
--- Log opened Mon Aug 20 00:00:09 2012
--- Day changed Mon Aug 20 2012
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Mokbortolan_1check this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wu5XIfzh6J801:12
Mokbortolan_1cloth electronics demo circuit I built w/my daughter this weekend01:12
nmz787pretty cool01:17
Mokbortolan_1I particularly liked how I could just .. tie things to the LED pins with thread01:19
Mokbortolan_1that was nice01:19
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archelsMokbortolan_1: This video has been removed by the user.06:39
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archelskanzure: Why is KurzweilAI running news stories on this Extreme Futurist event?06:46
archelsoh, then again, there's that weird episode where Ray was crossdressing as 'Ramona'.06:46
@kanzure"extreme futurist festival" is just some terrible conference06:57
@kanzurekurzweilai.net will basically run any story you send them06:57
archelsunrelated http://queue.acm.org/detail.cfm?id=234925707:10
archels"Quality happens only when someone is responsible for it."07:10
@kanzureno it just magically appears07:20
@kanzureMokbortolan_1: you should show us your brain visualization widget07:21
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foucistarchels: more importantly, why are you even looking @ kurzweil's site? :P07:41
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archelsfoucist: meh, their newsletter runs interesting stuff now and again.07:44
archelssure beats the futurity.org newsletter.07:47
@kanzurearchels: both of these sites are terrible07:50
@kanzurehow about you just read logs in here?07:50
@kanzurenextbigfuture used to be okay, i dunno about any more07:51
foucist# ./irclogs2newsletter \#\#hplusroadmap.log07:52
archelskanzure: get some RSS feed bot in here that posts interesting links.07:52
foucistError: cannot parse information from all the noise.07:52
@kanzureError: too many glowing cats, fuck07:52
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foucisti second the RSS feed bot motion07:54
foucistthat might be interesting07:54
foucistalthough i predict i'll get pissed off at the link spam anyways07:54
* foucist doesn't really like clicking irc links anyways07:54
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@kanzurewhen i was a young warthog.07:56
@kanzurearchels: the problem with your rss-posting-bot idea is that most links are terrible07:58
@kanzureand delinquentme will orgasm over anything, and then we all have to share in the misery of stopping him07:58
archelsbut you're right, of course.07:59
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@kanzureso who exactly would want to rent textbook chapters? http://reference-tree.com/ :/08:03
@kanzurehttp://www.slugbooks.com/ seems to be ok for comparing textbook prices08:03
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Mokbortolan_1kanzure: which brain vis widget?09:38
Mokbortolan_1I have one of those?09:38
@kanzureyou said you were making one a while back09:40
* Mokbortolan_1 thinks.09:40
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-!- amphetamine is now known as AdrianG10:03
archelsMokbortolan_1: What happened to the wearable electronics video?10:42
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Mokbortolan_1I moved it10:57
Mokbortolan_1made a better video10:57
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archelspretty neat11:13
archelsWhat's the resistivity of that conductive cloth?11:13
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chris_99have you guys heard of the MS project that is designed to let you attach different devices using your skin as a conductor11:17
archelsI'm not sure I'd want that kind of EM fields through my body.11:18
chris_99it's gonna be very low current, should be fine11:20
chris_99(i hope ;)11:20
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ThomasEgihm.. i know about some medical camera capsules that can be swalloed to take pictures of the digetstive system. it uses electric fields too. altho it is not very fast in transmittion.11:32
ThomasEgii wonder why MS would reinvent this wheel, i mean bluetooth was made for exactly that purpose11:33
Mokbortolan_1archels: not sure, I think 9ohm/sqft11:33
Mokbortolan_1surface resistivity < 0.5/sq (unstretched)11:34
Mokbortolan_1sq what?!?11:34
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archelspretty good order of magnitude I guess. You could always fold it into a few layers to decrease the resistance further.11:48
archels< AdrianG> they should GMO ephedra to methedra11:50
archels(this is just now from #reddit-nootropics)11:50
archelsWhy don't we have rogue biohackers that try to make psychoactive drugs with plants?11:51
archels(or fungi or eukaryotic cells for that matter)11:51
yashgaroth"oh no mr. fbi, biohacking is perfectly safe, don't worry" "well what are you making with it?" "...meth"11:52
@kanzure"super meth"11:52
yashgarothand designing an entirely new enzyme to catalyze ephedrine to methamphetamine costs more than people seem to think11:53
@kanzurearchels: why do they have to be rogue?11:54
archelsbecause they are engineered to produce drugs that are considered rogue.11:54
ParahSailindesoxyn is prescription drug11:55
archelsApparently, amphetamines are naturally synthesized in plants and trees.12:00
yashgarothalmost all the common drugs are from plants or simple derivatives thereof12:03
archelsSo we'll just copy all the enzymes involved in that pathway and overexpress them in some sort of organism.12:03
@kanzurelike, a plant12:05
@kanzureand then call it a hairy root culture12:05
yashgarothfor most of them you'll have to discover the enzymes in the pathway first, though I'm not sure how much research has been done on poppies/coca/ma huang/ergot12:06
chris_99isn't LSD very similar to ergot12:07
yashgarothand then tweaking since the native plant has had quite a lot of time to optimize production in the context of its other 20,000 proteins12:07
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yashgarothyes it is, just add ethylamide or something12:07
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yashgarothso for a legit company, there's little point since the 'activating' chemical modifications are super cheap when you can do them legally and at scale12:09
