
--- Log opened Sat Aug 25 00:00:06 2012
hankx7787__yeah, where did you ehra bout it?00:01
yashgarothpretty sure it was on reddit about a dozen times, not that I admit to going there anymore00:03
hankx7787__what subreddits00:03
yashgarothall of them00:03
hankx7787__I go to reddit all the fucking time and have never seen this00:04
delinquentmeONE BILLION DOLLARS00:04
delinquentme( but really )00:04
nmz787i dont go on reddit but maybe 10 times a year00:05
nmz787or less00:05
browniesi heard about it on... irc, i think00:05
yashgarothsometimes it's tough to pick through the "my atheist cat le derping, dae?" that is reddit nowadays00:05
brownieswow, i am never going to admit that in public. i need a cooler story.00:05
browniesyashgaroth: heh. yeah... lots of noise.00:06
yashgarothit's sad really...I weep single tears for reddit, every weekend00:06
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nmz787kanzure: you awake?00:18
nmz787where can i post an image quickly?00:20
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browniesimgur.com or minus.com00:22
nmz787backyard brains made a music video http://io9.com/5937406/watch-what-happens-when-you-play-cypress-hill-through-a-squids-fin00:24
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nmz787another with cockroach leg Watch a disembodied cockroach leg dance to the Beastie Boys00:32
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nmz787delinquentme: 10 hour version http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Clc-UL47D_s01:26
delinquentmeOPPAN GANGNAM STYLE01:27
delinquentmeOK guys im out ahha01:27
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foucistGANGNAM STYLE helps you code01:29
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@kanzurenot impressed by that video.09:46
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doclBiophysical barriers to reversible cryopresevation11:01
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eudoxiaI started that thread <311:27
* docl helped :)11:29
doclHmm, Mike didn't say anything about waterjets or lasers. I wonder if they are just as damaging as knives where soft tissue is concerned.11:32
doclGoogle is failing me when I search for waterjets and histology. Any ideas on more keywords to use?11:33
doclApparently they work for laser eye surgery: http://www.victorwhite.com/SAliances/visijet/index.htm11:35
eudoxiamaybe thinner diamond knives (made with MNT?) would reduce the damage to tissue11:37
doclThat's an idea.11:37
eudoxiabut I don't know how thin the average ultramicrotome knife is11:37
docl"High-pressure water jet injuries from high-pressure jet devices are surgical emergencies characterized by small entry wounds with extensive internal damage. Often subtle and inconspicuous on initial clinical presentation, these injuries can lead to potentially extensive tissue damage underneath."11:38
doclSounds like they are still fixing the tissue prior to slicing with this.11:43
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eudoxia"One can imagine that CNTs could cut vitreous water, vitrified cells, and other comparatively soft materials in the same way"11:47
doclAt least it's useful for scanning vitreous tissue once you get it there.11:48
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eudoxiayet so far all the samples have been a few microns in size11:49
eudoxiai wonder if it's possible to drive the nanotube to a sample while holding either end centimeters apart11:50
doclI'm starting to lean more and more towards Mike's idea of replacing all the water with molecules that can be polymerized. Once it stiffens, you could slice it up a lot more easily.11:51
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doclOsmosis and cells.12:42
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doclAh, hydrophillic molecules have a hard time entering cells because cell membranes are hydrophobic. Doubly so for myelinated brain cells, I imagine.12:46
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doclOn the other hand, transport proteins in the membrane can make it selectively permeable. If you could populate the membranes with the right transport proteins, perhaps that's a way around the cryoprotectant delivery problem.12:50
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doclalcohols and sugars have lots of OH groups. that makes them more polar and thus more hydrophillic. less hydrophillic than ions though.12:56
doclactually Mike says12:57
doclcryoprotectants are fat soluble12:57
eudoxiare myelinated axons, maybe the vesicles carrying glycerol can be transported down the axon through axoplasmic transport12:57
doclI guess that means hydrophobic12:57
eudoxiabut i doubt kinesin will reliably work after arrest12:57
