
--- Log opened Sun Feb 19 00:00:12 2012
--- Day changed Sun Feb 19 2012
kanzurei sort of ignored that because xulrunner-9.0-dev keeps giving me problems (it's xulrunner-dev apparently)00:00
lkclok install that, too.00:00
lkclinstall xulrunner-dev too.  it's a dummy package (i think)00:00
kanzurexulrunner-9.0-dev still doesn't exist :P00:00
lkclthat's probably a mistake in the packaging00:00
lkclthen grab it manually00:01
kanzurehow big is xulrunner-dev anyway?00:01
kanzureit's taking a while to unpack00:01
lkcldon't arse about :)00:01
lkclis 5mb00:01
fennlkcl: are there any desktop applications using pyjamas yet?00:01
lkclyeah 98% of the examples.00:02
lkclthere's a couple such as raphaeljs and the flashpanel example that don't work00:03
lkclbut i worked out a trick for interacting with javascript (yes, similar to the json hash idea you had)00:03
lkclin fact, _identical_ to that idea :)00:03
kanzurethe json hash thing is stupid00:03
lkclah no it's not.00:03
kanzureit's almost as bad as running a web server just to POST to00:03
lkcli just implemented a JSON storage thing into a hidden iframe (!!)00:04
lkclin pyjamas-desktop, in the picasaweb example.00:04
lkcli'm planning to turn that into a generic method for executing (and, crucially, obtaining the return results of) javascript00:04
lkclinside the web engine00:05
lkclit's the only way.00:05
lkclit's a bugger, huh? :)00:05
lkclanyway - enough.00:05
kanzureyou mean the local storage engine stuff in html5?00:05
lkclno, i mean actually adding a <script > node00:05
lkclwhich stores its return result as the HTML/Text in a hidden iframe!00:05
kanzureoh. i think webkit has an inject-and-run js thing that doesn't involve a script node00:06
lkclfrom outside you have a timer monitoring (in python, this time) the exact same iframe00:06
lkclwaiting for the iframe's content to change!00:06
kanzureisn't it the evaluateJavascript function in webkit?00:06
lkclwell that's fine... as long as you don't mind not being able to gain access to the return result.00:07
lkcland what about MSHTML?00:07
lkclthe MSHTML system doesn't *have* a javascript-evaluate function00:07
kanzurei don't support mshtml for some reason00:07
kanzureoh that's right, because it doesn't run on my platforms00:08
lkclyou should.  you _can_ actually run it under wine :)00:08
lkclha ha00:08
kanzureinstalling python-gtk2-dev dependencies00:08
lkclif you need to double-check scraping from the viewpoint of IE, you're going to need to use it.00:08
lkclanyway.  enough.  i really have to go00:08
kanzurethanks for the assists00:08
lkcldocument this, ok!00:08
lkclall right.  have fun.00:09
* fenn blinks00:09
fennthis looks vaguely useful for ... something http://pyjs.org/examples/kitchensink/output/KitchenSink.html#Info00:10
kanzurethe sencha kitchensink demo is pretty cool on mobile.. for a proprietary sdk i guess00:11
fennnice documentation http://pyjs.org/examples/showcase/build/Showcase.html00:16
kanzure/bin/bash: /usr/lib/xulrunner-devel-9.0/bin/xpidl: No such file or directory00:16
kanzuremake[2]: *** [hulahopAddCertException.xpt] Error 12700:16
kanzuremake[2]: Leaving directory `/home/bryan/local/sugar-hulahop/sugar-hulahop-0.8.1/build/2.6/components'00:16
-!- Mokbortolan_1 [~Nate@c-71-59-241-82.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:18
fennxulrunner-1.9.2: /usr/lib/xulrunner-
kanzurewhere is xulrunner-1.9.2 from?00:20
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fennum, nowhere00:21
kanzurexulrunner seems to be 9.x00:21
kanzurexulrunner-dev is also 9.x series00:22
fennit's just what i happened to have in apt-file00:22
fenngoogle says " beginning with Version 9, the xpidl tool has been replaced with the python script, xulrunner/sdk/bin/xpidl.py"00:22
fennubuntu maverick00:22
kanzurewell it's not drop-in compatible00:24
kanzuresudo ln -s /usr/lib/xulrunner-devel-9.0/sdk/bin/xpidl.py /usr/lib/xulrunner-devel-9.0/bin/xpidl00:24
kanzureTraceback (most recent call last):00:24
kanzure  File "/usr/lib/xulrunner-devel-9.0/bin/xpidl", line 1414, in <module>00:24
kanzure    p.parse(open(f).read(), filename=f)00:24
kanzureIOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '-m'00:24
