
--- Log opened Wed Mar 07 00:00:40 2012
-!- yashgaroth [~f@cpe-24-94-5-223.san.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving]00:02
kanzureno to make measurements in the first place...00:09
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kanzurewin 600:09
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kanzurehi Cyndre_00:10
kanzurewrite out the plan and we'll take a look at it00:10
kanzurealso, detail which parts you need help on or which parts you know00:10
* kanzure sleeps00:11
kanzurewha? i'm serious00:11
Cyndre_its actually just an idea right now - say a 20x20 pin pad that gets implanted into the forearm - you then send electrical signals the same strength as neurons send into the arm in patterns matching certain charaters on the screen.  Hoping that over time I will be able to repeat in reverse and not have to worry about my carpal tunnel surgery tomorrow00:12
Cyndre_like smiling works in reverse this will eventually allow you to repeat the electrical patterns back into the system to type through training00:13
kanzureCyndre_: don't worry i will probably join you for carpal surgery eventually http://www.seanwrona.com/typeracer/profile.php?username=kanzure00:14
Cyndre_very nice, I am only about 100 - 11000:14
Cyndre_but massive tight scars on my right hand probably limit that00:15
Cyndre_lmao, the last knuckle on my middle finger is currently split wide open 1/8 of an inch or so from bending it00:16
kanzurei think your typing technique might be flawed00:16
Cyndre_using a qwerty keyboard?00:17
kanzureok but seriously i need sleep00:17
Cyndre_night man00:17
kanzureyou can bug Steel or something, dunno who else is up00:17
Cyndre_nee3d sleep to surgery in 9 hours00:17
Cyndre_and trying to finish a few things on my site before my hands gimped00:17
kanzurejust remember... you can always use a direct neural interface at a whopping 10 bits per minute00:18
kanzureoops i mean http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/implants/00:18
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archelskanzure: NL, yes02:10
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thesnarkhi kanzure06:55
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delinquentmehttp://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2012/profile-azoulay-0229.html  << some dude anzlyzing what makes scientists productive08:36
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kanzurei like this billionaire:09:10
jrayhawkI think he may be the one who gave Alessio Fasano's department 40 million dollars for research.09:25
delinquentmenot loading for meeee09:33
cluckjpaywalled :(09:41
kanzurecluckj: welcome back09:42
archelskanzure: Do you need any cheese or tulips?09:45
kanzurewhat? no i don't think so09:46
delinquentmecluckj, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/06/magazine/06murdock-t.html?_r=109:46
delinquentmedah u go09:46
delinquentmeSO @ what level of automation can lab equipment start to benefit ?09:50
delinquentmeim going b ack and forth on which would be more beneficial a programmable orbital shaker or syring pump09:51
kanzuresyringe pump please09:51
delinquentmesyringe pumps can be used in microfluidics .. so that could be really helpful09:51
delinquentmekanzure, im putting off the LH for a bit ... i dont feel *CURRENTLY* equipped to make it what it should be09:51
delinquentmeso start w something smaller and more monitizeable09:52
cluckjkanzure what have you been up to lately?09:55
kanzurecluckj: dna synthesizer, pokemon source code, other things i'm forgetting, scraping09:58
cluckjdiy dna synthesizer?09:58
cluckjsweet :)10:02
kanzureVicarious: i reject your sense of time and substitute my own10:05
kanzureit is definitely not morning, good sir :)10:05
Vicariousbut the internet doesn't have timezones10:06
Vicarioushence it's always morning on the internet :P10:06
kanzureno no10:06
archelskanzure: because you were asking whether I was in NL.10:06
kanzurethe internet is timeless10:06
kanzurearchels: i don't see what that has to do with cheese10:07
kanzuredoes NL have lots of tulips?10:07
archelsyes, and cheese!10:07
