
--- Log opened Mon Apr 23 00:00:10 2012
--- Day changed Mon Apr 23 2012
yashgarothno the sequence of the glycine-rich segments is the most important part00:00
diginethmm, I suppose you're right00:01
yashgarothadditionally, you can't ligate proteins end-to-end like that, not reliably or even unreliably00:01
diginetwell darn00:02
* ParahSailin was trying to tell you that00:03
diginetParahSailin, but to be fair, when you were telling me that I was talking about synthesizing peptides in a specific order, why couldn't I do it then?00:03
yashgarothdo what00:05
diginetnative chemical ligation00:05
yashgarothI guess if you had custom amino acids you used to synthesize the subunits, you could get something vaguely similar00:12
yashgarothbut if you're altering the structure every 10 residues, it'll lose some of the properties you're trying to keep00:12
yashgarothnot to mention that there's no way a protein that already gets made naturally will be easier to make synthetically00:13
diginetconsidering we can't farm spiders, isn't that a moot point?00:15
diginetor do you mean, via cellular expression?00:15
yashgarothya insect cells or something00:15
yashgarothalso I still think spider ranching is viable00:16
diginetthat's a /lot/ of work though, ranching that is00:17
yashgarothman you have no idea how involved, expensive and time consuming your alternatives are00:17
Mokbortolan_just cut them in half and give them electronic heads00:18
yashgarothbro if we just get them high they'll totally work together, if they feel like working00:18
Mokbortolan_make sure they don't unionize00:19
yashgaroththose communal spider colonies must have at least a kilo of silk, I mean you saw the pictures right?00:19
diginethaving those around the house sounds horrifying :/00:19
diginetit just seems like there's no reason why abiotic peptide synthesis shouldn't be possible, at least theoretically, at the same efficiency as in cells00:20
yashgarothnature has had billions of years to optimize, we're lucky science is even as far as it is now00:21
diginetI'm not saying it would be easy of course00:21
yashgarothwell developing the entire basis to make that realistic will be...let me run the numbers...a squillion times harder than spider ranching00:22
diginetI guess artificial synthesis (and by extention, automation) is a much more, I suppose you could say, "elegant" solution, in my mind's eye00:24
yashgarothI wish it were00:25
diginetI'm sorry for pestering you with all my inane questions, yashgaroth. but thank you for being so kind and accomodating00:26
yashgarothsure np00:27
yashgarothbelieve me I hate spiders as much as anyone, in fact I just squished one on the wall next to me a second ago, but ranching is by far the preferable option00:28
Mokbortolan_I have a pet spider00:28
diginetI don't hate them, I just don't think me and the spiders would make good roommates :p00:28
Mokbortolan_I found it underneath a hidden staircase in my house, it's gotta be 3 years old00:28
Mokbortolan_so the kids catch flies and feed it, it's awesome00:29
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yashgarothit's totally not biding its time until it escapes00:29
Mokbortolan_it's the kind that makes lots of cobwebs00:29
Mokbortolan_it's happy, I'm sure it was lonely down there00:29
Mokbortolan_horrible place, if you're a bug00:29
Mokbortolan_bug skeletons everywhere, a lurking monster00:29
diginetyashgaroth, ranching is the most realistic option, it's just I have kind of eccentric ideas of what is an aesthetically ideal solution, if you get me00:30
yashgarothoh totally, but if you like that get into physics or something00:30
Mokbortolan_ranching spiders is like herding cats00:30
yashgarothok whew /clear got rid of all the spider talk00:30
yashgarothbut there are well-documented communal spiders00:31
diginetyashgaroth, funny story, physics is my first love :P00:31
yashgarothnot surprising00:31
yashgarotheven if you just send expeditions to go harvest wild communal spiders, it'll be far more cost-effective than anything synthetic00:31
Mokbortolan_no really, he had sex with his textbook00:31
yashgaroththe pages are so smooth and glossy...mmmmmm00:32
diginetI'm confused00:32
diginetMokbortolan_, how did we get from physics to, well, that00:33
Mokbortolan_besides, there's so much more to gain by studying spiders' biomechanics00:33
Mokbortolan_it was a humorous interpretation of your statement that physics was your first love00:33
yashgarothor just fill a room with PVC tree structures, throw a bunch of those spiders and some feed insects in00:33
