
--- Log opened Wed Mar 14 00:00:50 2012
-!- Stee| [~Steel@cpe-67-246-36-165.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:05
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strangewarpHmm. I think citicoline works much better on me than aniracetam.00:10
strangewarpWill switch back to citicoline, in pill form instead of those unwieldy drinks, after a while.00:11
Stee|strangewarp: once I have money again, I'm putting together a flavonoid super dose drink to test00:23
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strangewarpoh nice.00:28
strangewarpAniracetam improves my mood, and makes me more thoughtful, but only citicoline gives me unwavering massive motivation...00:29
Stee|have you tried oxiracetam?00:35
strangewarpTraditionally I've had fucking nasty problems with depression and laziness, so the difference was marked. Definitely felt like I'd reclaimed the state I was in back when I was a child prodigy.00:35
strangewarpHaven't tried oxiracetam; will probably give it a shot once I'm making money..00:35
klafka1hmm i want to try citicoline00:41
klafka1i have massive motivation problems at times00:41
strangewarpIt may be a personal-reaction, YMMV kind of thing00:51
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Stee|Thiel, couldn't you have thrown that 500k at something more useful than seasteading01:35
strangewarpNope seasteading is the big dream of people who like their futurism made out of present-day technology and shaped into hundred-year plans01:35
strangewarpSame thing with like.. human space exploration01:35
Stee|Oh, I'm fond of human space exploration too, but mostly as a resource base01:36
Stee|to crash metal prices01:36
strangewarpThere's gold in that thar moon01:36
Stee|fuck gold, get neodynium/lithium/gallium01:36
kanzurestrangewarp: "child prodigy" sounds like a wonderful way to make sure your kid grows up depressed01:37
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strangewarpoh definitely, absolutely01:37
Stee|it's about 70/30 from what I've seen01:37
kanzurethe moon is not 70% or 30% gold01:38
* kanzure sleeps01:38
Stee|I meant whether or not 'child geniuses' turn out depressed or not01:38
strangewarpShort answer: I was in an emotionally abusive household and forced through advanced and college programs when I should have been living somewhere else and seeing a therapist01:38
kanzurehave you tried beating them Stee|? that might increase it01:38
Stee|hah :P01:38
Stee|I was one of the lucky ones, but I also didn't have any particular thing I was a prodigy at01:39
Stee|good at music and english, didn't get a shit about either of them01:39
strangewarpI'm pretty much ok now though, aside from mood and sleep problems, and it seems I can control the mood problems with nootropics01:39
strangewarpCiticoline was even dampening my sleep problems too; and that was at minimum dose01:40
strangewarp500mg of citicoline might be extremely useful for me, if spendy - I'll see whether I can do enough music gigs to afford the monthly pills01:41
strangewarpMusic and English are great, hm01:42
Stee|yeah, but not really my thing01:43
strangewarpI get weird mental pleasure from music - not erotic - and so I've decided to make the kind of music that I would like to hear, but which doesn't exist yet :p01:44
strangewarp5 months' worth of citicoline is on Amazon for $38. Damn. Okay, that is motivating me to work :P02:11
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strangewarpoh right02:38
strangewarpklafka1: Forgot to bring this up, but, like the racetams, you need to take choline citrate for your body to absorb citicoline02:38
lichenive heard cdp-choline or centrophenoxine are better sources of choline02:40
lichencross the blood-brain barrier more easily02:41
lichenworth looking into if youre buying choline02:41
strangewarpindeed, I'll probably look into that the next time I need choline02:41
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strangewarpApparently, alpha-GPC is the form of choline that makes Nawgan's delivery of citicoline so effective04:50
strangewarpLooks like my next purchase will be citicoline and alpha-GPC..04:50
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strangewarpWurgh. This slump suspiciously coincides with my switching to a different nootropic. How extremely suspicious.05:42
kanzurecorrelation is not causation and such05:42
strangewarpInverse correlation implies negative causation; correlation implies but does not prove causation and more information is required05:43
* strangewarp afks for sleep05:46
kanzurepft at-keyboard sleep is perfectly valid sleep06:04
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kanzureheee yes http://www.reddit.com/r/shittyaskscience07:16
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indigenousIs that a. . a circlejerk for science ?07:17
kanzureit's where all the important questions are going from now on07:18
indigenousSome lol worthy question titles there07:20
-!- Mariu [Jimmy98@] has quit [Quit: be right back]07:24
indigenousJust got an email: Humanity+ Nomination​s Open for Board of Directors.07:25
* indigenous nominates kanzure07:25
kanzureoh noes not this again07:26
indigenousI really have to stop signing up to newsletters07:26
