
--- Log opened Wed Jun 06 00:00:32 2012
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chris_99anyone ever scraped google scholar04:10
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@kanzurechris_99: yes06:37
@kanzurechris_99: look at pyscholar on http://diyhpl.us/cgit06:37
chris_99does that let you enter captchas?06:38
@kanzureno, but i've implemented that before06:55
@kanzurei suggest something like deathbycaptcha06:55
chris_99i've written java/python scripts that grab bibtex from scholar before, but a friend was after something that allowed him to enter the captcha so he could get all the results06:56
chris_99i'll tell him about that06:56
@kanzurehe might also be interested in http://phantomjs.org/06:58
@kanzurei should write a captcha breaking module for phantomjs that uses deathbycaptcha. hrm..06:58
chris_99ah interesting, i've used Selenium for that type of thing before06:58
-!- Lucas_ [81317815@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:59
@kanzurei don't really like selenium07:04
@kanzurealso here's a reimplementation of phantomjs in python:07:04
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archelsJust watched The Fountain...11:13
archelsjolly good show!11:13
chris_99the film?11:23
chris_99aha i enjoyed that11:29
archelsah, it's from the same guy who wrote and directed Pi.11:29
archelsSame guy for the soundtrack as well (Clint Mansell).11:30
chris_99and requiem for a dream isn't it11:31
chris_99have you seen Primer?11:32
archelsyes on both11:33
delinquentmewhat is that situation where you feel like you're surrounded by brilliant minds so you have to strive to come across as being as wildly intelligent as possible?11:37
delinquentmesomething like the imposter syndrome?11:37
@kanzurebeing a douchebag11:37
@kanzureone upsmanship11:37
delinquentmeim formulating a pet theory around this11:38
delinquentmeand I think most people will agree that theres tons of this in science11:38
delinquentmebut the issue happens when you're trying to talk across boundaries11:38
@kanzurethere's all sorts of cranky people in science11:38
@kanzurewhat does "talk across boundaries" mean in a practical sense.. sending ranty emails to people who don't care?11:39
@kanzuredoes that count? or not11:39
-!- delinquentme_ [~asdfasdf@c-71-236-101-39.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:41
delinquentme_just the way that language in science works11:42
delinquentme_its serves as such a bullshit filter11:42
delinquentme_" If they dont understand what im saying, I just dont have time to dumb it down "11:42
delinquentme_i blasted this lady who posted something along these lines on a nature post11:42
@kanzureyes, precise language is a bullshit filter. sure.11:43
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delinquentme_refusing to simplify complex concepts11:49
delinquentme_is bullshit11:49
delinquentme_its the reason science is constrained to academia11:50
delinquentme_everyones out playing the I need to show how smart I am game11:50
delinquentme_you know instead of letting your money talk11:50
chris_99what about big pharma?11:52
delinquentme_what about it?12:02
@kanzurepapers do simplify concepts. that's what they are there for. you should read them.12:03
@kanzurei also don't see why you think money should be the signalling factor12:03
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delinquentme_well its certainly less wide spread than individuals who can talk fast and use large words no?12:10
delinquentme_in markets we trust .. therefore these individuals must be doing something more valuable12:10
@kanzure"in markets we trust"? what?12:11
@kanzureare you going off the deep end12:11
@kanzuredelinquentme_: i know it might sound to yourself like you're communicating, but i haven't received any implied meaning from your messages today12:12
delinquentme_What im trying to convey is that theres lots of people who can speak eloquently12:12
delinquentme_and use complex language12:12
delinquentme_however I think theres a smaller subset of individuals who both 1) know science and 2) make money with it12:13
@kanzurecomplex, eloquent language is definitely a thing.12:13
@kanzurei don't see how your "however" follows your original statement12:13
delinquentme_im making the bridge between $$$ and knowing what is going on12:13
@kanzurewhat does that mean?12:14
delinquentme_those individuals who have made much money in science are those who can communicate effectively12:15
delinquentme_and I'm willing to bet that individual could break it down nice and simple for a number of people12:15
@kanzureok what does that have to do with bridges12:15
delinquentme_follow those individuals who have made $$$ in science ... do as they've done, because there are plenty of people who can talk intelligently but I think money speaks louder than loquaciousness12:17
@kanzurei don't know what you're going for.. meeting people with money?12:18
delinquentme_more of a rule on how to locate people who are intelligent vrs those who talk the game12:19
delinquentme_At least IMO if you're good at something you can make serious cash at it so listen to those people12:19
