
--- Log opened Sat Jun 09 00:00:35 2012
-!- lichen|2 is now known as lichen00:03
Mokbortolan_1You know what'd be fun00:12
Mokbortolan_1adding tDCS functionality to an emotiv headset00:13
Mokbortolan_1scrabble would be fun too00:14
yashgarothmightn't the signal from the tDCS interfere with the headset somehow? I'm not good with electricity00:15
Mokbortolan_1oh, you00:15
Mokbortolan_1'd have to make it a switch00:15
Mokbortolan_1you wouldn't have the emotiv on at this time00:16
Mokbortolan_1unless you got really clever00:16
Mokbortolan_1of course, adding anything to it at all will probably screw up the signals00:16
Mokbortolan_1heck, the unit might have been adjsuted to the exact electrical characteristics of that particular soldering job and wirelength, and messing with it at all will throw that off00:18
Mokbortolan_1or maybe not00:18
yashgarothyou could probably set something up to deconvolute them...but that would rely on tDCS devices being more standardized00:19
yashgarothrather than "I made this in my garage, stick it on your head"00:19
Mokbortolan_1I wouldn't want to stick any tDCS device that I make on anybody else's head00:21
Mokbortolan_1it's mine, all mine!00:21
Mokbortolan_1you know00:22
Mokbortolan_1oh, you could just alter the pads00:23
Mokbortolan_1take out the gold disc connector00:24
Mokbortolan_1put in something to block what's left00:24
Mokbortolan_1and run a wire along the back00:24
Mokbortolan_1maybe paint it on with something sturdy00:24
yashgarothwhat would that do00:27
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Mokbortolan_1at that point of course you'd add a microprocessor or three and control each channel independently00:43
Mokbortolan_1but, that's a given00:44
yashgarothah okay00:44
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hhhIn ##philosophy transhumanism is being discussed05:32
hhhMaybe some of you are interested?05:32
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Burninate(11:45:52) (Burninate) How far does "heroic measures" extend?08:49
Burninate(11:46:38) (Burninate) When someone is probably going to die of something, it tends to make the rules about safety less strict08:49
Burninate(11:46:57) (Burninate) I'm not sure if this is strictly drugs with a chance of side effects, or surgery, or what though08:49
Burninate(11:47:37) (Burninate) I'm thinking perhaps it includes beta-amyloid blockers of untested efficacy... given the alternatives08:49
n_benthaBurninate, are you talking about stim-packs like in starcraft?08:51
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BurninateI'm talking about the purported Alzheimer's vaccine08:51
n_benthaoh, sorry. i had no idea what beta-amyloid blockers are/were08:52
n_benthakanzure, u there? there's a bot that a friend has in another chat that posts titles of links automatically.08:53
n_benthado you want me to get more info about it for you?08:53
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BurninateAlzheimer's is kind of a big deal for anyone interested in transhumanism & living forever. To even care for the section of the Baby Boomers who are going to get it statistically, at present standards of care, has been suggested to cost more than the rest of the health care system combined.09:00
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-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [-b *!*Omega@started.the.rvlution.net] by kanzure09:29
@kanzuren_bentha: No, I don't want a linkbot. epitron's linkbot is a global disaster. it might be nice if it only did shitty urls or urls that people fail to describe, but it doesn't.09:30
epitronnobody is as passionately against linkbots as you09:32
epitronapparently you enjoy the aesthetic of urls09:32
epitronor rather09:32
epitrondo capitalization, punctuation, and spaces mean nothing to you?09:34
@kanzureepitron: i think a youtube linkbot would make sense09:45
@kanzureand one for those fucking awful nyt/wsj links would be nice09:45
epitronwho's going to whitelist all the urls? :)09:45
@kanzurealso, wiley interscience links. those are the worst.09:45
@kanzureepitron: you could just write some heuristics09:45
@kanzure"hey, this url is made up completely of numbers and awful hashes, hurf durf am i doing this right"09:46