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kanzurewhere did toykeeper go08:33
Mariuhey kanzure08:33
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kanzurejavascript insanity: [].forEach exists but {}.forEach does not09:25
vrskanzure: [].forEach.call({}, f)09:25
vrsalso forEach is a method of the array prototype, of course Object.prototype doesn't have it09:26
vrsit must be said that when you [].forEach.call({}, f), only numeric keys get iterated over and only those that are smaller than the length property of the object09:27
kanzurei have a situation where i originally wrote some code assuming an object should be an array09:28
kanzurebut it turns out that i need relatively constant indexices09:28
kanzurei process this object with .forEach in a bunch of places09:28
kanzurei think i should just add obj.prototype.forEach for just that09:28
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-!- Mokbortolan_ [~Nate@c-71-59-241-82.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:30
vrs>add obj.prototype.forEach09:32
vrshell no09:32
kanzurewhy not?09:32
vrsor wait, are you writing es5? or for browsers?09:32
vrsaka, node or browsers?09:32
kanzurei'm writing for phantomjs09:32
kanzureit's a headless webkit thing09:33
kanzureso.. browsers.09:33
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kanzurei mean just myobj, not Object :)09:33
vrsthen stay away from object.prototype09:33
vrsyeah, do that09:33
kanzurei don't see much damage with modifying this particular .forEach09:33
kanzureesp. since it doesn't exist09:34
vrsyeah it's ok, the only prototype you really should stay away from is Object09:34
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kanzurevrs: why is there no .keys? firefox/chrome are both kind enough to provide a top-level keys() method09:35
vrsnonstandard I guess09:35
kanzureis there some other way to investigate an object?09:35
vrsinvestigate how?09:36
vrsyou can always look at it in the debugger of your choice09:36
kanzurehow does JSON.stringify() figure out what keys your object has09:36
vrsfor .. in09:36
kanzureyes but what mechanism does that use09:36
vrsbuilt in09:36
kanzurei like hasOwnProperty09:37
vrsevery browser has that09:37
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Coornailyou can look at objects like hashtables or arrays, and you can walk trough their elements09:44
Coornaillike [1, 2, 3] is valid, [1, 2, function() {vaaaa();}] is valid as well09:44
Coornailan object is just a bunch of functions09:44
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kanzure"There used to be a scam in England where people would use solvents to wash away the postmark from posted letters, allowing them to sell / re-use the stamps."10:48
kanzure"I used to work in a integrated circuit debugging lab. We had a pulse laser that we would use to ablate the layer of glass on top of the metallization so we could probe the die. While goofing around I discovered that I could vaporize the ink of dollar bills. The largest area per pulse was pretty small, 25 microns if I remember right. Maybe 100. So it wasn't very practical, but it worked."10:48
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kanzure"000233 - University of Pennsylvania, Lab of Chris Chen, Bioengineering (Jordan Miller)"12:02
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kanzureok.. so in conclusion: people used to buy $200/disc anime without watching it,12:35
kanzureand people would buy $2000 encyclopedia sets that they made monthly payments on12:35
kanzurewhat the hell?12:35
kanzurealso: http://tauday.com/tau-manifesto12:35
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* Mokbortolan_ writes the "father" of Hobbie-J to ask for a breeding pair of NR2B-over-expressed rats.12:47
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jrayhawkwell, the encyclopedias were an investment in your child's future13:02
kanzurelibrary card?13:02
jrayhawkthat's a bit of a barrier to looking stuff up13:02
kanzureand shouldn't the school be doing that anyway?13:02
jrayhawkobviously they were a rather dumb investment after the introduction of encarta and pals13:05
indigenousYou can pick these sets up very cheaply now in charity shops. Some door to door book sellers like 'the book people' made most of their money of these. In preinternet days it was good for kids to have easy access to information/read and be curious13:07
indigenousand precomputer in every household days13:07
indigenousI had a bunch of single encylopedias when I was a kid13:08
kanzureliving in a library sounds better to me13:08
jrayhawkthis is a good plan13:08
kanzurei don't see how to make information consumption reliably work otherwise.. without significant planning/delays13:08
indigenousI purchased a rather large websters universal dictionary recently. From around 1940. Most smalll towns severly lack decent library facilities13:09
kanzureyes that's another part of my genius plan (don't live in a small town in the 40s)13:09
indigenousIn my local library there are 6 bookcases for art, 6 for music and only 3 for all of science. This makes me sad.13:10
kanzure*if you have to live in the 40s do not live in a small town13:10
