
--- Log opened Sat Sep 17 00:00:14 2011
CryptoQuickgotta split~00:00
-!- CryptoQuick [~CryptoQui@c-174-51-232-237.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Join New Direction in Space on Facebook! http://is.gd/ndispace]00:01
kanzurexelxebar1: i hope not00:01
xelxebar1kanzure: and why would that be?00:06
genehackerhey kanzure, you seen the quake lab DNA synthesizer?00:30
genehackerit's completely made from PDMS00:34
genehackerand all features can be made with shrinky dink microfluidics00:38
augurso whats everyones opinion on the new deus ex, ey?00:48
augurit uses the h+ lexicon fairly freely00:48
kanzuregenehacker: yeah i've seen it00:51
kanzureaugur: the ads are a little demeaning00:52
kanzurexelxebar1: lesswrong causes me lots of trouble00:52
augurkanzure: probably; i havent seen any tho00:52
augurhave you played it?00:52
kanzurenope not yet00:52
augurits an ok game00:52
genehackeryou wouldn't happen to know if anyone in DIY has actually built working shrinky dink microfluidics would you?00:54
kanzurenobody has reported it..00:54
kanzuregenehacker: you seen this?00:55
kanzureaugur: ^that's for you00:55
genehackerI'm playing old deus ex though00:56
augurkanzure: thats an accurate depiction of the points of view of one of the main antagonists in this game00:59
augurperhaps *the* main antagonist. im not really sure, i havent completed the game yet.00:59
genehackerSPOILER ALERT01:00
kanzuredoes anyone have a pokemon black rom01:00
kanzureinquiring minds need to know01:00
auguri tried playing old deus ex. the game wont run fast enough for me :(01:00
genehackerthat's odd01:00
augurbut anyway, i think the new deus ex appropriately focuses on certain issues that transhumanists should take more seriously01:01
kanzurexelxebar1: sorry but jrayhawk is my director of antilesswrong affairs, you'll have to bring up further questions with him01:01
kanzureaugur: no.. we need to stop focusing on that bullshit and just make shit01:01
kanzuretrust me, enough people are busy playing ethics for all of us01:02
kanzuredon't need any more of 'em01:02
auguri dont mean ethics crap01:02
genehackerand I was thinking of trolling that bioethics club for fun...01:02
augurthats the big thing you see in that commercial01:02
augurbut what i mean is that the game plays up /different/ social aspects01:03
auguranti-h+ backlash due to differences in access stemming from economic class, etc.01:03
kanzuretell me why you should care about backlash01:03
kanzureno really01:05
kanzureif people hate you are you going to stop ??01:05
kanzureis that it?01:05
QuantumGstop what?  I'll hate you if you like.01:05
kanzurethanks QuantumG always having my back :)01:05
xelxebar1kanzure: antilesswrong affairs, such a splendid use of resources01:06
kanzurexelxebar1: well, he's much more eloquent at this01:07
kanzurehonestly i'd just be wasting your time with a giant rant01:07
QuantumGwe're used to it01:07
kanzureand then you'd end up with some rationalist singularity argument about decision theory and tools for existential risks01:07
kanzurealso we'd have an ai-is-gonna-kill-us-all argument or two, some fai theory, then we'd trot out our eliezer arguments..01:08
kanzuredoes this sound about right :x01:08
xelxebar1hey, that's a pretty decent compression ratio you got there01:08
xelxebar1the cult following of eliezer is a bit annoying01:09
kanzureit's everywhere and i've been trying to figure out if i should assasinate him01:09
kanzuresomeone once compared me to him and i felt sick.. not cool01:09
QuantumGif he has a cult following you don't need to assassinate him.. just spread rumors that he's stockpiling weapons and the ATF will do it for ya.01:10
genehackeris it really that easy?01:10
QuantumGhave you seen Red State?01:11
xelxebar1well, I'm not sure he's so much the issue, more the oooh-look-shiny-new-idea-of-awesome-this-must-be-the-ultimate-answer-of-ultimate syndrome01:11
-!- splicer_ is now known as splicer01:11
QuantumGon an unrelated note, I heard Singularity U is stockpiling weapons.01:12
kanzurexelxebar1: http://gnusha.org/logs/2011-07-10.log01:12
kanzure15:29 < kanzure> gcpopell: "so, in a way, they're trying to combat AI singularity with human rationalist singularity, and that just seems dumb to me considering that rationalism isn't really all that empowering."01:14
genehackerstrangely that wouldn't surprise me...01:14
