
--- Log opened Thu Sep 29 00:00:32 2011
AlonzoTGdripping from a dead dog's eye.00:50
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kanzureboycotting free reviewing for corporate journals http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/story.asp?sectioncode=26&storycode=417576&c=101:57
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kanzurehi strangewarp02:05
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kanzurecanaan isn't that bad15:41
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joshcryerIs there a hplusroadmap map anywhere?19:09
QuantumGthey're still working on the huplusroadmap roadmap map19:11
joshcryerClosest thing I got that's useful is "The Millennial Project" (which I mentioned here before). Only instead of building Aquaris you build a lunar manufacturing base first, then you built Aquarius.19:12
kanzurejoshcryer: that is mostly defunct due to luf (life universe foundation) and tmp219:16
QuantumGThe Millennial Project has become a socialist utopian fantasy.. driving away its founder.19:17
joshcryerkanzure, imo, they retain the same seed settlement "seasteading" idea. ie, requiring, again imho, a lot of capital investment.19:18
QuantumGthe fundamental "seed" was the development of OTC electrical power systems.19:21
QuantumGnot only was that a shaky foundation, but a lot of the stuff that was built on top of it, like seament, was junk too19:21
joshcryerOTEC can work but I agree it's iffy, that's why I think a focus should be a lunar seed that can be used to remotely build a manufacturing base on the moon. Then you go to space based solar, to power your little city.19:23
QuantumGyour complaint was about the massive capital required19:26
QuantumGa lunar seed is even more capital19:26
joshcryerMost significant cost would be getting it there. Unless you could shrink it down absurdly.19:32
QuantumGyup.. and the cheapest launch makes an OTEC look cheap19:34
joshcryerJust have to see if costs come down.19:37
joshcryerMeanwhile work on seed machines, of which the development is partially there in the various maker projects.19:37
QuantumGunless you can get your seed machine down to less than the mass of a few humans, you might as well send the humans as well19:38
joshcryerAnd the life support to keep those humans alive?19:40
QuantumGyou can make self-replicating robots but you can't make a little life support?19:40
joshcryerWell they would be lousy replicators if they couldn't, but it seems like a waste of effort to worry about that in the initial seed flight.19:41
QuantumGdoesn't sound like there's much thought going on here19:43
QuantumGextracting water (and hopefully carbon) from permafrost sounds a heck of a lot easier than self-replicating machines19:44
joshcryerI don't like the term self-replicating because only one celled organisms are marginally self-replicating.19:44
joshcryerI like the idea of hive replication, and I do not think building such machines is beyond current human capacity.19:45
QuantumGI don't think it is either19:45
QuantumGbut that's irrelevant to whether or not it is easier - or more desirable - to just send freakin' humans to the Moon already with the means to live there permanently.19:46
joshcryerCertainly technically speaking, if you don't want to build hive replicators, you are going to find it easier to put humans into little pods and have them drive little bulldozers around and whatnot.19:47
joshcryerSince they're natures intelligent replicators anyhow.19:47
QuantumGin any case, if you want to build hive replicators, the Mojave desert sounds like a much more amusing place to do it.19:48
joshcryerAmusing, sure, until the Bureau of Land Management decides to confiscate and or destroy them.19:49
-!- Stieru_Ridir is now known as Steel_19:50
QuantumGthere's that guy who puts them walking robots on the beach19:50
joshcryerI got a little piece of land waiting for me to move to it surrounded by BLM land.19:50
foucistimo, i think the cheapest way to colonize space is probably to start with an NEA and ride it out to the asteroid belt19:51
joshcryerBLM doesn't mind you driving lots of offroad vehicles on their land.19:51
foucistset up the NEA so when it gets back to earth it's ready for even more people19:51
joshcryerBut they really really really don't like it when you remove rocks or any other stuff from said land.19:51
joshcryer(without mineral leases and environmental studies being done and so on)19:52
joshcryerMaybe AU would be more suitiable since it's relatively desolate and no one would know the wiser.19:52
QuantumGyou could follow the JSC recipe and make lunar regolith simulator19:53
QuantumGbuild a really big sandbox of it19:53
joshcryerThat's what I wanted to do, first thing I'm going to do is melt some. Just for giggles. :)19:53
QuantumGthen make your hive in that19:53
QuantumGof course, you don't have vacuum available, but you could simulate that too I guess19:53
joshcryerI was thinking mild vaccum filled with argon.19:54
QuantumGI've been buying argon lately19:55
QuantumGit's annoying expensive19:55
QuantumG$109 for 1.6 m^319:56
joshcryerI was thinking argon because I wanted to make my own liquid nitrogen and argon would be a byproduct.19:58
QuantumGprobably much cheaper if you buy it in bulk anyway19:58
joshcryerYes, but I won't learn crap buying stuff in bulk. :(19:58
joshcryerI could theoretically buy a lifetime supply of MREs, but I plan to grow my own food and recycle my own waste.19:59
joshcryerAnd document the whole thing.19:59
joshcryer(except the shits maybe)19:59
QuantumGmight wanna buy some MREs20:00
joshcryerSurely some here would love an open hardware design for a liquid nitrogen generator.20:00
joshcryerI saw a guy on YouTube who apparently built one for a maker festival, but I couldn't find anything else about it.20:00
QuantumGso ya got any plans for vertical farming on this property/20:04
QuantumGcause ya know all the kids love vertical farming20:04
joshcryerFlat farming. :P20:09
QuantumGdirt farming20:10
QuantumGlike a russian peasant20:10
joshcryerNah, hydroponics but probably buried.20:10
joshcryerIt gets 115 degrees F in the summer.20:10
joshcryerWe were doing the numbers on a Mars settlement though.20:11
joshcryerYou could live out the rest of your life on Mars just by taking dang MREs.20:11
joshcryerSo for one person sure everyone just flies to Mars and "settles" with MRE "retirement plans."20:12
joshcryerBut you aren't having kids or expanding out, so imo that's not settling, that's not "living off the land" that's not "pioneering."20:12
QuantumGit's insurance20:13
QuantumGyou take a few years MREs with you so you can focus at most that much time on getting water/oxygen production going20:13
joshcryerSo trade off, take 10 years supply of MREs and the rest in hydroponic equipment.20:13
QuantumGcause you *can't* take a few years worth of water/oxygen with you20:14
joshcryerAgreed, there.20:14
QuantumGso far as I'm aware, you either need resupply from Earth from the very beginning or you just have to gamble that you can get water/oxygen production going straight away20:15
QuantumGsending robots to get that going first is smart for that reason.20:15
QuantumGbut if you have water/oxygen production going using remote manipulators, there's no point delaying sending humans until you get food production going because MREs really do let you take years to achieve that.20:17
QuantumGso.. is there water desalination systems that 1) last years and 2) are available off-the-shelf right now?20:19
QuantumGI'm thinking those membrane hand pumps20:19
joshcryerWhere are we going?20:20
joshcryerI don't think membrane hand pumps can deal with lunar regolith.20:20
joshcryerCould be wrong.20:20
QuantumGwas thinking seasteading20:20
joshcryer(could be exaggerated notion about it's nastiness)20:20
joshcryerI wonder about the replacement cost of the membrane.20:30
joshcryerI got distracted with the thermal vacuum desalination method stuff, heh.20:31
joshcryerVery neat approach (I believe we discussed it before on the old newmars.com, I'd forgotten about it).20:31
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joshcryerI think I'll go to sleep while I still can, I was up all night last night, must've hit a kanzure mode, 'cause I couldn't sleep. Later all. :P20:38
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--- Log closed Fri Sep 30 00:00:33 2011

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