indigenousI mean the book was from 1940, most small towns in the UK lack decent library facilities now13:10
Mokbortolan_do you think there's a market for rats genetically modified for increased intelligence?13:10
Mokbortolan_or is that a foolish way to start a doomsday scenario...13:11
kanzureMokbortolan_: rats are kind of hard creatures to love13:11
kanzurei was thinking once that someone should start an 'adopt a lab rat' adoption agency13:11
Mokbortolan_pet rats are adorable13:12
kanzurewell there might be enough people who would adopt a smarter rat13:12
kanzureor even pay for one13:12
Mokbortolan_I wrote Joe Tsien asking him to collaborate in a pet rat breeding program13:12
Mokbortolan_I offered him full access to the animals and data, and discretion in the trait selection program13:13
Mokbortolan_hopefully he'll bite, or I'll have to start without him and learn how to modify the rats myself :p13:14
kanzureyou should learn how to do that anyway :)13:14
Mokbortolan_how does one actually go about over-expressing NR2B in the hippocampus?13:15
kanzurelots and lots of promoters13:15
Mokbortolan_I mean, in practical terms, where does the genetic modification take place?13:15
Mokbortolan_egg/sperm combination?13:15
Mokbortolan_modification of the egg or sperm prior to fertilization?13:16
kanzureyou would probably do in vitro fertilization13:16
kanzureGenome-wide atlas of gene expression in the mouse brain http://kiefer.stat2.sinica.edu.tw/SBJC/slides/2007-06-20.pdf13:17
Mokbortolan_are those traits heritable?13:18
kanzureif you modify the initial genome before in vitro fertilization then that is the genome that the cell has to use13:18
Mokbortolan_so are you talking embryonic modification or germ cell modification?13:19
* Mokbortolan_ reads.13:19
kanzurein vitro fertilization refers to fertilizing an embryo with specific genomic dna13:20
kanzurethere's another technique called scnt where you can physically replace the nucleic content of a cell13:20
kanzureum i am somewhat embarrassed to admit that i do not have a good overview/review of gene regulation mechanisms to make sure your protein is overexpressed in some known amount13:21
kanzurethis has a few ok diagrams of how genetic regulatory networks work http://bi.snu.ac.kr/SEMINAR/BioNetwork/Engineered%20gene%20circuits.pdf13:21
kanzureoh sometimes it's referred to as 'transcriptional networks'13:23
Mokbortolan_maybe I'll leave the modification to existing experts and focus on breeding protocols :p13:24
kanzurewhy :(13:24
Mokbortolan_one idea I had was to select for rats able to understand human speech, at least better than they do now13:24
kanzureand what would you start with to get there?13:25
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Mokbortolan_a regular rat, or if Mr. Tsien is willing, an NR2B rat13:26
Mokbortolan_or did you mean testing protocol13:26
kanzurewhen you want to select for something that doesn't exist yet, you have to start by selecting for something that does13:26
Mokbortolan_oh, right13:27
Mokbortolan_I thought about testing for the successful association between words and reward13:27
Mokbortolan_like, on a display, show the color blue and the word blue, then provide a blue door with food behind it13:28
Mokbortolan_or a similar mechanism (lever, etc)13:28
Mokbortolan_then do the same for "red"13:29
Mokbortolan_then combine the two13:29
Mokbortolan_and alternate between blue/red in a random pattern13:29
Mokbortolan_and then, once the rat was successful at this, take away the display and have him rely on the word alone13:30
Mokbortolan_tracking success all along the path13:30
Mokbortolan_highly successful rats will be bred, and generation 2 will go through the same protocol13:31
kanzurei don't think that selection experiment would work because the selector is not sufficiently discriminating13:32
kanzurehowever i have an alternative suggestion13:32
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kanzureyou can model the rat auditory cortex in NEURON and other simulators and then feed it audio data13:32
kanzurethen you can tweak different parameters (controlled by different genes) to see when/if auditory processing ability improves13:33
kanzureonce you know which parameters you are aiming to tweak you can start the selection experiments13:33
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Mokbortolan_and analyze for expression in the breeding program?13:34
Mokbortolan_err, no, I see13:36
Mokbortolan_to determine selection criteria13:36
kanzureyes you could analyze for expression (usually by mRNA expression levels or protein expression levels in histological slices)13:36
kanzureum right.. so anyway if you know what changes need to be made you could sometimes just make the genetic alterations to whatever defines the auditory cortex13:37
Mokbortolan_that's a bit beyond my skill level13:37
kanzurethe selection experiment is the run mostly in silico - you will not need 20,000 generations of breeding13:37
kanzure50,000 generations is also beyond your skill level.13:37
Mokbortolan_your'e right13:38
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Mokbortolan_would it really take 50k generations?13:38
Mokbortolan_maybe I could periodically bombard them with ionizing radiation :p13:38
