
--- Log opened Mon Oct 03 00:00:38 2011
-!- jrayhawk [~jrayhawk@nursie.omgwallhack.org] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]00:59
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kanzurejrayhawk: you had a timeout :V01:04
kanzurei am disappointed01:04
jrayhawkI had one yesterday, too!01:06
jrayhawkXFS is a little screwy on systems with a lot of memory01:07
jrayhawkit'd be nice if Linux exposed something barrier-like to userspace.01:07
kanzurewhat is "a lot" in your case01:07
jrayhawksixteen gigs on this one01:08
jrayhawkwhich is sixteen gigs of transactions XFS is willing to build up if I/O can't keep up until some userspace program does a sync and forces a huge long flush01:09
jrayhawkwhile most of the time that userspace program really only wants an I/O barrier rather than a full sync to disk01:10
kanzurethis filesystem seems to only work for well designed userspace programs01:10
jrayhawkthis filesystem seems to only work well for IRIX, which had a *good* storage layer01:11
jrayhawkI don't really think you can *have* a well designed userspace program in Linux01:13
kanzuretell it like a story!01:14
* kanzure is busy hacking some python together01:14
kanzurebut i'm around and aware or so it seems01:14
jrayhawkon cysteine we just removed all sync calls from userspace01:14
jrayhawkruns much better01:14
jrayhawklinux's storage layer has a lot of problems, and only a handful of people have worked on them because honeypots in the form of experimental filesystems keep otherwise potentially productive people from finishing things01:17
jrayhawkubifs/logfs/btrfs etc01:17
kanzureor from murdering people01:17
kanzureor possibly getting retrials?01:17
jrayhawkha ha like a judge would humor Hans warped version of reality01:18
jrayhawki guess the solution to my immediate problem is to shove backups onto a somewhat more blocking filesystem01:21
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kanzurejrayhawk: so i'm still having some unicode issues01:34
kanzurewhen i decode a file as utf-8 i get some ascii every other character and \x00 the rest of the time01:34
kanzurewhen i decode the file as utf-16 (somestring.decode("utf-16") in python) i end up with japanese characters01:35
kanzureit's not japanese :/01:35
jrayhawkYou may have to specify utf-16le or utf-16be01:41
jrayhawkutf-16-le I guess, in pythonland01:42
jrayhawkyou should get familiar with how the BOM works so you can understand what your decoder is at least supposed to be doing01:45
kanzurehmm with utf-16-le i get a UnicodeDecodeError01:45
jrayhawkWhat about with utf-16-be?01:45
kanzureutf-16-be works01:45
kanzurethe initial bytes are \xx and \xf i think01:46
kanzureor whatever i was complaining about the other day01:46
kanzurewhy is sisko always shouting? it's almost like a bad imitation of shatner01:46
jrayhawkto teach the autistic about human emotions01:47
kanzureyeah the first episode seems to be just for that01:48
kanzure"we experience time linearly" and then it continues on like this for 30min01:48
kanzurejrayhawk: the first two bytes seem to be the same whether it works for utf-16-be or utf-16-le02:35
jrayhawkCan you give me some example files?02:36
kanzurethe second one only works with utf-16-le02:38
jrayhawkuh... 2.dat has a 16-bit BOM but appears to have 8-bit characters?02:42
jrayhawkso it's made by a very dumb program02:43
jrayhawkit's a miracle you can get python to decode that to anything useful at all, considering it's invalid in every character set02:45
kanzurelet's see if it was me (my python shit) or scp or google that caused it..02:45
jrayhawk0000000: fffe 5900 6f00 7500 2000 6d00 7500 7300  ..Y.o.u. .m.u.s.03:32
jrayhawk0000010: 7400 2000 6200 6500 2000 7300 6900 6700  t. .b.e. .s.i.g.03:32
jrayhawk0000020: 6e00 6500 6400 2000 6900 6e00 2000 7400  n.e.d. .i.n. .t.03:32
jrayhawkwell, at least that part looks good!03:33
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archelsShit, even MIT doesn't bother linking to the actual paper?07:36
kanzurenobody bothers linking to the actual paper07:47
kanzurearchels: if you care,07:47
kanzurei wrote a web service that acted as a news2paper gateway07:47
kanzurethe concept was that you would click the bookmarklet when you wanted to go to the paper for the current article07:47
kanzureunfortunately it relies on the power of 'crowdsourcing'07:48
kanzureoctopart is hiring07:51
archelskanzure: sounds neat, but relying on contributions will probably result in hit-and-miss07:53
kanzurewell it could also be done manually07:54
kanzurethere's not that much science published :/07:54
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kanzureback from court13:13
klafkawhy were you in court?13:14
kanzureklafka: see pm/im13:19
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-!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: CapNemo, Fiohnel, nuba, elmom, QuantumG, strangewarp, Utopiah, kanzure18:10
delinquentmethe nets are splittahing18:11
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delinquentmewhats good !?18:19
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delinquentmejust saying howdy18:57
delinquentmeu ready for class?18:58
foucisthe's gonna fail19:00
kanzureQuantumG: these links suck please describe them19:22
kanzurei can't figure out what they are from their youtube ids19:22
JayDuggerCops arrest people running a lemonade stand. And that surprises you how?19:22
JayDuggerAnd Thingiverse continues to whine about a weapons policy...http://blog.thingiverse.com/2011/10/03/deadly-weapons-on-thingiverse/19:27
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jrayhawkit woudln't be that hard to run afould of ITAR by distributing weapon designs.21:52
jrayhawkugh, can't type21:52
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--- Log closed Tue Oct 04 00:00:39 2011

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