
--- Log opened Wed Oct 19 00:00:02 2011
-!- skr5e [~chatzilla@] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:00
kanzurehey skr5e00:03
skr5ehey kanzure, i was reading over the logs...00:15
skr5edo you take noontropics?00:16
kanzurei take adderall00:22
foucisthe takes chattingwithmultiplepeoplewhilecoding too00:24
foucistit boosts his coding productivity 1500%!00:24
foucisttoo bad that nootropic isn't available for others :(00:24
kanzureyou could always synthesize it on your own!00:25
skr5e^^ good luck with that00:25
kanzuremeth labs seem to do ok?00:26
skr5euntil you get a whiff of phosphene gas lol00:27
skr5ethere is also the option of meditation but it's one that many people don't take seriously00:27
skr5eprobably b/c it takes a lot of work and it's not as cool as having a super cool chemistry lab00:28
kanzuremaybe direct brain stimulation is a better scheme00:29
foucistbiofeedback w/ meditation might help cut down the work involved00:30
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foucisti.e. beeps when you get to alpha brain wave00:31
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skr5eI had read about an interesting biofeedback device, seemed kind of gimmicky but it could be the beginning of something interesting in the future00:32
skr5ebeing commercialized right now00:32
kanzure##hplusroadmap is actually in the shout outs :)00:32
* kanzure sleeps00:42
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skr5ethanks for that info, sleeping kanzure02:03
skr5eimo it's important hackers and "normal people" become involved in projects like these02:05
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dbolserkanzure: I didn't leave05:24
dbolserhttp://www.pnas.org/content/108/30/12301.full.pdf+html ?05:24
dbolserPDF plz?05:24
dbolserMaps of protein structure space reveal a fundamental relationship between protein structure and function05:24
* dbolser starts getarticles205:24
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kanzureno content, but there's probably other sites that have content09:32
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kanzuremultiphase flow in js http://tholman.com/series/flash-forward/ports/multiphase-flow/02/12:41
kanzurewin 612:41
kanzurewhat's up with the japanese here? http://jsdo.it/12:52
-!- superkuh_ is now known as superkuh13:31
-!- alystair [~bob@24-246-14-18.cable.teksavvy.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:31
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kanzurehi alystair14:03
Utopiahcastingcode doesn't have content but it started ~1month ago14:03
kanzurethere's probably better stuf on youtube14:04
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-!- ybit [~ybit@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined ##hplusroadmap16:50
ybitkanzure: if you want to give me an account on gnusha.org, hook me up16:52
ybiti miss my linode16:52
jrayhawkWhat're you using it for?16:54
jrayhawkor, rather, what would you like to be using it for?16:54
ybitirssi and darcs hosting16:57
jrayhawkhot damn, someone who actually uses darcs16:58
jrayhawkgimme a public key16:58
ybitssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC3LQBysvF6bMplC9DkR8jO2N+gtbJoCm2DHfwg2rmVyr/fVEfl1r8VASd1tVCGZizACShyRZplCA++M83eeUPo7PsXPKi3NFqZS6/uvAxsKWdRJckMI4j9r2zEvy2pMRIf16aHbq2w3QdbFAgoFIbWMIRYGyTvv711dW7niCayrnKnlmDfw775dOKuj0Nj1iWmVNfkbq/AlAXEkclKd8qzkAL6Lw5mqzlTu0ohHaTGnjxaTksDSKu1pCXiS1ieDk5EZmAcwwd+SnzWz0y7u0CPeNuVTp6RVWufonSiSH/spI2Cu+DNMVFV897PWLreXTIJXXrx1p8MGUkRabrTer5P heath@A141016:59
ybitoh crap, that's the private! ;)16:59
jrayhawkybit@gnusha.org should work; getting darcs installed will take me a bit...17:01
jrayhawktmux and screen and dtach and irssi are available17:02
-!- yottabit [~ybit@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined ##hplusroadmap17:03
jrayhawkI wish my last name were Matlock :(17:03
ybiti'm considering a name change when i get to spain17:04
jrayhawkto Matlock Matlock?17:04
ybiti figure they will have a tough time with the "th" in heath17:05
ybitso brezal is spanish for heath...so...17:05
ybitalso, speech problems prevent me from pronouncing my last name correctly :P17:05