kanzure/usr/lib/xulrunner-devel-9.0/bin/xpidl -m typelib -w -v -I /usr/lib/xulrunner-devel-9.0/idl -e hulahopAddCertException.xpt /home/bryan/local/sugar-hulahop/sugar-hulahop-0.8.1/./components/hulahopAddCertException.idl00:25
kanzurewhy does this need to be compiled?00:26
kanzure"According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), since 1973, roughly 50 million legal induced abortions have been performed in the United States"00:39
kanzurei wonder why cdc tracks that.. other than there being no other obvious govt body to do it00:39
yashgarothparasitology :V00:42
* kanzure nods00:43
yashgarothbut yeah you'd think HHS would track that00:45
kanzureyashgaroth: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/bio/protocol_files.txt00:46
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kanzuresee anything you like?00:48
* yashgaroth reads00:49
kanzure/home/bryan/local/sugar-hulahop/sugar-hulahop-0.8.1/./src/hulahop.cpp:28:21: fatal error: PyXPCOM.h: No such file or directory00:50
kanzurepython-xpcom : Depends: python (< 2.7) but 2.7.2-10 is to be installed00:53
kanzurewell that's a stupid dependency00:53
kanzureso how does this work anyway? i already have python2.6 installed00:55
yashgarothHPLC of Peptides and Proteins looked good but I just found the pdf online while looking into it00:58
kanzurepkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of python-xpcom:01:02
kanzure python-xpcom depends on python (<< 2.7); however:01:02
kanzure  Version of python on system is 2.7.2-10.01:02
kanzureexcept i have python2.6 available..01:02
kanzurethis doesn't seem to work: sudo dpkg -i python-xpcom.deb --ignore-depends=python01:03
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kanzure/home/bryan/local/sugar-hulahop/sugar-hulahop-0.8.1/./src/hulahop.cpp:71:58: In function 'gboolean hulahop_startup()': error: 'XRE_InitEmbedding2' was not declared in this scope01:14
-!- d3nd3 [~dende@cpc10-croy17-2-0-cust245.croy.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap01:18
fenn“Despite the best efforts of the Libertarian Party and the Tea Party, the USA is still unfortunately dominated by and divided between religious fucktards and Communist fucktards. Neither is friendly to Transhumanist interests, nor is any other country”01:19
kanzure"XRE_InitEmbedding2Type is introduced in (not yet released) Gecko 2.0. You can fetch prerelease from" http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/xulrunner/nightly/latest-mozilla-central/01:19
kanzureerm.. so what is XRE_InitEmbedding2Type doing in here if this was from 18 months ago?01:20
fenni thought you were using xulrunner, not gecko01:21
kanzureisn't it all based on gecko?01:21
-!- marainein [~marainein@114-198-79-179.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined ##hplusroadmap01:23
fennwell this is a cute plan http://www.meetup.com/Transhumanists/events/17449871/01:24
kanzurebleh now apt-get is always complaining about my old version of python-xpcom which depends on an old version of python01:24
fennof course if nobody's willing to go to san jose, they aren't going to be willing to go to sudan01:25
fennwhat's the goal with hulahop again?01:25
-!- drazak_ [~ahdfadkfa@drazak.net] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]01:26
kanzuresee the _loaded method01:26
-!- drazak [~ahdfadkfa@drazak.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap01:27
yashgarothfenn - you mean the hala'ib triangle?01:28
fenni suppose so01:29
fenn"an unclaimed patch of land between egypt and sudan"01:29
fennbut look at what happened with burning man01:29
kanzureit became popular?01:29
fenngoing to the middle of nowhere to do fun stuff doesn't work as a long term plan01:29
fennthe "burning man organization" now officially has a "law enforcement appreciation day"01:30
kanzurei wonder if i have my 'colonize the attacama desert' plans laying around01:30
kanzureoh btw that guy is in sf fenn01:30
fennluke leighton?01:30
kanzureno the calx-ist stuff01:31
kanzure'colonize the attacama desert'01:31
kanzurei think he heads back to somewhere come march01:31
fennlet's propose it to startupchile and see if they'll give us $40k to jump start it :P01:31
kanzure$40k is crap..01:32
