
--- Log opened Thu Sep 08 00:00:00 2011
kanzurejoseph finally got his video re: open science summit up..02:39
kanzure"why do open hardware?" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZ0OPT5s9aQ02:40
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kanzure^all of that is boring15:01
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QuantumGI think I'm gunna be sad, I think it's today... yeah.15:48
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kanzurethis is an interesting take on non-assert agreements18:02
kanzurei posted it to openmanufacturing.. basically the idea is to acquire patents and then sublicense them via a 'defensive patent license' (defensive-use-only) meanwhile suing everyone not in the DPL pool like a crazy troll18:03
kanzurethere'd have to be a legal mechanism to keep the 'fair troll' honest18:06
kanzureif the dpl troll owns all of the patents then it could theoretically cross-license the patents under non-DPL terms18:07
kanzureif only there was a way to permanently destroy a patent's teeth18:07
kanzuremaybe this: the original owner of the patent can give ownership to dpl troll but at any time the owner can pay $1 to put the patent into the public domain18:12
kanzure*the original owner can pay $118:12
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kanzurehuh, a patent can be invalidated if the list of inventors is shown to be wrong21:01
kanzureQuantumG: i'm trying to figure out if you can somehow cause a patent to undergo early termination21:02
kanzure(if you own the patent)21:02
QuantumGdisclaim all rights to it21:02
QuantumGthere's a technical term for "I promise not to sue"21:03
kanzureno that's no the same thing21:04
kanzurebut i just found this:21:04
kanzure"In like manner any patentee may disclaim or dedicate to the public the entire term, or any terminal part of the term, of the patent granted"21:04
kanzure"37 CFR 1.321(a) also provides for the filing by an applicant or patentee of a terminal disclaimer which disclaims or dedicates to the public the entire term or any portion of the term of a patent or patent to be granted."21:05
kanzurewonder if that can be retroactively assigned21:05
QuantumGheh, to stop yourself from current action?21:07
kanzuredid you read the stuff above about a defensive patent license and a 'fair troll' company?21:07
kanzurei was concerned that a 'fair troll' might turn evil; if it owns 50k patents it doesn't have to abide by the defensive patent license (only the people it sublicenses to)21:08
QuantumGif it owns the patents, you can't revoke them21:08
QuantumG(kinda implicit in the term "own")21:09
kanzurebut say that an inventor assigns the patent to the 'fair troll'.. with the provision that, for $1, the inventor can nullify the patent.. this way, the original inventor can keep the 'fair troll' in check21:09
kanzureif the 'fair troll' becomes evil then the inventors can self-destruct the patents21:09
kanzurea 'defensive patent license'-licensed patent is useful but it's not that far removed from a patent in the public domain21:09
QuantumGthat would just be a contract between the investor and the troll, yes.21:09
QuantumGI imagine it might work, but contracts have a habit of having loopholes21:10
kanzurewell.. it's a very minor point in the overall scheme i think; the main idea is to make sure the 'fair troll doesn't turn evil ;)21:11
kanzuremaybe by making the 'fair troll' a co-op21:11
QuantumGI remember there actually is a law against authorizing someone else to attack using your patent.. the $1 thing might be considered you effectively still owning the patent.21:11
kanzurewell, the original owner can't assing the patent to fairtroll via DPL because then the original owner can be a wildcard21:12
kanzureand if you have 50,000 different original owners.. that's too many wildcards for a fairtroll to consider21:12
kanzureit has to be an ownership transfer, i think21:12
kanzurethe article i linked to suggests that 'multiple fair trolls would keep each other in line.. and thus they won't deviate and become evil' but that does not sound reliabel to me21:16
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fennyou're wasting your attention on an imaginary problem21:33
fenna meta-imaginary problem at that21:33
fennanything interesting the last 3 weeks?21:34
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kanzurefenn: went to japan, malaysia and vietnam21:42
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--- Log closed Fri Sep 09 00:00:02 2011

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