
--- Log opened Sun Apr 15 00:00:36 2012
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digineturgh, building the growth chambers for my lemna expression system is going to be expensive :/00:28
diginetah well, some good old Schoenfield never fails to cheer me up.  Anyhow, hmm00:30
diginetfluorescent bulbs are cheap, and efficient, but they're also too thick00:30
diginetLEDs in any sizeable quantity are expensive and not quite as efficient00:31
diginetthe obvious solution would just be to use sunlight, but then I can't get the density I need, unless I figure out some way to pipe in light00:31
diginetdoes anyone here know about light tubes/pipes/guides?00:38
diginetwould it be as simple as using optical fibers on a mirror and dispersing it with a fresnel lens?00:39
Adifexoop sorry went out for a bit ybit & Mariu. I'm in biomedical engineering and computer science at UTD.00:45
AdifexNo, I don't know anybody, I searched free node for bio stuff and loaded up this alone with biopunk, diybio, and some other places.00:46
AdifexHplus is the best though :D00:47
Adifexas its namesake borders on philosophical stuff too00:47
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kanzurebeep boop09:48
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kanzureeven more diybio fearmongering http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/sunday/2012-04/15/content_15050264.htm09:54
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strangewarpIt's China's state newspaper, so no surprise there; like many countries in the present and throughout history, their government is terrified of what their populace would turn to with even a little bit of power09:59
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kanzurenmz787: hi11:36
kanzurenmz787: so i don't understand. was that a yes or no on the synthesizer?11:36
nmz787it was my opinion11:44
nmz787i didnt check to see if we can get replacement chemicals11:45
nmz787what do you think?11:48
kanzureoh, column -t is nice. wish i would have known about that11:49
nmz787we could potentially spend weeks trying to get it to work, is that worth not spending that time for our system11:49
kanzurenmz787: yeah i haven't checked either11:49
nmz787the ebay item you sent was a biosearch 840011:49
kanzurei think it would be educational even if it's fubbared11:49
nmz787so i guess the chems are availab;e11:49
nmz787right, but is that education worth $90011:49
nmz787if we're just taking it apart, i'd feel better about paying 1/2 that price11:50
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kanzuremost of these were originally purchased with service/repair contracts11:51
kanzureso i suspect that cheaper synthesizers don't show up because they are repaired (not sure)11:51
kanzurewhat was that other site we found? where it listed the $10k, $90k refurbished synthesizers11:52
kanzureah it was this site http://www.bluelionbio.com/labequip.phtml?mode=list&mode2=by_category&category_id=2011:53
kanzuremeh .. "CyClone Oligo Synthesizer     $4,750 USD"11:54
kanzureinteresting.. here's an email from 1994 complaining abuot the cyclone http://www.bio.net/bionet/mm/methods/1994-March/012615.html11:56
kanzurewell. i haven't seen them cheaper than $800 before.11:59
nmz787i'll ask this week about the synth on campus, supposedly has bad valves11:59
kanzurealso: there's a good number of listed, cheap syringe pumps on ebay11:59
nmz787i doubt they'll sell it, but its worth a shot11:59
kanzurehow many pumps are we going to need?12:00
kanzurehaha $200. ok great.12:00
nmz787not actually a synth i think12:01
kanzureer that's a mini prep machine12:01
nmz787well all of 4 listings on craigslist, that was the only one for sale12:01
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kanzurehere's one in atlanta for $50012:04
nmz787well that one having the manuals /is/ a good thing12:04
kanzureheh i wonder where those gauges on the ground are supposed to go12:05
nmz787that just looks like a gas pressure regulator12:05
kanzurewhich gas? :x12:05
kanzurehuge pdf file- looks like beckman oligo 1000 marketing material12:07
kanzure"Dimensions: 43 cm x 54 m x 48 cm"12:09
nmz787g2g, friend needs fast car help12:09
kanzure"Reagent Delivery: Helium Gas 99.99% pure"12:09
nmz787for pushing the fluid12:10
nmz787i think12:10
nmz787or a non-oxidative environment12:10
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kanzurehi yashgaroth12:49
