
--- Log opened Sat Mar 17 00:00:13 2012
--- Day changed Sat Mar 17 2012
rdbbiofuel cell, eh?00:00
Steel3wondering how hard it would be to put in a human00:00
rdbin other words, catch a bunch of snails outside and stick electrodes in them? :-p00:01
Steel3was thinking more stick it in you :P00:01
rdbI think you'd need a pretty big implant, or multiple connected ones, if you want to get a meaningful current out of you00:02
Steel3only would have to do a proof of concept00:02
rdbnot sure if this'd scale down to a very localised set of electrodes00:02
rdbthen again I don't know exactly how this works00:03
rdbbiology isn't my strong side00:03
Steel3http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retroperitoneal_space yeah, no good way to diy this surgery...00:04
rdbI'll stick to thermistors in my upper arm first00:05
yashgarothwait why are you doing surgery on your abdomen? for that snail thing?00:07
kanzuremark norman dissection of a giant squid00:07
kanzure400 MB (60 minutes)00:07
kanzurehighlights: http://museumvictoria.com.au/learning-federation/video-temp/public-dissection-of-giant-squid-video/00:08
kanzure"... There's things down there where their entire bodies are made of snot, they've got detachable heads, their teeth fall out, they explode and they eat their snot jackets. ... There is just weird things going on everywhere. ..." Dr Mark Norman00:08
Steel3yashgaroth: was basically saying that  playing with biofuel cells would be cool00:08
Steel3but the surgery is too risky/invasive00:08
yashgarothis there a reason you necessarily need it in that location?00:09
Steel3you need it wherever a lot of glucose passes through I think?00:10
yashgaroththat's anywhere in the blood00:10
Steel3I'd need to read the paper00:10
yashgarothliver might have slightly more, but not enough to be worth surgerizing00:10
-!- ziyadb is now known as ziyadh00:19
katsmeow-afkwasn't someone trying to do that in human trials to power insulin pumps and such?00:20
katsmeow-afki think they all gave up00:20
katsmeow-afkclotting is bad for business00:20
katsmeow-afkaltho, you know, your mileage may vary00:21
Steel3don't think they used these cells00:23
Steel3they haven't been human tested yet00:23
* katsmeow-afk nods00:23
katsmeow-afki dunno more, twas maybe 2 decades ago, obsolete now00:23
rdbanyone ever experimented with implants that release chemicals into the body in some fashion?00:24
katsmeow-afkthere's several versions of implantable pumps, none are diy, afaik00:25
katsmeow-afki take various pills that leak chemicals into my body,, or else this is a pretty good virtual reality i am stuck in00:25
yashgarothrdb, I'm guessing you don't mean a norplant00:26
rdbyeah, SR pills is an option, but it's still less controlled00:26
katsmeow-afki cannot help but think norplants are wildly inaccurate doses00:27
rdbnorplant is not what I had in mind00:27
yashgarothsure, but for a first-gen tech it's pretty effective00:27
katsmeow-afkso is depoprovera, i hear, it's a semi-slow-absorb oil, iirc00:28
rdbI hadn't heard of norplant before though, so thanks for bringing it up00:30
katsmeow-afkit's been around 20 yrs, i think00:30
katsmeow-afkthis might help, i dunno : http://duckduckgo.com/?q=%22slow+release+implant%2200:31
katsmeow-afkthis smells like norplant : Implanon – The Implanon Contraceptive Implant00:33
katsmeow-afkMirena is a soft, flexible IUD that releases small amounts of hormone00:35
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katsmeow-afkjeese, they are releasing lots of stuff nowadays00:37
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Steel3zacharycohn, what is up00:41
zacharycohnhi Steel300:41
zacharycohnhow's it going?00:42
Steel3have we talked before00:42
zacharycohni think we exchanged a few lines00:42
Steel3okay :)00:42
Steel3working on anything cool atm?00:42
zacharycohnSteel3: I have way too many projects00:45
zacharycohnI idle on this channel to learn passively about some biotech stuff for a project I want to start sometime next fall, probably.00:45
zacharycohnin the mean time00:45
zacharycohnMy next big project is going to be a campaign to "reclaim advertising space" with extremely non-commercial things00:46
zacharycohnexample: Buying a billboard and putting Nyancat on it00:46
zacharycohnor buying a 30 second commercial spot on TV/movie theaters and just having a video of someone staring blankly and somewhat creepily back at the audience00:47
zacharycohnThe goal with the content is to have something so weird and out there that people see it and think "Who the FUCK paid money for that and WHY"00:47
Steel3that's pretty cool00:47