kanzureto get the exact mutations on the right set of a few hundred genes? prolly13:38
Mokbortolan_I'm inspired by the russian silver fox domestication program13:39
kanzureviolence/aggression is much simpler than tweaking an auditory cortex13:40
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kanzuredo you believe simulations are impossible?13:40
kanzurewhat's the holdup? i don't understand13:40
Mokbortolan_no, I just don't know enough about them13:40
Mokbortolan_maybe i could participate more fully with a research group13:41
kanzureyou have an insufficient level of hubris13:41
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Mokbortolan_I am constantly downgrading the estimation of my own competence :p13:42
Mokbortolan_with each new thing I learn13:42
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Mokbortolan_or just bug the shit out of you until I learn enough to be effective13:43
kanzurealso.. i might be wrong but iirc mice/rats are able to be trained on auditory ques13:43
Mokbortolan_they are13:43
Mokbortolan_but, I would want the exceptional ones13:44
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Stee|they are13:44
kanzureFunctional organization and population dynamics in the mouse primary auditory cortex http://neuro.bcm.edu/_web/jc/sn/nn_2484(2)(1).pdf13:44
Mokbortolan_but variability might be an issue13:44
Stee|kanzure, there was a recent study where they hooked up neuroprosthetics to rats13:44
Stee|with an auditory tune feedback13:44
Mokbortolan_Yeah! i read that one13:45
Stee|Mokbortolan_, there's a thread now by a guy who builds/sells tDCS machines13:45
kanzurewas it "Changing tune in auditory cortex"?13:45
kanzurea thread?13:45
Stee|kanz, lemme check13:46
Mokbortolan_Stee|: please don't say "flowstateengaged"13:46
Stee|Mokbortolan_, what?13:47
Mokbortolan_"Our tDCS kit is the shit. Here's why."13:48
kanzurebah blah blah more marketing13:48
kanzuremarketing is lame13:48
Mokbortolan_especially when there's NO PRODUCT13:48
kanzureand even if there is product "Learn faster. Learn more. Be awesome." is not actually guaranteeable with tdcs13:48
kanzureMokbortolan_: if you do some reading on gene regulation, i'd appreciate some paper contributions for my collection13:49
kanzureesp. any reviews of specific control of expression levls of multiple elements13:50
kanzurelike say... 2 or 10 or 100 simultaneously different expression levels. that would be nice to know.13:50
kanzure> I can't believe the countless hoards that seem intent on forever13:51
kanzure> prohibiting exactly what I spent 10 years of my life and over $100,000 of my13:51
kanzure> money at university learning how to do. I have the knowledge, skills, and13:52
kanzure> desire to read and write the scripting language of life. But instead now,13:52
kanzure> because of people like this, I drive a taxi cab. With all these13:52
kanzure> bioconservative apes in charge, in the US, a biology degree might as well be13:52
kanzure> a degree in music appreciation.13:52
ThomasEgiMokbortolan_, want one? if there is enough demand to justify a few hours work i have to spend i can build that constant-current controll you would need for tdcs13:52
kanzureThomasEgi: btw what did you price your time at?13:52
Mokbortolan_I've got the parts, I just need 1-3hrs to sit down and construct it13:52
Mokbortolan_I'm in the middle of moving, sothat doesn't help13:52
Stee|ThomasEgi, do you have the magnetic implants?13:52
ThomasEgikanzure, i dont see this community as a commecrial entity, so i wont ask for money of my worktime. just the materials i use. that would be only a few bucks for pcb's and parts13:53
ThomasEgiStee|, only an rfid. i am still waiting for better shaped/coated magnets, that are easier to inject.13:53
Mokbortolan_ThomasEgi: I do want one though :p13:53
Mokbortolan_the guy who moderates the tDCS forum came up with a *really* elegant design13:54
ThomasEgii might skipp the magnets altogether. and go straight for the bigger ones13:54
ThomasEgiMokbortolan_, link?13:54
Stee|okay. ThomasEgi, if/when you do get them, I have some experimental protocols I'd like to test13:54
Mokbortolan_he hasn't posted about it yet13:54
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ThomasEgiMokbortolan_, a controllable current-source with 2mA isn"t very difficult to do, the circuit parts are hardly worth 2 $13:55
Mokbortolan_the trick is making 99.9999999% sure the thing doesn't let loose with too much current13:56
ThomasEgithere is no such thing is 100%13:56
ThomasEgiand meantime between failures is hard to calculate.13:57
Mokbortolan_fuses help there13:57
ThomasEgiusualy you have your resistors, they tend to never fail and limit the current even in case of the most catastrophic events13:57
ThomasEgiin the design i had in mind. there are only 3 active  parts13:58
ThomasEgione transistor. 2 diodes.13:58
Mokbortolan_can it adjust for varying load resistance?13:59
ThomasEgiunless you kill it with too high supply voltage or by massive ESD surges. they wont fail13:59
ThomasEgiit is a constant current source.13:59
ThomasEgiyou have a knob. that allows you to set the current between 0 and 2mA13:59
Mokbortolan_can you post a schematic? I'd love to know how it works13:59
