
--- Log opened Fri Aug 19 00:00:30 2011
-!- delinquentme_ [~delinquen@c-76-125-242-200.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap04:45
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kanzureparallax is going to be selling some open source hardware product at radioshack soon08:56
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kanzureseptember 14th, 15th11:12
kanzurefossasia is nov. 11-1311:12
kanzurecool no conflict.. was worried for a moment11:12
kanzureopen science summit is oct. 22-2311:13
kanzuremanchester diybio is oct. 2911:13
kanzureicontvl (a transhumanist conference in israel) is oct. 24 http://www.icon.org.il/2011/en/CFPposthumanismcon201111:14
kanzureephemerisle 2012 is june 9-1011:16
kanzurequantified self 2012 is may 26-2711:16
kanzurepersonalized life extension 2012 undecided11:16
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kanzuredelinquentme: have you read http://protocol-online.org/ yet12:42
delinquentmeyeahhh ive got it saved12:44
delinquentmekanzure, i think im gonna send them my resume and just stay on them till they put me in touch with someone in computation12:45
delinquentmethey will let me help them12:45
delinquentmebut yeah i was looking over the minipreps on those12:45
delinquentmebut like with the convo with tyr the other day12:45
delinquentmeim starting to realize that theres TONS of specialization within research12:45
delinquentmeso like most people are going to be able to give me the general overview I want12:46
delinquentmeOK H+ ers..12:53
delinquentmewhats the quickest way to learn biology :D12:53
-!- jmil [~jmil@2001:468:1802:e148:223:32ff:feb1:9dfc] has quit [Quit: jmil]13:10
kanzureone does not learn biology.. only to tolerate it13:10
kanzurei can't remember the exact number but didn't someone say something like "on average people take 2 months per protocol" or whatever?13:11
kanzureok boys and girls, who wants to guess whether netconsole is tcp or udp13:12
delinquentme2 months per protocol?13:23
delinquentmei dont follow kanz13:23
-!- dbolser_ is now known as dbolser13:24
kanzurehrm i'm trying to follow this http://sarah.thesharps.us/2010-03-26-09-4113:25
kanzure[  632.180045] console [netcon0] enabled13:25
kanzure[  632.180056] netconsole: network logging started13:25
kanzurei get to that part;13:25
kanzurebut when i type "logger 'yo'" on the machine, it appears in dmesg but isn't sent over netconsole13:25
kanzurehuh weird, unknown keycodes get sent over but not anything i type via "logger"13:28
delinquentmekanzure, 2 months / protocol to understand it? to memorize it? to what13:29
delinquentmedesign one from scratch maybe13:29
delinquentme2 months = long ass time13:29
kanzureto get it right13:30
kanzurethere are many hundreds of variables that people screw up on when running a protocol13:30
kanzuredamn it the one time i bother to set up logging before i turn on my wifi driver, the kernel doesn't crash!13:30
kanzure<--- rage13:30
kanzurewhat is this devil magic13:30
kanzurenot cool13:32
kanzuremaybe the ethernet connection is making the wifi driver not be awful13:34
delinquentmekanzure, y humans no machine like13:34
delinquentmethis is all im saying.13:34
kanzurewhat? i don't understand what you just said13:34
kanzurefffuuuu there it goes13:36
kanzurecrashed... and nothing shows up in the log13:36
kanzurertl819xSE:EnableHWSecurityConfig8192:, hwsec:1, pairwise_key:2, SECR_value:c13:37
kanzurertl819xSE:====>to setKey(), dev:f4de0000, EntryNo:4, KeyIndex:0, KeyType:2, MacAddr00:23:69:40:4f:7d13:37
kanzurewhere's my kernel panic? i was promised a kernel panic13:37
kanzurewell.. there's this? https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=8550413:41
delinquentmein what ways would synthetic bio push life extension forward?13:43
kanzurewhat do you mean by "synthetic bio"?13:44
kanzurehonestly you should just read 10 of these per day for the next few years:13:45
kanzureactually there's not that many13:45
kanzuremaybe enough for a few months13:45
delinquentmeresearch journals are nuts13:47
kanzurehere's a kaeberlein paper http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/longevity/Molecular%20basis%20of%20ageing.pdf13:47
delinquentmeim reading a protocol now13:47
delinquentmecall me nuts13:48
delinquentmethe 94th annual Boehringer ingelheim Fonds international titisee13:48
delinquentmethat sounds so damn obscure13:49
Utopiahrecently on aging http://www.pnas.org/content/108/32/1302913:49
kanzurethis is the one about protocols http://88proof.com/synthetic_biology/blog/archives/29013:49
delinquentmeread it13:49
delinquentmecool concept13:49
kanzureback to microfluidics http://88proof.com/synthetic_biology/blog/archives/28013:49
delinquentmebut if the proto is still fucked13:49
kanzureok just making sure13:49
delinquentmeit wont work :D13:50
delinquentmeits gotta be a software driven thin13:50
delinquentmei was going back and forth about this earlier ... right so we like pretty UI designs13:50
delinquentmewhats scalable13:50
delinquentmeCODE. not UI designs13:50
kanzurewhat UI are you talking about ??13:51
kanzureanyway, biologists are not going to sit around writing up their protocols into machine code13:51
kanzurethey tend to be pretty bad programmers13:51
kanzurelike.. awful programmers that don't know they are awful, which makes them 10x more deadly13:52
delinquentmethats catering the tech to the researchers13:52
delinquentmewhen were talking automation13:52
delinquentmelike that one article .. ru kidding me .. a github for bio?13:52
delinquentmeno more lots protocols13:52
kanzurewhat's wrong about git-controlled software-defined protocols?13:53
delinquentmeim saying that it is the bees-knees :P13:53
delinquentmeso what if current biologists dont like to code13:54
delinquentmemaybe thats the direction i need to talk13:54
delinquentme... go hunt down tecan and say .. i want to automate13:54
delinquentmeok wait. * keeps going *13:54
delinquentmeright .. complete integration and removal of humans ..13:55
delinquentmetheres still a pay wall there13:55
delinquentmeBUT that is OK in the case where its all automated13:55
delinquentmebc people could just be coding up protocols and have it run13:55
kanzurei'm not sure you really groked what jonathan was writing about13:56
delinquentmewhich solves that other big issue of ... if anyone can make a research grade bio lab ... how do we worry about those who might do bad things with it13:56
kanzureif you have a protocol language in code then you can automatically generate labs-on-a-chip to run those protocols13:56
kanzureso you could just print those out on a laser cutter (or whatever other method you use)13:56
kanzurelaser cutter microfluidics haven't been so hot/working lately13:56
kanzurelike ASIC but for mini labs13:57