@kanzureok so your goal seems to be 'make lots of money'.. you could do that lots of ways.12:21
@kanzurefinding intelligent people is not that hard; in general this starts with talking with them, not stealing their bank account records12:21
delinquentme_im saying use $$ as a filter to weed out those who talk intelligently12:21
delinquentme_from those who are deeply competent12:22
chris_99so you think only those who are really well off are intelligent, delinquentme_ ?12:22
@kanzurechris_99: haha. yeah i'm as confused as you are.12:22
delinquentme_well venter vrs some other random talk-w-big-words kinda scientist12:22
delinquentme_who are you listening to12:22
chris_99you're probably better looking at google scholar and finding the number of citations12:23
chris_99for someone12:23
delinquentme_sure if you're looking for a theoretical physicist12:23
@kanzuredelinquentme_: do you have someone in particular you are trying to vet?12:23
delinquentme_kind of thinking out loud12:23
@kanzureanother way to vet people is to know the topic, and then talk with them. then you'll be able to tell if they are bullshitting you.12:24
delinquentme_if you're looking for an engineer whos created market value and thats what you're trying to do12:24
delinquentme_follow the $$$12:24
delinquentme_perhaps thats phrased better12:24
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@kanzureeh whatever. i don't think that's the best way to hire engineering talent.12:30
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@kanzure"I am a Mars Researcher (several simulations at Mars Society Desert and Arctic Stations) and Astrobiology student here in Phoenix AZ.  The area that I am working on is Predictive GIS Modeling of Past Life on Mars and Mars Analogs Sites (my honors thesis as well)."13:49
@kanzuregahh sorucceforge :(15:18
@kanzure"Oh snap! We can't process this bitch!"15:19
@kanzureugh there's .svn files in their release .tar.gz15:22
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atumim still thinking about this h+ roadmap - seems like the best solution would be to create a race of h+ and put them in charge of everyone else15:35
atumuntil the entire population is +15:35
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@kanzureatum: what do you mean "a race" ?15:48
@kanzurelike the olympics?15:48
@kanzureand when you say "solution" what problem are you trying to solve?15:48
atumlike a genetically superior group of people to direct the rest of humanity15:48
@kanzurewhat does "superior" mean in this context??15:48
@kanzureand, what does "direct" mean.15:49
atummost humans are sort of.. idiots15:49
atumim sure you have notices15:49
atummany of them are bleating cattle15:49
atumwhich become the tools of other humans15:49
atumwhich generally buggers things up for everyone else15:50
@kanzureatum: personally, i don't want to live under a hegemony15:50
atumme neither, but theres a lot of dead weight in civilization15:50
atumnot the people15:50
atumtheir ideas15:50
atumreligion and what not15:51
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atumthats a terrible burden on the future15:51
-!- eudoxia [~eudoxia@r186-52-132-106.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined ##hplusroadmap15:57
eudoxiaat first I thought you were implying we needed a race of genetically-engineered super humans to finish writing the roadmap15:58
@kanzureeudoxia: definitely.15:58
atummaybe the next one :P15:58
atumi was thinking cyborgs15:58
atumand eventually ai15:59
@kanzureatum: i think your plan is bad because i don't want an ai overlord15:59
eudoxiano love for uploads?15:59
@kanzurei also don't want overlords of any kind15:59
atumkanzure, its ok15:59
@kanzureno it's not15:59
@kanzureyou're pure evil dude15:59
atumits obv that after 10k years humans are doing a terrible job at this civilization thing16:00
atumat the very least we need to find the ;bleeting cattle; gene16:00
@kanzuresorry, but this is the best civilization i'm aware of so far16:00
atumthe one that makes 20% of the population believe whatever people tell them16:01
@kanzureyou don't sound like a biologist, there's no "bleeting cattle gene" dude16:01
atumget rid of that, then you wont need religion or governent telling what people to do16:01
@kanzurei think you might be part of that 20% you're making up16:01
atumwell, id like to think that its genetic16:01
@kanzuremaybe you should study genetics first.16:01
eudoxiaI may be an ignorant fuck but I'm not sure everything is genetic16:01
@kanzurebefore coming up with plans for world domination based on genetics.16:01
atumill leave that to the nerds16:01
yashgaroththen please stop speculating about biology16:02
atumill come up with the world domination plans16:02
eudoxiaI mean there are only so many nucleotides you can encode things on16:02
atumthey can do the science16:02
@kanzureyour world domination plans suck16:02
@kanzuretake your job seriously16:02
atumand yours are any better?16:02
@kanzurei was going to drain the gulf of mexico and blow up the moon16:02