Mokbortolan_well, what can you do with the spun silk?00:33
Mokbortolan_pull it all down and comb it out?00:33
diginetweave into fabric00:34
diginetthen use that for stuff00:34
yashgarothdissolve it and reconstitute, as he'd have to do anyway with any synthetic or cell-culture approach00:34
Mokbortolan_I still think cyber-spiders are more feasible, but I'm probably biased.00:35
yashgaroththe badass coefficient would be much higher than that of the alternatives00:35
diginetso get a bunch of communal spiders, put them in an enclosure with a grid of sorts to encourage web spinning, harvest the web, dissolve it, respin it00:37
Mokbortolan_that's so boring00:38
yashgarothbut you get to wear a cowboy hat00:38
Mokbortolan_cowboy hats are overrated00:40
yashgarothrobot cowboy hat?00:40
diginetso apparently the species that spun that gigantic communal web in east texas was primarily Tetragnatha guatemalensis00:41
Mokbortolan_I woulder if you could glue a bunch of headless spiders to a food tube, then somehow manipulate their bodies to constantly spin a certain type of fiber00:41
diginet that sounds cruel00:42
Mokbortolan_is that any more cruel than any sort of factory farming though?00:42
yashgarothoh god their jaws are horrifying00:42
Mokbortolan_it'd be like the matrix, except the robots replaced the heads of the humans00:43
diginetnot really, I wasn't going to kill them or anything00:43
yashgarothgonna be hard to collect the webs without killing 'em00:43
Mokbortolan_raising something means you doom it to death by life00:44
Mokbortolan_whether it dies of old age, or just plumb wears out00:44
Mokbortolan_besides, bugs lose their heads all the time and keep going00:44
Mokbortolan_though I think with spiders there are some issues related to hydraulics involved00:44
diginetyashgaroth, anaesthetize them with CO2?00:45
Mokbortolan_and then shake the "tree" real hard?00:45
yashgarothyou figure it out, I'm fine with killing them00:47
diginetwhat about spider silk analogs with peptoids?00:48
Mokbortolan_spider locomotion is awesome00:48
yashgarothwhat did I tell you about delving into more esoteric options00:50
diginetokay okay you're right00:51
Mokbortolan_Hybrid Silkworms Spin Stronger Spider Silk00:53
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diginetsilkworms aren't exactly "easy" to cultivate, considering you need a ton of mulberry00:53
Mokbortolan_easier than spiders00:57
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strangewarpDremeling wood always ends up imprecise; I ought to have just found someone with a laser-cutter and made an enclosure from scratch..01:43
strangewarpOh well, it's a DIY musical instrument, it won't matter too much if one part of the enclosure is slightly lumpy01:43
strangewarp(Fulfilling my duty, padding the edges of hardball conversations with softball musings. Yay!)01:43
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Thorbinatorapparently the mind can adapt to new frequencies added to the visual cortex?03:16
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nmz787i'm looking for a spectroscopy IRC channel06:04
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_F7_Mokbortolan, you in?07:56
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Mokbortolan_No sir, I don't like it.09:29
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kanzure"I have the Mindflex toy."09:44
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kanzure"It's debatable whether it does anything.  Because yes when you put it on it powers up and the ball goes up sometimes and down sometimes, but IMHO even among people who think they're "good" at controlling it, the correlation of direction doesn't seem to be any different than random chance."09:44
kanzure"Then we attached it to a damp kitchen sponge and it recognized it, powered up, and again started drifting the ball up and down.  It wouldn't make sense for this to be EMI, the motion up and down was fairly long-period stuff for EMI."09:44
kanzure"If it were susceptible to this noise on a sponge, it'd get the same noise on someone's head anyway."09:44
kanzure"My theory is they had this neat idea which worked in theory, but had inflexible deadlines and the thing wasn't working, not for everyone. "09:45
kanzure"So push came to shove and they said "whatever, people will believe whatever they WANT to believe.  Make it move up and down at random, no one will know the difference, just make it only start going once it's been put on someone's head so it doesn't look too fake"."09:45
Mokbortolan_sounds good09:53