yashgarothso, you've checked with agent you/head about individuals owning an oligo maker?12:50
kanzurethat's akin to checking with them to own an inkjet printer :)12:52
yashgarothhaha we'll see if that holds up in theoretical court12:52
yashgarothactually, I do wonder if those machines come hard-coded to store a record of all the oligos it's made12:54
kanzurethe software looks very ancient12:56
kanzurelooks like it might be running DOS12:57
yashgarothI'd say *nix, but biologists are shitty enough with programming that it probably is DOS12:57
kanzurereverse engineering the software isn't a problem.... once i get the actual hard drives orw hatever12:57
kanzurein general you can assume it's the worst possible software12:58
yashgaroththe processing required isn't exactly intensive, even for mid-90's12:58
kanzureit looks like one of those machines expects you to manually type in the sequence?12:58
kanzuresome of them look like they have rs232 so there's at least that..12:58
yashgarothunless it does degenerate sequences, a keypad would be sufficient12:59
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kanzureyashgaroth: manual input is incredibly error-prone13:00
kanzurei doubt any synthesis company would be manually typing in sequences13:00
yashgarothehh, gotta have something for the techs to do/fuck up13:02
kanzureyashgaroth: honestly i thought that all these web synthesis services just hooked up their website directly to the machines13:02
kanzurebut i know better now :|13:02
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kanzurei'm surprised they still have enough margin to pay for manual button pressing13:04
yashgarothI'm sure the big companies have it all automated these days13:04
yashgarothyou don't need phd's doing it13:05
kanzureyeah but at some point the cost of hiring someone is going to be greater than the price you're charging13:05
yashgarothanyway I'm sure you can run it all through the serial port if you want13:07
kanzurestreety: yes i am based in texas13:20
yashgarothwell, if you don't need to make >1 oligo at a time, that beckman does look like a good deal13:23
n_benthayashgaroth: did you hear back from the other job?13:23
n_benthadid you get the pee in the mail?13:24
yashgarothgot a phone interview tomorrow13:24
yashgarothall the thc should be out of my system before they check it13:24
n_benthawoohoo! good luck, buddy. i so wish i had a job and was't a student studying for the mcat. /me really doesn't want to be broke13:24
n_benthaok well drink h20 and work out13:24
yashgarothoh, any news on your cursed transformation?13:25
yashgarothit's the closest thing I get to intrigue now that I've run out of stuff to watch13:26
n_benthano :(13:27
n_benthabut i did a different transformation with a ~13kb plasmid construct, and it worked! (i think). only got a few colonies, but i cultured them and i'm hoping they turned out great13:27
yashgaroth13kb's no problem for bacteria, so they should be fine13:27
n_benthayeah. usual plasmid size is a lot smaller, right?13:28
n_benthathis one has 3 differnet genes in it13:28
yashgaroththe construct we used at my previous company was like 12kb, because they had all sorts of stupid shit in it13:29
yashgaroth"oh there are cell lines with EBNA gene already expressed? no thanks let's stick that whole 3kb in every plasmid"13:29
n_benthaah i c13:29
n_benthayeah, there's a big 'protein backbone' on this one. and then 3 genes.13:30
n_benthagotta transform it into agro and then plants13:30
n_benthabig money if it works13:30
yashgarothI thought you were in academia? big papers?13:31
n_benthahigh agricultural economic importance13:31
n_benthaya. i'd probably won't see a dime of the money13:32
yashgarothbut think of the cars your university executives will be able to afford!13:32
n_benthahaha. they already get a mansion, cars, and like 400k for sitting on their fat asses13:32
n_benthafuck. i wish i could be the president of my univ13:33
yashgarothoh man the UW president makes so much money13:33
n_benthayahgaroth. I was shocked today to learn that "According to Mensa, the average adult IQ score is 100.". Then I realized that it explains so much.13:34
n_benthaI used to think the average IQ was like 120.13:34
yashgaroth100 is the definition of the average13:34
nmz787i generally think the avg IQ is lower than 10013:34
yashgarothbut yeah, for everyone 120 there's an 8013:34
n_benthaAnd alot of those 120's are now 60's from drug abuse.13:35
