
--- Log opened Sun May 13 00:00:09 2012
-!- augur [~augur@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]00:05
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-!- Mariu [Jimmy98@] has joined ##hplusroadmap01:47
-!- Guest19059 is now known as augur02:09
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eudoxiaso the CI site was redesigned07:32
eudoxiait looks a lot less late nineties now07:33
ENKI-][is that supposed to be a good thing?07:41
eudoxiaI suppose07:41
ENKI-][a site that looks like it was made in 1997 isn't wasteful like a site that looks like it was made in 2007 is.07:42
eudoxiawhy wasteful?07:45
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@kanzureday 7 of gmail backup09:26
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klafka1gmail backup?10:27
@kanzureklafka1: just backing up my email with offlineimap10:34
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klafka1perfect berry rockstar is the best rockstar11:30
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klafka1argh does someone have familiarity with matplotlib ? i think i'm doing something dumb11:54
@kanzurei've used it in the past, but not recently11:56
@kanzurewhat's up?11:56
klafka1either it is acting funky or my MCMC sampler is acting funky11:57
klafka1not sure11:57
klafka1i think i'm just going to implement this for discrete distributions and test it that way11:57
klafka1sooo much easier to test MCMC with discrete distributions11:57
klafka1also i'm not sure if this i correct but holy crap creating a hist from 10,000 data points is taking up 2gb of memory11:58
klafka1that's insane11:59
@kanzurehist = histogram?11:59
klafka1something was weird there12:07
klafka1it was going at 5gb when i killed it12:07
@kanzurewell, pastebin what you've got and i'll stare at it12:10
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@kanzurei am disappointed by the lack of information on the intertubes about properly re-slinking a slinky12:20
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chevbirdhappy mothers day13:12
ThomasEgikanzure, a histoframm from 10k datapoints should fit into 32k float values.13:13
@kanzureThomasEgi: for sure13:14
ThomasEgiat leas. if you fourier transform with 16k input13:14
ThomasEgiso how comes it takes so much memory?13:14
ThomasEgioh.. it appears i meant klafka1 instead of you13:14
ThomasEgisilly autocomplete13:14
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klafka1thomas yeah something is weird with it13:32
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Mariulater everyone15:41
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* n_bentha is going ape-shit17:44
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n_benthathat little bastard17:51
n_benthahe swore up and down that bglii had a cut site and that he could use bamhi instead of mfei17:51
n_benthai'll kill him!17:51
n_bentha(there's no cut site for bglii for that fragment)17:58
-!- yashgaroth [~f@cpe-66-27-117-179.san.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap18:19
@kanzuren_bentha: awesome18:28
yashgarothwell at least it's presumably free labor18:31
n_benthayea but still. such a waste of time and money eventhough it's 'free'18:34
@kanzure"For e[Cvery one mistake you make, we will add one additional year of grad school"18:34
yashgarothI'm starting to reconsider grad school at this point18:36
-!- chevbird [~chevbird@209-6-62-26.c3-0.sbo-ubr1.sbo.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap18:38
@kanzureyashgaroth: did you get rejected18:38
yashgarothno response, which is seemingly so18:38
yashgarothlilly has another purification job opening soon, according to a director18:38
yashgarothbut it's all either "oh this is a cloning job and you don't have a lot of professional time with that even though it's shit-easy"18:39
@kanzureyashgaroth: you could also identify an opportunity and do a company,18:39
yashgarothor "ah you have purification experience, can you do [biochemical engineering]"18:39
yashgarothone does not simply do a company18:39
yashgarothall of the legal and profitable stuff is patented18:40
n_benthayashgaroth: i thought u were working?18:40
yashgarothwas until late march, 2/3 of company got laid off :/18:40
@kanzuren_bentha: his employer collapsed18:40
n_benthalike as in fell over?18:41
n_benthaor the company tanked?18:41
yashgaroththe board decided not to continue funding due to lack of progress18:41
yashgarothit was supposed to be an alternative scaffold to antibodies, but "antibodies are doing a lot of new stuff these days so fuck it you're fired" basically18:41
yashgarothhalf-life, solubility and expression were all far lower than antibodies, so it was mostly to get around IP stuff18:42
yashgarothnot that I'm bitter about the platform, but18:44
@kanzureyashgaroth: so what's your plan ?18:44
yashgarothkeep applying to the few jobs open here, maybe move to SF18:44
n_benthaah ok. hope you find something soon18:47
yashgarothI haven't been looking a whole lot, and diablo 3 coming out on tuesday shan't help matters I fear18:47
chevbirdwhere's here?18:53
yashgarothsan diego18:53