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AdrianGkanzure: is there any reliable study on myopia reversal?10:32
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kanzureAdrianG: i don't know10:54
kanzureaquarius reef base photostream http://www.flickr.com/photos/aquariusreefbasepermalink/with/5939247862/10:59
kanzure"extra air" http://www.flickr.com/photos/aquariusreefbase/6041129949/in/photostream11:00
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ParahSailinhttp://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0047272700000773 hax this?11:32
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diginetkanzure, do you have any info on genetic modification of plants to grow faster?12:55
kanzurenot off-hand12:56
diginetahh okay12:56
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kanzure"Major Periodical Subscriptions Cannot Be Sustained"13:27
kanzure"Harvard’s annual cost for journals from these providers now approaches $3.75M. In 2010, the comparable amount accounted for more than 20% of all periodical subscription costs and just under 10% of all collection costs for everything the Library acquires."13:27
kanzure"Some journals cost as much as $40,000 per year, others in the tens of thousands. Prices for online content from two providers have increased by about 145% over the past six years, which far exceeds not only the consumer price index, but also the higher education and the library price indices."13:28
kanzure"Even though scholarly output continues to grow and publishing can be expensive, profit margins of 35% and more suggest that the prices we must pay do not solely result from an increasing supply of new articles."13:28
kanzure35% profit margins.. hehehe13:28
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nmz7871how do i change my name back to nmz787?13:44
diginet35%? are you kidding me? I highly doubt it takes the larger part of $40k to put a bunch of PDFs online13:44
kanzurenmz7871: /nick nmz78713:49
kanzurediginet: to be fair, some journals convert submissions to latex and do formatting, illustrations, etc. but most don't.13:49
kanzureit's interesting that the journals might cost $40,000 for a subscription, but the per paper cost is $35/each.. of course, each of those $35 copies have a restrictive license, but whatevs13:50
diginetkanzure, I suppose, but how is it that I can get a 24-month subscription to Nat'l Geographic for like $100 or so, and they actually write the articles?13:50
kanzurenational geographic is not an academic resource13:50
diginetI know13:50
kanzurenational geographic doesn't negotiate with libraries13:50
diginetbut the point is, the publishers don't produce anything13:50
kanzurein fact, most journals don't.. it's the aggregators like elsevier13:50
diginetwrite any of the articles13:50
kanzureyes, but they still charge you anyway13:51
diginetyeah, but in most cases it seems like do nothing more than charge money to make the paper change hands13:51
diginetthe comparison to Nat'l Geographic was because they're not just aggregating stuff they didn't write and then selling it, they're producing their own, original content13:52
diginetI know it's not the same, all I'm saying is its not like Elsevier is employing scientists to write their articles13:53
* AlonzoTG just got fired again. =(13:56
ThomasEgi_AlonzoTG, at what job?13:57
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nmz7871kanzure: how can i syndicate my onenNote sessions to the web?14:07
kanzurei don't actually use onenote14:07
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nmz787thought you might have seen something14:08
nmz787i guess i could run a cron job to scrape the dropbox dir14:08
nmz787and copy it to a web directory14:08
kanzureer.. dropbox should auto-sync to your folder14:09
kanzureyou can just run a web server locally and set the directory to be the same as the dropbox dir14:09
nmz787if i can have oneNote save as pdf automatically14:09
kanzurenmz787: i think we're gonna go with both bluray and the laser tube14:13
kanzureand also a photolithography setup because why not / we should do it anyway14:13
kanzurebluray approach looks cheap, so its cost doesn't matter if it doesn't work14:14
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nmz787blu-ray is a good first step14:15
nmz787i would say send fenn some goggles and a new 12X bluray burner14:15
nmz787i will be out there around the 7th-10th through the 17-20th14:16
nmz787so we have some time to work14:16
kanzureer why so early14:17
nmz787to work14:17
nmz787i'm planning on roadtripping from ~1st14:17