doclwhich lets them more easily penetrate the cells12:57
doclthere's a thought12:59
eudoxiathis could also be related to your(?) idea of having genetically engineered cells produce cryoprotectant13:00
eudoxiavesicles could be strategically laid out across the length of the axon and opened by autolytic enzymes after arrest13:00
eudoxiaof course, there are probably a million holes with that idea, but I'm too afraid to ask Darwin because I'll die of shaem13:05
doclyeah I get that...13:06
doclI felt bad about not remembering the myelenation thing because Darwin had already explained it to me in person.13:07
doclGotta be a newbie sometime I guess :/13:12
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doclkanzure, I was wondering if that was a pickle and an apple high-fiving until I did a mouseover and saw it was yeast and e. coli.13:17
docleudoxia, I wonder if the axoplasmic transport system could get the CPAs there fast enough?13:24
docl"Vesicular cargoes move relatively fast (50-400 mm/day) whereas transport of proteins takes much longer (moving at less than 8 mm/day)." (from wikipedia)13:24
eudoxia>Vesicular cargoes move relatively fast (50-400 mm/day)13:24
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doclhmm, that's millimeters. so we're talking less than a centimeter per day. how long are axons typically?13:25
eudoxiai was just looking into that13:26
eudoxiaIt would take little over a day to 'perfuse' the spinal cord this way13:26
eudoxiawhich is good, since the postmortem examination of Janice Foote showed her spine was transected in two places :/13:27
eudoxia(good as in, perfusing the spinal cord, bad since it takes so long)13:27
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doclhow reversible is myelin damage? maybe it could be dissolved temporarily and grown back over time?13:29
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eudoxiai suppose myelin can be regrown, but my main concern is that if the inside of the axon is not vitrified, it could cause severe ice damage13:30
eudoxiayou're asking if axons could be unmyelinated for perfusion?13:30
docl"Axons are in effect the primary transmission lines of the nervous system, and as bundles they help make up nerves. The length of axons is highly dependent on its location within the body. Some axons can extend up to one meter or more while others stretch to as little as one millimeter (inhibitory interneurons). The longest axons in the human body, for example, are those of the sciatic nerve, which run from the base of the spine to the big toe of eac13:31
doclh foot. These single-cell fibers of the sciatic nerve may extend a meter or even longer."13:31
doclmaybe attack them with a custom virus or something13:32
eudoxiaokay, so there are 85 billion neurons in the brain, and a 20 year old male has 176000 kilometers of axon (in the white matter), so the average cerebral axon length is 2 millimeters13:34
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eudoxiait would take 7 minutes and 12 seconds to get glycerol vesicles from the soma to the end of the axon13:35
@kanzurehrrm http://wayback.archive.org/web/*/http://model.mit.edu/endipedia/*13:35
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doclwe probably don't need to worry about the meter-long ones too much. it's blood vessels being ripped away from the tissue due to shrinkage that is the problem.13:36
eudoxiawell who cares about the spinal cord anyways if it's just a bundle of axons13:37
browniesdid you guys see the bit about the injection that can oxygenate blood directly? thought it was pretty clever molecule engineering13:37
doclyeah I saw that13:37
doclpretty awesome13:37
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Lukas_Good afternoon13:41
Lukas_I am looking for the general price range of a Utah Array13:42
Lukas_google isn't yielding anything useful13:42
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Lukas_or 'Multielectrode Array'13:47
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archelsLukas_: Thinking about implanting one, are we?13:57
Lukas_archels: perhaps.  Do you know?13:58
archelsGenerally speaking, electrodes are a terrible way of interfacing with neurons.13:59
archelsUtah arrays offer terrible resolution.13:59
delinquentmethis is so crazy14:00
archelsAnd you will get rejection issues, with consequent signal degredation/loss within a year.14:00
Lukas_1) What is a better way?  2) Do you still know the price of one?14:00
delinquentmeSuch a nano-machine exhibits all the characteristics of super-intelligent design. ATP is vital for life and many of these motors were needed before the first living cell could exist. An evolutionary impossibility!14:00
