
--- Log opened Mon Apr 30 00:00:56 2012
gnushapokecrystal.git: a06cb37 remove old comment00:22
gnushapokecrystal.git: 6eb1478 clean up comments in Script.parse method00:22
gnushapokecrystal.git: 9189b3f begin to rewrite the text parser00:22
gnushapokecrystal.git: 37e808b basic TextCommand skeleton from yesterday00:22
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archelsUtopiah: I'd rather Markram get the money than that ill-defined project...01:41
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jrayhawkand most people probably want to bindmount /dev into that chroot and use the DRI infrastructure, presumably01:45
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rkosi like the idea of futurict better than markrams thing02:49
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nmz787kanzure: you awake?06:17
nmz787kanzure: it would be nice to get into this for free http://www.techconnectworld.com/Biotech2012/sym/micro_nano_fluidics.html06:18
nmz787kanzure: fenn: FYI: http://people.rit.edu/~harkin/research/articles/thermal_and_fluid.pdf06:20
nmz787kanzure: fenn: http://people.rit.edu/~harkin/research/articles/RimExp.pdf06:20
nmz787nice pics of pulsed laser ablation craters06:21
nmz787(in glass)06:21
JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.06:23
JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.06:25
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JayDuggerGood morning.06:33
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nmz787i don't feel drawn to sleep at night, but never like waking up06:37
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kanzurejrayhawk: how would that work?06:43
kanzurenmz787: that's a lot of speakers... http://www.techconnectworld.com/Biotech2012/bio.html06:50
kanzurethey want $1045 to register? haha06:51
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gnushananoengineer.git: a269f97 split up a long line in build-chroot.sh07:01
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gnushananoengineer.git: 859f144 .gitignore entries from svn global-ignores07:06
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nmz787i emailed two speakers from bufallo, one i met before, asking if they could get me in free07:13
kanzurei wonder if netmorph is energetically constrained or not07:14
kanzurelike at a certain point brain development can't happen because there's not enough energy07:14
nmz787sugar not avail?07:19
kanzuresure, i mean you only eat so much07:20
nmz787liver ensures brain has energy... maybe not excess, but brain is body's priority07:28
Urchinthis is interesting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdcKwOo7dmM07:28
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kanzuretar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors08:35
kanzurehrm.. DISPLAY=:0.0 python ~/code/nanoengineer/cad/src/main.py08:38
kanzuremain.py: cannot connect to X server localhost:0.008:38
kanzureoh right08:39
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kanzureping: icmp open socket: Operation not permitted08:42
kanzurewell this is weird.. how is it that i can get x11 forwarding in a remote chroot working, but i can't get it to use my $DISPLAY?08:48
kanzure*my $DISPLAY when it's on my same computer?08:48
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kanzure"must be setuid root"08:57
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kanzurecd nanoengineer-chroot; sudo mount -t proc none proc; sudo mount -o bind /tmp tmp09:18
kanzureso now glxgears and xeyes work09:18
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kanzurenmz787_: it workz http://heybryan.org/shots/2012-04-30-1131-nanoengineer-chroot.png09:43
nmz787_Nice, was it the magic cookie thing tthat helped it get working?09:44
nmz787_So seems that east bay housing is better value per sq ft... but less convenient for quick meetings in sf... though we both have cars so south bay meetings may be just as convenient09:47
kanzurethe main problem was that localhost didn't exist in the chroot09:48
kanzurethat screenshot is nanoengineer running in a local chroot (not over ssh) (had to mount some things)09:48
nmz787_oO, how did you fix that?09:48
kanzurecd nanoengineer-chroot; sudo mount -t proc none proc; sudo mount -o bind /tmp tmp09:49
kanzureeast bay is cheaper because it's trashier09:49
nmz787_Ahh, why are you running in hroot anyway, on a machine thats not yours?09:49
kanzureto live anywhere decent you're looking at paying at least 1500/mo minimum09:49
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kanzurenmz787_: it requires super old software that is incompatible with most people's systems09:49
nmz787_Dint trust nanoengiiner09:49
kanzureit's ubuntu 709:49
kanzurei think the latest release is ubuntu 1209:50
kanzurepart of the problem with nanoengineer is that nobody has been able to get it to run or compile09:51