yashgarothnmz, you just underestimate how stupid 100 IQ is13:35
n_benthaI remember in Pinky and the Brain when Brain told Pinky that his iq was 6--that of a soapdish.13:38
kanzurei think i have an iq of 10013:45
n_benthaiq's change a lot during your teenage years. if you got it tested when you were 13, then it's probably different now, kanzure.13:46
kanzurei'm not really interested in testing my iq :)13:47
n_benthame neither. the first one i took. the lady didn't proctor the exam correctly.13:47
n_benthai got all the answers correct really quickly. then there was a page that said you are supposed to stop and wait for the proctor before you continue, so i sat and daydreamed while the other kids were still working. then the proctor called time and collected all the books and i was like wtf mate, you didn't tell us to continue.13:49
nmz787when i was 8 or so, I think I was in the 130s14:01
nmz787these days I don't really even know what IQ really means, but I generally like people that are 'sensible', dunno if that equates to intelligence14:02
nmz787also, these days, I'm too bored to take another long-ass IQ test, especially the ones on the internet that seem kind of bogus14:03
n_benthahaha interent iq tests....lol14:03
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strangewarpIQ "over 160", but half the people with very high IQs end up emotionally dysfunctional, so I pissed away a lot of opportunities and am presently in a rut15:46
strangewarpalso, itt responding to conversations that happened 3 hours ago15:46
kanzureyou shouldn't really plan your life around your iq number15:50
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licheniq never really matters for anything15:50
kanzurelichen: you should read up on netbeans and jsp when you have some spare time15:51
kanzureor setup apache tomcat and run jsp for shits-n-giggles..15:51
lichenive had a sort of busy weekend but ill try to get to that15:51
delinquentmestrangewarp, whats the issue?16:08
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strangewarpdelinquentme: Actually got over my issues mostly, now I'm doing stuff. But I am basically the poster-boy for demonstrating IQ doesn't equate to success ;)16:26
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delinquentmedoes IQ + focus?16:27
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strangewarpMaybe. From my own experience, I know when I take citicoline and alpha-GPC, it gives me focus, and I suddenly feel like I've reclaimed my birthright. Definitely going to grab large supplies of those once I can.16:29
Mariuare emotions a thing of the future, or not ?16:29
kanzureMariu: what?16:29
strangewarpkanzure: As a supposed "genius" :P16:29
kanzureyou guys just got all crazy. you're asking if emotions are real, and now if iq is a birthright or something16:29
Mariuwill they exist / be needed in the future or not ?16:29
kanzureMariu: needed by who?16:30
Mariuhumans :p16:30
kanzuremany humans live with tremendous brain damage16:30
kanzureso yes it's possible...?16:30
MariuI see, point taken16:30
kanzurestrangewarp: ehh, genius just isn't a helpful label16:31
kanzurewhat are you going to do.. group up with all the other geniuses?16:32
kanzuremensa doesn't do much except scrabble tournaments16:32
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kanzurehi nmz78716:33
kanzure"ah what a fine day for science"16:33
kanzuresomeone should make transcripts for all the dexter episodes16:34
nmz787i would think they exist16:34
kanzurethat's not even complete16:34
kanzure"Mandark. Mandark. Let me know when you are done and I'll show you the rest of the lab. Here we have the main directory. My lab is divided into five sectors: artificial intelligence, synthetic technology, biochemistry, electromechanics, and top secret stuff. Anything you would like to see first?"16:35
nmz787wait, dexter's lab is diff than dexter16:35
kanzure"Uh, top secret stuff?"16:35
kanzure"Good choice. To your left, you have your basic robot army, alien communicator, atom smasher, teleporter, giant robot, time portal. Ah, yeah, I'm sure you have all of this stuff back at your lab. Ah, yes. This is a personal favorite. By a process of neural infusion, I am able to harness the collective unconcious, so for a short time I am able to become the smartest being on earth. Not specifically diabolical, but, hey, it couldn't hurt. Would you l16:35