archelsA better way is optogenetics in combination with a camera. This is a procedure that's very common on lab animals these days; not aware of any crazy biohackers who've done it on themselves yet.14:01
wizaquaDefine irony:  a creationist proselytizing in a  H-Plus  channel14:01
archelsMay reach biohacker territory within a few years.14:01
Lukas_As we know that level of engineering is out of reach for now14:01
AdrienGive heard engineers are on average more religious14:02
AdrienGthey expect there to be the chief engineer.14:02
archelsLukas_: no, it exists, and it's in daily use in dozens of labs around the world.14:02
Lukas_sorry, I mean for DIY people14:02
archelsyes, as is a Utah array.14:02
Lukas_Warwick implanted himself with one ten years ago14:02
archelsPossibly you could obtain one if you cough up some four-figure amount.14:03
archelsIt's not worth it.14:04
Lukas_yea, especially with what we'd be spending14:04
archelsI would say mostly given what you get out of it (or lack thereof).14:04
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archelsdelinquentme: haha, I was like 'wait, what?' at the end14:05
archels'an evolutionary impossibility'14:05
archelskanzure: srsly, when are people going to start injecting retrovirii into themselves?14:06
Lukas_archels: Thank you very much14:06
delinquentmearchels, I mean ... at least they're KIND of keeping up with their science14:06
archelsWhy not now? The technology is not only out there, it's common.14:06
delinquentmethe conclusions are kind of presumptuous14:06
Lukas_I have no clue14:06
Lukas_I'd love to know14:07
Lukas_thanks a lot, I am going to look around for ways around this ....14:07
archelsLukas_: If you want to learn stuff that's future proof, stop reading about electrodes, and starting reading about optogenetics.14:08
* archels wonders what the carcinogenity of retrovirus injection is14:08
archelsPossible way around this: (1) extract cells from human; (2) culture; (3) apply retrovirus; (4) replace cells into subject that were successfully altered14:09
archelsCan any of you bio people comment on this?14:09
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delinquentmehankx7787__, WOMP WOMP!14:13
delinquentmedoes anyone know of any robots running on a raspberry pi?14:15
ParahSailin_i dont think anyone has an rpi yet14:16
delinquentmecertain to penetrate the foundations of modern philosophy.14:16
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yashgarotharchels: what are you asking about retroviruses specifically14:21
yashgarothusing them on extracted cells won't lower the cancer risk at all14:22
yashgarothand I sure hope you're not talking about doing that with neurons, they're kind of hard to extract and replace14:22
archelsyashgaroth: But once we ascertain of a particular subset of culture cells that the procedure worked without side effects, can it be considered safe (read: sane) to put them back into a human body?14:23
archelsand no, not neurons, let's say epithelial cells14:23
yashgarothyou can't sort them by how badly their genome has been fucked up, and if you're picking them to expand that will take a very long time14:23
yashgarothsince they divide once a day and primary cells are a bitch to culture14:24
archelsmhm, but they apparently found ways to deal with this when it comes to rodents.14:24
yashgarothdeal with what14:24
archelsAll this stuff that will go wrong in doing reverse transcription.14:25
yashgarothreverse transcription isn't the worry, the integration is14:25
archelssure, I meant the procedure from A to Z14:25
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yashgarothbut yes there is work on getting an integrase that has preferred sites that aren't near oncogenes14:26
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archels"make your fingernails glow green!"14:26
archels^ How long is this going to take?14:26
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yashgarothuntil your body recognized GFP is foreign and destroys your fingernails*14:26
archelsWhy doesn't this happen in rodents?14:27
yashgarothit does, or commonly they're bred to have shit immune systems14:27
archelsah, I wasn't aware of this.14:27
yashgarothit's generally a good thing, since if you didn't have it you'd be dead14:28
archelsThis happens even if you don't overexpress gene products to the extreme?14:28
yashgarothyou might get lucky for a while, or even forever...such is biology14:28
yashgaroththe main problem is how to make the immune system tolerant to a protein of our choice14:28
strangewarpWell then, the obvious solution is to zap the native immune system, and build a custom-tailored immune system from the ground up. Easy peasy14:29
yashgarothso you make it ignore the viral vector and the gene product by making it think they're self-antigens, or by killing any cell that reacts to them14:29