kanzureso he wrote some code to parse lab protocols in english13:57
kanzureif you have a set of standard components for each type of step you could imagine laying out a lab on a chip to do that cheaply13:57
kanzuretbh when i was writing code to generate microfluidic circuits a big stumbling block was how awful the output looked14:00
kanzurelike the svg output14:00
delinquentmelemme finish clines paper here .. 1 sec14:02
delinquentmeok so here was my issue14:02
delinquentmeI think his expectations for the NLP14:02
delinquentmewere a bit high14:03
delinquentmewhile its a solution for existing protocols14:03
delinquentmeyou're still relying on the human element for its input14:03
kanzureheh hiding torrents in .png http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=70265414:09
delinquentmeas a prevention for filtering of torrent files?14:11
kanzurehm http://torrentbutler.eu/14:11
delinquentmeisnt the bigger issue making the data transfers less traceable?14:11
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delinquentmekanzure, the issues with microfludics among other things is the physics at that level right14:18
delinquentmeprotocols arent the same between ml and uL14:18
-!- jmil [~jmil@c-68-81-252-40.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:28
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kanzureit's cute dunno about awesome though14:53
Tyrantdelinquentme_, what plastic parts do you use in your instrument?14:57
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delinquentme_Tyrant, zip ties15:06
delinquentme_the body / frame heated / bent plastic15:06
delinquentme_i relocated the compression to a metal body though15:06
delinquentme_but i've since redesigned that compression housing15:06
delinquentme_which i think can now be made w plastic15:07
delinquentme_so Tyrant i got solidworks installed today :D15:09
delinquentme_any protocols for me :D?15:10
-!- gcpopell [62f7762e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap15:14
kanzurehello gcpopell15:16
gcpopellI'm sorta surprised there's so many people in here.15:16
kanzuregcpopell: why's that15:17
gcpopellMost 'niche'/'special interest' ircs, even for active movements, are pretty dead15:17
gcpopelland the transhumanist webspace is sad at points15:17
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kanzuregcpopell: yeah, the majority of actually-transhumanist-stuff is happening via the biohacking/diybio groups15:22
gcpopellright, but even so for discussion forums15:22
gcpopellpeople are using mailing lists, etc. and poorly designed webforums15:22
kanzureforums suck.. makin' me click everywhere grr15:22
kanzurethe mailing lists are dead and haven't grown since 200315:22
gcpopellI've generally been of the opinion (though clearly some people disagree) that there's far more usability in forums than mailing list stuff15:23
kanzureyeah i don't care about that any more15:23
gcpopellgoogle groups = modern day mailing list setup15:23
kanzurego write a forum2mail gateway & stfu15:23
kanzuregoogle groups isn't modern at all.. it's broken and hugely behind mailman15:23
kanzurewhich is sad because mailman is pretty bad too15:23
gcpopellimminst is sorta weirdly set up15:24
gcpopellLW uses the reddit system15:24
Tyrant delinquentme_, what do you mean protocols? just read the included tutorials, solidworks' help files are quite good15:25
kanzurelesswrong is a plague that i wish would die15:25
kanzureimminst is "longecity" now (whatever the hell that means)15:25
kanzurebut at least their nootropics forum is active...15:25
gcpopelllesswrong is doing good things for the cause15:25
gcpopellregardless of what you think of the members proclivities15:25
delinquentme_Tyrant, i mean bio :D15:25
kanzureare you an eliezer yudkowsky worshipper15:25
gcpopellthey've increased signups to cryogenic preservation15:25
delinquentme_more stuff for me to do with a dispensing only liquid handler15:26
kanzure/kickban gcpope--15:26
gcpopellI take severe umbrage at his interpretation of many worlds theory15:26
Tyrantdispensing only? huh15:26
gcpopelland some of his decision theory15:26
delinquentme_yeah just because ive got the fixed head15:26
kanzuregreat, i really dislike his decision theory15:26
kanzureok so why is lesswrong worth bringing up here ?15:26
Tyrantpcr, transfection15:26
gcpopellBecause its a decently set up venue for people in the movement, even if its ones you disagree with, to communicate15:27
kanzurewhat movement? rationality?15:27
gcpopelland transhuman15:27
Tyrantdelinquentme_, one sec, let me see if i have the notebook with me where i took my notes wen meeting with labs15:28
gcpopellI understand their philosophy, even if I disagree at points, but they've got a couple things going for them15:29
delinquentme_Tyrant, how did you go about getting those meetings?15:29
gcpopell1) They have an easily accessible venue, and 2) They're trying to educate and be ambassadors to people who don't understand15:29
kanzuregcpopell: "so, in a way, they're trying to combat AI singularity with human rationalist singularity, and that just seems dumb to me considering that rationalism isn't really all that empowering."15:29
gcpopellerr, I disagree15:30
gcpopellI feel they're trying to prepare as much as possible and guide the AI singularity15:30
Tyrantdelinquentme_, a few were in the mentor network for te fellowship and for the rest I got introductions through serendipity15:30
gcpopella number of the posters there work on hard AI research15:30
kanzureyes i'm well aware15:30
kanzurei was a siai volunteer for a while15:30
gcpopellof course, I don't believe in provably non-dangerous AGI, I think you can have inductively non-dangerous AGI though15:31
gcpopella sufficiently general intelligence is capable of deception...15:31
delinquentme_kanzure, does SI work w anything bio?15:31
gcpopellof course, I'm not really an AI guy, I'm more a 'current problems' with nano guy15:31
kanzuredelinquentme_: no, they ignore it :(15:31
gcpopellthat's my thesis, actually15:31
kanzuregcpopell: great.. http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/nanotech/15:31
kanzuregcpopell: http://diyhpl.us/cgit/nanoengineer15:32
delinquentme_colon open paren indeed -[15:32
delinquentme_=[ **15:32
gcpopellnot much of a programmer15:32
gcpopellalthough ahaha15:32
gcpopellopen source nano cad?15:32
kanzuredelinquentme_: they are more about masturbation mathematics15:32
kanzuregcpopell: yeah dude15:32
gcpopellmy work fits that perfectly15:32
kanzureget with the times :)15:32
gcpopellI'm writing a control system that will allow for sub micron printing at will using taylor cones15:32
gcpopellgranted, you have expense issues15:33
kanzureyou mean a driver for piezos?15:33