yashgarothhowever if you just want a plant that doesn't look like [illegal plant] but instead looks like daffodils, then maybe12:10
chris_99do any governements have a blanket ban on molecules containing a specific group of atoms?12:11
chris_99such as?12:11
yashgaroth.wik federal analog act12:11
yashgarothoh no where's paperbot12:11
yashgarothanyway yeah the US has the analog act12:11
chris_99cheers interesting12:11
chris_99the UK doesn't have that i presume?12:12
chris_99as we seem to have a lot of 'legal drugs'12:12
chris_99*legal high12:12
yashgarothyeah the mephedrone menace12:12
yashgaroththat one's based on khat iirc12:13
chris_99theres things like ecstacy clones and all sorts i believe12:13
yashgarothecstasy is still an ephedrine derivative12:13
chris_99ephedrine being what sorry?12:14
yashgarothamphetamine, basically12:14
yashgarothephedrine is the chemical which all the amphetamines are derived from, since it occurs naturally12:14
chris_99interesting, wheres it occur?12:15
yashgarothma huang12:15
chris_99http://centurysupplements.com/ma-huang-rp-capsules so that is pure ephedrine?12:16
yashgarothit's like with poppies/morphine and heroin and oxycodone; the natural form is pretty good but then you add an ethyl group or something and BAM12:16
chris_99aha gotcha12:17
chris_99oh that was only 25mg of ma huang extract apparenlty12:18
yashgarothit's really grey area since the plant is legal12:19
chris_99heh interesting12:19
yashgarothin california it was legal until this year, still legal in canada etc12:19
yashgarothplaces with meth problems tend to outlaw it12:19
chris_99makes sense, makes me wonder why the 'Breaking bad' crew don't grow the stuff ;)12:20
yashgarothI think they do something like that, since the methylamine just adds that final methyl group12:22
yashgaroththen again phenol etc is relatively easy to get, and you don't have to purify it out of some leaves12:22
yashgarothidk I'm not a chemist12:23
chris_99theres no such thing as a matter assembler yet is there, in any form?12:25
yashgarothdepends how vague you want to be with your terms, but no12:33
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nmz787there are also two papers that list an acacia tree in west texas as having meth and amphetamine13:01
nmz787but they were by the same authors so it's hard to say if its reliable13:01
nmz787from wiki "amphetamine" article "In 1997 and 1998,[58][59] researchers at Texas A&M University claimed to have found amphetamine and methamphetamine in the foliage of two Acacia species native to Texas, A. berlandieri andA. rigidula. Previously, both of these compounds had been thought to be human inventions. These findings have never been duplicated, and the analyses are believed by many biochemists to be the result of experim13:02
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HaXB1nhi, do you know where I can get how to synthesize Dopamine (protocol)?15:16
@kanzurehow about ewen's method15:22
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@kanzureyashgaroth: are you sure all synthesizers require a gas supply?15:26
yashgarothdid I say that?15:27
@kanzureare you implying that?15:27
TheEmpathwhat is "is"?15:27
@kanzureoh sorry15:27
@kanzurethat's not you, that's max15:27
@kanzurethe other max15:27
EnLilaSko-Is = ice15:27
@kanzureit's max hodak, not you15:27
@kanzuresorry :(15:28
@kanzuremax is running a 'remote lab equipment over the web' operation15:28
@kanzureso he should be knowledgable about synthesizers; so now i'm sort of confused15:28
@kanzurei'm pretty sure must microarrayers don't use argon environments15:28
yashgarothoh ok15:28
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@kanzureyashgaroth: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/diybio/CUKEhuS-jus15:33
yashgarothyeah I mean it's probably true15:33
@kanzurei wonder how i missed that?15:34
@kanzurei mean what about all the microfluidic phosphoramidite synthesizers? they are always liquid-phase reactions15:34
@kanzureand sometimes there's air/gas to force valves to open/close.. but that doesn't reaaally count15:34
yashgarothI could understand no oxygen, but nitrogen? shit's hella stable15:36
@kanzureadding gas to a system is just another subsystem of work and things to do, so my first reaction is to choose a simpler system15:37
@kanzureif you can't get the reaction stability under control, i can see how gas is a good idea15:37
@kanzurestill, i don't think $20,000 is a reasonable project price for a giant microarrayer15:39
@kanzurei think delinquentme assembled his crummy liquid mover for <$500015:40
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@kanzureteklord: hi16:07
@kanzurewhat brings you here?16:16
teklordIm here because of my inerest in transhumanism, cyborg technology, etc.16:18
teklordHowever, I am a skeptic and dislike the dogmatic Kurzweilian Singularitarians16:18
@kanzurewell, you're in the right place.. we're the official ray kurzweil eliezer yudkowsky hater club16:20
* teklord high fives *16:21
teklordI'm looking for documentaries on retro-futurism.  Any suggestions?16:27
yashgarothas in steampunk or hovercars?16:28
teklordAs in atomic-age sc8ience speculation of the future16:29
teklordGoogle the term.16:29
yashgarothoh, I did...looks like hovercars16:30
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teklordSorry for the poor typing skills, I'm on a crappy little netbook with missing keys. < Very difficult to type.16:30
yashgarothI don't actually know of any, though I'd be interested to know as well16:30
teklordYoutube has a neat video called "1960s futuristic homes and kitchens"16:31
yashgarothoh cool I'll check it out16:32
@kanzuremeh just slap up a picture of bucky fuller and call it done16:41
teklordOn the "downloading hardware over the web" video series on gnusha.org, the first video mentions scientology.  What are they talking about?  Ive read a lot about them recently.16:49
@kanzurewait, why does it mention scientiology16:50
teklordThat is what I am asking.16:50
@kanzureignore it16:50
Mokbortolan_1SCIENtology, it's got some of the same letters at SCIENce16:50
teklordI would like to know what the sea org is doing.16:50
@kanzureteklord: publicity16:51
teklordAh, okay.  Scientology isnt very good at that, though.16:51