yashgarothbut we don't know how to do either, at least not reliably14:30
archelsyashgaroth: Where does the immune system attack? Provided none of these protein products make it outside the cell or even to the membrane, it has to be some sort of apoptotic process?14:30
yashgarothall cells display fragments of proteins on their surface, which are checked by immune cells14:30
yashgarothsee: major histocompatibility complex14:30
archelsaha, maybe this is a pathway amenable to intervention.14:31
yashgarothbelieve me, viruses have tried that14:31
archelsheh, good point.14:32
yashgarothit's going to be a little difficult to design a protein that blocks the immune system, without creating a supervirus14:32
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Burn_isn't that what successful viruses *do*?14:33
@kanzureoptogenetics is not going to replace electrodes14:33
@kanzureanselm loves to rant about how much his optogenetics work sucks14:33
archelsanselm who?14:34
@kanzurehe lives with fenn14:34
archelswell, I'd love to discuss this with him14:35
archelsI suppose present-day optogenetics suffers from these same immune system responses.14:35
Burn_I was under the impression that a crippled virus with its anti-immune / replication machinery intact but its "payload" disabled was a laboratory-grade tool14:35
yashgarothanti-immune/replication machinery is the payload14:35
@kanzurearchels: he replies to the diybio list if you write something interesting14:36
yashgarothwe don't exploit their ability to avoid the immune system, since cells used in the laboratory are outside of a body and outside of an immune system14:36
archels"cells used in the laboratory are outside of a body" seems an overgeneralisation?14:37
yashgarothyes, I forgot lab animals14:38
Burn_HSV possesses multiple features that make it an ideal vector14:38
Burn_for delivery of genes into the nervous system. In particular,14:38
Burn_it accepts large molecules of exogenous DNA; it infects nondividing14:38
Burn_cells from a wide range of hosts with high efficiency;14:38
Burn_it enables strong expression of foreign genes; it is14:38
Burn_episomal, and thereby does not cause integration effects;14:38
Burn_its infection of postmitotic cells is persistent; and HSV-114:38
Burn_particles can be concentrated to relatively high titers. Because14:38
Burn_of these characteristics of HSV-1, and because it is14:38
Burn_neurotropic, it is currently one of the best viral vectors available14:38
Burn_for functional analysis of genes in the nervous system.14:38
Burn_HSV genome are dispensable for its14:39
Burn_growth in cells in vitro. This knowledge was used to create14:39
Burn_‘‘crippled’’ recombinant HSV-1 viruses that could be used14:39
Burn_as vectors for gene transfer into cells14:39
yashgarothI wasn't implying people don't use viruses14:40
Burn_sorry, I'm woefully ignorant about this stuff14:40
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@kanzurehttp://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/gene-therapy/ could use some contributions if you guys want to complain about those things14:41
Burn_In gene therapy, why do the immune cells not destroy the cells infected with the delivery virus?14:42
yashgaroththey do14:43
yashgaroththat's why it's common to use heavy amounts of immunosuppressives14:43
yashgarothand, since the gene they're delivering with said therapy is likely not already made by the patient's cells, the immune system will attack that too14:44
Burn_and the virus isn't even programmed to replicatie in vivo?14:44
Burn_requiring a means of conjuring up whole grams of in vitro viral cultures14:44
Burn_which I'm not sure is even a thing14:45
yashgarothno, it is14:45
Lukas_Kanzure: What is your input on utah arrays?14:45
yashgarothit's rather expensive though, and you wouldn't believe the regulations on that stuff14:45
Burn_Do they go whole-hog with gene therapy and do total body radiaton / isolation room?  or just mild immunosuppressants14:46
yashgarothnot that there's been a lot of trials, but generally it'd be quite heavy14:47
yashgarothit really only becomes practical when you have a serious condition14:47
@kanzureLukas_: have fun reading about em.. http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/implants/14:47
@kanzurei also have some links there for purchasing utah array things14:47
@kanzure.. somewhere14:48
Lukas_If you find them please let me know14:48
Lukas_and thank you14:48
@kanzurei meant, in that folder.14:48
@kanzuredocl: you could also check out what 3scan uses for their ultramicrotome knifes14:49
Lukas_ah, sweet.  I'll start reading through it14:50
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yashgarothI should clarify my last statement with 'and are using viral vectors to deliver a protein your body doesn't recognize'14:53