gcpopellmore like building fundamental theory for near field (sub 30 micron) printing at high frequency15:33
gcpopellit hasn't been done yet15:33
delinquentme_gcpopell, wait you're printing sub microns15:34
delinquentme_printing with **15:34
gcpopellthat's the goal, yes15:34
-!- Technicus [~nomadicus@adsl-71-150-252-224.dsl.mdsnwi.sbcglobal.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap15:34
delinquentme_or at the sub micron level15:34
gcpopellrather, it's been done, I'm building the mathematical model15:34
delinquentme_do you know about this machine ....15:34
delinquentme_... more15:34
gcpopellto describe with minimal error what's happening from start to finish15:35
gcpopellthe theory may apply all the way down to the <10nm level, but we're not there yet15:35
delinquentme_ohhhh ok15:35
kanzurespeak to us in latex math notation15:35
gcpopellif you're interested, look up 'taylor cones' and 'electrohydrodynamic jet printing'15:35
delinquentme_so this kind of is a software and physics junction15:35
kanzurebut really bbl..15:35
gcpopellnah, it's physics/engineering15:35
gcpopellthe software is just simulink15:35
gcpopellI'm a terrible programmer, though I'd like to fix that15:36
delinquentme_dar is duh machine15:36
gcpopellwe're going from the other direction, shrinking what we can do15:36
gcpopellinstead of increasing rate at which molecular assembly happens15:36
gcpopellit'll meet in the middle (lab wise) in estimation 10 years15:36
gcpopellindustrially 15?15:36
kanzuresimulink :( you might as well be using dynamol or dynma15:37
kanzureor modelica15:37
gcpopelleh, the math's the same15:37
gcpopelland I'm only a masters student15:37
gcpopellI'm out of here ASAP to go work as a defense consultant in predictive modeling15:37
gcpopellI'd like to start a policy think tank for legislative policy based on the societal effects of transhuman technologies15:38
kanzurethat totally failed though15:38
gcpopellie what happens when people want to replace limbs due to prosthetics being better, legal implications of that, etc.15:38
kanzureieet sucks balls15:38
gcpopellI don't want to be a nonprofit15:38
gcpopellI want to be more on the consulting side of the think tank I guess15:39
gcpopellwe'll see15:39
gcpopelldoing venture capital may take up a lot of my time15:39
gcpopellI'd also like to see better ambassadors out of the H+ community, instead of insular cliques15:39
kanzurei worked as a director of r&d for humanity+ for a while15:40
kanzurei could tell you all the reasons they will never amount to anything15:40
gcpopellH+ as a movement, not as an organization15:40
kanzureso please don't rely on humanity+15:40
gcpopellsorry, shorthand for transhumanism15:40
kanzurenah they have effectively run the h+ thing into the ground15:40
kanzure(not transhumanism though)15:40
gcpopellI'm supposed to write an article for the magazine15:41
gcpopellI feel like the transhumanist movement has been really terrible at outreach15:41
kanzuredid michael coerce you into that15:41
gcpopellKurzweil is great but he needs to shut up about his dead dad.15:41
gcpopellnah, I volunteered15:41
gcpopellI like having visibility15:41
gcpopellI'm vain, greedy, and proud of it :)15:41
kanzurei have the hplusmagazine stats since i wrote their code,15:41
kanzureand trust me.. they have no readers15:41
gcpopellThat's a shame15:42
gcpopellthat won't help me get visibility15:42
kanzurethe blog is pretty bad15:42
kanzuregoertzel sometimes writes a long ok review article but meh15:42
gcpopellthe intersection of people interested in transhumanism and people who are able to deal with the larger gaussian area of society isn't very large15:43
kanzurei'm not sure that's important15:44
kanzurein fact, humanity+ has proven how useless that is15:44
gcpopellif you want to shape how people perceive and how policy will be made I think it is15:44
kanzurenot really.. i mean look at the diybio policy stuff popping up15:44
gcpopellbut I think it needs to be a bit more geared towards the 'old white men' group :P15:44
kanzurefuck humanity+ for not getting involved15:44
kanzurepcsbi went pretty well on our own15:44
gcpopellis diybio actually mostly bio?15:44
kanzure(president's commission for the study of bioethical issues)15:44
kanzurehrm? yeah?15:45
kanzurethere's a lot of transhumanist lurkers in the diybio community15:45
gcpopellthere really needs to be a well designed non-subject specific community15:46
kanzureincluding some people working on longevity/rejuvenation projects,15:46
kanzureaugmentation projects, etc.15:46
kanzurei think blog readers vs. forum-goers vs. email monkeys are pretty segregated15:46
gcpopellthere's a lot of blogs15:47
gcpopellthere's a lot of emails15:47
gcpopelland there's some google groups15:47
gcpopellthe forums are almost universally terribly designed, though15:47
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kanzurenew diybio article..15:52
-!- Technicus [~nomadicus@adsl-71-150-252-224.dsl.mdsnwi.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]15:54
jrayhawkwasn't your complaint with h+ something about them being more concerned with prestige than evangelism?15:55
kanzureoops am i being inconsistent15:56
kanzureevangelism-for-the-sake-of-evangelism is also pretty bad15:56
gcpopellwhy do you believe that?15:56
kanzurebecause look how awful they have made things15:57
gcpopellthings have been pretty awful for a while, no?15:57
gcpopellit's a very fractured movement15:57
kanzureit's not fractured just incompetent15:58
kanzurei'm sorry but you can't all be "self-promotion evangelists"15:58
* fenn glances at some words15:58
kanzurethey are just words don't mind them15:58
gcpopellthe problem is that different people want different things and don't respect the fact other people may not want what they want, imo15:58
kanzureexcept maybe delinquentme_'s crap.. he might need more guidance15:58
fenn"102797 have signed up for the ai class"15:58
delinquentme_lost child :D15:58
gcpopellnothing wrong with evangelizing, imo15:58
gcpopellI think of it as counter propaganda15:59
kanzurewho cares?15:59
delinquentme_haha was just afk for like 10 mins there .. yapping w a friend about open Hrdware15:59
gcpopellyou don't, but other people do15:59
kanzureno i mean...15:59
kanzurehow is this directly helping you15:59
gcpopellit means that I can more directly espouse viewpoints without worry of ostracization as they become more mainstream16:00
kanzureyes; are you learning new skills to build nootropics, prosthetics, implants, rejuvenation therapies, or acquiring tools, equipment or other means to acheive our shared ends?16:00
kanzureok why do you care about what the mainstream thinks so much :/16:00
gcpopellbecause there are more of them than us, and they have more money than us16:00