ThomasEgii already did post a link here. some weeks ago. lemme find it again14:00
ThomasEgipretty much a textbook circuit, with slight adaption to make the current-controll indebendant of the supply voltage14:01
ThomasEgiif you want, you can add an additional protection resistor at the top-wire.14:02
Mokbortolan_I'd ask you how it works, but that would probably require you to explain elementary theories :p14:03
ThomasEgithat would limit the current even in the catastrophic event of a transistor-break-through AND both diodes breakthrough at the same time14:03
ThomasEgihm. well i could give you the short version.14:03
ThomasEgibut it wouldnt make sense unless you have at least a basic understanding of how electronic works14:03
ThomasEgiso if you are fine with currents and voltages i cant try to explain14:04
Mokbortolan_I know what each of the components do invidivually14:04
ThomasEgiokay. so. i will start left to right14:04
ThomasEgiD1 and R1 make a constant-voltage source. the output forks of to RV1. it will usualy be the zener-diode-voltage (in this case 4.7V)14:05
ThomasEgiRV is a poti acting as voltage-divider. followed by the diode D2, that simply drops 0.65V(i will get to that later)14:06
ThomasEgiso the output of RV1 will vary, depending on your knob-position. between 0.65V and 4.7V14:06
ThomasEgithat voltage is put on the base of the NPN transistor. that is where a bit of magic happens.14:07
ThomasEgithe transistors base-emmiter voltage is (in this case, pretty fixed) about 650mV (the same as D1)14:08
ThomasEgiso if you put 4.7V on the base. roughly 0.7 will be dropped over the B-E trace of the tranistor. the remaining 4V have to be dropped at R214:08
ThomasEgiR2 is 4Kohm , so if you put 4V on it, according to ohm's law , it will flow a current of 4V/2000ohm. that is 2mA14:09
ThomasEgigiven, that current cant be drawn from the collector of the transistor14:09
ThomasEgiif not. it will be less.14:09
ThomasEgiit pretty much doesnt matter if you directly connect the collector to the battery. or if you have 100ohms on it.14:10
ThomasEgiin worst case. your resistance will be so high, that that will be the current limiting parts.14:11
ThomasEgibut over a very wide range of load-resistances , the current will be very stable and constant.14:11
ThomasEgiturning the knob to lower the voltage at the transistor base, will lineary decrease the current too.14:12
ThomasEgidown to 0, or pretty close to 0 V14:12
ThomasEgiif you operate the circut from a single 9V block battery, i would adapt the Zener voltage to something like 2.7V, and R2 to 1kOhm14:13
ThomasEgithe whole circuit is stable, wont oscillate, is vastly independand from the transistor properties (any npn transistor rated the maximum voltage of your battery supply should do)14:14
ThomasEgiif you want extra-protection you can also add a simple FET based current limiter in the electrode wire.14:15
ThomasEgii wouldn't sell that thing as medical-grade system. but for most hobbyist who know what they are doing, that should be perfectly fine as long as you dont spill coke over the circuit or anything like that14:16
Stee|ask me in two months :P14:18
ThomasEgii guess the thing is pretty easy to build yourself. but if anyone feels so terribly unskilled i could easily make a few boards next time i build pcb's in my lab.14:19
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Mokbortolan_pidgin crashed14:29
Mokbortolan_I need a new client14:29
kanzureMokbortolan_: irssi, xchat, bitchx, osx people like uh... textual or something14:30
Stee|I use virc14:30
Stee|but it's not 7 compatible14:30
indigenousI use quassel. Good support on #quassel14:30
indigenousI use it on winodws but i is multiplatform14:31
indigenousWhat it looks like on windows: http://i.imgur.com/RWam4.png14:34
jrayhawkMokbortolan: let me know if you want an ssh account somewhere you can keep a persistent session.14:34
indigenousNot as feature full as mIRC with NoNamescript but probably the best up and coming. As you can tell I really like it :)14:35
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thylane54 nicks.  (sweet jeezus)14:37
kanzurehello thylane14:37
-!- A-Lusion [~A-Lusion@pool-173-79-31-144.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:37
kanzurehi A-Lusion14:38
A-LusionHOLY SHIT14:38
Mokbortolan_xchat is not free :(14:38
A-LusionI Love you guys already14:38
Stee|I love us too.14:38
Stee|what's up14:38
A-LusionI was recommended from #ai14:38
A-LusionOmg nootropics14:38
Mokbortolan_jrayhawk: Thanks! I need to implement that myself14:39
A-LusionSomeone set me up with more info, I been looking at ordering some nootropics myself!14:39
A-LusionI was thinking piracetum and chloline14:39
Mokbortolan_right now I'm using a "persistent session" in the form of a laptop behind my TV at home :p14:39
uniqanomalyA-Lusion: http://reddit.com/r/nootropics14:39
kanzureA-Lusion: well the best supplier online at the moment is Mokbortolan_14:39
Mokbortolan_changed the RDP port to 443 and Bob's your uncle14:39
A-LusionHave you guys heard of the protein that is showing evidence of photographic memory?14:40
Mokbortolan_kanzure: I'm out of piracetam14:40
kanzureMokbortolan_: dude you had like a shipping container of it14:40
