
--- Log opened Sun Feb 26 00:00:26 2012
-!- yottabit [~heath@unaffiliated/ybit] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]00:56
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delinquentmetrolling ycomb: https://twitter.com/#!/delinquentme/status/17378961465660211307:28
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delinquentmekanzure, wouldn't it be cool to get an assload of hacker scientists to come out of the woodwork and bomb the shit out of em?08:08
delinquentmelike deploy the LOIC from some scientific computing cluster >=]08:08
-!- zacharycohn [~zacharyco@ec2-175-41-183-142.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:16
foucistSteel_ZZZ: don't think so..  useful application of information theory to analyzing a scenario08:17
-!- ThomasEgi [~thomas@panda3d/ThomasEgi] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]08:22
utopiahon deanonymisation http://randomwalker.info is usually pretty interesting08:31
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uniqanomaly_delinquentme: what would be cool is dumping all science articles to .onion server by army of android-user drones doing it from within campus wifi networks :>08:36
uniqanomaly_https://www.torproject.org/dist/android/ android tor08:36
* delinquentme nuts08:36
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uniqanomaly_with kivy.org you can package python applications into one .apk08:36
delinquentmehow does this work?08:36
uniqanomaly_someone would have to set server in tor with many many gigabytes of hdd space08:37
delinquentmewhats this thing i just downloaded?08:37
delinquentmeand who can I talk to about contributing?08:37
uniqanomaly_its package with TOR anonymous network for android08:38
uniqanomaly_ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tor_%28anonymity_network%29 :>08:38
kanzuresympy is so weird08:39
delinquentmeso yeah I know of TOR and android but... this isnt working is it?08:39
kanzurebool(Ge(3,4)) gives False (which is correct)08:39
kanzurebool(And(Le(3,4), Ge(3,4))) gives True08:39
uniqanomaly_havent tested it but site says it does work so08:39
kanzurei'm pretty sure this is wrong >:o08:39
delinquentmeuniqanomaly_, url for site?08:40
delinquentmeOhh ok ok so this is just TOR for android08:41
delinquentmenone of the interfacing for downloading etc08:42
uniqanomaly_I wrote there "android tor" :P08:46
uniqanomaly_dumping thing is *just idea* so far08:47
delinquentmeuniqanomaly_, its certainly in the right vein08:50
delinquentmenow if only code was completely OS portable08:50
delinquentmei guess you could make an android script to run the actions ... and then drop that into whatever harvester application we've got on the web08:51
delinquentmeHow do you build it so that it interfaces w exiting code08:51
delinquentmeAND allows for android portability08:51
uniqanomaly_check out kivy.org08:51
delinquentmebut that being said .. whats the real ends here ... and is hitting android really even necessary for the end goals08:52
uniqanomaly_its mostly framework for opengl GUIs but you can package python code wit it into one .apk file08:52
delinquentmethe end goal might just be get the shit onto an anon network08:52
delinquentmeno shit!08:52
delinquentmeand .apk is "android package file" ?08:52
kanzuredelinquentme: android gives you a good proxy on college campuses, that's the point08:53
kanzurebut i don't think tor helps that much08:53
kanzurejust give them a custom http proxy that reports back to you, like any other botnet08:53
delinquentmelike its a fucking wet dream no doubt08:54
kanzurewhat part are you asking how for?08:54
delinquentmehow: create totally "illegitimate" quiet destruction of massive publishers done in the name of anaonymity08:55
delinquentmeru kidding me08:55
delinquentmeengineer this shit and then tag it w anon?08:55
kanzurei think you're just spewing jibberish08:56
delinquentmeNAH! man!08:56
kanzuredo you have an actual question about the technical aspects?08:56
delinquentmekanzure, this is engineering, not research .. so its totally doable08:56
-!- pasky_ is now known as pasky08:57
delinquentmebut like im just mulling over the societal repercussions08:57
kanzureok.. then why did you say: 08:54 < delinquentme> #how?08:57
kanzureno you're changing subjects now08:57
delinquentmewhat im saying is that if you engineer something like this to topple these publishers from the inside08:57
kanzurei'm not convinced you're reading my messages08:58
delinquentmeand then! tag it as doing of anonymous08:58
delinquentmewhoever is running it would eat that shit up .. brand it as their own08:58
delinquentmeit feels good08:59
uniqanomaly_technical masturbation09:00
uniqanomaly_delinquentme: someone gotta setup server and write teh code09:00
delinquentmeuniqanomaly_, nah this is not technical masturbation but idealogical masturbation09:01
kanzureyou're going around in circles09:01
kanzurego die in a hole somewhere09:01
delinquentmebut at what point does that masturbation get you the courage to actually go tell that girl you'd like to bone her brains out?09:01