@kanzurei don't think publicity should be the goal if you are trying to do better seasteading16:51
@kanzureso i don't see the relevance?16:51
@kanzureoh you are probably talking about the end of patri friedman's presentation16:52
@kanzurei think it appears in the first few seconds of video16:52
teklordI am.16:52
brownieswhy does his video mention scientology?16:52
@kanzurei think he was trying to make a joke, i forget16:52
teklordIt seems like a joke, but I was instantly interested in the subject as soon as I heard it because I have been reading a lot about their pyramid scheme / slavery.16:53
teklordAcually, for a good laugh you should watch the Steve fishman interview on Google Video.  Searching for "fishman scientology" should yeild results.16:54
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jrayhawkteklord: http://www.google.com/search?q=apple+future+shock&tbm=vid17:35
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jrayhawkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EC5sbdvnvQM which manages to be adorably anachronistic and remarkably precient17:38
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jrayhawkhttp://www.google.com/search?q=a+day+made+of+glass&tbm=vid is some modern futurism17:39
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@kanzure"Thiel sold the shares at an average price of $19.73, earning him nearly $400 million for his original $500,000 investment"18:50
@kanzureoh. so much for my $10 billion estimate.18:50
tashoutang關閉下列語言的翻譯功能:英文On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 3:26 PM, Conor <fennell.conor@gmail.com> wrote:18:51
tashoutangComing from a programming background, I am looking for the:                * The "hello world" projects of Synthetic Biology.                * What are the generic tools a Synthetic Biologist uses                * Best practice guides to "programming" your bacteria :)                * How do you fail quickly, have small feedback loops in your experiments.                * Whats the18:51
tashoutangequivalent of design, implement, test ( Repeat) for synthetic biology.18:51
tashoutangdoes anyone know what the synthetic biology is?18:52
yashgarothit's what people call genetic engineering now that genetic engineering apparently is evil, or something18:52
@kanzuretashoutang: it's just genetic engineering18:52
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@kanzurehttp://diyhpl.us/wiki/diybio/faq answers these questions and more18:53
@kanzureyashgaroth: or if you feel the need to be helpful, maybe you could update some of the q/a..18:53
@kanzurei doubt that programmers are going to stop applying programming analogies18:54
@kanzurebut, just because they think it's programming, doesn't confer them any particular molecular biology skills18:55
@kanzure(although it certainly helps with bioinformatics stuff)18:55
@kanzuremaybe there is something more productive we could point them to?18:55
browniesoh, you actually wrote answers18:58
@kanzuresort of.. these are the "old" answers18:58
tashoutang@K: offerring them the conditions and parameters...???18:58
@kanzuretashoutang: what?18:58
@kanzurebrownies: but here are the questions extracted from my archives.. http://diyhpl.us/wiki/diybio/faq/better-questions/18:59
tashoutangI mean  "the molecular biology skills "means the annealing temp,...18:59
tashoutangsomething like that...?18:59
brownies"I am a programmer: what is the "hello world" of synthetic biology or genetic engineering?"19:00
tashoutangOH I see your archives19:00
browniesi demand an answer to this one19:00
@kanzuremost programmers (when they ask questions like "What is the hello world of biology?") are not asking about annealing temperatures..19:00
JayDuggerA: Boil water.19:00
@kanzurebrownies: um. culturing bacteria.19:01
@kanzureor doing a pcr reaction19:01
browniescreate a swan-necked flask... and leave it outside. forever.19:01
yashgarothrunning a gel19:01
@kanzurebrownies: the problem is that people think that the "hello world" is some sort of genetic engineering project, where they can make their cats sing songs on the first day or something19:01
browniesdoing a basic PCR seems reasonable.19:01
yashgarothit's hard to compare when 'hello world' is a 5 minute explanation unless you've never seen a computer19:01
@kanzure"PCR" is not programming though :P19:01
brownieskanzure: i understand. first hello world, then glowing cats.19:01
@kanzurei imagine that most programmers expect "hello world" to mean "i want to make a plasmid with my own custom gene" or "i want to modify the genome of an organism"19:02
brownieskanzure: well, the idea is just that it should be a basic exercise that gives you a glimpse of a bunch of things19:02
brownieswhy? are most programmers idiots?19:02
brownies...ok, but still.19:02
@kanzurethere is a huge influx of programmers into synthetic biology that get SO EXCITED that "biology is like computers!!"19:03
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@kanzureoh, nevermind. phone.19:03
yashgarothcreating the plasmid = figuring out what DNA you need, ordering it, ordering primers and/or digest mixes, running the digests/pcr/ligations, putting that on a gel...19:03
yashgarothand then the other 80% I won't bother typing19:03
yashgarothI mean, I understand where the mailing list is coming from...it's a lot easier to just answer individual questions than writing a huge faq19:04
yashgarothand with a faq you need to figure out where each person's understanding level is at19:04
@kanzureyashgaroth: and then lots of debugging on each of those steps because FUCK19:04
yashgarothand you can't say "read this book" because they run away crying19:04
@kanzure"oh i seem to have contaminated my $300 oligo order" shiiiit19:05
yashgaroth"hey my pcr didn't work, [bunch of useless details], what happened?!?!?"19:05
yashgarothlike should we expect people to know how pcr works?19:05
@kanzurewell, from a "programmer getting introduced to synthetic biology", no19:06
yashgarothit's not like understanding assembly language or something, but 'mix it together and it might work' isn't enough19:06
browniesi don't understand this attitude19:06
browniesat all19:06
browniesdo programmers get together and worry if other people will understand their answers, with their soft little brains?19:06