epitronthink about this though -- if it titles *every* link, you no longer have to look at the url *ever*.... whereas, if it titles the link *sometimes*, it throws you for a loop09:46
@kanzureuh, no, you do have to look at the link to use it09:46
epitronyou don't have to read it, you just have to click it :)09:46
@kanzurewhy would i indiscriminately click links09:47
epitronand only if you liked the title09:47
@kanzurelike, i have a very hard time remembering youtube urls09:47
@kanzurewell-named urls i have less trouble with09:47
epitronwhy would showing the link title make you more likely to indiscriminately click links?09:47
epitronthat's ridiculous09:47
@kanzurebecause i don't want to click your shitty bit.ly links09:47
epitronso you're FOR link titles09:48
@kanzure.. yes, for shitty links.09:48
epitronso you want to whitelist every shitty link on the internet09:48
@kanzureno, i think you're going in circles now09:48
@kanzurei said heuristics09:48
epitrondo it up!09:48
@kanzurefor example: if the title is in the url, don't tweet the fucken title09:48
epitronstop the global disaster that is the linkbot phenomenon enjoyed by many09:48
@kanzureno, this is your job. it's *your* bot.09:48
epitroni love my bot09:49
epitronyou're the one who hates it09:49
@kanzurei said heuristics.09:49
@kanzureblah irssi09:49
@kanzureepitron: yes. i do hate it.09:49
epitronso the onus is on you09:49
@kanzureno, it's on people who want your bot in here.09:49
@kanzureit's been like five years or something.. spend 30 minutes of coding09:50
@kanzureheh okay.09:50
epitroni want everything to be titled because if some things AREN'T, i have to put in extra effort when scanning through my irc history09:50
epitronyou have to switch between link parsing and title parsing mental filters09:51
@kanzurecat log | grep http09:51
epitronwhat about youtube links? :)09:51
epitroncat log | grep ^title:09:51
epitronactually, that's ridiculous09:51
epitroni'd never do that09:51
@kanzurepookie tweets some shit like "http://you.too.be/view?v=9204u190ru29049u1280414 tron dance"09:51
epitronanyhow, the problem here isn't pookie, it's your weird obsession with removal of information redundancy, and complete disregard of information fidelity09:52
epitron... partial disregard, rather :)09:52
klafka1kanzure what are you hating on?10:13
@kanzureklafka1: pookie10:15
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delinquentmekk but yeah kanzure what I was on about was18:48
delinquentmereally cool shit could build on this18:48
delinquentme( duh )18:48
delinquentmeyeah stating the obvious18:48
delinquentmeWe didn't happen to pick up anyone whos a specialist in designing these circuits yet did we?18:49
delinquentmealso http://www.genome.jp/kegg-bin/show_pathway?eco0110018:50
delinquentmenon-schema database to represent something like this?18:50
@kanzurespecialist for what?18:52
delinquentmesomeone whos designed MF circuits before18:52
delinquentmeis circuit the right term?18:52
@kanzureno, we don't have anyone that has done this before.18:54
@kanzurebut that's not a problem, i don't mind learning theset hings.18:54
delinquentmeoh i meant microfluidics18:55
yashgarothwhat does microfluidics have to do with metabolic pathway diagrams18:56
delinquentmeyashgaroth, you know about the "genome compiler" right?18:57
delinquentmethis is my take on it18:57
@kanzure"the"? that's just their company name dude18:58
yashgarothwhat does microfluidics have to do with metabolic pathway diagrams18:58
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delinquentmeim explaining18:58
yashgarothah k18:58
delinquentmegenome compiler is for designing a 1 off test run for engineering of an organism18:58
delinquentmehes got a great concept where you start off with specifying what inputs and output compounds you want to work with18:59
@kanzureuh, that's not how i would define a compiler18:59
delinquentmeas well as the model organism18:59
@kanzurealso, it's not /his/ concept.18:59
delinquentmethats cool and all18:59
delinquentmebut do we *actually* want to design on off *trials*18:59
delinquentmewhat we want is to perform the inputs and then get out candidate organisms19:00
