
--- Log opened Sun Apr 08 00:00:26 2012
strangewarpWe could do, or have done, cool stuff. Also, it's more likely that people are modal construts in n-dimensional mind-space than any traditional cosmology being literally true.00:00
sylph_makoCool stuff... if we could at least make the gods smile that would be good enough for me. Maybe they'd make more of us. So now we have to figure out why a higher dimensional being would simulate this universe and convince them that they either need to give us some kind of input/output into theirs[freeing us] or make more similar universes. OK that sounds impossible and fun. I have a purpose again.00:03
strangewarp(On the fence about the former, myself, as it's untestable, and one of several big-universe materialist models)00:03
strangewarpOne second here...00:04
strangewarpI'm saying that we may live in a Big Universe, wherein every possible mind can be said to meaningfully exist, whether seperated via space (conventional Big Universe), timeline (provided quantum many-worlds is true), modal realism (every possible mind-state exists as a true mathematical construct), or some combination or variation thereof.00:06
strangewarpSo you shouldn't have paranoid fantasies about overlords. If for some reason it were true, there would be uncountable identical lives where it would be false.00:07
sylph_makoModal realism doesn't sound true since mathematical constructs are just patterns in brains.00:08
sylph_makoThey don't exist in some concept space prior to discovery.00:08
sylph_makoWe invented concept space too.00:08
strangewarpMatheatics is literally true in every possible universe, and therefore objectively true regardless of whether minds exist to think about it.00:09
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sylph_makoNot so. Mathematics was designed from a basis of useful axioms. Though it's going to come out the same for any thinkers, utility was determined by trial and error. Not every possible logical system starts off with A AND NOT A as an axiom. Only the useful ones.00:13
sylph_makoI'm not sure why I expected that to change your mind.00:13
sylph_makoI was trying..00:13
strangewarpModal realism assumes that mathematics are meaningfully objective. There are other possible expressions of Big Universe cosmology in the case where said issue is controversial. So it's fine.00:15
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strangewarpI am a bit wibbly on the subject, admittedly, and I need to take some time at some point to catch up on maths, and philosophy of maths.00:22
strangewarpI decided it's probably best if I work on the concrete things where I have knowledge, for now, though, since I don't want to fall into the same pit on a personal level that LessWrong is trying to get out of on an organizational level.00:24
sylph_makoIt would be helpful to me if you guys could tell me what's going wrong with lesswrong without me having to experience the problem myself. I havn't spent any time there but I'm seriously considering it.00:28
strangewarpBasically, they put themselves in a position of all theory, no engineering. I imagine the initial goal was that engineering would come out of theory, but now it's looking like certain theoretical problems are so intractable that they could only be solved by a massive engineering effort; but their theory has led to precautionary-principle-esque ideas like Friendly AI, so they're in a double-bind.00:44
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sylph_makoI see.01:05
sylph_makoThank you.01:06
sylph_makoThough I'd be inclined to say we're all in that double-bind.01:06
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diginetI'm looking for a paper: "Microbial Production of Spider Silk Proteins" by Fahnestock, I have access to ScienceDirect, but I can't get that one, anyone here have more extensive access?01:17
diginetwoops, sorry for sending that again01:17
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strangewarpsylph_mako: I see what you're getting at. I think they're only in the double-bind in the first place because they're pursuing a course of action that assumes they'll be able to disseminate the idea of Friendly AI to every relevant person before anyone starts building a Strong AI; and therefore that they should not pursue it as an engineering project in competition with others. Which I think is a pretty bad meta-mistake.01:22