eudoxiastill better than transtopia16:03
@kanzureatum: despite the commonly held belief, nobody has been able to show how the brain is "intelligent"16:03
@kanzureit's not a well understood phenomena16:04
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@kanzurebut there's more fundamental problems here that i am having trouble pointing out to you16:04
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@kanzurelike, for instance, you claim that everyone is an idiot, but your plans aren't entirely coherent (i.e. you fall subject to your own casted net)16:05
atumyou have seen the average human16:07
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chris_99how would you quantify intelligence atum?16:07
atummaybe im wrong but i dont think i mentioned intelligence specifically16:08
@kanzure15:49 < atum> most humans are sort of.. idiots16:08
atumyou can take that however you like16:09
atumare they here trying to find the future? or are they watching jersey shore16:09
@kanzurewhy are you watching jersey shore16:09
atumim not16:09
atumim here16:10
@kanzureok. then stop doing that.16:10
@kanzurei mean, since you're not doing it, it seems like a pointless thing to start doing.16:10
@kanzureso, i wouldn't recommend jersey shore.16:10
@kanzureok. so what's your problem then ?16:10
atumidk, whats your problem16:10
atumwhyd you get into h+16:10
@kanzureyou seem to have a jersey shore addiction :P16:10
atumsome kind of disorder or something16:10
atumlol ive never seen it16:10
@kanzurei think my videos speak for me16:10
atumcan you summerise16:11
-!- atum was kicked from ##hplusroadmap by kanzure [atum]16:11
@kanzuretl;didn't-kick-you oh wait yes i did16:11
@kanzurewe sure do attract craziesi n here.16:11
@kanzure*in here.16:11
strangewarpI'm reminded of this one guy I know, who constantly talks about how he wants to become world dictator, solely to enact his banal opulent desires - because he earnestly believes that is the best possible world that he could seize16:12
@kanzurei wonder if, on average, we attract more crazies than other communities16:12
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@kanzurestrangewarp: i think he's right (the best possible world that he could control is the one where he is in control)16:12
strangewarpin that sense, of course16:12
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atumi never took myself out of the loop16:12
eudoxiaoh well at least the world domination crazies are less annoying than the religion crazies16:13
atumi suggested we need to create better people16:13
eudoxiaoh god why do h+ religions exist16:13
atumand then let them use logic to decide a better course of civilization16:13
@kanzureeudoxia: i used to think it was because it was to troll me16:13
@kanzureeudoxia: unfortunately, i was wrong16:13
atumthats all16:13
@kanzureatum: i don't think any one person should control the direction of civilization16:13
atumbecaue im dissappointed with the current one- which is my problem16:13
@kanzurethe illusion of control is tremendous16:13
atumno one person no16:13
@kanzureatum: ok if you are disappointed then go make another one16:13
eudoxiatechnically he said them16:13
@kanzureatum: seriously, go make another one if you are sad with this one16:14
atuma new civilization16:14
@kanzureatum: but if you try to become my master, i'll probably murder you16:14
atumthats the point16:14
atumthats the kind of cromagnum behaviour that might get weeded out16:14
atumoh.. you;r one of those conspiracy people16:15
@kanzurethere can be more than one civilization, you know.16:15
atumill just go get some coffee16:15
@kanzureno, i'm not a particularly paranoid person.16:15
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strangewarpI'm going to pull a page from the dreaded Yudkowsky, and advise atum that so far as his solution to the global stupidity problem, he has narrowed down his hypothesis-space prematurely16:17
eudoxiaI was going to advise him to go there since SIAI always seemed like a world-domination-wannabe's group16:18
eudoxia"hurr durr we're here to win"16:19
atumisnt it possible there is a generic cure for religion? or at least a vaccine from preventing further generations from being infected16:19
atumor make a drug like they give the alkies16:19
eudoxiabut that's operating under the assumption that they take themselves seriously...16:19
atumso they cant get drunk or it makes them sixk16:19
chris_99look @ memetics atum16:19
@kanzurechris_99: he'll get carried away and start making up more stuff16:19
atummmm, well id like to think it would be easy to reverse the damage with memetics16:20
@kanzurei'm not sure religion is actually damage16:20
@kanzurein many cases, some of the best math and science has been by religious people16:20
strangewarpatum: Nope, even if you're a reductionist materialist atheist who thrives on objectivity, you can still be given some religious tendencies by the Big Universe question. Also, there is probably not a genetic way to prevent religion, and that that question had to be asked at all indicates you are working on bad information, somewhere16:21
