
--- Log opened Fri Feb 17 00:00:14 2012
-!- augur [~augur@] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:04
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rdbmorning Stee|00:50
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rdbthe more I learn about electroporators, the easier it seems to build one.  I'm trying to find the catch.00:56
-!- klafka [~textual@ip-64-139-44-34.dsl.sjc.megapath.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap01:43
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-!- Stieru_Ridir is now known as Steel_01:50
-!- ThomasEgi [~thomas@pppdyn-74.stud-ko.rz-online.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap01:52
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Steel_hey ThomasEgi, how are you?01:55
Steel_rdb as well01:55
ThomasEgiremember when i went to bed?01:55
ThomasEgiwas like 5 hours ago, postmen ringed me out of my bed, breakfast still missing.01:56
ThomasEgiwell. same as every morning i guess^01:57
ThomasEgihow bout you?01:57
Steel_I was out :P02:00
Steel_I turn 21 tomorrow02:01
ThomasEgihalf way to the universal asnwer02:01
Steel_2 months to salary02:03
-!- rkos [~chatzilla@a88-113-156-174.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined ##hplusroadmap02:08
ThomasEgione president lesson this planet02:11
ThomasEgigermany's just resigned02:11
ThomasEgilike 10 minutes ago02:14
rdbmorning ThomasEgi =)02:15
ThomasEgithe guy befor him already resigned02:15
Steel_I don't have an opinion on the dude02:16
Steel_dunno enough about him02:16
ThomasEgipolitician, wears suit, gets good press, people like him, they put him in charge02:17
ThomasEgidoesnt matter if the person is completely incompetent or corrupt or whatnot02:17
ThomasEgiwell.. then the press changed their mind, wrote bad press, people started to hate him.02:18
ThomasEginow he resigns02:18
rkosdoes the president in germany do anything?02:19
ThomasEgisigns laws02:19
ThomasEgiother than that he has very little political power. it is mostly representative02:20
ThomasEgiand that earns him bout 200k$ per year, for the rest of his life02:20
rkosso very much like the finnish one02:21
rkosif you don't have a royal house in europe you just elect someone to play an equally pointless role02:23
ThomasEgiand shove money up his ....02:23
Steel_http://www.cenegenics.com/ haha02:38
-!- chris_99 [~chris_99@unaffiliated/chris-99/x-3062929] has joined ##hplusroadmap04:00
chris_99GFP is edible right?04:21
maraineinsure. and low carb as well04:27
chris_99nice :) i might see whether i can introduce it into brewers yeast for my homebrew04:31
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delinquentmecan u run down to the store and grab me a liver?06:56
jmildelinquentme: awesome. is it an open competition?07:05
delinquentmei believe so07:05
jmilthe challenge with these types of things is you need millions of dollars to do the research to win the prize...07:06
delinquentmeaubrey is continuing to make the prizes07:06
jmilit would be better if they made grants07:06
delinquentmei think its an awesome way to move in the space07:06
jmilgave grants instead of awards07:06
jmilit's very interesting07:06
jmilliver is in progress07:06
delinquentmetrue but awards is how you make it happen when you're not toting around tons of cash07:06
jmilwe just need to survive another 30 years07:06
jmilit will take many many millions to implant the organ in a human and follow-up for 2 years07:07
-!- _sol_ [Sol@c-174-57-58-11.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:08
delinquentmeanyone know if its necessarily true that if you work in a gov funded organization you're going to make less than in the private sector?07:10
delinquentmeim 3/4ths sure its true07:10
jmildelinquentme: yes that is true07:14
jmilNIH mandates wages and they are publicly available07:14
jmilgrad students and postdocs make below minimum wage by the way...07:14
delinquentmei gotta see what lawrence berkley is gonna pay07:15
delinquentme*REALLY* wanna work there07:15
delinquentmebut I also **REALLY** want to get paid07:15
-!- devrandom [~devrandom@gateway/tor-sasl/niftyzero1] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:34
kanzurewell my life is now complete, thanks marvel anime07:44
-!- JonnieCache [~jonnie@] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:52
delinquentmekanzure, JonnieCache is my new minion08:01
delinquentmefeed him well08:01
delinquentmei've pumped him full of sugared doughnuts and caffeine08:01
JonnieCachelol thanks08:01
delinquentmeand now im going to my zumba class08:01
delinquentmekanzure, runs the show and is like the log.all()08:02
JonnieCachewtf actually is zumba. i only know it as a way of succinctly establishing a character as painfully middleclass in a sitcom script08:02
JonnieCachei realise this is hardly OT08:03
delinquentmelol its like dancing aerobics for middle aged women08:03
delinquentmeoh and its a chain operation08:03
