
--- Log opened Fri May 25 00:00:20 2012
-!- SDr [SDr@unaffiliated/sdr] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:37
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* ybit throws a bone at kanzure 05:37
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kanzureybit: ?06:35
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-!- DrOctothrope [~DrOctothr@173-106-221-159.pools.spcsdns.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:36
ybitkanzure: i don't know, it just felt appropriate06:40
kanzure"In his talk, Bill Faloon updated us on progress and plans concerning Timeship, noting how much had already been invested in the project ($27 million) and how much would likely be needed before it would be operational"06:46
kanzure"However, important questions remain unanswered regarding how Timeship would work with existing and new patients of various cryonics organizations."06:46
kanzure"Also on the resilience front, member Mark Voelker is conducting an updated analysis of the cost and difficulty of making our own liquid nitrogen."06:47
kanzure"My initial sense of his findings is that, given the cost for current consumption levels, (unless funds were contributed specifically for creating and sustaining an independent supply), we would only put this into action if we anticipated major disruptions in our supply."06:47
kanzure"One of our senior members visited Alcor recently and we discussed his concern that, living alone, he might undergo clinical death without anyone knowing. He asked us to look into medical monitoring devices that a member might use to alert us to a potentially fatal event."06:48
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kanzure"46 microscope slides containing ultra-thin sections of Einstein’s brain go on display at the Mütter Museum in Philadelphia. Evi Numen/ Mütter Museum of The College of Physicians of Philadelphia"07:35
kanzureonly 46?07:35
kanzuresomeone should setup brainslookingatpicturesofbrains.tumblr.com07:36
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kanzurealcor case report.. http://alcor.org/Library/pdfs/casereportA1002FredChamberlain.pdf07:58
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_F7_hey y'all09:53
kanzure_F7_: hi09:53
_F7_been crazy busy at work and home, and TX/RX, so I've been sparse09:54
_F7_I've been filling my whiteboards recently with crap pertaining to pneumatic infrastructure for ultra-high density living experiments09:55
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kanzure_F7_: what does high-density living mean09:57
kanzureaha, finally found a video of the dragon/iss docking: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_NBoSFpykY09:58
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_F7_when I was in high school I had an obsession with the history of the kowloon walled city10:03
_F7_it was a six acre tract of hong kong that the british had claim to but never did anything with10:04
_F7_during military occupation, they paid no attention to squatters on the tract, preferring to police greater hong kong10:05
_F7_so the squatters got industrious10:05
_F7_it was a small enclave with no police and no regulation10:05
_F7_high rise buildings were built10:05
_F7_buildings were built abutting those buildings, walls were knocked out, things were built through and on top of other structures10:06
_F7_the population climbed to over 30k10:06
Mokbortolan_1I'm sure they had very strict fire codes10:06
_F7_and that doesn't count the people that commuted there10:06
_F7_with just the resident population, it was equivalent to 3.5 million people per square mile10:07
_F7_about 200 times the population density of hong kong10:07
_F7_and for some reason, it had about half the incidence of violent crime10:08
Mokbortolan_1sounds like, over time, that would evolve a highly disease-resistant human10:08
_F7_it was a human anthill, it wasn't well planned, and it was incredibly robust10:08
_F7_no population density since has come within two orders of magnitude10:08
kanzureuhuh.. hrm. http://www.flickr.com/photos/26666808@N07/3729581330/10:09
kanzureoh much better, thanks http://www.deconcrete.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/Kowloon-Cross-section-low.jpg10:10
_F7_I have that cross section blown up in my bedroom10:11