kanzurehuh? there's only one dexter and he has a lab16:35
nmz787they both have labs actually16:36
kanzurewho is this other dexter?16:36
kanzurealter dexter?16:36
nmz787one is a blood splatter tech16:36
nmz787i've seen them all16:36
nmz787can't say the same for dexter's lab the cartoon16:36
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strangewarpkanzure: Yeah, I used to be Mensa's flagship youth member, and it served to indirectly make things worse instead of better16:43
strangewarpThat's in the past, though16:43
kanzurewhat did mensa do?16:45
kanzurebesides scrabble16:45
strangewarpHonestly? Mostly encouraged my parents to isolate me from others, and then try to push me through university when I was obviously not emotionally or intellectually ready.16:45
kanzurewhat? so they called your parents regularly?16:46
strangewarpNo, one of them was a Mensa member, so lots of one-way enthusiasm going on16:47
delinquentmestrangewarp, are you an electrical engineer?16:48
strangewarpdelinquentme: No, but I've built electronic music gizmos from other people's schematics.16:48
delinquentmeever program a beagleboard?16:49
kanzurewhy are you asking?16:49
strangewarpNope, just ATMEGAs..16:49
delinquentmeor written code for MCs16:49
kanzurei think there are other people you should ask for beagleboard info16:49
strangewarpI've done a bit of Wiring but it was for a dumb project that I put on hold16:49
strangewarpYeah, I'm probably not the best person to ask :p16:49
kanzurei mean, i don't see why you are asking about beagleboard to strangewarp specifically16:49
delinquentmewhats the difference between these chips16:50
delinquentmei mean at a ligh level16:50
delinquentmeAVR ARMs16:50
kanzureatmega is a microcontroller and dev board probably16:50
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kanzurebeagleboard is a small computer with "motherboard"16:50
strangewarpATMEGAs are what the Arduino is based upon, and as I understand it, they're particularly user-friendly. I've only loaded my own code onto ATMEGAs embedded in Arduinos though16:51
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kanzurehi klafka16:52
strangewarpIf you're loading code onto standalone ATMEGA chips, you have to use a programmer like this doodad: http://www.sparkfun.com/products/982516:54
strangewarpAnd I think it requires a small custom circuit in addition, as well16:54
* strangewarp past the boundaries of his knowledge now16:55
delinquentmeyeah so you've got that option in arduinos16:55
delinquentmeto write either arduino code .. and let the arduino interpreter run it or flash your own code16:55
delinquentmewhatever compiled binary right?16:55
strangewarpI'm pretty sure there's an implementation of C for certain ATMEGA chips, or at least I heard about it in passing16:56
strangewarpLet's see.. if you're uploading to a standalone, you need to send it a hex file, using WinAVR or somesuch equivalent program16:57
strangewarpI am inexperienced in that area, alas16:57
delinquentmeok more:16:57
strangewarpThere are tutorials though, they make use of that Sparkfun programmer doodad16:58
delinquentmewhat about panda boards .. the website says for mobile development ... this just means its a low power platform right?16:58
delinquentmeyou can plug it into a wall and you can run whatever it is you want on it16:58
strangewarpalas, you've got to ask someone else about those16:58
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nmz787delinquentme: ATMEGA chips power Arduino dev boards, they are of the AVR processor architecture, ATMEGA chips also have peripheral electronics on-chip, like for doing SPI and RS232 comms17:59
nmz787delinquentme: beagleboard and pandaboard are based on TI's OMAP processor line18:00
nmz787delinquentme: which encompass an ARM processor core, as well as a TI DSP processor core, as well as a multitude of varying peripherals, including audio, video decoders and encoders18:00
delinquentmeive been trying to figure out how to do a search for processor + board18:01
delinquentmenot just processor18:01
nmz787DSPs have very cool abilities such as single instruction, multiple data18:01
nmz787which is why they're called DSPs, because they can process a shit ton of data with few instructions18:01
delinquentmedigital signal controller18:02
delinquentmeyeah just read about those18:02
nmz787basically the data pipeline is bigger for the amount of code that controls it18:02
