
--- Log opened Tue Mar 06 00:00:39 2012
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delinquentmeplayed 2 games of SC207:19
delinquentmeRL hacking is so much cooler07:20
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kanzure"some scientists also fear that publication may allow curious amateurs to recreate the mutated virus — raising the risk of an accidental release."09:08
kanzurewho cares if it's amateurs or not though09:08
kanzure`“There ought to be oversight down the road,” Mr. Bobe said. `09:09
kanzurewhat a traitor09:09
kanzureif he's going to go around saying he represents the diybio community, he shouldn't betray everyone like that09:09
kanzurethat's not okay09:09
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strangewarpbut terrism09:49
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delinquentmenomz nomz12:47
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kanzurearchels: you're in the netherlands?12:49
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strangewarpCool, just bought some aniracetam and choline capsules, enough for 3 months at a light dosage.13:49
strangewarpNootropics make me so productive, it's just astounding.. but I don't want to have to keep buying these citicoline energy drinks, so I just bit the bullet and bought some pills :p13:50
kanzurei am in heaven14:06
kanzurecat blah.txt | xclip -sel clip14:06
kanzureno more pesky selecting14:06
kanzurestrangewarp: so far, none of the nootropics seem to be strong enough to make even 0.1% of its users to the level necessary to realize how exactly to manufacture it to their advantage (i.e. for less than what they pay per month)14:08
kanzurei would think that, in the scheme of things, the amount of room between "normal human" and "human able to synthesize this nootropic on his own" is dramatically small in comparison to what we imagine being the maximum impact of a nootropic14:09
kanzure*to what we imagine /the really good shit we don't have yet/ doing14:10
-!- indigenous [~indigenou@] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:11
kanzurehi indigenous14:11
indigenousAny news for me?14:12
kanzurewhat would you be interested in?14:12
indigenousAnything that is interesting :)14:13
indigenousWas reading about respirocytes14:13
kanzurestrangewarp: actually, i guess i can imagine a nootropic that only has the effect of helping the user understand and create more of /just that/ noot.. heh14:13
strangewarpIndeed, nootropics are good but not amazing - I'll probably invest in a DIY transcranial electronic stimulation rig once I have a bit of money. I'm already familiar with electronics and microcontrollers so that part is no problem (though I don't have the mathematics to build my own circuits; I've only done other people's designs)14:19
delinquentmeindigenous, respirocytes remind me of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_substitute14:20
strangewarpSpeaking of, time to solder a bunch of parts into a PCB for a musical synthesizer :314:20
delinquentmeyou know theres a light blue liquid which can be transfused @ 2 units a minute for massive blood loss :D14:21
delinquentmethey use it in like mexico and other places14:21
delinquentmestrangewarp: so far, none of the nootropics seem to be strong enough to make even 0.1% of its users to the level necessary to realize how exactly to manufacture it to their advantage (i.e. for less than what they pay per month)  << what are you after here?14:23
delinquentmekanzure, ^^14:23
strangewarpyou scared me for a minute there :p14:23
indigenousdelinquentme: Thanks for that.14:24
indigenousdelinquentme: the Pentagon of United States. . .artificial blood. . . wounded soldiers. . produced for Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency14:25
delinquentmeindigenous, its crazy to think that some of this shit is *IN USE*14:26
indigenousIt is at times14:29
indigenousSort of related. Currectly reading http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2009012914:30
indigenousOpen access14:30
kanzurestrangewarp: they don't cost that much.. $100 or something14:34
kanzureless than groceries14:34
kanzurei mean, in parts14:35
jrayhawkI wonder if meth manages 0.1%15:04
jrayhawkclearly a question we'll have to put to quantifiedself15:06