@kanzurechevbird: san diego18:54
@kanzuredamn you irc lag18:54
@kanzureyashgaroth: you went from "independent consultant" to "research associate"? sounds like a downgrade18:55
chevbirdboston's pretty exciting biotech-wise lately if youre interested in leaving18:55
yashgarothnah that's their default position name for 'contractor'18:56
yashgarothnah I'm staying west coast18:56
@kanzureyashgaroth: contractor sounds better than 'associate' but whoknows18:56
yashgarothit ain't, it's just another term for temp18:56
@kanzurewell definitely never write 'temp' on your resume18:56
yashgarothbut yeah their standard was to hire all scientists on like that for the first 1-2 years18:57
chevbirdsounds like a runaround18:58
yashgarothit's so if you're shit they can fire you without dealing with those pesky employment laws18:58
@kanzureone minor criticism about your resume.. you might want to consider a one-line statement or description for what your ideal role is18:58
yashgarothyeah I've been slyly tailoring it to whatever the job posting says18:58
@kanzurei know "lab technician" doesn't sound ideal, but i can't think of a better description of what you did18:59
yashgarothresearch associate is the default for someone with a bachelor's, unless the company calls everyone scientists18:59
yashgaroththough the terms are interchangeable18:59
chevbirdi lump associate scientist in there too18:59
@kanzureParahSailin has been following some bioinformatics leads, but it sounds like you would be happer with tissue and molecular work19:00
ParahSailinim employed :)19:00
* yashgaroth shakes fist19:00
@kanzureyou took the houston job?19:00
ParahSailini switched from wetlab to in silico19:00
yashgarothhow much programming knowledge do/did you need?19:01
ParahSailinwet lab is so cartelized it's ridiculous to want to get in there19:01
yashgarothblergh yeah19:01
@kanzureyashgaroth: you shouldn't worry about programming knowledge; if you want to work on it, let me know and i can help you out19:01
chevbirdcartelized meaning?19:01
ParahSailini had no credentials, only the knowledge of data structures and general math skills that i brought to interview19:01
yashgarothhey sure as long as it's work19:02
ParahSailincartelized as in the instruments and equipment and all the reagents cost so much because of patents19:02
@kanzureyashgaroth: i could probably get you to the point of getting a comfortable SF/SV programming job (but getting a bioinformatis gig i'm not so sure about; i'm sure it's possible, but i'm not presently optimized for that)19:02
ParahSailinthat big corps are the only game in town19:02
ParahSailinor guys that have enough vc to buy those19:02
yashgarothwell if it's not bio-related I don't know what I'd be doing there19:02
ParahSailinand they are going to restrict access to that as much as they can19:02
@kanzureyashgaroth: the way i suggest people do it is to make a demo product- usually a web app or mobile app- with a few weeks of your time, then parrot that around on your resume to land a junior programming gig19:03
@kanzureyashgaroth: right..19:03
ParahSailinmy bioinformatics job is scripting next gen sequencing data parsing19:03
chevbirdParahSailin: most are19:03
@kanzureParahSailin: also.. for lab work, i thikn there's an endless supply of cheap labor.. scienceeexchange isn't helping that, because there's tons of poor labs that would love to take on low-cost labor/work19:03
ParahSailinthe only difference between the PI/CTO in wet lab and the monkey at the bench is that the PI managed to convince someone with money to let him use that equipment19:04
ParahSailintypically thats done through credentials or dicksucking19:04
ParahSailinthats a killer barrier to entry, not worth attempting to assault in this day of permanent recession19:05
ParahSailinthats why i sought out anything computer19:06
ParahSailinbecause a terminal and a desk is negligible capital cost to risk19:07
yashgarothit's not like I mind benchwork, but after 12 hours of doing ELISAs, any amount of computer work seems blissful19:07
chevbirdif you guys are interested in the critique-the-resume game i'd love some input on mine doiop.com/chevrette19:08
@kanzurechevbird: sure thing19:08
@kanzurechevbird: ah shit, another biologist :)19:09
@kanzurewhat brings you here?19:09
ParahSailini imagine my employer is not too unique19:09
chevbirdkanzure: i dont really know19:09
@kanzurechevbird: just wondering how you know about ##hplusroadmap19:09
ParahSailinany nextgen sequencing company is gonna need guys who can script basic parsing and assembly tasks and code some larger research projects19:09
@kanzurechevbird: what sort of emulsions and automation have you done work on?19:10
chevbirdemulsion wise, basically illumina LC and specialty illumina LC (jumps, translocation detection, etc)19:10
chevbirdfor automation just about everything we do needs to end up on a liquid handler for atscale production19:11
chevbirdso lots of different things19:11
@kanzurechevbird: two main criticisms of your resume; the coursework will probably have to go eventually, and second, your "COMPUTER AND LAB SKILLS" is nice and all, but there's too much space in between the left and right columns, plus not enough space between each row19:11