gcpopelland my goals depend on having large quantities of money16:00
delinquentme_kanzure, stagnation is a powerful thing16:00
kanzurethat's true for just about anything..16:00
gcpopelland the more you convince16:01
gcpopellthe faster it goes16:01
kanzurenot really.. look at all the people humanity+ has "convinced"16:01
gcpopellI didn't say they'd done well16:01
gcpopellI said that there goal wasn't ignoble16:01
kanzurehere's a better strategy, i think16:02
kanzureassume that there will be 0 growth and proceed anyway16:02
gcpopellI disagree, a bit16:02
jrayhawkYeah, h+ didn't really seem like they were structured to get new people involved, more just to increase their own level of authority.16:02
kanzureit's a little funny.. even singularity university isn't skilling people, heh16:03
gcpopellhas anyone worked on a modern day transhumanist non-fiction book but without kurzweil's particular variety of preaching?16:03
kanzurewell the concept of this channel was originally about a do-it-yourself transhumanism roadmap16:04
gcpopellI'm keeping very detailed notes of my rederivations so to save time for the phd students who work on nanoprinting after me16:04
kanzurewhat happened to my transhumanism bootcamp idea16:04
kanzurei think the problem was something like "they won't pay $25,000 to learn real things"16:05
gcpopellhow would you run a transhumanist bootcamp? You can't get any two people to agree--and you seem to have issues with people that you disagree with how the movement should go16:05
kanzurewell, i'd do the training for biology, molecular biology, mechanical engineering, programming, etc.16:05
kanzureoh also the longevity/nanotech/microfluidics/diybio areas16:06
kanzuresingularityu works primarily because people are cool with paying $25k to meet other people who can pay $25k to learn about those topics16:06
delinquentme_transhumanist bootcamp would work except thats a shit monitization strat16:07
kanzurei didn't confirm this but i'm pretty sure they wouldn't want to be militant about building things16:07
kanzurejrayhawk: "gets people to pay"16:07
kanzuredelinquentme_: actually, singularityu makes money16:07
delinquentme_the reason you can do that with college educations .. is societal support .. to an outsider trans humanist bootcamp = cult16:07
kanzureit's not college16:07
kanzure(that's just the name)16:07
delinquentme_im saying its a college pay model16:07
kanzurenot really, i don't think people are getting student loans for it16:07
kanzuregcpopell: there's been a few people in here (in this channel) for a few years and i've sorta failed them16:09
kanzurei mean they still don't even know how to use screen16:09
kanzureand i think you're on webirc :/16:09
gcpopellYes, because this isn't my primary computer16:09
kanzurethis isn't supposed to be the butt-end of technology16:09
gcpopellI'm on vacation16:09
kanzureyeah not you specifically of course.. just met you16:09
gcpopellscreen being a bio thing?16:09
kanzureit's a shell tool to keep different terminals attached when you disconnect over ssh or whatever16:10
kanzurevery simple tool16:10
kanzurewell i guess you can ssh into windows but i don't see why16:11
gcpopellI don't use linux, heh16:11
gcpopellI'd never use an apple product.16:12
gcpopelltheir marketing/aesthetic irritates me16:12
kanzurejrayhawk: out of curiosity, how is your makefile-fu or automake/autogen-fu?16:12
-!- eudoxia [~eudoxia@r190-135-44-175.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined ##hplusroadmap16:13
kanzureeudoxia: hope you like the book16:13
kanzureman my demeanor makes me sound depressed today16:14
foucistgcpopell: microsoft's marketing/aesthetic doesn't irritate you? :P16:15
gcpopellnot nearly as much16:15
gcpopellFor one thing, they don't act like they're not a massive corporation16:16
kanzurewhy not linux? they don't act like you're a moron16:16
kanzureand if you happen to be a moron it turns out ok too16:16
gcpopellBecause the input effort/output effort isn't worth it on linux?16:16
gcpopellFor what I do?16:16
kanzurehave you tried16:16
kanzurewell, i guess it depends on what proprietary software you really need16:17
kanzuresimulink is probabyl windows only16:17
gcpopellNo, but I've observed time input of various friends16:17
Tyrantdelinquentme_, sorry i forgot about the notes, dont have them with me in LA16:19
kanzureTyrant: did joseph's la thing happen16:19
TyrantWhich LA thing16:20
kanzureha i guess anything16:21
TyrantI didnt know he was working on anyhting in LA16:22
delinquentme_would it be innapropriate for me to send an email to the jcvi with this >>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKZ-GjSaqgo <<< and " lol "16:22
Tyrantthe stuff he is working on is chile and carlsbad or something16:22
kanzuredelinquentme_: there's a few biohackers/transhumanists in the diybio community that work for jcvi16:22
kanzureso if you ever have something serious to show them..16:23
delinquentme_yeah i want JCV to tell me what protocols to automate to his iphone16:23
kanzurethe iphone isn't a biology lab dude16:24
kanzurethat's just an interface..16:24
delinquentme_" what to automate " is the question16:24
delinquentme_run the shit in browser16:24
kanzureyou need physical things man16:24
kanzurelike equipment16:24
delinquentme_let them do prep work from a browser16:24
delinquentme_yeah duh16:24
delinquentme_browser >> equip16:24
kanzureok then who cares if it's a browser or native code or what?16:24
kanzurehow about you pick a project and just automate it16:25
delinquentme_entrance strat16:25
delinquentme_bc its got to be worth something16:25
kanzureautomate the design and production of microfluidic labs-on-a-chip16:25
delinquentme_i guess i could pick a very few #16:26
delinquentme_but the thing is physics gets wonk at that size16:26
kanzurethere's tons of papers man16:26
delinquentme_not to mention it would need to be a beginning to end expiriment16:26
kanzuremany protocols have been ported to microfluidics16:27
kanzureincluding pcr and other basic stuff16:27
kanzurebut also dna sequencing, dna synthesis, etc.16:27
kanzureah there we go.. just got 187wpm16:27
jrayhawkkanzure: I rarely write makefiles, and have never really dealt with auto*16:28
kanzurei see16:28
kanzurei am about to shoot myself in the foot..16:28
kanzurei'm setting up some infrastructure for compiling opengl es 2.0 shit to iphone/android native sdk16:28
kanzureso gcc arm-7 cross compiling or something (i'm not entirely sure on the details)16:29
jrayhawkit seems unlikely that you're the first person to do so16:29
kanzurewell there's others, but they started companies and charge $4000/year per developer per license16:29
kanzureunity3d, airplaysdk, etc.16:29
jrayhawkdoes the iphonedevonlinux project help you?16:30