nmz787unless you don't want to get together14:17
kanzure*shrug* works for me14:18
nmz787i mean, its the only time we /know/ for sure that i'm gonna be out there in the future14:18
kanzurethen let's play to have stuff ordered and shipped before then14:18
nmz787that sounds good14:18
nmz787i think the CO2 route is gonna be a hard option14:18
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nmz787i asked my buddy about combining blue beams, he said the quality of the beam is gonna go down, i.e. phase differences and interference and different modes all mixed togethre14:19
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nmz787but when i said, we're doing vector cutting though, so if the beam drags along, it might be fine for our purposes14:20
nmz787(he came from laser lab where the amount of spatial filters they were dealing with were the size of like a footbal field14:20
nmz787because they had so much power at the end, if they didn't parallelize the physical optics, it would have burned the pinholes (spatial filter) when passing through14:21
nmz787so he said it might be fine, but he didn't really know about beam combiners, and to talk to another guy in town.14:22
nmz787but i remember Cat4D was talking about combining beams too14:22
nmz787Cat4D: do you have lazer pics?14:22
nmz787kanzure: ever use http://www.evernote.com/14:23
kanzurea loong time ago. it has its uses..14:23
Cat4Dlazer pics... umm dr evil or holograms?14:24
kanzurethe laser system you built.14:25
Cat4Dbeam consolidation is either, prism, directional mirror, or alignment14:25
Cat4Dwhich alignment is easiest if you have a milled cone or sphere14:26
nmz787can you help us pick optics?14:26
Cat4Dor even a pyramid14:26
* Cat4D just makes14:26
Cat4Dyou are still trying to blast channels in plastic?14:26
nmz787kanzure: apparently wineHQ gives oneNote 2010 Bronze rating -- pic http://appdb.winehq.org/screenshots.php?iAppId=2911&iVersionId=2363214:27
nmz787Cat4D: silicone, using a few 1W 405nm diodes14:27
nmz787ebay has emm new14:27
Cat4Dya, 4-5 typical 1w would be fine14:27
Cat4Dtypical pri.. ya14:27
Cat4Dthough mw+mw=14:27
Cat4Dwhich bands?14:27
Cat4Dremember your coherence and interference issues14:28
nmz787how can we sync them? by turn on time?14:28
Cat4Dpolarity, and for yours, its likely not relevant14:29
Cat4Dmight be beneficial, zap all directions14:29
Cat4Dhave you seen any high speed mems/etc bean directors?14:29
Cat4DI need a new scanner assy, would like to be able to do rgb channels at wqxga off a video card as pixels (plus analogue vectoring)14:30
nmz787pico projector14:30
Cat4Dthe only pico similar is the microvision, but its limited14:31
nmz7872400hz if pre-programmed patterns14:31
Cat4Da beam steering rig used to be common toy14:31
nmz787they have that too14:31
Cat4Dits likely that 2500*1600*60hz is too fast for larger mems14:32
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Cat4Dbut i just want 4 entry gates, a consolidator prism, and a steering mirror, synced to dvi/hdmi/whatever14:32
nmz787g2g, bbl14:33
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Cat4Dvga for pico, and 300 bux without controller is ... kinda high14:34
Cat4Dtnx will review14:35
kanzuredo you have something cheaper?14:35
Cat4Dfor what?14:41
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Cat4Dkan you're using a micro stage, right?14:47
Cat4Dpi.com style?14:47
Cat4Dnmz TI calls them DMD14:50
Cat4Dohstfu http://www.ti.com/analog/docs/memsmidlevel.tsp?sectionId=622&tabId=244714:59
Cat4Dpatent racket14:59
diginetcould someone here get an article for me?15:02
diginethttp://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0168945286901196 [-]15:03
Cat4Dif it wasnt for this mess, everyone would have a solar powerd and lighted handheld projector at max resolution15:06
* Cat4D tells iran that the americans are preventing the display of information, shuts down usdoc.gov15:06
diginetnevermind, I got it15:07
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kanzureCat4D: no we're not necessarily using DMD15:22
Cat4Dyou have a stage already15:22
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kanzurehi yashgaroth15:51
yashgarothey you hear anything from joe jackson re: me?15:51
kanzurehaven't talked with him15:52
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kanzurehe's very friendly, you should email him ad ask15:52
yashgarothblergh okay then15:52
kanzureor i could send it15:57
yashgarothyou think it'd be easier if I offer to pay for hotel etc? if that's what the quota is about15:57
kanzurehaha don't offer that just yet15:57