uniqanomaly_delinquentme: when she has a hole in her head09:01
delinquentmeNO** wrong answer09:02
delinquentmeok ok ok so09:02
delinquentmehow anonymous is this IRC chat again?09:02
uniqanomaly_not at all09:02
delinquentmesometimes I wish there were no logs at all09:02
uniqanomaly_logs on the internets means google has it means US gov has it09:02
delinquentmeyou guys should come over and stay in my room09:02
delinquentmeso we'd need to fucking chat on tor09:03
delinquentmeit could probably handle that bandwidth09:03
uniqanomaly_right, next time ask phone numbers first, and then say #noHomo09:03
uniqanomaly_ok maybe too much californication lately09:03
delinquentmekanzure, so i really like the observation of the android ad the solid proxy09:04
kanzurewe talked about android/http proxies last week09:04
delinquentmehow to write this thing in as minimal code as possible09:04
kanzurewho cares about minimum?09:04
delinquentmewhat parts are distinctly android which are distinctly web services09:05
delinquentmegod damn v09:05
kanzureandroid http proxy, that's all..09:05
delinquentmetoo much gangster dubstep arrogance09:05
kanzurewhat's hard to understand about that :(09:05
delinquentmeso from a student activists perspective09:05
delinquentmethey're logging in w the university credentials09:05
delinquentmeour end needs to locate whatever access to the journals09:06
delinquentmehow do we do that09:06
kanzurei'd tell you what to do but the reality is that you never take my advice09:06
delinquentmei know @ pitt there was a separate service09:06
delinquentmewell lets circle jerk for a little while kanzure09:06
kanzureno circle jerking09:06
kanzurejust ask me what you need.09:06
delinquentmeholdup i need to consult my librarian09:07
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delinquentmeeudoxia, howday09:09
delinquentmeParahSailin, >>>>>>>>>>09:09
delinquentmeok so09:09
delinquentmekanzure, access w the student credentials09:09
kanzurewhat about it?09:10
delinquentmethey need to be able to hit the research journal interface through a connection ... do they have access to that from their phone09:10
kanzureif they sign on to campus wifi then they are assigned an internal ip address09:10
delinquentmegoogle wouldnt be happy w us09:10
delinquentmeyou know this?09:10
kanzuremost publishers authenticate by ip address09:10
kanzurewho cares about google, stay on target09:11
* delinquentme evil grin09:11
delinquentmebut what I'm saying is YES theyll be connected to university wifi09:11
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delinquentmebut does that connection necessarily facilitate a connection to the interface to whatever that journal management program is09:12
delinquentmewtf was it called proxy or09:12
delinquentmebasically that login system09:12
kanzureezproxy is for when you are outside the university network.09:13
delinquentmeso internal ip connection guarantees access to journal interfaces09:14
delinquentme^^^ this is what im curious about09:14
kanzurein the vast majority of cases the answer is yes09:15
delinquentmei guess the other thing is that we'll easily have enough interfaces which *DO* have that access to get the journals09:15
delinquentmedo journals pay money into research?09:16
delinquentmeor do they fund research in any manner at all?09:16
kanzurewho cares09:16
kanzureand the answer is no.09:17
Mokbortolan_I emailed my brain interface idea to the PhD behind the senseg technology09:46
delinquentmekanzure, you're still planning to move to SV right?09:47
kanzuredelinquentme: sorta yes09:54
* delinquentme head is swirling10:05
delinquentmekanzure, have you used chef?10:06
delinquentmethe ruby gem10:06
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-!- sylph_mako [~mako@118-92-47-187.dsl.dyn.ihug.co.nz] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:01
kanzuretcds kit http://flowstateengaged.com/11:36
kanzure'learn faster. learn more' yeaahhh11:36
kanzurethe marketing speak is strong on this one11:36
kanzurehaha stripe11:38
kanzurewell ok.11:38
chris_99i'm sure you could make that for a tenner11:39
kanzure   Matt Sornson (mattsornson@gmail.com)11:39
kanzure   +1.810923878711:39
kanzure   Fax: +1.555555555511:39
kanzure   714 Wheaton Ave11:39
kanzure   Kalamazoo, MI 4900811:39
delinquentmethats the same thing newresearcher was reporting on11:40
kanzureyes but the claims seem a little exaggerated11:43
kanzurethis is why the FDA exists - to regulate claims like this11:43
delinquentmekanzure, is there any reason a RESTFUL api cant be built on RoR?11:43
kanzurei think it's great they are making a kit for this, but i'm not sure it's legal to claim all those benefits o.o11:43
delinquentmeIm taking a break on these bastardized Jruby gems and migrations and going right to rails11:43
kanzuredelinquentme: you can make a restful api on rails.. what's the problem?11:44
chris_99it looks like its meant to be a joke to me kanzure11:44
kanzurei don't think so11:44
chris_99i don't think they're actually saying its going to make you smarter11:45