browniesno. they just write an FAQ. with some answers. if people don't understand the answers, they google until they understand it.19:06
@kanzurewell, no, they come in here and ask19:06
browniesyashgaroth: the whole "you can't say 'read this book' because they run away crying"19:07
@kanzureor to the mailing ilst (more likely)19:07
JayDuggerReally? Not my experience, at least at work.19:07
browniesbah, i say. read ALL the books!19:07
yashgarothyes but there is no resource even barely comparable to programming knowledge19:07
@kanzureyeah a lot of these things are social knowledge transfer in labs19:07
yashgarothwell I wish they were all like you brownies19:07
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@kanzureso even if they do read the books,19:07
@kanzurethese people come in with pre-conceived notions19:07
@kanzure"biology MUST be like programming because otherwise it would be absurd"19:07
browniesyashgaroth: they can be19:07
yashgarothgetting into synbio isn't like getting into programming, it's like getting into AI development19:07
browniesyashgaroth: by writing for that audience, you scare off all the dumb people... problem solved!19:07
@kanzureai development isn't a good analogy :P19:08
yashgarothcan't I just shout at them instead? then it's cathartic19:08
browniesyou sound like a guy who's never developed AI -_-19:08
yashgarothexactly, I have no idea about it, but want to get into it despite not knowing programming19:08
yashgarothprogramming:biology AI dev:synbio19:08
yashgarothor whatever19:08
@kanzurewhat? :P19:08
yashgarotherr, ::19:09
yashgarothI can't imagine getting into synbio without a background in regular biology, I mean19:09
browniesso what? don't most reasonable people know biology?19:09
brownies...ok, fine, but still.19:09
@kanzurenot to the level that you need to make a basic hello world project work19:09
brownieswell, *i* do, so... let's get started on building me a glowing cat, dammit!19:10
@kanzurebrownies what biology background do you have anyway?19:10
@kanzurei know it's not material to the conversation, i'm just curious19:10
yashgarothand it's all fun for making a glowing petri dish, but if they have no fucking clue about any aspect of biology other than running three protocols, what's the point19:10
@kanzurei think a really good example is xp_prg who used to come in here and hang out on diybio19:11
@kanzurehe was definitely more from a software background19:11
brownieskanzure: i never told you i started off wanting to be in bioengineering?19:12
brownieswell... yeah.19:12
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@kanzurebrownies: i also don't know if you have any lab experience, or what your academic knowledge of biology is19:12
browniesi'm no bio genius but i have decent lab experience and i read all the things19:12
@kanzurelab experience in molecular/genetics stuff?19:12
browniesah, i worked in a lab for a while, on drug engineering stuff19:13
@kanzureantibody stuff?19:13
yashgarothor small molecule?19:13
browniesnah, time-release coatings19:13
@kanzureisn't that a chemistry lab? :p19:13
@kanzureor materials19:13
browniesyeah, i guess my lab background is more chemistry19:13
browniesi ran a gel at some point though. no PCR, though.19:14
@kanzurei haven't worked in a chemistry lab, so i don't want to sound snobbish making comparisons19:14
@kanzurebut.. isn't chemistry more repeatable?19:14
yashgarothnot when it's getting digested by biology19:15
@kanzurelike if you run a reaction at the right temperature, pressure, etc., you can variably expect it to just fucking work?19:15
brownieskanzure: isn't programming just a bunch of for loops?19:15
brownieslike... if you put the variables in... it just works?19:15
@kanzurecompared to biology, programming is fairly straightforward.. read the documentation, write some code, run the incantations.19:16
@kanzure(oh and piss/swear during the whole thing for added benefit)19:16
JayDuggerCovered under the "incantations."19:17
brownieskanzure: i guess you've only done apps and scrapers, though, right19:17
brownies(time for me to be snooty about programming!)19:17
@kanzurei've done all sorts of crazy projects19:17
@kanzureonce a long time ago i was writing C networking libraries for winsocks, but i don't know why19:18
@kanzureuhm that shouldn't be plural19:18
tashoutangit is very interesting about your conversation about "programmer" vs. "biology knowledge"....19:19
@kanzureso i find genomecompilercorp to be sorta hilarious19:19
@kanzure"IT'S A COMPILER!!" is basically to appease all the people asking "So where is my synthetic biology compiler wink wink"...19:19
@kanzurebut in reality it's just some actionscript/adobe air crap19:19
@kanzurei'm sure you can implement a compiler in actionscript but realistically it's an abuse of the word :p19:20
@kanzureit's more about the expectations.. in programming you expect there to be official documentation. in biology it's more like "well somebody may have asked that same question before, or there might be some theory you can apply to figure out an answer, but yeah you basically have to search to find an answer to figure out your next step"19:23
tashoutang@k: so you basicly think that the "pure programmer" has too simple idea about biological issues....19:24
browniesi really feel like your overly narrow view of programming is constraining this metaphor19:24
tashoutangthey make conclusions too quickly19:24
browniesor maybe we should swap out the phrase "programming" with "computer science"19:24
@kanzurebrownies: well, i know what "hello world" is heh..19:24
brownies"hey man, how do i optimize this approximation of a solution to an NP-complete problem?"19:25
@kanzureand http://wp.moma.org/talk_to_me/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Paola-Antonelli_011.jpg19:25
brownies"oh yeah, bro, just check out the official docs"19:25
brownieskanzure: you see? -_-19:25
@kanzurethat took at least a summer of 4 or 5 grad students being beaten19:25
@kanzureyou can do that project on your own, but it's not like it's documented well19:25
delinquentmeI ate some Kale today19:25
delinquentmeand I think like19:25
delinquentmemy insides are like " WTFMATE"19:25
