
--- Log opened Wed Nov 02 00:00:23 2011
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-!- Topic for ##hplusroadmap: http://gnusha.org/skdb/ http://groups.google.com/group/diybio http://bit.ly/diybionews http://gitduino.com/ http://gadaprize.org/ | logs: http://gnusha.org/logs/03:47
-!- Topic set by kanzure [~kanzure@] [Thu Jan 20 10:44:20 2011]03:47
[Users ##hplusroadmap]03:47
[ AlonzoTG] [ dbolser ] [ ferrouswheel ] [ ivan` ] [ nuba ] [ superkuh ] 03:47
[ archels ] [ devrandom] [ Fiohnel ] [ jenzebubble] [ pasky_ ] [ uniqanomaly] 03:47
[ augur ] [ drazak_ ] [ foucist ] [ jrayhawk ] [ poptire ] [ Utopiah ] 03:47
[ bkero ] [ elmom ] [ gedankenstuecke] [ kanzure ] [ saurik ] [ ybit ] 03:47
[ CapNemo ] [ epitron_ ] [ gnusha ] [ klafka1 ] [ SDr ] 03:47
[ CIA-8 ] [ fenn ] [ Helleshin ] [ milkshakes ] [ strangewarp] 03:47
-!- Irssi: ##hplusroadmap: Total of 34 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 34 normal]03:47
-!- Channel ##hplusroadmap created Thu Feb 25 23:40:30 201003:47
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-!- antipragmatist [~yaaic@mobile-166-147-100-039.mycingular.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap05:07
antipragmatistkanzure are you here ?05:08
antipragmatisti need your help05:08
antipragmatisti want to plan a hit kill05:08
antipragmatisti am gonna take them down man05:09
antipragmatisteach atomic molecule one by one05:10
antipragmatistim gonna  control it man05:11
antipragmatisteach atom05:11
antipragmatistcan you just get me this article http://www.google.com/#hl=en&sugexp=kjrmc&cp=41&gs_id=8&xhr=t&q=A+fully+computer+controlled%2C+low+cost+STM&qe=QSBmdWxseSBjb21wdXRlciBjb250cm9sbGVkLCBsb3cgY29zdCBTVE0&qesig=q4YHi1k8WRc47oWTgg2U9g&pkc=AFgZ2tl0D7DH6cCHFPBYgbgBx5Ht_uxGIVXVeNHwGFBUa-7UqcTo9FVPMAzYuDDZYNIrCOXvh51GYCp-AUQDyydNAh04g9skiA&pf=p&sclient=tablet-gws&tbo=d&site=&source=hp&pbx=1&oq=A+fully+computer+controlled,+low+cost+05:22
antipragmatistsorry wrong url http://www.springerlink.com/content/j75m270v635v534p/05:22
antipragmatistniven y do usay that05:45
-!- pasky_ is now known as pasky06:18
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-73-131.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:24
JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.06:24
-!- augur [~augur@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]06:40
antipragmatisthey jose what is in the bit bucket07:01
antipragmatisti am into nano tech kanzure is mentoring me so I can do it quickly07:02
antipragmatistand yes, i got the afm doc from him already :-)07:03
antipragmatistare you still here guy?07:04
-!- jennicide [jen@173-27-44-143.client.mchsi.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:05
antipragmatisti am very happy to be here it is a great place in the usa.07:06
JayDuggerWelcome to America!07:06
JayDuggerIf you become a citizen, I'll send you a complimentary copy of tax preparation software for April 15th, the day federal income tax comes due. :)07:07
-!- jenzebubble [jen@173-27-44-143.client.mchsi.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]07:08
JayDuggerI'll also send you a combined thank-you note and congrulatory card. :)07:10
-!- augur [~augur@] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:10
antipragmatistthank you. i shall do tha -... it i my dream07:10
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antipragmatisti am designing a stm for my nano poject. it will we immensely simplified but i hope to get it working really well with optimiztions in isolation system and added laser interferometry system for better computer control.07:14
JayDuggerI don't have any particular technical skills that would help you there, I'm afraid, but I wish you a great deal of success with that project. You will certainly learn a lot from it.07:15
antipragmatisti am unsure as to the benefits of cryogenics thtoughff07:15
-!- strages_ [~qwebirc@dev.throwthemind.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:16
fennjamie mantzel's house reminds me of burning man07:16
antipragmatistyes, that is very true and i hope to learn as much as i can from the toy.07:16
antipragmatistit will be fun!!!07:16
antipragmatisti want to leRn to control the atom bit by bit07:17
antipragmatistbye bye for now07:17
JayDuggerGood-bye, and again--good luck!07:17
fennfuck logarithmic calendars, i want a hyperbolic calendar07:20
* fenn wonders if he's going to halcyon today to build some crap07:35
fenna big styrofoam box for the new TEM07:36
fenn[6~[6~looking at nature.com i see this on the sidebar07:42
fennOpen innovation challenges07:42
fennIsolating Active Human Endogenous Interleukin-2507:42