genehackeranyone know what sort of PDMS the microfluidics people use?01:15
kanzurenope.. but i'm pretty sure it's an su8 process01:15
genehackeris it some special stuff, or is it just RTV 615?01:15
kanzurecheck the supplemental materials?01:15
kanzurei might have the supplements here: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/microfluidics/01:16
kanzureor here http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/microfluidics/synthesis/01:16
kanzurepfpe i think01:16
genehackerSU-8 ain't pdms01:16
kanzuresu8 is for the other part of the process01:17
genehackerI'm wondering what PDMS they used01:17
kanzureit's been a while..01:17
genehackerif it's something that's COTS01:17
genehackerone paper says RTV 61501:17
kanzurepfpe, ptfe or pdms01:17
genehackerrecent paper was PDMS01:20
genehackerhmmmm... looks like it's RTV 615...01:20
-!- klafka [~textual@cpe-69-205-70-55.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap01:21
kanzurewhich paper?01:22
genehackerquake's first valve paper01:22
kanzurethat was recent?01:23
kanzurehmm we should go assasinate "Individualidades Tendiendo a lo Salvaje"01:23
kanzure"In statements posted on the Internet, the ITS expresses particular hostility towards nano­technology and computer scientists. It claims that nanotechnology will lead to the downfall of mankind, and predicts that the world will become dominated by self-aware artificial-intelligence technology."01:24
kanzure(hey look! it's like siai but with balls!)01:24
genehackerthe group that bombed that mems lab?01:24
kanzureplus other bombs01:25
genehackerthis is the paper where they say they used RTV 61501:26
genehackerit's from 200001:26
genehackerwait they bombed other places?01:26
kanzuremailed some bombs around to some professors01:26
genehackerhow many?01:26
genehackerso that explains why we have a 24 hr watch on my campus...01:28
kanzurewhere are you?01:28
genehackerI am where I am01:29
kanzurei'm really struggling between pokemon black vs. sleep01:29
genehackerand where I am does nanotech research01:29
kanzureut dallas01:30
kanzurehmm that doesn't fit your history actually01:30
kanzureare you still overseas?01:30
genehackeryes I am01:30
kanzureoxford right?01:30
kanzureyou should visit the future humanity institute and bonk anders sandberg over the head01:30
kanzuremaybe he will have his senses knocked back into alignment01:31
genehackeranyway in my opinion self-improving AI probably won't be a problem01:33
klafkawhat does that mean?01:34
klafkaself improving AI won't be a problem?01:34
QuantumGjust "improving AI" is unlikely enough.01:34
klafkayeah 'improving AI' is tough01:35
genehackeran incredibly fast AI capable of improving itself might also be capable of inventing 'drugs' for itself01:35
klafkaIMO you'd basically need to learn reinforcement matrices via evolutionary process01:35
klafkaor at least that's one way i can think of01:35
klafkathat's the most obvious way01:35
kanzurei think gloabl world domination is a possibility01:35
kanzurenot hard to imagine it01:35
genehackergenetic algorithms are really good at finding shortcuts01:35
klafkano they're not01:36
genehackerIE solutions to the problem which don't actually work01:36
klafkaoh so you mean local optima01:36
QuantumGyeah, and a competent and profitable space industry could conquer the solar system in a generation.  Call me when you get to step 1.01:36
klafkathen yes i agree01:36
kanzuregenehacker: http://www.no-free-lunch.org/01:36
klafkaor rather getting stuck in some sort of local optima01:36
klafkaum i'm not sure how that's relevant01:37
klafkaalthough very useful to know01:37
kanzuremaybe this wasn't the page i was thinking of01:38
kanzureoh well01:38
klafkahmm is anyone familiar w/ DB optimization? would having a very large but sparse table be bad for doing search queries on?01:38
klafkaif so, is there a standard rdb method for handling essentially queries on large sparse matrices01:39
kanzureanyway, the threat of ai is sort of a non-issue because if some "intelligent" (or other) system by definition acquires capacity to destroy the world (or do other 'very bad things') you're fucked anyway..01:39
genehackersparse= flat?01:39
* kanzure attempts to sleep. the pokeymans can wait.01:40
klafkai'm not sure what flat means01:40
klafkain this context01:40
klafka i mean like i have lots of rows with lots of fields but in a row only a small number of fields are important or non-zero01:40
