
--- Log opened Fri Jun 29 00:00:54 2012
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@kanzure"Fun fact: the word "ewok" is never once uttered or written in Return of the Jedi. We only know what they are called due to marketing and advertising, and other spin-offs involving them."00:29
@kanzure"we touch his arm, and we feel a shock, but our voltmeter shows nothing. he says it is chi." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3F3ovb2kZ9Q haha00:29
@kanzurei wonder if they would have believed him if he wasn't asian00:31
chidoare there any memory-boosting drugs I could get without getting arrested?00:38
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auguris there any work on self-assembly that's easy to get into?00:56
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Tukotihchido: For memory boosting drugs, see ##reddit-nootropics01:46
TukotihBut the currently most popular one (which I love) is Noopept, check it out if you are interested.01:46
TukotihI've taken it daily for a few months now with amazing results01:47
chidocan I just walk in a pharmacy and ask for it?02:10
chidoah well, I'll read into it a bit first02:10
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TukotihNope, but you can buy it from Ebay03:50
TukotihAnd in bulk from cerebralhealth (I bought 10g there for a decent price)03:50
TukotihIf you have any questions ask them in #reddit-nootropics03:50
Tukotihchido: (Notice)03:51
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archelskanzure: What should I think of the "ZeroState Movement"?05:49
archelsI just got an email to attend some polical activist brainstorming session http://cdfp.org/05:49
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@kanzurearchels: it seems to be some political thing and not doing much.. i say ignore it07:17
@kanzurechido: http://www.longecity.org/forum/topic/36691-ten-months-of-research-condensed-a-total-newbies-guide-to-nootropics/07:18
klafkahey kanzure07:23
@kanzurehi klafka.07:27
@kanzure"Optogenetic stimulation of a hippocampal engram activates fear memory recall." http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2244124607:35
@kanzure"A specific memory is thought to be encoded by a sparse population of neurons. These neurons can be tagged during learning for subsequent identification and manipulation. Moreover, their ablation or inactivation results in reduced memory expression, suggesting their necessity in mnemonic processes. However, the question of sufficiency remains: it is unclear whether it is possible to elicit the behavioural output of a specific memory by directly act07:35
@kanzure"Here we show in mice that optogenetic reactivation of hippocampal neurons activated during fear conditioning is sufficient to induce freezing behaviour. We labelled a population of hippocampal dentate gyrus neurons activated during fear learning with channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) and later optically reactivated these neurons in a different context. The mice showed increased freezing only upon light stimulation, indicating light-induced fear memory rec07:36
@kanzurehrmm i'm not sure a freezing behavior is diretly attributable to an engram07:36
klafka Center for Neural Circuit Genetics at the Picower Institute for Learning and Memory07:36
@kanzureno no it's longer than that07:36
@kanzure"Center for Neural Circuit Genetics at the Picower Institute for Learning and Memory, Department of Biology and Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology"07:36
@kanzureoh they were listing the departments. oh well.07:37
-!- Tukotih1 [~Tukotih@81-231-85-111-no39.tbcn.telia.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:37
klafkakanzure I think that freezing is used in that model organism as an engram07:37
klafkaalthough i agree07:37
klafkanot directly relatable07:37
superkuhOh. Without the 1, obviously.07:38
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archelskanzure: Yes, it's kind of obvious that if you had an engram distributed among interconnected nodes, activating one of those nodes would spread activation to the other nodes, "recalling" the engram.07:39
@kanzurearchels: that's hardly obvious.07:39
@kanzurewhy would a memory be encoding in a firing pattern, rather than the topology?07:40
@kanzureklafka: right.. it could just be that your optogenetic trigger just breaks enough shit and causes freezing07:41
JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.07:52
JayDuggerAnyone here ever use Prolog?07:52
archelskanzure: Memories are encoded in the structural synaptic connectivity pattern, so a particular group of neurons will be connected such that activating one or a few will activate the others.07:55
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@kanzure"Bone-eating marine worms use acid to feed on the skeletons of fish and whales"08:34
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@kanzurehi rmcl08:47
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Mokbortolan_you know what I can't wait for?09:08
Mokbortolan_when the methane hydrate deposits thaw at the same time as the siberian peat bogs09:08
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nmz787Mokbortolan_: that sounds gross09:23
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chidoI'm setting up a DIYbio lab and putting together a list of basic equipment, what kind of fridge should I get? Like, what sort of specifications should I take into account? (how cool do I need it to be?)10:03
@kanzureyou at least need a regular fridge (like from a regular kitchen)10:05
@kanzurea -80C freezer is really super useful10:05
@kanzureif you find one cheap, you should gnab it.10:06
chidoI'm not sure a freezer would fit into a 2x3 m^2 space, but I can worry about that once I stumble over a cheap one :)10:08
chidoso a regular kitchen fridge is enough?10:09
@kanzurei think you need to store dNTPs at -20C10:11
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nmz787you don't want a "frost free" fridge/freezer, as they cycle to reduce ice buildup10:38
nmz787if you can only get a frost free, then you need to store your stuff in a styrofoam container inside the freeezer, to even things out when the cycling happens10:39
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yashgarothchido: a standard kitchen fridge/freezer is fine, -80 isn't worth the hassle11:23