Steel3just spare cash?00:47
zacharycohngoing to crowdfund it00:48
zacharycohnone of my hobbies is doing things that cause a bit of mystery in other people's lives00:48
zacharycohnexample: http://www.zaccohn.com/2010/03/new-mission-guerrilla-compliments/00:48
zacharycohnI would hide stickynotes with compliments in places. People would find them hours, days, weeks, years later and have A) no idea who put it there, B) when it was put there, or C) why it was put there.00:49
zacharycohnNo way to trace it back to my project00:49
zacharycohnor to me00:49
zacharycohnand so maybe they'd spend a few minutes that day thinking about it00:49
zacharycohnand it would make their day more interesting00:49
zacharycohnbecause too many people have boring days.00:49
-!- A-Lusion [~A-Lusion@pool-173-79-31-144.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:51
A-LusionAnything interesting lately ? @_@00:54
zacharycohnyeah, i just posted a bunch00:54
zacharycohnyou missed it, sorry. :p00:54
A-LusionTell me something neat then00:54
katsmeow-afki just saw a video of a chair that walks away from anyone trying to sit on it00:55
A-Lusionthat is interesting00:55
Steel3http://transhumani.com/topic68.html some general day-to-day news I repost00:55
Steel3in case you aren't rss feeding everything00:55
kanzurehow about you paste it in here00:56
kanzureinstead of linking away00:56
Steel3what, the news as I find it?00:56
Steel3or each link I have in that thread00:56
kanzuredoes it matter?00:56
A-Lusionahhh graphene news00:56
Steel3kanzure: yes? the forum topic has a sense of permanence to it for people who aren't around when I post00:57
kanzureSteel3: go away00:57
A-LusionHave you guys heard about the lens being developed to bring nano microscopy to smartphones ?00:57
* kanzure watches a giant squid00:57
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Steel3not going away :P00:59
A-LusionThis is an interesting article :I01:00
A-Lusiontable salt being used for the next gen of hard drives01:01
Steel3wonder how many atoms/bit that is01:01
A-Lusionnext gen computer hardware is coming out soon :301:05
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A-Lusionah well my eyes are bleeding01:09
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kanzureA unique advantage for giant eyes in giant squid http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S096098221200182008:15
kanzure"Giant and colossal deep-sea squid (Architeuthis and Mesonychoteuthis) have the largest eyes in the animal kingdom [ [1] and [2]], but there is no explanation for why they would need eyes that are nearly three times the diameter of those of any other extant animal."08:15
kanzure"Here we develop a theory for visual detection in pelagic habitats, which predicts that such giant eyes are unlikely to evolve for detecting mates or prey at long distance but are instead uniquely suited for detecting very large predators, such as sperm whales."08:15
kanzure"We also provide photographic documentation of an eyeball of about 27 cm with a 9 cm pupil in a giant squid, and we predict that, below 600 m depth, it would allow detection of sperm whales at distances exceeding 120 m. With this long range of vision, giant squid get an early warning of approaching sperm whales."08:15
kanzurethat does not sound like a ball08:16
kanzuresize comparison and image of their lense http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-1736573608:17
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delinquentmeyeahh nice!09:23
kanzurehi Jaakko9609:27
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delinquentmefaraday cages would isolate magnetism right?09:50
delinquentmeelectromagnetic spectrum09:50
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kanzurebrowser extension idea:10:09
kanzurereplace imperial units with metric units :/10:09
kanzurebecause damn.10:09
delinquentmeSince this process was not possible through clasic preparation based on four genetic factors (OCT4, Sox2, Myc and KLF4 C), they added two more (NANOG and LIN28).10:10
kanzureisn't oct4, sox, klf, myc, nanog lin28 the ingredients to switch a cell into pluripotency10:11
kanzureyep.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Induced_pluripotent_stem_cell#Genes_of_induction10:11
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delinquentmekanzure: do you have a repo of prototyped equipment?10:14
delinquentmespecifically im looking for examples of how people assemble makerbot type joints ... and just looking to eye through a bunch of prototyped frames10:14
kanzuretry #reprap10:15