JonnieCacheaha. well enjoy yourself08:04
delinquentmeslightly less interesting than building startups and hardware for the soon to be inflood of necessary raw inputs for synthetic bio08:04
JonnieCachefuck exxon. surely the ideal goal is to destroy exxon08:06
delinquentmeJonnieCache, the ideal goal is to capitalize on the $$$$ they have08:06
delinquentmein order for us to build a hefty pipeline for engineering bacterial machines08:06
JonnieCachethen use that to destroy them? because they certainly dont share your goal of progressing beyond current paradigms.08:06
kanzurewhat's going on?08:07
delinquentmeI don't really see them as anything more than a conduit08:07
delinquentmea method to what is really worth going after08:07
delinquentmekanzure, pulling optimistic kids in08:07
kanzurekids? if he's over 17 i don't want him08:08
delinquentmetalking about exxon and their funding for serious synthetic biology pipeline development08:08
JonnieCachethe moment biotech becomes a threat to their model they will try and control/limit it surely08:08
delinquentmeJonnieCache, just like the US __TRYING__ to control bit torrents08:08
delinquentmeare they succeeding?08:08
delinquentmelet em try08:08
delinquentmethey will perpetually be playing catch u08:09
JonnieCacheBT is nothing though. as soon as you start to threaten the structure of the fossil fuel industry youre fucking with dick cheney and his geopolitical vision. he makes the RIAA look like the boy scouts08:09
ThomasEgishutting down megaload, was cutting traffic for like 5 hours befor people shifted to servers outside the US, adding extra load on transatlantic lines. regulation is futile08:10
delinquentmeJonnieCache, hang out here more :D08:10
delinquentmethese guys are all big machines operating in a world full of faster crazier kids08:10
delinquentme( and it is simply a function of time )08:11
delinquentmethey will fall08:11
JonnieCacheoh yes i fully agree dont worry :)08:11
delinquentmewe pull in their resources08:11
-!- _sol_ [Sol@c-174-57-58-11.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]08:11
delinquentme get their secrets08:11
delinquentmethen suck em dry08:11
-!- strages [~qwebirc@dev.throwthemind.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]08:12
delinquentmeLOLLLLL book of ruby is written with comic sans08:13
-!- _sol_ [Sol@c-174-57-58-11.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:13
JonnieCacheheh which book is this?08:13
ThomasEgihow bout a java book in dingbats?08:13
delinquentmelooking over dynamic programming atm08:13
delinquentmelolol ThomasEgi aren't they all written in dingbats?08:14
delinquentmePS ThomasEgi howdy :D you seem new08:14
ThomasEgidelinquentme,  i am not :)08:14
delinquentmeprogrammer ? hacker? hardware?08:14
* delinquentme derps08:14
ThomasEgiall of it08:14
JonnieCachethis is the only ruby book you will ever need http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9780596516178.do08:14
delinquentmetruck yes :D08:14
kanzureThomasEgi: you will have to ignore those two08:14
delinquentmehttp://en.bookfi.org/s/?q=Matsumoto+ruby&t=0  << JonnieCache08:15
delinquentmeIts like ...08:16
delinquentmewe own the world!08:16
kanzuredelinquentme: calm down08:16
delinquentmetrue true08:16
delinquentmePS kanzure when i land a job in SV08:16
delinquentmeim going to be bloody manic for weeks08:16
JonnieCachekanzure: those two? dont lump me in with anyone else ;)08:16
delinquentmeyeah im not a solid one to associate w08:17
delinquentmeooo esp in #biology and #bioinformatics haha08:17
delinquentmethats a love / hate relationship there08:17
ThomasEgianyone knows when yashgaroth will be around again?08:18
delinquentmeThomasEgi, hes usually online later at night?08:18
kanzureThomasEgi: about seven or eight hours08:19
delinquentme(relative to my time here )08:19
kanzureyou guys need to stop getting jobs, and instead get back to work on things that matter08:19
delinquentmekanzure, ha08:20
delinquentme1 ) income helps08:20
delinquentme2) im gonna be hanging out w allll kinds of crazy kids when im down there08:20
delinquentme3) develop the habits to work harder08:20
delinquentmediet is part of that .. housed a half gallon of thin mint icecream last night while watching SC2 streams08:21
-!- strages_work [~qwebirc@dev.throwthemind.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:21
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jmildelinquentme: LBL would be amazing to work at; i've always heard great things. i think they actually pay quite well in general, too. but good science is always more rewarding and fulfilling than more money with a boring job. that's been my MO… so far so good!08:43
delinquentmejmil, good to know .. i've got a call w them later today to see what they're up to .. but I'm wondering what the gap between their pay and private is08:44
jmildelinquentme: what field ?08:44