genehackerthat sounds like a flat table01:40
QuantumGsearching by anything but the key is slow.01:41
Utopiahgenehacker: might like the recent http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~chazelle/pubs/selfimprove.pdf http://www.idsia.ch/~steunebrink/Publications/AGI11_goedel_machine.pdf01:41
klafkai was thinking of doing a nosql database01:41
klafkalike redis01:41
klafkabut redis is specifically memcached01:41
kanzuregenehacker doesn't know redis :x01:42
klafkai'm not sure if that's too early optimization01:42
genehackerif you have to change the structure of your table to add new fields then its flat I think01:42
genehackerI don't know redis, I do know access though, but in general flat tables are a bad idea01:42
kanzuregenehacker: btw, access is really old school at this point01:43
klafkawell basically i have a large number of keys where each key is associated with a subset of IDs that is shared between all keys01:43
kanzurethere's a lot of really fucking cool shit out there01:43
klafkaand i want to do stuff like find the intersection of IDs between two keys01:43
kanzureway beyond ms access db01:43
genehackeryeah, but people still use it, and I had to learn how to use it for a job01:43
kanzure(me too)01:44
klafkaatm I do this by creating a dict of sets and operating off that01:44
klafkabut that's obviously not a persistent solution01:44
genehackeralso this job had a bunch of machines that had to run windows 9501:45
genehackersaid machines could probably be seen from the internet01:45
genehackeroh wait it might have just been XP01:46
genehackerdo you know what said machines were?01:46
klafkadude the company i support (a major bank) is all XP01:46
genehackersaid machines were 3d printers01:46
klafkathey only use XP  pretty much01:46
kanzuregenehacker: yeah, industrial equipment is usually ass-backwards like that01:47
kanzurei saw some hitachi stm software a few months ago.. total garbage01:48
kanzurewasn't even completely translated into english01:48
genehackerthe machines are on average 10 years old, so it was sort of expected01:48
kanzure10 years ago would be windows 2000 or xp01:48
kanzureor windows 98 at worst01:49
genehackeryeah it was XP01:50
genehackermachines were pretty bad too01:52
genehackerthey wouldn't run properly without all the mods made to them01:53
-!- klafka_ [~diane@cpe-69-205-70-55.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap02:05
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augurkanzure: http://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/kil43/stand_up_against_the_antitechnology_terrorists/14:35
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-!- diane is now known as klafka14:49
kanzurewhat? now the sleep drugs aren't working15:23
-!- delinquentme [~delinquen@c-76-125-242-200.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap15:25
delinquentmekanzure: whats the gantry name for the ToM which was remade as to lower the moving weight ... and keep the motors stationary?15:26
klafka_btw you guys see http://www.vcasmo.com/video/drewconway/1326816:44
delinquentmeklafka  i like panda!!!!!!!!16:54
klafka_i've never used panda16:54
klafka_although it seems pretty neat16:55
-!- klafka [~diane@cpe-69-205-70-55.rochester.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]17:06
delinquentmei mean panda17:18
delinquentmepetting them is a hobby of mine.17:19
delinquentmeam i missing something?17:46
delinquentmetungsten carbide rods are 1/5th the cost of stainless steel17:46
delinquentmeof the SAME rod.17:46
-!- eudoxia [~eudoxia@r190-135-6-17.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined ##hplusroadmap17:52
eudoxiaDoes anyone know how the resolution of 3D printers has increased over time?17:54
eudoxiaI was wondering if it was roughly exponential, in which case someone's going to make the case that "in X years we'll have molecular manufacturing"17:54
eudoxiaAnd when that day comes my counter-trolling skills must be ready17:55
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kanzurehmm so where's the online open hardware summit fallout?19:50
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kanzurewhat was that openscad wrapper in python that could be switched out with pythonocc?23:56
kanzurecadmium? pyopenscad? openscadpy?23:56
--- Log closed Sun Sep 18 00:00:15 2011

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