jrayhawkcoffee probably hits over fifty15:08
kanzurefifty what?15:08
kanzurewhat? 50% of caffeine users definitely do not make their own caffeine production pipeline15:09
kanzurethey usually buy it in bulk15:09
jrayhawkoh, you didn't define "manufacture" very well15:09
kanzurealso: i've never really checked but i dunno if meth labs are run by people on meth15:09
jrayhawkI don't think anybody but other tweakers would really be willing to interact with tweakers.15:10
jrayhawkTweakers are scary motherfuckers.15:10
kanzurewait a second15:14
kanzureso in the movie limitless, the character is portrayed as having enhanced brain function15:14
kanzurebut even then he still goes and hires some undergrad to figure out the formula/synthesis15:14
jrayhawkthe message is clear: you have to be an idiot to do undergrad work15:15
kanzure"synthetiqs" would be a cool name for a nootropics company15:15
katsmeow-afkspeaking of drugs, has anyone found a new supplier of adrafinal?15:16
kanzurejrayhawk: i hate myself for having thought of that15:17
katsmeow-afkand speaking of "drugs", the trial run today of 50g protien shake when waking up, followed later by one small sammich, i have not felt the need to eat all day15:17
Mokbortolan_katsmeow-afk: seriously, just get some modafinil15:18
kanzure"Illicit industrial-scale methamphetamine and MDMA chemical factory (Cikande, Indonesia)"15:18
kanzurewhy is it illicit in indonesia?15:18
Mokbortolan_adrafinil is not good for your liver15:18
katsmeow-afkbesides, i wasn't taking full doses of it15:18
Mokbortolan_kanzure: dude was busy15:19
Mokbortolan_and that guy had the equipment15:19
Mokbortolan_at some point, you just start tacking additional brains onto your own rather than enhancing yours to do everything15:19
Mokbortolan_and I bet he eventually did when he had a few spare hours15:20
* katsmeow-afk still would be happy with an olde 8087 tacked on15:20
kanzurei wonder how difficult a microfluidic meth lab would be15:20
* Mokbortolan_ postulates on the actions of a fictional character.15:20
jrayhawkkatsmeow-afk: You'll probably get better results with solid food; liquified food gets absorbed real fast and it's hard to avoid an insulin spike with it.15:20
katsmeow-afkjrayhawk, i did eat that ssmall sammich, and i plan on a small fish sammich before dark o'clock15:20
jrayhawkWhat are your goals, here?15:21
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katsmeow-afkhere in channel, or here irl, or here with food, or etc?15:21
jrayhawkWith the food.15:21
katsmeow-afkweight loss15:21
katsmeow-afksay,,, 100lbs15:22
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katsmeow-afkalso, i have been chronically fatigued, no energy, too much sleepyness15:23
katsmeow-afkdocs here say stuff along the lines of "take it easy, and i don't prescribe speed, never come here again", and all 3 suggestions are useless or immaterial15:23
Steelkatsmeow-afk, tried various noots at all?15:25
Steelor changing up your xanthines?15:25
katsmeow-afkno, could get no feedback or advice on anything15:25
katsmeow-afkthe adrafinal at least kept me awake15:25
SteelMokbortolan_ and myself, possibly kanz as well have all done an amount of reading on noots15:26
katsmeow-afklotta noots out there, documentations too, but i don't know anyone on anything15:26
kanzureyou should do what ray and fenn do15:27
kanzurejust take everything by the handful15:27
kanzuregobs and gobs of noots15:28
Steelkatsmeow-afk, I don't have a lot of time now, but you can poke me later for papers if you want15:29
Steel /r/nootropics is also (somewhat) useful15:29
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katsmeow-afk"/r/nootropics " means what?15:30
Mokbortolan_katsmeow-afk: where are you in the world?15:30
katsmeow-afksoutheast usa15:30
Mokbortolan_it's a reference to Reddit.com15:30
katsmeow-afkah, been there, will go again15:31
Mokbortolan_reddit is a massive forum, with thousands of sub forums15:31
Mokbortolan_/r/nootropics is one such subforum15:31
katsmeow-afki did not know the notation, thanks15:31
Mokbortolan_so you just type reddit.com/r/nootropics15:31
Mokbortolan_or you can do nootropics.reddit.com15:31
katsmeow-afkseems it must be http://www.reddit... , http://reddit... fails, just fyi15:32