ybitso.. meslach was the original family name17:05
ybiti can do that17:06
ybitbrezal campio meslach, anywho17:06
ybityeah, i wasted a few hours of sleep thinking about that one night17:06
ybitspanish latin old-english17:07
jrayhawkhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voiceless_velar_fricative you could pull a knuth17:08
-!- ybit [~ybit@unaffiliated/ybit] has quit [Quit: thanks jray]17:09
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-!- PatrickMcLaren [~PatrickMc@c-98-217-184-95.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap17:17
jrayhawkDo you have a domain you want to point at this server for http, or should I just make up some namespace for you?17:24
kanzurehrmm i'm pretty sure ybit had an account17:38
kanzurenope that's thesnark17:38
ybitjrayhawk: um, i haven't thought about it really17:51
ybiti was going to be fine with numbers17:51
ybitnumbers + bit.ly17:51
jrayhawkoh, i guess userdirs are on, so you can just mkdir public_html and have gnusha.org/~ybit/18:14
jrayhawkalong with all the other domains that machine hosts18:14
jrayhawkkanzure: should i restrict userdirs to one domain?18:15
ybitgnusha.org/~ybit/ works for me18:15
jrayhawkheybryan.org/~ybit and fennetic.net/~ybit seem a little silly to me, for instance18:19
ybiti think it's perfectly normal that i'm an extension of kanzure and ferrouswheel18:19
dbolserkanzure: about your address on the paper?18:25
dbolserI think they need a snail mail addr (because they are historic relics)18:25
dbolserI can stick you in with me and Jong at the PGI if you like, because historically, people list institute for snail maIl18:26
dbolserelse, do you have an institute or snail mail addr?18:26
kanzuredbolser: hmm18:26
kanzurewhat is pgi in this context?18:26
dbolseryeah... I figured I'd define my own inst at my phyiscal addr...18:27
kanzurei think sticking me in with jong would be great18:27
dbolserPersonal Genomics Institute, Genome Research Foundation, Suwon, 443-270, South Korea18:27
dbolserI chickened out, since I did quite a bit of work (on another paper) at dundee university18:27
dbolserand I did this work with Jong mostly, so here I picked PGI18:28
kanzurenice, i'd love to be listed with south korea18:28
dbolsercool :-)18:28
dbolserkanzure: do you want to be a corresponding author at kanzure@gmail.com too?18:29
kanzureheh i've always wanted kanzure@gmail.com to get into the literature18:30
kanzureis that ok?18:30
kanzurejrayhawk: yeah i guess you should disable that except for gnusha/diyhpl.us18:31
dbolserI was going to list one of the spammer accounts as an author on this too ;-P18:32
dbolserMizal Curwako Londopop, eoriebfeobsoo@mail.ru18:33
dbolserbut the novelty of that ran abit thin over the years18:33
kanzurewe could reference a fake paper maybe18:33
kanzureOn the transformation of the human body through electronic shock therapies18:34
jrayhawkRight-o. There might be some instability while I try to get rewritecond HOST !gnusha.org|diyhpl.us Rewrite ^~.+ gnusha.org/\1 working in some form...18:34
dbolserbetter would be to publish a fake paper18:34
kanzuredbolser: might as well just write a real one..18:35
dbolserI guess... but spamming a jounal would be fun18:39
-!- diane [~diane@cpe-74-74-157-63.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap18:50
kanzurehi klafkla18:50
jrayhawkeh, fuck it, i hate mod_rewrite too much18:58
kanzuremichael's book is out19:08
kanzurehe's probably gonna spam open science summit about it19:08
kanzurebut at least he's gotten around to something..19:08
* ybit was trying to convince tedxhuntsville to host him19:12
kanzureyuo had to convince them19:13
ybitthey apparently weren't convinced19:13
ybithe's not speaking19:13
kanzurehe's ok to talk with i don't see the problem19:15
ybiti linked the organizer with him19:15
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-!- strangewarp [~christian@c-76-25-200-47.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: No rescuer hath the rescuer, no lord hath the champion, no mother and no father, only nothingness.]21:31
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--- Log closed Thu Oct 20 00:00:03 2011

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