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katsmeow-afkkansure said the same thing!12:59
archelsthank you Eugen13:01
katsmeow-afkEugen ?13:05
jrayhawkwas that a tcp "ack" or a cathy "ack"13:35
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Urchinconnection dropped15:18
Vicariousok, wb15:19
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Steel3what's up all18:29
Steel3interesting, most people in here are only on this one channel18:32
nathanielSteel3 that's how freenode whoises work18:32
Steel3welp, I'm dumb then :P18:32
nathanielnaw, it didn't used to be that way18:33
nathanielthe whois peculiarity, not your dumbness :318:33
Steel3I wanted some demographic data/scan for other interesting channels18:33
nathanielyou could use a client with a good /list organizer and search for things by topic/channel size18:34
Steel3eh, was curious about social stuff too18:34
Steel3for instance, I know a few people here are from biohack18:34
Steel3and some more are in reprap18:34
nathanielfreenode has no emotions. we are pure. we are freenode.18:34
nathanielon topic of kline.18:35
katsmeowi suspect you'd need a cline to do a /list and then join all the interesting channel, do a //who # , then tally the matching nicks/addys in a db18:45
katsmeowif everyone did this, it would prolly bring freenode to a crawl18:45
katsmeowerr, cline - client18:45
-!- AdrianG [~user@unaffiliated/amphetamine] has joined ##hplusroadmap18:57
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kanzureSteel3: you would have to just ask us for the other channels that we use19:03
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Steel3asking like 30 people, most of whom are afk...eh, was easier to just do a /whois (though obv, didn't work)19:04
Steel3more like 4219:04
kanzure#reprap #diybio #biohack #biopunk #linuxcnc #brlcad #startups #biology ##neuroscience ##bioinformatics ##chemistry ##python #RubyOnRails #django #jquery #javascript #svg #ai19:04
Steel3I don't care that much *yet19:04
AdrianGanyone tried donepezil19:05
AdrianGwell, its hardly a nootropic19:07
AdrianGit's rather a very diluted form of known poison.19:07
Steel3one of my buddies keeps trying to get me to take lsd as a noot19:09
katsmeownow see, if you do a //who # in all the rooms kanzure listed, you'd get a reply like "~kanzure@ :0 Bryan Bishop" , and in your db you'd add the channel name to that entry,, repeat for each entry, for each of the 11,212 channels on freenode, taking you ~3hrs at one channel/sec, making your data possibly obsolete19:15
delinquentmeserious question: why doesnt the richard dawkins foundation work on life extension19:22
delinquentmelike if we assume that the fundimental crux religion provides is "life eternal"19:22
delinquentmethen wouldn't it follow that if you want to promote knowledge19:22
nathanielnot really meta enough for them19:22
delinquentmethat you'd go after that fundamental need?19:22
delinquentmenathaniel, can i get that said another way?19:23
katsmeowthat = "this" , but over "there"19:23
nathanielwhen you're trying to optimize how your foundation embodies your values19:23
nathanielit can manifest itself as evangelism19:24
delinquentmenathaniel, still lost19:24
katsmeowwell, if you repeat it rapturously, sure19:24
nathanielin which case, you've totally abstracted yourself (vis a vis, meta) from the actual goals which you hope to achieve19:24
nathanielsimply because you have a shit ton of goals19:24
nathanielwhich is fine19:24
Steel3better question19:24
delinquentmekatsmeow, i've found an example layout for the linear encoder im futzing with!19:25
Steel3why the shit didn't steve jobs invest in cryo?19:25
delinquentmeSteel2, because he was like19:25
delinquentmewasn't smert19:25
katsmeowan example layout that's not like a printer?19:25
delinquentmenathaniel, sorry im getting lost in your choice of vocabulary19:25
Steel3dude was an atheist19:25
delinquentmesimplicity is a virtue19:25
nathanielhey now19:25
delinquentmeyeah http://store.makerbot.com/magnetic-linear-encoder-v1-2-kit.html19:25
delinquentmefor this guy19:25
nathanielnarrowness is a virtue, too19:26
delinquentmenathaniel, haha i just get the feeling we've not actually talked about anything pertaining to the "why not LEV"19:26
yashgarothbuddhists are atheists19:26
Steel3I'm so confused19:26
delinquentmeyashgaroth, arent they into the reincarnation?19:26
Steel3yashgaroth: Some of them19:26
yashgarothsure, but not deities19:27
Steel3depends on branch19:27
delinquentme< modified buddhist19:27
yashgarothjust sayin', buddhism doesn't preclude atheism19:27
katsmeowdelinquentme, you can prolly get an analog Hall effect sensor 10x cheaper19:27
