
--- Log opened Sun Jul 08 00:00:02 2012
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kanzureand discussion on that .. http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=421447609:05
ParahSailinfor all your ranting about reddit, you sure use hacker news a lot09:13
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kanzureParahSailin: a legitimate complaint10:10
kanzureat least it's not slashsnot?10:11
archelsmmm, one doesn't hear too much about evolutionary algorithms these days.10:17
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kanzureevil scheme: offer web scraping services to academic publishers, but claim that i need complete copies (not just hashes) of their papers to make detection most accurate13:21
kanzure(e.g. to detect "infringing materials")13:21
kanzurehowever, that sort of operation would have to actually identify culprits13:21
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kanzure"1 in 5 teenagers will experiment with science" "john, how long have you been pipetting without telling us?"13:23
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Steel2 kanzure, got any interesting papers on recycling?13:28
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Steel2also, anyone have chris99 or f_7's email?13:33
kanzuref7 is solenoidclock@gmail.com13:36
kanzure"there's no phd jobs" article: http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/us-pushes-for-more-scientists-but-the-jobs-arent-there/2012/07/07/gJQAZJpQUW_story.html?hpid=z113:54
-!- klafka1 [~textual@c-24-6-18-31.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:09
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kanzureokay, so how about this idea. it's for a television show called "My Soviet Roommate". scientists are horribly underpaid in the current markets (close to minimum wage or their salaries don't even rise 2x over a 30 year career).14:18
kanzurethe premise for the show is that there's a suburban family with two working parents, and three kids- one is a daughter with a rare blood disease, and they have this health insurance plan that is paying $xx,000/mo for the treatment.14:18
kanzurebut when they go to get the policy renewed, the insurance company demands that they let this cheap Soviet scientist move in to their house, and from now on he will be synthesizing their drug. but the twist is that he only speaks Russian.14:18
kanzure(e.g. it would be cheaper to just have him move into theh ouse for <$30,000/year than it would be to pay $xx,000/mo in drug bills)14:18
kanzuremaybe it would be a sitcom14:18
browniesare they horribly underpaid? does their salary really behave like this over time?14:20
browniesi'd like to see the real data first, separated out into "grad students" and "not grad students" buckets14:20
kanzurewell it should also be separated by "employed in the sciences" vs. say.. employed at a financial firm14:21
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kanzurelet's see..14:23
kanzurebrownies: http://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes_nat.htm#19-000014:23
kanzureoh i mean http://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes190000.htm14:23
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kanzureok so the median is $60k, that's not terrible14:24
kanzurei wonder if this includes academic jobs though14:24
brownieswe have a highly biased view, man14:24
brownies60K is pretty damn solid14:25
kanzurewhy is "Monetary Authorities-Central Bank" a top employer14:25
browniesalso, consider that many labs and whatnot are in random cities, so low cost of living, where that 60K has higher buying power than it would in, say, SF14:25
kanzurewell i'm not ready to jump to the conclusion that these scientists are all paid $60k/year14:26
kanzurethis flies in the face of all the lowly paid postdocs that the article was just complaining about14:26
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brownieswhat article?14:26
Steel260k is pretty low for a stem degree14:27
kanzurebrownies: http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/us-pushes-for-more-scientists-but-the-jobs-arent-there/2012/07/07/gJQAZJpQUW_story.html?hpid=z114:27
browniesthe article seems to wildly generalize "chemistry == science"14:31
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kanzurefaceface just linked me to this: http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/ideas/brainiac/2010/06/is_this_whats_w.html14:32
kanzure"A 14-year-old letter from a Cal Tech chemist to a junior member of his research team, ordering the young man to work nights and weekends, drew enormous interest from young scientists when it was recently posted on ChemistryBlog--evidence, to many, that graduate students and postdocs are treated like serfs."14:32
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kanzure"A chem professor in my department used to joke with new post-docs by taking them aside and saying "The institute says I have to give you two weeks of vacation a year. Which sundays do you want?""14:34