kanzureit's the largest text on the page!11:45
chris_99yeah, and look at the photo11:45
chris_99to the right of that11:45
chris_99it doesn't look serious at all11:45
kanzurethat's just their marketing11:45
kanzurei.e. their way of saying "hey we also waste time on 4chan"11:45
kanzurejust ignore that11:46
chris_99i'll ask them if it's a joke ;)11:46
kanzureReid Berryman <reidberryman@gmail.com>11:47
chris_99from their chat thing:11:50
chris_99is this a joke ?11:50
chris_99ngonzal: No!11:50
chris_99ngonzal: Scientists have been using it since 192011:50
chris_99ngonzal: Probably not with a 9v battery though..11:50
-!- Reid_Berryman [~Admin@] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:13
kanzurehi Reid_Berryman12:13
Reid_Berrymanhey! I was told about this chat from Bryon who's working on a few hardware projects over on this page http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/ultrasound/12:14
Mokbortolan_aww yeah12:15
Mokbortolan_$99 for an IC and a resistor12:15
Reid_BerrymanHe refered me here because of the nature of a website we launched at a 54 hour startup company, which has two hours remaining.12:15
Mokbortolan_I actually had a similar idea12:15
kanzureReid_Berryman: you might also find #startups useful12:16
Reid_BerrymanWell, I understand what we made, I also understand our abnormaly large price point.12:16
Reid_BerrymanThanks Kansure12:17
Reid_BerrymanIts a kit aimed at those with little or no electronic experience. Simply for self testing too on the concept.12:18
-!- ParahSailin_ [~parahsail@adsl-69-151-157-55.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:19
kanzurehi ParahSailin_12:19
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Reid_BerrymanWell anyhow, ill drop the site off in here. Input is always helpfull! http://flowstateengaged.com/12:22
kanzureReid_Berryman: usually we're not all online at the same time12:22
kanzureso just idle around for a few hours, others will speak up12:22
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chris_99i'm guessing the position of the electrodes is important Reid_Berryman?12:23
Reid_BerrymanYep, to achieve different effects and reach the flow state they have to be in different positions. chris_9912:25
Mokbortolan_Reid_Berryman: so, what sort of safety measures will it have?12:26
Reid_BerrymanSorry for the delay Mokbortolan, our design is not offically created outside of prototype, but will have a fuse to prevent an over voltage & amperage. Our IC also stays within the best practice range from research12:34
Mokbortolan_Oh jeez12:35
Mokbortolan_a fuse, eh?12:35
Mokbortolan_the only fuse I could find that would work was from Littelfuse12:35
Mokbortolan_and they're like, $30/ea12:36
Mokbortolan_I'm also designing my own circuit12:36
Mokbortolan_why'd you choose that over the LM334, btw?12:36
chris_99anyone got a link to the datasheet for the LM356, i can't seem to find one12:40
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chris_99is it actually lm4562?12:42
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Mokbortolan_are you here now? :p12:45
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kanzureReid_Berryman: ping?12:49
ThomasEgichris_99, http://www.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/pdf/210032/FCI/LM356.html ?12:49
chris_99cheers, i'll bookmark that site!12:50
Mokbortolan_an audio amp12:50
chris_99its an op-amp yeah12:51
ThomasEgiit is an audio amp12:51
ThomasEgifixed-gain setting12:51
ThomasEgidepending on your use, there probably are a lot better parts out there12:51
ThomasEgiwhat do you want to use the op-amp for?12:51
chris_99is it just me or does that alldatasheet not actually work12:52
ThomasEgiyou need to enable javascript, i think12:52
chris_99hmm i've got that enabled but i can't see the images12:52
chris_99maybe my browser is messed up12:52
ThomasEgiit works for me tho.12:53
ThomasEgitry downloading the pdf. better to have a local copy anyway.12:53
ThomasEgiso... may i ask what you want to use it for?12:53
chris_99yay works in opera but not FF for some reason for me12:54
chris_99who are you talking to ThomasEgi?12:55
ThomasEgiyou. i guess.12:55
chris_99ah, i was just curious how it works12:56
chris_99i'd be too scarred to try it out myself12:56
ThomasEgihow what works?12:56
chris_99the device we're talking about12:56
chris_99the brain stimulation thingy12:56
Mokbortolan_I thought about selling kitas12:58
chris_99i'd be scarred people could hurt themselves with it12:58
chris_99and sue you12:58
Mokbortolan_but mine would have a fair bit more protection than an op amp :p12:58
chris_99it's a power amp actually, that was my bad12:58
ThomasEgicurrents and neurons, not an easy mix. interesting one none the less12:59
Mokbortolan_would it be appropriate?13:00
Mokbortolan_I was planning on using a linear current regulator13:00
Mokbortolan_two in series13:00
ThomasEgiwhy the need for a power-amp?13:00
ThomasEgiwhat currents are we talking about here?13:00
chris_99i'm curious about that too13:00