Mokbortolan_I had 28kg14:40
kanzureA-Lusion: no can you link me to the pdb file?14:40
Mokbortolan_blew through it in 2.5mo, it was crazy14:40
A-LusionMy friend has the article he will be here in a  matter of minutes14:41
kanzureA-Lusion: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/longevity/14:41
Mokbortolan_A-Lusion: HardRhino is the cheapest good-reputation seller right now14:41
A-LusionI am sure you guys are aware of the article "zapping your brain into the fast lane to pure focus"14:41
uniqanomalyMokbortolan_ 373g/day? ;D14:41
kanzurehave some papers..14:41
Mokbortolan_uniqanomaly: I was a reseller14:41
kanzureA-Lusion: tdcs is interesting but the localization is weak14:41
uniqanomalyMokbortolan_: yeah just kidding ;D14:41
thylane>_>   http://www.wired.co.uk/magazine/archive/2012/03/how-to/make-a-biohack-lab14:41
uniqanomalyMokbortolan_: just imagine it14:42
kanzureA-Lusion: ultrasound has 2mm resolution (or better) http:/diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/ultrasound14:42
Mokbortolan_kanzure: I posted a paper on the tDCS reddut about a group that found  a way to focus it more tightly14:42
kanzurethylane: i keep track of diybio articles here http://bit.ly/diybionews214:42
A-LusionHoly shit so many links and information <3_<314:42
Mokbortolan_using multiple anodes to guide the current14:42
kanzureMokbortolan_: and how specific is it14:42
kanzurei am not amused14:42
Mokbortolan_fairly specific, IIRC14:42
Mokbortolan_lemme get you the link14:42
kanzurei'm just not generally convinced :x14:42
kanzurei'd like that14:42
A-Lusiontdcs stands for?14:43
kanzuretranscranial direct current stimulation14:43
kanzurebut really.. try ultrasound http:/diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/ultrasound14:43
A-LusionAha! yes are there DIY methods out that are.. safe14:43
kanzureit depends on how safe you want safe to man14:43
Mokbortolan_I have the actual text of the article too14:43
kanzureMokbortolan_: haha yes but the abstract is vague14:44
kanzurewhat's the actual resolution14:44
thylaneI need to biohack   histrionicotoxin.   PM me if you know how.14:44
kanzurethylane: why PM??14:44
kanzurewtf is this14:44
Stee|kanzure doesn't like pms14:44
Stee|they don't get logged into the gnusha logs/aren't public :P14:44
kanzurethylane: what do you mean by 'biohack'.. what do you need to do14:45
Mokbortolan_oh wow14:45
Mokbortolan_I thought they were just doing better localization on the exterior bits, but no, they're focusing on deep areas14:46
kanzurewell, how good?14:46
thylanehistrionicotoxins cannot be synthesized outside of million-dollar labs.   So biohack14:47
kanzurethylane: ok so you want to synthesize them14:47
Stee|histrionicotoxins are synthetically challenging, apparently14:47
-!- Stee| is now known as Steel_Gym14:48
kanzureis this chemical synthesis or protein purification?14:48
kanzurelooks like a chemical14:48
kanzurei bet there's some biochemical pathway that synthesizes it14:48
Mokbortolan_they don't talk about area besides the electrode size, 2cm14:49
uniqanomalyMokbortolan_: anything about stimulating few areas at once?14:50
Mokbortolan_the diagrams seem to show multiple channels between the electrodes converging on a targeted region14:50
uniqanomalya few*14:51
Mokbortolan_here's the paper14:51
Mokbortolan_it's a simulation, btw14:52
Mokbortolan_it doesn't appear to be something that is accessible by the DIY tDCS'er14:53
Mokbortolan_... yet14:53
kanzurewhy is a simulation inaccessilbe?14:53
Mokbortolan_matlab licenses are expensive?  I dunno, I guess I'm just speaking for myself :p14:55
kanzurematlab is not necessary for simulations14:55
kanzuremA/m^2 in "right inferior parietal lobe"14:56
kanzurerunning 1 mA through it14:57
kanzurethylane: this is more active http://groups.google.com/group/diybio15:01
kanzurethylane: scroll up :P15:02
thylanei found15:06
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strangewarpOkay, I can't stand regular people15:39
strangewarpAll caring about Pez and Minecraft and Democrats and shit15:39
strangewarpI am witnessing, in one of my old haunts, an argument about the shape of Pez candies15:40
strangewarpLast night I was advised by relatives to give up them dang brain pills and eat some whole grains.15:40
* strangewarp boggles15:40
jrayhawkyes, because the CXCR/zonulin cascade is so much healthier15:40
jrayhawkGOOD PLAN, GUYS15:41
uniqanomalyfuck whole grains, keto ftw15:47
Mokbortolan_Zombie paleo ftw15:51
* Mokbortolan_ only eats running, screaming people.15:51
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kanzureReceiving objects: 100% (4117/4117), 5.75 MiB | 372 KiB/s, done.16:00
kanzurefatal: Out of memory, malloc failed (tried to allocate 85018625 bytes)16:00
kanzurefatal: index-pack failed16:00
-!- Steel_Gym is now known as Steel216:03
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strangewarpzombie paleo, hahaha16:13
strangewarpI will definitely go paleo once there's some dang vat-meat on the shelves.16:14
strangewarpRight now eating meat gives me a nasty case of the guilts.16:14
strangewarpCould probably do vegetarian paleo, and counteract the increased estrogen from the tofu by eating a lot of button mushrooms... bit spendy and inconvenient though16:19