delinquentmethey've got this hella sexy niche position08:45
delinquentmeits a bioinformatics programmer for a web application called Kbase which is running on rails08:45
jmilin what08:45
jmilooh awesome08:45
delinquentmeso like super super super niche08:45
delinquentmeyeah its synthetic bio + rails + API work + silicion valley08:45
jmilis this it: http://www.systemsbiologyknowledgebase.org/ ?08:46
delinquentmesurely they know that private is going to be paying08:47
delinquentmeso yeah thats what im really curious about08:47
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-78-36.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:48
kanzurei really doubt they will pay 100k+ for that position08:51
kanzure*maybe* 50k08:51
delinquentmehave to see08:53
kanzurethis guy has to touch the mouse too often :/08:59
kanzuretime lapse of someone programming08:59
delinquentmekanzure,  #biology09:11
delinquentmecooking old chicken09:11
delinquentmeif i dont come back Lando gets all my socks09:42
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delinquentme100k reads @ 900 bones10:12
delinquentmeUSD bones10:12
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chris_99has anyone used luciferin before?12:33
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-!- yash-phone [~yaaic@66-87-4-14.pools.spcsdns.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:54
yash-phoneoi thomasegi i'm here if you wanna talk, but i'm on mein handy so i can't type too well12:54
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ThomasEgiyash-phone, just wanted to let you know that the it would be possible to go up to 1500V for that circuit.12:55
-!- Stee| [~Steel@cpe-67-246-36-165.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:55
yash-phoneoh man 600 is like beyond maximum; as long as it can do 1 amp at that voltage i'll be fine12:56
yash-phonethough it might be good to have 1kilovolt if we can get the pulse duration under ~10microseconds12:58
ThomasEgithe parts can withstand a maximum of 8A13:04
ThomasEgicontinous current. peak current usualy is higher13:04
-!- augur [~augur@] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:09
chris_99are you making an electroporator?13:10
chris_99oh the voltage would be far too high for that heh13:11
yash-phoneit is an electroporator, just not for bacteria because those are boring and easy13:16
yash-phonein vivo human muscle is the target for this one13:17
chris_99oh interesting, so the voltage is a lot higher then13:18
chris_99because its only ~2V for bacteria right?13:18
yash-phoneno you have it inverted13:22
yash-phonebacteria are kilovolts due to their smallness, we won't be going over 200V/cm13:23
yash-phonealso bacteria have cell walls and shit, and while no one cares about bacterial survival, we want low toxicity for muscle fibers13:24
chris_99is wikipedia wrong then: 'It is generally accepted that for a given pulse duration and shape, a specific transmembrane voltage threshold exists for the manifestation of the electroporation phenomenon (from 0.5 V to 1 V).'13:25
yash-phone"several hundred vollts across a distance of several millimeters are typically used"13:27
yash-phonejust a little bit further down the page13:28
kanzure"(e.g. Merck's recently announced scientific staff cuts being moved to China)"13:28
chris_99but surely the bit i just posted is wrong13:28
yash-phonei'm no electronicist, but it's phrased badly13:28
chris_99i'm curious about making one of these using a cockroft-walton circuit then13:29
chris_99and a cap bank13:29
yash-phoneheh cockroft13:29
yash-phonesorry, continue13:29
chris_99heh, well its a way to convert AC to high voltage dc13:29
chris_99then i could use a cap bank to get the ampage13:29
chris_99presuming it requires high amps13:30
rdbthey aren't very accurate13:30
chris_99hmm, i could possibly get a hv zener i presume then13:30
rdbinaccuracies in every stage build up while with electroporation you'll want a pretty reliable way of producing the correct voltage13:30
rdbdo you only need a fixed voltage?13:31
chris_99a high voltage dc pulse i believe then13:31
rdbyou can use a high-voltage boost converter to get up to kV range, I think Thomas' design uses one of those13:32
chris_99not heard of a HV boost converter13:32
chris_99only low voltage ones13:32
chris_99sorry ignore that13:34
chris_99as boost is probably a generic term for any voltage increasing device13:34
-!- eudoxia [~eudoxia@r190-135-15-48.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:34
chris_99i just bought some low voltage 150W ones which is why i said that13:34
chris_99what ampage do you need for an elctroporator yash-phone?13:35
yash-phonefor mine, 1; i don't follow specifics for bacteria much13:36
chris_99sure whats the ampage for yours then13:37
rdb1 A at 1 kV is 1000 W13:37
chris_99and the pulse length?13:37
yash-phoneum 10-50 milliseconds13:38
yash-phonei'm not doing 1000v, more like 200 at most13:38