kanzureso i've compiled it and run it successfully, and dumped the whole chroot into a .tar.gz for others to use09:51
nmz787_I would live in a tent as long as i had a garage for tools and a kitchen for cooking and a lab for labbing09:51
kanzurethe mac osx installer of v1.1.1 works, and the windows installer works (for sp1 but not sp2)09:51
kanzurebuut nobody has been able to compile-and-run from the source code09:51
nmz787_Hmm, is it open?09:52
kanzurenmz787_: the cheap parts of sf doesn't mean "in a tent" it means "homeless people pooping on you"09:52
kanzurenmz787_: yes nanoengineer is open source http://github.com/kanzure/nanoengineer#readme09:52
nmz787_Right, no, tent means away from ppl on our fictitous science ranch09:53
nmz787_Farther fron city, with a great view and fresh air09:53
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katsmeow-afkfresh air in the country, away from cities, is a myth10:38
katsmeow-afkin cities, air quality is monitored and enforced10:38
katsmeow-afkin country areas, people feel free, or even compelled, to burn garbage, mistune their vehicles, etc10:38
katsmeow-afkin some big cities, you cannot so much as light a cigarette now,,,, in most rural areas you can't drive past any house or church without seeing a burn pile or barrel10:40
katsmeow-afkit's a kind of territorial scent marking, some places keep their garbage piles smouldering 24-7, that includes smoking plastics10:41
katsmeow-afkalso, many places now have laws about where certain peoples can live, such as pedophiles and felons, no living near kids, schools, churches, etc etc, so you won't find them in cities, they'll be out in the country, burning their garbage at each other10:43
katsmeow-afkdito animal control laws, firearm control laws, meth labs, pot farms, noisey animal breeding (constant dogs barking carrying for miles), multi-miles square of hog farms (think open cess pools as far as the eye can see),, etc etc etc10:46
katsmeow-afkat night, the dead animals, and occasionally dead humans, get tossed on the garbage fires, and i am serious about the dead humans10:47
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nmz787_Katsmeow-afk i still find air, light, and sound pollution less away from cities11:32
kanzurespacex static fire test today http://www.spacex.com/webcast.php11:44
Cat4DI called Treasury.gov/ofac regarding the Obama executive order 4/23 about the display of information and human rights, TREASURY.GOV told me "tu madra, audios!"11:45
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yashgarothwhy does the google result for nanoengineer advertise boner drugs12:36
nmz787this guy looks like he might have some good papers http://small.buffalo.edu/kwangoh.html12:36
nmz787if his license plate is really "BIO MEMS" that is awesome12:36
@kanzureyashgaroth: because you're a nanoprick12:37
@kanzureor something12:37
yashgarothit's not sidebar, they show up as if the nanorex site sells viagra and shit12:37
@kanzurethe nanoengineer wiki has been spammed12:41
@kanzurei emailed mark about it but he hasn't got back with me12:41
yashgarothahhh okay12:41
@kanzurewe'll probably need to salvage the content and port it to another server to save it from the wiki spam12:41
@kanzurehttp://nanoengineer-1.net/mediawiki/ look at "recent changes"12:41
nmz787so what happened to the existing nanoengineer ppl?12:43
@kanzurenanorex inc. existed 2004-200912:44
@kanzuremark sims was spending about a million a year on salaries12:44
@kanzurefor 10 developers.12:44
@kanzurehe didn't know what to do with the software so he closed nanorex down12:44
@kanzurei have managed to convince most of the nanorex people to subscribe here: http://groups.google.com/group/nanoengineer-dev12:45
@kanzureyeah well.. this software shouldn't just die12:45
nmz787The eye represents a compromise between clear focus and breadth of spectrum. What does ultraviolet look like? Prof Stark possesses UV vision because he is aphakic in one eye and, with Professor Karel Tan, has published research on the nearest visible equivalent. His conclusion is that it looks whitish blue or, for some wavelengths, a whitish violet.This appears to be because the three types of colour receptor (red, green and bl12:47
nmz787no definitely cool, so what still needs moved to the github account?12:48
@kanzureit's all there.. the trick is getting it to work on modern systems12:49
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nmz787_Wat lang?12:49
nmz787do you know what libs are in conflict ?12:50
@kanzurethey are all old versions12:50
nmz787wait the github readme links to nanoengineer-1.net12:52
nmz787earlier it sounded like you wanted to get everything from that site over to github?12:52
@kanzurenanorex.com and nanoengineer-1.net are nanorex's websites12:52
@kanzurethe github repo has all the code, just not the wiki.. dunno what to do with their wiki.. either i will make a mirror, or use github's wiki, or do something else12:53