kanzurealso, don't pay for a hotel in sf.. you can find someone to hang out with15:57
yashgarothI've got an aunt/uncle in berkeley but that's quite far15:58
kanzurenah, there's going to be lots of locals attending15:58
yashgarothone day I will learn your ways of frugality15:58
kanzurejust always be asking yourself... "i'm cheap, but am i being cheap enough?"15:59
yashgarothI'm jewish isn't that enough15:59
yashgarothk I'll shoot him an email15:59
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Jorahi there!18:10
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Cat4DTHIS IS THE END OF MICROSOFT!!!!! http://datak.ir/search?search_keyword=host19:18
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+o kanzure] by ChanServ19:21
-!- Cat4D was kicked from ##hplusroadmap by kanzure [Cat4D]19:21
@kanzureda hell was that19:21
JayDuggerA desperate cry for help.19:21
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@kanzurecan you post those links somewhere else?19:29
joshcryerthat looks like spam19:30
@kanzureit is spam19:31
-!- Cat4D was kicked from ##hplusroadmap by kanzure [Cat4D]19:31
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delinquentme_HIO :D <319:32
joshcryerIRC spamming, haven't seen that in ages19:32
joshcryerNot you delinquentme_! :(19:33
joshcryerShould edit his link out of the logs.19:33
Jorahi delinquentme_19:34
delinquentme_heya Jora19:34
@kanzuregah why didn't javascript tell me where my syntax error was :(19:37
Jorahows it going?19:37
@kanzurethat's not fair19:37
diginethow did Cat4D become a spambot?19:38
@kanzurehe's a 9/11 nut19:38
delinquentme_do we have anyone who does circuit design?19:39
@kanzureyes we do19:39
delinquentme_designers *8 hahah19:39
delinquentme_http://www.instructables.com/id/Perfboard-Hackduino-Arduino-compatible-circuit/  << this thing looks simple19:40
delinquentme_might be a decent project19:40
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nmz787aww, i guess cat4d won't be helping with a beam combiner :P19:43
ParahSailinhttp://www.slapsale.com/item_desc.aspx?itemid=52680 hm not bad19:44
nmz787kanzure: bid on that shiz19:45
ParahSailinno kanzure i call that19:46
delinquentme_are we the only open source laser cutter channel on IRC :D?19:46
* ParahSailin will take greyhound to austin and drive it back uhaul if necessary19:47
delinquentme_( large format laser cutters )19:48
JayDuggerHmmm...those projectors go for $750 new.19:49
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@kanzurenmz787: looking19:50
@kanzurean incubator?19:51
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JayDuggerParahSailin, will SlapSale notify registered users of new auctions?19:51
ParahSailinkanzure, you have a truck?19:52
JayDuggerDid you find the incubator by browsing their website?19:52
@kanzurei have trucks available19:52
@kanzurealso this http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/the-embezzler.jpg19:52
nmz787kanzure: ParahSailin: whoever gets it, it should be one of us, for <$100 def, <$200 still good but getting to the area of... i'm not sure when we'd use it (but i think it would still be a very good value to get at a good price)19:54
nmz787unless of course it jumps to $500-100019:54
@kanzurewhy is this a good incubator19:54
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ParahSailinyou dont have to worry about me not snapping it up if it stays at good price19:55
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@kanzurei'd be happy to buy if you tell me why19:55
JayDuggerThere exists another incubator on SlapSale. http://www.slapsale.com/item_desc.aspx?itemid=5190919:56
@kanzureare good incubators expensive?19:56
ParahSailini want it for my lab19:56
delinquentme_needs the shit out of some fab equipment19:56
ParahSailinthats a co2 incubator19:56
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JayDuggerIf you say so. My knowledge of the tool fills a thimble.19:56
@kanzurebrownies: you should complain about phdcomics in here19:58
nmz787kanzure: yeah a good incubator, in good condition, can run $700-1000, depending on size, i'm not sure how price scales19:58
nmz787but yeah they have water jackets sometimes to distribute heat evenly and CO2 inlets, maybe valves and controller/sensor for doing mammalian cells (use the CO2 as a pH modifier)19:58
browniesi'm still at the part where this is shockingly similar to my own life http://www.phdcomics.com/comics/archive.php?comicid=149619:59
nmz787plus for $<100 is pretty cheap for any well engineered lab tool19:59
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@kanzurehas anyone splurged for the phdcomics movie?19:59