kanzureno i think that broke after iOS SDK 2 or something16:31
kanzureoh, 3.116:31
kanzurestill pretty old16:31
kanzureanyway i don't mind doing my builds on osx as long as i can get them hosted at a colocation facility or something16:31
jrayhawkI guess saurik would probably be the guy to ask about this stuff16:33
kanzuresaurik: why haven't you re-ported iOS SDKs back to linux recently16:33
saurikkanzure: toolchains don't really rot16:34
sauriklike, I just compiled some new packages using my linux toolchain a few days ago16:34
kanzuredoh i wonder if i even tried it16:34
kanzuresaurik: handy links?16:35
saurikalso, my main reason for having a linux toolchain was a) to compile complex ports (I actually modified the compiler, linked, and assembler, as required to get linux stuff compiling better), and b) legality: 2.0b6 was under NDA, but had no outright "strings attached", so I can use it for all of my stuff without worry16:36
saurik(that said, cydia now officially compiles using the apple SDK, as it makes it easier to get contributors)16:36
saurik(but stuff like veency still uses my toolchain)16:37
Tyrantdelinquentme_, from what ive gathered, stuff like browser or mobile based interfaces to the tools are gimmicks to labs. they dont care about them. they have enough trouble getting reasonably priced equipment with even semi decent interfaces16:37
delinquentme_Tyrant, so end goal is to make automated biology programming driven16:37
delinquentme_because i say so16:37
delinquentme_giving someone the option to start a protocol while theyre relaxing somewhere seems of benefit to me .. if nothing else its slightly novel .. and sufficient to get some noise16:38
Tyrantnovel but gimmicky16:39
delinquentme_at the same time .. as im typing this .. an API which drives a liquid handler wouldnt be so bad :D16:39
delinquentme_Tyrant, what adult doesnt like an iPad?16:39
delinquentme_big kid toys16:39
Tyrantmaking an API to drive a liquid handler is incredibly simple as long as you've got some control over the hardware16:39
delinquentme_Tyrant, thoughts on adding an API to your LH?16:40
Tyrantit already has one16:40
delinquentme_Tyrant, my thing is i've got web and programming exp .. id like to put some of this to use16:40
delinquentme_whats the input format?16:40
delinquentme_make it JSON16:40
delinquentme_OR XML16:40
Tyrantcurrently has three commands: move to (x,y), lower or raise pipettes, intake or dispense liquid16:40
Tyranti can make it whatever i want16:41
delinquentme_yeah im saying though you should use one of those two16:41
delinquentme_JSON is kinda the hot shit right now ... and its sufficient16:41
Tyrantcurrently the code is in python, converts directly to GCode with some extra commands16:41
delinquentme_python can work with JSON16:42
Tyrantwhy are you so obsessed with json and xml?16:42
delinquentme_Tyrant, because i know of the web :D16:42
delinquentme_this is more than just programming16:42
delinquentme_API is the magic which allows Rubyist to work side by side with pythonistas as well as java'ers16:43
Tyrantso keep using XML and JSON on the web. adding a json or XML parser to a microcotnroller is also gimmicky16:43
delinquentme_too low level!!!!!16:43
Tyrantand a waste of time16:43
delinquentme_i think i should just come up with a pitch16:44
delinquentme_and hit up thermofisher16:44
delinquentme_and tecan16:44
delinquentme_be like16:44
delinquentme_give me money16:44
Tyrantyou wont get through the front door16:44
delinquentme_this is what ima do.16:44
delinquentme_Tyrant, its cool man16:44
delinquentme_were on the same team here16:44
delinquentme_"doing" is your call16:45
delinquentme_im making suggestions with what im seeing this transform into16:45
Tyrantyou're focusing on entirely the wrong thing though16:46
delinquentme_fact or opinion16:46
delinquentme_im saying the evolution of bio research16:46
delinquentme_is not to be contained to warm bodies within a lab16:46
delinquentme_im saying.16:46
delinquentme_that this shit will become more of a computer16:47
Tyranthow can you talk about the evolution of bio research when you've never really been in a lab?16:47
delinquentme_operations normally performed without humans WITHIN the lab16:47
delinquentme_logical fallacy16:47
delinquentme_ummm red herring?16:47
delinquentme_ad hominem16:47
Tyrantare you serious?16:47
delinquentme_now do you want to attack my character16:48
delinquentme_or do you want to talkin motherfuckin science16:48
delinquentme_ ( srsly im being nice right now )16:48
TyrantI'm not attacking your character, I'm attacking your experience with regards to biolabs16:48
delinquentme_ok so lets continue16:48
delinquentme_why, do humans need to be in labs16:48
delinquentme_allow me to liken a lab of sufficiently advanced degree16:49
delinquentme_to where you can liken it to the inside of a computer case16:49
Tyrantbecause we lack the algorithms, cost effective robotics, computational power to replace them16:49
delinquentme_all of which are problems being worked on16:49
Tyrantoh and we very much lack an open ecosystem where equipment is both digitally and robotically interoperable16:49
Tyrantno. not really.16:50
Tyrantit's being worked on by a fringe group of people16:50
Tyrantwho aren't even remotely well funded16:50
delinquentme_im kind of taken aback right now?16:51
Tyrantalgorithms are being worked on, computational power is being worked on, but for the most part robotics and interoperability are not16:51
delinquentme_theses are all things i just see as being16:51
TyrantThen make a github for science16:51
delinquentme_the issue with walking into the HQ of tecan and b eing like16:51
delinquentme_" give me a machine to automate on a high level through UI and API "16:52
delinquentme_is that theres still that fucking paywall16:52
delinquentme_however its a step in the direction of the automation16:52
delinquentme_in the spirit of software16:52
kanzureTyrant: to be fair, there are people working on robotics for lab stuff16:53
Tyrantkanzure: yeah im over generalizing16:53
kanzureonce you throw in a company, suddenly you're paying your engineers $100k/year16:53
kanzureand then you're paying for patent licensing16:53
kanzureand then you're paying for health care16:53
TyrantResults of that are Benchbot16:53
Tyrantyay benchbot -_-16:53
kanzurethere's others though.. i wish i could remember them16:53
kanzurewhat about that 'robot scientist' from the uk16:54
kanzureis that benchbot?16:54
kanzuresure looks similar..16:54
Tyrantbenchbot is velocity16:54
Tyrantwhich was acquired by perkinelmer16:54
delinquentme_Tyrant, what i was getting at with the github example is ... where is this headed16:54
Tyrantno sorry agilent16:54
delinquentme_like what is the next BIG thing within laboratories16:54