Mokbortolan_with resistance varying from 100ohms to 20k13:00
ThomasEgipretty much every op-amp can deliver 2mA13:00
chris_99yeah thats what i thought you could just use a 74113:01
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Mokbortolan_334 is more sensitive13:01
chris_99sensitive to what though?13:01
chris_99its only being used as an output13:01
chris_99from a static signal13:01
Mokbortolan_sorry, it has a range more appropriate to the required current13:01
ThomasEgiif you just want a constant current source with 2mA, you dont need much precision13:02
Mokbortolan_well, you do if you want to range from .5 to 213:02
Mokbortolan_I dunno though, I'm talking out of my butt, I'm not an EE :p13:02
ThomasEgiin that case, even a npn+ poti is good enough13:02
Mokbortolan_I read some folks talking about using a zener diode13:03
Mokbortolan_then I looked up what a zener diode did :p13:03
ThomasEgithey are good for keeping a reference voltage13:03
ThomasEgibut on their own, they are no good for constant-current.13:03
ThomasEgiyou would need a voltage to current converter then.13:04
chris_99"Currently, the accepted maximum current for human use is 2 mA and usually 1 mA or less is used."13:04
ThomasEgiso.. all you want is a regulate-able current source? that goes from 0 to 2mA?13:07
chris_99so an omp-amp13:08
Mokbortolan_and can adjust to changing resistance13:08
chris_99+ resistor13:08
ThomasEgiMokbortolan_, a resistor itself aint good enough :)13:08
Mokbortolan_because during the session the resistance will go down13:08
Mokbortolan_you can use one if you have an ammeter in the circuit13:09
Mokbortolan_and manually adjust13:09
Mokbortolan_but I'd rather have an IC do that for me :p13:09
ThomasEgieasy enough13:09
kanzurewhat's the resolution on tdcs? my understanding was that it the repeatability on where exactly you're stimulating in the brain is not useful with this technique13:09
ThomasEgigot a npn transistor, a diode, and a few resistors around?13:09
Mokbortolan_I have 2 LM334's and a big bunch of resistors :p13:09
ThomasEgino transistors?13:10
Mokbortolan_I don't have a big electronics it13:10
Mokbortolan_I bought these parts specifically for my project13:10
Mokbortolan_I have to sit down and go through all my unlabeled resistors13:10
Mokbortolan_and find the right ones to set up the prototype circuit13:10
ThomasEgiso.. lm334 then..13:10
ThomasEgiand a 9v battery i guess?13:11
Mokbortolan_oh, a fellow named dhzz has helped me design a circuit13:11
Mokbortolan_I just have to do it13:11
ThomasEgigot a poti?13:11
Mokbortolan_I have a 10k pot :p13:11
ThomasEgioh, you have the shematic already?...13:11
Mokbortolan_I was just wondering why this guy was using that IC13:11
ThomasEgino idea13:11
Mokbortolan_didn't seem appropriate, but I'm not an EE13:11
chris_9999$ seems a hell of a lot imo13:12
ThomasEgibut you can get a constant current source with just a poti , an npn transistor, and one resistor.13:12
chris_99for those components13:12
Mokbortolan_what's a poti?13:12
ThomasEgibill of material probaly range below 10cent13:12
Mokbortolan_ok, yeah, thought so13:12
Mokbortolan_just wanted to make sure13:12
Mokbortolan_ThomasEgi: yeah, but then you gotta figure the cost of putting it together, making the site, etc, etc13:13
Mokbortolan_would cost at least $3/unit13:13
ThomasEgiuhm.. nope :D13:13
chris_99theres a breadboard too! ;)13:13
Mokbortolan_and you're probably not going to sell many13:13
Mokbortolan_I see a market of about maybe 2013:13
Mokbortolan_any profits would get eaten up in insurance costs :p13:13
ThomasEgiwhy insurance :D13:13
ThomasEgibuilding those things as constant current source13:14
ThomasEgiwhy would you need any insurance. if people use it for medical stuff, their problem.13:14
Mokbortolan_oh sure, but then you can't emblazon your page with "tDCS will make you a genius" type of stuff13:14
Mokbortolan_or reference tDCS really at all13:14
Mokbortolan_this is the FDA's domain13:14
kanzureyou can reference tDCS13:14
Mokbortolan_no, you can't13:15
chris_99if they sell it as a 'kit' can they get away without any proper testing13:15
Mokbortolan_they'll even look at your blog posts13:15
kanzureyou can get away without proper testing if you don't claim it's a medical device13:15
Mokbortolan_forum posts, etc13:15
Mokbortolan_they'll treat this like they would veterinary steroid supplements13:15
kanzurealso you can't really claim positive benefits..13:15
ThomasEgianyway. it is a 3 part-circuit. , 6 parts if you want to do it really well.13:15
Mokbortolan_I've read a bit on how the FDA works in this regard13:15
kanzureand you know, if you *could* claim positive benefits, i'm not sure tDCS warrants such huge claims abotu its effects13:16
Mokbortolan_<--- runs a small piracetam store13:16
chris_99yeah i'm sceptical about tDCS in general at the moment, although i need to read more about it13:16
Mokbortolan_bbl, errands13:16
kanzurei mean, it certainly does something.. heh13:17
chris_99heh, even if that is only a tingly sensation13:17
kanzurebut so would punching yourself in the head13:17