_F7_anyways, I am interested in what would happen if something like kowloon were made with some master planning10:11
_F7_kowloon is gone by the way, the chinese leveled it and made a park commemmorating it.10:12
_F7_it was a hotbed of medical10:12
kanzure_F7_: have you read blame!10:12
_F7_people would fly all over from developed countries and such because people with practices in the walled city would perform procedures two steps ahead of the law10:14
_F7_it had a high per capita income compared to greater hong kong10:15
_F7_it has a spotted history, but is sums up that drug crime and violent crime was seen by the hive as an infection10:16
_F7_and thus lysed10:16
_F7_it's not that automobiles were banned, it's that the streets weren't there10:19
_F7_the ground level was essentially a tunnel with high ceilings10:19
_F7_it was lit with indoor flourescent lighting, as light did not filter through10:19
_F7_a person could get from point-to-point in the city without ever having to go back to the ground floor, it was that interconnected10:21
kanzurebah you could also do that with catapults10:21
_F7_anyways, certain things don't scale well, especially without roads10:23
_F7_waste collection by vaccuum has a lot of prior art and success10:24
_F7_there's a system capable of servicing 20.000 people set up on an island in new york10:24
_F7_it currently services over 10K10:24
_F7_it's a central building with two 300 hp blowers10:25
_F7_paired with a vortex separator, air filter, and a sound suppressor for the exhaust air10:25
_F7_all of the buildings in the area have large vertical chutes, and at the bottom there is a computer controlled hopper with a trap door to a 30 inch tube10:26
Mokbortolan_1I cleaned out a garbage chute for a public housing development once10:27
Mokbortolan_1it was awful10:27
_F7_the hopper fills, the blowers spin up, and the trapdoor drops the big bolus into the tube10:27
_F7_about once a year, they send a pig through the system to patch the corners10:27
_F7_it's run for over 30 years10:28
_F7_that's easy10:28
_F7_I'm more interested in a second system for movement of goods10:29
_F7_I've been designing a positive pressure switched network for pneumatic capsule delivery10:30
_F7_kind of like if the ARPAnet had offspring with one of those drive-through banking apparatuses10:30
_F7_I've studied existing systems in the medical center10:33
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_F7_they generally switch a maximum of four lines at once, and the switches contain large, reversible, sometimes regenerative blowers10:33
_F7_a switch has to be able to motivate over the full length of it's connections, generally10:34
_F7_it's a clusterfuck and it doesn't scale well10:34
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_F7_it also tends to just slam the capsule around unless there's specific receiving apparatus to prevent it10:35
_F7_I was looking at having the entire system be positive pressure10:36
_F7_and dappled with simple solenoid vents along the lengths10:36
_F7_just vent in front of a capsule to create a pressure differential10:36
_F7_it's a lot less expensive, power, startup, and wear-wise, than blowers10:37
_F7_the big thing I need to mock up in solidworks is the switch10:38
_F7_big-double-facing revolver with as many chambers as it has barrels10:38
_F7_..in either direction10:39
_F7_for unidirectional conduits, it can have different numbers of inputs and outputs since a capsule can enter from both directions and leave in the same direction if needed10:40
_F7_it could even service bidirectional conduits if the conduits can be reserved while the capsule is in transit10:41
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_F7_based on some estimations, a heirarchical mesh terminated in rings provides fairly fast distribution and scales about as well as any other network10:58
-!- augur [~augur@] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:07
_F7_earlier today I took out a fruit fly11:27
_F7_I watched it crash onto a surface of my laptop11:28
_F7_and this little mite, flat and half as wide as the ball of the bic pen I stunned it with, starts crawling free11:29
_F7_it appears to be flightless11:30
_F7_since when do microinsects parasitize other insects?11:30
_F7_I've seen the mites on bees, but fruit flies are jumpy11:31