rdbcomponents that go up to 200 v are pretty cheap13:39
rdbit'd be quite simple to make that13:39
rdbactually you can make it run off mains power that way, without need for any transformation13:39
rdband switch using a highspeed relay13:39
yash-phonealso all these settings need to be adjustable13:39
yash-phonei outlined it last night in here, but am on my phone so im not gonna copy/paste it13:40
chris_99ah ok13:40
chris_99you could try simulating in LTSpice13:40
chris_99you could also probably use a transistor13:41
chris_99rather than a relay13:41
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rdbI've found high-voltage transistors up to 1600 V or so13:48
ThomasEgi1500 transistors are pretty common, and 80 cent cheap13:49
chris_99nice :)13:51
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Steel_how goes13:56
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eudoxiayo steel13:59
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Steel_I guess my account at home got disconned14:00
rdboh, morning14:04
rdbheading to bed, good night14:05
archelskanzure: Any idea where to get an XY or XYZ micromanipulator for the cheap?14:07
kanzurewhat does a micromanipulator mean in this context.. are you looking for servos and steppers14:08
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Steel_if you want to do microfluidic assembly, I have some links for how to build one14:12
Steel_ftp://ftp.eng.umd.edu/:/home/enae/faculty/benshap/pub/papers/ArmaniChaudharyProbstShapiro_FeedbackParticleSteering_JMEMS_Aug06.pdf this series of papers14:13
chris_99don't you need expensive equipment to actually fab it?14:15
Steel_I don't think so14:15
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Steel_yay autist arguments in LW14:27
kanzureoh it's oxford nano14:27
kanzure"Each unit is expected to cost $900 when it goes on sale later this year."14:27
kanzure"This device will be capable of sequencing a human genome in 2 hours for around $1000, Rothberg claims."14:27
archelskanzure: That would be fine, but I've also spotted manual, mechanical ones.14:29
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chris_99that looks amazing14:31
ParahSailinwow nanopore sequencing14:33
ParahSailini feel bad for those halcyon molecular guys14:33
kanzurenah their real business plan is "sell microscopes"14:34
ParahSailinbut they were kinda douchey anyway14:34
kanzurei interviewed with them.. their plans are a little shakey14:34
kanzure"SEQUENCE EVERYTHING and hope we live forever; or just sell microscopes if someone beats us to market"14:34
eudoxiathe money will fund Randal Koene's volcano fortress14:35
chris_99oh are you in the UK then kanzure?14:35
Steel_he's talking about halcyon in san fran14:35
kanzurechris_99: no14:36
kanzureeudoxia: it'll fund randal's illegitimate kiddos, that's what it'll do14:36
chris_99aren't they a UK firm though14:36
kanzureoxnano is. halcyon molecular is not.14:36
chris_99ah sorry14:36
eudoxiabut I sort of liked randal koene14:37
Steel_wonder what's going on locally...14:37
Steel_I know this district has a huge amount of nano14:37
kanzureyeah he's fine, i'm just being unfair14:37
kanzureit's not really a rapechild14:37
kanzurejust some crazy mom14:37
Steel_most firms in the country, for nanomaterials, etc.14:37
eudoxiais this related to the blog of some crazy person who had an obsession over some guy at Halcyon?14:37
eudoxiathere was a blog about it, something like that14:37
kanzurebasically, he put his dick in crazy i think14:37
Steel_eudoxia: You should clearly go to CSNE14:38
kanzureso anyway, i thought that was funnier than volcano fortress14:38
ParahSailinwtf rapechild?14:38
roksproki kind of want a hitler bot though14:38
ParahSailini just remember that luke and that fat guy at halcyon were particularly douchey14:39
kanzurewell, they don't have to be nice with that much dough14:39
roksprokare they like, trying to work on uploading too?14:39
kanzureunless they lied to me14:39
Steel_http://cnse.albany.edu/AboutUs/FacultyStaff/Faculty.aspx any good names on this list kanz?14:40
roksproki'd kind of like to know what koene does all day14:40
roksproklike from carboncopies.org it looks like he's designing nanobots14:40
eudoxiait would be hilarious if they'd blown all the money on ATLUMs and were trying to upload some random hobo14:40
roksprokand i guess....microscopes help with those?14:40
kanzurepossibly tenenbaum14:41
roksprokthe only overlap i can find is molecular ticker tape to read neural synapses14:41
eudoxiaoh I don't know14:41
eudoxiawho else?14:41
kanzurereally he just spends time doing data analysis on their reads14:41
eudoxiait takes at least three years to cut up a brain and the Yudkowsky and Goertzel are still active from what I can tell14:41
eudoxianot descerebrated corpses. yet14:41
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Steel_Visiting #lw again reminds me why I stopped going there and started hanging here in the first place14:46