@kanzureneil armstrong died? fuck14:53
@kanzurenow who do we have to represent the human race? that drunk one?14:54
yashgarothhe was so disappointed in his son's doping scandal14:54
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OldCoderloanshark, hi again15:05
OldCoderkanzure, hi15:05
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OldCoderloanshark, wb here too16:10
loansharkwhy is kanzure dubious?16:11
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loansharkhi syloh16:13
sylph_makohello. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm a student of logic and computation who digs interface design and systems programming, I also analyze the fuck out of every piece of culture I come across, this usually results in staunch separatism/radicalism.16:17
loansharki am interested in making organisms glow under a blacklight16:18
sylph_makoAh. I'm not the guy to talk to for that.16:18
nmz787hi sylph_mako16:20
klafka1i'm interested in the transcendent bliss of learning a system whose accuracy approaches the bayes error of the model16:20
loansharkcan i discuss some simple genetic engineering with someone?16:23
@kanzurefuck blacklights16:23
loansharkwhats wrong with backlights?16:24
browniesi am interested in engineering a glowing cat16:24
loansharksame premises as replicating GloFish isn't it?16:24
loansharkbrownies how would you engineer a glowing cat?16:26
loansharkinterested in your method16:26
browniesby adding GFP to a regular cat16:26
browniesi'm hazy on the details beyond that16:26
loansharki was looking for the details16:27
loansharkyou add a gene that makes GFP to a kitty embryo16:27
yashgarothpretty much16:28
loansharkyou can get that gene from squid16:28
yashgarothor a vendor16:28
loansharkisolate it (i don't know how), create a plasmid and then clone it with bacteria16:29
loansharksquid is cheaper than a vendor16:30
loansharkbut making a plasmid is hard16:30
yashgarothhaha no16:30
loansharkhow come squid is not cheaper than a vendor?16:31
browniesbecause squids are free range16:31
yashgarotha. it's a fucking jellyfish16:31
loanshark i found a site that sells primers for $4.90 each, any length16:31
yashgarothb. it's one specific species of jellyfish16:32
loansharksquids aren't jellyfish16:32
yashgarothno shit sherlock16:32
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nmz787or... just buy a glofish from your local pet store16:32
browniesyashgaroth: hahaha16:32
nmz787or... google the sequence, and have it synthesized16:33
nmz787kanzure: http://staff.aist.go.jp/zhen.yang/socket2_english.htm16:33
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nmz787kanzure: http://staff.aist.go.jp/zhen.yang/world-to-chip_socket.htm16:33
bkeroI am stuck in Minneapolis16:33
bkerosend halp16:33
bkerokanzure: who do we know in MSP?16:33
@kanzurejeremiah petit16:33
@kanzurejeremiah petit <mdredeemer@gmail.com>16:34
@kanzuremention my name and he'll probably be down for things16:34
bkero2nd tier connection on linkedin16:34
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loansharkyashgaroth: you sir, are an asshole16:36
@kanzurebut he's right all the time, so we keep him around16:36
yashgarothI'm not the one who expects to get taught the entirety of biology via irc16:36
yashgarothevery week someone comes in and has the exact same questions16:36
yashgarothhi I don't know the first thing about biology but I want to make my cat glow16:37
loansharkwell I'm sorry that i haven't gone to college for bioengineering16:37
yashgarothhere's a book to read16:37
yashgarothoh I don't read books16:37
yashgarothyou don't need to go to college for this16:37
yashgarothbut it's a lot of information16:37
yashgarothgo on the internet, find a textbook, start reading; none of the information in there isn16:38
loansharkI have molecular biology of the gene16:38
yashgaroth't worthwhile16:38
yashgarothok get readin'16:38
loansharkand molecular biology of the cell16:38
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loansharki haven't seen anything in those books on the actual practical side of things16:39
nmz787loanshark: i like mol bio of the gene16:39
loansharkwhich is what i came here to try to understand16:39
browniesyashgaroth: hahah16:39
yashgarothyou'll understand why they're practical when you have to troubleshoot your pcr16:39
browniesi like how "glowing cat" has become the canonical dumb question16:39
yashgarothor do anything outside of following a protocol for that matter16:39
nmz787loanshark: there is also diyhpl.us/wiki/diybio16:39
browniesi searched on amazon for "engineering a glowing cat for dummies" but no luck16:39
nmz787brownies: lol16:39
@kanzurewhat's the max dosage of uv radiation for a cat anyway?16:40