Vicariouskanzure: not true, you don't remember internet time ?10:07
kanzureVicarious: unix epoch?10:08
archelsk, pizzatime10:08
kanzurepizzatime, morning time.. i'm really confused10:09
cluckjpizza for breakfast?10:09
cluckjthe truth is that it's always pizzatime10:09
cluckjso it would not be a good measure of time....10:10
delinquentmethat makes me want pancakes10:11
kanzuredelinquentme: el cheapo ways to make very repeatable syringe pumps would be nice10:19
kanzureespecially programmable syringe pumps that i can leave running for 20-50 hours at a time10:19
kanzurealso, especially if i can cram a lot of them together in a small space10:19
kanzurealso! if they don't cost a fuckton. i think i mentioned that.10:19
ThomasEgikanzure, stepper motor + thread ?10:23
ThomasEgieasy to controll, and very precise if you need it to be10:23
kanzureThomasEgi: http://staff.bath.ac.uk/ensab/replicator/Pix/syringe-pump-h.jpg10:23
kanzurethat's the one that adrian bowyer (of reprap fame) made10:23
kanzurehere's a commercial one:10:25
kanzure$1500 hah10:25
kanzure"Infusion rates from 8 pl/hr (.5 µl cc syringe) to 2545 µl/min (140 cc syringe)"10:25
ThomasEgihehe. lol.i could recommend the commeercial-like setup.10:25
kanzurei don't understand why it costs so much10:25
kanzuredoes the stepper cost a lot?10:26
ThomasEgiwith the clamp for the syringe, the linear bearing. and a fine threaded thread. and stepper motors.10:26
ThomasEgithey are bargain10:26
kanzureok.. maybe they charge a lot for the red paint10:26
ThomasEgithey charge for the medical-grade quality10:26
ThomasEgithat means , medical certification for each end every part in it.10:26
cluckjcause it's so smoooooth10:26
kanzure"Advance Per Step: 4.252232 Nanometers"10:26
ThomasEgiyour syringe wont be able to put that into actual volumentric change10:27
ThomasEgidue to friction and the mechanical properties of the syringe itself10:27
kanzurein an ideal world i could have any number of syringe pumps in a system10:28
kanzureit looks like these take up a lot of space10:28
kanzureand $1500/syringe-pump is obnoxiously high10:28
kanzurediy syringe pump http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNdARr_t1dQ10:29
ThomasEgiif you get an M5x0.25 thread. and a stepper with 200 steps per revolution, you can get 1.25μm stepping. that is probably already finer than your syringe mechanics can forward10:29
kanzurehis setup looks a little large but w/e http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIxWe7G7giY10:30
chris_99could you use an inkjet printer to dispense liquid like that10:31
ThomasEginote: for stepper motors there are ready-2-use driver ic's, that allow even microstepping.10:31
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ThomasEgiso.. with microstepping, you may get even better resolution, altho it would be futile unless the rest of the mechanics is superb. basic setup as seen in the vid10:32
ThomasEgiyou could get nanometer stepping with piezo-linear motors. not cheap and diy tho.10:33
kanzureah didn't know he had a site http://aonomus.wordpress.com/tag/microfluidics/10:33
kanzureThomasEgi: i think ultimately the form factor should be pcb board + syringe pump + maybe some chasis over it + the syringe10:34
kanzurebut maybe i'm misunderstanding the necessary shape10:34
ThomasEgihm.. that's not impossible. but conciderably trickier to build10:34
kanzurewhat's the least tricky way10:35
ThomasEgithat would be more like the first link you send, with the small motor unit attached to the syringe. but i would recommend a stepper motor instead of a DC one10:35
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kanzureyeah i haven't used many microsteppers, i'm unaware10:35
ThomasEgiwhat's easy usualy depends on your tools and skills. something like the big plexi-glass models are easiest for most people around10:36
ThomasEgiyou dont need microsteppres. just a regular stepper motor. the stepping/microstepping is done by the electronics10:36
kanzurebut don't i need optical encoding to track microsteps?10:36
ThomasEgisteppers have fixed step-sizes10:37
ThomasEgiso if you make 200 steps on a 200steps per round motor. you'll get exactly one revelation.10:37