Mokbortolan_I want to hear Reid_Barryman's answers to my questions13:17
kanzurehe left13:17
chris_99ask on their site Mokbortolan_13:17
Mokbortolan_as soon as I asked about the IC's he was using :p13:17
kanzurehe's just at a startup competition thing13:17
Mokbortolan_probably a coincedence, I'm sure13:17
kanzurethe goal is to use bootstrap.js/stripe.js as fast as possible13:18
kanzureso they haven't actually tested anything, i'm sure.13:18
Mokbortolan_well, I guess I'll just have to beat him to the market13:18
* Mokbortolan_ sighs.13:18
kanzurehe already beat you :P by putting up an order form13:18
Mokbortolan_he did!13:18
kanzurei know, it's annoying13:18
kanzureeven with no product..13:18
Mokbortolan_I wouldn't do that until I had product13:18
Mokbortolan_but that's just me13:18
kanzureor a product that, i dunno, also wokrs13:19
Mokbortolan_well, that's up to investigation :p13:19
chris_99what's bootstrap.js not heard of that one13:19
uniqanomaly_market verification13:19
kanzurechris_99: a library by twitter to help you throw up sites quickly13:19
kanzurewithout repeating common bullshit from site to site13:19
kanzurethere's tons of these libraries13:19
kanzurebootstrap just so happens to be pretty handy13:19
kanzureand for some reason, popular13:19
chris_99ah, do they handle the hosting or something for you, and you point your dns to them13:21
Mokbortolan_Do entheogen-induced mystical experiences boost the immune system?13:21
Mokbortolan_Psychedelics, peak experiences, and wellness13:21
* Mokbortolan_ gets some circuit boards made.13:22
kanzurechris_99: no13:23
kanzurechris_99: it's a javascript library13:23
chris_99oh its just ui stuff13:23
chris_99on an off-topic note, i've just started using the Play framework13:23
chris_99http://www.playframework.org/ it's a java based one13:25
chris_99i know java isn't very popular these days, but it's got some nice features13:26
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ThomasEgichris_99, http://home.arcor.de/positiveelectron/files/controllable-cc-source.png13:34
chris_99nice :)13:35
ThomasEgishould give out 0 to 2 mA13:38
ThomasEgibetter to test it with an ampere meter befor connecting it to your skull tho13:39
roksprokThomasEgi: What are you using for electrodes?13:39
ThomasEgime? i dont use anything13:39
nsh_walrus tusks13:40
ThomasEgii just slammed together a constant current source :D13:40
ThomasEgithat's all13:40
ThomasEgii once looked for eleectrodes.13:40
roksprokah...well, i actually tried out several homemade ones last night13:40
roksprokand they all failed13:40
ThomasEgiand found a nice company nearby selling in low quantities for a reasonable price. pretty much everything you can ask for13:40
ThomasEgisilver-cloride was high on my list13:41
ThomasEgihttp://www.science-products.com/Products/CatalogG/IVM-AgAgCl-Pellets/ivm.html those were my favorits. altho i never actually bought any.13:42
ThomasEgithey also offer a great range of other scientific products.13:42
roksprokwow, thanks those look amazingly good13:42
roksproksomething else to look at is galvanic vestibular stimulation13:43
ThomasEgiif they wont ship to your place, just tell me, i'll try picking them up from their office then.13:43
roksprokit uses about the same current13:43
roksprokand would be a good 'proof current is flowing'13:43
ThomasEgichris_99, oh.. wait. thet circuit has a mistake :D13:43
roksprokas well as a hit if you are in meetings with investors/potential employees/ etc.13:44
ThomasEgichris_99, updated the file, same link. just refresh. the diode D2 was the wrong way round13:47
ThomasEgichris_99, bill of materials for the circuit, 49 euro-cent, in single-quantities.13:54
ThomasEgi49.4 to be precise13:54
chris_99the main cost for their project is the electrodes + breadboard13:55
chris_99are you sure that circuit would only give 2mA out13:56
ThomasEgipretty sure13:56
ThomasEgiyou can test tho13:56
ThomasEgithat means. if your battery is not going over the maximum voltage of the transistor,13:56
ThomasEgithat would be around 40 volts or so13:56
ThomasEgiif the transistor dies. you'r doomed anyway :D13:57
chris_99i'd play around simulating it in LTSpice but i can't get wine running13:58
ThomasEgiif you increase the value of R2 it will be even less current13:59
chris_99R2 seems to be what's controlling the current really13:59
ThomasEgii can explain to you. but i just got invinted to a game. so it will have to wait like.. maybe 40 to 50 minutes13:59
chris_99unless i've missed something isn't the collector current 100mA14:14
chris_99for that14:14
ThomasEgii will explain soon. maybe 20 minutes :)14:18
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ThomasEgiok. they played fast. and are up for another game :D14:21
chris_99got it now, the guys in electronics, reminded me of  Ic = Ib * hFE14:22
ThomasEgiin this case. Ib is self adjusting. because  if you increase the voltage at the Base, the emitter will follow (minus the BE voltage drop)14:24
ThomasEgiso you pretty much get a voltage forced on R2. which defines the current14:24