TyrantI dont know about others. I hear a lot about lab automation but i reserve my judgements till i talk to someone who has to use them16:55
Tyrantdelinquentme_, the next big thing imo isn't laboratories16:55
delinquentme_Tyrant, how much of an issue are lost protocols16:55
kanzuredelinquentme_: lab-on-a-chip was spouted as the "next big thing"16:55
kanzurein labs at least.16:55
delinquentme_protocols which arent reproduceable16:55
delinquentme_is that not huge?16:55
delinquentme_what about when people want to make iterative processes ontop of existing protocols16:55
Tyrantdelinquentme_, that's huge. every lab i know writes their own by experimenting with existing ones16:56
delinquentme_they're running the whole damn thing over16:56
kanzureTyrant: maybe i'm missing something but what is the appal of cnc and steppers over piping liquids around?16:56
kanzureyeah, a very simple thing btw16:56
kanzurewould be a way to beautify pre-existing protocols16:56
kanzurejust the damn formatting even16:56
Tyrantkanzure: what do you mean piping liquid around?16:56
delinquentme_let me phrase it like this16:56
delinquentme_the protocol16:56
delinquentme_needs to be CAUSAL to the expiriment16:57
delinquentme_currently they are not16:57
Tyrantwhat do you mean casual16:57
kanzureTyrant: microfluidics, mems, lab-on-a-chip16:57
delinquentme_as in the current protocol16:57
delinquentme_doesnt drive the expiriment16:57
delinquentme_experiment damn.16:57
kanzureprotocols are anything but casual16:57
kanzurei don't think you understand how much debugging goes into a single protocol16:58
kanzurethis is also the same with that opencures/the-vegas-group guy16:58
kanzurehe's like "herp derp why should i test my protocols"16:58
Tyrantdelinquentme_: the protocol IS the experiment for all intents and purposes16:58
kanzure"fuck you that's why"16:58
delinquentme_if once a protocol is written16:58
Tyrantall you do is change a variable16:58
delinquentme_like in software16:58
delinquentme_Tyrant, no16:58
delinquentme_its not16:58
delinquentme_protocols are human made16:58
delinquentme_and error prone16:58
delinquentme_they're being run by humans for christsake16:59
delinquentme_let us do the concepting16:59
kanzureTyrant: most protocols involve more than that though, especilaly when something goes wrong16:59
delinquentme_let machines do tasks16:59
Tyrantkanzure: I'm not very well versed with what's happening in microfluidics. if they're anything like lab automation it will take a long time for adoption16:59
kanzuregeeze. for someone who types 187wpm i sure do typo all over the place. sorry.16:59
kanzureTyrant: lots of labs have adopted it16:59
kanzureeven churchlab has done lots of microfluidics stuff16:59
kanzurebut the projects are definitely "one-off"16:59
kanzuredunno if that's a big issue or not.. disposable projects is fine with me i think17:00
kanzuresince you usually dispose of everything anyway ('cept you freeze your samples)17:00
TyrantThat depends on how  cost effective it is17:00
delinquentme_Tyrant, so if you had a lab which is run by program code... instead of physical warm bodies flopping about17:00
Tyrantagain I dont know how the industry is going outside of the labs ive worked with17:00
delinquentme_with intelligent algos to manage / time the expiriments17:01
delinquentme_how much more research could be done17:01
delinquentme_45 metric fucktons17:01
Tyrantdelinquentme_: if you want to do some shit programming wise for automation look into CLIPS17:01
delinquentme_never heard of it17:01
Tyranti've been looking at expert systems to run my automation software17:01
Tyrantinstead of programming you say "Fill Sample A with 20uL of Reagent B" and the expert system decides the course of action17:02
kanzurethat's just natural language processing17:02
delinquentme_Tyrant, so you dont see the logical evolution of the lab being removal of humans for all purposes save for repair?17:02
delinquentme_because thats how i see it changing17:02
kanzurethere was a link earlier today where jonathan was parsing english protocols into some code17:02
Tyrantthe parsing yes, but the expert system has to decide what to do when given the parsed instructions17:02
delinquentme_... like sure17:02
delinquentme_i guess?17:02
delinquentme_seems easier to make them programmers17:03
delinquentme_and compile the code before running17:03
kanzurenope.. they are very bad programmers17:03
delinquentme_ok hold up17:03
Tyrantyou'll never make them programmers17:03
kanzureTyrant: so one of my earlier projects was to take those parsed instructions and generate lab-on-a-chip designs for one-offs17:03
delinquentme_this is fucking flawed17:03
delinquentme_they pipette shit and programming is a corollary17:03
delinquentme_thats why they suck17:03
delinquentme_make it their primary function17:04
delinquentme_give them a mui tai17:04
Tyrantif you try to teach biologists computer science along with making them biologists you'll increase their education time by a couple of years17:04
delinquentme_and put em on a beach letting them program protocols .. and im telling you .. thats where its going17:04
Tyranta programmer can't make shit for protocols17:04
kanzureTyrant: most biologists do learn some form of coding at some point.. matlab, some c, whatever17:04
kanzurethey are just pretty bad :)17:04
delinquentme_Tyrant, this is FLAWED17:05
delinquentme_you're talking traditional edu systems17:05
delinquentme_come on.17:05
Tyrantdelinquentme_: biologists are biologists. believe it or not most of their education is theoretical, most of their WORK is labor17:05
delinquentme_nah man make everyone a fucking programmer :D17:05
kanzuredelinquentme_: if you want to design somethng new go right ahead17:05
delinquentme_we live in a world of machines17:05
delinquentme_yeah i want to lol17:05
kanzurebut it might not fit your market17:05
delinquentme_whats the quickest way to $$ though17:06
kanzurehaha there you go17:06
Tyrant: /17:06
delinquentme_im saying17:06
delinquentme_what downside17:06
delinquentme_is there to making bio a programming language centric operation17:06
delinquentme_OMG people learn more17:06
delinquentme_come on17:06
delinquentme_we all learn more as it is17:06
delinquentme_you're learning new management software and other stuff within a lab17:07
kanzurenobody said there is a downside17:07
delinquentme_shit at least this is scalabled17:07
kanzurethey won't pay for it right now, or possibly ever17:07
delinquentme_kanzure, so where is the lab going then17:07
kanzurei'm totally down for useful/correct/architecturally-useful designs17:07
Tyrantlike i said, my goal is a command like "Add 20uL of Reagent B to Sample A and then run them through Mass Spectrometer #2"17:07