-!- ParahSailin [~parah@unaffiliated/parahsailin] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]14:42
paskykanzure: have you tried to make a certain pokemon shiny? :)14:44
kanzurethe shinyness is like the 2nd bit of HP or something14:45
kanzure"My husband's research group leader handed this letter around a few months ago at a research group meeting. Everyone was a little surprised, because this guy isn't the sort to joke around."14:54
kanzure" It turned out it wasn't being passed around for its humour value. He wanted to "show them what sort of competition they were up against" and what they would need to do to keep up."14:54
-!- shin-to [~shin-to@ulmg-5d84ce88.pool.mediaWays.net] has quit [Quit: systems shutting down_shin-to is entering sleepmode]14:58
kanzure"From now on, I or someone designated by me will take attendance at group meetings starting at 9:10 am. If you are not there, I will not sign your salary sheets. Also, if you haven't noticed the number of people working on weekends and nights in the lab is the worst I've seen in my 17 years."15:01
kanzure"For those who have no idea what salary levels are - the current Chemistry graduate student salary at a NY State university is around $24K per year. (and if you have to TA because your boss is low on money, your income doesn't change but you lose out on 20 hours a week which should be spent in the lab)." (2010)15:05
kanzure"Postdoc salaries are highly variable - the worst I heard was an offer for $28K a year at a major university in Texas (2006). NIH has adopted a minimal salary level of about $37K for anyone on an NIH fellowship, and some professors do follow that standard of their free will."15:06
-!- ThomasEgi is now known as ThomasEgi|AFK15:09
kanzureso not only can you get cheap, awesomely smart labor for $28k/year but you can also make them work 2-3x as much, awesome15:09
kanzurecan i get a postdoc slave for mysel?15:09
kanzure"Good call. I see this with PI's who have NIH UO1 and R21 grants that sequester the indirect cost when returned by the University and then pool them and buy equipment for their personal start-up business."15:12
kanzure"Also, the use of their post-docs at both the start-up and at the University though they employee is only funded by the University grant. Subtle indeed..."15:12
-!- delinquentme [~asdfasdf@c-71-236-101-39.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap15:19
Steel2kanzure: I know plenty of postdocs that would work for you for 25k a year if they got to work on cool stuff15:19
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kanzureSteel2: i have work that is the coolest of the cool, for sure15:24
kanzurebig swinging dick university http://www.chemistry-blog.com/2010/06/22/something-deeply-wrong-with-chemistry/comment-page-1/#comment-1211515:25
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-!- ThomasEgi|AFK is now known as ThomasEgi15:25
kanzure"hile scores of thousands of young Ph.D.s labor in the nation’s university labs as low-paid, temporary workers, ostensibly training for permanent faculty positions that will never exist." hooray15:27
kanzureoh fascinating15:34
kanzure"The National Postdoctoral Association, which ostensibly speaks for postdocs, is a creature of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, a major representative of organized academic scientists. Postdoc unions exist on a handful of campuses, but they focus on local workplace conditions rather than national issues like the structure of careers."15:34
kanzure"Change that could substantially relieve the plight of young scientists seems especially difficult to effect. The groups supporting the current situation are well organized, with strong and effective lobbies and are seen, both by themselves and by society at large, as representing major social goods:"15:34
kanzure"The established researchers and their scholarly associations claim to speak for “science,” and thus for technological progress and the hope of cures for dread diseases. The universities represent education and opportunity."15:34
kanzure"By the early 1970s, periodic surveys of the biomedical labor force by the National Academy of Sciences were noticing more and more new Ph.D.s accepting temporary postdoctoral appointments instead of proceeding to permanent jobs. Before long, the Academy’s reports were calling this demoralizing trend disguised unemployment, and the pool continued to grow relentlessly for the next 30 years."15:35
kanzure"disguised unemployment"15:35
kanzurethat article has some good explanations for the origins of these structural issues15:39
Steel2no luck on chris_99's email?15:45
Steel2no luck on chris_99's email?15:46
kanzuresome other good comments here: http://rezaghadiri.net/nature-of-phd-program-science/15:47
kanzureSteel2: viscousplacebo@gmail.com15:47
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Steel2hey kanz, what was chris_99 again? my computer died :(16:03
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browniesthat's interesting16:03
