
--- Log opened Thu Jul 05 00:00:59 2012
kanzurebrownies: twilio has rolled out global sms.. they emailed out a .csv of their prices http://ahoy.twilio.com/e/9512/globalpricing/5zjyv/8874346500:11
brownieskanzure: yup00:21
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kanzuremichel/p2p fluff piece http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/the-new-monastic-individuals-as-the-change-agents-for-this-transition-period/2012/07/0407:51
kanzure3d printing fluff piece http://www.nature.com/news/science-in-three-dimensions-the-print-revolution-1.1093907:51
kanzure"Tissue can be completely removed from a lung, or lung parts leaving only a basement membrane. Stem cells from a recipient can then be incubated in a sterile incubator with these, and in 1-2 months time a complete lung, or portions of these such as an esophagus grown to completions. "07:52
kanzure"When transplanted into a recipient, there is 0% rejection even with foreign basment membranes. An esophagus has been successfully placed into a person using this, with no immune suppression and 0% rejection. An entire lung like this has been placed into multiple mice with the same results. "07:52
kanzure"Japanese groups have formulated these basic membrane components and already shown these can be printed using 3D printers, but sold all patents to Pharma in the US for a couple 100 million $."07:53
kanzure"The veins or vasculature was already accomplished in the 1990's. The main focus is on printing um structures, ie nozzles which are small enough and a method where the fragile things without cells can exist long enough to implement stem cells of varied kinds, and formulations of the three basic basement membrane along with guid chemokines, especially for nerves (hearts for example need a guide for nerves, and to differentiate the 10 or so minutely 07:53
kanzure"What is being done at the administrative level is to prevent 3rd world countries from starting meat markets, where you could go get something done now, before the Euro/US market is allowed to implement such things without damaging the fragile Pharma industry which is worth billions."07:54
kanzure"ie, there preventing some biological terrorism, buying all the patents up and convincing everyone we had to wait 20 years for this to develop, rather than fly to Asia or South Amerika for a surgical procedure over 3 months say for a new, non-rejected heart valve."07:54
strangewarpWell, that's infuriating07:57
strangewarpSo, can that be overcome, or is Pharma going to yoke all bioscience to slow-ass progress for capitalist reasons?07:59
kanzurenot so much -- if the author is as infuriated as he claims he is (or is in such great need as he claims to be), he wouldn't have sat around doing nothing for 20 years (20 years is more than enough time to learn how to build that equipment008:00
strangewarpI dunno, certain kinds of fury will just kill a person's willpower08:08
kanzurehttp://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pgen.1002780 "130% lifespan increase from combining 4 gene tweaks, including two from zebra fish: hsf-1, D. rerio lyz, aakg-2(sta2) and D. rerio ucp2"08:32
strangewarpfury, as in anger08:35
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delinquentmeis there a way to anaonymously host a google document?09:02
Utopiahno, Google is omniscient (I would create another account)09:08
delinquentmekanzure, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-1872056509:16
delinquentmeyuno tell me you were doing this !?09:16
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kanzuredelinquentme: paper-fetching botnet on android? don't look at me :shiftyeyes:09:44
delinquentmesoo all we need to do09:45
delinquentmeit usurp from the usurpers!09:45
delinquentmeall joking aside I think student would voluntarily download and install such a program :D09:45
kanzurei think so brain, but how are we going to convince a chimp to wear makeup?09:46
* kanzure narfs09:46
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brownieskanzure: http://try.github.com/levels/1/challenges/110:03
kanzure"Scientists are working on a solution. That solution is 3D printed drugs." ... uhh10:07
kanzurei don't think abs or plastic drugs are a good idea10:08
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kanzurehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LZR_Racer#FINA_rule_changes <-- that swimsuit that got banned in the olympics10:52
kanzure"The combined effects of the LZR both compressing the body and trapping air for buoyancy led to many competitors who used the LZR wearing two or more suits for an increased effect. This led to some claiming that the LZR was in effect "technological doping."[12]"10:58
kanzuretechnological.. doping. yeah..10:59