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ParahSailinwhys that14:55
Steel_it's impossible to have a conversation that doesn't segue into branches and sub branches about what you mean and what you really mean and status signalling and signal/noise ratio and all sorts of other bullshi14:56
roksproki think its just a different type of crowd14:56
Steel_I mean, I like some of those dudes14:56
Steel_and I'll probably go to a couple LW DC meetups14:57
roksproklike, people there think sorting algorithms are neat and like to argue about the best one or whatever....but if you don't really give a shit about the algorithm and just want a simple way to sort stuff that can be tiring14:57
Steel_bueh, I'm more talking about just the ability to hold a conversation in general14:58
roksprokyea its kind of funny that they write so much about signaling, but they just end up doing it more14:58
roksprokand to less productive measures14:58
Steel_they didn't like my solution to akrasia >_>14:59
Steel_'Stop bitching and make yourself work'14:59
ParahSailinhttp://milkwood.net/2009/07/27/how_to_build_a_geodesic_chook_dome/ thats pretty neat15:00
ParahSailinyah i guess i dont really like the culture of people who come from lesswrong15:04
roksprokParahSailin: agreed...i think i recall hearing that 20% of free range birds were lost to predation15:04
roksprokthis solves that, at least for a small farm15:04
ParahSailini've been on some objectivist forums and chatrooms and lesswrong trolls were the worst15:04
ParahSailinfree range is wasteful anyway, confinement maximizes pasture yield15:05
ParahSailinmaximizes eating to trample ratio15:05
Steel_natural meat is dumb15:05
Steel_vat grown all the way (soooon)15:06
roksprokwouldn't confinement in factory farms maximize it even more?15:06
ParahSailinconfinement in a chicken house is bad for the health of the bird15:06
ParahSailinso inferior meat15:06
ParahSailinbut yes, yields are maximized there15:06
Steel_vat grooooown15:06
roksprokah....i did not realize that chicken was noticeably worse from a factory farm15:07
eudoxiabig, fat, undifferentiated chunks of muscle oh yes15:07
Steel_eudoxia: the vat grown?15:07
roksprokStee|_: vat grown would be awesome, if it didn't cost hundreds of thousands a pound15:07
Steel_tailored leanness to meat15:07
Steel_cheap goat15:07
Steel_they think they've come up with a way to make it marketable15:08
eudoxiawell they better15:08
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* eudoxia goes to eat morally reprehensible food15:16
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* ThomasEgi spend 9 hours, trying to figure out why this darn piece of microcontroller software wouldnt work.15:21
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ThomasEgiturned out an array-index was wrong. should've been 10, was 9.15:22
* ThomasEgi headdesks15:22
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eudoxiaah yes the good ol' off-by-one error15:46
ThomasEgireally sad15:47
ThomasEgiwell. at least i get payed for it15:47
Stee|ThomasEgi, you do freelance?16:08
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ThomasEgiStee|, running my own bussiness.16:27
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ThomasEgiwell. it still is mostly timeconsuming work, somtimes no fun.. but at least better than spending a 40h week in some crappy office17:16
Stee|I'm looking forward to my 40+ hour a week job17:18
Stee|because it's interesting shit that will teach me a bunch17:18
Stee|it pays well17:18
Stee|I get to go to europe and other parts of the country more17:18
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Stee|and I get to network with mil/ind types and try to bring more h+ stuff to prominence17:18
delinquentmeway cool17:19
Stee|could you do this with EDM?17:20
Stee|I wonder how expensive that equipment is17:21
Stee|http://semiaccurate.com/2012/02/16/danish-researchers-invent-2nm-components/ eudoxia17:30
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eudoxiagraphene is <317:31
kanzureheh http://chrisyeh.blogspot.com/2012/02/reverse-demo-day-thursday-february-23.html17:36
kanzureangels pitching to entrepreneurs17:36
Stee|gimme 3 years :-/17:38
roksprokdon't angels get enough pitches already?17:40
roksproklike the point of a demo day is to have investors contact you17:40
roksprokis there really such a frenzy that angels need to beg companies to let them give them money?17:41
kanzureinvestors also compete between each other17:42
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Stee|*for good startups17:42
Stee|as opposed to shit startups17:42
kanzurefrankly i think poop and poop-related startups will really take off in the genomic era17:43
kanzuresequence your poop in 20 seconds or less17:43
ThomasEgiflush it in less than 517:44
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kanzurehi yashgaroth18:08