nmz787what do you mean for processor + board?18:02
delinquentmelike I dont want to search for chips18:02
nmz787what are you looking for?18:02
delinquentmei want to search for a board18:02
delinquentmeim not really sure quite yet like should it be based around the core processor on the board?18:03
nmz787with what characteristics?18:03
nmz787it depends what architecture you want to work with18:03
nmz787you can do a lot with FPGAs and CPLDs18:03
nmz787you can actually program processors into those18:04
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nmz787or you can make them do very straightforward things, where your data just flows through the manipulation, rather than being piped around a processor's architecture with instructions18:05
delinquentmelol yeah with HDLs right?18:05
nmz787high density lipoproteins?18:05
nmz787hardware def lang?18:05
delinquentmehardware description languages18:05
nmz787yeah that's one way, verilog is the best i've heard18:05
nmz787if you want to go FPGA/CPLD route18:06
nmz787 but if you go that route, you'd better set aside a year of time to learn and get your feet wet18:06
delinquentmeyeah I think thats not what im after18:06
delinquentmeat last count I need 2 steppers 1 linear actuator a string pot and a switch18:07
delinquentmeso like from what I know18:07
delinquentmethat could be a SUPER simple MC18:07
delinquentme( I asked around and some electronics dude forwarded one that seems like its for audio processing to me )18:07
nmz787beagleboard, beaglebone, pandaboard, gumstix, raspberry pi all have pretty decent communities if you need something with that much power18:07
nmz787dont use ST18:08
delinquentmefor the main board I do18:08
nmz787for MCs they have terrible docs18:08
delinquentmeand im wrapping my head around how to program those18:08
nmz787and also closed source programming toolchains18:08
delinquentmeoddly enough I was thinking that that sheet was rather sparse18:08
nmz787you can compile C to AVR hex with gcc toolchain18:08
nmz787same with TI's MSP43018:09
delinquentmeso how do I find the right board for running those peripherals18:09
nmz787i like the parallax propeller lately18:09
nmz787it can def do all what you just said you need18:09
nmz787its cheap, as easy as arduino18:09
nmz787and has great docs and community with large repo of prior art/code18:09
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katsmeow-afkhow do you know which cpu is active at any time?18:10
nmz787you program it18:10
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nmz787on startup only one is active, but then you dish out programs to the others18:10
katsmeow-afkyeas, you have 8 cores, how do you know from outside the chip, which is active?18:11
nmz787all cores can access any of the 32 gpio pins at the same time, so if you tell core 0 to toggle I/O 1, then you look at I/O 1 with an o-scope to tell its active18:11
delinquentmecan panda boards be used for whatever?18:12
nmz787i'm not really sure that answers your question tho18:12
delinquentmelike i see no reason why you could *only* use it for mobile dev18:12
nmz787delinquentme: yea18:12
delinquentme( even though thats what the website says )18:12
delinquentmebut it would be cheaper to buy something more purpose-built18:12
katsmeow-afkit doesn't, really, i wanted to mux all 32gpio pins dependng on which cpu was active at the time18:12
delinquentmebut yeah I've got 1 main board and 12 subsequent MCs which need to control the previous sensors etc18:12
nmz787for what you mentioned earlier, steppers and whatnot, you dont NEED pandaboard or anything in that class18:13
nmz787ahh, well you can sync the cores pretty easily18:13
delinquentmenah but I need something to control 12 of X (smaller micro ) which controls the sets of steppers and whatnot18:13
nmz787propeller is 8 cores in 118:13
nmz787so get two of them, and you've got 16 cores18:13
katsmeow-afkwith 4 io pins per cpu18:14
nmz787pandaboard is good for mobile dev because it has bluetooth and wifi onboard18:14
nmz787that's all18:14
nmz787like i said, on the propeller each core has access to all 32 io pins, so you could sync the cores, and just program it so they don't step on each others feet18:15
delinquentmeso parallax is another option for a company like ST .. but higher quality18:15
nmz787katsmeow-afk: tell me more about what you want to do18:16