strangewarpAnyway. gosh I wish LuaAV were available for Windows.01:22
* strangewarp googling for hidden Lua-MIDI-OSC solutions on random programmers' websites01:23
sylph_makoIf that were true wouldn't you just be able to show them that and get them to change their approach?01:25
strangewarpI think people have tried; I'm not sure why it hasn't worked.01:26
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skorketre: new aesthetic http://inspire.2ia.pl/03:04
strangewarpThat feeling you get, when you find that a much more talented programmer has made something very similar to a project of your own, thus freeing you from the obligations of your own bad code...03:13
strangewarpskorket: interesting03:14
skorketstrangewarp, I think that's a good example of the 'new aesthetic'.  Maybe etsy, makezine, adafruit, sparkfun and the like as well?03:14
skorketA kind of mix of aesthetic, high/lo tech and functionality?03:15
strangewarpI think those are definite facilitators of new-aesthetic practices, yeah03:15
strangewarpWell, in the SXSW panel (which I haven't seen), Sterling's essay response, and the responses to Sterling, there has also been an emphasis on the imagery of glitch and machine-vision.03:15
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skorketstrangewarp, this, for example, is not computer vision or glitch based:  http://www.3ders.org/articles/20120330-iris-van-herpens-3d-printed-dresses-in-groningen-museum.html03:37
skorketstreling seems to be defining it as 'photoshop + british' though03:38
strangewarpIndeed, it's basically a collision of many influences, and I think Sterling and company are trying to make sense of it.03:38
skorketI mean, it seems like he already summed it up in Holy Fire03:41
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delinquentme_HEPPY EASTER09:43
delinquentme_YOU FILTHY HETHANS09:43
kanzurecrystal.parse_script_with_command_classes(0x560ee, force=True)09:50
kanzuredoesn't work the first time. works the second time. :(09:50
delinquentme_kanz brill is a huge publisher :D09:50
kanzurewhat is brill09:50
delinquentme_a huge publisher?09:51
kanzuresounds like a food product. let's hack them.09:51
delinquentme_doing it now hahah09:51
delinquentme_been running a scraper for 20 minutes now09:51
delinquentme_the longest job i've ever scraped09:51
delinquentme_but that could be also bc their servers a wildy slow09:51
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delinquentme_but i like the part where their analytics team can report that their CTRs are up by 20% !09:52
delinquentme_brb making fire09:52
kanzuremost people don't measure CTRs from their web logs but instead only from javascript analytics09:52
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delinquentme_kanzure, PMDS?10:40
delinquentme_what material is it again10:40
delinquentme_the microfluidic circuits10:40
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kanzuredelinquentme_: pdms10:48
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kanzureParahSailin: sup?12:16
ParahSailinthis is a whimsical idea i had -- put a termite salivary cellulase into black soldier fly larvae12:17
ParahSailinthen turn newspaper into chicken food12:17
ParahSailinwhimsical as i said, but almost plausible12:18
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delinquentme_just finished brill13:50
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sylph_makoWhat on earth.. Every time I hear about OpenVIBE it's from an incidental search about some cool framework. EBML, OIS, Ogre3d.. it's like these people get it or something. Maybe my dev philosophy really is influenced by transhumanism.14:32
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ParahSailinhax this? http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S096085240000154115:11
ParahSailinsciencedirect is a real bitch15:12
kanzureParahSailin: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/bio/Degumming%20of%20ramie%20fibers%20by%20alkalophilic%20bacteria%20and%20their%20polysaccharide-degrading%20enzymes.pdf15:17
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nmz787Joining you from 3g on my mobile phone!15:47
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ParahSailinhax this? http://www.springerlink.com/content/c767m270301871v1/15:56
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kanzurenmz787: howdy16:13