kanzurewhich is why i keep talking about skdb or downloadable hardware17:07
kanzure"pretty printed protocols" i should really do that sometime17:08
kanzureinstead of 1 page of compressed text, make it a 5 page icon-based beautiful-on-the-eyes document17:08
delinquentme_Tyrant, but cant you see17:08
delinquentme_that that is already programatic17:08
delinquentme_its a simple ass language17:08
delinquentme_but its syntactic17:08
kanzuredelinquentme_: so are you arguing that the market will buy that?17:08
delinquentme_im not saying drive the shit with C++ pointers and all its var funk17:09
TyrantThen why teach them how to program?17:09
delinquentme_kanzure, the market will buy this because  1) no lost protocols 2) iterative speed on subsequence protocol improvements 3) sheer SPEED and 4) everything else is being automated17:09
Tyrantuse NTLK and CLIPS to parse that statement into actions17:09
kanzuretimeliness isn't something that labs care that much about..17:10
delinquentme_Tyrant, it seems you're kind of designing this17:10
delinquentme_to work with the current hissy fit of " im a scientist ... not a programer"17:10
delinquentme_anyone like that17:10
delinquentme_is a shitty scientist17:10
delinquentme_ill say that now17:10
delinquentme_if you cant see the evolution of this17:10
delinquentme_you're lazy17:10
kanzureok i'm still trying to figure out what's going on here17:11
kanzureyou're talking about two things:17:11
kanzure1) things that make sense to technologists17:11
kanzure2) markets17:11
kanzuredo you want to work on this even if #2 doesn't add up?17:11
delinquentme_like Tyrant you're absolutely right17:11
delinquentme_like that would work17:11
delinquentme_it seems like additional work17:11
delinquentme_but like if the scientists you're working with17:11
jrayhawki would like to add that scientists are not architects are not engineers17:12
jrayhawkattempting to treat them as such is inviting frustration17:12
delinquentme_and yes, perhaps NLP will get to the point where someone can destroy the shit out of their language and it will still correctly extract a protocol step17:12
delinquentme_buy damn its like HTML17:12
delinquentme_doesnt everyone know how to do it?17:12
kanzuredelinquentme_: the way i see it,17:12
kanzureit's kind of like gentoo17:12
kanzurepeople who know what they want will go for gentoo17:12
delinquentme_so why are we worrying about it17:12
kanzurebut it doesn't have to make money17:12
kanzureso are you still interested in longevity/rejuvenation even if it doesn't make you money?17:12
delinquentme_kanzure, absolutely17:13
delinquentme_hold up17:13
kanzureok then what's the problem.. get to work17:13
delinquentme_haha damn17:13
delinquentme_face palm17:13
delinquentme_lets do it17:13
delinquentme_PCR machine >> lets you amplify DNA17:13
delinquentme_FASter cheaper better than before17:13
delinquentme_( TOOL )17:13
delinquentme_is a TOOL17:13
delinquentme_for this reason17:14
delinquentme_we seek it17:14
delinquentme_yes for the whatever else17:14
delinquentme_but the faster something makes $$17:14
delinquentme_some of the best talent right?17:14
delinquentme_( right )17:14
delinquentme_you know the reason17:14
delinquentme_bc hes bamf true.. but also .. he can pay for the best17:15
delinquentme_jrayhawk, so if we create a tool .. which allows automation of all scientific processes17:16
delinquentme_and the most effective way to conduct research is through programming17:16
delinquentme_whats the advantage of sticking people into a lab and letting them possibly make mistakes17:16
delinquentme_its that initial hump of automating everything in the lab17:16
delinquentme_Tyrant, ^^^ thats for you too17:16
delinquentme_whats funny17:17
delinquentme_yes automate everything >> difficult17:18
Tyrantthat is the way it will hopefully end up but if you want to contribute it you need to see all of the hurdles17:18
kanzureor just make it and not care about the money17:18
delinquentme_sorry im deep breathing :D17:18
Tyrantand theres no sense in teaching any biologists to program. just give them a pretty UI that they can learn17:18
Tyrantand instruments that can interoperate17:18
delinquentme_kanzure, you think im gonna automate a whole lab w/o cash?17:18
delinquentme_thats weird17:18
kanzurewhy not? use your own money17:19
kanzurei'm not a fucking bank17:19
kanzurei can't fund you guys forever17:19
delinquentme_Tyrant, im ok with this17:19
jrayhawkUniversities also tend to have the resources for these kinds of projects.17:19
delinquentme_UI as well as API can work harmoniously17:19
TyrantMy api: start byte, command byte, length byte, extra data, end byte.17:20
Tyrantthats all the api you need17:20
Tyrantno xml no json17:20
kanzuredelinquentme_: i don't know if you remember,17:20
kanzurebut i was starting this transhumanist co-op17:21
kanzurewhere the members would share tools and lab space and funding,17:21
kanzureand possibly some front-end for making cash (consulting, kits, other bullshit but nothing specific)17:21
TyrantIt's not ghetto. it's simple. weren't you the one preaching simplicity?17:21
delinquentme_Tyrant, like thats the proto that my bot uses but it could be better17:21
delinquentme_tyrant when you extrapolate this machine17:21
TyrantIt's simple and requires no extraneous parsing17:21
delinquentme_to the scale of a lab17:21
delinquentme_do you want to be the guy going through the protos being passed around17:22
delinquentme_nah fuck that17:22
delinquentme_if you can give it a unique searchable string17:22
delinquentme_something that has meaning17:22
delinquentme_that data is of much higher quality17:22
delinquentme_sure binary works now17:22
TyrantNot for a microcontroller it's not17:22
delinquentme_for a human it is17:22
delinquentme_its cool now .. but im just thinking once it gets big17:23
delinquentme_something with a little more description might be helpful17:23
TyrantThe byte code corresponds directly to commands17:23
kanzureTyrant: be careful..17:23
kanzureTyrant: next he will ask you to run node.js on it17:23
delinquentme_so why design it in byte code and introduce an unnecessary step17:23
kanzureand ningx17:23
Tyrantdelinquentme_:... PARSING is unnecessary17:24
Tyrantno one will be programming in it17:24
Tyranti have a 1:1 python interface17:24
delinquentme_turn that lab into a mother fucking CPU :D17:24
Tyrantpython outputs to libusb17:24
kanzurelibhdi? :/17:24
delinquentme_yeh i dont get either17:25
kanzureit's another usb interface that i've used with python17:25
kanzuredoesn't matter17:25
delinquentme_kanzure, SKDB?17:25
TyrantWell actually it's currently serial, not even usb17:25
Tyrantbut im expecting to switch to USB when moving to XMOS17:25
kanzuredelinquentme_: http://gnusha.org/skdb/17:25