ThomasEgiyou can go forth and back as often as you want. as long as you stay within the parameters, the motor wont lose any steps10:37
chris_99what are you making kanzure?10:48
kanzurechris_99: microfluidic dna synthesizer10:50
chris_99ooh neat10:50
chris_99how do you create the actual microfluidic paths as it were?10:51
kanzuremany ways10:51
kanzuremy favorite is a laser cutter10:51
kanzurebut most people do photomasks with lithography10:52
kanzureor digital photolithography with a micromirror array10:52
chris_99aha, does lithography give the finest paths?10:52
kanzureor laser printer masks10:52
kanzureuh i don't know, it probably depends on their optical setup10:52
chris_99so do you etch one piece of plastic, then place another on top i guess10:53
chris_99and glue together somehow10:53
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kanzurechris_99: yep that's one way..10:54
kanzurechris_99: here's a bootcamp doc10:54
kanzurethere's a few sections about fabrication10:54
kanzurebut it's not exhaustive10:54
chris_99cool, thanks10:55
chris_99what kind of fluidic stuff have you made before?10:58
kanzurenothing worth reporting10:58
-!- lucaserickson [~lucaseric@24-113-42-199.wavecable.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:00
lucasericksonHi. I'm interested in mindfulness meditation.11:01
lucasericksonI've been doing yoga early in the morning for the past couple weeks, and meditating three times a day for 15 minutes each.11:02
kanzurehi lucaserickson11:02
kanzuresorry nobody in here is mindful11:02
lucasericksonHey kanzure, lol.11:03
lucasericksonHow are you?11:03
lucasericksonWould you happen to know if there is a correlation between the frequency of meditation and mindfulness? I've noticed some effects, but I'd like to benefit more if possible.11:05
ThomasEgikanzure, for laser printer masks i can barely get 200μm structures clean enough (on pcb's)11:05
kanzureThomasEgi: yeh it's not the best for sure11:06
kanzurelucaserickson: how the heck are you measuring "mindfulness"11:06
ThomasEgiah about micro-pumps. how about scanner mechanics?, they sometimes have very fine stepping resolutions11:07
kanzureThomasEgi: most of the scanners i've owned have been belt driven11:08
kanzureis that what you're talking about?11:08
ThomasEgibelt driven or not, the stepping itself is very fine.11:08
ThomasEgiif you pre-apply some force, so the mechanics wont have backlash11:09
ThomasEgiit might be a pretty easy way.11:09
lucasericksonKanzure: I've noticed more awareness of my own thoughts, measuring mindfulness objectively probably isn't possible. I'm wondering if there is an upper-limit of meditation time vs "possible" benefit each day.11:10
ThomasEgithey usualy have good stepers, well-fit gears. if you preload them, it may work11:10
delinquentmeman i love it when i jump away for 2 seconds and the channel blows up :D11:15
delinquentmethere are syringe pumps here for upwards of 4 grand11:15
delinquentmewhats brilliant is i can tell you right now that that does *NOT* pump those individually11:16
delinquentmemake a single modular pump? destroy that market11:16
delinquentmeBuilt-in program lets you enter up to eight commands to perform a variety of functions11:17
delinquentmeup to EIGHT11:17
delinquentmeEIGHT functions ! i mean human memory can only hold 7 ! WOW!11:17
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kanzureaww why did he leave11:18
kanzuredelinquentme: HOLY SHIT EIGHT???11:19
kanzurebut seriously.. that's pathetic11:19
kanzureand the fact that they would even use that marketing.. is sad11:19
kanzurewho would buy something that advertises itself as handling N functions?11:19
ThomasEgiyeah. even a 1970 daten microprocessor had a bigger command stack11:19
delinquentmekanzure, its the state of the market hahah11:19
delinquentmeyeah man.11:20
delinquentmeand whats even funnier is sales people have had this convo.11:20
delinquentmescientist: " It can handle EIGHT? " salesman: " E_I_G_H_T"11:20
ThomasEgihm.. that'd be agreat opportunity to laught at some pathetic arguments11:20
kanzurewhen you say it has N functions the first thing that i think is that you're a moron11:20