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kanzure"pacman the movie" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7oadchZMYA16:17
ThomasEgiwell made16:24
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kanzureyo nmz787 .. email.16:43
kanzurecarl sent out something to jonathan cline >_<16:43
kanzureMarcSav: hello. what brings you here?16:45
kanzureEWOD is electrowetting on dielectric16:45
kanzurejonathan made some prototypes and blogged about it to diybio16:45
MarcSavkanzure: i love openhardware and i'm interessed in hackerspaces16:46
kanzurefollow up to #280 is: http://88proof.com/synthetic_biology/blog/archives/33816:46
MarcSavi'm from switzerland, and yes here we have some hackerspaces too ;)16:46
kanzurenmz787: "A droplet from a pipette can be moved across electrical contacts using medium-high voltage (400V to 700V) on a standard printed circuit board."16:47
ParahSailinkanzure, i grabbed that paper through vpn, you want any help downloading journal articles?16:48
nmz787Elecytrolysis must be happening??16:48
kanzureParahSailin: sure- evnetually- but not right now16:48
kanzurenmz787: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/microfluidics/Electrowetting-based%20actuation%20of%20liquid%20droplets%20for%20microfluidic%20applications.pdf16:49
kanzurenmz787: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/microfluidics/Electrowetting%20droplet%20microfluidics%20on%20a%20single%20planar%20surface.pdf16:49
kanzurenmz787: iphone version :P http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/microfluidics/Single-sided%20continuous%20optoelectrowetting%20(SCOEW)%20for%20droplet%20manipulation%20with%20light%20patterns%20-%20LCD%20-%202010.pdf16:49
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nmz787Seems alright, would require those special layers.... I don't think valving will be a problem, we can figure that out16:56
kanzureEWOD doesn't need valving - just move the drops out of the way (it's on a grid)16:56
nmz787I think its gonna cost more with ewod16:58
kanzureyep that's why i haven't brought it up really16:59
kanzurebut that's what jonathan has expertise with16:59
kanzure88proof is jcline's blog16:59
nmz787Who does he work for17:00
kanzurehe got a job in 2009 or 2010 with some company in san diego i think.. just some electronics firm17:00
nmz787As for consultants, I know some good guys up here17:00
nmz787Optics, fluidics, electronics, DSP, analog17:01
kanzurei'm not sure there's any consultant who would be able to design a working micro DNA synthesizer17:01
nmz787So I can get some of that free17:01
nmz787Or for booze17:01
nmz787Nope, but we're gonna orchestrated that17:02
nmz787These guys just started getting into medical device developnment when I left17:03
roksprok_are you all trying to do something similar to this: Microfluidic PicoArray synthesis ?  http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/content/32/18/5409.full17:08
kanzureroksprok_: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/microfluidics/synthesis/Synthesis%20-%20Microfluidic%20PicoArray%20synthesis%20of%20oligodeoxynucleotides%20and%20simultaneous%20assembling%20of%20multiple%20DNA%20sequences%20(10%20kb).pdf17:08
kanzureroksprok_: or see others here.. http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/microfluidics/synthesis/17:08
roksprok_is the goal an opensource version? or do all those have flaws you're trying to overcome?17:09
kanzureiirc the 2004 picoarray article was a continuous flow device w/ a digital light projector or digital mirror array. the oligo synthesis method we've been thinking of using would not be using light or DLPs or DMDs.17:09
kanzureroksprok_: the goal is an open source, low cost DNA synthesizer17:10
roksprok_its that 6mer one right?17:10
roksprok_the reaction cycle....i think i remember one that took a 6 base long fragment and duplicated it?17:11
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kanzurethe 6mer stuff is a different method (not raw chemistry but instead a ligation method- constructing a longer string by sequential concatenation)17:11
kanzureroksprok_: yeah that's a different technique but it should definitely be tested because its results would be far superior to phosphoramidite chemistry17:11
roksprok_how much is low cost?17:12
kanzurewell most dna synthesizers cost $150k-$200k new, and at least $20k used for something working/modern17:13
kanzureso low cost to me is <$10k17:13