@kanzureand/or seen a review20:00
JayDuggerNo, sorry.20:00
nmz787thanks to IRC, i am happy with a working phone!20:02
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JayDuggerGood night, everyone.20:02
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@kanzureboop so i guess i should go figure out how to bid20:05
nmz787hah, i dont wanna start a bidding war between you and ParahSailin... he found it, lol, and if he needs it, it will prob go to use faster in his hands20:06
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@kanzureParahSailin: let me know if you'd like me to pick it up20:09
delinquentme_nmz787, have you talked with any of the people working on lasersaur?20:16
delinquentme_they've got a pretty large CO2 laser20:16
delinquentme_and they're in the process of finishing it up20:16
nmz787i think its pretty settled that we shouldn't use CO2 due to the diffraction limit and expense of optics20:18
@kanzureexpense of optics was <$1k, it's fine..20:19
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nmz787its really the diffraction limit though getting the small spot20:22
@kanzureParahSailin: let me know if you'd like me to pick it up20:24
ParahSailinsure, if i need you to help me out i can bank some of your fibroblasts or something20:25
ParahSailinill see how auction goes20:25
b_nicotinaBuena suerte20:30
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Jorawhat projects are you all working on20:35
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ParahSailini think the journal people are on to /r/scholar20:45
@kanzurewhy do you say that20:47
ParahSailinone guy said "in your inbox" in thread, but messaged me a filehosting link with a 0 byte file20:48
@kanzurehe might just be a moron20:48
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superkuhIt is too bad that that personal messages have taken over for public link posting in r/scholar.20:57
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Jorado any of you have a goal of getting into neural engineering as a pipe dream?20:58
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@kanzureJora: no, not as a pipe dream.. just as established fact20:59
@kanzuresuperkuh: yes.. i wonder how we can prevent that. maybe a bot that posts after each "IT'S IN YOUR INBOX BRO" message with an explanation about why they are evil?20:59
Jorakanzure, you studying neuro?20:59
@kanzureJora: yes a bit20:59
JoraGood for you :)20:59
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@kanzuresome helpful python deployment links: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=387992621:12
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klafka1how do i check what class an instance belongs to in ruby?21:33
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delinquentme_klafka, you can do Object.class21:42
delinquentme_or Object.type21:42
delinquentme_also Obect.inspect21:42
klafka1also how do you remove the last element from an array in ruby, foo.pop does not work like i thought21:42
@kanzureyou might mean foo.shift21:43
klafka1chop doen't exist21:44
delinquentme_a = [1,3,4,5]21:45
delinquentme_a.delete_at(-1)  #=>  a = [1,3,4]21:45
delinquentme_more! more!21:47
@kanzureyou suck at ruby21:47
klafka1oh i see21:47
delinquentme_i love how wildly inexpensive commodity electronics are21:47
delinquentme_kanzure, thats a horrible thing to say!!!!!!!!!!!!21:48
delinquentme_klafka, just tell them the dude they turned down helped21:48
klafka1delinquentme they didn't turn you down because you couldn't code21:48
delinquentme_this is true this is true21:49
@kanzuredid delinquentme_ forget to fart properly at the end of his interview21:49
Jorafarting always gets you the job21:49
@kanzureyou have to play it right21:49
delinquentme_" Pay me for a few weeks .. you know im overqualified! Itll work out for a little while then Ill find a better job later and leave you in a year .. but till be fun in the time between!21:49
Jorathe one thing you don't want to forget to do when you get the job is eat your toelint in the spirit of richard stallman21:50
* delinquentme_ picks at belly button lint21:50
@kanzuredon't be hating on stallman21:50
Joraim not21:50
Jorathe toelint is a frequently cited joke in another room i frequent21:50
@kanzureit's usually used as a personal attack against him21:51
Jorai dont have anything personal against that guy21:51
delinquentme_its beautiful http://www.flickr.com/photos/stfnix/5713025807/in/photostream/lightbox/21:51
delinquentme_its simple21:51