delinquentmeand we're talking bleeding edge of the market here11:21
kanzureand/or trying to peddle proprietary software on me11:21
delinquentmethis is on a $4000 dollar syring pump11:21
delinquentmesrsly i wonder what their base costs are on that11:21
delinquentme$100? surely no more than $50011:21
ThomasEgias i said. medical/lab grade equipment. getting it certified is a pita11:21
delinquentmedoing rails tutorial again11:22
delinquentmetheir autotests were lame11:22
kanzuredelinquentme: i thought you knew rails11:22
delinquentmeno_name_user = User.new(@attr.merge(:name => "bob_the_architect_of_the_future_mac_mc_hammerstein_bacon_III"))11:22
delinquentmeredux on rspec11:22
kanzurewtf? no man11:22
kanzureUser.new(:name => ...)11:22
delinquentmethis is in a spec11:22
delinquentmethey *were* creating a new object when they didn't need to11:23
delinquentmeback to the stringe pump11:24
delinquentmei think the whole click hardware interface is totally unnecessary11:24
kanzureit's just designed to aggitate you11:24
kanzureit's so that you have something to punch11:25
kanzurewhen you get angry11:25
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delinquentmelololol gilette is advertising how long their shit lasts11:33
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ThomasEgidelinquentme, if they wanted their crap to last, they would diamond-coat the surface. but to tell you the truth, they arent interested in it at all.11:38
ThomasEgibecause blades is what they make big money with.11:38
ThomasEgisrsly. i have seen polished polycristaline diamond plates. visitors were allowed to try and scratch the surface11:39
ThomasEgithey had everything available you could wish for, grinding paper. steel-brushes...11:40
ThomasEgithe brass block where the plate was embedded looked terrible. but the diamond surface looked brand new.11:40
ThomasEgiso everyone in my class tried to scratch that thing with all their might.11:40
ThomasEgiand it looked scratched. at least we thought it would. then the guy just whiped the dust off the plate. and. not a trace.11:41
ThomasEgithey had that block there for full 5 years when we visited11:41
ThomasEgiadmitting, it aint a cheap process to diamond-coat and get polish polycristaline diamonds. pretty much the worst thing you can try to do in your life. but it lasts^11:44
archelsThomasEgi, someone should bring in a diamond.11:46
ThomasEgioh about that photo-masking. anyone tried to mount a slr-camera optics over the surface-to-expose. and trace-paint the light with a reprap? (having the board and optics mounted fix, and only a laser source moved ) ?11:47
archelsI've heard that being done for making PCBs, but apparently it's not very productive.11:48
ThomasEgii only know about directly laser-expose with a reprap. i never heared about it by using optics to scale it down11:49
archelsThis is for PCBs, specifically?11:50
ThomasEgiDSLR optics are pretty good, after all, the image sensor pixels are only 5μm wide.11:50
ThomasEginah. i was more thinking about maybe using it for building smaller stuff11:51
ThomasEgifor pcb's you wouldnt need 2mil precision.11:51
ThomasEgior even signle-digit micrometer11:51
ThomasEgii was thinking about it for semi-conductor-masking11:51
ThomasEgiit may work with micro-fluids,too.11:52
ThomasEgibecause it pretty much projects the mechanical resolution of a reprap onto a ways smaller area.11:52
ThomasEgiwith monochromatic light from a laser source, that may allow pretty good accuracy.11:53
archelsA reprap seems like a shitty device to start out with; why not use two electromechanically actuated, orthogonally positioned mirrors?11:53
ThomasEgicause macro-obtics are expensive11:54
archelstwo loudspeakers, tiny mirrors and some superglue11:55
archelsPerhaps you could also mod the optics of a CD player (tracking/focus).11:55
ThomasEgistill a very in-precise system. hard to controll, nonlinear,...11:55
archelsHard to control? Just take some old computer speakers, control via soundcard. :P11:56
ThomasEgiyour soundcard is DC free11:56
ThomasEgiso.. no positioning at all.11:56
archelsmh and you need a Z axis (on/off).11:57