kanzurethat oligomaker product costs about $60k new but i'm not sure- nobody tells you prices these days..17:14
yashgarothyou can probably lease it, if it's the akta one17:15
kanzuresure sure17:16
kanzurectobin: hey.17:16
nmz787Sup ctobin17:19
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ctobinwhat's up.  You successfully convinced me to join :)17:24
kanzurectobin: today we're scraping brill.. http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/ezproxy.py17:25
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ctobinhow can i help?17:27
kanzureezproxy.py is a plugin architecture for multiple scrapers17:28
kanzurei am deploying it on a central server and we'll all just login and commit new scrapers to the project17:28
kanzureand add new proxies for it to use (although, the proxying is not active at the moment)17:28
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kanzurectobin: one way would be to review that code and see what you think. i have been considering doing this in mongodb so that the schema won't matter so much. not sure..17:29
kanzuremongo_engine or something might be a better choice than quick_orm/sqlalchemy17:29
kanzurectobin: another way you could potentially help is with the scraper/adapter model.. i.e., i haven't fully fleshed out what all the necessary methods on each scraper should be. i definitely think we need to be able to scrape/update journals from each publisher, and also papers/citations. need to be able to say that we are 100% certain that we have a complete index of ACS or something.17:31
ctobinwhy do you want to use no-sql?  It seems like this type of data would lend itself well to sql since most of the meta data is very consistent - volume, issue, page number, author names, etc.17:32
kanzuremetadata is consistent on a single publisher17:32
kanzurebut take elsevier/sciencedirect for instance.. they have custom attributes17:33
kanzure(beyond the normal attributes)17:33
ctobinoh, i see17:33
kanzure*shrug* i could be convinced either way. obviously i am already using sqlite so.. heh17:33
ctobinlol, that will get slow really quick, once you have all of sciencedirect scraped :)17:34
kanzuretrue. at first i did a javascript-based scraper..17:35
kanzurethe one in ezproxy.py only implements "gathering/updating a list of journals" but nothing about individual papers, issues, volumes, books, etc.17:36
kanzureyeah, again maybe mongo is the way to go..17:36
ctobinI'll take a look at the code this evening, I gotta get going right now though.17:37
kanzureok cool thanks17:37
kanzurePupuser-1: hello17:38
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Pupuser-1hey KAnzure17:40
kanzurenmz787: not happy with android?17:41
Pupuser-1same here17:41
kanzureoh nevermind. thought he switched clients. it's still androirc.17:41
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nmz787Umm I just got home, didn't handle the network switch17:42
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nmz787kanzure: email18:00
kanzurelooks sane18:01
kanzurejcline was getting a little carried away with "Sounds more like you have a laser cutter and want to do something with it.  That's OK but a different problem." hehe18:02
nmz787yeah its a misunderstanding though for sure18:06
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kanzurenmz787: his name is max reason?18:07
kanzurethat's almost as geeky as max more.. http://www.maxmore.com/extprn3.htm18:08
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kanzureF7: what's up?18:12
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kanzure"The Neuro Bureau is proud to announce the 2012 Brainhack to be held from September 1-4 at the Max Plank Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig, Germany."18:32
kanzure"Brainhack is a unique event with the goals of fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and open neuroscience. The structure for the conference builds from the concepts of an unconference and hackathon."18:32
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kanzurenmz787: wb20:28
n_benthahey where's my welcome back?20:35
nmz787its great to be back20:35
kanzuren_bentha: lost in the mail20:35
diginetis pichia pastoris a proprietary system?20:37
yashgarothno, but expression vectors and specialized subclones often are20:39
digineturgh, the patenting of genes disturbs me20:40
yashgarothwell that's the basis of most of the biotechnology industry20:40