nmz787so why mirror it from them?12:53
@kanzurei also have a backup of the nanorex bugtracker that i have never converted to something usable12:53
@kanzurebecause it's full of spam and unmaintained12:53
nmz787are they letting it die?12:53
@kanzureeh.. almost?12:53
nmz787are they OK that you take it and move?12:53
@kanzurei mean.. he still pays for the servers to be up12:53
@kanzureyeah, i did this in collaboration with him12:54
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nmz787uploading to github in the wiki is kind of weird, unless i just didn't realize how to do that12:55
@kanzurei don't think github is a long-term solution for the wiki12:55
@kanzurebut obviously mediawiki requires active system administration to keep out all the spam bots12:55
nmz787unless you just make it on-human-approval12:56
@kanzurenot really..12:58
nmz787why accounts getting hacked?12:59
@kanzurenope.. just bots registering to spam the wiki12:59
@kanzureit's a common bot type12:59
@kanzuredump links into pages to increase pagerank of various sites12:59
nmz787hmm, doesn't one of the captchas solve that?12:59
nmz787vis, audio, and audio/video?12:59
@kanzureno.. http://deathbycaptcha.com/12:59
nmz787doesn't mention audio or a/v13:00
@kanzurethere are ways13:00
delinquentmenot too much going on w the spacex feed eh?13:00
nmz787kanzure: where are the install instructions?13:02
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@kanzurenmz787: depends on what you want to install...13:04
nmz787isn't it one prog?13:04
@kanzurenmz787: yes but.. there's some "Release" versions from 200813:04
@kanzurethen there's the latest development version13:04
@kanzureto get the "release" version http://www.nanoengineer-1.net/mediawiki/index.php?title=Get_NanoEngineer-113:04
@kanzurethe osx installation works flawlessly for me13:04
@kanzureif you want to install the development version.. you will have to either build your own chroot or download the one i made:13:05
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delinquentmetheyre talking!13:06
nmz787but are there any "guide docs" out there?13:06
nmz787i guess you made one re chroot13:06
@kanzureyes there are guides here.. sorta http://www.nanoengineer-1.net/mediawiki/index.php?title=Get_NanoEngineer-113:07
@kanzureand http://www.nanoengineer-1.net/mediawiki/index.php?title=Building_NanoEngineer-1_on_Linux13:07
@kanzuremy notes are here:13:07
@kanzurefenn's notes:13:08
@kanzuretechnologiclee's notes:13:08
nmz787hmm, http://pybsddb.sourceforge.net/ berkely db redirectes to oracle13:08
@kanzureyeah i have links to the files in my document13:09
nmz787did you try using the latest libs?13:10
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@kanzurenmz787: can't get that far ;)13:11
nmz787so the code is on github though, right?13:12
nmz787so if i get it to work, we just merge it back into your copy?13:12
delinquentme<1 min13:14
delinquentmekanzure, what is this run for?13:14
@kanzuredunno. bbl13:19
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nmz787delinquentme: what u askin bout?13:20
delinquentmeit was just a space x rocket burn test13:20
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AdrianGkanzure, u reddit?13:24
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@kanzureAdrianG: no reddit allowed13:24
AdrianGlol what13:24
* nsh frowns13:26
AdrianGwhats wrong with reddit13:27
AdrianGwith have an AMA with a cognitive/psych researcher13:27
yashgarothpictures of famous atheists with a quote next to them, truly the height of the internet13:28
yashgarothand let's not forget 20-panel rage comics about banal situations13:29
@kanzurefor some reason there's been a recent influx of redditors13:30
AdrianGi had a useful question, and even tho reddit sux, i thought ti would be nice to generate momentum and get important questions answered by this researcher13:30
AdrianG(tolerance to stimulants)13:31
@kanzureif your question is important then you might want to consider writing an email to your local area professorclub13:31
AdrianGprofessorclub lol13:33
@kanzureoh i meant school.. sorry13:33
AdrianGniche topic.13:33
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@kanzure"Vanderbilt astronomers have identified nearly 700 rogue stars that14:28
@kanzureappear to have been ejected from the Milky Way galaxy. When these14:28
@kanzurestars received the powerful kick that knocked them out of the galaxy,14:28
@kanzurethey were small, yellow stars like the sun."14:28
@kanzure"In fact, the primary mechanism that astronomers have come up with that14:28
@kanzurecan give a star the two-million-plus mile-per-hour kick it takes14:28
@kanzurerequires a close encounter with the supermassive black hole at the14:28
@kanzuregalaxy's core."14:28
nmz787are we near the center?14:29
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eudoxiahalfway i think14:29