fenncome on, it would be hilarious01:32
kanzureit would be funnier if startupchile also did a voting process01:32
kanzurethen we'd have all the seasteaders voting on that one01:32
fennok so hulahop gets you access to javascript methods from python [y/n]01:33
fenndom-altering methods01:33
fenni dont get it01:34
fennthe whole point was to be able to do js calls01:34
fennotherwise you can use beautifulsoup01:34
kanzurethe point is to access the DOM, actually01:34
fennbeautifulsoup lets you do that, no?01:34
kanzureexecuting the page's js is a nice bonus01:34
kanzurenot quite- it's just parsing the page's content01:35
fennhow is that different?01:35
kanzurethe DOM is a horrible hack and somewhat dynamic throughout the existence of a loaded page01:35
kanzurei don't understand why the example on http://pyxpcomext.mozdev.org/no_wrap/tutorials/hulahop/xpcom-hulahop.html01:36
kanzureuses xpcom at all.01:36
fennblah how do people get paid for this kind of journalism http://www.businessinsider.com/this-san-francisco-mansion-is-where-peter-thiels-genius-kids-party-and-plot-2012-1#the-secret-hangouts-of-silicon-valley-vcs-2401:42
fenner, http://www.businessinsider.com/this-san-francisco-mansion-is-where-peter-thiels-genius-kids-party-and-plot-2012-101:43
kanzuregenius kids haha01:44
kanzurewhere is libxpcom.so01:44
fennkiselev is pretty smart, dunno about the others01:45
kanzuretyrant_? what is his latest scheme01:45
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-78-36.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap01:46
fennum, writing a better GUI for pipetbots i guess01:46
kanzurewhy does that need a gui?01:46
fennhe's trying to put together a $10k robot but i don't really see the point01:46
fennoh, it's not the GUI that's important01:46
kanzurewasn't that your idea01:46
fennit's jailbreaking the existing equipment from their awful interfaces01:47
kanzureeh. okay.. didn't jonathan do that ok for tecan without a gui?01:47
fennno my idea is a $1k robot01:47
fennand yes cline already did it, sort of01:47
kanzurei mean a cpan module is miles ahead of any shit-tastic gui01:47
JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.01:47
kanzurefor one tecan machine.. that nobody has01:47
fennthe gui is just to make it palatable as a product01:47
fennhey! cheaters http://www.businessinsider.com/these-ex-facebook-guys-want-to-help-you-find-cheaper-drugs-2012-201:50
JayDuggerThat interests me, and it has immediate practical applications.01:51
JayDuggerThank you, fenn.01:51
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fenngosh, prescription drugs are stupidly expensive01:53
fennthink i'll stick to untested research chemicals01:54
kanzureyeah they are pretty close to the price point where it's cheaper to build a lab01:54
JayDuggerMy wife and I would have kept living in sin, if not for my employer's superior insurance.01:54
JayDuggerIf you judge prescription drugs expensive, go shop for wedding rings.01:54
fennwedding rings are supposed to be expensive though01:54
JayDuggerYes, I know...believe me.01:55
fennit's like "i love you *this* much" where $this = $50k01:55
kanzurei wonder if you can participate in a foreign clinical trial while still in the us01:55
kanzurecan you just send your non-patent-rent-seeking drugs overseas, and participate in your own drug trial?01:55
fennthat's a good question01:55
JayDugger$50,000? Why can't I just give up a rib?01:56
fennthe rib would be rejected ... by her immune system01:56
JayDuggerQuiet! I like that fairy tale. ;)01:56
yashgarothI'm pretty sure that violates the whole principle of blinding a study01:56
fennsupposedly people who smell good to you are more histocompatible01:56
kanzurefenn: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOKbMW2uqs801:57
yashgarothmake the rib into a ring; you can call it the ribbing01:57
yashgarothwomen love ribbing01:57
kanzuresomething something about it costing too much01:57
JayDuggerHmm...I think rebuilding the heirloom ring will cost less.01:58
fenngoodrx doesn't have any of the drugs i want01:59
JayDuggerGoodrx doesn't appear to save me anmoney on Vyvanse nor Adderal.01:59
JayDuggerAdderall, rather01:59
fennyeah, they want $106 for 30 tablets of modafinil01:59