fennDeadline:Nov 29 2011Reward:$15,000 USD07:42
kanzure"We have received a request from this email address to be subscribed to the Ezproxy list. Generally these requests come from educational institutions. Please explain your interest in this list. Thank you."07:42
kanzurefenn: you should use deliquentme and do your robots07:44
fenn$30,000 USDnGiven genetic variables (expression levels for ~7400 genes) and outcome data, deliver an efficient computer program that selects the most powerfully predictive variables, then uses these to accurately predict outcomes.  Acceptable solutions must be implemented as an R package07:46
fennuse delinquentme how?07:46
kanzureyeah um i can't imagine less than 500 people are making that R package07:46
kanzurewell, he's eager and idealistic and has many of the same goals07:47
fenninnocentive is interesting, i wonder if they actually pay up07:49
-!- antipragmatist [~yaaic@mobile-166-147-100-039.mycingular.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]07:49
kanzurei've been getting innocentive emails for the past few years07:50
kanzurecan't answer that..07:50
kanzuremaybe you should look at tasks on http://scienceexchange.com/07:50
kanzureare you still looking for things to do07:50
* fenn glances over at the ginormous project list07:52
fennyeah, of course07:52
kanzurei mean paying things07:53
fennscience exchange looks very institution prejudiced07:54
fennpaying things are good07:55
fennis anyone working on that nootropics price comparison site idea?07:55
kanzureyep http://www.drugstack.com/07:55
kanzureklafka and i are brogramming it07:55
* fenn winces07:56
kanzurehey it's not bad for 20min of work you dork07:57
fenni hate websites like that07:57
kanzurewhat do you want? octopart.com?07:57
fenncompare http://octopart.com/07:58
fenna) no bullshit ecommerce theme07:58
kanzuredon't worry about the layout07:58
fennb) words n stuff that are actually related to what the website is about07:58
kanzureworry about all my scrapers07:58
fennwhat scrapers07:58
kanzurescraping various vendor sites07:59
kanzurei've been writing jquery07:59
fennwhat have you scraped so far?07:59
kanzurenothing :) but this is presumably the actually important part07:59
kanzurenot the random-ass landing page07:59
fenni guess07:59
fennyou can probably hire indians to do the "scraping"07:59
kanzureor you07:59
fennyou can pay per price recorded08:00
kanzurehaha no08:00
fennwhy not08:00
fennwant to be a wage slavemaster?08:00
kanzurebecause software can easily scale beyond my entire net worth08:01
fennyou can scale in equity then08:01
kanzureequity doesn't pay your bills08:01
fennyou're right, but if you don't have the cash then what's the point of arguing08:01
kanzurei do have the cash, but not the cash to pay $0.01 per price x 100 million items08:02
fennhm i hope kent responds before the last bullet train leaves08:03
kanzureo shitz http://mulberry.toura.com/overview/08:05
nubakanzure: join #touramulberry on freenode :)08:11
kanzurefenn: so klafka and i are wondering about the nootropics site,08:18
kanzureand there's two sets of scrapers you can imagine;08:18
kanzureone that grabs prices08:18
kanzureand another to seed data about drugs, like from wikipedia or another source08:18
kanzurethe second one is a bit curious.. any suggestions? scrape wikipedia Category:Nootropics ?08:18
fennto get a list of things to scrape for in the first place?08:19
kanzureproducts have ingredients08:20
kanzurethese ingredients are generic chemicals or other substances08:20
kanzureit would be nice to have information about these general things08:20
fennit's hard to summarize a lot of technical information from disparate sources08:21
fennalso wikipedia has a lot of extraneous information08:21
kanzuremaybe it should be broken down into:08:21
kanzure1) getting a list of nootropics to seed the database with (easy, but maybe a manual task)08:21
kanzure2) a scraper that pulls in data from pubchem, wikipedia, or other structured sources, for that general ingredient08:21
fennor things like "it's used for trating dementia and alzheimer's" which is totally useless08:21
fennyou could list the links at the bottom, that would be useful08:22
fenni dont think trying to automatically smush various info sources into something resembling a webpage would be good though08:22
kanzurethat's not what i want to do08:22
kanzurepubchem gives xml and chemical structures08:22
kanzureand things08:22
kanzurei think having that info available is important?08:23
fennnot really, but it would be nice eye candy08:23
kanzurethe shit on the right08:23
kanzureis structured data08:23
