
--- Log opened Mon Jan 09 00:00:07 2012
-!- marainein [~marainein@114-198-65-150.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined ##hplusroadmap02:48
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@kanzurehaha petitions07:58
@kanzure"signing or logging in is totally a substitute for working extremely hard on biohacking!"07:58
Lucas_it is the best people that lack technical knowledge can do, I suppose08:01
@kanzurejust a lame landing page for now http://cubify.com/08:24
@kanzurebut i think it's a thingiverse clone08:24
@kanzureLucas_: sure, if you like making up excuses..08:24
-!- robde [~robde@p579031F4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:25
@kanzurehi robde08:31
@kanzure"Rather than pay up front for publication services, we currently give away the intellectual property in our papers in exchange for publication."08:32
@kanzureheh, well at least the copyright license08:32
@kanzurealthough it's true that the IP is being "given up" to the publisher08:32
Lucas_@kanzure: I am sure you've tried to get people interested in this stuff to get working, but I doubt it would happen08:33
@kanzureeh? "HR3699 prohibits federal agencies from supporting publishers to move to a transparent service based model"08:33
@kanzureLucas_: i am very picky when i am trying to find people that can help,08:34
@kanzurefor instance, "some biomedical engineer makes an open source 3d printer" is someone i would talk with (jmil)08:34
@kanzurebut not "someone who i would need to spend thousands of hours to get to an appropriate technology level"08:34
robdei'm writing a small essay about anthropologic ethics of human enhancement for university. that's how I've found this irc channel :) do you have some rare gems about that topics?08:35
@kanzurehrmm "The Research Works Acts prohibits any such process. In doing so it actively prevents publishers from moving towards business models that are appropriate for today’s world."08:35
@kanzurerobde: sure, there's actually been anthropologists in this channel before08:35
@kanzurerobde: if you want to analyze the logs over the past few years, see http://gnusha.org/logs/08:35
@kanzurestudy me all you want, baby08:35
Lucas_robde:  http://discuss.biohack.me/08:38
@kanzureLucas_: i don't think that's too relevant08:38
@kanzuregrinders? really?08:38
Lucas_is he just interested in ethics?08:39
@kanzureno, grinders tend to have an overly developed fascination with implanting-things-for-implanting-things' sake08:39
Lucas_perhaps Lepht does, but not anyone at biohack08:40
@kanzure"overly developed" should be "over-developed"08:41
Lucas_the things we implant, or wish to implant, have an actual use08:42
Lucas_body modders implant for the sake of implanting08:42
robdekanzure: whats a good tool for analysing logs?08:46
@kanzurerobde: are you, by any chance, on a non-windows sytem?08:47
Urchinwhat are grinders?08:47
@kanzureUrchin: http://grinding.be/08:47
robdekanzure: yes08:47
@kanzurethis is probably a bad link Urchin.. uhm.08:47
UrchinI'm more into computers and mind uploading08:48
@kanzurerobde: one sec, let me .tar.gz the files up08:48
@kanzurei was going to show you how to download each file, but nevermind08:48
robdekanzure: there was a tar.gz which I downloaded08:49
@kanzurethat's from 2011-01.. almost a year old08:49
robdekanzure: oh. you are right08:49
UrchinI only have recent logs08:51
Lucas_Urchin:  Basically "DIY transhumanists"08:52
@kanzureLucas_: that's not true at all..08:53
@kanzuregrinders tend to be body modders08:53
Lucas_and what are DIY transhuamnists?08:53
UrchinI'm not particularly intersted in body modds08:54
@kanzureLucas_: they tend to be less interested in the artsy/"edgy-for-attention" piercing scene08:54
UrchinI'd take an eyetap, but not much more08:54
@kanzurei.e., some are versed in biohacking and molecular biology, data tracking, and performance enhancement of one sort or another08:55
Lucas_the science required to bring about the future envisioned by  many transhumanists are far off, so we go for the science that have already been done, and cheap technology that can easily be implanted or interfaced with08:55
@kanzureum, that's not what i see08:56
Lucas_that is our basic belief, Urchin08:56
Lucas_what do you make of us, then?08:56
@kanzureyou're welcome to claim that, but why would you associate yourself with them ?08:56
@kanzurewhat i mean is that the broader grinder message is not what you're saying08:57
Lucas_because they are the only people I know building things that interface directly with people08:57
@kanzurerobde: http://gnusha.org/logs/hplusroadmap-2012-01-09.tar.gz08:57
@kanzureLucas_: maybe you should meet more people ;)08:57
UrchinI'm willing to go to the extreme, but I'm not all that interested in upgrading my body, mind, yes, but body, not so much08:58
Lucas_kanzure: please, give me references08:58
@kanzureUrchin: your brain is part of your body08:58
@kanzureLucas_: any of the diy transhumanists08:58
Lucas_Urchin:  it's the same machine, just different parts08:58
@kanzurelike eighter08:58
UrchinI'd preffer to be uploaded08:58
@kanzureUrchin: that doesn't exist08:59
Urchinso it would not be a part of my body08:59
Urchinwell, yeah, I know, and it sucks08:59
Lucas_both body and mind must be strong and adaptable08:59