Jorai was just thinking of gross stuff you could do on a job once the fart gets you the interview21:52
delinquentme_and effective21:52
delinquentme_kanzure, in 2 years21:52
delinquentme_to having all the toys we could possibly need for devious fabs21:52
Joracool device21:52
@kanzuredelinquentme_: i'm pretty sure we already have all the tools we need21:52
Joraare you also an offline group of people that meets and tinkers?21:52
@kanzuresort of.21:53
@kanzureklafka1: i'm going to be in sf in june, btw21:53
delinquentme_working on it21:53
@kanzureklafka1: don't let me miss you21:53
@kanzurefor the diybio/fbi thing21:53
klafka1NOT TO BE MISSED21:53
@kanzurei may or may not be escorted by federal agents21:53
klafka1hmm interesting21:53
delinquentme_yeah how do you get the gov to buy you shit21:53
klafka1kanzure so i've immediately ran into one of those 4hr algorithms21:56
@kanzuresolution: delete all your data21:56
klafka1actually this is just approximately 4hrs for oen small section of our data21:56
klafka1it's also not multithreaded atm21:56
@kanzurei'd be interested in seeing implementations of your stochastic gradient descent thing21:56
klafka1this implementation i think sucks though21:58
klafka1i'm looking at what's taking CPU and i'm thrashing redis21:59
klafka1what would a C thread running from ruby look like in my processes ?21:59
@kanzuredo you mean starting a subprocess?22:00
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@kanzureyou could compile a shared object, and include that into your ruby project22:00
@kanzurethen you can call your method from ruby22:00
klafka1not really sure. i'm looking at their stuff it seems like they have some compiled .c libs22:00
klafka1i'm trying to assess what that process would be called22:00
@kanzurethis is similar to importing a .so library in python or .dll if you're on windows22:00
delinquentme_kanzure, should I voluntarily contact this FBI dude22:05
delinquentme_or would you care to dish and help me out22:05
@kanzuredelinquentme_: on what topic?22:05
delinquentme_the free shit summit22:05
delinquentme_food flight fun22:05
@kanzurewhere do you currently live?22:06
Jorafree shit summit?22:07
Jorais there a link to a website about it ?22:07
delinquentme_gov handouds22:07
delinquentme_gcode tools!22:07
@kanzuredelinquentme_: ok. i'll send out an email and see if they have pitt represented22:08
delinquentme_thanks a million22:08
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ybitsuperkuh, kanzure: rather a bot, that says "i want that too"22:12
* ybit sleeps22:12
superkuhI've been sending the requesters pm's asking for them to pass it forward.22:13
@kanzureyeah sounds like the job for a bot22:14
@kanzureeh that's a horrible implementation22:15
@kanzurejava :(22:15
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@kanzuredelinquentme_: ok he replied22:23
@kanzurethey are flying in 40 people max22:23
delinquentme_yeh I shot him an email back22:23
delinquentme_whatever works out22:23
delinquentme_FBI & google are buddied up right?22:24
@kanzurei don't see it22:24
delinquentme_anyone know how deep that relationship is?22:24
delinquentme_oh I must not have replied all22:24
delinquentme_standard affair:  Thanks for the heads up on the head counts.  I'm certainly boot strapped for cash at this time so thats a huge constraint.  However its good to know that you guys are down in the trenches working with us.22:25
@kanzurejoseph is not fbi22:25
@kanzurehe's from biocurious and runs open science summit22:25
delinquentme_oh well nm then22:26
delinquentme_ill stay home its cool :D22:26
delinquentme_OHHH its f22:26
delinquentme_hahah ok ok yeahhh we've met22:26
delinquentme_alright im out all22:27
katsmeow-afkwow, Tony Pearson has recommended me to a NewScientist writer for an article about homebrew Ai/bots22:28
@kanzurewhich bots aren't homebrew22:29
katsmeow-afkTony Pearson did the memory/storage array system for IBM's Watson as appeared on Jeopardy22:29
@kanzurehmm well just remember, if the reporter asks "are you a genius?" just smile22:29
delinquentme_katsmeow-afk, thats awesome !22:30
delinquentme_grats :D22:30
yashgarothsmile maniacally*22:30
delinquentme_but yeah i gotta go :D22:30
delinquentme_yash hows the cat in the comp !?22:30
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yashgarothso kanz if I pay my own travel and hotel you think they'd let me in anyway?22:31
yashgarothjoejack hasn't gotten back to me and it's been 6 hours22:31
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@kanzureyashgaroth: yes, his latest email indicates as such22:32