ThomasEgiturning off a laser/led really aint the problem11:57
ThomasEgithe good thing about projecting the lithographic mask/trace would be, you can check your design and handle it easily.11:58
ThomasEgiand in worst case, you can even hand-paint your masks on some transparent foil. (or use tape)11:59
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ThomasEgibbl. laundry12:02
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* delinquentme cracks up12:40
delinquentmeRS-232 interface lets you easily control pumps from your computer12:40
kanzure"... if you can find a computer with rs-232"12:40
delinquentme<del> computer </del> TI-8312:40
delinquentmewhat are these guys thinking12:40
delinquentmei guess they need to develop w the internal talent that they've got huh12:40
archelsuh, RS232 is still very much alive, and contrary to crap like USB, it invariably *just works*.12:44
archelsIt's the ultimate interchangable data connection.12:45
archelsAlso, a lot of USB devices just use RS232 comms with a USB-to-serial converter thrown in.12:46
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ThomasEgiarchels, true words of wisdom. altho the converters usualy sux13:26
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kanzure"For NOVA’s upcoming program “Cracking Your Genetic Code,” PBS has made a short promotional video demonstrating how you can draw your DNA out from a sample of cheek cells"15:30
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cluckjkanzure I do that demo with kids, it's pretty fun17:52
cluckjwe make lockets for their parents with the DNA in it17:53
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delinquentmecluckj, and the smart ass ones give them only gametes?18:10
delinquentmelulz innaprope18:10
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cluckjthey don't make those yet18:20
kanzurehi yashgaroth18:20
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kanzure"Thankfully, Lord Nightmare from the MAME/MESS project was in contact with a savant named Dr. Decapitator, with the necessary knowledge and hardware to make this possible. Even better, he was willing to do it just for the cost of the donor cartridges and supplies. This worked out to $250 per coprocessor."20:21
EtheraelYou're a strange guy.20:24
Etheraelnot as strange as this chick http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7_lSP8Vc3o but pretty strange nonetheless.20:25
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strangewarpI'm strange, lol20:52
strangewarp(I tried to resist the urge to respond with something corny but I could not resist)20:52
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kanzureyashgaroth: come back :(21:10
Stieru_Ridiris there a seenbot?21:25
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delinquentmedo we have electricians in here?21:30
delinquentmelike programmer / embedded / robotics people21:30
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Steel2delinquentme, when they're on, ThomasEgi and rdb21:31
Steel2and when I brush up on stuff, I've done embedded work but it's been years21:32
kanzureSteel2: yes i am just a sophisticated seenbot21:32
kanzureeverything else about me is superfluous21:32
Steel2!seen ianmathwiz721:32
delinquentmeSteel2, kanzure what microcontroller to use if i need like 10 of them .. need to be cheap .. and they've only really got to handle a stepper motor and a linear encoder21:33
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delinquentmeand like how do you pick these things out??21:34
Steel2dunno, I worked with the stuff the school handed me :P21:35
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yashgarotha hundred and fifty pages? damn you22:28
kanzureyashgaroth: you will read them and you will like them22:29
kanzurealso, you will probably find lots of errors22:29
yashgarothI will skim like the wind22:29
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yashgarothwhew the second half went a lot faster than the first23:01
yashgarothI do agree with his points on the hour+ ligations, though the necessity of octamers is worrying23:02
kanzurei'm not sure what his volumes were23:03