yashgarothand vice versa19:27
delinquentmekatsmeow, true but that comes pre mounted and has an awesome resolution19:27
Steel3mahayana buddhism has a lot more supernaturalism than zen buddhism19:27
delinquentmelike is 15 micron a typical hall sensor resolution?19:28
nathanieldelinquentme I get the feeling that we have. :(19:28
nathanieldelinquentme perhaps you should ask them.19:28
katsmeowwith the magnetic strip , prolly19:28
delinquentmei have nathaniel haha no reply19:29
delinquentmeasked twice19:29
delinquentmei think its the normal athiest thing of "i dont want to *DO* something.. i just want to be right"19:29
delinquentmethat spring retainer19:30
katsmeowfor instance, you could get a digital dial caliper, be fairly immune to random wandering magnetig fields, and have a resolution of .001 easily19:30
delinquentmeohh yeah rue showed me something like that19:31
nathanielwell, delinquentme, whatever RD's method is, it worked on me once upon a time.19:31
nathanieland, years later, I'm here. bona fide transhumanist.19:31
delinquentmeto convert you  nathaniel ?19:31
delinquentmelike hes qondeeloquentrfully19:31
delinquentmewonderfully eloquent**19:31
nathanielso I presume that's the point.19:31
delinquentmeunlike my typing19:31
delinquentmebut like .. hes an evo biologist19:32
delinquentmesurely theres more good than arguing with people in psychological denial19:32
nathanielperhaps, perhaps not.19:32
delinquentmelike its a needed fundamental belief ... I dont think anyone has ever been convinced via external source ( versus simply coming to it by ones own research ) that religion is ehh19:33
delinquentmelike i dont think hes converting people19:33
delinquentmewhat would convert them?19:33
delinquentmeremoving the needed crutch19:33
nathanielthe crutch is often just the fact that people are unable to look outside their own community, not necessarily their own beliefs. who wants to jump off a cliff unless there's a trampoline at the bottom?19:34
katsmeowmost religion has dogmas and politics, heierarchies of the players, required motions and functions for groveling to them,, ptui19:34
nathanieldelinquentme, when dealing with someone like RD, perhaps you should follow your own advice: "surely theres more good than arguing with people in psychological denial"19:35
delinquentmefrom a psychological standpoint i think it all comes down to death and sex19:36
delinquentmewell curiosity is another aspect of that19:36
katsmeowor societal progress and altruism19:36
delinquentmealtruism yeah19:36
katsmeow"i helped, therefore i am"19:36
delinquentmeiDK things which drive us are very simple19:36
delinquentmedeath and sex are undeniably 2 things19:37
kanzureare you guys being atheism apologists?19:37
kanzureor what's going on19:37
* katsmeow looks for dinner19:37
delinquentmebut there are things like wonder and curiosity19:37
delinquentmewhich dont quite fall into those19:37
delinquentmekanzure, im bitching about richard dawkins19:37
kanzureok.. why :P19:37
delinquentmelike hes a brilliant evo biologist19:37
kanzureis he?19:37
delinquentmewho does nothing but preach to idiots19:37
delinquentmehes better than I am19:37
kanzureis he?19:37
delinquentmei've emailed them twice19:37
nathanielwhen in combination with someone who asserts LEV as top priority, what is curiosity but long-term altruism?19:37
Steel3I don't believe in altruism19:37
delinquentmeand have been like " Y U NO LEV"19:38
nathaniel[for very long definitions of 'long']19:38
kanzuredelinquentme: you mean, he writes more books than you, and therefore he's "better" than you?19:38
delinquentmein a more indepth and fleshed out way19:38
delinquentmekanzure, you're right in what you're getting at ... that possibly i could rival him .. with XYZ upgrades in skills19:38
kanzurei just don't see what you're trying to communicate19:39
delinquentmeim really interested to know what they think about ridding death = more converts FROM religion19:39
kanzureare you angry?19:39
kanzureok why do converts matter?19:39
delinquentmethey dont. but!19:39
delinquentmei think thats what hes after19:39
kanzureyou haven't even figured it out yet19:39
delinquentmeand I say religion is the coping mech for death19:39
delinquentmeso remove death19:39
delinquentmeand the crutch is no longer needed19:39
nathanieleh, we're probably going to rid death anyway. let them jump on the bandwagon once there's a finished product.19:39
kanzuredelinquentme: ok so you're angry that religion exists?19:40
delinquentmeim angry that we've got a guy in his position whos *not* working on LEV19:40
delinquentmeand I think it well aligns with his personal goals19:40
