
--- Log opened Thu Dec 22 00:00:39 2011
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JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.06:30
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kanzurecat ../irclogs/freenode/\#reprap.log | grep "github.com" | urifind | grep github | sort | uniq09:55
kanzurehttp://julienbld.github.com/pycado/ "Pycado is an object oriented 3D CAD scripting language based on pythonocc with a graphical interactive editor"09:57
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kanzureso, dassault sells their cad products with a "try it before you make it" pitch11:27
kanzurei can only think of cfd/fea as a reason why they would want, say, mathematically precise surface models11:27
kanzureand possibly for machining precision and reducing part failure11:28
kanzurethe math and parametric capabilities are really useful to users, but it seems to be a byproduct of having deep pockets?11:28
kanzure"Finally, Toyota wanted to base TOGO CAD on technologies developed by other companies, specifically Nihon Unisys for 3D and Matra Datavision for design styling. TOGO Styling, based on technology from Matra Datavision, went into production use last summer."11:34
kanzure"Toyota is also using CAS.CADE, Matra's object-oriented software development platform. Conversely, Matra plans to incorporate some of Toyota's developments into its EUCLID QUANTUM offering."11:34
-!- sylph_mako [~mako@118-93-223-74.dsl.dyn.ihug.co.nz] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:45
kanzurewhy is that so big12:17
kanzureit's a photo of a pre-cnc nc machine in the 70s12:17
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kanzurecomputational neuroscience news site.. thing http://www.compneuronews.org/18:42
kanzurelooks like a copy of yc.arc or whatever18:43
kanzureoh neat.. citation database http://googlescholar.blogspot.com/2011/11/google-scholar-citations-open-to-all.html18:43
-!- augur [~augur@c-75-74-128-170.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap18:43
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-!- Mokbortolan1 [~Nate@c-71-59-241-82.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap21:10
Mokbortolan1Howdy folks21:10
-!- augur [~augur@c-75-74-128-170.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap21:12
kanzurehi Mokbortolan121:25
kanzurenate in oregon.. nope don't know you21:25
Mokbortolan1nope, I was reading a thread on emotiv's site and found a reference to this room21:31
Stieru_Ridiris anything interesting happening on emotiv btw?21:35
Stieru_Ridirare you a developer?21:35
Stieru_Ridir*err, someone who uses their software21:35
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Mokbortolan1I bought a consumer headset21:47
Mokbortolan1I'm not a developer, but if I like it enough I might give it a go21:47
Mokbortolan1I'm a systems administrator by trade21:47
Mokbortolan1no, I like what I do21:48
Mokbortolan1someone's gotta have a place for all that software to run, right?21:49
kanzurei played around with a headset and wrote some code21:51
Mokbortolan1Stieru_Ridir: I don't know if anything interesting is going on, besides emokit, which nobody seems to be doing anything with21:52
kanzurebut other people ended up doing emokit21:52
Mokbortolan1I saw the video of the guy who got it running on his n90021:52
kanzureMokbortolan1: we're all sysadmins here and we're all planning where to hide your body21:52
Mokbortolan1that was pretty neat21:52
kanzurewe're also planning to steal your n90021:52
Mokbortolan1I don't have an n90021:52
Mokbortolan1I'm considering getting one though21:53
kanzurethe hell kinda sysadmin are you?21:53
Mokbortolan1the worst kind21:53
Mokbortolan1a WINDOWS sysadmin21:53
jrayhawkmy condolences are no longer ironic21:53
* Mokbortolan1 wads up and throws his MCSE at the closest hiring manager.21:53
kanzureso wait21:54
kanzureyour name is mokbor?21:54
kanzuremokbor to lan1?21:54
Mokbortolan1no, I vary on "mok" and pick different suffixes21:54