kanzureand then there's the adderall shortage02:00
kanzurealthough i've found i am still paying about the same ($200/mo ish)02:00
kanzurewell, 150.. but still.02:00
fennwhat dosage is that?02:00
kanzure30mg xr02:00
fenn30mg per day?02:01
fennwalgreens has it for way less than that02:01
kanzureno that's non-xr02:01
JayDuggerAnd do you fin a real difference between the name brand and the generic?02:01
kanzurethe generic also costs that much02:01
JayDuggerNot where I live, according to GoodRX.02:02
fennhm ok02:02
kanzureare you sure you're looking at xr?02:02
fennXR is $15102:02
JayDuggerYes. The difference is only about $20.02:02
kanzureand then $10-$15 for 20mg normal tablets02:02
fenncant you just take a bunch of little tablets?02:03
fennor chop them up02:03
JayDuggerWeird. I thought airline tickets had weird prices, but pills have those beat.02:03
kanzureman i don't even remember to eat02:03
fennmake a cybernetic parrot02:03
kanzurei don't want distractions02:03
kanzurei kill distractions02:03
JayDuggerAdopt a parrot.02:03
fennsits on your shoulder and feeds you02:03
kanzurewell what i should really do is order it online02:04
JayDuggerYeah. And finish drugstack.02:04
kanzuregoodrx is claiming 10mg xr for $3502:05
kanzure"Walgreens offers a for-pay ($20/year individual; $35/year family) plan which reduces prices on some common medications. Only plan members can get these discounts."02:05
kanzurethis is stupid spamvertisement02:05
fennweird copy text on this site http://www.howitookthisphoto.com/02:05
fennits like they didn't quite get the point of reverse psychology02:06
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kanzurethere's tons of pill pushing seo stuff out there02:06
kanzuresince lots of online pharmacies have affiliate marketing programs02:06
JayDuggerOh? I didn't know that...02:06
kanzureyeah just check on clickbank or other spam houses02:07
kanzure"Upto 40% commission on making sales below $10000"02:07
kanzureanyway lots of it is spam and i haven't taken the time to sort out the good stuff02:08
* kanzure sleeps02:12
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archelskanzure: wake up07:16
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mag1stratewhats up?07:57
delinquentmekicking ass :D07:58
-!- n_bentha [~lolicon@] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:58
mag1stratenice im just snappin necks and cashin checks as usual08:03
delinquentmewhat you hacking on?08:03
delinquentmeare you in silicon valley :D?08:03
mag1strateim not in SV lol08:03
mag1strateIm still in school08:03
mag1stratehave a year and this semester left08:03
mag1stratewhat have you been up to?08:05
delinquentmelots of interviewing08:09
delinquentme(anal rapee-ing)08:09
mag1stratehow are those going?08:09
n_benthahaha interviews are fun08:09
mag1stratewhere did you get interviews?08:12
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delinquentmethey're just spiffy08:42
delinquentmefew places out in SV08:42
delinquentmeone that I reallllyyy want but I worry if they're going to pay market value for rails kids08:42
delinquentmeim hella hoping they are08:42
mag1strate  what is the usual market value08:44
-!- yottabit [~heath@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:48
n_benthawhat are rails kids?08:52
kanzurehe just calls everyone kids08:57
kanzure"People tell me I have too much time on my hands, but really the problem is that there's too much time, PERIOD."09:05
bkerokanzure: maybe you need a wider scope then09:07
ParahSailin__heh schloendorn, i've met that guy a couple times09:09
kanzurei haven't watched the video09:09
kanzurewhat is it?09:09
kanzurei've met him too09:10
ParahSailin__shit i just commented on the url09:10
ParahSailin__its kind of annoying to hear him talk tbh09:10
kanzurewell i don't know what he can possibly say that's new09:10
ParahSailin__he got sweet thiel money though09:10
kanzureyes he went corporate09:10
kanzurethe title of the video is "Garage Level Biomedical Research Effort Is Taking on Death"09:11
kanzurehow is it garage level with his level of funding!09:11
chris_99as long as its still in a garage ;)09:11
ParahSailin__i think google's 20 percent rule is a good one, applicable to bio folks too09:14