katsmeow-afkdrat, gotta afk a few, thanks again, Mokbortolan_, will look it over15:33
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indigenousAnother one subscribed to, another no longer able to be seen15:46
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jrayhawkfenn: http://jackkruse.com/cold-thermogenesis-6-the-ancient-pathway/ somewhat more detail if you happen to have any patience left19:25
foucistcold showers FTW19:26
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kanzure"Oddly enough, cheese is one of them. So stick your knife in a nice big piece of cheddar and you might make it through just fine."20:59
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* katsmeow-afk cringes at his use of the written language21:13
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katsmeow-afkKruse keeps saying "cold" , but hasn't quantified it, what temperature is he talking about?21:41
jrayhawkhttp://jackkruse.com/the-evolution-of-the-leptin-rx/ has some methodology21:50
jrayhawkas with everything else, it's surrounded by annoying intuition/thought process cruft21:51
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katsmeow-afkIf you get lightheaded (and faint and drown) this means your not ready for the tub.21:57
katsmeow-afkas also opposed to you're not ready21:57
* katsmeow-afk is going to lose weight just from constant cringing while reading the written errors21:58
kanzureamputation is a good way to lose weight21:59
kanzurehave you considered amputating your body off of your head21:59
yashgarothlegs are p. much obsolete these days21:59
katsmeow-afkand cold causing cell death can lead to amputaion, so i guess his plan works!21:59
kanzurei wonder if i should add a medical advisory to this channel's /topic22:01
katsmeow-afkwhat is his aversion to metals? he puts 32F ice on his skin to lower it to 55F, while apparently saying a 55F cold plate is dangerous22:01
yashgarothto be fair to his lunacy, metal does have a much higher thermal conductivity than ice22:02
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katsmeow-afkyeas, but the 55F metal will not drop below 55F, while the 32F ice will22:03
yashgarothsure, but [some bullshit about hormones]22:06
yashgarothreads like a dr. bronner's soap bottle22:06
yashgarothexcept with science instead of judaism22:06
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yashgarothhahaha "SKEPTICS: You wanted data, and now I am killing you with it."22:07
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kanzurewin 622:23
kanzurewhy is irssi breaking on me :(22:23
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Steelhey kanz, found somebody out there interested in this shit who's actually doing useful shit unlike me22:46
kanzureis that a question?22:46
Steelno, a statement22:46
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SteelMokbortolan_, you around?22:52
kanzureSteel: were you going to say anything else22:52
kanzureor just leave me hanging22:52
Steelkanzure, a guy who does ubiquitous computing, distributing/networked computing, and automated facial tracking and recognition22:53
Steelalso a transhumanist, if not really involved in any group22:53
Steellet me be happy I find useful people :P22:54
Steeland can update them on what other people are working on they might find interesting22:54
kanzurealright whatever22:54
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foucistSteel: the kanz is just jealous of your guy23:01
Steelkanz is tired of me being all talk23:02
Steeland no do :P23:02
SteelMy thesis is due by middle of april, kanzure, you can read it if you want when I'm done :P23:02
kanzureSteel: http://phdchallenge.org/23:13
kanzure2010 was "i smoke crack rocks" http://phdchallenge.org/call-for-participation-201023:13
Steelhah, no. I want to leave as soon as possible.23:15
kanzurei think the winner was sort of cheating23:17
kanzurenot exactly subtle to directly quote it23:17
Steelkanz, feedback? http://transhumani.com/topic67.html23:31
Steel(in here, obv)23:32
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kanzureSteel: yeah my first thought is.. use some hall effect sensors23:36
kanzureor some other magnetometer23:36
Steelah, to check against?23:51
--- Log closed Wed Mar 07 00:00:40 2012

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