diginetbleh, biotechnology20:40
diginetI like it from a research perspective20:40
diginetbut I get sick of the emtpy promises and proprietary nature of the companies20:41
yashgarothwell, until public funding steps up, capitalism is the only way, sadly20:41
yashgarothmost of the specific gene patents are expiring soon since they all got discovered in the early 90s20:42
diginetthat's good at least20:42
diginetis it just me, or is biotech the trending thing for colleges to stress right now? When I was doing college tours I couldn't stop hearing about it20:42
yashgarothcomp sci was the trendy one when I went20:43
yashgarothbut yeah everyone's hopping on the bandwagon since biotech is new and exciting20:43
diginetcomp sci: the only field more subject to fashion than the fashion industry itself20:43
yashgaroth'which of these 50 programming languages shall we teach these undergrads?'20:44
diginetthe lack of rigour I see in a lot of comp sci stuff is rather appalling20:44
diginetphenomenology is not science: I want OS research, not figuring whether X version of X protocol will make something negligibly faster20:45
yashgarothwell that's most of biology20:45
yashgarothphenomenons that is, not operating systems20:46
diginetI don't see it as much the same though: it's one thing to study the natural world, it's another thing to not produce anything, when that's the very nature of a field.  It seems to me comp sci people spend more time talking about the next big thing than actually programming20:47
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diginetI see the biggest jokes, papers on storing X in the cloud, so the same thing people have been doing for years, plus buzzword compliance20:47
diginetI also get sick of the bullshitty PopSci-esque pseudo-futurism that is usually employed to sell someone the proverbial bridge in Brooklyn20:48
kanzurewhat's wrong with running xorg in the cloud?20:49
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kanzureblergh this doesn't make sense20:51
yashgaroththat's because it's a bunch of squares with circles in them20:52
diginet"running it in the cloud" is just running it remotely, but with obnoxious jargon20:52
n_benthait's all japanese to me20:52
diginetwhich, mind you, it was designed to do from the beggining20:52
diginetthat's the POINT of X20:52
diginetand, the "cloud" presents my 5-year old understanding of the internet: some magical place where data floats around20:53
kanzureX is a perfectly fine network-based windowing environment20:53
kanzurei really have no idea why you are hating on X20:53
diginetI don't hate on X20:53
diginetI hate on ZOMG CLOUD20:53
kanzurefun fact: gnusha.org is hosted by the same people who host X.org20:54
diginet(although, I liked NeWS better)20:54
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diginetno, you're missing the point20:54
diginetI'm saying, when you run X remotely that's it, you're not running it "ON THE CLOUD"20:54
diginetit's just needless jargon20:54
kanzureare you talking about X the server20:55
katsmeow-afkthey might have needed to make new jargon and use it to avoid people remembering the RPC hacking in windows20:55
kanzureor X the "I can't think of a better variable"20:55
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diginetI'm not talking about X specifically, I'm saying I hate this stupid cloud computing nonsense20:56
diginetwhen in reality, it's the same exact thing that we've done with computers since their inception, plus buzzwords20:56
diginetoh gawd, that's even worse20:57
diginettry IBM VM20:57
diginetlate 60s/early 70s20:57
diginetor, I dunno, the freaking Church-Turing Theorem20:59
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delinquentme_http://www.publish.csiro.au/nid/17.htm  55 tables on the first page alone21:01
delinquentme_... seems reasonable21:01
kanzurewhat is csiro :\21:03
kanzure"CSIRO PUBLISHING publishes journals presenting the latest research"21:03
delinquentme_your list bro!21:04
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delinquentme_they got skipped21:45
delinquentme_that website is a mess21:45
diginetI was reading up on OpenPCR, and I know this has probably been belabored ad nauseum on this channel, but isn't $599 a little outrageous for a heat cycler? That's too much for a DIYer, and a University lab would just buy a professional machine22:04
diginetunless I'm missing something. . .22:04