yashgarothoh hi kanzure18:09
kanzurenathan is redoing his diagram apparently18:09
kanzuredid you see the oxnano announcement18:09
yashgarothwill believe when I use one18:09
kanzureagreed. they claim later this year *cough*18:10
yashgarothwhen your device costs as much as your per-genome reagent cost, something seems fishy18:10
yashgarothstill, it reminds me of the g-reader from transmet, so I can't rag on it too much18:12
kanzure"Berger suggested that Sigma produce the compound on a larger scale and taught his process to Sigma personnel. A small ad in a scientific journal brought orders and Broida expanded production. Within two years, Sigma offered eight additional ATP derivatives and raised purity levels"18:16
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kanzure"Aldrich offered 1-methyl-3-nitro-1-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) as its first product, widely used as a methylating reagent. Other products offered in the early 50s include 3-hydroxypyridine, which later became one of Aldrich’s best-selling products; ethyl diazoacetate; tetranitromethane; and ethanedithiol."18:17
kanzurejust wondering how merck/sigma/aldrich got started18:18
kanzurean ad in a journal? really now?18:18
kanzure$2B in revenue in 2008?18:19
kanzure"Approximately one million individual customers worldwide" uhuh..18:19
yashgarothwho, sigma? they've p. much become the standard for a lot of reagents18:20
kanzurelet's say they have 20,000 chemicals they manufacture18:21
kanzurei can't see how they have enough customers buying those chemicals to warrant separate production facilities18:21
kanzureconsider the 100s of buildings that merck has in texas... all for production.18:21
yashgarothstill nothing compared to, say, dow18:22
yashgarothor whatever goes on in new jersey with those thousands of chemical silos18:22
yashgarothand anyone the size of merck needs a few dozen buildings to hide the bodies of all the conspiracy theories trying to find the hidden cure for cancer18:25
kanzureconspiracy theories trying to find the hidden cure for cancer theorists, got it :)18:26
kanzurepesky cancer theorists18:26
yashgaroththere's, like, levels...man18:27
roksprokspeaking of cancer...does anyone know about pink army cooperative?18:28
roksproktheir website is kind of vague18:28
kanzureroksprok: i've written a bit of software for pink army18:28
kanzureand i know andrew pretty well.18:28
kanzurewhat would you like to know?18:28
roksprokdo they have a research staff / lab space?18:29
kanzureit's just andrew hessel going around giving presentations18:29
roksproki think i saw they have about 500-600 signups, is that about right?18:30
roksprokany other source of funds?18:30
kanzurenope no other money18:30
roksprokthanks, i'll watch some of the videos18:30
kanzureuhrm. why?18:31
kanzurei mean, what are you looking for18:31
roksprokmainly, is stuff really that cheap?18:32
yashgaroth"Not being profit-driven frees up Pink Army to focus on finding cures that work" ...what?18:32
roksproklike i know diybio has made a lot of cheaper lab gear18:32
roksprokbut it seems like genetic engineering of viruses, even if you just want to try it on lab animals, would still be kind of out of reach18:33
kanzureroksprok: ok so you're looking for a general diybio overview.. i se18:33
kanzureandrew doesn't really get into specifics like that18:33
kanzurebut he talks pretty well about possibilities and sometimes what we currently know about biology18:33
kanzurethink of his presentations more like "Here's a bunch of trends" heh'18:33
roksprokah ok18:33
kanzureif you're interesed in gene therapy (w/ viruses) research,18:34
kanzuresee: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/gene-therapy/18:34
roksprokdiyhpl.us has been super helpful actually18:35
roksprokand the ezproxy link you posted a little while ago18:35
roksproki actually just ordered parts to do a little experiment18:35
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kanzurewhat are you planning?18:36
roksproktrying to reproduce maze learning in nematodes18:36
roksproker...c elegans18:36
roksprokthat's the paper that described it18:36
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roksproki'm going to try the shrinky-dink method to make the mazes18:37
kanzureah okay18:37
roksprokthe channels can be 1mm wide18:37
kanzurewell, sounds fun18:37
roksprokso its really only borderline microfabrication18:37
kanzurei should get around to microfluidic-dinoflagellate-droplet-stuff18:37
roksprokthe microfluidic stuff in general has been really fascinating, especially because i had pretty much no idea about it a few weeks ago18:39
roksprokalso, i'd like run something else by you as kind of a longer term goal18:39
roksproksingle neuron recording is pretty well established18:40
kanzuresure.. patch clamp techniques18:40
roksprokwould it be possible to do that in c elegans?18:40
roksprokin a highly parrallel manner18:40