@kanzure"The Sun orbits the center of the Milky Way at a distance of approximately 24,000–26,000 light-years from the galactic center, completing one clockwise orbit, as viewed from the galactic north pole, in about 225–250 million years."14:30
@kanzure"Since our galaxy is moving with respect to the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) in the direction of the constellation Hydra with a speed of 550 km/s, the Sun's resultant velocity with respect to the CMB is about 370 km/s in the direction of Crater or Leo"14:30
@kanzurestars going in reverse would be an interesting way to signal14:30
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@kanzurejrayhawk: your ssh-agent manager always takes forever in ~/.bashrc :/14:36
@kanzureby forever i mean bash takes more than one or two seconds to give me a prompt14:37
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@kanzureoh i'm wrong cool14:45
@kanzurethe thing taking the most time is "enable programmable completion features"14:46
@kanzurewhich runs /etc/bash_completion14:46
@kanzuredawid ciężarkiewicz seems to have a solution: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bash-completion/+bug/384017/comments/814:51
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* bkero just came across http://www.antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/fiction/accelerando/toughguide.html15:49
bkerokanzure: bash takes a long time...are you on OS X?15:49
bkeroAh, bash_completion.  I don't use any nonstandard extensions for bash completion15:50
@kanzureno i'm on debian15:50
@kanzuredisabling it makes my life so much better.. bash doesn't take >5 seconds to load anymore :)15:53
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@kanzurediybio competition thing16:48
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@kanzureFrank Zwetsloot, Jan Nieuwenhuizen16:49
@kanzurei'm skeptical16:49
@kanzure"The GOODIY Bio Competition will be launched during the PICNIC Festival in September 2012 in Amsterdam"16:50
@kanzure"Over the course of 6 months teams design, build and launch there project. All contestents will meetup in February at the Global Offical Open DIY Bio Championship. The location of this event remains to be determined"16:50
@kanzurehaha.. so they have no location16:50
@kanzurelooks like a publicity stunt to me16:51
@kanzurehaven't even heard of those two people before16:51
@kanzure"For more information on the sponsorship opportunities, please contact Pieter van Boheemen, info@goodiybio.org, +31(0)70 358 8060" ah.. this guy again. bleh16:53
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jrayhawkkanzure: The cygwin thing?18:01
jrayhawkoh, bash completion, right18:01
jrayhawkyeah, bash completion sucks in a lot of ways18:01
jrayhawkif you want non-standard shell behavior, you may as well use zsh anyway18:02
@kanzurei see i see18:04
@kanzureand for mounting my chroot.. i did some things and it worked, but what were the things that i was supposed to do18:04
@kanzure(i mounted some /tmp and /proc stuff?)18:04
jrayhawkUsually it's easiest to just do something like for i in dev proc sys tmp home; do mount --bind /$i /path/to/chroot/$i; done18:06
jrayhawkand add yourself as appropriate to /etc/{passwd,group,shadow,gshadow}18:06
@kanzureit keeps complaining about a user with uid 1000 not being uid 0 or something18:07
@kanzuresorry, i mean binaries not being setuid'd properly18:07
jrayhawkyou'll have to be more specific18:10
@kanzurefor instance, sudo18:11
@kanzuremaybe i forgot to run the tar extraction as root18:12
JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.18:12
JayDuggerThe ongoing nanoengineer discussion continues?18:12
@kanzureit seemed to be complaining that certain binaries were belonging to too-high user ids18:12
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@kanzurehi nmz787 .. are you trying nanoengineer tonight?18:13
nmz787prob will with modern ubuntu18:13
nmz787i think i still have 11.1018:13
nmz787see where i can get18:13
@kanzureah, well, you could always just download that large file and have it working in a few minutes18:27
@kanzure"The National Space Society is holding, for the first time ever, track sessions on Transhumanism and Human Space Exploration at this year’s International Space Development Conference, which will be held over Memorial Day weekend, May 24-28, 2012."18:29
JayDuggerHow weird...18:29
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JayDuggerWhat the hell is that part about "Waiver of Liability and Medical Authorization for Students?"18:30
@kanzurenice historical accounting http://metamodern.com/2009/12/15/when-a-million-readers-first-encountered-nanotechnology/18:42
JayDuggerGack...I remember that article.18:43
JayDuggerIf you weren't yet born, I don't want to know. :)18:44
roksprokomni magazine had really cool cover art....or maybe it was just the 80's18:50