@kanzurei'm pretty sure he thinks his mind is separate from his body Lucas_08:59
@kanzurewhich is known to be false..08:59
Lucas_I know, I'm just offering a contrary point of view09:00
Lucas_anyway, it looks like I am not a "grinder", then09:01
@kanzureare you building something that i don't know about09:01
Lucas_I figured you enjoy surprises09:02
UrchinI'm well aware of my mind being a product of my brain's activity, but I find that to be a, hopefully, temporary condition, untill mind uploading comes around09:04
Lucas_We must do the best we can with what we have until it becomes available09:05
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Urchinwell, yes09:07
Urchinthough I'm not inclined to implant anything metal for safety reasons09:08
robdekanzure: your archive is somehow corrupted09:08
@kanzurei bet i did something stupid09:09
Lucas_Is there any sort of augmentation that you would go for?09:10
@kanzurerobde: try again http://gnusha.org/logs/hplusroadmap-2012-01-09.tar.gz09:11
@kanzureUrchin: tons of people implant metal09:11
@kanzurelike for bone setting09:11
@kanzureor for making war fighting machines like wolverine..09:11
Urchinyeah, I know09:13
UrchinI'm downloading those logs myself09:13
Urchinrobde: do you even have an archiver that can open .tar.gz?09:14
robdeurchin: yes.09:14
robdeah the first file is everything together. I just loaded it into my standard editor. i'm surprised it manages it :D09:18
@kanzurethat's also old- that was prior to the logs being split up by day; or the file i used while i was splitting up the logs by day09:18
Urchinkanzure: that's your sever?09:32
robdethis question might sound a bit flat, but how does h+ actually think about the possibility that there will be mad people, misfits who could do serious harm to life on our planet?09:36
robdewhat are ideas to approach this problem?09:38
Lucas_robde: who is the question directed to?09:38
jrayhawkVinter claims our capacity to do good scales better with technology than our capacity to do evil09:38
@kanzureUrchin: yes it's my server.. sort of09:39
@kanzureit's my serveri nstance09:39
@kanzurejrayhawk: haha, i read that as "Vinge" not "Vinter" so i was very confused09:40
@kanzurerobde: there are already mad people who can do serious harm to our planet09:40
jrayhawkerr, venter09:40
jrayhawkwhatever that guy's name is09:40
@kanzurerobde: in fact, i would argue that space technology and transhuman tech is absolutely essential to mitigating the effects of "a sole mad man destroying the planet"09:41
Lucas_I agree with kanzure09:41
Lucas_hopefully we can one day find a way to not only increase our intelligence, but our empathy09:42
robdeso this transition time will probably the biggest risk humanity will ever be in09:44
@kanzureoh geeze he believes in risks09:44
Lucas_why do you believe this to be so, robde?09:46
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robdebecause, as I said, I think, there will be always people who act against humanity09:48
robdeand technology will enable everyone to be extremely powerful09:49
Lucas_the bow spawned leather hide and scale armor, which spawned the spear and sword sword, which spawned heavier forms of armer (chain, plate, etc.).  Ancient armor was overthrown by the invention of the firearm, and that too, albeit in the form of tactics (and later armor) was thwarted09:53
Lucas_such is the nature of technology.  Where a weapon is created, a countermeasure is sure to follow09:54
@kanzureLucas_: that's poetic, but not necessarily true..09:55
robdethese technologies only had a very local effect09:55
Lucas_nuclear weapons have a very large effect, yet there are kenetic kill weapons designed to knock them out of the sky09:56
jrayhawkthat don't work09:59
@kanzureLucas_: i think it's more important to make sure you build a civilization that doesn't die if there's a single nuke, single asteroid, etc.10:01
Lucas_true, but could people in the 19th century predict something like the nuclear bomb?  The shift in infrastructure would have been immense10:05
@kanzurein the 19th century, civilization was already big enough to not be destroyed by a single nuke10:06
Lucas_ensuring the survival of the species is a multi-generational project, but the technologies capable of wiping us out are invented so quickly that we can only really change strategy or create a counterweapon10:06
@kanzurebut a single plague took out 40-60% of the population for most of humanity's lifetime10:06
@kanzurei don't really classify 'space habitat' as "a counterweapon" here, but whatev10:07
Lucas_rodge: Though Kanzure and I argue finer details, we both agree that space colonization should be top priority10:08
Lucas_Kanzure: that is more of a change in strategy, if anything10:08
jrayhawkcommunicable disease relies on network density, and evil acts rely on network sparsity, so we lose either way!10:08
@kanzurehaha "evil deeds rely on network sparsity"10:09
@kanzurewait, what?10:09
@kanzurewhy would increasing sparsity increase evil?10:10
jrayhawkcorrelation, not causation10:11
@kanzurewell, why would it be correlated with increasing successful-evil-deeds10:11
Lucas_perhaps he meant the magnitude of it's effects?10:14
jrayhawkgood-networking synergizes more than evil-networking, so evil has a higher relative power in poorly-networked systems10:18