ParahSailin__you should not be 100 % dependent on rich fools for doing the wacky stuff, have regular income in something immediately commercial09:15
kanzureimho the rich fools haven't been funding the important things in transhumanism09:15
ParahSailin__when i start a lab, i will make it support itself first with cell line banking, protein production etc09:15
kanzurewhy is it that pete didn't fund biocurious? besides the fact that the management team of biocurious all hates each other09:16
kanzure*all hate each other09:16
ParahSailin__was schloe originally wiht biocurious?09:17
kanzureumm there's a long and complicated history09:17
ParahSailin__in between sens and immunepath09:17
ParahSailin__yah i didnt really pay much attention09:17
kanzurethe answer seems to be "he claims (perhaps rightfully so) that he was part of a thing that was pre-biocurious but there was a split"09:17
kanzureback when they were livly.09:18
delinquentmemore assholes on HN talking shit about wanting to die09:19
delinquentme" humans invented religion as a coping mechanism for death " #FeelsGoodMan09:19
kanzureyawn who cares09:20
kanzureyou can't save them at the moment.09:21
kanzureso i suggest you either get back to work on that particular problem, or stfu09:21
kanzurewell, stfu concerning the religion09:21
delinquentmeperhaps theres ....09:21
delinquentmeuse in starting fires over it09:22
delinquentmeat least it will become something discussed09:22
kanzurethis theory that "More discussion leads to more action" does not seem to be a strong one09:22
ParahSailin__what hn09:22
n_benthayes no more religion here, plz09:23
ybithow are the rubber soles of shoes made09:27
ParahSailin__hackernews ah09:29
ParahSailin__i think it would be cool to print shoe soles with reprap or other 3d printer09:30
n_benthasoles or inserts?09:30
ParahSailin__personalize foot protection09:30
ParahSailin__the whole sole09:31
ThomasEgihm. doesnt rubber need to go through a vulcanisation process?09:33
ThomasEgiwould guess that printing molds for it would be a bit more promising09:34
delinquentmekanzure, I think at least IMO that when you can incite people into emotionally charged discussion09:39
delinquentmeyou get to fuck with the *core issues* more and you get people who are viscerally involved in the discussion09:39
delinquentmeTHAT leads to people considering heavy shit09:40
delinquentmethat eventually leads to action09:40
ParahSailin__http://www.reddit.com/r/Objectivism/comments/pve3u/empathy_challenge/ you guys think this is a worthwhile exercise?09:45
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kanzurei don't understand all your red-highlight text09:46
kanzurewhat are you trying to argue?09:47
ParahSailin__well there's a tendency to talk past people who dont agree with you, the purpose of the exercise is just to deconstruct why that person holds a belief09:48
kanzureand your question is whether or not that 'why' is a useful thing to ever do?09:48
ParahSailin__maybe the spoiler tags are a bit superfluous09:49
rkosof course empathizing is worthwhile, in its simplest terms think of the nash equilibrium, if you can understand your enemy you can get to a much more favorable end result than by ignoring your enemy09:49
ParahSailin__well, im wondering if that's a good exercise for promoting more effective communication09:49
rkoswell i guess it just depends on whether communication with your rival can produce more benefit than whatever benefit you get from making the symbolic gesture of not communicating with them and just mocking them etc.09:53
kanzurealso i should point out that scaling communication to communicate with everyone is pretty hard09:54
kanzurei've been writing software to help myself do that09:54
ParahSailin__most of the people in there have trouble at the one on one scale09:55
kanzureyeah i mean "with everyone that you meet"09:56
ParahSailin__ah :)09:57
ParahSailin__that link does not work for some reason09:57
kanzurequantifiedself.com seems to be down09:57
kanzurewell whatever- it's just some stuff about this tool i've been building09:57
kanzurewhere i log every conversation with tags and who was involved09:57