atumkanzure, thats no excuse16:21
eudoxiahey, guys, maybe memetics turns out to be total bunk16:21
@kanzureeudoxia: for sure16:21
@kanzureeudoxia: but what about my phd in 4chanstudies!!!11one16:21
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eudoxiafrankly I don't know why so many people are so focused on religion16:22
atumits in the way of progress.. look at the middle east,. getting religion would tidy that area up and bring it into the 19th century16:23
atumpeople in afganistan might even adopt what we call in the west a ;door'16:23
eudoxiabut even then, surely religion is a symptom of some underlying thing, as opposed to a  cause16:23
@kanzureeudoxia: i blame reddit16:23
strangewarpthese do seem like reddit people lately, don't they?16:23
@kanzurethere are millions of these people just angry about religion and with all these misunderstandings about science or transhumanism16:24
@kanzureit's not my job to clean up the mess16:24
@kanzureor, rather, /that/ particular mess16:24
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eudoxiaatum: I should warn you that traditionally, attempts to create a transhuman civilization have failed16:27
eudoxiahistorically being the transtopia island project nonsense16:27
eudoxiai mean 'traditionally'16:28
atumits not like things are getting any better for the current civilization16:28
atumso any change might be a good thing16:28
eudoxiaI was going to dispute that but then I saw the 'might', so I guess that's fair16:30
eudoxiajust, whatever, as long as you don't form a transhuman religion or try to install the homo superior ruling class16:30
@kanzureeudoxia: that sounds like a good rule in general16:30
@kanzureNo master races.16:31
eudoxiathanks kanz16:31
@kanzureno world hegemonies16:31
eudoxiano transhuman religions16:31
atumno gods no masters!16:31
@kanzurehuh? you were just arguing for a "genetically superior master race" a few minutes ago16:31
strangewarpatum: Be wary; because most people are not transhumanists, they see the doomy tendencies of this decade as the start of what they believe to have always been an inevitable descent into barbarism and apocalypse. And the mood and timbre of the resulting media and conversations is serving to impact even transhumanists.16:31
@kanzureyou're inconsistent atum.16:31
atummaybe not. i was thinking of humanity passing through a h+ filter and coming out the otherside without the desire to be ruled, or rule each other16:33
atumwhich i see as the overall flaw in the currenct civliziation16:33
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chris_99so you want to brainwash people?16:39
atumno, i want to undo brainwashing16:50
yashgarothbrain...'washing', perhaps16:52
@kanzureyashgaroth: you're a genius.16:53
yashgarothI made it up myself, has a nice ring to it16:54
atumi suppose you are correct, but it is preferable to just killing them17:00
atumkinder gentler futures all around17:01
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doclI bet there's low tech ways to do that. specially designed video games maybe.19:09
doclbut even so... if you're looking for moral high ground it's gonna be very hard to find. anything powerful enough to destroy religion is probably going to be unethical to use.19:11
@kanzuredocl: in general, i would prefer that he doesn't get supreme authority to edit my brain :p19:14
doclwelll yeeah19:16
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@kanzure"As an example, using translate3d to move an element offscreen is tremendously faster than setting its display to 'none'"19:40
@kanzuremobile development is so fucked up.19:41
atumdocl, morality is for dorks19:46
atumwhat is it that the %1 have? is it just money? or are they the 'alphas' of society19:52
atumhow can we tap into that for the everyman19:52
@kanzurewhat do you mean 1%?19:53
@kanzurewhat measurement are you talking about19:53
atumnm, ttyl19:53
strangewarp"morality" tends to be a meaningless term; but I'm not convinced violent cognitive revolution is anywhere near required to accomplish transhuman projects19:58
strangewarpMaybe if you assume the entire world is actively trying to be Iran or Mississippi, then sure19:59
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atumkanzure, lets make 'tigerblood' and give humans 'adonis dna'20:08
atumis what i ment by 1%, a small fraction of the population20:08
atumoh you guys are all sciency20:10
atumcan i put xanax in my coffee20:10
yashgarothfeel free20:11
strangewarpatum: I think transhuman seperatism is a pretty inoffensive idea, but militarist transhuman seperatism based on wonky dogma in particular could go pretty spectacularly badly..20:17
strangewarpDo note, I am trying to parse the weird things you're saying in a manner that gives you the benefit of the doubt, here20:18
atumcool, me too20:23
@kanzurethis has been going south all night20:24
atumi started off by saying create a group of h+ that might be above the usual human failings20:24
@kanzureatum: how about you go read 'the molecular genetics of the cell'20:24
atumand they can use logic to help guide civilization20:24