Mokbortolan1I change it to mokbort, remembering "bort" from the simpsons21:54
Mokbortolan1then that made me think of the poor ortolan21:54
jrayhawkpoor, delicious ortolan21:55
Mokbortolan1and the 1 is because I have 4 IRC-enabled devices21:55
Mokbortolan1and they overlap sometimes21:55
Mokbortolan1actually I have.. wait..21:55
kanzuremy utility belt is all smartphones :/21:56
Mokbortolan1my kids have original droids21:56
kanzureso you have kids21:56
Mokbortolan1oh yeah21:56
kanzureand you do work on windows21:56
Mokbortolan14 and 2.521:56
kanzurewhat sort of terrible person are you21:56
* Mokbortolan1 hangs his head in shame.21:56
kanzureso you're playing with emoti?21:57
Mokbortolan1I just got it today21:57
Mokbortolan1I haven't had a chance to do much else than open it up and look at it21:57
Mokbortolan1it's a very good build quality21:57
Mokbortolan1quite pleased with the appearance :p21:57
Mokbortolan1my plan is to terrorize my children with spirit mountain21:59
jrayhawkyou plan to scare your children with a local casino?22:00
Mokbortolan1emotiv needs to get up off their butts and start handing developer kits out to rockstar developers for free22:00
Mokbortolan1err, not rockstar the game studio22:00
Mokbortolan1spirit mountain is a demo game for the emotiv22:01
Mokbortolan1I also got neuroprogrammer 322:01
Mokbortolan1it interfaces with it for "bio-optimization"22:02
jrayhawkFrom what I'd seen of their public discussions on their crippleware pricing structure, they're already relying on research/medical users for income and selling it as cheap as they can afford for individuals.22:02
jrayhawkMy guess is that they're positioning themselves to get bought out by a larger company that can credibly market it as a game console accessory.22:04
Mokbortolan1it's a heck of an accessory22:05
Mokbortolan1I'm gonna see how well my 4-yo can learn to play Portal with it22:06
kanzurewhen i was in redwood a few months ago, someone at the house i was staying at had worked at emotiv22:08
kanzurei was so pleased, so i started quizzing her about it22:09
kanzureunfortunately she didn't understand the management's decisions either22:09
Mokbortolan1management's always screwing up everything22:09
kanzurethey're selling the hardware as a loss leader22:09
kanzureand then make money on the sdks22:09
kanzureso when ##hplusroadmap released some software, their investors got cold feet22:10
Mokbortolan1that's funny22:10
Mokbortolan1a target market of developers22:10
Mokbortolan1that's exactly how Apple made such a success out of the iPhone22:10
Mokbortolan1dev kits!22:10
jrayhawkMokbortolan1: are you a freelance sysadmin, and, if so, what city are you in?22:10
kanzureapple could sell you a pile of shit22:10
Mokbortolan1I'm a contractor, so yes, I'm in Portland22:11
kanzurejoe's gonna come and force you to sign contracts22:11
kanzureif you see a porsche outside your door it's too late22:11
Mokbortolan1I don't usually sign the contracts22:12
Mokbortolan1the people who pay me sign those22:12
kanzureuh what?22:12
kanzurefreelancing usually means you sign contracts22:12
jrayhawkIf his contracts are unilateral, there's no reason to.22:12
Mokbortolan1so far in the last year I've used three contracting agencies22:13
kanzuretemp agencies?22:13
jrayhawkOh, agencies. That makes more sense.22:13
Mokbortolan1no, contracting agencies22:13
Mokbortolan1they negotiate the terms and find the gigs22:13
Mokbortolan1I'm OK with that22:13
kanzureis this just another way of saying a recruiter?22:13
Mokbortolan1yes, recruiters call me22:13
Mokbortolan1I think that's what they're called22:14
Mokbortolan1I tend to be picky about my engagements though22:14
Mokbortolan1jrayhawk: why, do you need a windows admin?22:16
jrayhawkNot at the moment, but I always feel bad when I turn down Windows jobs and I like having something to point people at that doesn't cost an arm and a leg.22:17
jrayhawkThe use of an agency makes me question the "arm and a leg" part.22:17
Mokbortolan1I don't have anything against doing 1099 work22:17