roksprokbtw kanzure i installed nanoengineer-1 (the release version) on OSX, but i think you already knew that that worked18:51
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@kanzureroksprok: cool18:52
@kanzureroksprok: yeah, i'm surprised that it's still workign on OSX.. what  version?18:52
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@kanzureah i tested on 10.7.218:53
@kanzureso.. 10.6 and 10.718:53
@kanzurenow the real trick is figuring out how to get the development version running on osx18:54
roksprokwhat is the current dev version?18:54
@kanzurei just mean the master branch18:55
roksprokthe wiki acts like its, but that doesn't make sense18:55
@kanzurei haven't mapped out all the releases that they claim to exist18:56
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@kanzureah nice.. http://www.nanoengineer-1.com/snapshots/NE1_Documentation/18:59
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@kanzure"Remember Core Wars? In Core Wars you wrote machine code programs that tried to destroy/over-write other programs in silent battle. The idea with HiveArena is that contestants create nano-bots that fight it out to the end."19:14
@kanzure"The battle space is the NanoHive-1 simulation space, and the processing power to compute bouts would come from participating contestant universities or organizations, and the @home DC client force."19:14
@kanzureis this will ware's thing?19:26
-!- upgrayeddd [u2969@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-kfbyyazjyjpyichf] has joined ##hplusroadmap19:52
upgrayedddhi, I would like blueprints for one tactical ICMB19:52
upgrayedddGPL only pls19:52
@kanzurehmm well we have BSD and Apache licensed ICMBs19:53
@kanzurewould this be acceptable?19:53
upgrayedddno, I respect users' rights19:53
upgrayedddI only bomb with 100% free libre missiles19:53
@kanzureyou're a tough customer19:54
vrsicbms, not icmbs19:54
vrswe don't do mallistic bissiles here19:54
@kanzureperhaps we should19:55
vrsupgrayeddd: you'll need some tough quantities of hydrazine19:55
vrsor design your own drive19:55
vrsbasically the more available your propellant, the less energy it will carry or the less nice to handle it will be19:56
upgrayedddvrs: mallistic bissiles or bust19:57
@kanzureupgrayeddd: what's up?19:57
upgrayedddand I have plenty of hydrazine, thank you very much19:57
upgrayedddkanzure: not much pendejo, what's new wit u brah19:57
upgrayedddlong time no ping19:57
@kanzureupgrayeddd: just some stuff here http://github.com/kanzure19:57
upgrayedddword, did you move off of bitbucket19:58
@kanzureno i still have things on bitbucket http://bitbucket.org/kanzure19:58
upgrayedddist krieg19:59
upgrayedddi didn't know about your github, see19:59
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@kanzurehi Juul20:12
Juulhi kanzure20:12
* Juul is trying to upregulate expression during mild hypothermia in HeLa cells20:13
Juulthere really isn't a lot of literature on cold-shock response in mammals20:14
Juulkanzure, have you seen: https://aws.amazon.com/free/ ?20:14
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@kanzureJuul: yes.. we actually have $10k of aws time on that20:22
Juulyeah i know20:22
@kanzurethe guy was previously using this to mine bitcoins20:23
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Juulkanzure, stanford is using ezproxy, but my uni back in denmark is using something called globalproxy20:32
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nmz787kanzure: was able to get it to compile and begin to startup on ubuntu20:48
@kanzurenmz787: neato.. what'd you do20:48
nmz787i just did a git clone of the github20:48
@kanzureJuul: hmm interesting. i know the UK schools use uh, athena20:49
nmz787how do i commit changes locally?20:49
nmz787i want to do as i change files20:49
@kanzuregit add somefile.c20:49
@kanzuregit commit20:49
@kanzurethen type an explanation of what the hell you've done20:49
nmz787so far just added -lm to the makefile, and changed an import from Numeric/arrayobject.c to numpy/arrayobject.c20:49
nmz787i haven't told git my username yet20:49
nmz787does that matter?20:50
@kanzureyeah it sorta does20:50
@kanzuregit config --user.name "Nathan McCorkle"20:50
@kanzuregit config --user.email "nmz787@gmail.com"20:50
nmz787my github username is nmz78720:50
@kanzureright.. github will be able to link it up to your account b/c of the email address20:50
nmz787so should it be  git config --user.name "nmz787"20:50
@kanzuretechnically you can do whatever you want.. but everyone else has been using their names20:51
@kanzureyou can look by typing "git log"20:51
nmz787"no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")"20:52
nmz787just saying git commit20:52
@kanzureto see the list of files you have changed: git status20:53
nmz787sure, but i didnt add any20:53