chris_99so whats the gain for this transistor?14:27
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ThomasEgichris_99, it doesnt matter14:40
ThomasEgiwill be back in. like 15 minutes or so14:40
ThomasEgiok. now i have time again14:52
ThomasEgiso. i will explain from left to right R1 and D1 make a constant voltage, of 4.7V14:53
ThomasEgijust to be independand from the battery or powersupply voltage14:54
ThomasEgithen comes the poti and the diode D214:54
ThomasEgiD2 is in forward-direction. so it drops about 0.7 volt. it compensates for the transistors BE-voltage drop, which is about the same.14:55
chris_99so whats the voltage at B?14:55
ThomasEgibetween 0.7 and 4.7 volt14:55
ThomasEgiwith respect to ground14:56
chris_99ok so the transistor's biased to be always on14:56
ThomasEgithe transistor's current depends on the B-E voltage14:56
chris_99transistors are normally on at 0.6V+14:56
ThomasEgibetween 0.6 and 0.7 V jeah14:57
chris_99ok so the transistor is always on then14:57
ThomasEgihehe. not really14:57
ThomasEgiit is not a discrete on or off.14:57
chris_99above 0.6v it's 'on' though14:58
ThomasEgithat is where R2 kicks in.14:58
chris_99i understand its analogue14:58
ThomasEgiimagine a B-ground voltage of 3 volt14:58
ThomasEgithat woult, without R2, turn the transitstor on.14:58
ThomasEgithat would make a lot of current flow through the transistor.14:58
ThomasEgi. now we add R2.14:58
chris_99so what current range do you reckon you're circuit would give?14:59
ThomasEgiwait for the explanation of R2 :)14:59
ThomasEgiif you put 3volt on B, then a big current flows through the transistor, which in turn, drops a voltage at R214:59
ThomasEgiwhich again. increases the potential of E, and therefore reduces the BE voltage again.15:00
ThomasEgiit is sort of self-regulating. the higher the voltage at B, the higher the current, the higehr the voltage drop at R215:00
ThomasEgithe actual current that flows is roughly the voltage between B and ground , minus the BE saturation voltage, and that divided by R215:01
ThomasEgiso whatever happens, your current will never ever rise over (4.7V-0.6V)/R215:02
chris_99what formulae is that from?15:02
ThomasEgifrom the circiut15:03
ThomasEgisince i added D2, it gets even easier15:03
ThomasEgias d2 drops about the same voltage as BE. which is ,about 0.7 volt15:03
ThomasEgiah wait15:03
ThomasEgibullshit :D15:04
ThomasEgiwait again15:04
ThomasEgino.. it is correct15:04
ThomasEgisry. am a bit low on food for hours15:04
ThomasEgisimplified, it is roughly 4V/R215:04
ThomasEgigiven your transistor is alive.15:05
ThomasEgiand not broken.15:05
ThomasEgithis formular neglects a few minor effects. but the error introduced by that is smaller than the resistor tollerances. so no need to drag it around15:05
ThomasEgithe circuit itself is rather stable, and should work with a veriety of parts, the values of R2 and D1 define the maximum current so you probably want to stick with them15:08
ThomasEgihm.. i am afraid my explanation went right over any non EE head in here.15:09
ThomasEgifeel free to ask question :) i'll try to explain15:09
chris_99i'm just reading up on the transistor formulae now :)15:10
ThomasEgiR = U / I15:11
ThomasEgioh transistor15:11
ThomasEgisry. read resistor15:11
ThomasEgitransistors are nonlinear parts15:11
ThomasEgitheyr formulars are pretty dificult15:11
ThomasEgiand. you probably wont be able to figure out anything from looking at them15:12
chris_99i need to order 'the art of electronics'15:12
ThomasEgibut. as you know. below the 0.6 volt, the transistor is non-conducting15:12
chris_99was recommended it a while ago15:12
ThomasEgimeans it is "off"15:12
ThomasEgiif you go above that voltage, the base-current will start to flow (and with a multiple of that, the collector current)15:13
ThomasEgithe emitter current is basis+collector current. but since the collector current is usually hundret times bigger. collector and emmiter are almost equal.15:13
ThomasEgithe more the transistor "turns on" , means if more current flows, the resistor R2 will reduce the BE voltage again.15:14
ThomasEgiso it counteracts. and balances.15:15
ThomasEgithe transistor is neither on, nor off. but somewhere inbetween.15:16
ThomasEgiin most transistor datasheets there are diagrams15:16
chris_99yup :)15:18
ThomasEgithose can help you to find the BE voltage, but it is roughly 0.6 volt.15:18
ThomasEgiin your case you would want to ahve a look at a diagramm showing the Ube for 2mA collector current.15:18
chris_99what kind of electronics are you into out of interest?15:18
ThomasEgiall sorts of.15:19
ThomasEgicommercially. i build an sell controlling units, that can be attached to computers via usb15:19
ThomasEgithey are used to turn LED's or small motors on and off.15:19
ThomasEgiusualy at info-panels in exhibitions.15:19
ThomasEgito indicate where on a map a certain thing is located.15:19
chris_99ah cool, using a microcontroller?15:19
chris_99nice i've just been playing around with PICs recently, made a GPS clock15:20