delinquentmeso that first step of that is mapping out the pathways that we're going to be tinkering in19:00
delinquentmeonce you've got database representations of those pathways *AND* the hardware ( either microfluidics or other scalable robotics )19:01
delinquentmeyou can begin to develop a system that will iterate itself19:01
delinquentme( which is where you can get real efficiencies )19:01
@kanzurewhat you just described is called "synthetic biology".19:02
delinquentmeyou want machines to try thousands of parallel permutations19:02
delinquentmeso the process that kanzure mentioned ^  needs to be kind of transplanted from the human realm to the machine19:03
yashgarothanything you'd be designing in genome compiler/etc would be running inside a cell19:03
delinquentmeright now were doing the sequencing and insertions, incubation, selection and verifications one at a time19:03
delinquentmetheres already an open source calorimeter which could be used in the verification step19:04
delinquentmeso like incubation is easy enough19:04
yashgarothoh so you mean running the physical implementation via microfluidics19:04
delinquentmeand something to electroporate the novel DNA into the model organism19:04
delinquentmewell what kanzure is working on is cool because it hits on this pipeline in several places19:05
delinquentme1 we need the DNA synthesis19:05
@kanzure(without the bullshit hype)19:05
delinquentmein addition!19:05
delinquentmethe cutter would facilitate building up of the microfluidics for the liquid handling19:05
delinquentmeso like that solves 2 of the biggest problems here19:05
delinquentmeso then all thats left is ... programming, insertion, incubation and the verification step19:06
delinquentmeand you've then got a system that you can program in specific nuances for it to try and its vastly more efficient than a group of researcher trying out a single permutation19:07
delinquentmebecause you can run thousands of them19:07
delinquentmeTHAT is a development pipeline19:07
delinquentmeincubation is easy19:07
delinquentmeelectroporation ... like i've not rigged one up but im guessing its a little more than shock the shit out of the cells19:08
delinquentmebut IDK how much more complex19:08
delinquentmebut yeah thats how microfluidics ties in with maps of metabolic pathways for ecoli19:09
delinquentmeand if one of the guys @ KEGG would respond we could save LOTS of time by just getting their DBs or making them an API or some shit19:09
delinquentme... theres really no reason for them not to as I could scrape what I need off their website as its all there an exposed19:09
delinquentmebut asking is mush faster... and we could make allies here19:10
delinquentme+1 ?19:11
delinquentme-1 ?19:11
delinquentmealso I know the whole 'permutations' part is simplified19:12
yashgarothwhat are you running thousands of permutations of?19:12
delinquentmethats where the knowledge of bio engineering comes in a bit more19:12
delinquentmeso offhand you're going to want to try multiple pathways19:12
delinquentmeperhaps one pathway has a predominant expression compared to another19:13
delinquentmeso instead of having to insert a bunch of promoters you can work with fewer novel DNA insertions and have a more viable organism because of it19:14
delinquentmebut the hypothesis is that the nitty gritty trial and error of getting candidate organisms19:15
delinquentmeis going to happen at the DNA / expression / metabolic pathway level19:15
delinquentmeso automate everything around that19:15
yashgarothmost work these days is just 'use the strongest possible promoter' but I can see how it would become useful19:17
yashgarothyou don't necessarily need to combine the two either, digitizing those pathways and designing the relevant microfluidics can be done separately19:18
delinquentmeohh certainly19:18
delinquentmeI meant that right now that KEGG representation isn't wildly conductive to seqrch19:18
delinquentmeso like something thats indexed and in a database representation19:19
delinquentmeOK tooduls all TTYL19:22
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--- Log closed Sun Jun 10 00:00:36 2012

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