nathanielwell now19:40
kanzurepopularity has nothing to do with whether or not you are working on LEV-related projects19:40
delinquentmebut i think its harder19:40
nathanielbe angry at a politician or something then.19:40
kanzurei don't see the connection delinquentme19:40
nathanielthat's what everyone else does19:40
delinquentmeno but public awareness aingnd he has to know someth19:40
kanzureno, he doesn't..19:41
delinquentmeand he has to know something**19:41
delinquentmeperhaps hes working on it in the background and must do so quietly19:41
delinquentmethat will b e my coping mechanism19:41
kanzure(i happen to think he does have some amount of knowledge of course; but i don't think he's obligated to just because he's popular)19:41
delinquentmeso I can get back to work19:41
kanzureyes i would recommend that19:41
nathanielokay, let's take this back a bit.19:41
kanzurelet's not19:41
nathanielI am going to.19:42
nathanielyou're welcome to stay in the future.19:42
kanzurei will kick you out19:42
kanzuredelinquentme was just ranting because he's confused/angry19:42
nathanielof the future?19:42
kanzureno, i will kick you out of the channel :P19:42
nathanielfor altruism?! D:19:42
kanzurepresumably you want to continue some conversation about religion19:42
kanzurewhat? whether or not steel3 believes in it?19:43
nathanielsteel3? I'm talking to delinquent me, right delinquentme?19:43
delinquentmeoh come on kanzure dont boot people for talking about this stuff19:43
kanzuredelinquentme: it's boring and old19:43
delinquentmeobv not if they're talking about it19:43
delinquentmethink about the fledgelings19:43
delinquentmethey're angry and confused19:43
delinquentmeand need a place for that angst19:44
kanzurethey should go to the atheism places then19:44
kanzureand the circlejerks19:44
delinquentmebc thats a bad perpetuating habit19:44
delinquentmewe a healthy and directed19:44
Steel3kanzure: atheism places are not transhumanism places19:44
nathanieldelinquentme, precisely. RDF is trying to be the place for that angst.19:44
kanzurewhy should i help you guys solve your problems with religion19:44
delinquentmeand are stellar examples :D19:44
Steel3we're not asking for your help :)19:44
kanzurei don't want your religious unhealthy crap in here19:44
delinquentmele sigh19:45
kanzurewell, why should i19:45
kanzurethis isn't a church19:45
kanzurewe're not a rleigion19:45
delinquentmekanzure, this is more real than any religion19:45
kanzuredelinquentme: religions impact lots of people's lives19:46
delinquentmelisten man you've got that option19:46
kanzurehow is this more or less real? that doesn't make any sense19:46
delinquentmei disagree19:46
delinquentmebut you do what you want to19:46
kanzurelike, why should we recruit dawkins to do longevity-related research?19:46
kanzurewhy not a longevity researcher instead19:47
kanzureor a molecular biology person19:47
kanzurethen we can avoid all the religious baggage that he brings19:47
nathanielbecause without baggage, we would only board the plane with one set of clothing.19:49
delinquentmeIMO religion and the associated emotions can act as real catalysist to doing shit19:50
nathanielkurzweil's the biggest religious fanatic of them all. I mean, "wake up the universe"?19:50
delinquentmeso they can do the atheism circle jerk or they can get fired up and then have us point them in the right direction19:51
nathanieldoesn't mean he's not useful19:51
delinquentmeright angle bracket>> awesomely simple solution http://www.mcmaster.com/#angle-brackets/=gpk7jo19:54
katsmeowthose have been around in every hardware store in the usa forever, since the start of time20:01
delinquentmeyeah haha20:14
delinquentmethats what i mean awesomely simple solution20:14
delinquentmeyeah i just realized im trying to stack these pumps20:14
delinquentmefucking magnetic strips will cause issues20:14
delinquentmemaybe high res optos are the best options20:15
katsmeowthey were the solution to all, now they are fucking, hmm20:15
delinquentmewell theyre awesome if I only need 120:15
delinquentmebut they're like 2" from each other @ most20:15
kanzurenathaniel: kurzweil isn't really a leader or anything20:19
kanzurei mean, he's just some guy who has lots of publicity20:19
kanzurehis books were basically "take everything the extropians have been talking about, coming into ray's inbox, and turn it into a book"20:19
kanzure"plus ray's interpretation"20:20
nathanielI never suggested leader. I can't stand the guy. :>20:21
kanzurenone of us can20:22
nathanielwhen de Grey, Yudkowsky, and me merge minds, [we]'ll gladly take his place.20:23