@kanzurethen type "git add filename.c" to put it into the commit you're creating20:53
@kanzurethen type "git commit" when you are ready to save this as a change to the repository20:53
nmz787so even tho the files are already versioned20:53
@kanzuretheir histories are versioned20:53
nmz787i have to tell it again which files i am working on20:53
@kanzureyou need to tell it which updates you want it to keep20:54
Juulnmz787, git only tracks the files you specifically "git add"20:54
@kanzureyou can do git add -u if you want to just update all files indiscriminately20:54
nmz787so git add Makefile20:54
@kanzuregit add -u will capture basically all your changes at once20:54
@kanzurebut imho you should do it individually :P20:54
@kanzurelike say you edit 10 files20:54
@kanzureand there's 3 different things you've done20:54
@kanzureyou might want to write 3 commits20:54
nmz787and commit -a?20:54
@kanzurejust "git commit"20:55
Juulusually i just have .gitignore file and i use git commit -a -m "changed"20:55
@kanzuredon't tell him about -m damn it20:55
@kanzurei'd like him to write actual messages :P20:55
@kanzure-m is a shortcut for writing a commit message,20:55
@kanzureif you don't use -m it will open a text editor where you can write an explanation20:55
@kanzureexplanations are super important20:55
@kanzurejust say what your commit (your changes) does20:56
Juulwhich you can specify by setting the EDITOR env variable to the path of the editor binary20:56
@kanzuresave-and-quit will then perform the commit with that message20:56
@kanzurei think git sets a default EDITOR ?20:56
nmz787default in ubuntu is nano20:56
nmz787which is fine for me20:56
nmz787gedit and geany are ok and nice too20:56
nmz787yeah i comment code pretty well20:57
@kanzureJuul: he's working on http://github.com/kanzure/nanoengineer#readme20:57
@kanzurenmz787: yeah it's just so when people look at "git log" they can see what has been going on,20:57
@kanzureor if someone comes back in a year and tries to figure out what you did.. they would read the commit message20:57
Juuloh cool!20:58
@kanzurejuul is excited about commit messages20:58
Juulhehe, or nano cad20:59
Juulone of those two20:59
Juulmaybe both20:59
Juulach, i found an article where they characterize a cold-inducible promoter in CHO cells, and they don't give the sequence for it, the bastards20:59
@kanzureJuul: there's also a video.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEYN18d7gHg21:00
Juulabout git commit messages?!21:00
@kanzureJuul: that's because the authors of said paper are evil21:00
@kanzureit's surprisingly common, evil is lurking everywhere in research :p21:00
Juulat SynBERC there was a DARPA-sponsered poster about a biotech-DRM system21:02
@kanzureJuul: that's okay.. we can release an a biotech anti-DRM toolkit21:03
Juulyup :)21:03
Juuli was at a biotech IP conference this Friday21:04
Juulfull of lawyers and judges and such21:04
@kanzurethis sounds hilarious21:04
@kanzurego on.21:04
JuulEndy gave a presentation during lunch, about biotech, where he mentioned that we're at a point / getting to a point where information == dna21:05
Juuland suggested that maybe they should think about that21:05
@kanzurebiotech VC is weird to me21:06
Juulguy asking the first question sounded angry and asked something along the lines of whether they could expect something similar to "the catastrophe" that happened with the internet21:06
@kanzuremost of public biotech companies seem to get revenue from patent licensing agreements21:06
Juulreferring to piracy21:06
@kanzurethe catastrophe?? does he mean the miracle21:06
JuulDrew's response was something like "well that's one way to look at it"21:06
Juuland suggested that they had a choice between changing their business models or ... not21:06
Juulvideos will be online in a couple of weeks21:07
@kanzurebiotech has a lot of momentum21:07
Juulit's interesting to see how they talk about it21:07
@kanzurei really doubt existing biotech companies will change their models21:07
@kanzureagain it looks like most get lots and lots of revenues from patent licensing21:07
@kanzurenmz787: btw.. you should go to http://github.com/kanzure/nanoengineer and click the "fork" buton21:17
@kanzurethen in your nanoengineer repo type: git remote rm origin; git remote add origin git@github.com:nmz787/nanoengineer.git21:17
nmz787whats the best way to determine in python existence of an array21:17
nmz787in a lot of places they have if (a):21:17
@kanzureif you haven't setup ssh on github yet then you could either go do that or do: git remote add origin https://nmz787@github.com/nmz787/nanoengineer.git21:18
nmz787and python is bitching saying its ambiguos if it was an array21:18
nmz787sooo, i could do if(len(a)>0):21:18
@kanzurewell it depends on what you want to test21:18
nmz787it mentions if(a.any() or a.all())21:18
@kanzurelen(a) will throw an exception if a is not an iterable list21:18