nmz787delinquentme: i guess, ST probably has a wider product range, but yeah they both make processors18:16
katsmeow-afkuse the propchip like 8 cpus, with 32bit io per chip, by muxing the real world as the chip sees it18:17
katsmeow-afkdelinquentme, ST doesn't make Parallax's propellor cpu18:17
katsmeow-afkit's not amatterof uality even18:17
nmz787delinquentme: TI, ST, Parallax, MicroChip, freescale, intel, amd, cypress18:17
katsmeow-afkit all depends if they make a cpu that will do what you want18:18
nmz787and also if they're based in US or not18:18
delinquentmeso you can get CPUs which do what you want18:18
nmz787that generally tells of their support and doc quality18:18
delinquentmeor large ones which you can just flash to do what you want?18:18
nmz787the bigger they are, the harder to set up electronically and code-environment wise18:19
delinquentmethe bigger?18:19
delinquentmeyou mean the more complex the CPU is?18:19
nmz787yeah, like the panda/beagle boards use OMAP18:19
nmz787they have two cores that are diff architecture, and 10s of peripherals18:19
nmz787need DDR ram, tons of caps, diff power supply levels18:19
nmz787yeah, CPU complexity as well as onboard peripherals and req offboard peripherals18:20
delinquentmeso like something like this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/PARALLAX-P8X32A-Propeller-QuickStart-Board-/110852456328?_trksid=p3284.m263&_trkparms=algo%3DSIC%26its%3DI%26itu%3DUCI%252BIA%252BUA%252BFICS%252BUFI%26otn%3D21%26pmod%3D110856567956%26ps%3D54#ht_603wt_139818:20
delinquentmethat I would just flash with new code and have it run that shit18:20
nmz787just to get beagle/panda setup in dev environment takes a lot of time reading through 1000 page PDFs for specific bits in special registers to set18:20
katsmeow-afkjust throw attinys at it18:21
delinquentmethats gay18:21
nmz787propeller is as easy as arduino to get running, download one zip from parallax, and plug into RS232/USB-Serial18:21
nmz787beagle/panda of course have communities, so  a lot of that setup has been done18:21
delinquentmearduino is probably the biggest community right?18:21
nmz787but when you want to toggle I/O pins from embedded linux on the beagleboard, or use the raspberry pi's camera (parallel I/O) port... you gonna have fun digging into huge docs18:22
delinquentmethe pi has an onboard camera?18:22
nmz787unless someone else 'beats' you to it!~18:22
nmz787no, but it has a port18:23
delinquentmeohhh ic ic18:23
delinquentmetheres sooo much complexity in these chips18:23
delinquentmebut like for most operations you dont need to hit upon most of it huh18:23
delinquentmeum whats a brownout?18:24
nmz787loss of power18:24
nmz787not enough current supplied18:24
nmz787so shit dies randomly18:24
delinquentmethats a circus.18:25
kanzurei wonder if i could buy a circus on ebay18:26
delinquentmecan you really buy one of those chips and basically get a working arduino for 5 bucks?18:27
delinquentmefound one for 818:27
delinquentmewhat specifically does "arduino compatible circuit" mean18:27
delinquentmecan I flash arduino code onto it and run it like the $60 dollar version?18:28
delinquentmebc that'd be effinf swell18:28
nmz787arduino is just the IDE and community18:28
nmz787its also a dev board18:28
nmz787as someone said earlier, you can use attiny chips18:28
nmz787they are also AVR arch18:28
nmz787and cost about $218:28
nmz787the least you need to get them running is an lm317 and some caps18:29
delinquentmeso effectively the code is out there18:29
delinquentmeas well as the schematics18:29
delinquentmeand while they're not going to be as pretty18:30
delinquentmethey'll run the same code and do exactly the same shit18:30
delinquentmesave for the switches and LEds which arent included in the stripped out versions18:30
nmz787you should use a crystal too, if you're doing anything time dependent18:32
nmz787but yeah, basically what you said18:33
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delinquentmehttp://hcgilje.wordpress.com/resources/arduino-standalone/ this dude is saying theres an internal oscilator?18:42
delinquentmeghetto fab?18:42
katsmeow-afkmost cpu have various ways to make clock signal, from internal clock, external rc, external resonator external xtal, external synchronous drive, etc18:48
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delinquentmeits not at all complex to put a bootloader on a chip right?18:55
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* katsmeow-afk points delinquentme at superkuh19:02