kanzureand then do analysis on top of this dataset09:58
ParahSailin__tell me more about "tracking every social interaction"09:59
rkoswhy doesnt that site load for me? i mean the quantifiedself one09:59
kanzurei thik they stopped paying their bills10:00
ParahSailin__what are these charts10:01
kanzuresome old graphs of number of people per day10:01
ParahSailin__so its to help you remember conversations?10:03
kanzureyes and to remember who i've talked with about certain topics10:04
kanzuremy common example is that when my mom met fenn she asked "what's transhumanism?"10:04
kanzurewhich was really bizarre because transhumanism is pretty important to me, and i thought my mom knew10:04
kanzurebut apparently i had completely neglected to mention anything vaguely transhumanist to her10:04
Urchintelling about transhumanism to my mother was one of my major mistakes10:05
kanzurewell for instance she wanted to know why i was director of r&d of "humanity+"10:06
kanzureParahSailin__: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/meetlog/people/joseph_jackson.html10:06
kanzurethis folder has some other data- tag clouds10:06
kanzurei guess i should do it for people in here10:06
kanzurefenn - http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/meetlog/people/ben_lipkowitz.html10:06
kanzureJayDugger - http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/meetlog/people/jay_dugger.html10:06
kanzurejrayhawk - http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/meetlog/people/joe_rayhawk.html10:06
ParahSailin__isnt transcending biology a distinguishing feature of being human?10:08
ParahSailin__why do we need a word transhuman10:09
ParahSailin__its the same in principle to wear clothes to make up for lack of fur or to put electrodes in the brain to make up for deficiency in linear computing ability10:10
ParahSailin__i think we're ridiculously far away from anything these "transhumanists" want to do10:13
ParahSailin__as a side note10:13
kanzurethere's all sorts of transhumanist projects already working10:14
chris_99guess you peeps have seen this http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-1681104210:14
n_benthai wonder what will happen when the psychiatrists 'listen' to the voices in your head10:42
chris_99haha thats a scary thought10:42
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delinquentmeOMG delinquentme I MISSED u SO!10:49
* delinquentme pats himself on the back10:49
kanzureare you two alright10:49
delinquentmewe thinks ok10:50
delinquentmebut i AM getting down w this newfound skrillex10:50
delinquentmeso micnasty10:50
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mag1stratedelinquentme: have you never heard of skrillex before?11:31
delinquentmemag1strate, ha!11:34
delinquentmehes awesome isnt he11:34
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kanzurehi ParahSailin__11:34
mag1stratedelinqentme: he is ok11:38
mag1stratethere are a lot better dubstep bands11:38
mag1stratebut most of it kind of sucks  :/11:38
mag1stratehis new album is terrible though11:38
mag1strateHe has a really good one, but then the others have not been up to par.11:38
mag1strateTry bassnectar11:39
kanzureGConf Error: Failed to contact configuration server; the most common cause is a missing or misconfigured D-Bus session bus daemon. See http://projects.gnome.org/gconf/ for information. (Details -  1: Failed to get connection to session: /usr/bin/dbus-launch terminated abnormally without any error message)11:39
kanzureis that bad?11:39
kanzurei can't really tell11:39
mag1stratehe has so pretty good stuff11:39
mag1stratekanzure: how did you get that error message?11:39
kanzurepython2.6 hula.py11:40
mag1stratewhat OS are you running?11:41
mag1strateDo you have all the correct dependences for python11:42
delinquentmemag1strate, kyoto11:47
delinquentmethe big reindeer is tryna bite yo d!ck off11:47
mag1stratekanzure: this error could be from the file calling for a different server.11:47
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mag1stratekanzure: Or you need to make sure that Dbus is running or working11:50
mag1stratekanzure: if not try running hte command dbus-launch to assist11:50
kanzureit doesn't seem to matter.11:56