fenni mean who cares about molecular weight of a drug08:23
kanzurehalf-life, excretion08:23
kanzurelegal status08:23
fennbioavailability is an interesting metric08:24
fennnever noticed that before08:24
fennlegal status is also a good one08:25
kanzureyeh i wonder if it changes per wikipedia language08:25
strages_I <3 you guys08:25
strages_everytime I come in here, I learn something new08:25
fennhas different country codes, see i.e. modafinil08:25
kanzureok so this sort of information seems important to me08:26
fenncody was saying the way the developed modafinil was like "hey, so antihistamines make you drowsy, what would an anti-antihistamine do?"08:27
fennyes i now agree wikipedia structured data is important08:28
kanzureso there should probably be user-curated content on each general drug or each product08:29
fennfor a while i've been meaning to print out various chemical structures and put them on my wall08:29
kanzureespecially since there's no general way to point to "THIS IS WHERE IT AFFECTS THE BRAINZ" in a diagram or something08:29
kanzurei haven't mapped out all the features yet08:31
fennlol http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Think_Gum08:31
kanzureso a user makes a regimen.. and another user can comment on it? or another user can press a copy button and attach it to his account?08:31
kanzureor a regimen is subscribed to?08:31
fennsubscribed to means you watch for changes? or you're "actively doing"  that regimen?08:32
kanzurefenn: so ai-class turned out to be a publicity stunt for a company, eh?08:36
fennwhy do you say that?08:37
kanzureknow labs08:37
fennthey're the people who take the video and put it online08:37
fennhardly a publicity stunt to do their job08:37
fenni think it's just one guy08:38
fenn7 bed, 7 bath, 5324 sq. ft. house located at 13818 PAGE MILL Rd, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022 sold for $5949900 on May 17, 201008:39
fennis the address of the company08:40
kanzurelos altos.. yeah08:40
fennhm well i'm off to redwood city for better or worse08:43
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kanzurehttp://www.wikistep.org/bugzilla/ ISO 10303 'official'09:19
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antipragmatistfenn what do you  ean bythaat ylu are the educational institution?09:45
antipragmatistfenn what do you mean by, "I AM THE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION" ?09:48
kanzureit was a funny remark to the bullshit email i got about ezproxy09:49
-!- strages_ [~qwebirc@dev.throwthemind.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:49
antipragmatistok :-)  i was thin,ing he was a dean or something .... hehehe09:50
antipragmatisti think that molecular assembly is nondetministic  because you can not computer outcome only most probable. it is mostly a wait and see situation.09:51
antipragmatisteven qed is not definitive andit i feel is closer reality than traditional qm.09:52
antipragmatistfeynman w09:53
antipragmatistsays that everything is particle and shows how qed, via feynman diagrams, how this is so.09:54
antipragmatistnot a qed expert but one would think it would the only tool to create nano.09:55
antipragmatistsadly, bothit and qm can only suggestit is possble a d nothing more.09:56
kanzurehttp://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/nanotech/ have fun..09:57
antipragmatistyou know i have aall but given up looking for answers i seek regarding nanotech in book or web....09:59
antipragmatisteachbook or article has only pipe dreams but nothing concrete ... just obscure abstractness and complicated formulas that amount to nothing.10:00
antipragmatistat this point, i truly believe that anything tangibly useful will be completly new and unlike the current state nanotech... a whole new paradigm10:04
antipragmatistmy problem is i have no idea yet ...10:04
antipragmatistjustlike the scientists doing research ... however do you think i have advantage by not being train think like a "scientist"?10:06
-!- devrandom [~devrandom@gateway/tor-sasl/niftyzero1] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]10:07
antipragmatistok, so i should seek out traditonal learing to?10:07
kanzureyes- read the papers, run the simulations, build a laboratory10:07
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antipragmatistappreciate thehelp10:08
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antipragmatistAnY diamonoid'ist here15:44
antipragmatisthi kanzure15:44
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--- Log closed Thu Nov 03 00:00:25 2011

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