kanzure(when they're not working on projects)19:04
jrayhawkany particular reason you chose unfuddle over github?19:04
kanzurei wanted redmine but then i realized i only had an hour to write 200 tickets19:05
kanzureso i wrote a script to auto-post yaml files into tickets on unfuddle19:05
kanzurei've gone through basic javascript, html5, iphone, android, css3, and dev tools19:06
jrayhawkI have private repository stuff working in Piny, now, by the way.19:06
kanzureif they are going to be bored i'd like them to be reading/trying useful demos19:06
kanzurejrayhawk: i might have to switch all of this over to piny19:06
kanzurethere's about 40 repos19:06
kanzureand right now these assholes are committing builds to git repositories19:07
kanzureand i need to setup a build server19:07
jrayhawkyou should make them aware of git-annex19:07
kanzurebecause everyone running android/xcode to build apps all the time is inefficient19:07
jrayhawkgit annex is pretty cool for builds19:07
kanzureoh.. yes i should19:07
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kanzurei also gave them a huge list of documentation and tutorials to read19:09
kanzureoh.. yes i shouldys19:09
jrayhawki blame the dissociative personalities19:10
-!- Jaakko95 [~Jaakko@host86-131-182-179.range86-131.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de]19:10
kanzurea mi missing any particular topic i should make them read/demo/test/play with?19:10
jrayhawkI don't even know what you're developing.19:11
kanzurei am having them do mobile and web apps mostly19:11
kanzurealso games, probably using unity3d19:11
kanzurevarious opengl es 2 stuff19:11
kanzurecat */*.yaml | grep subject: | sort | uniq | ssh bryan@gnusha.org "cat > ~/public_html/irc/training.txt"19:14
kanzureoh maybe i will have them play with parse.com19:15
kanzureblah beta invite only? screw that19:15
QuantumGhmm.. Venter is presenting some results I wasn't up to date on19:24
QuantumGat http://www.livestream.com/tedxnasasiliconvalley19:24
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-!- diane is now known as klafka19:41
kanzureklafka: sent you over the details20:00
klafkaoh cool20:01
klafkaso did you send them my resume then/20:02
klafkaaah kanzure this is really interesting20:03
klafkait's an idea I was sort of thinking along very similar lines about20:03
kanzureklafka: no20:04
klafkaah ok20:04
kanzurei figured you could suprise them or something20:04
klafkai think I'll email them first20:07
klafkai really don't like cold calling people20:08
kanzureno it's going to be super casual20:09
kanzure"yo dude i'm some guy i can write some code wazzup"20:09
kanzureyou can prep by cold calling me20:13
kanzurenot really a cold call though20:13
kanzureklafka: in other news,20:23
kanzureis up..20:23
klafkaooh cool20:25
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kanzuregood night21:07
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