atumsounds interesting20:24
@kanzureyou should go read things, so you can be less wron-- oh shit20:24
atumreading is kind of boring though20:25
yashgarothwell I'm sure you'll be very useful then20:25
@kanzureatum: hire a hooker to give you a blow job for every paper you read20:25
atumi always feel like i should be doing something productive20:25
@kanzureyou'll be winning nobel prizes in no time20:25
atuminstead of sitting on my ass with my nose in a book20:25
atumoh man20:25
atumapparently they give the peace price to anyone20:26
atumkissinger? obama?20:26
atumthe fuck20:26
@kanzurethose aren't "just anyone"20:26
atumnot showing anything20:28
atumyou got a better link?20:28
@kanzurei dunno, read shit in here: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/bio/20:28
atumkanzure, is that the meaning of your life- to win some kind of prize20:31
@kanzurewhat?? no of course not20:32
@kanzurewhat the fuck man20:32
atumtomorrow is my last day of highschool, and i dont have any real direction. currently im looking into becoming a rapper20:32
jrayhawkunless that prize is hookers20:32
atumkanzure> you'll be winning nobel prizes in no time20:32
@kanzurethat message contained very high levels of sarcasm20:33
@kanzureand was only meant in the context of my previous message about hookers20:33
atumo i c20:34
atumi must have ignored that line20:34
yashgarotheven without that line as context it was still pretty obvious20:35
strangewarpRapping, hmm20:36
strangewarpI wanted to be a rapper in my teens, and in hindsight it was a ridiculous decision - of course, I'm back in music now, just not rap..20:37
@kanzurestrangewarp: this has been stuck in my head for the past week.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ai1yagSvUUI20:38
* strangewarp clicks20:39
strangewarpha! I remember that skit20:39
atumwhats different between rappping being rediculous and being into music now20:51
atumwhat even that means20:51
strangewarpRap can be pretty interesing - it isn't being into it that's ridiculous, it's aspiring to be a successful rap musician. Unless of course you're an extremely talented freestyle poet, or particularly good with a hostile audience, in which case you may have a shot..20:52
atumreally i just use rap as an euphenism for production, but I dont figure the avg person would know what that means20:55
atummy fault for forgetting im not around avg ppl20:55
@kanzureare you yenatch20:55
strangewarpAh, production can be pretty lucrative, but I don't know much about the business end of it20:56
jrayhawkthat's right; we're much better at self-aggrandizing than normal people20:56
atumi didnt even know there were real transhumanists until last month or so20:56
@kanzureyou seem to think it's a group of people who want to take over the human race20:57
@kanzurei assure you that this observation is wrong20:57
@kanzureand/or if there are people that really want to do that, they probably self-organize in some other way (or possibly not at all)20:58
atumyou misunderstood this from the beginning20:58
atumI want to create a group of people to take over the world20:58
atumthat are better then I20:58
atummore qualified than anyone20:58
@kanzurehow is that not hegemony?20:58
atumlet them decide20:58
atumwho knows20:58
atumwhats best20:58
atumi dont want to standardize the population20:59
strangewarpIt does not require superior brains to arrive at objective facts, you know20:59
atumor iron out human differences20:59
atumbut its like chess20:59
atumyou have to think as many possible moves ahead21:00
atumor azamov's 'psychohistory'21:00
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@kanzureatum: psychohistory has nothing to do with ruling the wrld21:02
atumtell me more21:02
eudoxiathis shit is still going on21:02
@kanzureeudoxia: i blame me21:03
yashgarothI should've used those ops yesterday21:03
strangewarpWhen I was in my teens, I also wanted to create a vanguard of enlightened elites who would change the world, by force if need be21:05
strangewarpLuckily, I based it all on silly mysticism, and I realized my mistake before I did anything too ridiculous21:05
@kanzureyashgaroth: no, we don't have lenin in this channel21:05
@kanzurei asked him once, but he said something incomprehensible in russian21:06
@kanzureerm, wait21:06
@kanzuremaybe that was just vladimir leninstov..21:06
strangewarpIt was a double mistake really; the mistake of mysticism plus the mistake of the warlike vanguard21:07
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strangewarpIt seems H+ is becoming a peaceful vanguard movement, by default... and that's probably okay21:13
strangewarphmm.. sorry, meaningless observation21:15
@kanzureit seems to be "people trying to stop everyone else from misinterpreting what it means" rather than "people doing transhumanist projects"21:15
strangewarpI guess labels do escape, to be re-used differently, for better or worse (usually worse)21:21
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@kanzuredamn what a poorly scanned book23:36
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