chris_99but doesn't this mean wherever you're cat go's you have to shine a UV light on it, i'd count that as a big disadvantage16:40
chris_99heh good point kanzure16:41
brownieschris_99: attach a UV light to the collar, genius16:41
@kanzurechris_99: yes.. uv sucks16:41
nmz787anyone in here know pyBrain?16:41
@kanzurei mean, gfp sucks, not uv16:41
@kanzureklafka might know pybrain16:41
browniesalright, forget GFP, we'll get some of the bioluminescent stuff from those jellyfish16:41
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@kanzureso, avery did jellyfish gfp extraction i think16:41
@kanzureat bosslab16:42
loansharkyashgartoth: i have no intention of doing any genetic experiments for at least a year. I understand there is a lot to learn and i would like my first project to be engineering GloFish because from what i have read it seems achievable in a 'garage' laboratory16:42
@kanzurehankx7787: what is it?16:42
browniesyou can make glowing fish in a garage?16:42
chris_99some strange music video kanzure16:42
@kanzureoops, i mean avery was doing squid gfp extraction (or, it's one of the microbes it has on its skin?)16:43
yashgarothyeah squid are symbiotic with some glowing bacteria16:43
ParahSailin_humans and an obscure opossum are the only animals that can get skin cancer from uv alone16:43
@kanzureParahSailin_: is there a citation for this16:44
yashgarothloanshark you'll need to be doing microinjection even for fish, which is really beyond 'garage' at the moment16:44
loansharkyashgaroth: so your advice for someone trying to understand the practical side of genetic engineering outside of a college and with no access to a laboratory is pretty much "fuck off"16:44
@kanzureloanshark: no16:44
@kanzurenot at all16:44
loansharkthats what it sounded like16:44
yashgarothno, read a book without complaining that every page is not "step X in making a cat glow"16:44
@kanzuremaybe you just don't like his answers16:45
loansharki was not complaing16:45
loansharkwhen did i complain16:45
@kanzureyou just did..16:45
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loansharki was asking and trying to get information so i can piece it together in my head16:45
@kanzurehave you read the faq yet?16:45
loansharkwhen did i complain about there not being step-by-step instructions on how to make glowing fish?16:45
loansharkKanzure: i did16:46
yashgaroth[16:39:10] .:loanshark:. i haven't seen anything in those books on the actual practical side of things16:46
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@kanzurealso i linked you to protocol-online.org for the superpractical-side of things16:47
browniesi think this brings up an interesting thought though16:47
browniesthere really ought to be a reading list16:47
loansharkpractical as in using primers in a pcr16:47
browniesotherwise the "read a book" train of thought is just... not very good.16:47
@kanzurebrownies: a reading list of what, papers?16:47
brownieskanzure: books16:48
nmz787well honestly reading the book is what you get when you go to college16:48
browniesfor beginners to go from noob to not-noob16:48
yashgarothoh, molecular cloning: a lab manual is a good one too16:48
nmz787loanshark: there may be some online bio courses you could watch16:48
@kanzurereally you just need one primary-molecular-biology book, maaaybe a microbiology book, and then protocols16:48
ParahSailin_i remembered slightly incorrectly16:48
loansharknmz787: like college courses?16:48
brownieskanzure: you understand how useless that is right16:49
@kanzurebrownies: that's what biology has16:49
@kanzurebrownies: yes i do understand how useless it is16:49
browniesa list of links to specific books16:49
@kanzurebrownies: but that doesn't mean you should give up16:49
@kanzurebrownies: http://diyhpl.us/wiki/diybio/faq/better-questions/#books16:49
brownieskanzure: that is not useful16:49
yashgarothsurely there's some MIT lecture video where a guy rambles for 3 hours about gene manipulation16:49
brownies"yeah, bro, just learn about molecular biology and lab procedures"16:49
@kanzurebrownies: http://diyhpl.us/wiki/diybio/faq/educational/#index4h116:49
nmz787ParahSailin_: that doesn't seem to say ONLY humans and that opposum get UV induced cancer16:49
brownies"here's a link to a high school textbook on introductory biology."16:49
browniesdo you see the disconnect?16:50
browniesdo you see the missing piece? -_-16:50
ParahSailin_<ParahSailin_> i remembered slightly incorrectly16:50
brownieskanzure: ah ok. that second link is much better.16:50
@kanzurebrownies: there's also that student 'synthetic biology for n00bs' comic16:50
nmz787brownies: loanshark: in biotech college i watched lectures, attended labs, and read the book... then i found DIYbio16:50