Mokbortolan1although, most of the people that want that sort of work that I've met don't want to may be $75/hr for it :p22:18
kanzureyeh that sounds very low22:19
jrayhawkKanzure is picky.22:19
Mokbortolan1for a dev I suppose22:21
Mokbortolan1I dunno, I'm still early in my career22:22
kanzureoh that's right there's a "totem pole" effect going on here22:22
kanzure"EEs should always be paid more than MEs!"22:22
Mokbortolan1I thought the deal was the devs billed fewer hours22:22
kanzurewhy would i do that22:22
Mokbortolan1I usually take 40hr, 5 day type gigs22:22
kanzureoh i see22:23
jrayhawkDevs do more negotiation.22:23
kanzurewell, the deal with freelancing is that if you want to do 70-100 hours a week and get paid market rate for it, you can22:23
Mokbortolan1right now I'm helping a large health company decom a datacenter22:23
kanzurejrayhawk: i'm really surprised by how few people bother to negotiate22:23
kanzure"14.53 an hour? well ok i guess that's what i'm worth"22:24
Mokbortolan1americans aren't taught to22:24
jrayhawkI mean negotiate project features.22:24
kanzureoh, that too22:24
kanzure"You want a button? YOU WANT A BUTTON THERE?"22:24
kanzurei know no woman who has negotiated her pay22:24
Mokbortolan1I get the sense that the people designing things don't bring the programmers in on those phases22:24
Mokbortolan1and they end up with incorrect expectations22:25
kanzureMokbortolan1: well, a lot of the work i do is design+coding22:25
kanzurefor instance, mobile/web apps22:25
Mokbortolan1hey! make one for emokit22:25
kanzureer, why? it sucks?22:25
Mokbortolan1there's python for android22:25
kanzureemokit has a gyroscope which is ok i guess22:25
jrayhawkDoes Android have a host USB standard?22:25
Mokbortolan1I have a cheap pandigital tablet that even powers its port22:26
jrayhawkhot damn22:26
Mokbortolan1still a micro-usb port, but I have an adapter22:26
kanzureverizon is doing an android set top box rollout soon, i hear22:26
kanzureprobably one of those "android tv" things..22:26
Mokbortolan1oooh, that'd be nice22:26
kanzureroku.. google set top box.. android.. home center thingy22:26
kanzurewhatever it was that was shown at the last google io22:27
Mokbortolan1when more mobile phone support bluetooth 4.0 it'll make it that much easier22:27
Mokbortolan1I dunno, I don't see the headset as a gaming accessory really, I'm more interested in the neurofeedback possibilities22:28
Mokbortolan1so my estimation of the market as a game accessory is even more inherently flawed than perhaps a person without that inclination22:28
Mokbortolan1not everybody sees EEG-assisted meditation as an exciting possibility22:30
kanzurequestion: have you actually tried the gaussian stuff yet22:30
kanzurei mean the scalp sensor stuff22:30
Mokbortolan1no, I just opened the box and played with it a bit22:30
Mokbortolan1I have to wash dishes :(22:30
Mokbortolan1my mom's coming over for dinner tomorrow night and it's freaking my wife out, so we're cleaning22:31
Mokbortolan1terrible timing22:31
kanzurei can't tell what's new in this article http://www.techcentral.co.za/the-quest-to-simulate-the-human-brain/28220/22:31
jrayhawkare you a nora gedgaudas fan22:32
kanzureis this a meditation-based new age cult22:33
Mokbortolan1no no no22:33
Mokbortolan1nothing like that22:33
Mokbortolan1my cult is based on psilcybin mushrooms22:33
kanzurego on..22:33
Mokbortolan1 hahaha22:34
Mokbortolan1only half-joking22:34
Mokbortolan1something I've thought about, ritual use of small amounts of psilocybin, but our government frowns on the white man doing such things22:34
Mokbortolan1it's actually an effective SSRI when taken in non-recreational doses22:35
Mokbortolan1but that's more of an "after the apocalypse" type of idea22:36
Mokbortolan1probably because I read "Island"22:37
kanzuredo you know what this channel is about22:37
Mokbortolan1that is, huxley's Island22:37
kanzureoh i guess the /topic doesn't have anything explicitly transhumanist anymore22:37