brownies37K for a grad student salary is not great, admittedly16:04
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kanzureSteel2: viscousplacebo@gmail.com16:14
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Steel2Anyone here have experimental work they want to publish?16:52
Steel2how much money would you need to make major breakthroughs in your projects?17:05
Steel2lower bound17:05
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Steel2hey y'all18:12
Steel2what are all you lurkers up to?18:12
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obscurite<-- in the molecular bio lab. not actually doing bio.18:35
Steel2cool, obscurite18:38
Steel2what type of bio?18:38
Steel2err, rather, what are you doing?18:38
obscuritereading about gibson assembly and procrastinating on my todo list18:39
obscuriteamong other silly things. you?18:39
kanzureSteel2: money is not presently my limiting factor18:43
Steel2what is?18:44
Steel2also, gwern is moving closer to me >_>18:44
kanzurewelp i seem to have an annotated tiger genome now18:56
Steel2kanzure, what's your limiting factor?18:59
kanzurehardware prototyping seems to be order-of-magnitudes more time consuming than software19:01
kanzurebut i still don't understand why it has to be like that (in a structural sense, i mean)19:01
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azonenbergkanzure: because the turnaround time is a lot longer19:12
obscuritekanzure, what hardware are you thinking about?19:12
azonenbergyou have to actually manufacture a physical device rather than just compiling your program19:12
obscuritehardware turnaround can be much shorter than software in fact19:14
kanzurego on..19:14
obscuritei've seen this firsthand many times19:14
obscuriteit absolutely depends on your needs19:14
kanzurewell if my needs are commodity components, sure, you can have that airdropped next-day19:14
obscuriteyou have to specify your application before you can speculate on turnaround19:15
kanzureobscurite: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/nucleic/fbi-diybio-dna-v1.pdf19:15
kanzurethis is an old doc but lists some relevant projects:19:15
kanzurefor most software i can snap my fingers and have a prototype working in an hour (i type fast), it's just not that way with electronics at all19:16
kanzureeven if i had a considerable inventory of random-ass parts (which, i don't) and even if it was organized well19:16
obscuritekanzure, where are you based19:17
obscuriteI'll try to hook you up with the right people19:17
kanzurei'm out of austin, texas19:17
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kanzurehook me up with what? i don't understand19:17
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obscuritehow far are you from this place? http://atxhackerspace.org/wiki/Contact_Us19:18
kanzurei know them19:18
kanzurei was there since the beginning19:18
kanzure(the meeting to agree to have a meeting to agree to make a hackerspace -_-)19:18
obscuritethat was my first suggestion19:19
kanzurethey moved away from me19:19
kanzureit's a complicated story, but they were originally renting space inside a hackerspace19:19
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kanzurethen they decided to become separate19:19
kanzureso they moved out of the space near me19:19
obscuriteI see.19:19
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kanzurethey had this giant cnc project (11 foot by 6 foot) that has taken them 4 years to not make any significant progress on19:22
kanzurei don't think they are a shining beacon of hope in terms of rapid hardware prototyping19:23
obscuritefair enough19:23
obscuritefeel free to jump on our mailing list, though we're a little further away. hackmanhattan.com (nyc based hackerspace). we've pushed out electronics in a weekend.19:24
obscuritethere are a few biohackers or wannabe's among us as well.19:24
kanzuredid a fellow named nathan come by the other day?19:25
obscuriteI haven't met Nathan but he's posted on our list a few times.19:25
kanzurehe keeps complaining that there are no biohackers in nyc, and that genspace is lame / never there19:25
obscuriteI'm a member of Genspace but have no time to go. Doing iGEM this summer.19:25
obscurite(not their team)19:25
obscuriteGenspace can be quiet, but it's a good community.19:26
kanzurethey really seem to hate internet communication in general :(19:27
obscuriteThey're just busy folks honestly.19:27
obscuriteNYC lifestyle is hectic.19:27
kanzureobscurite: also, hi. i don't think we've met before.19:31
kanzureoh wait, no. we talked about bitcoins once.19:32
kanzureand i guess this is you too http://danielpacker.org/open-source-pcr-and-electrophoresis-roundup/19:32
obscuritehello again19:35
obscuritekazure -- have you found any diy microfluidics19:40
obscuritethat seems to be the real hurdle19:40
kanzuresure there's all sorts of diy setups that people have built19:41
obscuritethe first thing i'd do is catalog those19:41
kanzuredo you want the links?19:42