nmz787but then bitches when a=None21:18
@kanzureyou should do this:21:18
@kanzureif isinstance(a, list) and len(a)>021:18
@kanzureor you can do:21:18
@kanzureif a and len(a)>021:18
nmz787i think it will still bitch about the first part of that21:19
@kanzureif you do "len(a)>0 and a" then it will check the length first.. taking the length of None will cause an exception21:19
@kanzurecan you show me an example? which file/line21:19
@kanzurealso.. you can test in an interactive python session (type either "python" or "ipython")21:20
nmz787screw it, if(a!=None)21:23
nmz787yeah i am testing21:23
nmz787that was cad/src/model/atomtypes.py line 97, same issue came about 12 lines later too21:24
nmz787at self.bondvectors = bonvectors or []21:24
nmz787so just split that line into two sep lines in the if else21:25
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AlonzoTGExcel Saga.21:26
@kanzurenmz787: maybe the problem was that it said "bonvectors" not "bondvectors"21:26
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@kanzureoh nevermind21:27
@kanzurenmz787: i don't understand what the error is?21:28
@kanzure"None or []" is valid python21:29
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nmz787my line 61721:59
nmz787'if not a:'21:59
nmz787'ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()'21:59
nmz787that was the error I was describing earlier21:59
nmz787hmm, changed it to a==None22:00
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@kanzure"For purposes of your deliberations, I instruct that the copyrights in question do cover the structure, sequence and organization of the compilable code"22:04
@kanzurenmz787: i see. yeah, then you will have to decide what the code was trying to do, and either do a.any(), a.all() or !=None.. up to you, just think about it based on surrounding code22:05
nmz787return not (self.vec != other.vec)22:17
nmz787what is this even trying to do22:18
nmz787return (logical NOT) of ( an equivalence test )???22:18
nmz787hmm, numpy.logical_and() returns a bool for each element, not a bool for the total equivalence of two arrays22:23
nmz787i could do the sum of that and compare to len(array) but that just seems stupid to achieve a simple equivalence test22:24
nmz787False in numpy.logical_and([1,1],[0,1]) == True22:25
nmz787i guess that works22:25
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@kanzure90 minute closing statements? jeeze22:27
@kanzurenmz787: it's entirely possible that statements like "!(self.vec != other.vec)" were written when numarray wasn't mature22:28
@kanzurenumarray became numpy i think, and then it was integrated into scipy22:28
nmz787the error is 'The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous'22:29
nmz787i'm not using numarray or numeric22:29
nmz787only have numpy installed22:30
@kanzurethere's a vector class in numpy i think22:30
@kanzureself.vec doesn't need to be an array, it could be an actual vector22:30
@kanzure!= on a vector is more specific than != on lists22:30
@kanzurealso.. it's a little weird that you get that message at all22:30
@kanzurebecause you can do this: [1,2,3] != [1,2,3]22:30
nmz787kanzure how do i find-replace on dir and subdirs?22:44
@kanzureyou can use sed22:51
@kanzuresed -i 's/foo/bar/g' myfile.c22:51
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nmz787ok got a nanoengineer gui22:54
nmz787ended up using find /path -type f | xargs perl -pi -e 's/import Numeric/import numpy/g'.... etc...22:55
nmz787sed doesn't overwrite files, perl does inline... from what the internets say22:56
nmz787so how do i test this nanoengineer?22:56
nmz787i bet there is still stuff messed up22:56
nmz787hah yeah buncha errors upon opening a test mmp file22:58
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@kanzurenmz787: python cad/src/main.py23:06
nmz787yeah i did that to get the GUI up23:08
@kanzurethere are some unit tests i think23:09
@kanzurelook at cad/tests23:09
@kanzurecd cad/tests/; ./runAllTests.sh23:10
nmz787this will take some more hacking, but i think i need to edit some C... i think they were passing data around from C to python using PyObjects and converting them to Numeric arrays... which has been deprecated23:32
nmz787PyObjects aren't mentioned in too many files though, so it might not be too hard23:32
@kanzureyes that sounds like a thing they probably did23:32
nmz787or they may have been extended with some metadata23:33
@kanzurenmz787: click "create fork" here http://github.com/kanzure/nanoengineer23:33
@kanzurethen do: git remote rm origin23:33
@kanzureand either (a) git remote add origin git@github.com:nmz787/nanoengineer.git23:34
@kanzureor (b) if you don't have your ssh keys on github, do: git remote add origin https://nmz787@github.com/nmz787/nanoengineer.git23:34
@kanzurethen you can do: git push origin master23:34
@kanzureand your changes will be put on github for all the world to see23:34