@kanzurebrownies: no, i'm not talking about actual computer science :)19:26
jrayhawkdehydrated kale is unbelievably addictive19:26
delinquentmejrayhawk, I've heard that!19:27
delinquentmealso that it gets sweeter when its had a frost?19:27
jrayhawkthat's an interesting claim19:27
@kanzurei tried to wash a cricket down my sink drain two days ago19:28
@kanzurenow my drain pipes are chirping19:28
brownieskanzure: well, ok, but "look up docs and follow the instructions" is basically analogous to carrying out basic chemical reactions that people have done since the beginning of time19:28
yashgarothdehydrated crickets are also unbelievably addictive19:28
@kanzurebrownies: molecular biology techniques, like pcr, are relatively new19:29
@kanzure<50 years old19:29
jrayhawkif you have problems with insoluable fiber you might want to treat your gut better19:29
brownieskanzure: so is iOS19:29
@kanzureprogramming languages are different though..19:29
@kanzureyou have a set of syntax that you can apply and the compiler can tell you if you're right/wrong19:29
@kanzureplus definitive documentation (with lots of sucky edge cases, missing docs, etc., but more often than not a good attempt at letting you use the device)19:30
tashoutang@K: yeah, I agree with you, biological issues are not that simple..19:31
strangewarpKale is a super good food, I ought to eat it more often19:31
jrayhawkoh, right, sugar is anti-freeze19:32
@kanzureyashgaroth: maybe i'm just blowing smoke up brownies' ass. how has your python adventures been going?19:33
yashgarothwell the freeze/thaw is probably lysing vesicles that have sugar in them19:33
yashgarothuhh pretty good I guess, since it was designed entirely by rational humans19:33
brownieskanzure: yeah, but that's just infrastructure, and (somewhat) orthogonal to the actual science19:33
yashgarothand not shit like "A novel function found in M. windowsii that iterates a fibonacci series, Ku et al. (1978)"19:34
jrayhawkwould vesicles really be stable during mastication, though?19:34
brownieskanzure: and yeah, you are19:34
yashgarothsure, they're small enough to fit in between teeth19:34
@kanzurebrownies: well, i'm certainly not claiming that biology is "unknowable" or "impossible" or "very hard" - or i don't want to claim this, heh19:34
@kanzureyashgaroth: so do you think there is a difference between programming a computer, versus "programming" a cell?19:35
yashgarothoh fuck yes19:35
@kanzureapparently i am having trouble verbalizing this to brownies19:35
yashgarothit is hard to directly compare the two, of course19:35
@kanzurewell, programmers coming into biology looove to directly compare the two19:36
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yashgarothwhy can't they all just get together and make one plasmid design software program, instead of literally two dozen19:36
@kanzureand it's hard to explain why that comparison is wrong or inappropriate19:37
jrayhawkperhaps the solution is to force them to learn about every sort of RNA and attempt to make analogies for them19:37
@kanzurei mean ultimately it's true that you can hack bacteria and genomes and make them do things, which is similar to programming19:37
@kanzurebut biology owes nothing to you to happen to turn out to be like programming computers19:37
yashgaroththere's no real programming in synbio yet, it's all just cutting and pasting parts of other programs into each other19:37
@kanzurethey aren't really programs either though.. it's not like there's a "kernel" that allocates memory and resources19:38
browniescomparing one science to another science? yes, how ridiculous19:38
brownieskanzure just wants to convince me that he is some sort of mystic prophet of biology19:38
@kanzurehardly.. no thanks19:38
yashgarothnah that's me19:38
yashgarothcome my child, learn of ribosomes19:39
@kanzureyashgaroth is the bryan bishop of synthetic biology19:39
brownies"I have studied the great mysteries of PCR ... they cannot be analogized"19:39
jrayhawkall hail yashgaroth, king of microbes19:39
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@kanzurebrownies: well, i can make lots of shitty xeroxing analogies about PCR19:39
@kanzurebut those analogies will not confer any practical benefits to you19:39
browniesand, brace yourselves, because i already know about ribosomes *and* PCR -_-19:39
browniesi read about it! IN A BOOK!19:40
@kanzureexcept maybe when you're on step 8 in some project one day and you wonder "oh do i need to add dna to this mix?"19:40
jrayhawkanyway, generally when i see people claiming genetics are "just like programming a computer" they also think genetic determinism is a real thing19:40
@kanzurewhat do you mean by genetic determinism? like "epigenetics is a scam" ?19:40
yashgarothwell that puts you ahead of 99% of programmers wanting to get into biology, brownies19:40
jrayhawkmore like "what's epigenetics?"19:40
jrayhawk"what do you mean *if* it's expressed?"19:40
@kanzure"what do you mean expressed" etc...19:41
jrayhawkso making them look up the crazy variety of expression mechanisms is somewhat helpful19:41
yashgarothit's not like they need to know the difference between every type of rna polymerase, even I don't know that shit off-hand19:43
jrayhawkBut you're aware that RNA is incredibly complex and only some of it is driven by DNA19:43
@kanzuresome of those immune system polymerases are pretty fucked up :|19:43
browniesi think only a fool would try to pretend things are 1:1 between such different spheres... but, at the same time, drawing parallels to existing knowledge is one major way to actually internalize new knowledge, so it's pretty unavoidable, especially since the fields do overlap some19:44
yashgarothoh it's just as complex as dna...moreso considering it folds19:44
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yashgarothyou don't want to rely too heavily on analogies, though I agree they are useful19:45
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@kanzurei think it would be more practical to show them some protocols19:46
@kanzureand then tell them "ok make something out of this"19:46
@kanzuremaybe some protocol flashcards.. "pcr produces dna" "oh which protocols use dna"19:47
@kanzurebut this doesn't help with the genetics stuff. cAMP signalling is like tcp?? not really.19:48