Jenda`yashgaroth: I guess we need something smaller.11:25
Jenda`yashgaroth: We have standard fridge and other hackerspace members don't really appreciate using it for storing chemicals :)11:26
@kanzuredon't store food & chemicals in the same fridge11:27
yashgarothminifridges have freezers sometimes, the important thing is that it's frozen, not that it reaches -20 necessarily11:27
yashgarothehhh most of that stuff is harmless, unless they're keeping a bottle of BME in the fridge next to the milk11:29
yashgarothbut it's best not to draw the ire of the other members11:30
@kanzureinsert standard horror story about idiot lab coworker storing p32 next to your yogurt11:30
yashgarothman no one's used radioisotopes since the 90's11:31
@kanzureerm.. what?11:31
yashgarothok well I'm sure someone's still using it, but not for anything diy related11:32
@kanzureall the molecular biology labs i've seen use it.. i think even genspace uses it11:32
Jenda`p32 is a plasmid11:32
Jenda`P-32 is phosporus 32 :)11:32
@kanzureP-32, yes.11:32
yashgarothwait which one are you referring to11:32
Jenda`Good question :)11:32
yashgarothplasmids are fine, I'd be more worried about food getting into/onto the tube, than the other way around11:33
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nmz787ahh, keygen music :D11:59
Mokbortolan_I liked the one that lets you burn stuff12:02
Mokbortolan_that was an awesome plasmid12:02
nmz787plasmid laser???12:03
yashgarothdamn sploicers12:03
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nmz787trogdor, whats up?12:31
BurninateJust a dragon trying to make it in the world12:34
@kanzureas a part time dragon slash father, i feel that <promotional statement goes here>12:42
augur_anyone know of any tutorials that introduce self assembly?12:43
nmz787dna origami12:50
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nmz7874 color vision in some species (humans too) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetrachromacy14:44
ThomasEginow that sounds interesting... and would totaly demand a new HD-colorspace-standard15:04
ThomasEgilooking at a regular screen those people are probably like "my eyes, the pixels do nothing"15:05
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ThomasEgianyone in here who can translate a few sentences of norway language? google fails me a bit.15:55
@kanzurecopenhagen suborbitals liquid propellant rocket engine series:16:34
@kanzuremanned test? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USPuRwp-kRw16:34
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@fennhehe watching that "chi" magician video, at 5:00 you see the narrator with an eye patch, so much for chi therapy on his eye18:13
@kanzureor 50% success rate18:17
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@fennand his brother is dead, so more like 0% success rate18:26
@fennall this from an intentional mistranslation... sigh18:29
@kanzureeh? you checked on the brother?18:35
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@fennit was mentioned in the video at some point18:43
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n_benthaHey kanz :-)19:57
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@kanzure"Between the day of indictment and 24 February, library.nu redirected to Google Books. The URL gigapedia.com currently links to an article "The disappearing virtual library" by Christopher M. Kelty on aljazeera.com"22:01
@kanzureisn't christopher kelty the outlawbio guy?22:01
JackParsonsanti american prowest propaganda outlet22:02
JackParsonsbut hey.. people only believe the propaganda they want to believe22:02
JackParsonsit hip to read aljazerra these days22:02
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@kanzurefwiw kelty's book is sorta worth reading if you're bored22:03
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JackParsonsaljazerra is the same as fox news22:06
JackParsonsmakes my knee jerk22:06
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@kanzure(having said that, i'm sure aljazeera is full of shit)22:07
@kanzurehehe 22:07 <JackParsons> listen i know you have mental problems, but you dont have to take that out on the people around you22:07
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@kanzurego away22:11
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nmz787man nyc is crazy, but it makes me think how china is prob 50X NYCs22:22
nmz787i.e. the masses of people here, stacked up and shit... what are they all doing?22:22
yashgarothchina isn't just a bigger version of kowloon city you know22:28
yashgaroththat would be sweet though, I would totally live in that22:28
nmz787dunno what that is, but i heard its just high rise projects22:34
nmz787like, L.A. sized areas22:35
strangewarpnmz787: look up "Kowloon Walled City" and prepare to nerd out over extreme population density22:37
strangewarpre Al Jazeera: Fox News makes itself into a comparison magnet, to destabilize the legitimacy of any lefty news-sources that may sometimes choose to be frank about neoliberal warmongering garbage22:42
strangewarpSo far as the H+ project, though, I still weakly believe that it doesn't matter what kind of cat you're using, so long as it catches the mouse22:43
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jrayhawkal jazeera english arose essentially as a result of the failure of the bbc as an international news source23:27
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jrayhawkcomparing it to fox news is a bit nutty; fox caters to a national audience and can afford a great deal of nativism and authoritarian manipulation; al jazeera caters to an international audience and makes credible efforts to trump the BBC in terms of editorial quality and objectivity23:38
jrayhawkas a thought excersize, imagine what the audience would be like if you translated fox news to arabic23:45
@kanzurean arabic-speaking american public?23:46
jrayhawkan arabic-speaking qatari public would work better23:47
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@kanzureso it looks like all phd students have abundant amounts of guilt23:54
@kanzureor somehow their advisors are able to use guilt to motivate them?23:54
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yashgaroththat's an odd spelling of "fear"23:57
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