nathanielfear not.20:23
thylanePeople posting on the forums of that website are quacky --- and not in a funny way20:24
thylane http://www.kurzweilai.net/forums/topic/new-reasons-why-high-level-complex-universes-like-ours-must-be-simulations20:24
nathanielmust? MUST?20:24
nathaniel"event horizon of the Cosmic Singularity's feedback oscillation"20:25
* nathaniel shudders20:25
kanzureyashgaroth: you should subscribe to the la-grg mailman list20:25
kanzurenathaniel: i don't think yudkowsky is trustable20:25
kanzureyashgaroth: have you gone to their meetings btw?20:26
kanzuregerontology research group's20:26
kanzureok.. steve coles and such are in your area20:26
kanzurethey have aubrey and lots of really odd niche researchers who do longevity research20:26
nathanielkanzure oh don't mind me. mind-merging on anything other than a global scale (? la the internet++) doesn't really interest me.20:26
kanzurethey are also the same people who do the supercentenarian stats that you hear in the news20:27
kanzurenathaniel: who are you20:27
nathanielI'm a guy. I hang out in various freenode channels. I write things. I read things. I enjoy good beer and dim lighting. I sleep on the floor.20:28
* katsmeow sleeps in a large nestbox 2ft off the floor (altho some nest boxes were 6ft off the floor)20:28
kanzureso you're a journo?20:28
nathanieldon't insult me. I'm an academic. :320:29
katsmeowbasically, heat rises, floors are cold20:29
nathanielkatsmeow tatami mats are nice thermal regulators and still count as 'floor', I think20:30
kanzurenathaniel: academic journalist?20:30
kanzurei mean, what do you do though20:30
kanzureare you an electronics person?20:30
nathanieloh, what do I do... hmm. You mean for money.20:30
kanzurenot necessarily for money20:31
nathanielI've been a php dev recently, but I'm no longer interested in being a code monkey. I'm looking into various research asst positions atm. And I'm a journalist. :P20:32
Steel3who are you a journalist for?20:33
Steel3and what do you want to do research on?20:33
nathanielthe answers to both questions would reveal a certain societal subversity whose revelatory details would be both improper (given the religious topical barriers of this channel) and unwise20:34
kanzureoh good god php :(20:34
kanzurewell ok20:34
kanzurenathaniel: programming has much more to offer to your life than php20:35
kanzurethere's a life beyond php please don't take it as representative of programming20:35
nathanieloh come now20:35
nathanielit's got that grammatical specificity and arbitrariness20:35
nathanielthat gives a language its poetry20:35
kanzureno i mean, presumably you quit and went into journalism20:35
kanzureoh nevermind20:36
kanzurequit and went into theology20:36
nathanielhah. sure.20:36
strangewarpI dreamt that Slavoj Zizek and I were celebrating Chicken Day by eating fried chicken in a house in the middle of a flood.20:36
strangewarpexactly my own reaction20:37
kanzureit's spelled wut20:37
JayDugger1Good evening, everyone.20:38
Steel3wat is a valid dialect :P20:38
Steel3hey jay20:38
JayDugger1Hello, Steel. How fare your abdominal muscles?20:40
Steel3getting stronger20:41
Steel3not quite at platemail protection levels :P20:41
JayDugger1I thought about trying the exercise, but I lack the strength for it.20:42
JayDugger1That looks hard, and my one failed attempt makes me think it even harder than it looks.20:42
strangewarpIs this that dragon-flag thing?20:43
strangewarpPretty darn hardcore20:44
Steel2my other irc froze20:44
Steel2I tried the 300 workout last weekend and chose poorly in pre-workout nutrition20:44
thylaneIn another channel, I am arguing that  we cannot assume   constant  tendency  in evolution towards higher intelligence.  And yet all over the comment section on  Kurzweil.net,   this is just assumed as some sort of unquestioned axiom20:44
Steel2the tradeoff has to be worth the increased energy needs20:45
kanzurethylane: intelligence is bogus anyway20:46
katsmeowi put forth that natural selection is no longer working20:46
kanzurenobody can point to "intelligence" in the brain20:46
Steel2it selects for other stuff katsmeow20:46
katsmeowwhat is "it" steel?20:46
thylanekanzure   Well I definitely think what you are pointing  out  is  a strong argument against "AGI"20:46
kanzurethylane: that only humans can have a brain?20:47
Steel2sorry, natural selection selects for survival of the fittest (theoretically)20:47
sylph_makothere is no "it", that's an odd corner of english linguistics.20:47
thylaneI mean, after all,  there is no such thing as  "General INtelligence" because there is no such animal as  "general environment"20:47