jrayhawkor something like that10:19
jrayhawk(this would depend on how you frame the concept of evil, of course. denial, deception, greed, powermongering, and hate all inherently interface fairly poorly, at least.)10:29
@kanzurehttp://thingiverse.com/ new ui10:34
@kanzuremeh http://www.thingiverse.com/api10:34
-!- yashgaroth [~yaaic@66-87-7-148.pools.spcsdns.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:50
jrayhawki am a little surprised nobody wants to poke at my argument10:56
@kanzurejrayhawk: i just don't see how a nuke has a higher relative power in a poorly-networked system,11:22
@kanzuredoesp oorly-networked mean connections-unsaturated or "has no network"11:22
jrayhawkeither's rhetorically fine11:27
jrayhawkwhat state do you think is the most likely to use a nuke in the next five years, and which state is the most poorly networked?11:30
jrayhawkthough, once again, correlation is not causation11:31
jrayhawkand, of course, the biggest story of acute network disruption in the nuclear era, the dissolution of an empire of 300m and 22m square kilometers, resulted in a lot of rumors of missing nukes.11:42
jrayhawkfortunately, once again due to poor networking, even once you have acquisition dealt with, posession, maintenance, and utilization in pursuit of denial, deception, greed, powermongering, and hate are still fairly unlikely to work out.11:44
-!- robde [~robde@p579031F4.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Quit: Gone.]11:49
jrayhawkyour statement could be rephrased as "i just don't see how an artifact of a highly-networked system has higher relative power in a poorly-networked system"11:50
Lucas_luckily enough for us, most non state actors that would use nukes or other "network killers" irrationally don't have the know how to maintain such weapons11:51
@kanzurei should send edward you a mug that says "world's best agent"11:51
@kanzureand get the diybio community to signi t11:51
jrayhawkback of mug: "please don't arrest us :("11:51
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@kanzureback of mug: the picture pulled from the fbi site,11:52
@kanzureoh i can't find it anymore11:53
@kanzurejrayhawk: http://web.archive.org/web/20080708235522/http://www.fbi.gov/hq/nsb/wmd/images/hrtppe.jpg11:57
@kanzurethat used to be the image on their bioterror task force website11:57
jrayhawkd'awww, that sort of quaint scaremongering crusading machismo almost makes me miss the bush era12:00
Lucas_kanzure, what are your current projects?12:00
Lucas_are you working on anything as well jrayhawk?12:00
@kanzureLucas_: classified12:00
Lucas_I thought everything you do is open source?12:01
Lucas_statement, not a question, excuse me12:01
jrayhawkwell, see, a man's gotta eat12:02
jrayhawkand he hasn't worked out how to metabolize code yet12:02
jrayhawkmaybe some day12:02
jrayhawkworking on: learning SQL12:06
-!- Lucas_ [81317815@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]12:08
jrayhawki bored him to death with that answer12:08
jrayhawki would say "better him than me", but in this case i am not convinced12:08
@kanzurewho is learning sql?12:16
@kanzureoh, that's what you're working on?12:16
@kanzureyou disappoint me, how do you not know sql12:16
jrayhawki have never needed a general complex data relation or multiply-indexed data engine before12:19
@kanzureor "i have always just used dictionaries of dictionaries of dictionaries with multiple inexplicable keys"12:20
@kanzurejrayhawk: just don't abuse LEFT INNER JOINs12:23
jrayhawkall i need is multi-process low-latency access to one multi-indexed nonvolatile table of maaaaybe ten million immutable records with one multi-column uniqueness constraint12:31
jrayhawki don't need foreign keys or stored procedures or multi-language abstraction or even multi-host connectivity!12:32
jrayhawkthe fact that only postgres or oracle or db2 is really suited to such a usecase is kinda sad12:33
jrayhawki would vastly prefer something simpler12:33
@kanzuremongodb? redis? hacked up memcache?12:33
jrayhawkmongodb actually looks useful12:35
jrayhawkthanks, maybe i can avoid SQL after all12:35
@kanzuremy jrayhawk calibration is out of alignment12:36
@kanzurei sorta assumed you knew about mongodb12:36
@kanzurejules definitely should..12:36
jrayhawki think he is of the "PostgreSQL does a superset of all that and does it more scalably, why would I want something worse" school of thought12:37
jrayhawkwhich would be compelling except SQL is a painfully cumbersome language13:02
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SpakzHello all15:57
SDrhi Spakz16:02
SpakzHow's it going?16:02
SDrawesome! :)16:02
SpakzThat's good to hear! Why so good?16:03
SDroO   MU (invalid question: it depends on the axiom that life, by default, might be sucky, with which I'm strongly disagreeing with)16:05
SpakzSo awesome is your baseline, then?16:07
SDryup :)16:11
SpakzWell, good to hear none the less16:12
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SpakzI found this while searching around. Here's a free book on phylogenics http://www.rjr-productions.org/Networks/index.html16:43
SpakzI haven't had a chance to read much of it yet, but it seems pretty good. Don't know if others might be interested16:43
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