delinquentmesuperkuh, lol howdy19:03
delinquentmei hear you've got lots of cool goodies19:03
nmz787delinquentme: putting a bootloader on a chip just means programming it at a low-level19:04
nmz787delinquentme: it really doesn't have a place in microcontroller land19:04
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nmz787arduino uses a "bootloader", which is just arduino code... and all it does is make programming a little easier19:05
delinquentmeyeah its "do i buy the bootloader install hardware or buy the preinstalled arduino duellmoive whatever chip"19:05
nmz787with an embedded linux system, the bootloader is mostly the CPU specific code, setting up all the peripherals and stuff, then it looks to flash or SD memory to load the linux kernel19:06
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nmz787arduino is nice to have because it functions as a programmer for fresh AVR chips19:06
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katsmeow-afkafaik, you can suck the bootloader off an arduino avr and put it on as many of the same avr you like19:08
katsmeow-afkon the other paw, according to Tom and rue, you don't need a bootloader19:08
nmz787you can just download the bootloader source19:08
nmz787and right, you don't need a bootloader19:08
delinquentmei think ill just buy the pre loaded chips19:08
nmz787it just makes programming them a bit easier19:08
nmz787which means you can hook up RX, TX, and DTS directly to the chip to program19:09
nmz787vs using a different protocol called in circuit programming or something like that/19:09
nmz787but programmers that do that are like $1519:10
nmz787or as I said, an arduino can do that too19:10
katsmeow-afkTom sells programmers, and iirc rue has programed avr using serial,parallel, and pata ports19:10
delinquentmeso at like 5 i break even huh19:11
nmz787if you're gonna go with AVR, just get an arduino to ease into the whole paradigm, then get fresh un-bootloadered chips19:11
nmz787you can get one at radioshack for $3019:11
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delinquentmeyeah i've got a mega19:20
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delinquentmedude longecity20:14
delinquentmehas the shittiest login system20:14
Mariulongecity, that sounds nice20:16
kanzurei prefered their older name..20:17
kanzuretheir new name sucks20:17
kanzure"immortality institute" is a way better name for forums than "longecity"20:17
nmz787long city... must be like long island20:25
kanzuregotta drive home. bbl20:27
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delinquentmealright all20:36
delinquentmeGEW NIGHT20:36
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Mariulater everyone22:21
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joshcryerkanzure, I don't understand wtf longecity means22:50
kanzureit just means "we're all too many panzies who don't want to put Immortality Institute on our resumes"22:50
kanzureapparently one of the major reasons for renaming their site was that they were afraid of persecution because of their resumes?22:50
kanzure(i don't know how that's the case; i don't think i've ever been hired because of my resume..)22:51
joshcryerI'm not even sure how you should pronounce it22:52
kanzurelounge city22:52
joshcryerThat's what I thought. But Why not buy the domain with the u? :P22:53
kanzurethey probably were trying to go for "longevity"22:54
joshcryerAhhhhh, yes. Doh. OK, I get it now. Stupid name.22:54
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Mokbortolan_I had an interesting thought today23:22
Mokbortolan_in the US, conservatives are fiscally individualist and socially collectivist23:22
Mokbortolan_and liberals are fiscally collectivist and socialy individualist23:22
Mokbortolan_or at least, lean in those directions23:23
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sylph_makoeach collectiveism renders the collectivism in the other sense unnecessary.23:51
Mokbortolan_social individualist: You can do what you like, as long as you don't hurt me.23:58
Mokbortolan_social collectivist: You have to abide by the rules of the group.23:59
kanzurepolitical permaband23:59
* Mokbortolan_ enjoys meta-politics.23:59
kanzurei'm too sleepy to evaluate whether or not your politics is insufficiently cnosidered23:59
* kanzure sleeps23:59
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