Steel2'fittest' is changing20:47
kanzureSteel2: well, survival of the *fit*20:47
kanzurenot the fittest20:47
Steel2everything above a cutoff line then20:47
-!- Steel3 [43f624a5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]20:47
katsmeowbut not intelligence, as social programs and warning lables are selecting for stupidity now20:47
kanzureSteel2: yes... that cutoff line is fit :)20:47
Steel2or fit is the cutoff line20:47
kanzurekatsmeow: what, intelligent design?20:48
katsmeowno, steel's natural selection forces,20:48
kanzurethylane: i think the human brain does something interesting, and that computers will be abl to do "a human brain" better than humans20:48
kanzureintelligence has never been a natural selection force20:48
katsmeowand whatever evolution thylane mentioned20:48
katsmeowi never said intelligence was a natural selection force20:49
thylaneA constant  arrow  in time  from amphibian to intelligent hominid is not gauranteed in evolution. It cannot be assumed to be true.    I mean after all,  ants and cockroaches appear to be the masters of the biosphere, if you want to get down to numbers20:49
kanzurewhat defines masterhood20:50
katsmeowquality over quantity20:50
kanzurequality in what direction20:50
kanzureor what measurement.. er.. what?20:50
thylanemasterhood   either means  they dominate the biomass of the rainforest,   and/or   they will survive a nuclear ice age just fine.20:50
kanzurethylane: sure but someone will argue that humans can burn the forests down easily20:50
katsmeowwell, in an ice age, neanderthals may have been able to brute force survive due to some caloric intake, but smarter hominids could relax in a cave with a fireplace20:51
sylph_makoLife's approach to sustaining existence is so circuitous and silly. Carbon atoms know where it's at. Motherfuckers don't even need energy.20:53
thylanekatsmeow  I was assuming  somethng rather more catastrophic with the atmosphere than things just getting really cold.20:53
thylaneSomething that would spell the end to humans as there would be no air20:54
thylanecockroaches will make it through however20:54
katsmeowno air means the roaches and termites die too20:54
thylaneI don't mean no atmosphere-- I mean  no  atmosphere capable of  sustaining the huge intake needs of the human lungs20:55
katsmeowah, where "no" = "some"20:55
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thylanea quick change in the composition of the atmosphere--- too much or too little oxygen --- kiss your happy homo sapiens goodbye21:08
kanzurewhat happened to that article about larger bugs due to more oxygen21:09
kanzurethat was a good one :321:09
Steel2kanz, I know someone working on breeding silkworms in high oxygen environments21:09
* katsmeow isn't so enthralled with life anyhow <shrug>21:10
Steel2*for fun21:10
kanzurehow many generations is he into21:10
Steel2he's just starting21:10
Steel2I think he said it's like 2 gens a year21:11
kanzure"Blakely, 41, grew her undergarment empire without any outside investment, debt, or even a cent spent on traditional advertising: no magazine spends, no TV spots, no billboard buys."21:13
kanzure'“We had to spend money only on things that make money and advertising was  esoteric. You couldn’t really measure the return you were going to get so we didn’t do it.'21:13
kanzurei kept reading it as spanks until i realized that this is span-ex21:13
kanzurespan-ex is a popular product.. "Spanks" sounds like a bad name for a porn magazine21:14
kanzure"x" is sometimes "ecks" or "ks" (so you can see how "spanx" => "spancks" or "spanks")21:15
katsmeowbut the name of the article plainly says "spanx", the underwear21:15
kanzureyes because i've never seen "span-ex" written down as "spanx"21:16
kanzurein fact, i have never seen spanx written before (only heard aloud)21:16
Steel2yashgaroth: 'Ask me about being a Transhumanist' on SA. bad idea or worst idea?21:16
yashgarothI think the last one got 1-voted p. quick21:16
kanzure"I lie, cheat and steal users from everywhere"21:16
Steel2yeah, SA also follows a very, uh21:17
Steel2lit-crit/STS studies view on science21:17
Steel2'furthering the goals of capitalist pigs' etc. etc.21:17
kanzureSteel2: do you know about the basement dwelling goon?21:17
Steel2I know a lot about stereotypes :P21:17
kanzureno i mean THE basement dwelling goon21:17
yashgarothwe're not all like that21:17
kanzureit turns out it's jrayhawk21:18
kanzurejrayhawk: aarrgh those links are broken21:18
katsmeowi was thinking fenn21:18
Steel2none of these pics still work21:18
-!- Thorbinator_ [~Thorbinat@c-67-166-146-169.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap21:18