strangewarpThe only way I can see this hashing out is with a slow global recognition that the Olympics, and all organized sports, are anchored to the idea of the heroic unmodified human body, which since the ancient beginnings of the Olympic tradition was considered an eternal standard.11:10
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strangewarpThe Olympics used to have competitions in painting and sculpture, but those had to be phased out, once artistic modernism revealed that the supposedly objective basis by which the artworks were judged was, in fact, narrow and conceited.11:12
strangewarpThis is not to say that we should throw away any aspiration towards objectivity; just, recognize that some standards that claim to be objective are instead based on narrow thought from ages past.11:16
strangewarpAnd if the Olympics can't come up with a decent system to deal with the fact that human bodmods are outmoding their standards, in the same way that artistic modernism forced most of the Olympic arts-related events to be discontinued... they're simply going to be on the wrong side of history11:19
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kanzurebrownies: http://www.mashape.com/qpleple/getting-homework-done hrmm do you know about them?11:39
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brownieskanzure: that's hliarious. no, i actually did not know about them... thanks for the link.11:46
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brownieskanzure: wait, is it a joke?13:05
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kanzurebrownies: i don't think so13:26
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brownieskanzure: i can't find... anything about how it works, or what the company is, or... anything.14:15
-!- Steel2 [ad42e490@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:21
Steel2hey folks14:35
Steel2I don't know what half the people in here do14:42
ThomasEgithey idle.14:53
Mokbortolan_1I complain a lot15:01
Mokbortolan_1under my breath15:01
ThomasEgikanzure links a lot.15:12
kanzurei am sorry for that15:21
kanzurei wrote an anti-ray-kurzweil response here: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=420500215:22
browniesthat article is... wow.15:35
browniesi didn't realize they taught homeopathy at singluarity u?15:37
kanzurealso, i've posted pokecrystal to HN and some upvote/comment-love would be nice:15:43
kanzurewtf "October, 2011, Nuance acquired Swype, a company that produces input software for touchscreen displays, for more than $100m"15:52
kanzure(nuance is the company that ended up with kurzweil's textbridge product)15:52
kanzurei didn't know swype was already acquired15:53
kanzure"The acquisition of Philips Speech Recognition Systems sparked an antitrust investigation by the US Department of Justice.[26] This investigation was focused upon medical transcription services. This investigation was closed in December, 2009."15:53
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kanzure"For those readers interested, and who will be at the 2012 Edinburgh Book Festival, an absolute must is the session that will be dedicated to do-it-yourself biology on August the 13th. Panellists are: Alessandro Delfanti from the University of Milan, who has done his PhD (Delfanti 2010) – and who is about to publish a book – on the subject; Ja"15:58
kanzureuhh. delfanti did a diybio phd thesis?15:58
kanzurei guess this was him: http://jcom.sissa.it/archive/09/03/Jcom0903(2010)E/Jcom0903(2010)E.pdf15:59
kanzure"Delfanti, Alessandro (2010) Genome Hackers, rebel biology, open source and science ethic, PhD thesis, University of Milan."16:00
kanzure"Conz, David (2006) Citizen technoscience: Amateur networks in the international grassroots biodiesel movement, PhD thesis, Arizona State University."16:00
kanzure"Kelty, Christopher (2010) ‘Outlaw, hackers, victorian amateurs: diagnosing public participation in the life sciences today’, Jcom 09(1)."16:01
kanzurethat reference was from http://esrcgenomicsforum.blogspot.com/2012/07/never-mind-biologists-here-come.html (which doesn't really say much except "OMG WHAT?")16:02
kanzurehistorical pricing on parts http://octopart.com/blog/archives/2012/7/historical-pricing16:03
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kanzure"laryngeal nerve of the giraffe" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cO1a1Ek-HD016:05
chevbirdSweet orange jacket16:07
kanzurehere is some stuff about delfanti's book: http://people.sissa.it/~delfanti/hacking.html16:10
kanzurehis thesis http://www.i-r-i-e.net/inhalt/015/015-Delfanti.pdf ("Genome Hackers, rebel biology, open source and science ethic")16:12
kanzurethat's it? only a few pages?16:13