kanzurei should fix that.. hrm22:38
Mokbortolan1no idea, really22:38
Mokbortolan1h+ perhaps, enhanced human22:38
Mokbortolan1roadmap being the discussion of how to reach such a thing22:38
kanzurewe pig out on nootropics and diybio equipment and stuff22:38
Mokbortolan1oh nice22:38
Mokbortolan1I just bought 28kg of piracetam22:38
Stieru_Ridirjesus, what22:39
Stieru_RidirI'd been looking at starting a noot company for a while22:39
Mokbortolan1I'm planning on getting 1kg of noopept in a few weeks22:39
Stieru_Ridirbut waiting on FDA regs :-/22:39
Mokbortolan1the FDA can get bent22:39
kanzureStieru_Ridir: http://drugstack.com/ is a little project of mine22:39
kanzurei'm scraping nootropic vendor sites22:39
kanzureand should turn on a search engine interface thinger22:39
Mokbortolan1my horribly unprofessional site is here: http://pureacetam.com22:40
-!- delinquentme [~asdfasdf@c-24-3-67-55.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap22:40
Mokbortolan1if you'd like a perfect example the ways in which I am not a web developer, there it is22:40
kanzurei can tell you're not because you're using wordpress22:40
kanzureoh you got the coa doc, neat22:40
Mokbortolan1a step up from notepad22:40
Mokbortolan1that's just from the supplier22:41
kanzureyou're in another channel i'm in22:41
Mokbortolan1I'm getting it independently tested in two weeks or so22:41
Mokbortolan1which one's that22:41
Stieru_RidirMokbortolan1: are you reselling?22:41
Mokbortolan1yeah, I'm the op there22:41
Mokbortolan1the only op22:41
kanzureoh shit22:41
Stieru_RidirI was in there for a while22:41
Mokbortolan1I haven't bothered to add anybody else22:41
Mokbortolan1it's very quiet22:41
Stieru_Ridiryou may recognize this from a while back /nick Noomix22:41
-!- Stieru_Ridir is now known as Noomix22:42
Mokbortolan1no, sorry22:42
Mokbortolan1I stopped going for a month or two while I was really busy22:42
-!- Noomix is now known as Steel`22:42
Mokbortolan1and also it's very quiet in there22:42
Steel`I was working on starting a noot company that let you mix your own shit22:42
Steel`on the site22:42
Mokbortolan1it's picked up a bit lately22:42
Mokbortolan1I had the same thought!22:42
Steel`took some survey data with /r/nootropics as my main source22:42
kanzureSteel`: there's one that does that..22:42
Mokbortolan1only, I didn't want to be painted with the "supplement" brush22:42
kanzureum, um, let me look it up22:42
Steel`FDA is currently working on requiring a NEW permission for any supplements that have an ingredient change22:43
Steel`not just new ingredients22:43
Steel`so the plan got shelved22:43
kanzurei've heard mixed things about them22:43
kanzureget it.. mixed.. things22:44
kanzureyou guys suck :(22:44
Steel`haha, holy shit22:44
Steel`these guys are a massive ripoff22:44
Steel`lemme double check my math22:45
kanzurethey outsource it all to some 'lab' or whatever22:45
kanzurei'm pretty sure this is just some affiliate marketer22:45
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kanzureMokbortolan1: so if you have thoughts about drugstack, i'd love to hear them22:47
kanzurei was thinking: product comparison (price shopping) (this is why i've been writing scrapers),22:47
kanzureand maybe recommendations22:47
kanzurei don't know22:48
kanzurei was thinking of reselling my scraped data to vendors22:48
Steel`actually, shit, these guys do have moderately unterrible prices22:48
Steel`but their marketing is shit, I'd never seen them before22:48
kanzureman i wonder where my industrial robot is23:07
Mokbortolan1enslaved in a chinese factory23:14
kanzureno i mean i had one23:15
kanzureit was on someone's truck a year ago23:15
kanzuredon't know where it is23:15
Mokbortolan1at least someone isn't sending you polaroids of the industrial robot at various tourist spots23:15
Mokbortolan1or maybe you'd prefer that, I dunno23:17
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--- Log closed Fri Dec 23 00:00:41 2011

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