kanzureseems to be working fine11:56
mag1strateill try to look some more to see what the problem is12:02
Moly_Bdenumbassnectar isn't dubstep.12:19
delinquentmedo we have any java wizards in here?12:25
delinquentmei've been beating my head against this java issue forevs12:25
kanzure*sigh* yes i'll help you with some java12:25
kanzurewhat's up?12:25
Urchintried not using java?12:25
delinquentmeI'm trying to use jython to feed a string into a java.class file12:27
chris_99why not just use python then?12:28
Urchinyou're feeding it into an actual file on your hard drive?12:28
delinquentmechris_99, the lib I need to use is written in java12:29
kanzuredoesn't that mean you should be using jpype?12:29
kanzure"JPype is an effort to allow python programs full access to java class libraries."12:30
kanzurejython is to embed python into java programs12:30
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delinquentmeif you've got a simpler way to do it12:30
kanzurecheck out jpype.12:30
UrchinI thought jython was meant as an implementation of python in jvm12:30
kanzureUrchin: right..12:30
kanzuredelinquentme: also, what is this supposed to be?12:31
kanzurei think you should just openbabel for chemistry in python12:31
delinquentmethis is the OSCAR-412:32
delinquentmethis is not a chemical prose parser12:32
delinquentmei want human spiel >> codified chemical formula12:32
kanzurewhat is a spiel?12:33
delinquentmehuman gibberish12:33
delinquentmelike NLP12:33
delinquentmehuman gibberish >> NLP >> codified machine comprehensible12:33
kanzureand what format is this gibberish in12:33
delinquentme"To a solution of 3-bromobenzophenone (1.00 g, 4 mmol) in MeOH (15 mL) was added sodium borohydride (0.3 mL, 8 mmol) portionwise at rt and the suspension was stirred at rt for 1-24 h. The reaction was diluted slowly with water and extracted with CH2Cl2. The organic layer was washed successively with water, brine, dried over Na2SO4, and concentrated to give the title compound as oil (0.8 g, 79%), which was used in the next reaction without fur12:34
UrchinNLP just gives more gibberish12:34
delinquentmether purification. MS (ESI, pos. ion) m/z: 247.1 (M-OH)."12:34
kanzureok and what output do you want frmo that12:34
delinquentme_FUCK__ IDEs12:35
delinquentmerestart it and it now behaves12:47
Urchinemacs rules!12:48
delinquentmehttp://pastie.org/3416339  <, so this is what the output is supposed to look like12:51
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delinquentmeI *think* that im breaking out of a loop somewhere as I get the first bits of that12:51
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kanzurehmm http://www.scienceagainstaging.org/Books/Booklet_25_ENG.pdf13:10
chris_99does anyone know of a simple introduction to transgenic plants13:19
kanzurePlant Cell Culture Protocols 2nd ed [Methods in Molec Bio 318] - V. Loyola-Vargas, F. Vasquez-Flota (Humana, 2006) WW.pdf13:20
chris_99cheers :)13:21
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delinquentmei need to gloat13:38
delinquentmewhere do I go now13:45
delinquentmeIt works! i could clean the code up .. I could see what these little errors are13:45
delinquentmewhoooo knowssss13:45
delinquentme<3 see u guys later :D13:50
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kanzureyeah i'm not sure why this isn't suicient16:38
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kanzurebkero: wget ain't doing javascript16:50
bkeroah yea16:50
bkerothat's true16:50
kanzurebkero: http://phantomjs.org/16:51
bkerokanzure: seen it before, still haven't figured out how I would use it.16:53
kanzurebkero: like so http://nrabinowitz.github.com/pjscrape/#quickstart16:53
bkeroThat's kind of cool16:54
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kanzurefenn: who is austen19:33
kanzureor cambrian19:33
foucistcambrian explosion19:34
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kanzurefoucist: nah i think it's some company19:40
kanzureabout dna synthesis19:40
eudoxiaCambrian Genomics?19:47
eudoxiatheir site is really underwhelming19:48
yashgarothooh george church19:58
kanzurehaving george church on your board of advisors is like indicating that you breath oxygen19:59