Steel2site's down kanz21:19
yashgarothoh god fyad21:19
kanzurefenn is not a goon21:20
kanzurein fact i'm not even a goon21:20
Steel2yashgaroth and I am21:20
kanzurewhy am i not a goon?21:20
-!- Replop [~Gwen@ASte-Genev-Bois-154-1-104-48.w83-199.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined ##hplusroadmap21:20
kanzurehi Thorbinator_21:20
kanzurehi Replop21:20
Replophi Thorbinator_ & kanzure21:20
kanzurewhat brings you here?21:20
kanzuresmells like a person i bet21:20
Thorbinator_this is the my little pony channel right?21:21
Steel2my fault, I didn't ask for this.21:21
kanzureyeah this is the my little pony channel21:21
kanzurewait, no21:21
kanzurethat's #lesswrong21:21
Replopheard about potentially interesting discussions ; saw the light, wandered in.21:21
Thorbinator_he's always going towards the light21:21
kanzuredoes replop refer to reprap?21:21
Thorbinator_It's going to get him in trouble one day21:22
Replopkanzure:  sadly no, I used this before hearing about reprap.21:22
Replopbut  I like reprap concept21:23
delinquentmeReplop, true21:26
delinquentmeThorbinator_, you guys building robots?21:26
Thorbinator_I wish21:27
delinquentmeor are you like social game mechanics y combinator startup ?21:27
Thorbinator_I've been to battlebots once21:27
* delinquentme elly21:27
* delinquentme JELLY21:27
delinquentmethats bad ass21:27
Thorbinator_yea it was fun21:27
delinquentmesoo then someone told you that we've engineered cellular rejuvination?21:28
Thorbinator_did you activate the transcription for telomerase?21:28
delinquentmewe're not QUITE there yet... but ... http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.doctortipster.com%2F6350-french-scientists-restored-the-youth-of-100-years-old-cells.html&h=TAQEv36Ol21:28
delinquentmeThorbinator_, oh shit .. knows some things!21:28
Thorbinator_I'm a toxicology student21:28
delinquentmeDANGER NUB ROBINSON21:28
delinquentmeoh thats hot21:28
delinquentmeim a business student21:29
delinquentmewell graduated21:29
Replopwouldn't it have been easier to link directly to the target news story, instead of facebook  ?21:29
delinquentmeReplop, true!21:29
Replopeasier for the end user, at last.21:29
delinquentmei just copied the FB link21:29
delinquentmeFB is kind of like my repo21:29
delinquentmeReplop, whats your background?21:30
Replopbasement dweller that studied a bit of physics and CS ; sometimes work in IT21:31
delinquentmei like to leave the house sometimes21:33
Replopbeware of the  treachearous plasma ball21:34
Thorbinator_the daystar is merciless21:35
kanzureReplop: what do you do in the basement besides physics21:39
kanzureor, er, computing21:39
kanzureany projects?21:39
Replopit was a metaphorical basement, I actually am above ground level.21:40
Replopand not much projects, merely  "interests".21:40
JayDugger1How much advertising do you with such a brand name?21:41
Vicarious5:42 a.m., almost time to go home and take a nap21:43
ReplopSleep is a good idea, indeed.21:44
Vicariouswaste of time imo21:47
Replopstill a necessity.21:48
-!- aristarchus [~aristarch@unaffiliated/aristarchus] has quit [Quit: Leaving]21:49
Thorbinator_I always need to sleep, I never want to.22:03
VicariousC8H10N4O2 ftw22:04
delinquentmeThorbinator_, agreed.22:06
-!- katsmeow is now known as katsmeow-afk22:32
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Mokbortolan_does anybody have a bodybugg and a live subscription?22:50
delinquentmeMokbortolan_, im sorry is that a vibrator?22:53
Mokbortolan_sort of22:53
delinquentmeincase anyone likes beautiful human tech http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4f/CMS_Silicon_Tracker_Arty_HiRes.jpg23:11
Mokbortolan_delinquentme: it's a biometric logging device23:16
delinquentmeMokbortolan_, yeah :D23:17
kanzureif i ever write a lame book, it should be called "faster than moore"23:22
kanzureor "more than moore"23:22
kanzureeveryone will groan but i'll sell like 10 copies and it'll be good23:23
kanzurei guess people keep saying "faster than moore's law" because moore's law is so popular23:24
kanzurebut why not just say how much faster.. or just give it a new name23:24
Mokbortolan_I got the python app working, but I need a few more bits of data to make it work with the watch display23:25
Mokbortolan_I need to capture the synchronization data23:25
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strangewarpThat is its name, kanzure23:54
strangewarpthe Faster Than Moore's Law23:54
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kanzureSuper Moore23:57
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