browniesi think we're all in agreement that you don't need to analogize all the things19:48
yashgarothwhere are the programmers getting into synbio hoping to end up? working in a lab, building their own lab and thinking up their own projects?19:49
@kanzurei'm still trying to figure out what to do with these people19:49
browniesespecially with all the mechanics of reactions, sometimes you just have to go learn it19:49
@kanzureyashgaroth: i think most of them would be okay with doing a hobbyist project19:49
@kanzureyashgaroth: or at least that's what it seems like. i don't see people saying "i want to do a project at home so i can get a fancypants biojob"19:49
yashgarothas in GFP stuff, or reading current papers and finding something to explore19:49
brownieswhere are all these people anyway?19:49
@kanzurebrownies: diybio. heh.19:50
@kanzurehere's one from today.. https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#19:50
@kanzureer.. https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/diybio/CUKEhuS-jus19:50
browniesahhh. i'm not on the mailing list. i guess i'm missing all the fun.19:51
@kanzureoh wait. wrong thread.19:52
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Burninate'evening guys20:01
BurninateI just found this, and thought you might be interested:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Rp4V3Sj5jE20:01
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@kanzurefucking crickets arrrrghh http://youtube.com/watch?v=SMTz9nIUkGc20:14
nmz787do you know any EE for hire?20:17
nmz787actually, I do20:17
@kanzurejohn griessen.20:17
@kanzureoh but you hate him.20:17
@kanzurethen, ThomasEgi.20:18
nmz787no i don't20:18
nmz787well I think we may need to hire someone to build a stepper motor controller20:18
nmz787for the laser20:18
nmz787from some things I've been reading about low speed movement20:19
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tashoutangBurninate: this is really good film!!!!!!!20:23
nmz787high holding torque motors are worse for microstepping because their movement deviates from the sine and cosine model20:24
teklordkanzure: I came back here because I had just remembered something that was vaguely relevant to our initial coversation earlier tonight.  You told me to put up a picture of Bucky Fuller and "call it done".  I was just reminded of a recent communicatin I had with Warren Ellis.  I'll grab a link to his quote in a moment.  I need to find it again.20:24
@kanzurewarren ellis is doktor sleepless, right?20:24
strangewarpWarren Ellis got brainjacked by the "Strong AI is impossible" camp, somehow, didn't he?20:25
teklordStrong AI should not be confused with "I live in a fantasy land with magic robots who do magic" people.20:26
fouciststrong ai gives the best blowjobs ever!20:27
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strangewarpteklord: that seems to be what Ellis is doing, yeah20:27
teklordHe's right, too.  Problem?20:27
* strangewarp rereads...20:27
strangewarp...No, I don't think he's right20:28
@kanzurehuman brains are clearly real, so anyone who tells you otherwise is lying to you20:28
teklordI know solipsists who would disagree.20:29
teklordOr do I...?\20:29
@kanzuretruly you have a dizzying intellect20:29
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teklordYou know so little, but I hope you play arm chai psychologist with me and tell me about me.20:30
foucistarm chai tea20:30
@kanzurenope sorry.20:30
* kanzure fetches foods20:30
* Burninate demands a convincingly funny interpretation of 'Arm Chai'20:31
* teklord is drunk, will probably regret this interaction while working tomorrow20:31
strangewarpIt's trendy to want to ride the zeitgeist by denying the legitimacy of visions of transcendence and/or pleasure, I suppose20:31
strangewarpI'd like to give that tendency thebenefit of the doubt, but all too often it turns out to be banal contrarianism20:31
teklordI do not deny visions that seem within reach.  I look at the visions of the peopel who came before us, and see nothing but radical dogma and errors in logic.  I'm sorry you cannot realize this.20:32
teklordKurzweilian dogmatism is a joke, at best.  Makes for good science fiction, and the pseudo-new age religionists would love it, I assume.  I just wish there was legicle, rational, logical, peer review science to back up such radical claims.20:33
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teklordI'm all ears to facts.20:33
foucistteklord: ah, i was wondering why you would even bring up hypothetical people that would disagree..  but you're drunk so that explains it! ;)20:33
strangewarp...You think the fact that history appears cyclical in some ways proves that it will continue to be cyclical in other specific ways?20:33
teklordfoucist: I admit, Im shitfaced and probably talking out my arse.  I apologize in advance.20:34
teklordstrangewarp: No, I just do not fill the gaps of my knoweldge with gods or dogmas, like the Kurzweilians.20:34
teklordAny day now ray will be saved by magic compters, you just wait and see.....20:35
teklordeven brilliant men like Aubry deGrey are fallacious in their logic and peer reviews of so-called evidences they have located in reality20:35
strangewarpThere's a difference between "compuers, which exist, and which are becoming more complex, may become complex enough to superseded human ability" and "gods and dogmas", sorry20:35
teklordAubry's beard is inspirational20:36
strangewarpI think Kurzweil's camp is full of irrational optimism, but they may be right for the wrong reasons20:36
teklordI would LOVE for Ray to be right.  Last time we spoke, he was too doped on pills to make sense to me20:36
teklordSeemed like religion gone arawy.20:36
* strangewarp shrug20:37
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strangewarpIf something that may happen in real-life incidentally has similar aspects to religious apocalypse stories, is it reasonable to criticize it on that basis? I much prefer criticizing singularity stuff for having a bunch of question-marks inbetween its start condition and end condition, really..20:38
foucistteklord: i insist on proof/citations of the fallacy in their logic20:38