obscuritethey'll just gather dust in my inbox at the moment. is there a wiki page you can use?19:42
kanzuresure there are many wikis19:43
obscuritewhat's your favorite for this kind of thing? use that19:43
kanzureso, we've been floating around some schematics for a laser cutter to make microfluidic prototypes19:43
kanzurebut the primary problem i'm having is optimizing fenn+nmz787's location to be the smae place, so that i don't have to buy them both equipment/parts/components in addition to stuff for me19:44
kanzurebecause that's 3x expenses and i'm ultimately too cheap to do that19:44
obscuriteis it necessary for some reason to build a laser cutter? it's been shown that the parts for a CO2 cutter are no cheaper than an imported complete cutter19:45
kanzurebut, then nmz787 comes with an extra constraint of his gf, who might end up in sf or portland or nyc (wtf) so i have to also somehow optimize that factor too19:45
kanzurereally the core problem is logistics i think19:45
* kanzure ends rant19:45
obscuritespeaking of logistics, it seems your first order of business is to relocate where there's a good deal of technology and tools nearby19:47
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obscuriteanyway, if you manage to get a wiki up for this, i'll gladly pitch in. diy oligos is worthwhile, even if ultaimtely more expensive.19:49
ParahSailin_kanzure, where's the money for this stuff coming from19:49
obscuritesomeone I know in the NYC academic community did manual oligo synthesis as an organic chemistry student19:51
obscuritebeen meaning to ask him more about that :)19:51
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kanzureParahSailin_: out of pocket (i do software contracting/consulting things)19:52
kanzureobscurite: git clone git://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki.git is http://diyhpl.us/wiki19:53
kanzureobscurite: why did he choose to do it manually?19:53
obscuritekazure -- I assume out of curiosity and for learning's sake19:54
kanzurethere are also other interesting things here btw http://diyhpl.us/cgit19:54
obscurite11PM is my hanging-out-in-the-lab cutoff. headed home.19:54
obscuritekanzure -- collect those microfluidics links up19:55
kanzurehttp://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/microfluidics/ done19:55
obscuritecan you add a wiki page pointing out which are relevant to diy19:56
obscuritetoo many papers to brwose19:56
kanzurethey can all be done DIY, i don't understand19:56
obscuritebe back later.19:56
ParahSailin_how do you get into independent software contracting, ie get clients19:57
obscurite(was interested in descriptions of existing/current/planned diy microfluidics... not theory on how one does it)19:57
obscurite(but that's OK too)19:57
kanzureobscurite: if you want to write for me that would be supercool of you19:57
kanzurei could give you lots of pointers for that19:57
obscuritekazure -- was asking if you could come up with a list, if you knew of projects19:58
kanzurehackteria's crap, the stupid ovenbake crap, lamination, plastic injection molding, laser cutting, ion implantation, tape cutting/relief, stamping methods, photolithography, sharpie, EOWD, other electrowetting methods (not dielectrics) (some pcb stuff goes here)19:59
kanzureParahSailin_: it is very hard to *not* get software gigs at the moment20:00
kanzurejust show up in san francisco and say sup to your homies and you'll be rolling in dough (your experience may vary)20:00
ParahSailin_ah so thats why you went over there?20:01
kanzureostensibly i went over there for the fbi thing20:01
kanzurebut i did land a handful of new contracts20:01
kanzureand stopped by a current employer's office to hang out, eat their pizza..20:01
kanzuremy advice would be to hook up with a friend on a paid project sometime20:02
ParahSailin_i dont really know anybody20:03
kanzureyou know me :(20:03
kanzurei am so sad now20:03
ParahSailin_first i gotta figure out what's wrong with my hands, been having tendonitis, probably because i got too skinny20:05
ParahSailin_what is the pay like typically, if you dont mind me asking20:05
kanzurewell ybit is whoring himself out for like 8% my rate20:06
kanzuredepending on your level of experience or skill you should be thinking of $40-$75/hour to start out at20:08
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kanzurebut most people don't like hourly rates, so they choose daily rates ($200-$500/day) or per-project rates (which varies based on the nature of the project or how much value it is bringing)20:08
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kanzurei'm sorta in between "major" gigs at the moment20:11
kanzuregaroo back-end backend inconsistency20:12
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brownies8% ?20:55
browniesthat's rough.20:56
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Steel2where's rdb been?21:20
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foucistkanzure: pfft. you call that a resume?23:53
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