ThomasEgianother region of interest of mine is, building free-space optics.15:20
ThomasEgii am more into ATMEL's product range. mainly due to the good documentation and the nice pipeline under linux15:20
chris_99i'm using PICs under linux too actually15:21
ThomasEgiso the other interesting thing is sending data around, using a couple of led's lenses and electronics.15:21
ThomasEgia bit like wlan. but with light instead of wifi-radio15:21
ThomasEgiand . a while ago, i became interested in implants :)15:21
chris_99tried making one?15:22
ThomasEgii am still working on my building-blocks.15:22
ThomasEgii intend to build a set of modules first. which can be easily re-used to build more advanced stuff.15:23
ThomasEgicurrently working on subdermal powersupplies, including inductive charging15:23
chris_99ooh cool :)15:23
ThomasEgii pretty much finished my tests with magnetometers as sensors.15:23
ThomasEginext on my list are tests with TI's ADS119x chips15:24
chris_99i'm curious about nuclear batteries at the moment15:24
ThomasEgias they would allow to get information out of nerves and muscles.15:24
ThomasEgiand last but not least, i need to get some electrodes and output working15:24
ThomasEginuclear batteries? for implants?15:24
chris_99for all sorts, but yeah you could use them inside the body i guess15:25
chris_99they used to be used in pacemakers15:25
chris_99not sure if they still are15:25
ThomasEgihm... it is true that implants are very low power. at least most of them.15:25
ThomasEgibut from my estimates. most implants i had in mind would run almost 2 weeks on a tiny li-cell that can be recharged in one night15:25
ThomasEgiwhich would be a good deal, especially since they are cheap and easy to get hands on15:26
chris_99i wanted to try and buy one of these http://www.citylabs.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=10&Itemid=2515:26
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ThomasEgihm. 20 microwatts.15:29
ThomasEgithat would cut it pretty close.15:30
chris_99i only wanted it to play with really see what i could use it for15:31
ThomasEgithat's sure enough to power a clock. but powering something like an magnetometer, or angular rate sensor would be out of question15:31
ThomasEgi20 microwatts aint much. you could power a lcd wristwatch with that , i guess15:32
ThomasEgihm. holds a total of 12kJ energy...15:33
ThomasEgitiny li-ion battery has like 1.2kJ15:34
ThomasEgiwith the advantage of it to be easily rechargeable.15:35
ThomasEgibtw. i just gave the circuit a run.15:35
chris_99works out well?15:37
ThomasEgiit does work pretty well. unless your head-resistance is too high. in that case, by the ohmian law, there simply is less current flowing than you set.15:37
ThomasEgibut from shorting the electrodes up to several kOhm head-resistance, it keeps the current constant.15:38
ThomasEgiit never exceeds the set current. guess that is the most important part.15:39
ThomasEgido you have any experience-values for the resistance between the electrodes15:39
chris_99nah, i've never used electrodes myself15:40
ThomasEgichapter 4.2.615:42
ThomasEgia very simple circuit. that can act als constant current source. i pretty much recommend that , additionally15:43
ThomasEgijust for safety in case the transistor breaks due to ,, i dunno, drowning in coke or beer or so15:43
ThomasEgior... a fuse or so.15:45
ThomasEgibetter be safe than sorry15:45
ThomasEgicircuit itself works. but if the parts fail, there is no fallback atm.15:45
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delinquentmeskrillex is my hero16:02
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kanzure"in the early days of personal computing, when you would go to Radio Shack to buy a set of transistors, you had to individually test each one, because they had a 50% chance of not performing to spec."16:29
delinquentmei like the part where.. engineering disciplines16:30
ThomasEgihehe . well in this circuit, will work as long as the part is not completely broken.16:32
ThomasEgiperforming out of spec is not an issue here16:32
delinquentmedustep cat http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgGfOb101V016:37
delinquentmereminds me of the little i know about capacitors16:38
uniqanomaly_http://grooveshark.com/#!/artist/Kryptic+Minds/100645 dat17:00
delinquentme^^ wut is did uniqanomaly_17:01
uniqanomaly_some real music17:02
delinquentmewhich song?17:05
delinquentmelistening to one of us17:05
delinquentmesounds like it could have a little heft17:05
delinquentmedark ambient type stuff17:07
delinquentmenot bad :D17:07
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roksprokto anyone who is experimenting with tdcs: i have finally gotten my electrodes to work.  it is a plastic water bottlecap with a hole in the center, a wire inserted into the hole into a 2in by 2in yellow kitchen sponge.  the back of the sponge is layered in duck tape to isolate it from your fingers or whatever you are using to hold it on your head.  the conductive solution is a 1:1:.5 ratio of salt: water: flour.  use a bunch of salt, my failures turned o17:11