@kanzureyou are okay to send him a follow-up now saying that you can pay22:32
@kanzure*can pay your way22:32
yashgarothyeah I think I will, cuz seriously when else will everyone be in one place22:32
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@kanzureyashgaroth: also, he's holding a hackathon thing for two days after the event22:34
@kanzureso you should stick around for that22:34
yashgarothat the least, but if I can get into the conference it would be nice22:34
yashgarothdon't exactly want to crash an FBI-sponsored event, they might get all weird22:34
katsmeow-afkit would highlite your abilities ;-)22:35
yashgaroththen I'll do my presentation on how america is satan, should get me off the hook22:36
katsmeow-afkdedication to the message!22:36
yashgaroth*great* satan though, not just your run of the mill lucifer22:37
* kanzure sleepz22:38
nmz787nighty nighty22:53
Mokbortolan_is hemopure safe?22:53
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yashgarothif you're about to die from blood loss, sure22:56
Mokbortolan_doesn't appear to be wonderfully safe, after investigation23:07
Mokbortolan_maybe if they put it inside nanospheres23:08
Mokbortolan_donut shaped ones :p23:08
Mariuhas any of you guys ever noticed the Entoptic Field ?23:13
Mariuyou have ?23:14
yashgaroth(after look up the term)23:14
yashgarothsure, white blood cells and floaty bits in the eye23:14
Mariunope, it's not that23:15
Mariuthose are just mere floaters23:15
nmz787i've always been able to see floaters, as long as i can remember23:15
Mariuit's not floaters guys23:15
Mariuit's some sort of movements converging on your focal point23:15
yashgarothwell there's the white blood cells also, like when you stand up too fast23:15
Mokbortolan_that's where it's at23:15
yashgarothtiny spheres shooting around your vision?23:15
Mariunot tiny23:16
Mokbortolan_unborn baby blood23:16
yashgarothwell small23:16
yashgarothor just paying people to give blood like they did back in the day23:16
yashgaroth"are you a junkie?" "no" "ok give us some blood"23:16
Mariuyashgaroth: The Entoptic Field is some sort of shapes that they ecmopass all of your of your vision field, like some ovoid waves ... and converg in the same reoccurence movement pattern on your focal point23:17
Mariuthey usually get noticed after you do excercise, or walk outside and look at the sky23:17
Mariuthey usually get noticed after you do excercise and walk outside and look at the sky23:17
Mariufloaters are totally different thing23:18
yashgarothuh I think that's still cells in your capillaries23:18
yashgarothnot floaters23:18
Mariuah, okay23:18
yashgarothred blood cells are ignored by your neurons, but white blood cells still appear23:18
Mokbortolan_the current blood donor program is a great way to spread novel pathogens23:19
yashgaroththat's just them flowing through the capillaries above your retina, because evolution is dumb and put blood capillaries in front of the retina23:19
yashgarothit's easy to test for blood pathogens, unless they're prions23:19
Mokbortolan_or weird in some other way23:19
yashgarothehh if they're savvy enough to avoid detection, they deserve a go23:19
Mariuyashgaroth: well, they are not tiny spheres as you described them ... rather then greyw wave like ovoidic shaped that have the same movement speed and direct and pattern, and converge on your focal point23:21
Mariuthat's what I see23:21
yashgaroththey'll seem like they converge on your focal point, since the eye only really detect stuff in the center of vision23:21
yashgarothand they can be ovoid since they're flexible23:22
nmz787i def notice my vision pulse, especially when i make rash traffic decisions that get my adrenaline up a bit23:22
Mariufor example, this year I discovered that if look at a bird, you could compare what I see with targeting sits zeroing in on a target (the bird that I was looking in my case)23:22
yashgarothyeah the eye has a lot of tricks to make you think it's actually seeing more than it does23:23
Mariugot it23:24
nmz787i always liked pressing my eyes when i was young23:24
Mariusame here :p23:24
nmz787it hurt a bit, but always looked like the starfield screensaver23:25
nmz787cooler, then with some streaks of color eventually23:25
nmz787this seems a little weak http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S030326470800035X23:28
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nmz787maybe not, http://www.scribd.com/doc/90942005/1-s2-0-S030326470800035X-main23:30
nmz787i dunno, can't read now, too tired23:31
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