teklordI really, really enjoy the notions put forth in his lectures, and I especially look forward to the predictions he's made come true; he's gfot a great, aamazing track record of prediction\20:38
foucistteklord: just claiming they're fallacious in their logic doesn't make it so20:39
teklordfoucist: be more specific, and I shall follow suit20:39
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teklordI am writing from a small netbook, sorry for the spelling errors and grammar propblems et al., Ive been drinking and this is tiny.;20:40
foucistthere are limits to what peer review science can get you, and also peer review science can often fall short of being rational/logical20:40
strangewarpI'm on a tiny netbook too.. they're pretty awful20:40
gnushalaser_etcher.git: 261c66c 20:41
teklordfoucist: there are absolutly no limits to peer review science.  That is to day, if you make a claim about science, then for sure, 100% of the time, we shoudl be able to test and peer review your findings and methodolgy.  Period20:41
teklordIs gnusha a bot?20:42
teklordGive me details, what's it do,a nd is it interactive for people with my chans privs?\20:42
strangewarpI've only seen it keep track of certain github repos20:42
teklordThat much is obvioous, but which, and why?\20:42
strangewarpI think it belongs to kanzure? I'm not sure exactly what it keeps track of, or why20:43
foucistteklord: how many people doing peer review science even actually understand how to do science properly? even understand proper use of statistics and to avoid cognitive biases and so on?20:44
teklordfoucist: that statement stinks of intellectual stupidity.  Sorry, but it does.20:46
teklordIf you cant see why, then you're perhaps a source of the stink.20:46
teklordWhat is yoru field of work?  do you work in any of the sciences?20:46
foucistteklord: if you don't ask yourself that question at all that seems even worse20:47
teklordYou've *obviously* never been around many labs.  That's okay, everyone needs to start somwhere.  You're just starting at the beginning.20:48
teklordbaby steps turn into ginat leaps for mankind,.20:48
teklordKeep seeking knowledge.20:49
strangewarpIt would be convenient if it were possible to purge all of the impurity and compromise that people engage in, in order to cover up bad methodology, or churn out required papers, or compensate for shitty funding, or even for no reason at all other than a lack of knowledge of statistics and biases20:51
strangewarpBut, it isn't20:51
strangewarpSo, the scientific community is imperfect20:51
strangewarpThe scientific method tends to keep things in check eventually, of course20:51
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foucisti suspect that if universities were better at teaching 'the science of science' things would be greatly improved20:52
teklordDefine "impurity", then define bad methodology in the contect you meant (ie; cite examples), and prove the biases you claim exist, and then define them to me.20:52
nshteklord, when's this due?20:52
strangewarpburden of proof is on you, for claiming that the scientific method is always perfect, despite imperfect actors and environments20:52
teklordnsh: if you know what you are talkinmg about then it should take a mere moment.20:52
teklordif you cannot describe science in laymens terms, then you do not undersatand that science20:53
foucistteklord: define a hard cock up your ass.. it should take a mere moment20:53
nshteklord, i was quipping that your response there sounded like a homework project rather than a point of arguments :)20:53
nshtiming and delivery are difficult on irc..20:53
nshi'll go back to my corner20:53
teklordThat's what she said20:54
teklordI wonder if Donisaurs had laser beam shooting helmets.  I bet they didm, because I thought of it.  prove that didnt have exponential growth in techology that gave Jesus's dinosaur a laser beam helmet20:55
teklordTherefore: Singularity20:55
teklordSee what I did there? ^20:55
teklordI wish Bill Nye was cooler with the younglings.20:56
teklordHey, what do you kids think of that new web series H+?20:57
teklordThere have been six episdoes aired on YouTube.20:57
teklordIf yo uhave not seen the episodes, go watch them and then come back and rant, or link me to your blog where you ranted.,20:58
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foucistteklord: you seem to be convinced you're awesome at logic/rationality and that you're awesome at spotting when people are being illogical or something..  well it's easy to point at anyone and say they're being illogical. .cuz they're humans, it's obvious..  but you still have to back up your claims somewhat by citing examples and so on20:59
teklordfoucist: I do not make those fallcious claims you attribute to me, I just call bullshit when I see it.  *It is up to the people who are making positive claims, that is to say; the people I call bullshit upon, to cite their sources or look like blithering foolsw in my eyes.  If you cannot provide evidences for your citations, why should I belioeve you?  You remind me of the Jesus army.21:00
foucisti call bullshit when i see it, but i don't make the mistake of pretending to be superlogical and that they're violating logic and so on21:01
* brownies raises eyebrow21:01
foucistsup brownies21:01
teklordAgain, you're attributing claims to me that I have never made.21:01
browniesyo foucist21:01
foucistbrownies: hows the edumacating going21:02
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browniesit's going.21:02
teklordL. Ron Hubbard -- discuss.21:07
nmz787stole his name from Elroy Jetson21:08
teklordJane was a hottie.21:08
teklordDid you just insinuate that Elroy Jetson's name is infkluenced by L. Ron?21:09
nmz787no the other way around21:10
nmz787L. Ron changed his name because of Elroy's popularity21:10
* teklord high fives over 9000 times broski21:10
nmz787but I guess it could be either way21:10
teklordScientology is science fiction turned into fictional science.21:11
teklordBe wary of snake oils salesmen.21:11
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@kanzureteklord: gnusha keeps track of the repositories here: http://diyhpl.us/cgit21:25
@kanzureso laser_etcher.git is http://diyhpl.us/laser_etcher/laser_etcher21:25
@kanzureteklord: i don't know what part of "official ray kurzweil hater club" you don't understand21:25