_F7_I don't know how they end up together11:31
_F7_it'd be like having a CD crawling around your body, if you were superman11:31
jrayhawkprague had a big pneumatic tube network for a while11:33
_F7_I read about it11:33
_F7_Paris had a massive one11:33
_F7_run by steam, over a hundred years ago11:33
_F7_hundreds of nodes, some of which were automatic11:34
_F7_humans really kick ass under constraints11:35
_F7_parisian steam internet is insane11:35
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_F7_Helinski, Finland is putting in a mandatory packet-switched vacuum garbage collection network for one of its districts11:40
_F7_as in all buildings will have to add themselves to the network11:41
Mokbortolan_1I like the idea of autonomous cars11:41
Mokbortolan_1using them like delivery vehicles11:41
Mokbortolan_1but pneumatics would work better for the hyper-dense environments you're talking about11:42
_F7_I like the idea of only needing a car when I leave my home city11:42
Mokbortolan_1aka urban hell :p11:42
_F7_It wouldn't take much11:42
_F7_a small plot of land with good highway access and a reasonably wide utility connection11:43
_F7_away from regulations that would hamper the experiment11:43
kanzureman this looks evil: http://jointhecteam.com/ "teach your students to respect our intellectual property monopolies"11:43
_F7_that's terrifying11:44
Mokbortolan_1jeez, whoever designed that must be a really fast reader11:44
-!- delinquentme [~asdfasdf@c-71-236-101-39.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:53
delinquentmehttp://www.gizmag.com/rice-university-iv-drip/22579/  << cheap biohacking11:54
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delinquentmeanyone in here know their average resting heart rate?12:08
JayDuggerI can make a guess.12:14
_F7_about 5812:14
kanzurezero, because i am heartless?12:14
JayDuggerI have some HRV data, but it isn't very good.12:14
JayDuggerI thought you'd replaced the meat pump with a ATOMIC TURBINE!12:15
JayDuggerNo pulse, just a steady high-speed whine.12:15
JayDuggerWell done _F7_.12:15
JayDuggerWhat's your secret?12:15
delinquentmeim fucking 48!!12:16
delinquentme2x 30 second counts @ 23/24 and a full 60 at 4812:17
delinquentmeyeah lol12:17
delinquentme28 male12:17
JayDuggerI envy your sound ticker.12:17
delinquentmedewd thats crazy12:17
delinquentmeyou want me to send you my torrent of insanity?12:17
JayDuggerNot unless you plan to hire me to withstand it, and then only if you outbid my current employer.12:18
_F7_what is this torrent12:19
delinquentme_F7_ workout videos >_<12:25
delinquentmeyou know like stare at your tv and run12:25
delinquentmeyeah i do that12:25
delinquentme" Jog it out people jog it out "  ./mild shame12:25
kanzuredelinquentme: you might be interested in this app i built, http://icardioescape.com/12:28
delinquentmeOh hey heres a topic it might be a little out there but I think this is the best place I could discuss12:28
delinquentmePhysical Force12:28
delinquentmecancel that12:28
delinquentmeForce as a means of getting things done ... will that ever go away?12:28
delinquentmeoh this is cool kanzure12:28
delinquentmeyou designed this?12:29
kanzurei coded it up.12:29
JayDuggerMy heart rate just measured at 70 bpm.12:32
delinquentmeJayDugger, a week of insanity and youll see awesome results12:33
delinquentmelike its hard as shit12:33
delinquentmebut its only 20 minutes12:34
delinquentmekanzure, this is a cool idea12:36
delinquentmedid you shoot the trails or is this stuff from istock photo or something?12:36
kanzurecheck the about page12:46
delinquentmekanzure, is the interface yours?12:47
kanzurenope, someone else did that12:50
kanzurei didn't want to12:50
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_F7_delinquentme, are you afraid of entropy?12:59
_F7_are you trying to figure out how to get things done without change in entropy?12:59
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delinquentmelol no not that complex13:18
delinquentme_F7_, i fancy myself a bit of a buddhist ... right?13:18
delinquentmehowever if "force" is going nowhere it would be unwise to pursue pacificsm on principle only13:18
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klafkai'm going to work on my mcmc sampler and listen to post-rock18:24