strangewarpPressing tofu is annoying, basically, and processed soy is spendy16:19
Steel2I just eat meat16:20
strangewarpbarbarian :p16:20
Steel2I'll uplift some animals or some shit to make up for it in a couple hundred years16:21
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Mokbortolan_I just wish quorn would see greater acceptance16:35
Mokbortolan_it's the food-stuff (emphasis on 'stuff') of the future (we will spend living underground)!16:36
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kanzurethe real barbaric act is eating at all16:40
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kanzureclearly the most buddhist of the buddhist are those who do not eat.. or something16:40
strangewarpI would love to have a body that doesn't require food, or sleep16:41
Mokbortolan_kanzure: the dalai lama eats meat16:41
kanzureor a body that didn't require a body16:41
Mokbortolan_though, he eats what he's given16:41
strangewarpkanzure: indeed16:41
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kanzurethe coloring looks really great17:10
kanzurei wonder what sort of blur/filter that is17:10
thylaneLets create a strange new bacteria. In the  garage.17:10
thylaneusing DNA17:10
thylanelet's do this17:10
kanzurei don't understand how you would do it without DNA17:10
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Mokbortolan_you can do it with UV radiation17:11
Mokbortolan_it's the bacteria doing stuff with DNA17:11
kanzureMokbortolan_: because of DNA, yes..17:11
kanzureMariu: that doesn't exist (except if you include viruses)17:11
Mariukanzure: gotcha17:11
kanzurethylane: are you a biologist?17:12
strangewarpnanites? needs more manites17:12
strangewarpconvert your manly chest into gold. now that's a treasure chest17:13
strangewarpoh god, help17:13
kanzurestrangewarp: you have been promoted to head of ##hplusroadmap marketing17:13
strangewarpno, no17:13
strangewarpthis is the worst decision17:13
strangewarpall I have is an associate's degree, chiptunes, and a sarcastic twitter17:14
kanzurethylane: no but really.. are you a biologist?17:15
strangewarpthat image, ow.17:15
uniqanomalyhttp://www.imdb.com/title/tt1017460/ dis17:19
uniqanomalySplice muvi17:20
kanzureA-Lusion: who's the friend you mentioned?17:21
kanzuremokbor's earlier ref. paper regarding targetted tDCS:17:24
kanzuresuperkuh: what do you think?17:24
kanzurei'm a little suspicious if nobody has been working on 'deep' brain targetting and this is the first paper of the sort to test it17:26
kanzureit looks like the cited abhishek work was only for one particular configuration of an 'array', which is somewhat of an odd choice17:27
kanzureha they used tetgen.. that's nice of them.17:28
kanzuresomewhat better than using netgen17:28
kanzure"However, the approach required heavy computational burden as the FEM solver needed to be executed repeatedly for every iteration, which made it difficult for the approach to be used in practical applications."17:29
kanzureiteration = different configuration? or iteration=treatment?17:30
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jrayhawk"16:14 < strangewarp> Right now eating meat gives me a nasty case of the guilts." while i don't presume to understand your value system, here, keep in mind croplands are vast ecological monocultures supported with ground bones and involving devastation of what meager habitat they provide at harvest time17:35
jrayhawkso if you value biodiversity or stable ecology or bioadvancement, free-range cows wind up being a fairly good option17:36
jrayhawk(or if animal bones aren't involved, there's *even more* soil mineral depletion)17:37
jrayhawkbasically you should be feeling constant crippling guilt about everything all the time17:37
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-78-36.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap17:39
kanzurejoe you are a master at your art.17:39
kanzurea professional, even.17:39
strangewarpit's an issue, then, of the guilt of destroying the resource-base and being complicit in animal suffering, versus the guilt of being the explicit reason for animal suffering and the redemption of shoring up scarce resources17:39
jrayhawkhave you met steve17:39
kanzurei'm pretty sure you're steve17:39
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kanzureand jenna pietrzyctyl is jules or something17:40
jrayhawki am the entire internet17:40
jrayhawkthis is all a rouse17:40
JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.17:44
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Mariuhey, Jay17:48
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kanzureyashgaroth: two things in the logs for you to look at.. first is that i am lacking any good reviews in my collection regarding comprehensive lists of gene regulators, second is the localized tdcs paper17:55
yashgarothso first, I know barely anything about neuro so I can't comment on any tdcs stuff; second, the sort of review would be "the entire field of molecular genetics" so you're better off asking a specific question18:09
superkuhI might be misinterpreting the infographics and my first reading of the paper, but it it does not seem very localized to me.18:09