roksprokand combine it with the connectome to 'emulate' one?18:40
kanzuredid you see the nematode upload project?18:41
roksprokor the one guy named david from mit/harvard?18:42
kanzurenope. david's stuff is actually more recent, but i don't recall him making any progress18:43
roksprokthat has all the projects i know about18:43
kanzure"A collaboration led by Eugene Leitl. Its aim is to achieve the 3D reconstruction and functional emulation of individual specimens of C.elegans from scanned images of the vitrified original."18:44
roksprokdid he have much success? or is it still ongoing?18:46
kanzurethere was a gif somewhere, can't find it at the moment18:46
kanzureit showed their reconstruction progress18:46
kanzureanyway, todd huffman's company (3scan) is doing similar things these days18:47
kanzure"3Scan uses the cutting edge technology of the KESM (Knife Edge Scanning Microscope) to automatically section and image samples. Knife-edge scanning, introduced in the KESM instrument, not only preserves image registration throughout the depth of the specimen block but also isolates the tissue above the knife from that below to eliminate undesirable events (back-scattering of light and bleaching of fluorescent-stained tissue below the knife)."18:47
kanzure"Knife-edge scanning supports all known forms of microscopy (absorption imaging using transmitted light, and reflected light imaging using bright-field, dark-field, DIC, and GFP fluorescence)."18:47
roksprokoh wow i thought that was dead18:47
kanzure"sing the KESM, 3Scan is able to scan a one cc^3 block of tissue (for example, a whole mouse brain) at submicron resolution in under 100 hours. With this resolution (a voxel size of 0.6 um x 0.7 um x 1.0 um) 3Scan is able to show cell scale phenomena in the context of a compete organ. "18:47
kanzure"In the example of a whole mouse brain this means that 3Scan is able to accurately model every neuron in the mouse brain sample."18:48
roksproki think i saw their site like a year ago, they really updated it18:48
kanzureoh he finally published his damn videos http://www.3scan.com/movies/18:48
roksprokthey went to chile, i think18:48
roksprokare you able to play the non-jove videos?18:49
fennno, 3scan is alive and well in san francisco18:49
kanzurenah i haven't bothered. i hate flash.18:49
kanzurei have copies of the videos anyway18:49
roksprokfenn: that's good18:50
roksprokdo you have them uploaded somewhere?18:50
kanzureget them yourself..18:50
fennoh they have a blog now? about damn time sheesh18:51
roksproki feel dumb...it didn't occur to me to try that18:51
roksprokits even exactly where it said it would be18:52
kanzurefenn: you should go sucker punch him for using flash anyway18:52
kanzuregah power went out.18:58
roksprokdo you have 3g?18:58
roksprokor...how are you still online?18:59
kanzuresheer will power?19:00
roksprokand to think i wasted all this money on electricity19:01
kanzurei use a remote server for irc19:01
roksproki'm going to ignore that and just believe you're black lightning19:03
roksprokwhat's eugen leitl up to now?19:04
kanzurewife, kids, full-time job19:05
roksprokback to chemistry?19:05
roksprokor still neuroscience/uploading19:06
kanzuresome corporate job19:06
roksprokat least the images and stuff are still up19:11
roksprokall hail waybackmachine19:11
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* fenn puts on ninja suit and goes off to steal the internet archive19:18
roksprokshoot let me download this stuff first19:18
fennsrsly why no internet archive torrent19:18
kanzureit would be cool if their church was using wpa or something easily cracked19:22
kanzurethen just wire up huge antennas at night on the side of the building19:22
kanzureor, you know.. just intern there19:24
Mokbortolan_spray on antennas19:25
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uniqanomalyinternet scale distributed file system for backup/storage of all the shit20:16
uniqanomalyreplication, fault tolerance etc20:17
uniqanomalybackup of internets20:17
uniqanomalyplace to store papers from paywalled publishers20:18
uniqanomalyand nothing ever dies20:18
uniqanomalyFreenet is slow :>20:19
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kanzureare there any known mirrors of ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/20:34
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kanzureThe Science for Life Extension Foundation puts out a great many of these things, not all of which get translated. The Russian language originals can largely be found at the following sites:21:10
kanzurehttp://aging-genes.livejournal.com/ (researcher's blog, digging required)21:10
kanzureFor a limited set of English-language translations:21:10
kanzurehttp://www.scienceagainstaging.org/ENG/index_ENG.html (links at bottom of page)21:11
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kanzurethis chart just seems so old now http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/longevity/causes-of-aging.jpg21:14