diginetI mean, with 3D printers, the stepper motors add up quickly, and the extruder can be expensive22:05
kanzureyes $599 is very outrageous22:07
kanzureyou can definitely rig up a nice system for <$10022:08
kanzurebut here's the thing- companies are still selling >$10k versions anyway..22:08
diginetI mean, one can buy a used PCR machine for like $300-400 online anyway, why would you pay more for something you have to assemble?22:09
diginetdo you think one could manually control the PCR process is money/effort was a concern? Or is it too sensitive?22:10
kanzurebecause the used machine probably wont work22:10
diginetwell, maybe, who knows22:10
kanzurepeople used to just dunk tubes into water baths at specific temperatures, yes22:10
diginetthat seems easier22:11
kanzureeasier! what22:11
kanzureyou and i have dramatically different ideas of easier22:11
digineteasier than building my own machine, writing the code, designing a circuit board for a one-off thing22:11
kanzureor you can just use plans from the interwebs?22:11
kanzurelike between us in here i think we have at least 10-20 thermocycler designs :(22:11
diginetoh I didn't even think about that, sometimes I have really stupid moments :P22:12
diginetI'm trying to compile a list of everything I'm going to need22:13
diginetwhat's the best/cheapest primer service?22:13
kanzurei think everyone just uses idt or sigma22:15
kanzureyashgaroth: what do you prefer?22:16
kanzuren_bentha: ParahSailin: or what do you guys use?22:16
ParahSailinidt is the best primer service, they give me .15/bp at the smallest batch size22:16
n_benthahey kanzure22:18
yashgarothwe used idt I think22:18
n_benthasigma i think22:18
diginetthanks guys22:20
yashgarothsigma tends to be dicks to individuals, dunno if that extends to primers22:20
diginetI've heard bad things about sigma22:21
diginet(just in general)22:21
yashgarothi.e. will not ship anything to a residential address22:22
yashgaroththey're the gold standard for a lot of reagents, but you don't need that for this22:23
diginethow much does Taq cost?22:23
kanzurediginet: a diy taq production rig would be really insanely popular22:23
kanzurejust fyi. if you want to do that for us you would be loved.22:23
yashgarothyou're gonna need Pfu for cloning22:24
ParahSailinjust random-- i wonder how long before "gold standard" becomes a completely dead metaphor22:24
yashgarothtaq's good for sequencing but it has a terrible error rate22:24
yashgarothdunno, you're the libertarian :V22:24
ParahSailindiginet, i got some kapa you can use22:24
diginetParahSailin, aww, thanks :)22:24
diginetis kapa better?22:24
kanzureyashgaroth: you can do directed evolution of polymerase to get something better pretty fast22:24
ParahSailinkapa hifi is pretty much the best pol22:25
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diginetI bet its pretty expensive :)22:25
diginet:( I mean22:25
yashgarothnot if you're only doing a few reactions...well, not super expensive22:25
ParahSailinthey're all about $60-70 for 50 rxns, 230ish for 200 rxns22:25
ParahSailin250 rxns i guess is usually the next step up22:26
diginetfor diy taq, wouldn't we just need to find a specimen of the bacterium it came from?22:27
ParahSailinpretty much any enzyme in the tube is about the same price22:27
ParahSailinwild type taq is pretty shitty22:27
yashgaroththat species only lives in hot vents or something22:28
diginetthe sequence for non-wild taq expired right?22:28
ParahSailinwe have a stock of taq in the freezer here though22:28
diginetyashgaroth, yeah that's right22:28
yashgarothtaq's fine for sequencing purposes22:28
ParahSailinthe bug i mean22:28
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diginetwell I'm saying kanzure was talking about diy taq, couldn't the gene just be put in e. coli?22:28
ParahSailinthats what they do22:29
kanzurewhat would be the diy purification method anyway?22:29
kanzureantibody affinity?22:29
ParahSailinelp tag22:29
yashgarothtagged, yeah22:29
* ParahSailin hasnt done anything with the elp tag yet22:30
yashgarotheven strep or his tagged would be fine I'd think22:30
yashgarothdon't need no fancy self-cleavin' peptides22:30
kanzurewe do need someone to do a writeup for a general diy protein purification project22:30
ParahSailinelp doesnt need any fancy columns22:30
kanzurepolymerase is usually the most needed22:30
diginetkanzure, well, I'm going to experiment with that necessarily, I'll try and document my findings22:31