yashgarothstill, with high enough concentrations of reactants, a string of unligated hexamers might help the ligase along23:03
kanzurean hour per ligation reaction is stupid23:03
kanzureEffects of basepair mismatches on joining of short oligodeoxynucleotides by DNA ligases http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC146903/pdf/253403.pdf23:03
yashgarothit's common for most plasmid ligation, but if you can get superconcentrated ligase in a nano-drop, then that should drop23:03
kanzureplus thermal cycling23:03
yashgarothalso, the expense of waiting for an inefficient 6mer based reaction vs. the extra expense and hassle of an 8mer library23:05
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yashgarothlooks like he kept working at it though http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2994885/23:07
kanzureEfficient assembly of very short oligonucleotides using T4 DNA Ligase23:08
yashgarothbut yeah doesn't seem like nmz's template strand addition will work by itself, though the coding strand addition., with the 3 hexamers, should23:13
yashgarothI'd like to think a mutant ligase with more useful short-strand binding could be made, but only very painfully23:14
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kanzureyashgaroth: coding strand synthesis thing in the diagram was just an unwanted side reaction23:20
kanzurewait. i am corrupting things i think23:21
rdb*yawn* morning23:22
Steel3watson goes to wall street23:23
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yashgarothsurely I'm misunderstanding that kerfuffle about the $300million transatlantic cable to shave milliseconds off of trading transaction lag23:25
Steel3yashgaroth: that actually is a thing :P23:25
yashgarotharghh fuck23:25
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nmz787yashagaroth, you here?23:26
nmz787kanzure said you think the red bracketed step in that diagram would work23:27
nmz787 but the red brackets just indicate unwanted side-reactions23:27
yashgarothit seems that the efficiency of attaching a 6mer to a 3nt overhang is very low23:27
nmz787reports are that 5mer overhangs work well23:28
yashgarothsure, but then a 6mer library is right out23:28
nmz787but 5mer vs 3mer is an issue of ligase optimization23:28
nmz787why you say template vs coding addition would be different is interesting23:29
nmz787as it does bring up the point of where ligase 'rests' relative to the 'nick'23:29
yashgaroththe ligase seems to like a guiding strand on the free end23:29
nmz787if it can even 'rest' on a 6 or 10mer, half of which is ssDNA23:29
yashgarothit's 'accustomed' to working with a dsDNA strand the stretches off far beyond its reach23:30
nmz787well sure but it seems from this paper http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2994885/23:30
yashgarotheventually it'll work, but when a 2 hour reaction is considered fast...23:30
nmz787though the diagrams are unlabeled with respect to 5; and 3;23:31
nmz787i think they set it up such that they're ligating an oligo to the coding strand23:31
yashgaroththe implication is the fluorescent attaches to the 3'23:31
nmz787ahh it does say that23:32
yashgarotheither way, the efficiency of a 4nt overhang there is no better than a 3nt one23:33
yashgarothunless you have a helper strand, that is23:33
yashgarothbut it shouldn't be a problem to add the upcoming 6mer as a helper, even if you have to wash it off and reapply it for the next step23:34
nmz787i don't think even numbered sticky ends is a good idea23:36
nmz787with odd numbered sticky ends, the middle nt can never be complementary23:36
nmz787decreasing its melting temp23:36
yashgarothwait why can't it be compementary? you mean the middle nt in a 3bp sticky end?23:38
nmz787the middle bp in any odd numbered sticky end23:39
nmz787AAATAA ligates to produce a sticky end of TAA.... excess oligo is in solution, leaving AATAAA to hybridize... but the middle nt doesnt match23:40
yashgarothohhh right okay23:41
yashgarothwasn't sure if you meant hairpinning or what, but I gotcha now23:41
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* yashgaroth sleeps23:58
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