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Steel2sup eudox.16:20
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kanzure think there needs to be a standard regiment that people put themselves through to determine how their metabolism responds, for diet/nootropics/exercise regiments16:31
kanzureas far as i can tell, most people just pick a random direction and keep trying in that direction until their body flatly tells them how terrible they are16:32
kanzurei wonder if a particular diet plan's effectiveness is heritable within a family?16:32
kanzurethis is why i'm always perplexed about most diet plans.. they are always about a particular strategy, like no carbs or no complex carbs or no fats or something, rather than a standard screening to work your body against16:32
kanzure(of course, what you try one week might not be as effective the next week, and so on, but arguably you're not concerned about effects that are that significantly delicate)16:32
kanzureregarding heritability: i mean specifically a particular's diet effectiveness with respect to some set of mutations16:33
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brownieskanzure: probably.16:49
kanzure"Most mad scientists are just mad engineers. Look, I'm just trying to take over the world. That's all... Are you at least going to leave some of the world as a mad control group?" http://static.neatorama.com/images/2008-12/mad-scientist-mad-engineers.jpg16:52
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kanzurehi rmcl16:59
jrayhawkreally i am just a mad technician17:15
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kanzurejrayhawk: mad janitor?17:45
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-!- ParahSailin_ is now known as ParahSailin17:52
ParahSailinWould any of you possibly know someone who would be good working in a cleanroom, fixing equipment, training undergrads, and doing ordering and payroll to keep our small, but efficient, cleanroom running smoothly?17:53
ParahSailinMike Hansen has left and the search committee hasn't found anyone qualified who wants to take his place.17:53
ParahSailinLong shot, but I thought I would ask...17:53
ParahSailinBest Regards,17:53
ParahSailindownside, have to live in champaign, IL17:53
kanzuremaybe one of the chiopensci people would like that position?17:54
ParahSailinreply address is mems@uiuc.edu17:57
ParahSailinthe bruce flachsbart you have corresponded with17:57
ParahSailinfeel free to forward it to that list17:59
Steel2my advisors used to work there haha18:22
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kanzureParahSailin: is he related to the foxo3a friederike flachsbart?18:33
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ParahSailini dont think so kanzure19:14
Steel2yashgaroth: what's your email?19:15
kanzurewho was complaining about editing http://diyhpl.us/wiki/ not being possible?19:19
kanzureeudoxia: you?19:19
kanzureSteel2: or maybe you?19:19
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: acac6a9 a note on how to register to edit this wiki19:21
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delinquentmeI just had a craving for brocoli salad20:15
delinquentme@_o evolution?20:15
jrayhawkYou told me to disable anonymous registration, so that probably won't work.20:27
jrayhawkkanzure: ^20:27
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kanzureoh right20:33
kanzurewhy did we decide to do that?20:33
jrayhawkDon't know, didn't care to ask at the time.20:34
jrayhawkI can fix that, though.20:34
kanzuredid we come up with some reason though?20:35
kanzurelike spambots?20:35
jrayhawkBeats me. We can always revert.20:36
kanzurewell, okay then. anonymous registration is go20:36
* joshcryer watches for the flood of spammers20:37
kanzure"H+++++ DICKS"20:37
kanzureoops sorry my markov spam model is a little rusty20:38
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jrayhawkOkay, looks to be working. Also: while I doubt you'll do this, never ever create a user with an empty password hash on gnusha.21:00
jrayhawknormally ssh disables that sort of authentication, but it's enabled to get newuser@diyhpl.us working21:02
kanzurei think adduser prevents an empty password?21:04
jrayhawkYeah. I think useradd and usermod allow you to put in empty values, though.21:06
jrayhawkYou'd have to go out of your way to do it.21:06
foucist"H+++++ DICKS"  ftw21:10
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kanzurechezz jj sounds like langton but without the awesome22:54
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kanzurehi yesminister23:14
kanzureyesminister: what's up?23:17
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--- Log closed Fri Jul 06 00:00:00 2012

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