@kanzurethis might be good to read too:16:51
nmz787but you really need to read the book, because ppl don't want to re-write the book in IRC16:51
yashgarothespecially not me, and especially not when I'm sober16:51
loansharknmz787: i can't go to college for 4 years16:51
@kanzureloanshark: why not??16:52
nmz787yes that SB primer looks good16:52
@kanzuresign up for a community college class. they can't discriminate based on prior felonies or w/e.16:52
loansharknmz787: I am in the military. I can't do any intensive courses because my job can get very intensive16:52
loansharkand i will have to miss school16:52
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nmz787loanshark: that's why i said online classes16:52
nmz787where it's just a flash video of a real MIT lecture16:53
nmz787and links to the lab protocols16:53
yashgarothoh molecular cell biology is a good book too16:53
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@kanzurebrownies: please clarify on what level of reasonable you think http://openwetware.org/wiki/Image:SB_Primer_100707.pdf is16:54
nmz787kanzure: what was that wikipedia book cathal wrote16:54
loansharknmz787: i want to steer clear of biomedical engineering right? it sounds more like interfacing biology with medical diagnostic and life support systems16:54
@kanzurenmz787: it was just a collection of wikipedia articles16:55
nmz787loanshark: unless you like that kind of stuff16:55
yashgarothBME is all implants and junk16:55
nmz787loanshark: it's more macro sized engineering than engineering DNA16:55
nmz787loanshark: what yashgaroth said16:55
loansharknmz787: more interested in the engineering of DNA16:55
yashgaroththere's more fluid dynamics than...biology16:55
nmz787kanzure: yeah do you know how to find it16:56
nmz787what yashgaroth said16:56
loansharkok, i g2g, but ill bbl16:56
nmz787see ya16:56
loansharkthanks for the links to those biology pages :)16:56
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brownieskanzure: skimming the table of contents, it looks solid.17:12
browniesi do not think it is unreasonable to ask that people have a basic scientific foundation and common-sense biology knowledge (e.g. "what is DNA") before engaging with this stuff17:12
@kanzureoh so there is a high school igem this year http://2012hs.igem.org/Main_Page17:19
@kanzureuh.. was.17:19
@kanzurethe austin team withdrew? damn it17:20
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@kanzurewtf openwetware was given $1mil17:47
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foucistbut not diybio is that it/ :P17:48
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delinquentmeDoes anyone know *definitively* if the OSH logo is allowed to be displayed along side of other logos ... so long as the collective work is open source?18:10
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@kanzuredelinquentme: i think they were going to have a trademark approval process18:15
@kanzurebut i haven't heard anything about it recently18:15
delinquentmeso like I could display my logo w the OSH logo w/o any issues?18:16
delinquentmeis there like a primary governing body on this?18:16
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@kanzuredelinquentme: which OSH logo? the OSHWA logo is from OSHWA18:33
@kanzurethe other OSH logo is probably from bruce perens18:33
@kanzureso what's the deal with openwetware anyway?18:34
@kanzureit looks like they fired bill flanagan in 200818:34
@kanzureand nobody has been steering the ship since then18:34
foucistkanzure: is your primary os linux?18:35
@kanzurefoucist: yes. but i also have images of mac, windows, android and some other crap laying around.18:38
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@kanzurewin 421:41
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foucistesc 422:16
foucistalt 422:16
foucistbe-a-real-man 422:16
@kanzurealt 4 is mapped to my terminal instead22:19
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foucistah, why not use esc instead?  i do22:20
@kanzureoh look, esc-4 works.22:20
@kanzurewhat about esc-138?22:20
foucistesc-0 is for win 10, then it carries over to the next row.. esc-q for 1122:20
foucistyeah have to use /w 138 for 138 i reckon22:21
@kanzureesc-j doesn't seem to do anything22:21
foucisti haven't had any problems up to 18 windows, not sure about beyond22:22
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@kanzure"ince 911 Snail mail can take weeks to arrive. Everything that is sent to the Hill in DC is sent out for anthrax screening. It is very difficult to send reactionary issue snail mail unless it is hand delivered."22:24
@kanzurehmm who is the company who is doing the anthrax screening?22:24
@kanzure*that is doing22:26
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