kanzuredelinquentme_: it's apt-get for hardware.. or it's supposed to be, if i get more people to help17:26
Tyrantkanzure: what would you recommend for publishing open hardware stuff?17:27
kanzureas many file formats as you have,17:27
kanzure.step, .iges, brlcad are all ok formats17:27
kanzureheekscad, freecad, brlcad, opencascade, pythonocc are all moderately workable open source cad systems17:28
kanzurethere's a git repository structure proposed in the skdb project17:28
kanzurewith a metadata.yaml file that lists.. well, metadata17:28
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kanzureand for BOMs etc.17:28
delinquentme_you guys think im safe with a student license for solidworks to publish open source stuff ja?17:29
Tyrantkanzure: btw, http://angel.co/labminds17:30
Tyrantcool little piece of automation17:30
jrayhawkThere's probably a not-for-profit clause in there that's more relevant.17:30
kanzureunfortunately people would have to download solidworks17:30
delinquentme_what is Nespresso17:30
kanzureTyrant: they pay them $60/h? what?17:31
kanzureoh lab techs are $20/h17:31
TyrantTheir math is suspect either wa17:31
Tyrant8 billion my ass17:31
Tyrantbut the instrument is nevertheless cool17:31
delinquentme_this is sweet17:31
kanzurehey i want some android/iphone books where do i download them17:39
kanzurei'm still confused about torrent trackers or which ones are useful these days17:39
kanzureis gnutella still happening?17:44
delinquentme_here we go.17:48
delinquentme_biology, being the complex science that it is17:48
delinquentme_and to parallel your sentiments Tyrant about multiplexing of experiments17:49
delinquentme_is the huge number of iterative tests we can run most readily solved through UIs or programming languages17:49
delinquentme_it just seems to me the natural answer is that for anything to be parallelized >>> programming = answer17:50
Tyrantkanzure: ever used pythonocc to work with STEP files?17:52
kanzureTyrant: all the time..17:53
Tyranthow well does it work, speed and conversion wise17:55
kanzureoh it's adequate17:56
kanzureand it works..17:56
kanzurebut if you ever need to fix a bug in it on your own, ha ha ha :)17:56
kanzureit's just a mess17:56
delinquentme_kanzure, do you know anyone with tickets to openhardware summit?17:57
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kanzuredelinquentme_: i know the organizers of the summit.. you should give a talk18:22
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delinquentme_i didnt think i was gonna be able to go :D18:22
delinquentme_and its past registration date18:22
delinquentme_aside from that yeah i'd talk about peristaltic pumps18:23
delinquentme_so yeah kanzure if you can get a extra ticket thatd be aweso18:35
kanzurewhy wolud you need a ticket to give a talk18:36
delinquentme_*shrug* i just wanna go18:36
delinquentme_i guess then a presenter is allowed in free?18:36
kanzureposam cost $20k or something to build18:38
kanzurereally big/expensive18:38
kanzuresome sort of crazy inert gas atmosphere18:38
kanzurewith apologies to the rest of the civilized world,18:55
kanzurei present to you my automatic ai-class.com registration spambot18:55
kanzureoops now it's up19:22
kanzurei should switch it to lxml19:24
delinquentme_lol this does what19:51
kanzureincreases the ai-class.com registration counter19:51
kanzurepeople are making a big deal out of the fact that 100,000 people registered19:52
kanzureas if it matters or something19:52
kanzureso assuming it somehow matters and would somehow influence future offerings, why not artificially inflate the number to something even more ridiculous19:52
delinquentme_cool with my19:53
delinquentme_so as far as your alibi19:53
delinquentme_we were playing wow?19:53
delinquentme_( this whole time.. non stop )19:53
kanzuremy alibi is that i am you19:53
Tyrant oh kanzure why would you do that to yourself19:55
delinquentme_kanzure, how did you assemble this list?19:55
Tyrantactually wait19:55
Tyrantwhy would you do that to delinquentme_?!19:56
delinquentme_there are some legit foreign names in here19:56
jrayhawkrevenge for attempting to inflict XML upon microcontrollers19:56
delinquentme_^^^ win.19:56
* Tyrant high fives jrayhawk19:57
delinquentme_face book  maybe19:57
delinquentme_friends of friends etc.. groups .. parse names19:57
jrayhawkI would've just stolen it from 'rig', personally.19:58
TyrantAlexander Alexanders19:58
kanzuredelinquentme_: census.gov data20:02
kanzurei have various word lists in case of emergencies20:03
kanzure.. this was such an emergency.20:03
kanzurei actually pasted the link to that script before i wrote it... heh20:03
kanzurejrayhawk: what is rig20:13
kanzureoh, random identity generator20:13
jrayhawki guess census.gov scrapings would be a good thing to contribute to rig20:29
delinquentme_modified ecstasy "attacks blood cancers" http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-1457228420:32
delinquentme_THIS IS SO SO AWESOME20:33
klafka'modified ecstasy'20:35
klafkagah more pop sci articles need to have links to real science20:35
klafkaanyone able to get the full article?20:37
kanzurejrayhawk: http://www.census.gov/genealogy/names/dist.female.first20:39
kanzurecat dist.male.first | awk 'BEGIN { FS = " " }; { print tolower($1) }' > first.names.txt20:39
kanzureklafka: i wrote a website once that does that20:39
kanzureklafka: it worked as a bookmarklet20:39
kanzureso once you came to a popsci article, you'd click the tool and it would take you to the motherfucking pdf20:39
kanzureworked mostly based on user contributions though :(20:40
kanzuregod this looks awful/painful http://www.thevoxelagents.com/agentlogs/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/JNI_presentation.pdf20:44
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kanzure:( what am i getting myself into21:47
kanzureok boys and girls time to grab your hp touchpads for $10022:00
superkuhOut of stock22:05
kanzurewho is this dmitry skiba person and why do i keep running into it22:19
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jrayhawki don't really get tablets23:27
jrayhawkthey seem like all the disadvantages of a phone with all the disadvantages of a laptop23:27
jrayhawkactually more than the disadvantage of a phone; phones tend to come with keyboards23:28
jrayhawkmaybe it's a futurist thing23:29
kanzureunder what situation would i use swig on android's ndk/jni?23:43
kanzurejrayhawk: i'm pretty sure it's just that people have marginally more disposable income23:43
kanzureaboo? http://android.wooyd.org/JNIExample/files/JNIExample.pdf23:45
kanzurethis looks bizarre http://dmitryskiba.github.com/itoa-jnipp/ it seems to wrap java classes back into the android ndk23:46
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