teklordThat's a sexy little repo you folks have. Well done.21:29
@kanzureteklord: we also do http://github.com/kanzure/nanoengineer#readme21:29
teklordImpressive, to say that least.  Are you the main dev for nenoengineer?21:31
@kanzurepresently yes21:32
@kanzureray doesn't got shit on this21:32
teklordBest of luck with optimizing that.  Looks fantastic.21:32
@kanzureall he has is some crummy OCR and a chatbot21:32
teklordThose animations make me feel all warm a fnuzzy on the inside.21:34
jrayhawk17:35 < jrayhawk> teklord: http://www.google.com/search?q=apple+future+shock&tbm=vid21:35
jrayhawk17:38 < jrayhawk> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EC5sbdvnvQM which manages to be adorably anachronistic and remarkably precient21:35
jrayhawk17:39 < jrayhawk> http://www.google.com/search?q=a+day+made+of+glass&tbm=vid is some modern futurism21:35
teklordPut in my todo, I've been drinking.  I'll hit these links first thing tomorrow when I have a break.21:35
teklordThanks, jrayhawk21:36
-!- minimoose [~minimoose@pool-173-75-216-239.phlapa.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: minimoose]21:36
nmz787I wish there was a startupThailand program ala startupChile21:40
nmz787a friend told me chile is kindof dumpy, esp Santiago21:40
teklordChili seems nice compared to some other south american nations, but Urugyay is the south american paradise.21:40
@kanzurenmz787: there is.. foucist was doing the thailand version21:41
@kanzurefoucist: ^21:41
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brownieshe was?21:42
browniesi thought he just went to thailand and started writing code21:42
browniesif you want to call that StartupThailand... i guess that's ok.21:42
@kanzureno he participated in some stupid accelerator competition thing21:42
nmz787I want an investor or some capital $21:43
browniesoh did he?21:43
@kanzurean investor for what?21:43
nmz787or some lab space or something21:43
brownieshe just wants free stuff21:43
nmz787the DNA synthesizer21:43
teklordLab space == bedroom/livingroom/basement + free *ware21:43
teklordYou laugh now, but when I make a hover board in my kitchen you wont be laughing.  Oh no, you wont be laughing.21:45
browniesa genetically engineered hoverboard?21:46
teklordI *wish* I was a cartoon character from 1989, but alas, I'm just a man.21:47
teklordNASA just released a great video on the radiation storm belt, via youtube, from the Kennedy space center folks.  Worth your time if you are into NASA's work... (who isn't?)21:50
teklordNASAtelevision channel.21:50
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teklordoops, sorry21:59
teklordtyped "htop" and my shirt hit my touchpad21:59
teklordmoved my mouse21:59
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@kanzureroksprok: hi22:01
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@kanzurenmz787: http://www.foundersfund.com/termsheet/22:15
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-!- nmz787 [~Nathan@ool-457e5cbd.dyn.optonline.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]22:21
delinquentmewhats the process that a metal undergoes when it becomes magnetized22:22
delinquentmeor something like22:22
delinquentmeonly particular metals can be magnetized ... only metals of this class22:23
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delinquentme^ solid research22:27
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nmz787kanzure: that term sheet calculator says exit value of 10 million without me doing a thing to it22:42
teklordPerfect code is perfect.22:43
@kanzureyou're off to a great start then22:44
@kanzureplover for mac http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13336609/Plover.dmg22:51
teklordI like freedom.22:51
@kanzureteklord: http://stenoknight.com/plover/ploverdemo/ploverdemo.html22:53
@kanzureteklord: cause typing is too damn slow http://www.seanwrona.com/typeracer/profile.php?username=kanzure22:53
nmz787what is plover?22:58
@kanzurenmz787: just some software claiming to make you go vrooom http://plover.stenoknight.com/23:00
nmz787stenography is hiding messages in other forms, right?23:01
@kanzurethat's steganography23:01
browniesnmz787: you have to fill it out -_-23:02
foucistkanzure: are you using it yet?23:02
foucistdid you modify your keyboard?23:03
@kanzureno i'm pretty terrible at it23:03
@kanzurei am hoping there's some way i can 'intuit' which letters to press to get what i want, but i haven't figured it out yet23:03
foucistprobably not for something designed back in 190723:04
foucistwould be nice to see a new version of the steno keyboard, with a better design etc..  though, the current one seems pretty efficient anyways23:05
@kanzurehuh? i think plover was written more recently than 190823:05
foucisttalking about the steno keybaord23:05
@kanzurei think plover's keymap is unique23:06
foucistkanzure: no, it's just the steno keyboard invented back in 1907 or whatever23:07
@kanzurethat's lame23:07
teklordIt's very old.23:07
foucistkanzure: well i emailed her about it about improving the keymap but she did pretty well explaining why it is the way it is23:08
@kanzurewhat was her explanation?23:08
foucistmeh, what's your email?23:09
foucisti'll just forward it all23:09
foucistno thanks23:09
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@kanzurethen we can view on http://ksdfjaldfjksdfklasdka.mailinator.com as a group23:10
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foucistoh fuck23:10
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@kanzuremy laptop seems to pass their "n-key rollover" test23:12
@kanzurebut it's not a particular special keyboard23:12
foucistkanzure: does it work while holding both caps lock and shift at the same time while typing?23:13
@kanzurebut why would i do that? that makes it sorta awkward to type23:14
foucisti mean for the nkro test23:14
@kanzureok. but yes it works.23:15
foucistits not the macbook pro laptop though right?23:16
@kanzureno i am using a toshiba satellite a665-s6070 keyboard23:23
@kanzurebut i could test on a mbp if you'd like?23:23
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@kanzureoh neat there's a socat_buildscript_for_android.sh23:25
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