nmz787commit -u adds all mod files?23:34
@kanzurei think you want add -u23:35
@kanzure-u is "update"23:35
@kanzuregit add -u; git commit; git push origin master23:36
@kanzureor.. you don't have to use master23:36
@kanzuremaybe you want to give your branch a different branch, which would be a senseful thing to do i guess23:36
@kanzureyou could call it ubuntu-12.x-compatibility or something23:37
@kanzure*give your branch a different branch name23:37
@kanzuremaster would be fine23:37
nmz787where do i add my 'notes'23:39
nmz787i.e. plan23:39
nmz787well i don't want to push to master now, right, since its not working?23:39
nmz787pushed to master on github23:43
@kanzurewell. master is just your personal master in this case23:43
@kanzurebut yes23:43
@kanzurepresumably you will want your "master" to be the same "master" as the upstream repo23:43
nmz787well hopefully we can change the branch later23:44
@kanzuresure.. we can change it now if you want23:45
@kanzureon your local repo do:23:45
@kanzuregit checkout -b ubuntu-fixes23:45
@kanzuregit push origin ubuntu-fixes23:45
@kanzurethen to get "master" back to the same master as my repo: git checkout master; git reset --hard 2a022206323:46
@kanzureyou will probably want to switch back to your new branch: git checkout ubuntu-fixes23:46
@kanzurethen to send these changes to github... git push -f origin master:master (-f means "force" and "master:master" means "send my master branch contents to that master branch over there")23:47
nmz787why is the f needed?23:47
nmz787it would ask me for every file otherwise?23:48
@kanzurenope it's because the current master branch that it has is the one with your commits23:48
@kanzurewe just made a new branch with your commits23:48
@kanzureand then did "git reset --hard" to roll master back in time23:48
@kanzurewithout -f you would be told that github has newer revisions that you need to pull first23:48
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@kanzurein this case we know what those revisions are and we've already stored them somewhere else (ubuntu-fixes)23:49
@kanzureon a related note.. type: git branch -a23:49
nmz787why do i have to tell it origin?23:50
nmz787* ubuntu-fixes23:50
nmz787  remotes/origin/master23:50
nmz787  remotes/origin/ubuntu-fixes23:50
@kanzureyou can just type "git push" if you mean "git push origin master" basically23:51
@kanzurejrayhawk: does "git push" with no arguments mean "push this branch to the same remote branch" or does it mean "push this branch to remote master branch"23:51
@kanzurenmz787: the other reason is that you might have other remotes configured23:52
@kanzurei have one for github and one for diyhplus.. i did git remote add diyhplus bryan@gnusha.org:/srv/git/nanoengineer.git master23:52
@kanzurethis way i can do "git push github master" and "git push diyhplus master"23:52
@kanzurehttp://diyhpl.us/cgit/nanoengineer has the same master branch as github23:53
nmz787why you did that?23:53
nmz787why did you do that?23:53
@kanzurediyhpl.us is where i store various git repositories :P23:53
nmz787unrelated: anyone in here know if this is a good deal? http://www.dealextreme.com/p/portable-solar-powered-3000mah-battery-w-charging-adapters-102689?item=123:53
nmz787unrelated: thinking about using it to charge my HTC evo while hiking, to use as a GPS datalogger23:54
nmz787geez all redundant23:54
@kanzureoops i am a dork nate23:54
@kanzureso if you look here.. https://github.com/nmz787/nanoengineer/commits/master23:54
@kanzureyou will see that your master branch is now missing a few commits because i told you to go too far back23:54
@kanzurethis is easy to fix23:54
@kanzuregit checkout master; git pull http://github.com/kanzure/nanoengineer.git23:55
jrayhawkdo you just really hate man pages or something23:55
@kanzuremaybe gnusha bot should be given a man page lookup function23:55
@kanzurepublic shaming and such23:55
jrayhawkhmm. tempting.23:56
nmz787kanzure: done23:57
nmz787then i pushed -f back to master:master23:57
nmz787then checked out ubuntu-fixes again23:57
nmz787so did it remember all my file changes?23:58
@kanzurein this case you could have avoided the -f because the updates you were pushing to master don't conflict with what github has23:58
@kanzurelet's check23:58
@kanzurelooks like all your commits are there.. can you confirm?23:58
nmz787but i guess on my local machine23:58
nmz787how did i pull from your repo master23:58
nmz787overwriting my master copy23:59
nmz787but not changing the23:59
@kanzurenope we reset your master branch first23:59
@kanzuregit reset --HARD 22whatever23:59
nmz787that 22whatever is the timestamp to reset it back to i thought23:59
@kanzureyeah it was a git commit id23:59
nmz787so the files weren't changed, just the git diffs or whatever23:59
--- Log closed Tue May 01 00:00:00 2012

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