yashgarothwell they are in san diego, according to the phone number that is their entire site19:59
kanzurewould you be willing to go poke your head into their building and see what's up?20:02
kanzureif you want, you can use my name for that purpose20:02
yashgarothsure, if you can find their building20:02
kanzurefenn: whereeee20:02
yashgarothtbh the whole "lasers!" thing seems silly, but I'm sure they're not directly using them for the elongation20:04
kanzurethey are pivoting to an oligo synthesis thing20:05
kanzureoh their site really *is* underwhelming. geeze.20:06
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kanzurefenn: http://www.archive.org/details/marc_loc_updates20:19
kanzure"Cataloging Distribution Service"20:20
kanzurefrom 2008?20:23
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kanzurehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igqv5dtiv6g "$0.15 Microfluidic Cuvette made with acrylic and sticky tape"20:41
yottabitkanzure: i just stalked you on the interwebs21:07
yottabita search for "kanzure@gmail.com" gave a result: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SC4Lre59kbg21:07
yottabiti have no reason why that is21:08
yashgarothbest video I've seen all day21:09
kanzurebecause a related video is 'matra datavision'21:12
yottabitderp, didn't think to search for "kanzure" on the page21:13
* yottabit should have his stalking automated21:15
kanzuremy footprint is too large to be properly stalked21:15
* yottabit proposes autostal.kr on #startups21:17
yashgarothjust integrate micropayments and a price comparison aggregator somehow and you'll be rolling in cash21:18
yashgarothit's totally web 4.0 or whatever version we're up to now21:20
kanzureand chrome1821:20
* yottabit wonders what came of backyard brains + startup chile21:21
yottabittheir site looks the same21:21
kanzurejoseph is back in sunnyvale from his startup chile adventure21:22
kanzurebackyard brains might also be back21:22
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yottabit"10,434 First Time Spikers" + more equipment since last emai21:30
yottabitgood stuff21:31
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ParahSailin__whats going on in chile21:53
kanzurestartup chile21:55
kanzurejoseph jackson (biocurious) applied and got in for lavaamp (meh)21:55
kanzurebackyard brains got in21:55
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ParahSailin__looks interesting21:56
ParahSailin__id somewhat like to get out of the states21:57
kanzurestartup chile has a few issues that you should be aware of21:57
kanzurefirst they don't give you that much money21:57
kanzurefrom what i've been told they don't actually give you the money21:57
kanzurebut instead have this reimbursement system where you send in receipts that you document21:57
ParahSailin__good to know21:58
ParahSailin__heh fuck yah, japanese people just mailed out the plasmid with ecori system22:06
yashgarothecori expressing plasmid you mean?22:08
ParahSailin__the wild plasmid that expresses the restriction and methylation enzymes22:11
ParahSailin__kanzure, thanks for pointing out that startupchile thing22:21
kanzureParahSailin__: you didn't know about hackernews the other day, so maybe you'd like to know about http://ycombinator.com/22:27
kanzureor techstars or something. i don't know, standard crap goes here. http://angel.co/22:27
ParahSailin__i was aware of hackernews, just not familiar enough for hn to be recognized instantly22:30
ParahSailin__i might just go after breakoutlabs with my number 2 idea22:35
kanzuretheir deal just seems really bad22:39
kanzureyou should consider hitting up traditional biotech vc first22:39
yashgarothtraditional vc is pretty vampiric22:41
ParahSailin__thats why i'd give them my number 2 idea22:42
ParahSailin__well im not that aware of the vc scene, what are some traditional biotech vc's22:43
yashgarotha lot of it these days is subdivisions of big pharma companies22:45
kanzurethere's just a long list of biotech vc firms in the bay area and boston22:46
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Steel2kanzure, do you keep ##hplusroadmap traffic over time stats anywhere?23:41
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