superkuhAnd this is portrayed as a positive quality.18:09
yashgarothbut if Mok wants to expression that transgene in rat hippocampi, I'd check the allen brain atlas for a gene that only gets expressed there, and copy its whole regulatory region18:10
yashgarothalso IVF and SCNT are wholly outside of any garage tech, so I'd look into sperm-mediated gene transfer18:11
kanzurewhat's wrong with scnt :(18:16
yashgarothhow tiny can you make a needle18:17
Steel2inner or outer diameter18:17
kanzurei was preoccupied with making cantilevers for afms once18:17
kanzurebut those were not hollow18:17
Steel2inner diameter, my lab has 5um needles18:17
yashgarothSMGT is fine for this and it's literally "centrifuge sperm, resuspend in PBS with plasmid, inseminate"18:18
yashgarothalso where is the tsien paper, can't you just copy his regulatory region18:19
kanzurei'm familiar with *some* regulatory regions18:19
kanzurebut not in a comprehensive way18:19
kanzureyou know.. in the way that matters18:19
yashgaroththat whole field is still a clusterfuck, you can't just plug something in18:19
Mokbortolan_Set Ruby = CreatObject("Adodb.wat")18:26
yashgarothoh also Mok, lemme know when you get some more piracetam in18:26
Mokbortolan_I don't think I'm gonna, hardrhino beat my price18:27
yashgarothnooo okay then18:27
Mokbortolan_I just wanted to start a price war18:27
yashgarothp.s. silverex has the free version of xchat for windows if you're still looking for a client18:33
Mokbortolan_Ahh, ok, I'll check it out18:35
Mokbortolan_btw I'm not against carrying piracetam, I just don't see the point when a higher-volume reseller is matching my price18:35
Mokbortolan_of course, if they raise their prices, I'll definitely carry it again18:36
Mokbortolan_I will be carrying other things though, noopept, aniracetam, centrophenoxine, and l-theanine18:36
yashgarothcompetition's important, but if the threat of competition is enough, then hey18:36
Mokbortolan_I was just concerned about the reduction in the number of sellers and the rising price18:37
yashgarothmight be good to at least stock up, just in case the gov't gets too interested18:38
Steel2easy enough to import it yashg18:40
yashgaroth...for now18:41
yashgarothI'll base my opinion on how long my modafinil gets held up in customs, I'm at 3 days now18:41
yashgarothoh and if anyone asks, I totally have narcolepsfgmdkl;18:47
yashgarothwhoa what happened guys? I have this condition18:54
Mokbortolan_I'd talk more about that, but this channel is publicly logged18:54
Mokbortolan_transparency ftw!18:55
Steel2my abs hurt like a mofo18:59
jrayhawkdid animals punch you in the solar plexus and steal your lunch money after you mocked them19:00
Steel2dragon flags19:19
Steel2it's a type of exercise19:20
JayDuggerThat it?19:20
JayDuggerIt looks like a recipe for back pain without first having a good strong back.19:22
Steel2yeah, I have that too19:23
JayDuggerBack pain or a strong back?19:24
Steel2strong back19:26
Mariulater guys19:41
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strangewarpNoting, here, that PZ Myers is a douche, who uses the word "rational", but in his use thereof, merely refers to that which is approved by the slow-moving traditional science community.22:40
strangewarpAlso, he is pro-circumcision-without-consent for some mind-boggling reason.22:41
strangewarpBecause you can use that sense of "rational" to disprove false things, like spirit-animals and homeopathy, he assumes that anything that can be disproven therewith is similarly false. This is an oversight. This is also why he makes fun of singularity stuff, and short-timeframe transhumanist stuff.22:47
kanzuresingularity is not beyond the grasp of humor23:03
kanzureshort-timeframe transhumanist stuff is passing him by anyway23:04
-!- lichen [~lichen@c-76-105-164-184.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:16
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-78-36.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]23:26
kanzurewelp from now on this is how i'm showing off python23:27
kanzureand this isn't that bad for js:23:27
-!- ThomasEgi [~thomas@panda3d/ThomasEgi] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:33
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kanzureThomasEgi: what about an array setup for tdcs? http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/A%20novel%20array-type%20transcranial%20direct%20current%20stimulation%2023:44
ThomasEgineed to controll each current output independently?23:46
kanzurethink so yes23:46
kanzureand their setup looks a little small.. i would expect a larger number of array elements23:47
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ThomasEgikanzure, i havent looked too closely at the thing. need to go to university now, exam time.23:48
ThomasEgii may or may not be bakc within a few hours. but in.. probably 8 hours i will be back online23:49
kanzureman all this school is getting in the way of important things23:49
ThomasEgiif all you need is more current-sources. it should be no problem23:49
ThomasEgiwell it is digital signal processing exam. it isnt that bad^23:49
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