roksprokbe due to not enough salt in my saline solution17:11
roksprokconnected to a nine-volt this resulted in 7mA of current from one side of my head to the other17:12
delinquentmeroksprok, how are you locating this charge?17:12
delinquentmeisnt that a key part of the hardware?17:12
roksproki was doing galvanic vestibular stimulation, so i put one sponge on each mastoid17:13
delinquentmeand the sponges sound kinda sketchy for skin contact?17:13
roksprok(the bony part right behind your ear)17:13
roksprokdelinquentme: that's why they are soaked in saline, wet sponges are used in a lot of the university research17:13
delinquentmeso its supposed to run a small current right through yourcortex?17:13
delinquentmei dont know much about this17:14
roksproki think the one i was doing was interfereing with the balancing stuff in your ear17:14
delinquentmederp wrong term17:14
delinquentmeon my part17:14
roksprokbecause when activated you're pulled towards one side17:14
delinquentmewell you use fluid within the ear to balance17:14
delinquentmefluid is probably ionized17:15
delinquentmeso that'd make sense17:15
roksprokthere is a pic of a university's equpment17:15
roksprokthose sponges are made by a medical supply company17:15
roksprokso they work better as far as saltwater dripping down your neck17:16
delinquentmehmm good to know17:16
roksproki haven't tried actual tdcs, but that seems to be what most people are doing, so i thought i'd include tdcs in there if people are searching the logs for stuff about it17:17
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roksprokalso after reading about this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_helmet17:18
foucistroksprok: very cool, do you have a writeup of what you did somewhere? :P17:18
roksproki'm a bit worried about the placebo effect17:18
roksprokfoucist: no, but i'll work on one once my camera is charged17:19
delinquentmeroksprok, get volunteers17:19
delinquentmeor if you have a pet17:19
delinquentmebut theyll prob try to pull it off17:20
roksprokdelinquentme: when someone gets home i'm going to have them randomly switch the current direction, and see if i drift in that direction like the volunteers did17:21
roksprokin actual studies17:21
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roksprokit looks like i'm going to have to improve my electrodes for tdcs stuff, as it needs more like 30 minutes17:22
roksprokand right now i'm just holding them to my head17:22
roksproki'll try to find a broken pair of earphones around the house17:22
delinquentmeroksprok, like a DJ17:23
roksproki'd like to get something like this going: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guaiDZdsDjI17:23
roksprok^ video of gvs headphone rig17:24
roksprokdelinquentme: i wonder if deadmau5 would put a unit in his helmet so he can be in 'flow' while doing his shows17:24
delinquentmeor if dr dre would like XXX + the weed17:25
delinquentmein his beats by dre17:25
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Mokbortolan_looks like that bargain-basement tDCS guy didn't come back to assplain himself17:37
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ThomasEgithat one with the lm334 ?17:46
Mokbortolan_No, his page referenced an audio amp17:46
Mokbortolan_lm456 or something like that17:47
Mokbortolan_lm334 is what I'm using :)17:47
ThomasEgilm is lm. they prettymuch are more or less the same17:47
Mokbortolan_yeah, those numbers don't mean anything really17:51
Mokbortolan_it's just marketing17:51
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ThomasEgisome parts differ. for some special cases you really need a certain one. but for most of the regular diy-projects, most are pretty interchangeable17:52
ThomasEgibedtime for me now.17:52
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delinquentmenice got my RJB process running within RoR parsing out the chemoinformatics stuff18:51
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ParahSailin_anyone know anything about oxytocin?19:34
n_benthait's good for sex!19:36
kanzureParahSailin_: i did this weird microbe once that was synthesizing it19:38
yashgarothit'd be pretty easy to make periplasmically in e.coli and purify over a size exclusion column, but what do I know19:46
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-!- sylph_mako [~mako@118-92-47-187.dsl.dyn.ihug.co.nz] has joined ##hplusroadmap22:02
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splicer> i did this weird microbe once that was synthesizing it23:38
splicerkanzure: what does 'did' mean in this case?23:38
kanzurewhatever you call all the prep working leading up to a inserting a plasmid23:40
-!- Juul [~Juul@] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:41
splicerok... thanks23:42
kanzurehi Juul23:42
Juulhi kanzure23:43
-!- yottabit [~heath@unaffiliated/ybit] has quit [Quit: idling as ybit, gn]23:54
--- Log closed Mon Feb 27 00:00:28 2012

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