yashgarothwait what resin do you use for elp then22:31
ParahSailindiginet, you wanna chip in to buy some bsrgi?22:31
ParahSailini need that for cloning into the elp plasmid22:31
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ParahSailinelp tag precipitates itself, and you spin it down22:32
yashgarothoh awesome22:32
diginetwhat is bsrgi?22:32
digineterr, will google22:32
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diginetrestriction enzyme?22:33
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diginetI wish I could, I literally have no cash right now22:34
diginetI feel bad for not being able to, after all you guys are really awesome :(22:36
nmz787what are you guys talking about?>22:40
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kanzurenmz787: taq production, elp, stuff.22:42
kanzurenmz787: http://gnusha.org/logs/2012-04-08.log22:42
nmz787emerson lake and palmer?22:43
nmz787nah common22:43
nmz787what is the tag22:43
yashgarothelastin-like polypeptide, seems to have inducible precipitation so you can purify by centrifugal pelleting22:44
nmz787from crude cell lysate?22:45
nmz787wouldn't you get cell debris?22:45
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flamothttp://arbornet.org/~flamoot/ca-ga.html new windows versions, check out stim, the best22:45
flamotevolving grid! makes a sound wave22:45
flamotsome of em22:45
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flamotcheck out stim22:45
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yashgarothI dunno the specifics, I only heard about the tag after parahsailin mentioned, think it's fairly new22:46
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nmz787cathal hsa mentioned this i think22:47
ParahSailin_anyone want the plasmids for elp?22:48
nmz787ParahSaili_ you got em?22:49
nmz787ParahSailin_: you got em?22:49
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nmz787ParahSailin_: you gonna have them for a while? 6 months from now?22:51
ParahSailin_the stocks are in a -7022:51
skorketguess we're not big fans of stim on this channel22:53
@kanzureskorket: there's a long story22:53
skorketoh?  He's not just a random spammer?22:53
@kanzurehomeless schizophrenic who believes the singularity aliens have implanted a chip in his brain22:54
skorketare you serious?22:54
@kanzureyes http://groups.google.com/group/singularity-aliens22:54
nmz787he made slashdot22:54
@kanzurepfft i've made slashdot22:54
@kanzurethat doesn't make me crazy22:54
@kanzurei swear22:54
nmz787i see22:55
ParahSailin_nmz787, i forwarded docs on the elp plasmid22:55
yashgarothooh lemme get those too please22:56
@kanzure< fenn> obviously the greyfaces are targeting us transhumanists with their mind control beams, and that's why nothing is happening22:57
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ParahSailin_yashgaroth, email?22:58
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kanzureskorket: for the rest of the story.. http://gnusha.org/logs/2012-04-06.log23:00
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skorketPretty wild.  The new timecube23:05
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sylph_makoI thought greyface was a discordian figure. Isn't the proper term for the aliens "the greys"?23:21
yashgaroththat's what the aliens want you to think23:21
sylph_makono I very much doubt that.23:22
yashgaroththe aliens also want you to think that23:22
sylph_makoI wonder if flamot has endeavored to develop a way of thinking that can't be controlled by the greyfaces.23:24
sylph_makoI can think of one.23:24
diginet"greys" are all just a ruse by the reptilians to cover up the truth that the earth is flat and beyond the ice walls there exists vast reserves of natural resources23:24
ParahSailin_actually the aliens are already in plain sight23:24
ParahSailin_the han chinese are in fact an alien race23:24
ParahSailin_which can be identified by their lack of earwax23:24
diginetmy link = truth about this23:27
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sylph_makoWhat does he mean by humans.23:28
sylph_makoIs he imagining greys dragging plows and eating pizza?23:28
sylph_makoThis is one of the less paranoia inducing conspiracy keanus.23:29
nmz787this one is better23:33
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--- Log closed Mon Apr 09 00:00:27 2012

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