chevbirdi keep hearing that about the coursework19:12
@kanzurei think it's fine at the moment, but in 5 or 10 years, probably not so much19:13
@kanzurewhat does LRIG do19:13
@kanzurei have a strong interest in lab automation and open source lab equipment, so i dunno if LRIG is up to anything worthwhile?19:13
yashgarothtwo copyedit ones since I like to do that; "Broad Institue", and "production throughout by 400% through..." did you mean throughput, and also consider a synonym for through19:14
chevbirdits a bunch of guys that get together for free food and chatting about new vendors and tech and etc19:14
chevbirdusually over beer19:14
@kanzureok cool19:14
@kanzuredo any of them build lab automation tools?19:14
@kanzureor do they just buy things19:14
chevbirdbasically buying19:16
@kanzureokay neato19:17
@kanzurethere's a regular around here that is building an open source liquid handling machine19:17
@kanzureand he doesn't know any potential customers19:17
chevbirddeath to agilent19:18
@kanzurechevbird: have you seen http://search.cpan.org/~jcline/Robotics-0.21/lib/Robotics/Tecan.pm19:19
chevbirdkanzure: i have not19:20
chevbirdlooks awesome19:21
@kanzurechevbird: one of the projects in here is a microfluidic dna synthesizer, and we're hoping to do water-in-oil emulsions eventually with it19:24
@kanzureso that's why i was curious about your emulsion experience19:24
chevbirdworking on something very similar19:25
chevbirdand hopefully i get a call back on a job from gnubio, whos whole company is built around that19:25
@kanzurei've heard of gnubio19:25
@kanzurei hate them for calling themselves gnu anything and not being open source, but whatever19:25
@kanzureno copyright/trademark on the animal i guess19:26
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@kanzurenono i said synthesis, not sequencing19:26
chevbirdok fine19:27
@kanzurebut also: i haven't seen any of gnubio's "open source" stuff on the web; have i missed something19:27
@kanzuremaybe i just suck at interneting19:27
chevbirdthey dont have much done yet19:27
chevbirdwhich is why theyre expanding now19:27
chevbirdto make good on the promise19:27
@kanzurei see. do they have money?19:28
chevbirdid imagine so19:28
chevbirdtheyre expanding pretty agressively19:29
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chevbirdhopefully so agressively that they call me back19:32
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n_benthaSo who else is excited for the spacex launch (if it ever happens)?19:45
n_benthaMay 19th19:46
ParahSailini wish the american regime would have given me a couple million to start a space company rather than giving it to elon musk19:47
yashgarothhis pillows needed to be stuffed with $100 bills, to match his mattress19:47
ParahSailinnasa provided over half the capital in spacex without taking any equity19:49
n_benthado they have 51%+ of the company's stock?19:50
ParahSailinwithout taking any equity19:50
ParahSailinno, it was just a free money grant19:51
n_benthaso stupid19:57
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ParahSailinbut its private space flight20:14
ParahSailinfree market enterprise is progress20:14
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joshcryerNASA's funding to SpaceX is predicated on delivery.21:09
joshcryerie, SpaceX doesn't get paid unless they deliver.21:09
joshcryerThis is in contrast to other companies like the ULA Alliance who got paid to do stuff that they didn't even have to deliver. (See the Ares I-X debacle.)21:10
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n_bentha404 — File not found.21:43
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@kanzuren_bentha: probably because of the slash at the end21:49
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n_benthathanks kanzure21:51
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joshcryerSIGGRAPH 2012 papers are fucking shit up.22:05
@kanzurejoshcryer: in the bad way?22:05
joshcryerIn a really sweet way.22:06
joshcryerthis one is really cool: http://www.cemyuksel.com/research/stitchmeshes/22:08
@kanzure"I think for most startups with good performance metrics, expecting 1/5 of your pitches to convert is a good benchmark."22:10
@kanzureyikes.. 20%?22:10
@kanzurewas from http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=396925222:10
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ParahSailinwayland is something that is supposedly gonna replace x11?22:25
-!- augur [~augur@] has joined ##hplusroadmap22:41
-!- OldCoder [~OldCoder@c-69-181-140-134.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap22:49
-!- Thorbinator1 [~Thorbinat@c-67-166-146-169.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]22:59
-!- Thorbinator [~Thorbinat@c-67-166-146-169.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:00
-!- n_bentha [~lolicon@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]23:28
--- Log closed Mon May 14 00:00:09 2012

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