klafkasuch a shit storm of a day at work18:26
* klafka will recover via code18:26
menschI feel your pain, code away18:26
klafka i think i want to watch some of this this weekend http://alex.smola.org/teaching/berkeley2012/systems.html18:28
menschgreat link18:31
klafkai've been sitting on it for awhile18:31
klafkai need to work on a hadoop project next18:32
klafkai hate java18:32
menschhit a snag today, some data I'm inputting into an svm has to be located from a 3.4GB xml file, which I really don't want to split up18:33
klafkawhy not parse it out of the XML file to something more compact?18:33
klafkais it you don't have enough space to run it in memory?18:34
menschYeah, I'm going to chuck in a db of some sort.18:34
klafkayou could use like redis or something18:34
klafkaor riak18:34
menschI'm doing fine on the memory front, I think the module I'm using treats it as a stream18:34
menschTime is the issue18:35
klafkatime to process ?18:35
klafkaand parse the xml?18:35
menschI'll check those out.18:35
klafkathey are key-value in memory dbs18:35
* klafka sighs 18:36
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* ybit throws brownies at Coornail20:57
ybit's doorstep20:57
ybitBurn_school burn20:57
ybitwhat's all the silent people working on?20:58
klafkamcmc sampler20:58
klafkahaving some problems :(20:58
ybitklafka: for what21:01
ybitaugur: are you TAing this time around/21:01
ybitsuperkuh: what are you doing these days?21:01
ybityou're my favorite person to stalk21:02
ybitwhere are you located btw?21:02
superkuhI am playing with GNU Radio and RTLSDR, and a very small scale (<1 J) dense plasma focus in 10^-3 torr air next to a cloud chamber.21:03
klafkafor fun21:04
klafkamy discrete mcmc sampler doesn't seem to be converging21:04
klafkai'm not sure wtf21:04
ybitgnu radio, nice21:04
klafkait's so simple idk wth https://gist.github.com/279212521:05
JayDuggerplasma focus, nice.21:05
ybithttp://sdr.osmocom.org/trac/wiki/rtl-sdr whoah21:06
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ybitthanks superkuh21:08
JayDugger"The Department of Veterans Affairs, through its Center for Innovation, will make TechShop memberships available to veterans."21:13
JayDuggerNo more details than that, yet.21:14
JayDuggerPunchline: "1,000 two-year memberships will be made available to Veterans" and an email address for signing-up.21:18
kanzuredo i qualify as a veteran? i've been to 'nam.21:34
JayDuggerDid you get a DD-214?21:34
kanzureyeah i got a ddwrt router21:35
kanzurewhat about it?21:35
JayDuggerNope. I suspect the VA will stare blankly at the router. Bureaucrats love forms.21:36
JayDuggerI don't think your time in the 'nam counts. VA benefits sucked for those poor schlobs, coming in at the tail end of the conscription era.21:37
JayDuggerAnd you would have had to lie about your age to enlist, anyway. :)21:38
JayDuggerIt does me no good, either. I suspect they'll want the applicants to live near a TechShop.21:39
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Coornaildon't throw stuff at me23:26
* kanzure throws ybit at Coornail23:27
Coornailwhy am I already up?23:33
CoornailI'm going to have a hell of a hangover….23:33
Coornailanyways, do you have a question for me?23:36
ybitCoornail: what's your current project(s)?23:40
Coornailuh… well I'm a programmer, and I do have a tons of project I start and never go back =)23:41
CoornailI also ordered 120 small magnets23:41
Coornailto stick it on my fingernails to see how it would feel an implant23:42
Coornail~to have23:42
Coornailwhy I abandon projects?23:43
ybityou should start playing with your hard drive afterward23:43
Coornailgood questio….23:43
ybityes, you read my mind23:43
CoornailI think that I have tons of good ideas, but I know how painful a software project could be and I just loose interest23:44
ybit'm sorry to hear that23:44
Coornailit's better to help out in a bigger open-source project23:44
Coornailbut then you have to deal with a lot of people23:45
Coornailso it's an another kind of a challenge23:45
ybitbig open source project aye... kde?23:45
ybitit's way past my bedtime and i'm sore from kanzure manhandling me23:46
ybitgoing to call it a night23:46
Coornailhave a good night then .o/23:46
* ybit waves gn as well23:47
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