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JayDuggerGood evenung, everyone.21:40
JayDuggerevening, rather.21:40
JayDuggerNo more typing for me until I finish a cup of coffee.21:41
uniqanomalyGood sunrise lol21:43
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ParahSailinkick aging in his testicles! yah, america21:48
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kanzureanyone know of a case of rational protein design or evolution for increased protein mass?21:57
yashgarothum, not sure how you mean21:57
yashgarothyou could fuse it to another protein to add mass, I guess21:58
kanzurewell, i imagine you could add lots of amino acids to polymerase that would increase its size21:58
kanzureyou could maybe add one amino acid at a time until you break something / let it replicate a few thousand times over until it makes the most use of each additional amino acid you add21:58
yashgarothwhat use would it get out additional residues exactly21:58
kanzurei'm just thinking, a 500x bigger polymerase might be interesting21:58
kanzureno, we'd get use out of it by being able to grab on to it more easily21:59
yashgarothI'm pretty sure there's tagged polymerase for that21:59
kanzurewell, sure.22:00
yashgarothif you add a linker like poly-GSGG that doesn't interfere with the function, you can stick on as much as you want to that22:00
kanzure"make it bigger" is just a strategy i guess22:00
kanzureyes i'm familiar with various linkers that work well22:00
kanzurebut! mechanical/physical solutions also have their uses22:00
yashgarothso you want it bigger so it won't wash out through pores I assume?22:01
kanzurei have no particular use case in mind22:01
kanzure"Titin is the largest known protein." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titin22:02
yashgarothalso making it 500x bigger would also make its on/off extremely slow, even if it theoretically retains its active site etc22:02
kanzurelooks like 34,000 amino acid residues22:02
yashgarothyep titin's big22:02
kanzureyeah i imagine a jumbo polymerase would begin to be selected for sizes/functionality that facilitate moving dna to the right spot22:03
kanzureerm, that is, if you can force polymerase to accept its larger state :P22:03
kanzureobv. the smaller forms are at a local maxima otherwise they wouldn't be so popular22:03
yashgarothat that point a multi-protein complex tends to be a better plan22:04
kanzurei'm sorta procrastinating.. avoiding some broken javascript22:04
yashgarothdid you try hitting it22:04
yashgaroththat usually fixes things for me22:05
kanzuremultiple times22:05
yashgarothhmm then I'm out of ideas22:05
kanzurei guess protein chemistry is probably different at a 500x scale22:05
yashgarothinteractions rely a lot on random action - a dna-pulling subunit has to be more efficient than just waiting for pol to happen upon the correct place22:06
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kanzureyashgaroth: yeah but a dna pulling subunit still has to find it22:19
yashgarothso yeah it's not really worthwhile22:19
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kanzureblack ranger goes to college http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdMBEiOdMTI22:49
kanzurehow does hackteria.org have so many sponsors?23:03
yashgarotheurope, I guess23:09
yashgarothalso how much sponsoring do they actually do? was there an attendance fee for that23:11
kanzureblah now the javascript problem isn't reproducible23:16
Stee|happy 21st to me23:40
yashgarothcongrats brah23:46
Stee|yashgaroth, confirmed have female wingman for la jolla bar hopping23:48
yashgarothhaha awesome23:49
-!- ianmathwiz7 [~chatzilla@x-134-84-100-61.reshalls.umn.edu] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:49
Stee|hey ian23:50
Stee|I have augmented my natural human blood supply with alcohol23:51
rdbethanol is hardly a useful drug in my opinion23:52
ianmathwiz7that's always nice23:53
yashgarothwell you live in the land of drugs rdb23:53
rdbI wish, we still have ridiculous drug laws23:53
rdbjust slightly less ridiculous than other places23:53
Stee|21st bday23:54
yashgarothoh hey I'm gonna be in the netherlands in july, can you recommend something fun outside of amsterdam?23:54
yashgarothI was thinking belgium but I hear it's boring23:55
JayDuggerHappy birthday!23:55
Stee|yashgaroth: maybe I can try to be there too!23:55
Stee|thanks JayDugger23:55
yashgarothhell yeah man, I've got an extra week to fuck around over there after I visit family23:56
Stee|yashgaroth, I am....a bit wasted O_o23:58
yashgarothyeah I noticed a little23:58
rdbhappy birthday Stee|23:58
rdbyashgaroth, nothing that compares to a trip to a smartshop or coffeeshop, no23:59
yashgarothaww damn oh well23:59
rdbor to the red light district if you wish23:59
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